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Hartford Steam Boiler

2019 Edition
ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel
Code Synopsis

All ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel

Code Sections

Codes and Standards Group

September 2019
Hartford Steam Boiler
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary

2019 ASME Code Edition Synopsis Preview

The 2019 Edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code was published on July 1, 2019, and includes
revisions, additions and errata approved by the ASME B&PV Standards Committees in 2017 and 2018. The
mandatory implementation date for the 2019 Edition is six months from the date of publication, or January 1,
2020. However Manufacturers may begin using the 2019 Edition beginning with the date of issuance.

This Synopsis was prepared by the Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB) Codes & Standards staff to provide insight into
the intent of these changes, and their potential impact on Code users. Each item that passed the ASME B&PV
Standards Committee for the 2019 Edition was entered into our Synopsis database. The “Subject” and
“Description” were created by HSB staff involved with the cognizant Code Section Standards Committee, and
each entry was verified that it made it into publication.

This particular report contains a summary of changes for all Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Sections.

This edition will remain valid until publication of the 2021 edition in July of 2021. Changes that have taken place
in the 2019 Edition are indicated by “(19)” in the margin adjacent to the affected paragraph/figure/table.

Code Case Supplements continue to be published four times per year and republished as a new Edition on a cycle
concurrent with the rest of the Code.

Interpretations of the Code are no longer published with each BPV code book. Starting January 1, 2015 all
approved interpretations are issued in real time in ASME's Interpretation Database
at: HTTP:// This online Interpretation database also contains previously approved
BPVC interpretations dating back to 1977.

Errata [ publishing errors identified in the Code] are reviewed and approved by the Committee four times a year
and posted on ASME's website. Information regarding “Special Notices” and “Errata” is published under the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Resources Page at:

ASME offers users the option to receive an e-mail notification when “Special Notices” or “Errata” are posted on
their Web site. This will be especially useful now that annual Addenda are no longer published.

Over 1250 changes are itemized in this Synopsis. Many of these changes are the result of new technology and/or
at the request of Certificate Holders like you.

Commentary on revisions represents Hartford Steam Boiler’s opinion of the changes, and is not intended to be an
official interpretation of the ASME Code. Every effort was made to accurately describe the changes. However, we
caution Code users to always refer to the actual Code rules that apply and to use this document as a supplementary
tool to the Code. Please contact HSB Codes & Standards Group if further background information is desired on any
of the revisions or Code Cases published.

© 2019 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. All rights reserved

Build 09302019
Hartford Steam Boiler
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
Executive Summary

The following Executive Summary highlights the more noteworthy revisions. We hope you find this information
helpful. If you need further clarification, please contact your Inspector, Supervisor, or the Codes & Standards staff.

Thomas P. Pastor, P.E. Paul J. Coco, P.E.

Vice President, Codes & Standards Senior Engineer, Codes & Standards

Any questions or comments on this document may be directed to:

Thomas P. Pastor 860-722-5615 (all non-nuclear Sections)
Jay Cameron 860-722-5653 (all non-nuclear Sections)
Bob Wielgoszinski 860-755-5064 (Sections I & IV)
Alex Garbolevsky 860-722-5098 (Sections III, V, XI)
Sandy Babka 860-722-5197 (Sections VIII & X)
Jay Vattappilly 860-722-5392 (Sections I & VIII)
Oberst Mulet 860-722-5528 (Sections VIII-1 & XII)
Nathan Carter 860-722-5750 (Section IX, NBIC)
Paul Coco 860-722-5108 (Sections III, XI)
Julie Hoskinson 860-967-9357 (Sections I, VIII-1)
Emmanuel Alexis 860-722-5075 (Sections IV, VIII-2)
Tim Nuoffer 618-444-7628 (Sections XI)

© 2019 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. All rights reserved

Build 09302019
Hartford Steam Boiler
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY……..…………………………….....….…………...….… E-1 through E-32

SECTION I – RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF POWER BOILERS ................................................ 1

SECTION II – MATERIALS.................................................................................................................. 18


SUBSECTION NCA AND APPENDICES.............................................................................................. 39


COMPONENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 47

SECTION III, DIVISION 2 – CODE FOR CONCRETE CONTAINMENTS ..................................... 61



SECTION III, DIVISION 5 – HIGH TEMPERATURE REACTORS ................................................. 68

SECTION IV – RULES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF HEATING BOILERS ....................................... 72

SECTION V – NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION ....................................................................... 75



VESSELS ................................................................................................................................................ 123


PRESSURE VESSELS ........................................................................................................................... 154

SECTION IX – WELDING, BRAZING, AND FUSING QUALIFICATIONS .................................. 163

SECTION X – FIBER-REINFORCED PLASTIC PRESSURE VESSELS ......................................... 182


COMPONENTS ..................................................................................................................................... 186


TANKS ................................................................................................................................................... 195

© 2019 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. All rights reserved

Build 09302019
Hartford Steam Boiler
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary

Section I Executive Summary

BPV I Standards Committee approved over 70 changes since 2017 that are ready to be published in
ASME Section I 2019 Edition. Some of the significant changes include the following :
PG-4 Units to be used in Equations

This revision clarifies that it is not permitted to perform calculations using an allowable stress
determined by converting the allowable stress values published in either US Customary or SI units in II-
D to another local unit. Essentially, the Committee felt that if conversion of allowable stresses that are
published in Section II, Part D was permitted, then there would be no need to publish allowable stresses
in SI units, since they could have been determined directly from the US customary Tables. The net result
is that revisions to PG-4 were needed to assure that calculations performed by the Manufacturer use not
only allowable stresses that are published in Section II, Part D, but any other material property published
in that standard. Also as a part of this action, Table II-1 "Standard Units for Use in Equations" is
relocated from Mandatory Appendix II to PG-4 as Table PG-4 and Mandatory Appendix II is deleted.
Post Bend Heat Treatment requirements for carbon and C-Mo steel

PG-20 is revised to include additional rules for post-bending heat treatment requirements for carbon
steel and carbon-molybdenum steel. These rules apply to carbon and carbon-molybdenum tube and pipe
cold bends that convey water or steam. Post forming heat treatment shall consist of either a subcritical
anneal performed at a temperature of at least 1250°F ( 675°C ), a full anneal, or a normalizing heat
treatment, for at least 30 minutes/inch (30 minutes/25mm) of thickness but not less than 10 minutes.
The heat treatment may be performed locally provided the entire strained area of the cold formed bend is
subjected to the required heat treatment. PG-20.1.1 provides the three conditions that will mandate the
heat treatment which are:
1. When the tubes or pipe are located external to the boiler membrane wall or boiler metal
encased enclosure
2. When the design temperature of the cold formed areas is between 620°F (327°C) and
750°F ( 399°C)
3. When strain developed in the cold formed areas exceeds 12 1/2 % when the straight tube
or pipe starting material to be formed is in the sub-critical annealed, full annealed, or
normalized heat treated conditions. Alternately, when strain developed in the cold formed
areas exceeds 5% when the straight tube or pipe starting material to be formed is in the
un-heat treated condition (often referred to as the hot finished heat treated condition).

PG-20.1.2 provides an exemption for carbon steel only meeting the conditions above provided the tube
or pipe material in the area to be cold formed is subjected to an anneal or normalize heat treatment prior
to forming, and the entire bend area is subjected to a magnetic particle examination over 100% of the
bend region between the bend tangents in accordance with Appendix A-260 with the specific additional
requirements and acceptance criteria provided in PG-20.1.2.

© 2019 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. All rights reserved

Build 09302019
Hartford Steam Boiler
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
The existing creep strength enhanced ferritic (CSEF) material post forming heat treatments are now
addressed in PG-20.2.
PW-38 Preheating and Interpass Temperatures

