PC Task 1-5

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Name : CASIANO JAYA L. Course: BSED Soc.Stud.

Subject : Purposive Communication Year and Section : 1-A

Task 1.

Directions: Develop your intercultural communication skills. Answer the questions

below with a YES or NO, and then explain each item comprehensively by citing some
facts that will make the answers more reliable and understandable.

1.When you talk to somebody , can you easily detect if he/she has a regional accent?

Answer: Yes, because for example here in Samar, so if we we’re going to talk
someone that came from other region or in an specific area in a way in how they deliver
the words for example the intonation of their voice, in that way we can easily detect if
someone has a different regional accent.

2.Are you easily irritated by the accent a person has?

Answer: No, because as we know we have a different accent, so if they we’re going to
talk to us using their own accent is just mean to say that they are just expressing of
what their culture has.

3..Are you sensitive when a person with a different cultural background from cannot
easily follow your instruction?

Answer: No, because if someone has a different cultural background from us so it is

automatically it will not easy for them to understand our instructions wherein we only
have to do is to consider them and give them time to understand and adapt out cultural

4. Does it annoy you if a person refuses from engaging himself/herself in an argument

because his/her culture won’t allow it?

Answer: Yes, because for me no matter what is our culture is we should still do the
right things if it is against your culture wherein if you think this is the right things to do
and everyone will benefit then do it.

5.Are you comfortable in conversing with people from the minority groups?

Answer: Yes, because when we say minority groups often face discrimination in
multiple areas of social life, including housing, employment, healthcare and education
among others. Wherein they are the group of people in the society who really needs
attention to address their problems.

6.Do you find it interesting to talk people who have different background from you?

Answer: Yes, because the more we interact with those people who have a different
background the more we gain knowledge and learn from it and also it will give
importance to any problem to address the issues that they are facing on their lives.

7. Do you engage yourself enthusiastically when there are foreign persons involved in
the conversation?

Answer: Yes, because in a way that to emphasize the culture, the norms we have, the
behavior or those things that are accepted by our society to avoid conflict between the
culture that we have and their culture.
8 .Do you get angry if somebody from a multicultural insists his ideas in doing

Answer: Yes, because he/she has more knowledge and understanding about cultures
and he/she must also able to discuss the idea clearly.

9. Do you believe that there is a superior culture?

Answer: No, because every culture is unique on its own, the way they live peacefully in
the society, caring for others like the way they build relationship and the development
they have in the society because of their culture they practiced.

10. Do you think you can endure working in a multicultural setting?

Answer: Yes, because multicultural society is a society which there is inclusion of

many diverse people .It is a society in which freedom of religion, language, dress ,food,
religion, customs, can be expressed without the trepidation of persecution.

Task 2

Directions: In two to four sentences, narrate the different experiences that you had
using the different variations of intercultural communications.


When I meet my cousin who was born in Last Summer when we went to baguio for
Canada. We talk with each other. I speak a vacation.I admire people who live their
English so that she can understand me. its because of their hospitability.I get
And get amazed its because her accent in amazed when the tourist guide there tell
English was so different from us. And then us what makes their culture dance and
we also talk about the culture that my what is all about.And I also found out that
cousin has in Canada. they have their own regional accent that
differ from us.


When I saw in the news that our president During our Acquaintance party including
duterte talk to the president of United They the seniors Social Studies.We enjoyed the
welcomed President Duterte just like part party its because we trait each other with
of their citizenship. States. They talked respect. Sometimes some of my
with each other with respect And then the classmates cannot enter the play game or
flow of their conversation was really great. activity its because to respect about their
religion. Others shares about what they
like or interest.
Task 3

Directions: React on the following items by writing your reaction on this paper.

1.It takes special skills to communicate across many cultures.

