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T.Y.B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) (Semester - V) (Credit System)
Examination, November - 2017
Sub. Code : 64504
Day and Date : Friday, 10-11-2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Question no. 1 is compulsory.

2) Solve any five questionsfrom Q.2 to Q. 7.
3) Use of IS: 800-2007and Steel Table may be permitted.
4) Use of nonprogrammable calculator is allowed.
5) Assume the suitable data if necessary.

Q1) Solve any four. [20]

a) Define ‘Limit State’. What are the types of limit state?

b) Explain the types of welded connections.

c) Define tension member. What are the applications of tension members in

steel construction?

d) When the lacing is provided for column? Give the functions of lacing.

e) What is the correct orientation of placement of channel section purlin

over roof trusses?

Q2) a) Define ‘shape factor’. Determine shape factor for ‘rectangular section’.[6]

b) Design a continuous beam subjected to factored loads as shown in fig. 1

i) Provide a uniform cross section

ii) Provide most economical section.


Q3) a) A single bolted double cover butt joint is used to connect two plates
which are 8mm thick. Assuming l6mm diameter bolts of grade 4.6 and
cover plates to be 6mm thick, calculate the strength and efficiency of the
joint, if 4 bolts are provided in the single bolt line at a pitch of 45mm.[8]

b) Design a fillet weld to join a tension member consisting of 2 ISA 100mm

× 75mm × 8mm to a 12mm thick gusset plate. The factored tensile load
is 410kN. [8]

Q4) a) Design a double angle discontinuous strut to carry a factored load of 135
kN. The length of strut is 3.0 m between intersections. The two angles
are placed back to back (with long legs connected) on opposite side of
12 mm gusset plate and are tack bolted. Use steel of grade Fe 410. [6]

b) The tension member of a truss consists of 2 ISA 70 mm × 70 mm × 6

mm connected on the same side of a 10 mm thick gusset plate. Determine
the design tensile 10 strength of member and also number of 20mm dia.
Bolts required to develop design tensile strength. [10]

Q5) a) Define the slab base and gusseted base, In which column base, the
thickness of base plate is minimum and why? [6]

b) Design a built-up column with four angles. The column is 12 m long and
supports a factored load of 750 kN. The ends of the column are held in
position and restrained against rotation. Design a suitable connecting
system. Use steel of grade Fe 410. [10]

Q6) a) What do you mean by laterally supported beam and laterally unsupported
beam? [6]

b) Design a laterally unsupported beam for the following data. [10]

Effective span: 4 m

Maximum bending moment: 366.67 kNm

Maximum shear force: 133.33 kN

Steel of grade: Fe 410

Q7) a) A steel roof truss of span 16 m and pitch ¼ with 4m spacing of trusses is
to be provided at a shed. The truss will be supported over 300 mm thick
wall be support A.C. sheet is to be used of weight 174 N/m2 and self
weight of purlin and bracing is 100 N/m2. [8]

i) Propose a suitable type of roof truss with four equal panels on each
principal rafter.

ii) Calculate dead load and live load for panel point.

b) What is plate girder? Draw a neat sketch of plate girder and explain
function of components. [8]

l l l

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Seat Total No. of Pages : 2
T.Y. B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) (Semester - V)
(Credit System) Examination, November - 2017
Sub. Code : 64505
Day and Date : Monday, 13-11-2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Question No.1 is compulsory.

2) Solve any five questions from remaining.
3) Assume suitable data, if necessary & mention it clearly.
4) Use of Non-Programmable calculator is allowed.
5) Figures to right indicate full marks.

Q1) Solve any four of the following. [4×5=20]

a) Explain ‘camber’ and state IRC recommendations for camber.
b) Explain in brief the necessity and type of joints in concrete pavements.
c) Enlist various types of data required for design of bridge.
d) What are the factors controlling taxiways layout?
e) Define the pier and state requirement of piers for bridges.

Q2) Solve. [2×8=16]

a) Road development plan and BOT, BOOT.
b) Calculate the super elevation required on a road curve of radius 240 m
for a permissible speed of 96 kmph. The coefficient of friction is 0.12.

Q3) a) Write short note.

i) Difference between Traffic signals and traffic signs.
ii) Difference between flexible pavements and rigid pavements with

SG - 138
b) For 2 lane road calculate length of OSD for design speed 70 km/hr
assume necessary data. Difference in speeds for fast moving vehicles &
for show moving vehicle on a first lane of the road 6.2 m/sec rate of
acceleration = 1.2 m/s2, time = 2 sec.

Q4) Solve. [2×8=16]

a) What do you understand by temporary bridges, enlist types? State their
suitability. Also state the limitations of temporary bridges.
b) Draw a neat sketch of a bridge & label all components parts. Show the
substructure & super structure.