PW-38 Rules for Preheating have been revised significantly in 2019 Edition of Section I. Paragraph A-
100 from Nonmandatory Appendix A is deleted as a part of this action and a new Table PW-38 (similar
to ASME B31.1 Table 131.4.1) is introduced in PW-38. The new table like in the old A-100, provides
Recommended Preheat Temperatures for Welding of Pressure Parts and Attachments. For P-No. 1
materials, the rules for preheating only apply when mandated by PW-39 for exemption of postweld heat
treatment. However, for all other materials, the minimum metal temperature on the WPS must be 50oF
(10oC) and preheat is mandatory when welding base metals (except for P-No.1) below 50oF (10oC) as
stated in PW-38.3 and PW-38.4 according to the new rules. Although the new Table PW-38 only
provides recommended minimum preheat temperatures, once a preheat is selected in the WPS (for
example when required by PW-39 or as determined by the Certificate Holder using the guidance
provided or otherwise) the new rules require tighter controls and monitoring compared to the old rules.
Few examples are Minimum Preheat Distance from the weld (PW-38.4), Minimum Temperature for
base metal for tack welds (PW-38.5), Maintenance of Preheat Temperature when welding two different
P-Number materials (PW-38.6), Verification of Preheat Temperature during welding (PW-38.7) and
conditions that allow Interruption of Welding (PW-38.8)
The new rules also mandate the maintenance of a maximum interpass temperature of 800oF except for
certain P-Nos where the maximum temperature limits are provided or successful demonstration of
welding procedure qualification with a different maximum temperature limit could be used as an
alternative. Note (2) of Table PW-38 introduces a new term "self-preheating" which means no heat is
applied prior to welding, but that the heat of welding is demonstrated to quickly establish the minimum
preheat required. It is restricted to machine or automated welds, on small diameter, thin wall tubes.
Section I, Revision to Table PW-39-1
In 2017 Edition, note (a) in Table PW-39-1 was changed to permit exemptions for thicker materials. In
doing so, an additional requirement was added that the carbon equivalent (CE) must be less than or
equal to 0.45. With this new requirement, Manufacturers using some P1 Group No. 1 materials that were
previously exempt from PWHT were no longer exempt due to a CE greater than 0.45 (SA-53B, SA-36,
SA-234 for example) which was an unintended consequence. A Code Case [ CC 2906] had been issued
in February 2018 by BPV I to reinstate this provision.
In 2019 Edition, the PWHT exemptions for P-No.1 Gr.1 materials have been revised as follows
rectifying the above mentioned oversight.
PWHT is not mandatory for P-No 1 Group 1 materials under the following conditions:
(1) when the nominal thickness as defined in PW-39.3 is 1 in. (25mm) or less regardless of CE.
(2) when the nominal thickness as defined in PW-39.3 exceeds 1 in. (25mm), PWHT is still not
required when the calculated carbon equivalent, CE, of each of the base metals in the weld
joint is less than or equal to 0.45 and a minimum preheat of 200°F (95°C) is applied.

© 2019 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. All rights reserved

Build 09302019
Hartford Steam Boiler
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
For P-No.1 Group 2 & 3 Materials note (b) has been expanded into three separate thickness categories
and PWHT is not mandatory under the following conditions:
(1) when the nominal thickness of a weld as defined in PW-39.3 is ¾ in. (19 mm) or less
regardless of CE and no preheat.
(2) when the nominal thickness of the weld as defined in PW-39.3 exceeds ¾ in. (19 mm) but
does not exceed 1 in. (25 mm) and the calculated CE of each of the base metals in the weld
joint is less than or equal to 0.45.
(3) when the nominal thickness of a weld as defined in PW-39.3 is greater than 1 in. (25 mm) but
does not exceed 1½ in. (38 mm), and when the calculated carbon equivalent, CE, of each of
the base metals in the weld joint is less than or equal to 0.45, with a minimum preheat of
250°F (120°C) [ compared to 200°F (95°C) in 2017 ] is applied and when no individual
weld pass thickness exceeds ¼ in. (6 mm). Please note that , in 2019 Edition it was
incorrectly published as "greater than 3/4 in. (19 mm) but does not exceed 1½ in. (38 mm)"
and this mistake will be corrected as an errata.

Along with this change, silicon (Si) is removed from the CE equation from the second term to make it
consistent with the equations found in material specifications such as SA-105, SA-106 and SA-234. In
addition, the limiting thickness for P-No.1 Gr.1 materials have been changed to 1 in. from the existing
1.5in. This is supported by the EPRI work on PWHT exemptions for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel
Clarification to Test Plate Requirements
PW-53.1(b) provided exemption from test plates for P-No.1 materials, however because of the existing
words "all cylindrical pressure parts", it wasn't clear if the exemption applied to a butt weld on a flat
head made of P-No.1 material. The words in PW-53.1(b) are changed in the 2019 Edition to say all
pressure parts for P-No.1 materials regardless of their shape. The words in PW-53.1(a) are now changed
to "cylindrical pipe, tubes, and headers subject to internal pressure, including heads attached by welding
to these pressure parts" which clarifies that the circumferential welds attaching the heads to the these
components also do not require any test plates.
The existing words in PW-53.2 state that the test plate required is to be of the same material
specification as the material to be used in production via end note 26. However there was no such
requirement for the welding consumables which makes the value of the test plate questionable. Words
are now added to PW-53.2 to require the weld consumables used to weld the test plate shall be from the
same manufacturer and lot(s), control or heat number(s) as that to be used for each weld process in
production. In addition, the requirement to make a test plate is now exempted if weld consumables are
purchased with a Certified Material Test Report based on Schedule 4 or I level of testing as defined in
ASME SFA-5.01.

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Build 09302019
Hartford Steam Boiler
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
Alternative Marking Methods
A new Mandatory Appendix (VII) is added to Section I to provide Alternate Methods for applying the
ASME Certification Mark. Acceptable alternate methods include etching (laser, plasma or chemical),
peening and engraving. The process controls for the method of marking shall be described in the
Manufacturer's Quality Control System and shall be acceptable to the Authorized Inspector. Paragraphs
PG-106.1 and PG-106.4 have been revised acknowledging these alternate methods mentioned in the new
Appendix VII. A new Code Case [CC 2896] has also been approved for the early implementation of this
Nonmandatory Appendix F for Dissimilar Metal Welds
A new Non-Mandatory Appendix F is introduced to provide the Best Practice Guidelines for Design and
Fabrication for dissimilar metal welds (DMW) between creep strength enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steel
and austenitic stainless steel.
The appendix covers Design Details such as location, loading on DMWs, Fabrication Details including
filler metals, transition pieces, alternate weld geometries for DMWs, Welding Techniques, PWHT, post
weld surface profiling, tube to tube butt welds, thick section welds, Attachments to piping, headers and
tubing. It also addresses the material preferences for Thermowells, Steam Flow Elements and Drain
Lines and provides guidance on Post Construction and Monitoring.

© 2019 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. All rights reserved

Build 09302019
Hartford Steam Boiler
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary

Section II Executive Summary

BPV II Standards Committee approved over 150 changes since 2017 that are published in ASME Section
II 2019 Edition. Some of the significant changes include the following:

Adoption of updated material specifications: ASME works hard to update adopted materials
specifications to stay technically relevant, and for commercial convenience. Over 80 specifications have
been updated in this Edition. Note that some of these updates have obsoleted older editions of the parent
specification altogether, or for specific materials – see Appendix II, Table II-200-1 in Section II, Parts A
& B, including the commentary in that table.

Addition of new materials to II-D: Over 10 new materials have been added to Section II, Part D –
many of them as a result of incorporating a Code Case.

Grade 91 allowable stress revisions: Due to significant data additions and a revised data analysis, the
allowable stresses for Grade 91 at higher temperature have been significantly reduced by up to 19%.

NDE specifications: Traditionally, ASME had been publishing several NDE specifications in Section
II, Part A. However, these same specifications are also published in Section V, many time with different
ASTM editions. Therefore, the decision was made to only publish the specification once, and where the
Committee technical expertise lies – in Section V. A reference in II-A to Section V is included for user-

Section IV allowables: A transition plan is in-process to move the Section IV allowable stresses to II-
D. In the 2019 Edition, the allowables exist in both places, but are for reference only in II-D. In the
2021 Edition the II-D tables will be cleaned up and the Section IV tables will be deleted.

Miscellaneous allowable stress revisions: Data for Grade 11, various aluminum alloys and various
copper alloys have been reanalyzed and resulted in adjusted allowables – from -2% to +26% depending
on the material.

Nonferrous material specifications: Many general specifications for II-B materials are now being
generated by ASTM and adopted by ASME. Also, many specifications are now combined dual-unit

© 2019 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. All rights reserved

Build 09302019
Hartford Steam Boiler
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary

Section III Executive Summary

BPV III Standards Committee approved over 200 changes since 2017 that are ready to be published in
ASME Section III 2019 Edition. Some of the significant changes include the following:

NCA-4000: Endorsement of NCA-1 2015 and added requirements for Subpart 2.7

The most significant impact that Nuclear Certificate holders will face within the 2019 Edition of Section
III, are the updates to their quality programs meeting NQA-1 2015 and controls for computer software.
The NRC approved the use of NQA-1 2015 in Regulatory Guide 1.28 Rev 5. Although most of the
changes were administrative in nature, some areas of the quality manual may require updates including:

• Qualifications and records for Audit

• Inspection
• Test Personnel

Other areas with more significant changes include:

• The use of Subpart 2.7 for Software Design Controls in Requirements 3 and 11;
• Updates to NQA-1 Requirement 16 to also include additional requirements for Cause
Determination, Effectiveness Review and Trend Analysis;
• Amplifying information in Requirement 18 in regards to internal and external audits.

Most of these changes to NQA-1 affect Section III by reference in NCA-4000. Significant changes in
NCA-4000 within the 2019 Edition also include direct references to the use of Subpart 2.7 in NCA-
4134.3 for Software QA requirements, the allowance of commercial grade dedication of software in
NCA-4134.7, and the use of Part II of NQA-1 when explicitly directed by Part I. Most ASME nuclear
certificate holders already incorporate the additional requirements to meet their regulatory obligations
for “safety related components,” which might exist in manuals and procedures separate from their
ASME activities. For U.S. code users, updates in their ASME QA Manuals will have to account for
these code changes. For international users, these new code additions may have to be developed and
incorporated into their ASME program if a “safety related” program does not already exist.

