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1. Besides glucose which is included in monosaccharides is ....

A. Lactose
B. Galactose
C. Maltose
D. sucrose

the answer: B

2. Vitamin A which is active and ready for use is found in ...

A. Meat
B. Carrots
C. Papaya
D. mustard greens

the answer: A beef because meat is an animal food ingredient that contains vitamin A and is

ready for use by the body.

3. In the newborn the most commonly used anthropometric measurements are the parameters ...
A. upper arm circumference
B. Weight
C. chest circumference
D. age

the answer: B. body weight due to weight is the most important anthropometric measure and

most often used in newborns to diagnose normal or not.

4. If you know BB / TB, low BB / U low, normal TB / U. then the nutritional status according to
the WHO classification is ....
A. more, not obese
B. less
C. bad, lacking
D. bad

the answer: C bad, less

5. Using footwear, defecating in the toilet, washing hands before and after meals is an effort
to avoid illness ... ...
A. Malaria
B. Dipteri
C. Worms
D. Pertusi

The answer: C

6. Excessive energy in the body will be stored in the form of ... ...
A. Protein in muscles.
B. Other body fat or tissue.
C. Protein in the liver.
D. Disposed of through body organs.

The answer: B

7. The recommended consumption of oil and fat every day consists of ………
A. 1 part vegetable fat, 1 part animal fat.
B. 2 parts vegetable fat, 2 parts animal fat
C. 1 part vegetable fat, 2 parts animal fat
D. 2 parts vegetable fat, 1 part animal fat

The answer: D

8. TOGA medicinal plants that are often used as medicine to reduce heat, is….
A. Shallots and waru leaves
B. Dadap spare and hibiscus
C. Papaya leaves and Blimbing Wuluh
D. Lime and tofu are lively

The answer: B

9. This mineral deficiency / deficiency can cause stunted growth, decreased intelligence and
swelling of the thyroid gland, these minerals are……
A. Ferum
B. Calcium
C. Iodine
D. Pospor

The answer: C

10. The following which are not intended for use are …….
A. Upholding the body
B. Muscle attachment
C. Neural attachment
D. Protecting weak parts

The answer: C

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