Q5) Solve. [2×8=16]

a) Name the different types of loading used to designing a bridge. What are
the factors to be considered for the selection of loading?
b) Enlist & explain any 8 points considered while selection of site for a

Q6) Solve. [2×8=16]

a) Explain the use of wind rose diagram in deciding runway orientation.
b) What are the various parameters to be considered while planning for
airport drainage? Discuss.

Q7) Solve. [2×8=16]

a) Explain the various airport obstructions.
b) The runway length required landing at sea level in standard atmosphere
pressure condition is 3000m. Runway length required for takeoff at sea
level is standard atmosphere pressure condition is 2500 m. Aerodrome
reference temperature is 25ºC and that of standard atmosphere at
aerodrome elevation of 150 m is 14.025ºC. If the effective runway gradient
is 0.5 percent, determine the runway length to be provided?

Seat Total No. of Pages : 3
T.Y. B.Tech. (Civil) (Semester-V) (Credit System)
Examination, November - 2017
Sub. Code : 64506
Day and Date : Wednesday, 15-11-2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3) Make assumptions wherever necessary.
4) Use of non-programmable calculator is allowed.

Q1) Solve any three of the following. [18]

a) Explain three phase system of soil with neat sketch.
b) Derive the relation for bulk unit weight of soil in terms of Sp. Gravity of
soil solids, degree of saturation, void ratio, water content and unit weight
of water.
c) A clay has liquid limit = 52%, Plastic limit = 30% and shrinkage limit =
18%. If the sample shrinks from volume of 39.5cm3, at liquid limit to
24.2cm3 at shrinkage limit. Calculate true specific gravity of soil.
d) Differentiate between discharge velocity and seepage velocity.

Q2) Solve any two of the following. [16]

a) Explain how coefficient of permeability k is calculated by conducting a
constant head permeability test.
b) Describe the Sand replacement method of determination of in place
density of a soil.
c) A horizontal stratified soil deposit consist of three uniform layers thickness
6m, 4m and 12m respectively. The permeability is of these layers are
8×10–4 cm/s, 52×10–4cm/s & 6×10–4 cm/s. Find effective avg. permeability
of the deposit in horizontal and vertical direction.

Q3) Solve any two of the following. [16]
a) Explain standard Proctor test procedure as per IS code : IS : 2720.
b) Two clay specimens ‘A’ and ‘B’, of thickness 2cm and 3cm, have
equilibrium void ratio 0.68 and 0.72 respectively under pressure of
200 kN/m2. If the equilibrium voids ratios of two soils reduced to
0.50 and 0.62 respectively. When the pressure was increased to 400
kN/m2, find the ratio of the coefficient of permeability of the two
specimens. The time required by the specimen ‘A’ to reach 40%
degree of consolidation is ¼ of that required by specimen ‘B’ for
reaching 40% degree of consolidation.
c) Explain with neat sketch the Coulomb’s wedge theory for determining
active earth pressure.

Q4) Solve any three of the following. [18]

a) What are the different types of earth pressure? Write the assumption of
Rankine’s earth pressure theory.
b) What are the factors affecting shear strength.
c) Explain the term UU, CU, and CD and state the advantages of triaxial
d) Explain Mohr’s stress circle with diagram.

Q5) Solve any two of the following. [16]

a) A strip footing 2 m wide is loaded on the ground surface with a pressure
of 150 kN/m2. A 4m thick soft clay layer exist at depth of 10m below the
foundation .Find the average increase in vertical stress at the centre of
clay layer below the centre line of the footing. Adopt Boussinesq’ s
theory for strip load.
b) Stability analysis by Swidish method of slices gave the following values
per running meter for a 10m high embankment.
i) Total shearing force = 480 kN
ii) Total normal force = 1950 kN
iii) Total neutral force = 250 kN
iv) Length of arc = 22 m
If the properties of soil are C= 24kN/m2 and ϕ = 6°, Calculate the factor
of safety w.r.t. shear strength.

c) A Soil sample 10 cm diameter and 15 cm long was tested in a variable
permeameter. The initial head of water in the burette was 90 cm and it
dropped through 25cm in 25 minutes. Diameter of burette is 19 mm.
Find the coefficient of permeability.