NCA-3820 Providing Material for Component

During an ASME Survey, the Team Leader identified a concern in which a N Certificate Holder (N-CH)
furnished material to NPT/NA Holders for their components. In this case the N-CH did not have Supply
of Material (MO) in their scope. The code addresses similar provisions for replacement materials.
Section III committee revised the code permitting this activity, provided that the N-CH maintains
overall responsibility of the component by application of the final N certification mark.

© 2019 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. All rights reserved

Build 09302019
Hartford Steam Boiler
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
Table NCA-7000: ISO/IEC 17025

Immediately after the publication of the 2017 Edition, in which the ability to accept calibration and
testing suppliers based upon their ILAC accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 was allowed in quality
programs for Certificate Holders, Material Organizations, and approved suppliers, ISO released
publication of the 2017 Edition of ISO/IEC 17025. Conformance to this new standard becomes
mandatory for the accredited calibration and testing laboratories over a three year period ending in 2020
as their certificates come due. During the transition period, the 2019 Edition of BPV III includes
references both editions of ISO/IEC 17025.

In 2019 the NRC provisionally approved the use of ISO/IEC 17025 until 2020.

Table NCA-7000: SNT-TC-1A

The 2015 Edition of Section III updated the acceptance of SNT-TC-1A 2006 Edition to the 2011 Edition.
The acceptance of the 2011 Edition of SNT-TC-1A, throughout the Boiler Pressure Vessel Code, was
only performed by Section III. The 2019 Edition now includes revision to reinstate the 2006 Edition of
SNT-TC-1A, while not removing the 2011 Edition as Certificate Holders may have already adopted the
new reference. Additionally, the endnotes were updated to reflect that more than one Edition is

Code users which have nuclear and non-nuclear programs should note that the Section VIII has updated
to SNT-TC-1A 2016 edition as modified by 2019 Section V, Article 1, Mandatory Appendix III.

NC/ND Book Alignment

The 2019 Edition of BPV III has numerous editorial corrections to align similar requirements throughout
NC and ND for incorporation into one single code book by 2023. In the 2019 Edition of Section III
code users will notice these changes throughout the two subsections with no impact to technical
requirements from the 2017 Edition unless a specific action to change the code was taken. More details
are found in the full report.

© 2019 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. All rights reserved

Build 09302019
Hartford Steam Boiler
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary

Section IV Executive Summary

BPV IV Standards Committee approved 26 changes since 2017 that are ready to be published in ASME
Section IV 2019 Edition. Some of the significant changes include the following:

Incorporation of Code Cases and General Revisions to Paragraphs.

This is a large group of changes which involves the incorporation of 9 Code Cases into the code along
with 10 paragraph revisions. Most of these Code Cases are to allow SA-240 and other plate material to
be used in Section IV construction, and the specified minimum thickness for those materials. This is an
extensive change to the code and it involves a lot of different parts. Please see the synopsis for a full list
of incorporated Code Cases and paragraph changes.

HG-510(c) & HLW-505.2: Inspection of Hidden Joints Prior to Hydrostatic Testing

This change provides an option to waive the close visual inspection of joints and connections that are
hidden by assembly, provided that a suitable pressure test, as agreed upon by the Manufacturer and
Authorized Inspector, is applied to the hidden joints, and the hidden joints are given a visual
examination prior to final assembly. These rules are essentially using the same method that Section
VIII, Division 1 uses in UG-99(g) for hidden joints and connections which cannot be given a close
visual inspection during the hydrostatic Test.

H or PRT Designator
This change revises Figure HG-530.1, and incorporates two new figures into HG-531 which depict the
stamping requirements for parts or accessories. The “H” designator has been removed from Figure HG-
530.1 because it is supposed to be a representation of the current ASME Certification Mark, and should
never have included a designator. Figures HG-531.1 and HG-531.2 have been added because there was
no figure which indicated the proper marking. PRT stamping information is now in its own paragraph
[HG-531(b)] in order to avoid confusion with the requirements for the H designator in HG-530.

Part HLW PRT Designator

Provisions have been included in Part HLW to address the use of the PRT designator for potable-water
heaters. The text in HLW-602.4(a) has been revised to provide guidance for the use of HLW or PRT
designator. This revision to HLW-602 ensures conformity within the construction code by matching
with the wording from HG-531.

© 2019 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. All rights reserved

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Hartford Steam Boiler
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
Revised HW-712.1(b) Fillet Weld Size Requirements
This is a change which accompanied an intent interpretation about joining the furnace or crown sheet to
a head or tubesheet. Please see the interpretation below:

Question: Is it the intent of HW-712.1(b) that the single fillet weld joining the furnace be based
on the smaller of the thickness of the furnace and head or tubesheet?

Reply: Yes.

When HW-712.1 was revised to refer to Figure HW-701.3 sketches (a) or (b), a conflict was created
between the weld sizes which are shown in the figure, and those which were described in the paragraph.
This intent interpretation and revision now align the text of HW-712.1(b) with what is graphically
shown in Figure HW-701.3, sketches (a) and (b).

Cast Aluminum, Code Case Incorporation

Code Case 2483 has been incorporated into the body of Section IV. The allowable stresses for
aluminum EN AC-AlSi7Mg, AC42000 have been added to Table HF-300.2 and Table HF-300.2M.
Paragraph (a) of the Case has not been included in the incorporation because the pressure limit was an
arbitrary value that was requested by the original inquirer to satisfy their needs. The temperature limit
of 250°F from the code case is unnecessary because Section IV is limited to 250°F by its scope.

Authorized Inspector to Witness Hydrostatic and Proof Testing

Previous versions of Part HLW did not require the Authorized Inspector to witness hydrostatic testing
and proof testing. HLW-600.3, which explains the duties of the Authorized Inspector, now include
witnessing hydrostatic tests and proof tests as part of their specific duties. New subparagraphs (d) and
(e) have been added to address these new duties, and existing subparagraph (d) has been changed to (f).

Allowable Stress Tables Moving to Section II

Section IV has finally decided to move their allowable stress tables into Section II. This is part of a 2-
Edition transition plan to move all of the allowable stresses from Tables HF-300.1, HF-300.1M, HF-
300.2, HF-300.2M, HLW-300, and HLW-301 into Section II, Part D. The first phase of this 2-Edition
transition plan is to add to II-D the criteria for calculating the allowable stresses and the stress tables “for
information only”. For the 2021 Edition of the Code, the allowable stresses will be deleted from Section
IV, and the information in II-D will become mandatory. This includes the incorporation of the notes
from Part HLW so that they are not lost when the Tables are removed.

© 2019 The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company. All rights reserved

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Hartford Steam Boiler
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary

Section V Executive Summary

BPV V Standards Committee approved over 100 changes since 2017 that are published in ASME
Section V 2019 Edition. Some of the more important changes include the following :

Article 1, T-120(e) - Revised and Article 1, Mandatory Appendices III & IV - Added
Section V, Article 1, paragraphs T-120(e)(1) and (e)(2) were revised to replace the 2006 Editions of
SNT-TC-1A and CP-189 with the 2016 Editions, as modified by new Article 1 Mandatory Appendices
III and IV, respectively. This change significantly impacts Section VIII Division 1, 2 and 3
Certificate Holders. Further details on these Mandatory Appendices are included in this Executive
Summary below.

Article 1, Mandatory Appendix II, II-121 - Additional Requirements for Computed Radiography
(CR) and Digital Radiography (DR)
Although not immediately obvious, a Level I RT film Examiner seeking Level II in CR or DR needs
additional hours equal to the sum of Level I & II requirements. A second text paragraph was added to II-
121 to clarify this.

Article 1, Mandatory Appendix II, Table II-121-1 - Additional Requirements for CR and DR
Table II-121-1 General Note (d) was revised to clearly establish the minimum additional training hours
for a Level II examiner certified in one Radiography technique to achieve certification Level II in
another technique as:
- 24 hr of technique-specific training, plus
- 16 hr of manufacturer-specific hardware / software training for each system / software to be
used, plus
- 10 practical examination specimens called out in subparagraph II-122.1(b), per additional

Article 1 – Added Mandatory Appendix III (ASNT SNT-TC-1A (2016))

This new Mandatory Appendix imposes exceptions and additional requirements when using the 2016
Edition of ASNT SNT-TC-1A as now called for in T-120(e)(1).
Where ASNT SNT-TC-1A - 2016 Edition uses the verb ‘should’ throughout the document as a
recommendation, ASME Section V has replaced nearly all instances with ‘shall’, to designate minimum
requirements when SNT-TC-1A is utilized as the basis for the required Written Practice for ASME
Section V compliance. Furthermore, replacing ASME Section V ‘shall’ statements with ‘should’ is not
allowed. In essence, at least for Section VIII, Divs. 1 & 2, Mandatory Appendix III establishes the
modified SNT-TC-1A document as a “minimum requirement”.

