Dataset For HW-4

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1 U_421 U 4 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
2 S_550 S 6 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
3 S_256 S 5 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
4 S_44 S 3 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
5 S_26 S 3 HMA R Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
6 S_68 S 6 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
7 U_231 U 6 HMA R Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
8 S_56 S 6 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
9 S_56 S 6 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
10 S_135 S 5 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
11 S_39 S 1 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
12 U_231 U 6 HMA R Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
13 U_231 U 6 HMA R Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
14 I_80 I 4 COMP U Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
15 S_357 S 6 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
16 S_37 S 6 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
17 S_114 S 4 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
18 S_229 S 5 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
19 S_163 S 1 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
20 S_32 S 3 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
21 S_66 S 6 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
22 U_421 U 1 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
23 S_13 S 2 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
24 S_37 S 6 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
25 S_62 S 5 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
26 S_2 S 4 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
27 I_69 I 2 COMP R Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
28 S_51 S 4 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
29 S_59 S 6 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
30 S_44 S 5 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
31 S_111 S 5 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
32 U_231 U 6 COMP R Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
33 S_62 S 6 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
34 S_49 S 4 HMA U Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
35 U_231 U 1 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
36 U_231 U 1 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
37 S_3 S 5 PCC U No HMA Overlay, Functional
38 I_74 I 1 COMP R Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
39 U_231 U 4 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
40 I_65 I 3 HMA U Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
41 S_101 S 2 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
42 I_164 I 6 PCC U Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
43 I_65 I 5 COMP R Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
44 U_150 U 6 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
45 S_312 S 4 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
46 I_69 I 2 HMA R Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
47 S_23 S 4 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
48 U_41 U 6 HMA U Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
49 U_136 U 1 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
50 S_32 S 1 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
51 I_70 I 3 COMP U Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
52 S_159 S 1 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
53 S_46 S 5 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
54 I_65 I 5 COMP U Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
55 I_65 I 1 COMP R Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
56 S_3 S 5 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
57 S_32 S 3 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
58 S_32 S 1 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
59 I_465 I 3 COMP U Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
60 U_50 U 6 HMA U Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
61 U_41 U 6 HMA R Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
62 I_65 I 1 COMP R Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
63 U_41 U 6 HMA R Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
64 U_40 U 1 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
65 U_231 U 6 HMA R Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
66 U_231 U 1 HMA U No HMA Overlay, Functional
67 S_64 S 6 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
68 U_36 U 3 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
69 S_1 S 5 HMA R No HMA Overlay, Functional
70 I_465 I 3 HMA U Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
71 I_80 I 4 COMP U Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
72 I_80 I 4 COMP U Yes HMA Overlay, Functional
1998 8 2 44875.49
2000 9.23 2 46000
1997 0.77 2 57571.18
1998 0.57 2 64956.64
1997 1 2 68064.43
1995 1.52 2 73309.03
2000 0.82 2 79000
1998 4.02 3 85678.45
1998 4.02 3 85678.45
1995 0.43 4 88720.15
2000 0.7 2 93000
1999 0.57 3 94642.2
1999 0.57 3 94642.2
2000 1.53 6 100000
2000 1.26 3 111795.77
1996 2.4 2 113927.88
1999 2.06 2 119263.57
1998 1.04 3 120187.6
1997 1 2 123281.31
1998 1.72 2 128000
1995 1.71 5 146664.56
1996 0.82 3 153273.1
1995 0.91 4 157964.6
1996 0.8 3 171332.71
1996 15.15 2 176630.19
2001 0.86 5 198000
1998 9.57 4 233000
2001 0.29 4 250000
1998 0.48 4 252603.32
1996 3.09 4 279423.59
1998 0.33 2 299453.68
2000 1.24 2 303000
1997 7.07 3 326845.24
1997 0.61 4 334000
1999 1.88 4 355000
1999 2.92 4 371000
1999 1.27 4 391000
1998 7.02 4 397000
1996 6.77 2 405944.72
1997 1.87 6 513000
1995 8.66 2 618629.78
2001 17.5 4 637000
1996 14.02 4 653852.05
1999 13.64 2 769000
1999 5.11 4 838000
1999 9.02 4 860475.2
1999 5.88 2 925000
1997 0.96 4 961083.2
1999 1.33 3 999000
1995 0.63 2 1124154.47
1997 6.62 8 1176698.74
1998 13.38 2 1190667.21
1998 2.78 5 1287000
1997 0.4 4 1299799.31
1996 13.09 4 1431193.9
2001 6.25 2 1453000
1996 13.15 2 1505404.11
2000 8.84 2 1580000
1999 8.12 6 1611000
1999 0.96 4 1648000
2000 8.27 4 1678337.13
1997 31.05 4 1716000
1998 5.89 4 1901000
1995 0.73 4 1930261.75
1996 10.33 2 2165314.69
1998 1.34 2 2205000
1998 9.28 2 2233707.25
1997 15.1 3 2243117.06
1999 0.31 3 2405000
1997 4.08 6 3770287.67
1997 2.45 6 8714000
1997 6.29 6 19206000
Serial # Serial number of the treated pavement section
ROAD NAMName of the highway
FUNC CLSS Functioan class (S- State Road; U- US Highway; I - Interstate)
DISTRICT Indiana highway district (1-Laporte; 2- Fort Wayne; 3- Crawfordsville; 4- Greenfield; 5- Vincennes; 6- Seymour)
PAVEMENTPavement type before the treatment (HMA- full depth asphalt; COMP - Composite pavement; PCC - Rigid)
URBAN/RUR Location of the highway section (Urban or rural)
NHS NHS class (Y - section is located on NHS, N - Otherwise)
TREATMENTreatment applied (in this case, all pavements received the HMA Functional overlay treatment)
YEAR OF T Year at which the treatment was carrie o ut
LENGTH (MLength of the road section that received the treatment
NR OF LAN Number of lanes of the road section that received the treatment
COST Cost of the treatment at th eyear at which the treatment was carried out
ncennes; 6- Seymour)
ment; PCC - Rigid)

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