Q6) Solve any two of the following. [16]

a) Explain quick sand condition in detail.
b) A counter fort wall of 10m height retains a non cohesive backfill the void
ratio and angle of internal friction of the backfill respectively are 0.70 and
30° in the loosest state and 0.40 and 40 ° in dense state. Calculate active
and passive earth pressure for both i.e. loose and dense state. Take Sp.
gravity = 2.7
c) A concentrated load of 800 kN acts at the ground surface. Compute the
vertical stresses at 8 m depth 2 m away from the axis. Use Wastergard
analysis. Take µ = 0.25

t t t

Seat Total No. of Pages : 2
T.Y. B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) (Semester - V) (Credit System)
Examination, November - 2017
Sub. Code : 64507
Day and Date : Sunday, 26 - 11 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) Enlist Meteorological parameters and explain Atmospheric stability. [8]

b) Explain Plume types. [8]
c) Explain Control of air pollution. [4]

Q2) a) Explain conveyance of raw water with canals and pipelines. [8]
b) Define intake structure and different types of intake structures. [8]
c) Explain factors considered in selection of source of water for treatment
plant. [4]

Q3) a) Using Incremental Increase Method, estimate the Population after one,
two and three decades beyond the last known decade, with help of
following data [8]
Year Population
1941 24000
1951 27000
1961 35000
1971 41600
1981 46900

b) Explain rate of water consumption for various purpose and factors
affecting demand of water. [8]
c) Explain fire demand. [4]

Q4) a) Explain water treatment flow sheet with Aeration, Sedimentation, chemical
Coagulation, Rapid mixing, flocculation, Filtration, disinfection and Water
Softening. [8]
b) Discuss theory of chemical coagulation and theory of sedimentation.[8]
c) Discuss necessity of water treatment processes. [4]

Q5) a) Explain in detail slow, rapid and pressure filters. [8]

b) Explain in detail theory of disinfection. [8]
c) Discuss lime-soda method. [4]

Q6) a) Explain layout of distribution network. [8]

b) Explain in detail distribution system. [8]
c) Explain distribution reservoirs. [4]

Q7) Solve any four: [20]

a) Heat Island and Ozone Depletion.
b) Sources of water.
c) Types of sedimentation tanks.
d) Appurtenances in the distribution system.
e) Break point chlorination.

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Seat Total No. of Pages : 3

T.Y. B.Tech. (Civil Engineering) (Semester - V) (CR)

Examination, November - 2017
Sub. Code : 64508
Day and Date : Monday, 20 - 11 - 2017 Total Marks : 100
Time : 02.30 p.m. to 05.30 p.m.
Instructions : 1) Question number 1 is compulsory. Solve any four questions from
question no. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

3) Assume any suitable data wherever necessary and indicate it clearly.

4) Use of non programmable calculator is allowed.

Q1) a) What are shortcomings of bar chart? Explain in detail. [10]

b) What do you understand by Resource Allocation? What are methods of

Resource Allocation? [10]

Q2) a) Draw site layout for [6]

i) Building

ii) Dam

iii) Bridge

b) Derive equation for [14]

i) Uniform series present worth factor (USPWF)

ii) Uniform series Compound amount factor (USCAF)

SG – 156
Q3) a) Find out the critical path for the following network. [12]

Activity to (in weeks) tm (in weeks) tp (in weeks)

1-2 3 6 15

1-6 2 5 14

2-3 6 12 30

2-4 2 5 8

3-5 5 11 17

4-5 3 6 15

6-7 3 9 27

5-8 1 4 7

7-8 4 19 28

b) Define Demand and Supply? Explain factors influencing Demand and

Supply. [8]

Q4) a) Alternative-1: Initial purchase cost = Rs.350000. Annual operating and

maintenance cost = Rs.12000, Expected salvage value = Rs.115000,
Useful life = 3 years. Alternative-2: Initial purchase cost = Rs.250000,
Annual operating and maintenance cost = Rs.7000, Expected salvage
value = Rs.110000. Useful life = 6 years. The annual revenue to be
generated from production of concrete (by concrete mixer) from
Alternative-1 and Alternative-2 are Rs.65000 and Rs.49000 respectively.
Compute the equivalent present worth of the alternatives at the rate of
interest 8.9% per year and find out the economical alternative. [14]

b) What is cash flow? What the Cash flow diagram indicates? [6]

SG – 156
Q5) a) Carry out network compression for given data. State duration at this
stage and corresponding total cost. Assume Rs. 100 as indirect cost per
day. [14]
Activity Duration in days Cost
Normal Crash Normal Crash

1-2 6 4 1400 1650

2-3 5 4 620 750

2-4 7 4 1150 1450

2-5 8 6 1500 2100

3-4 5 3 1500 1750

4-6 6 4 750 950

5-6 4 3 970 1050

b) What are the uses of Sinking Fund Factor (SFF) and Capital Recovery
Factor (CRF). [6]

Q6) a) Explain ABC Selective Inventory Control with suitable example. [8]

b) Explain Probability Distribution Curve. [6]

c) Define: Mean, Deviation, Variance and Standard Deviation. [6]



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