The following are notable exceptions, modifications, and additions to the SNT-TC-1A - 2016 Edition
imposed by this new Mandatory Appendix:

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Hartford Steam Boiler
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
- When developing a written practice as required in ASME Section V, the employer shall review
and include the detailed recommendations presented in SNT-TC-1A - 2016 and ASME Section
V including Section V, Article 1, Mandatory Appendix III. Modifications that reduce or
eliminate basic provisions of the program such as training, experience, testing, and recertification
shall not be allowed.
- The written practice shall describe responsibility of each level of certification for determining the
acceptability of materials or components in accordance with ASME Section V, and the
referencing Codes, Standards, and documents.
- The written practice shall describe the training, experience, and examination requirements for
each level of certification by method and technique.
- The written practice shall identify NDE techniques within each method applicable to the written
- Mandatory Appendix III reinforces the additional requirements of Section V, Article 1,
Mandatory Appendix II for CR, DR, TOFD, PAUT and FMC Examiners.
- The composite passing grade shall be 80% with no single test below 70%; however, the
minimum passing grade for the Practical Exam shall be 80%.
- Visual acuity shall be Jaeger 1 (or equivalent) and administered annually as well as the color
contrast test. The provision allowing vision exams to expire at the end of the month is not
- A valid ACCP Level II or ASNT NDT Level II certificate MAY NOT be accepted as fulfilling
the Specific and Practical Examination criteria for Level II for each applicable method.
- A valid ACCP Level III or ASNT NDT Level III certificate MAY NOT be accepted as fulfilling
the Specific Examination criteria.
- Numbers of flawed specimens for CR, DR Radiography, and TOFD, PAUT and FMC
Ultrasonics shall be in accordance with Mandatory Appendix II. Other NDE methods shall
require one specimen for each technique practical demonstration and at least two for each
- Minimum numbers of examination questions shall be as necessary to meet referencing Code,
Standards, and Specifications, in addition to those required by Mandatory Appendix II.
- “Practical Examination” and “Demonstration Examination” have been introduced as Level III
certification and recertification requirements for each NDE method. Neither of these
examinations is defined in Mandatory Appendix III. The assumptions are: (1) The “Practical
Examination” is a written examination to test the capability of the Level III to develop a written
procedure which meets all Section V Code requirements in the technique(s) being examined; (2)
The “Demonstration Examination” is equivalent to a “Level II Practical Examination” in the
technique(s) being certified; and (3) The “Practical Examination” and “Demonstration
Examination” apply to all NDE methods and techniques referenced in Mandatory Appendix III
in addition to those listed in Mandatory Appendix II.
- Any recertification solely by “continuing satisfactory performance” is now eliminated for all
- Recertification intervals for Levels I & II have been reduced from 5 years to 3 years.
- A time limit has been set to achieve certification in new techniques, namely, prior to the
Examiner’s recertification date.

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Certificate Holders should thoroughly review their Written Practices and those of their
subcontractors against ASNT SNT-TC-1A (2016) and Section V, Article 1, Mandatory Appendix III
to ensure Code compliance.

Article 1, Mandatory Appendix IV (ANSI/ASNT CP-189 (2016)) Added

This new Mandatory Appendix identifies exceptions and additions to 2016 Edition of ANSI/ASNT CP-
189 “ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel” as well
as reinforcing the specific additional personnel qualification requirements in Section V Article 1,
Mandatory Appendix II for NDE personnel in computed radiography (CR), digital radiography (DR),
Phased Array Ultrasonic (PAUT), Ultrasonic Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) and Fixed Matrix
Capture (FMC) techniques.

The following are notable exceptions, modifications, and additions to CP-189 - 2016 Edition imposed by
Mandatory Appendix IV:

- Adds definition of “Personalized Instruction”.

- Deletes “self-study” as an acceptable form of training.
- Requires vision examinations to expire annually rather than on the last day of the month
of expiration.
- Removes the requirement for a Company Level III to be certified by ASNT for their
initial certification.
- Removes waiver of employer-based Specific Examination for ASNT or ACCP certified
Level IIs.
- Removes waiver of employer-based Practical Examination for ACCP certified Level IIs.
- Mandates that candidates receive at least an 80% on the Practical Examination.
- Requires the Level III to determine the minimum number of radiographs to be
successfully reviewed by a candidate seeking Limited Certification
- Establishes that individual certifications shall expire 5 years from the day of the first
examination for each method NDE Level I, II and III individuals.
- Eliminates the link between the expiration of Level III employer certification and
expiration of ASNT Level III certification.
- Requires that the signature of the NDE Level III that verified qualifications of candidate
for certification shall be affixed to the certificate.

Certificate Holders should thoroughly review their Written Practices, and those of their
subcontractors, against ANSI/ASNT CP-189 (2016) and Section V, Article 1, Mandatory Appendix IV
to ensure Code compliance.

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Article 4, Mandatory Appendix VIII - VIII-421.1 Revised to Incorporate Direct Reference to T-
There had been confusion whether the requirements of Article 1, T-150(d) are also invoked when the
referencing code requires Procedure Qualification and calls out Mandatory Appendix VIII for Fracture
Mechanics Based UT.

Article 1, T-150(d) begins, "When qualification of the written examination procedure is required by the
referencing Code Section, a demonstration shall be performed..." Therefore when the referencing code
invokes procedure qualification for fracture mechanics based UT per Mandatory Appendix VIII, T-
150(d) additional requirements also apply. This revision should clear up any doubt that the required
procedure qualification demonstration must be performed under the control and supervision of a
qualified Level III and witnessed by the Authorized Inspector, both of whom shall indicate their
acceptance on a qualification document.

Article 1 T-150(d) – Timing of Procedure Qualifications

T-150(d) did not specifically state the timing of when the procedure qualification demonstration had to
be performed. A revision to the first sentence establishes the “qualification demonstration shall be
performed prior to acceptance of production examinations”.

Notice that these words do not strictly limit "procedure qualification" to prior to the start of fabrication
(similar to welding procedure qualification). Those words were felt to be too much of a burden by
several members of the Section V Standards Committee.

Technically, this allows NDE to be performed on the boiler or vessel prior to any required procedure
qualification demonstration. The “risk” being that if the procedure qualification is not accepted by the
AI, it would need to be redone successfully before the NDE results could be accepted.

Article 4, Mandatory Appendix XI and Nonmandatory Appendix F – Addition of Full Matrix

Capture (FMC) UT Technique
Article 4, Mandatory Appendix XI was incorporated into ASME Sec. V, Article 4 to provide rules for
implementing the emerging UT technique of Full Matrix Capture (FMC). FMC is a specific data-
acquisition process using ultrasonic array probes where each element in an array is successively used as
the transmitter, while all elements are used as receivers for each transmitted pulse.

Nonmandatory Appendix F, "Full Matrix Capture (FMC)", was added as an informational document to
aid the user when applying Article 4, Mandatory Appendix XI. It covers a general description of FMC /
Total Focusing Method (TFM), its processes, guidance for probe selection, amplitude fidelity, and

FMC UT Examiners must meet the additional qualification requirements of Section V, Article 1,
Mandatory Appendix II. Qualification of the written examination procedure is required and shall be by
performance demonstration examination per Article 1, T-150(d).

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Section VIII Executive Summary

BPV VIII Standards Committee approved over 300 changes since 2017 that are published in ASME
Section VIII 2019 Edition. Some of the more important changes include the following


Introduction: U-2(g)

Paragraph U-2(g) could be considered to be the single most important paragraph in Section VIII,
Division 1. The reason is that this paragraph provides guidance to the Manufacturer when rules for
design or construction are not published in the standard. For example if the Manufacturer is constructing
a vessel subject to wind, snow or seismic loads, equations are not provided within VIII-1 to directly
calculate the stresses in the vessel due to these loads. But the absence of equations does not mean that
one cannot construct and certify a pressure vessel subject to wind, seismic or snow loads, because U-
2(g) gives the Manufacturer permission to provide details of design and construction which will be as
safe as those provided by the rules of this Division. U-2(g) is used for most pressure vessels, in many
cases unknowingly. For example any vessel subject to wind or seismic loads, external loads on nozzles
from piping, or supported on saddles is demonstrated to comply with VIII-1 via U-2(g).

For the past six years, a Task Group reporting to the Section VIII Standards Committee has been
working on several items related to U-2(g). For example the revisions to U-2(e) concerning the
Authorized Inspector's responsibilities for review of design calculations published in the 2015 Edition,
were developed by the Task Group U-2(g).

