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YEAR 2017-18


01 Juliet 01
02 Parents 01
03 Earth Democracy 01
04 Bread crumbs 01
05 Thammanna 01
06 Butterfly or an apple 01
07 Library of Alexandria 01
08 The gentle sun 01
09 As a sign of appreciation 01
10 People alliance party 01
11 N . Kannammal 01
12 Karamachedu Suvarthamma 01
13 Kinglet called meeting –committee appointed-decided to execute – hitch-no 4
guillotine –no executioner-letter to French and Italy govt-charged heavy-
amount-decided to cut off the head-General/soldiers disagree to cut his head off
.- sent to prison Kept a guard – plan failed-pension offered
14) Parent give love-not thoughts they have their own-children live in tomorrow - 4
cannot visit – parents like a bow –children arrow
15) Chipko movement started in Himalayan region- non violence response to the 4
large scale de-fore station – logging led to landslides , floods – scarcity of water
– value of the forest – spring , stream , food – fuel . Hug trees – kill loggers -
Spread the message of chipko
16) Basavaiah Purchased more land – built a mansion –bedecked with gold , 4
diamond and other precious stones – invited Scholars – poets- musicians to his
17) She is aged - reading a book -nodding- lost her beauty – poet loved her pilgrim 4
soul – remained true to her
18) Child grows – understand the way of the world – grows hard – accepts the 4
challenges of life – toils inside the shoe – harsh realities of life – realises- cannot
be a butterfly – apple.
19) Way of life – not unhappy – blindness a resource – humiliations – misfortunes - 4
embracement’s – raw materials – shape your art
20) Bicycle – symbol of Independence – freedom –mobility- Jameela bibi- cycle is my 4
right- women agricultural workers – quarry labourers , village health nurses –
Anganawadi workers – gem cutters all happy to use bicycle – Everybody is happy
to use bicycle
21 Everyone praised Marcus ibe – our son- good man – devoted to his people – 4
provided many facilities to his village – electricity – water – offered them feast
22 Everyone bows to everyone – who should bow to whom – for how long –
difference in rank –age- social position – basic rules in family – wife bows to 4
husband – child to father- Sister to all
23 Romeo and Juliet express implicit feelings for one another – Juliet beautiful – 4
hangs upon cheeks of night – rich jewel – snowy dove trooping with crows – his
rude hand blessed true beauty .Romeo day in night – whither than snow – cut
him into little stars- makes the face of heaven so fine – all the world will be in
love with night
Monaco –no guillotine – no executioner wrote to French –1600 francs Italy - 6
1200 francs – both costly. Thought of cheap ways to punish criminal – No
solider came Forward – altered death sentence to life improvement – put in
prison – a guard kept – asked to runaway – offered him pension.
A Sunny morning – an account of witty remark, punching Dialogues – petty 6
quarrels – humorous conversation – both Old aged – came to park in Madrid –
to spend time – once they were lovers – separated – met in park – hide their
Identity - do not like to remember the part – quarrel each Other - depart from
24 a) Stre 1
b) Physical, emotional, intellectual 1
c) Modern technology and facilities 1
d) When there is disharmony and friction in relationship 1
e) diet/exercise/pranayama 1
f) Not to remove all obstacles 1
g) Lord Krishna 1
h) Traffic control 1
i) Un control 1
j) One step/one step at a time 1
25 i) In a yellow wood 1
ii) because he could not travel both 1
iii) Looked down one as far as he could 1
26 Was committed 1
Was forced 1
Was given 1
27 Don Gonzalo told Juniato that bench over there was his Bench .For which 5
Juniato informed him saying that there priests were Sitting there. Then Gonzalo
asked him to rout them out. Then he inquired him if they had gone. For which
Junito replied that still they were talking.
28 1. I am Ramesh …………… 1
2. Which combination should I take 1
3. You can join for commerce 1
4. Thank you Sir 1
29 1. Shied away 1
2. Put up with 1
30 1. After 1
2. Because 1
3. But 1
4. And 1
31 1. Vijayanagara empire ½
2. Gold ½
3. Silver ½
4. Diamond ½
5. Men ½
6. Women ½
7. Tenali Rama ½
8. Wit ½
32 1. Format 2
2. Content 3
Note: No Marks to be awarded for mere format
33 1. For greeting 1
2. For correct language usage 2
3. For cohesion 1
4. For leave taking 1
34 1. Who – Rabindranath Tagore 1
2. Them – Obstacles 1
3. He – Arjun 1
4. Him - Arjun 1
35 There are only Seven Thousand men in Monaco
OR 1
Only there are Seven Thousand men in Monaco

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