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Our world today is facing agricultural

challenges especially the decreasing in per
capita of land availability. In 1960 with 3 billion
population over the World, per capita land
was 0.5 ha but presently, with 6 billion
people it is only 0.25 ha and by 2050, it will
reach at 0.16 ha. Due to rapid urbanization and
industrialization as well as melting of Icebergs
(as an obvious impact of global warming),
arable land under cultivation is further going to
Under such circumstances, in near future it will
become impossible to feed the entire
population using open field system of
agricultural production only. Naturally, soil-less
culture is becoming more relevant in the
present scenario, to cope-up with these
challenges. In soil-less culture, plants are raised
without soil. Improved space and water
conserving methods of food production under
soil-less culture have shown some promising
results all over the World. Elis at al (1974)
Hydroponics Farming
Hydroponics farming is a method of
growing plants using mineral nutrient
solutions, in water, without soil. The
hydroponic gardener regulates the composition
of nutrients in the liquid solution used to water
the plants. He/She also regulates the frequency
of supplying the nutrients to the plants. Simply,
the hydroponic gardener controls the growing
environment of the plants. The system is highly
automated of course but still requires to be
well managed.
This study aims to evaluate the effect of
different concentrations of vermi tea as medium
of hydroponics gardening to the growth of
tomato plants. Facts were gathered from books
and internet as references in order to get the
needed information for the study.

Specifically, it will seek the answer to the

Does the different concentrations of
vermicast tea have significant different effect to
the growth of the tomato plants?
There is no significant difference between
the effects of different concentrations of
vermicast tea to the growth of the
tomato plants using hydroponics.
There is significant difference between
the effects of different concentrations of
vermicast tea to the growth of the tomato
plants using hydroponics.

The hypothesis was tested using F-test at

0.05 level of probability.
The study is significant in showing the
importance of soil-less agriculture in the
production of tomato plants as our world
today is facing agricultural challenges
especially the decreasing in per capita of
land availability.
Naturally, soil-less agriculture is
becoming more relevant in the present
scenario. And because the researchers
are using hydroponic system, the long
term significance of this study is to
increase the land availability of the
This study also helps people to save
water, space and energy in growing
plants. And this study also promotes
organic hydroponic farming because most
of the hydroponic farming is using the
synthetic way which uses chemical
mixtures for their plants.
The study focuses only in observing the
effect of different concentrations of vermi
tea to the growth of tomato plants.

The study limits only to hydroponic

system of agriculture. It also limits only in
the use of vermicast as fertilizer.
4 Styrofoam boards (Cover of the
Styrofoam Box)
24 Styrofoam cups
Styrofoam boxes
Tomato seeds
Styrofoam Vermicast Vermicast
Boxes with 6 Content content
cups each (Water:Vermicast) (by kilogram)

Treatment 1 50% : 50% 6.5 kg

Treatment 2 85% : 15% 1.95 kg
Treatment 3 75% : 25% 3.5 kg
Treatment 4 25% : 75% 9.75 kg
First, the researchers gathered all the materials
Next, the researchers measured the water and
vermicast for each treatment based on the
measurements given above.
Then, the researchers placed the measured
vermicast and water for each treatment in
different Styrofoam boxes.
Next, the Styrofoam board should be exactly fit
to the opening of the Styrofoam box.
Next, the researchers punctured the
Styrofoam board large enough to fit the
bottom of the Styrofoam cups (make 6 holes in
each Styrofoam board).
Next, the researchers made holes at the
bottom of each cup for the roots to come out
and dip to the vermicast tea.
Lastly, the researchers set aside the boxes to
let the plants grow.
Data Gathering
a.) Height of the Tomato Plants
-The height of the tomato plants were
recorded weekly until that there were
observed flower bolting from some of the
tomato plants.
b.) Number of Flowers Bolted
-The number of flowers bolted were
counted and recorded starting from the first
bolting until when there were observed
wilting of some of the plants. Counting of
bolted flowers was stopped when other
plants died.
c.) Number of Fruits
-The number of fruits were counted.
There were only few fruits has been counted
since some plants started to show yellowish
color, an indication that the plants were
affected probably of blight or water stress.
Validity of Data
The data collected from this study were
validated using statistical tool. F-test method
was used to determine if there is really a
significant effect of each treatment to the
vegetative growth and yield of tomato plants.
Research Design
Treatment 1 T1.1 T1.2 T1.3 T1.4 T1.5 T1.6