With regard to U-2(g), this revision contains a complete rewrite of that paragraph. It now provides the
vessel designer an option to use VIII-2 Part 4 to design components for a VIII-1 vessel. And rules are
introduced that now mandate that use of finite element analysis to design a component for which rules
are not available must be carried out in accordance with VIII-2 Part 5. The following is a further
summary of the revisions associated with this item:

(1) Paragraph U-2(g) has been completely rewritten. One of the significant changes in the intent of this
paragraph concerns expansion of its applicability from just design to all aspects of construction. As a
reminder, the Code defines construction to be an all-inclusive term comprising materials, design,
fabrication, examination, inspection, testing, certification, and pressure relief. It has long been
recognized that Section VIII, Division 1 does not provide details for all aspects of design. For example
explicit rules are not provided for consideration of external loads on nozzles, or a vessel subject to wind
or seismic loads. But the expansion of the applicability of U-2(g) beyond just design recognizes the
practical need to have such a rule. It is not possible within a single standard to describe in exacting detail
all of the activities that must take place in constructing the vessel. One simple example concerns heat
treatment. Today the Code provides an option to locally heat treat a circumferential band of the vessel
containing nozzles and other welded attachments. In these rules given in UW-40(a)(5) there is a
requirement that states: "The portion of the vessel outside of the circumferential soak band shall be

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2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
protected so that the temperature gradient is not harmful." This is a performance-based rule that would
then require careful engineering consideration to satisfy. It is a classic example where "details of
construction" are not provided in a prescriptive fashion, and therefore would require the Manufacturer,
subject to the acceptance of the Authorized Inspector, to provide the explicit details that will be used in
construction to satisfy the safety intent of the Code. This is a significant shift in philosophy of how U-
2(g) should be applied. But one aspect of U-2(g) that has been retained is that when the Code does
provide a rule, whether it be design, fabrication, or material related, then this rule must be followed and
there is no option to use U-2(g) to get around it. This is stated in the last paragraph of U-2(g): "The
provisions of this paragraph shall not be used to justify the use of materials, joining processes
(fabrication), examination, inspection, testing, certification and overpressure protection methods other
than those allowed by this Division." Simply stated, a Manufacturer cannot use U-2(g) to use a material
that has not been adopted by the Code, or a welding process that is not addressed in VIII-1 or Section IX
or an NDE method that is not addressed in VIII-1 or Section V.

(2) Another expansion to U-2(g) scope does concern design. In subparagraph U-2(g)(1), it now provides
three options (methods) for design when the Code does not provide explicit rules. These options are:
(a) Use the design-by-rule and design-by-analysis rules Section VIII, Division 2 per Mandatory
Appendix 46. The intent of this option is that when the Manufacturer intends to carry out a design
utilizing a general-purpose finite element program, then this finite element analysis shall satisfy Part 5 of
(b) Proof test per UG-101;
(c) Use of other recognize and generally accepted methods, such as those found in other ASME/EN/ISO/
National/Industry Standards or Codes.

Introduction: U-4 Units To Be Used in Equations

Interpretation: BPV VIII-1 RN13-842

Question: When performing calculations in accordance with the rules of Section VIII Division 1,
may the maximum allowable stress value given by Section II Part D, either in U.S. Customary or
SI units, be converted to a local customary unit for use in the Code calculation?

Reply: No.

This revision is an outcrop of Interpretation BPV VIII-1 RN13-842, which basically stated that it was
not permitted to perform calculations using an allowable stress determined by converting an allowable
stress published in US Customary or SI units in II-D to another local unit. Essentially the Committee felt
that if conversion of allowable stresses that are published in Section II, Part D was permitted, then there
would be no need to publish allowable stresses in SI units, since they could have been determined
directly from the US customary Tables. The net result is that revisions to U-4 was needed to assure that
calculations performed by the Manufacturer use not only allowable stresses that are published in Section
II, Part D, but any other material property published in that standard. Also part of this action was the
addition of subparagraph (f) addressing dimensions shown as decimals or fractions, which was taken

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2019 Edition Synopsis – Executive Summary
from VIII-2. Finally Table 33-1 "Standard Units for Use in Equations" was relocated from Mandatory
Appendix 33 to U-4, Table U-4-1.
Note that these same revisions were made to VIII-2 and VIII-3.

Part UG: UG-14 Rods and Bars

Rod and bar material is commonly used as stiffening rings, stays and stay-bolts as well as flange rings in
pressure vessel construction. For the past 10-15 years we have seen an increase in the fabrication of
hollow cylindrical parts and flat heads machined from rod or bar material. If the rod or bar is
manufactured in a manner that does not assure isotropic material properties, then the possibility exists
that the through-thickness properties could be significantly lower than the rolling direction properties.
For this reason UG-14 has placed limitations on the size of components that can be fabricated from rod
or bar. Since 1993 Section VIII has published Cases 2155 and 2156 which provide alternative rules
when hollow cylindrical parts or heads greater than NPS 4 are fabricated from rod or bar material.

This action incorporates the provisions of Cases 2155 and 2156. Following publication of the 2019
Edition, these two Cases will be on annulled. The major changes to UG-14 are:

1. Surface examination (MT / PT) requirements are specified for flanges, heads, caps, elbows, return
bends, tees and header tees that are fabricated from rod or bar. This is a new requirement that was not
previously published in UG-14 or Cases 2155 and 2156-1.
2. For Hollow cylindrically-shaped parts made from rod and bar, no surface examination is needed..
3. Parts may be machined from rod or bar having a hot-worked diameter not greater than 5.50 in. (140
mm), provided that the axial length of the part is approximately parallel to the metal flow lines of the
stock. This hot-worked diameter limit of 5.50 in. replaces the previous limit of NPS 4, eliminating some
of the confusion when these rules should be applied.
4. Parts may be machined from rod or bar having a hot-worked diameter greater than 5.50 in. (140 mm),
but not greater than 8.00 in. (205 mm), provided the axial length of the part is approximately parallel to
the metal flow lines of the stock, and the minimum required thickness of the component is calculated
following the rules of this Division using 50% of the specified allowable stress.
5. For parts fabricated from rod or bar having a hot-worked diameter greater then 8 inches (205 mm):
a) At least two transverse tension test specimens shall be taken from each lot of rod or bar material
and having the same diameter;
b) The reduction of area of carbon and low alloy steel shall not be less than 30%;
c) Each rod or bar before machining shall be 100% ultrasonically examined perpendicular to the
longitudinal axis by the straight beam technique in accordance with SA-388.
d) For heads and the flat portion of caps, the ultrasonic examination shall also be performed in the
axial direction;
e) Before welding, the cut surfaces of the part adjacent to the weld shall be examined by MP or PT.
Note that these same revisions were made to VIII-2

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Part UG: UG-16(a), Appendix 46 Performing Design per Section VIII, Division 2

This revision to UG-16(a) is essentially the incorporation of Case 2695. As a reminder, Case 2695
provides the option to a Section VIII, Division 1 Manufacturer to use the rules of Section VIII, Division
2 Part 4 to design components in a VIII-1 vessel. This revision goes a step further by also directly
opening up the option to carry out a design by analysis in accordance with Part 5 of VIII-2 when design
rules are not explicitly provided in VIII-1 or VIII-2 Part 4. UG-16(a) points to Appendix 46 for detailed
rules for using VIII-2 for design.

This revision will likely accelerate the use of the VIII-2 formed head and opening reinforcement rules in
VIII-1 construction since there are efficiency gains when using the VIII-2 rules.
This new Mandatory Appendix 46 gives Manufacturers the option to use Section VIII, Division 2 design
rules for Section VIII, Division 1 construction. VIII-2 design rules may be used as an alternative to the
design rules of VIII-1 [See UG-16(a)], or when rules are not provided in VIII-1 [see U-2(g)]. Appendix
46 eliminates the need to use Case 2695.

Both design-by-rule (Part 4) and design-by-analysis (Part 5) options of VIII-2 are available for use.
Appendix 46 provides details and adjustments to the VIII-2 rules when using them for the design of
components to VIII-1. One obvious adjustment is the need to continue to use the VIII-1 allowable
stresses, instead of the VIII-2 allowable stresses when using VIII-2 design rules. But there are many
other details to pay attention to when using VIII-2 Design Rules for VIII-1 construction. It is predicted
that providing this option to use VIII-2 design rules readily available from within VIII-1 will only
accelerate the use of VIII-2 instead of VIII-1 for the construction of custom engineered pressure vessels.
[Also see entry under Paragraph UG-16(a)]
Manufacturers should take note of this important change.

Part UG: UG-44(b) Evaluating Forces & Moments on B16.5 & B16.47 Flanges
Interpretation BPV-VIII-1-16-85

Question: When superimposed static or dynamic reactions, as required by UG-22, are specified
for the design of a pressure vessel, is it permitted to use an ASME standard product as defined
in UG-11(c) produced in accordance with an ASME Standard referenced in UG-44 without
performing supporting calculations that indicate the component is acceptable for all design

Reply: No.

The issuance of Interpretation BPV VIII-1-16-85 in October 2016 confirmed that when using ASME
standard rated flanges such as B16.5 and B16.47 that are subject to external forces and moments, then
supporting calculations are required to verify that the selected flange is adequate for the intended design
pressure and temperature as well as the external forces and moments. VIII-1 does not contain rules for
evaluating external forces and moments on flanges. However VIII-2, paragraph 4.16.7 does contain

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rules. However these rules are considered very conservative. In 2013 a technical paper was presented at
the ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping conference titled "Improved Analysis of External Loads on
Flanged Joints - PVP 2013-97814". This paper authored by Warren Brown presents a new method for
assessing the maximum acceptable level of external loads on standard rated flanges. The method
considers both allowable design stress levels as well as probability of leakage for standard piping joints
using the method outlined in Appendix O of ASME PCC-1. The design method presented in this paper
was first published in Case 2901. Case 2901 has now been incorporated into UG-44(b) of VIII-1. These
new rules provide an option to address external loads on B16.5 and B16.47 flanges for designers of
pressure vessels constructed to either VIII-1 or VIII-2.
Note that as a result of the addition of these rules to UG-44 for evaluating external loads on B16.5 and
B16.47 flanges, the entire paragraph has now been renumbered, resulting in two subparagraphs, UG-
44(a) and UG-44(b).

