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Separate constitution for Indian states:

A federal government is a system that divides up power between a strong

national government and smaller local governments. Having separate constitution for each
state is called federal form of constitution. American has federal form of government and
federal constitution. India has federal form of government, India doesn’t have separate
constitution. United Nations of America is the best example of this kind.

In United States there is separate constitution for each state. By having separate constitution
for each state it maintains certain level of sovereignty over its own form of government.
Most states has four year plan and some have two year plan. Nebraska which is unique
among the 50 states, it has a one-house legislature. In addition most of the states offer
citizens rights more than which the US constitution grants. Many states grant free public
school education for the children of its resident. No such rights appear in US constitution.
But no state can limit rights under the US constitution. So it would be unconstitutional for a
state to deny a criminal defendant the right to an attorney or limit the right to vote to men.

Separate flag for Indian states:

Separate flag for each state in India is acceptable by constitution. Jammu and Kashmir is the
only state to have its own constitution and official flag for its state. The state of Karnataka is
fighting for making its unofficial state flag official. Sikkim used a flag when it was an
independent kingdom before its annexation to India. The Karnataka government set a nine
member committee for design of state flag and to look into legislative issues. There is no
obstruction to have state flag, constitution even allows it but Supreme Court said that state
flag should always be below the national flag and the national flag shouldn’t be dishonored.
The states in India do not have their own flags because they are united under one central
form of government. Every country has treated India as single nation. And in 1947 India
became a sovereign under a single name and by 1950 most of the 562 Princely states
surrendered their operations to the Indian Union. The only state with a separate flag is
Jammu and Kashmir which enjoys special powers under Article 370 of the Constitution. The
Centre is also wishes to grant a separate flag to Nagaland under a treaty likely to be signed
with the National Socialist Council of Nagalim.


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