Reaction: It takes special skills to communicate many cultures or what we call

intercultural skills. Intercultural communication skills are those required to
communicate, or share information, with people from other cultures and social groups.
Intercultural communication also requires an understanding that different cultures have
different customs, standards, social mores, and even thought patterns. Good
intercultural communication skills require a willingness to accept differences these and
adapt to them. It is also crucial for anyone working with people from other cultures to
avoid misunderstandings and even offence. Those studying languages often encounter
issues of intercultural communication.

2.By making people comfortable, you help them to be better listeners.

Reaction: For being courtesy and respect help establish a good foundation for effective
communication. People respond to courtesy and feel comfortable when they know they
have your respect. This helps them to be open and willing to ask questions when they
don’t understand something, or in other word by making people comfortable, you help
them to be better listeners.

3.The written language is mostly maintained in the form of monologue.

Reaction: Monologue give the audience and other characters access to what a
particular character is thinking, either through a speech or the vocalization of their
thoughts.It is traditionally a device used in theater a speech to be given on stage but
nowadays, its use extends to film and television.

4.Some cultures rely heavily on the use of body language and gestures.

Reaction: Communication can be a Verbal or non-verbal. Non Verbal communication is

more impactful than Verbal communication. It relates to everything that is not said. It
includes among others facial expressions, gestures, posture, tone of the voice and also
environmental factors. Some other cultures rely heavily in this kind of communication in
order to avoid misunderstanding that can lead you to embarrassing situations, it is good
to know what a specific sign means in another culture or at least to be aware that
people can interpret in a different way,

5.In sending message to other cultures, avoid non-standard abbreviations, such as “UR”
for “you are”.

Reaction: We must develop a multicultural perspective, an international knowledge

base and a global imagination in other words, cultural literacy.Cultural literacy depends
upon communicating in a way that effectively gets the message across to all team
members, while excluding no one and offending no one due to unintended cultural
misunderstanding. Avoid non-standard abbreviations, such as “UR” for “you are”
Because this way of formulating a word does not exist in many other languages, it can
be confusing for non-native English speakers.
Task 4.

Directions: Elaborate your answers in the following questions and stated below.

a.Why are communication aids important to you as students?

Answer: Communication aids is anything that helps an individual communicate more

effectively with those around them. This could range from a simple letter board to a
more sophisticated piece of electronic equipment. As a student it is important

b.How do you select the right communication aids?

Answer: Selecting the right for communication aid for an individual will depend on many
factors, such as their method of access and personal preferences. A key concern is to
make sure that an individual has the right device to meet their needs.

c. Why are communication strategies important?

Answer:It is important for people to take into account every aspect of how they are
relaying information. This is where communication strategies come into play.
Communication strategies are the blue print for how this information will be exchanged.

d.How do you develop and convey key messages to your target audience?

Answer: Key messages allow you to control communications and enhance

relationships with your target audiences. With your audience in mind and focused on
your objectives, you should work out in advance of the communications situation what
you must say on the topic concerned. It is best not to have any more than seven
messages on any topic.

Task 5.

Directions: Agree or Disagree- then explain your answer.

1.Good communication is an important leadership tool.

Answer: Agree. Effective and accurate communication act as an important factor to

grow as an efficient and successful leader. To achieve professional success leaders
must be effective and convincing communicators.

2.Most people will only remember 1 and 2 points in any communication.

Answer: Agree, People nowadays are not focusing to their worth or they did best thing.
Just like in communication wherein if they fail communicating others it is now a big deal
for them.

3.Many communication aids are symbols or pictures.

Answer: Agree, symbol or pictures communication aid aim to provide or meet most of a
person’s communication needs throughout their day.

4.It is not essential for the user to be able to read text in order to use a communication
Answer: Agree.It is not essential for the user to be able to read text in order to use a
communication aid.Many aids are symbols based and still provide full functionality in
enabling the user to communicate with other.

5.Effective communication is vital to achieving the goals and objectives of your course
or career.

Answer: Agree. If you want to succeed in your career, you need to know what you want
how after it. And you can’t do this without good communication skills.

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