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Nombre: Jeirlynn Helen Enriquez Posligua.


Legalization of medical drugs.

The university of Colorado, United States, conducted a study in 2015 where demonstrated

the effectiveness of cannabis that has helped in 85% to the treatment migraines. The

cannabis plant has been used since thousands of years across many cultures, but in the

last century its use is controversial, however it’s a great help for a several treatments that

involve pain due to its non-proactive cannabinoid substance (CBD) that only provides

anti-inflammatory and sedative effect; Medicinal cannabis is used in some countries to

ease and improve neurological or psychological diseases with low of side effects but total

effectiveness of the treatment.

First, the medical use of cannabis is not legal worldwide because for many countries the

health and human services department considers this substance illegal and risky for public

consumption and the laws of some of them do not allow the grow of marijuana which

makes it difficult to legalize it for medicinal use, the few evidence of scientific researchers

who affirm that the medicinal cannabis isn’t harmful to the health of patients when a

treatment is completed or suspended because its effectiveness is still unstable.

Secondly, cannabis manage to improve therapeutic treatments, the substance that

performs the sedative and relief effect is cannabidiol (CBD) which is one of the main

components of the Cannabis Sativa plant and represents 40% of its extracts and isn’t

psycho- active, but its sedative effect in most treatments inhibits the transmission of nerve

signals associated with pain, its medical properties is that it can reduce the inflammation

and oxidation of neurons, potentiates the generation of new and healthy nerve cells.

Finally, medicinal cannabis causes fewer side effects than other medicines because the

substance CBD is not addictive, its level of addiction is similar to that of caffeine and its
toxicity is not relevant, however in a matter of overdose its risk is not serious because

cannabidiol is not psychotropic because the effect of overdose will be nausea, dizziness

and loss of hydration but are effects that can be solved in time, in addition that

detoxification can last one to two days, your consumption and sale will always have a

control directed by the doctor.

Cannabis has traditionally been used to relieve pain, currently it’s used for therapeutic

treatments for neurological and psychological diseases obtaining good results of relief

and progress with few risk of side effects and doesn’t generate addiction because the

substance that provides these relief effects is a non-active cannabinoid that doesn’t

generate any hallucinogenic effect and according to studies the use of medical cannabis

has undoubtedly improved the lifestyle of people with this type of diseases.

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