Part UG: UG-84(h)(2)(-b) Recording Heat Treatment Condition on PQR

UG-84(h)(2) specifies the test plate material requirements when weld procedure impact tests are
required by UCS-67, UHA-51, etc. One of the requirements listed is: "be in the same heat treated
condition;". Although clearly stated, verifying that this requirement has been met is next to impossible
since there are no requirements to record the material heat treated condition on the PQR and WPS use
for construction. This revision will now require that the test plate material heat-treated condition be
recorded on the PQR and WPS used for construction. Manufacturers should take note of the this
change, as future auditors will likely look for evidence that the test plate material heat-treated
condition is recorded on PQR's and WPS used for Code construction.

Part UG: UG-116(b) Nameplate Marking

These revisions to the nameplate markings related to type of construction have been updated with three
goals in mind: (1) Align the nameplate markings between Divisions 1 and 2; (2) remove construction
type markings that are least useful to a repair organization; (3) Include construction type markings that
are covered in other VIII-1 Parts. To accomplish these goals the following changes were made:
1) Removed the W, P, B and RES from the table titled "Types of Construction" in UG-116(b)
2) Added the UHT marking to UG-116(b) and reference to UHT-115
3) Added the WL marking to UG-116(b) and reference to ULW-115
4) Added the ULT marking to UG-116(b) and reference to ULT-115
5) Added a reference to UIG-116 with the Graphite marking G
6) Added the CS marking to UG-116(b) and reference to Mandatory Appendix 44, 44-7
NOTE: Similar revisions were made to the VIII-2 nameplate marking requirements.

Manufacturers should take special note of these changes to the nameplate marking. A Code Case
to allow use of nameplates in inventory has been requested.

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Part UW: UW-16(h) Maintaining Minimum Fillet Weld Throat Dimension for Integral Attached

In the drawing, you can see that as the nozzle diameter increases, the ability to maintain a minimum
throat dimension would require continual increasing of the leg dimensions as one moves around the
This addition to the UW-16 rules concerns the size of the cover fillet weld on a nozzle attached to a
cylinder using one of the full penetration attachment details shown in Fig. UW-16.1 sketches (a-e). As a
general rule the fillet weld leg dimensions that meet the minimum throat dimensions determined at the
plane through the longitudinal axis of the cylindrical shell shall be used around the circumference of the
attachment. UW-16(h)(2) addresses the situation when the outside diameter of the nozzle is the same or
close to the outside diameter of the cylindrical shell. For this type of attachment, as one progresses
around the circumference the fillet weld flattens and reaches a point where the weld throat approaches
zero. Paragraph UW-16(h)(2) states that the fillet weld leg dimensions that meet the minimum throat
dimensions determined at the plane through the longitudinal axis of the cylindrical shell shall be used
around the circumference of the attachment to the maximum extent possible, and from that point, the
fillet weld may be transitioned into the full penetration weld. Note that these new rules only apply to
sketches (a-e) of Fig. UW-16.1, and do not apply to other non-integral nozzle attachments, such as fillet
welded nozzles depicted in Fig. UW-16.1 sketches (i) - (l). For these non-integral attachments, the
minimum throat dimension must be maintained around the entire circumference.

Part UW: UW-50 Incorporation of Case 1518-5 Weld Joint Examination of Pneumatically Tested
Pressure Vessel
Code Case 1518 "Weld Joint Examination for Pneumatically Tested Pressure Vessels" was originally
published in March 1972. There had been numerous revisions to this case, and the latest version is 1518-
5. This case provides an exemption to the requirements of UW-50. UW-50 mandates that all welds
around openings and all attachment welds shall be surface examined by either magnetic particle or
liquid penetrant methods when the pressure vessel is to be pneumatically tested in accordance with UG-
100. To qualify for the exemption given in case 1518, the following requirements must be satisfied:
1. MAWP must be no greater than 500 psi;

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2. The governing thickness for Fig. UCS-66 Curve A materials shall be no greater than 1/2 inch, and for
Curves B, C or D no greater than 1 inch.
3. For austenitic chromium nickel stainless steels, the nominal thickness is no greater than 3/4 inch, and
for aluminum, aluminum alloy 3000 series, aluminum alloy 5000 series, and aluminum alloy 6061-T6
the maximum nominal material thickness shall be 1 inch.

Case 1518-5 is commonly used by manufacturers that carry out mass production of pressure vessels in
accordance with UG-90(c)(2) and Appendix 35. The provisions of this Case have been incorporated into
paragraph UW-50(b). However application is no longer limited to mass produced vessels (UG-90(c)(2),
Appendix 35)

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Part 1: Annex 1-B

These revisions to Annex 1-B are part of a large number of changes to VIII-2 related to personnel who
carry out design and design review activity. Currently for Class 2 construction, the User's Design
Specification (UDS) and Manufacturer's Design Report (MDR) are required to be certified by a
Professional Engineer or equivalent. In North America the term "Professional Engineer" is well-
recognized, but outside of North America individuals that perform engineering work are qualified and
recognized in many different ways. These revisions to VIII-2 replace the use of Professional Engineer or
equivalent with a new label "Certifying Engineer". Much of the qualification requirements for the
Certifying Engineer (see Annex 2-J) are modeled after similar changes made in Section III in the 2017
Edition. Also as part of this action, the Committee decided to also address the qualification requirements
for individuals that perform design work, now called the Designer. The definition of a Certifying
Engineer and Designer is as follows:

Certifying Engineer - an engineer or other technically competent professional duly accredited and
qualified to practice engineering as required by this Division.

Designer - an individual who is qualified to design pressure vessels in accordance with the rules of this
Division by demonstrated knowledge in Code requirements and proficiency in selecting correct design
formulas and appropriate values to be used when preparing the design of a pressure vessel.
Below is a summary of the certification requirements for the UDS and MDR as a function of the class of

 Certification of User’s Design Specification (UDS)

 Class 1 – certification by Certifying Engineer required only when a fatigue analysis is
required per
 Class 2 – UDS shall always be certified by Certifying Engineer
 Certification of Manufacturer’s Design Report (MDR)
 Class 1 – MDR shall be certified by Certifying Engineer when any of the following are
 Fatigue Analysis
 Use of Part 5 to determine thickness when design rules are not provided in Part4
 Use of Part 4.8 to design Quick-Actuating Closures
 A dynamic seismic analysis
 Class 1 – MDR may be certified by Designer when none of the above conditions apply

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 Class 2 - MDR shall be certified by Certifying Engineer

Part 2: Annex 2-J Requirements for Certifying Engineers and Designers

New Annex 2-J “Qualifications and Requirements for Certifying Engineers and Designers" is part of a
large number of changes to VIII-2 related to personnel who carry out design and design review activity.

The Certifying Engineer may engage in any design activity required by this Division or any
supplemental requirements from the User's Design Specification (UDS). The Designer may perform
design activity in support of certification of the Manufacturers Design Report (MTR) by the Certifying
Engineer, if he has evidence of competence on the topic of design under consideration, and he is
working under the responsible charge of a Certifying Engineer.
Table 2-J.1 contains a list of design activities that may only be performed by a Certifying Engineer.

Certifying Engineer
a) Must attest in writing that they understand and meet the requirements of the ASME Code of
b) Shall have a minimum of 4 years of experience in the design of pressure vessels. This experience
shall be demonstrated through documentation certified by a Manufacturer.
c) The Certifying Engineer shall be a chartered, registered, or licensed engineer within either the
jurisdiction where the design activity takes place or the jurisdiction of the location of an
d) The Manufacturer who employs (directly or by contract) the engineer who certifies the MDR
shall prepare a statement that the Certifying Engineer is qualified to perform the design
activities used.

a) All Designers engaged in pressure vessel design shall hold a General Pressure Vessel Design
qualification. This qualification requires through documentation that they have a minimum of 4
years of experience and pressure vessel design. However additional years of experience are
required for three specialized areas of design; heat exchanger design, numerical analysis, and
quick-actuating closures.
b) Designers performing heat exchangers design, numerical analysis or the design of quick-
actuating closures require an additional 2 years of experience, which may be acquired
c) Designers’ qualifications remain valid if they can demonstrate through documentation design
activity completed within a continuous period of 36 months for each of their qualifications.