Treatment 2 T2.1 T2.2 T2.3 T2.4 T2.5 T2.6

Treatment 3 T3.1 T3.2 T3.3 T3.4 T3.5 T3.6

Treatment 4 T4.1 T4.2 T4.3 T4.4 T4.5 T4.6

On the first and second week of
evaluation, the researchers observed that
the plants on treatment 3 were much taller
than the plants on other treatments and
look healthier than the others with thick
stem and bright color leaves.
On the 4th week of evaluation,
treatment 3 which has 25% of vermicast and
75% of water were bigger, taller and vigor.
Treatment 4 which has 75% solution of
vermicast was stunted.
Table 1: Vegetative Performance of Tomato Plants as
Influenced by Different Concentrations of Vermi Tea
Solution Applied as Hydroponic Gardening.
Height of the Tomato Plants (cm)
Vermi Replications Mean
Tea 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
T1 54.5 80 75.5 85 Dead 87 382 63.67
T2 83 70 51 83.5 46.5 81.5 415.5 69.25
T3 81 86.5 84.5 64 66 87 469 78.17
T4 Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead
Total 218.5 236.5 211 232.5 112.5 255.5 1266.5 211.08
54.63 59.13 52.75 58.13 28.13 63.88 316.63
Table 2: Number of Flowers Bolted from the Tomato Plants
as Influenced by Different Concentrations of Vermi Tea
Solution applied as Hydroponic Gardening.
Flowers of the Tomato Plants
Vermi Replications Mean
Tea 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
T1 0 7 0 1 Dead 3 11 1.83
T2 6 4 1 16 1 10 38 6.33
T3 15 8 7 16 3 5 54 9
T4 Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead
Total 21 19 8 33 4 18 103 17.17
5.25 4.75 2 8.25 1 4.5 25.75
Table 3: Number of Fruits Developed by Tomato Plants as
Influenced by Different Concentrations of Vermi Tea
Solution Applied as Hydroponic Gardening.
Fruits of the Tomato Plants
Vermi Replications Mean
Tea 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
T1 0 2 2 0 Dead 4 8 1.33
T2 2 0 0 2 0 3 7 1.17
T3 6 2 3 0 0 2 13 2.17
T4 Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead
Total 8 4 5 2 0 9 28 4.67
2 1 1.25 0.5 0 2.25 7
Statistical Analysis: F-Test Method

Height of the Tomato Plants (cm)

Source of Degrees Sum of Mean Observed Tabular F
Variance Freedom Squares Squares F 1% 5%

Replication 5 3212.80 642.56 2.26 4.56 2.90

Treatment 3 22919.95 7639.98 26.85 5.42 3.29

Error 15 4268.74 284.58

Total 23 30401.49
Flowers bolted of the Tomato Plants
Source of Degrees Sum of Mean Observed Tabular F
Variance Freedom Squares Squares F 1% 5%

Replication 5 131.71 26.34 1.81 4.56 2.90

Treatment 3 304.79 101.60 6.98 5.42 3.29

Error 15 218.46 14.56

Total 23 654.96
Fruits of the Tomato Plants
Source of Degrees Sum of Mean Observed Tabular F
Variance Freedo Squares Squares F 1% 5%

Replication 5 14.83 2.97 1.38 4.56 2.90

Treatment 3 14.33 4.78 2.23 5.42 3.29

Error 15 32.17 2.14

Total 23 61.33
70 63.67






10 6.33
1.83 1.33 1.17 9 2.17
0 0 0
treatment 1 treatment 2 treatment 3 treatment 4
height flowers fruits
Therefore, the researchers concluded that
different concentrations of vermi tea as
solution for hydroponic gardening
significantly influenced the vegetative
performance of the tomato plants. Using
vermi tea solution for organic hydroponic
gardening is possible for the tomatoes
vegetative growth.
The researchers also concluded that
organic hydroponic gardening can be a tool
of producing tomato. The number of flowers
bolted from the tomato plants is evident
that tomato production through organic
hydroponic gardening has a great future in
the field of scientific farming.
Furthermore, the researchers
concluded that in the near future, the fears
of side effects of synthetic fertilizers can be
minimize if not totally eliminated through
organic hydroponic farming.
The researchers recommend the organic
way of hydroponic farming for much safer
productions of plant because it’s very portable,
not time consuming and not so spacious way of
planting that can help people save water,
space, and energy in the process of growing
The researchers also recommend vermi
tea as a solution for hydroponics farming in
growing plants, yet, don’t overdose it with
too much vermicast because it will ruin the
growth of the plants due to Plasmolysis.
The researchers also recommend vermi
tea as a solution for hydroponics farming in
growing plants, yet, don’t overdose it with
too much vermicast because it will ruin the
growth of the plants due to Plasmolysis.
In this study the researchers used soil as
growing medium but it is recommendable to
use other growing medium that has less water
holding capacity. The researchers also
recommend that if you will make this type of
set-up, do not let the cup touch the mixture at
the bottom to avoid direct contact with the soil
that may cause for the plants to die.

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