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Demographic data shows that adolescents constitute a large population of world population, WHO

(1995) about one fifth of the world's population are teenagers. Around 900 million are in developing
countries. In Indonesia according to the Central Bureau Statistics (1999) group a teenager is about
22% consisting of 50.9% teenage boys and 49.1% teenage girls (quoted from Nancy P, 2002).

According to 2010 Central Statistics Agency (BPS) data, Bappenas and UNFPA, some of the 63 million
adolescents in Indonesia are vulnerable to unhealthy behavior. The height unwanted pregnancy
(KTD) is closely related to abortion. From the estimated amount Annual abortions in Indonesia can
reach 2.4 million, around 800.000 of them occur in among teenagers. HIV threat and AIDS causes
sexual behavior and adolescent reproductive health to surface, an estimated 20-25% of all HIV
infections in the world occur in adolescents. Likewise, the incidence of PMS, the highest is teenagers,
especially teenagers women.

Entering adolescence which begins with the occurrence of sexual maturity, then adolescents will be
faced with conditions that require adjustments to be able to accept the changes that occur. Sexual
maturity and the occurrence of changes in body shape are very influential in adolescent psychiatric
life. In addition, sexual maturity also results in adolescents becoming interested in the anatomy of
their physiology. In addition to being attracted to him, feelings also start to appear attracted to
peers of the opposite sex.

Adolescence is a transition from childhood to adulthood which involves changes in various aspects
such as psychological and psychological biology. In such circumstances, there is often a tendency to
violate norms. Teenagers experience the process of inability to adjust to their environment,
especially regarding relationships. Feelings of happiness and the ability to adjust to environmental
conditions by individuals qualitatively depend on personal attitudes toward themselves, that is
dependent on the process of self-naming or (zelfdenaming).

Adolescence as a starting point for the reproductive process shows that preparation of the
intervention strategy needs to start long before the childbearing age. The value of girls and boys in
family and society, and how the treatment they receive is an important factor that will determine
their reproductive health in the future.

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