RESPONSIBLE CHARGE - When VIII-2 was rewritten and published in 2007, the requirements in
Annex 2-A and 2-B stated that individuals in responsible charge shall certify the User's Design
Specification (UDS) and Manufacturer's Design Report (MDR). These individuals were later defined to
be Registered Professional Engineers. Subsequently in the 2019 Edition, these individuals are now

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identified as Certifying Engineers. In the 2019 Edition, a Certifying Engineer may be a registered
Professional Engineer in North America, or an engineer that is chartered, registered or licensed in
accordance with either the International Register of Professional Engineers by an authorized member of
the International Professional Engineers Agreement (IPEA), an authorized member of the Asia Pacific
Economic Cooperation (APEC), or an authorized member of the European Federation of National
Engineering Associations (FEANI). But another important revision that took place in the 2019 Edition
was a reference for "in responsible charge" that provides a clear definition of the meaning of this
important phrase. The reference given in Annex 2-J is to the National Society of Professional Engineers
Position Statement No. 1778. This position statement lays out principles that guide the licensed practice
of engineering by professional engineers. With regard to Responsible Charge, it states the following:

Responsible Charge is The degree of control a professional engineer is required to exercise

over engineering decisions made personally or by others over which the professional
engineer provides supervisory direction and control authority. In making and approving
engineering decisions, the professional engineer must be actively engaged in the
engineering process, from conception to completion. Responsible charge and direct
supervision are not satisfied with drawing or other document review after preparation
without involvement in the design and development process.

This definition for responsible charge clearly states that a Registered Professional Engineer may not
certify or apply their stamp to a drawing or other engineering work based solely on a review of
engineering work carried out by others. The intent is that the Registered Professional Engineer must be
actively engaged throughout the engineering process, and have supervisory control of any other
engineers that may be performing engineering work. By introducing this reference for "responsible
charge" in Annex 2-J, the Committee extends this principle not only to Registered Professional
Engineers, but all engineers that come under the Certifying Engineer definition. This is a very
significant clarification within VIII-2 concerning what actions engineers must take to certify a UDS or
Manufacturers should take special note of these significant changes for engineers performing
Section VIII, Division 2 design work.

Part 4.1: Occasional Loads and Operating Loads

This revision is related to operating loads combined with occasional loads when carrying out a design of
the pressure vessel. In the current code, design load combinations that include occasional loads such as
wind, seismic or snow loads, are combined with the operating pressure, which is typically set as 0.9P (
90% of the specified design pressure ). In this revision, the term "0.9 P" is replaced with a new variable
ΩP that is to be specified by the user in
There were significant revisions made to Tables 4.11, 4.1.2, 5.2 and 5.3 concerning operating loads.

Part 7: Table 7.1 Assignment of ISO Material Group 11.1

In the 2017 Edition, materials were assigned to examination groups in Table 7.1 based on ISO 15608. It
was discovered due to an oversight, ISO Material Group 11.1 was not addressed in Tables 7.1 and 7.2.
Material Group 11.1 covers two very common materials, SA-516-70 and SA-105. Since Material Group

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11.1 was not listed in Tables 7.1 and 7.2, this means that SA-516-70 and SA-105 were automatically
assigned to Examination Group 1a, which requires the maximum amount of NDE. This mistake has
been corrected, and Material Group 11.1 has been assigned to Examination Groups 1b, 2b and 3b. Note
that an early implementation Code Case, Case 2940, has been approved effective Nov. 5, 2018.

Part 8: Pressure Test Factor

When VIII-2 was rewritten in 2007, the test pressure limits were set to those used in the European
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) (1.43 x MAWP) to be consistent with the allowable stress basis
(design margin on UTS equal 2.4). For vessels where the design allowable stress is based on 2/3 yield,
the maximum stresses possible in the vessel based on a 1.43 pressure test factor could exceed limits
established in The hydrostatic test is not the only consideration for compliance with the
European PD. Imposing this requirement on all vessels even if there is no intention of compliance with
the PED is onerous and does not add much value. Therefore the Committee has elected to reset the
pressure test factors to 1.25 for a hydrostatic test, and 1.15 for the pneumatic test (see γSt/S in Table
4.1.3). Also as part of this revision, Paragraphs 8.2 and 8.3 were combined into a single paragraph.

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New Article KM-6

The analytical material models, cyclic stress strain curves, etc. have historically been added and
scattered around the book with no real logic as to location. This new Article compiles all of the
requirements into one place. Now the respective paragraphs throughout the book refer back to this
Article (e.g. KD-231, KD-232, KD-234.1, KD-236, KD-360).

Hydrostatic Test Pressure Upper Limit changed

The upper limit for hydrostatic test pressure (KT-312) has been changed. Along with the change in KT,
equations in KD-221 and the Sy/Su ratios in Table KD-230.3 have also undergone revision as a
corollary action. Prior to these changes, a factor of 0.866 was embedded in the equations for the upper
limit. This factor was causing some problems when sending equipment to the EU where the test
pressure must also be evaluated using a 1.43 (minimum) factor. In order to meet this factor the design
pressure often had to be reduced or wall thickness increased. Using Section VIII, Division 2 as a guide
there are now 3 levels of factors in KT-312 based on the Sy/Su ratio.

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Section IX Executive Summary

BPV IX Standards Committee approved over 70 changes since 2017 that are published in ASME
Section IX 2019 Edition. Some of the significant changes include the following:

QG-106: New Requirements for Supervisory Personnel

Paragraph QG-106 was completely rewritten. In previous Editions/Addenda, it was required that the
organization provide supervision and control of qualification events such as qualifying a WPS and
qualifying welders. It was also required that the individual providing that supervision be an employee or
under contract with the organization. While this is still true, there are now additional rules for the
personnel providing the supervision. The personnel must be designated by the organization with the
responsibility for certifying the qualification documents, such as the PQRs and WPQs. The personnel
must also have a satisfactory level of competence for the work they are performing through
qualification. This requires knowledge of the requirements in Section IX for qualifying procedures and
joining personnel, knowledge of the organization’s quality program, and competency with providing the
oversight required. This can be accomplished by providing objective evidence of education, experience
or training which defends meeting these requirements.

QG-107 Ownership Transfers

This paragraph was revised to clarify the rules for ownership transfers with respect to Section IX
qualification records. It was deemed important to differentiate between historical records that were
certified and procedure specifications that are not. This change makes in clearer that certified
documents such as PQRs, and performance qualification records may be used by the new owner without
modification assuming all other requirements in QG-107 are met. The procedure specifications must be
modified though to reflect the new name of the owner. This revision stops the practice that was
apparently occurring whereby PQRs and WPQs were being altered to add the name of the new owner.

QW-191 Qualifications for Volumetric Examiners

QW-191 was revised and a new paragraph, QW-191.4 was created to clarify the qualification
requirements for both RT and UT volumetric examiners. Before this revision, it was not fully clear if
RT examiners were required to be qualified as Interpretation IX-83-142 stated that it was not required;
however, QW-191 stated Section V, Article 2 must be met, which turns on Section V, Article 1 and
personnel qualification requirements. With this change, there can be no further confusion. Both RT and
UT examiners must be fully qualified and certified to a written practice meeting the requirements of
Section V, Article 1.

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QW-193/QW-288 Tube-to-Tubesheet Qualifications

The rules for tube-to-tubesheet qualification were significantly revised. This effort was performed with
the intention of providing more clarity. For example, instead of listing all of the welding variables in the
text, Tables were created listing the essential variables to align with the practice found throughout the
rest of Section IX.

Please note that the words published in the 2019 Edition for QW-193 and QW-288 are not completely
accurate. What was published does not align with the revision voted on by the Committee and
approved. The Committee will be issuing Errata concerning these paragraphs and once approved, will
be posted on the Committee website.

QW-202.2 Dissimilar Thickness Test Coupon

Multiple inquires led to the revision of dissimilar thickness test coupon rules. Specifically, the revision
differentiates between two different types of dissimilar thicknesses in test coupons.

For test coupons where there is a tapered transition in the thicker member to provide a thickness
transition at the weld, the qualified base metal thickness range shall be based on the thickness of the
material adjacent to the toe of the weld at the thinnest point of the tapered transition.

There are also now rules established for a thicker member joined to a thinner member in a test coupon
without a tapered transition at the weld. The base metal thickness qualified shall be based on the
thickness of each member in the test coupon, individually. This effectively establishes two base metal
qualified ranges which would need to be on the PQR and WPS and controlled for code compliance.
This will require modification of existing templates for PQRs and WPSs to accommodate a second
qualified base metal range for qualifications made using the 2019 Edition of Section IX and beyond.

QW-300.1 Welder Continuity Start Date

The rules for welder and welding operator continuity were revised to add clarity. In the case of there
being a difference between the date the welder/operator welded the test coupon and the date the
WPQ/WOPQ was certified, the question was asked, which date acts as the starting date for the purposes
of continuity? This change clarifies that it is the date of welding the coupon that starts the continuity
clock and not the date of certifying the WPQ/WOPQ. While these dates are often the same or separated
by a few days, there are some situations where the welder/operator welds the test coupon and the
mechanical testing and/or paperwork is delayed by several weeks or even months. That was the context
for why clarification was needed in this paragraph.

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Section X Executive Summary

BPV X Standards Committee approved over 20 changes since 2017 that are published in ASME Section
X 2019 Edition. Some of the significant changes include the following:

Mandatory Appendix 8

There have been numerous revisions to Appendix 8 to incorporate 2 Code Cases (2745 and 2820).
These type of vessels are commonly used for other high pressure fluids but the Appendix in Section X
only addressed hydrogen. The changes now allow these vessels to be built to ASME Code.

Part RT

There were several questions in the industry regarding placement of valves between the vessel and test
gage. Revision to paragraph RT-510(a) adds wording similar to Section VIII, Division 1, paragraph
UG-102(a) prohibiting intermediate valves.

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Section XI Executive Summary

BPV XI Standards Committee approved over 70 changes since 2017 that are published in ASME
Section XI 2019 Edition. Some of the significant changes include the following:

IWA-6211 and IWA-6230(b): OAR-1

Revised IWA-6211(c) to clarify preservice requirements prior to a unit beginning commercial service
and afterward. Revised lines (2), (4), (5), (6), (7), (11), and (12) within the “Guide for Completing Form
OAR-1” of Mandatory Appendix II to address unit preoperational preservice inspection reporting.
Section III and Section XI did not provide code users reporting requirements for preservice
examinations prior to the 2019 Edition, however it has been industry practice to document such
inspections on Form OAR-1

Revised IWA-6230(b) to change the completion requirement for the OAR-1 to 120-days from 90-days.
New Case N-892 was added to allow use of this new requirement for sites that are not on the 2019

Section XI Division 2

The 2019 Edition of Section XI removed Divisions 2 and 3 from the book and republished Division 2
into its own book. Section XI Division 2, Requirements for Reliability and Integrity Management (RIM)
Programs for Nuclear Power Plants, was further development from the requirements of provided by the
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) for the development and implementation of a reliability
program for a nuclear power plants in Canada, ASME STP-NU-044, and EPRI TR-112657.

IWA-2200(d) and IWA-4512: Use of Section V

This action takes an exception to the new paragraph T-110(c) of Section V, Article 1 by adding
paragraphs IWA-2200(d) and IWA-4512. Paragraph T-110(c) was added into the 2017 Edition of
Section V, Article 1, which requires that new editions are mandatory 6 months after the date of issuance,
unless modified by the referencing document.

The addition of IWA-2200(d) and IWA-4512 will allow Owners to continue using the Edition/Addenda
of Section V applicable to Edition/Addenda of Section XI for Inservice Inspection activities and the
Construction Code and specified in the Owner’s Requirements for Repair/Replacement activities.
Alternatively, owners will be able to use later Edition/Addenda as well.

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Section XII Executive Summary

BPV XII Standards Committee approved over 15 changes since 2017 that are published in ASME
Section XII 2019 Edition. Some of the significant changes include the following:

UNS N08904 Material Relocation

In ASTM and ASME Section II, Part B, UNS N08904 materials were relocated from SB to SA
Specification. This change required these materials listed in Table TM-130.2-5 to be relocated to Table


For MDMT colder than -320 ºF, the ferrite number requirement for Type 316L weld has been relaxed
from 5 to 10 in 2017 Ed. of Section VIII-1. The higher FN limit is justified by the impact test data. The
revision to paragraph TM-250.1(c)(1)(-a) was made to be consistent with Section VIII.

TD-210(a) – Correct Reference to Section II, Part D Allowable Stress Values

In Paragraph TD-210(a), “Section VIII, Division 1” was replaced with “Section XII”. A reference to
Section VIII, Div. 1 was made in Paragraph TD-210(a) when Section XII was still under development.
Allowable stresses were added to Section II-D that needed to be properly addressed.

TD-210(e) and (f) – Allowable Stress Requirements Rules Incorporated from Section II, Part D

This revision incorporates Section II shear and bearing stress requirements from Table 1A General
Notes (c) and (d): Table 1B General Notes (c) and (d), and Table 3 General Notes (b) and (c) into
Section XII. It was determined by Section II Committee after an interpretation request under RN11-731
and later under RN17-2199 that Table 1A General Note (d) contains design/manufacturing rules for
BPV VIII and XII which really belong in the construction codes. Upon further review by the Committee
it was determined that Table 1B General Notes (c) and (d), and Table 3 General Notes (b) and (c) also
belong to the construction code.

For example, Table 1A General Note (c) addresses materials with stress values in restricted shear, such
as dowel bolts, for Section XII applications and requires a reduction of 0.80 times the value from Table
1A. The Committee agreed that this type or requirement belong to the construction Code

TR-130(i) and TR-520 - Alternate Marking for Rupture Disks

This new paragraph provides an alternative to the rupture disk marking application requirements of TR-
520 when it is impracticable or not possible to place the marking on the flange of the disk or fasten the
tag securely to the disk by requiring the metal tag to be sealed to the installation in such way that would

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prevent removal of the disk without breaking the seal as stated in the new paragraph TR-130(i). This
revision comes from the incorporation of Code Case 2367 into Section XII.

1-1.4(d)(6) - Loading by Vacuum and Transportation Under Relieved Vacuum

Current rules require a tank to be loaded by vacuum to be designed for full vacuum in all loading
conditions, including dynamic loads which imparts additional compressive stresses, making these rules
excessively conservative. In order to provide some relaxation to the rule, the new revision will allow
designers to consider multiple states such as load by vacuum, but transported under relieved vacuum
condition (a common practice in the industry) provided the cargo tank is equipped with a vacuum relief
system that limits the vacuum to less than 80% of the vacuum capability in the dynamic conditions.
Additional marking showing the design external pressure for static and dynamic conditions are now
required to address the loading and transport conditions.

1-1.4(d)(8) & 1-1.7 - Knuckle and Dish Limitations Exemptions for 400-Series Tanks

This revision was made for consistency with the requirements of 49 CFR. In Section XII, TD-310.5
included the typical limitations found in UG-32 of Section VIII, Div. 1 on knuckles (6%) and crown
radius equals the skirt OD, while 49 CFR exempted these requirements for 400-series tanks which are
not marked with the Certification Mark and U Designator. Paragraph 1-1.4(d)(8) was revised to exempt
requirements for TD-310.5 for 400-series tanks. TF-120.1(b) required that tanks be pre-rolled while 49
CFR exempted this requirement for non-circular tanks for tanks under 15 psi (these tanks may be made
by "pulling" shell sheets around heads).

1-3.10 - Impact Testing Acceptance Criteria Repairs and WP Qualifications

This is a clarification of the requirements in Para. 1-3.10(d) for Alternative Method for In-service Repair
of Cracks Detected by Internal and External Inspections, in which the method described therein only
applies to tank vessels made of SA-517 material. The impact test acceptance criteria for repair welding
qualification in Para. 1-3.10(d)(2)(-b) shall be in accordance with the minimum required value adopted
either in the Section XII when the vessel was built, or in the current Section XII when the vessel is

Modal Appendix 1, 1-1.4(c) and Fig. 1-1.4 - Revision of Notes and Definitions

To ensure that evaluation for internal or external pressure conditions are made for all load cases and that
torsion and shear stresses be evaluated for transverse loads a note for clarification was added to Para. 1-
1.4(c). Figure 1-1.4 was revised in its entirety to ensure consistent nomenclature and methods to current
practice as defined by Recommended Practice 96 of TTMA.

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Modal Appendix 1, 1-1.8(a)(2)(-m) - Pressure Relief Devices

Current industry practice where certain types of PRDs are disassembled for routine cleaning and
maintenance and then reassembled and returned to service was considered to serve the industry. It is
typical that personnel performing these tasks were not certified in valve repairs. The addition of this new
paragraph provides for testing and documentation that are required when these routine cleaning and
maintenance are performed. Pressure relief vents such as those used on DOT 407 cargo tanks in
corrosive service are examples of PRD’s that would require disassembly for routine maintenance.

Modal Appendix 1, Para. 1-1.4(d)(2) - Reference to manhole size requirements

Modal Appendix 1 currently does not define size requirements for manholes. Users were left with only
the requirements of TD-690, which describes handholes sizes. Requirements based on 49CFR,
§178.345–5 Manhole assemblies were added to 1-1.4(d)(2) requiring a cargo tank with capacity greater
than 400 gallons to have access through a manhole as prescribed in TD-690(c)(1).

New Nonmandatory Appendix L - Q. C. System Guidelines

This new Nonmandatory Appendix L covers quality control system guidelines for equipment that is
outside the pressure boundary and provides recommendations for quality control format. It includes
elements from Appendix I of Section XII as well as CSA B620.

Revision to Nonmandatory Appendix E, Vacuum Jackets

Since there was nothing previously in the Code to cover requirements of vacuum jacket welds and
inspection requirements for vacuum jackets, new requirements were added to Nonmandatory Appendix
E-3(g) and inspection requirements for vacuum jackets to Nonmandatory Appendix E-3(h) and Table E-

Nonmandatory Appendix C, New C-1(f)

New rules were added in new paragraph C-1(f) to provide Code users on the minimum information that
must appear on individual sheets of multi-page Data Report forms. The information shall be enough to
identify the item being certified and each page traceable to the first page of the Form. The page number
and the number of total pages of the Data Report shall be indicated on each page, such as page 1 of 3, 2
of 3, etc.

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table PG-26 Revision Table PG-26, w for C-Mo - The weld strength reduction factor is
changed from NP to 1.00 for C-Mo at 850 Deg. F in Table PG-26.
PG-4 Revision PG-4 Units to be used in Equations - This revision clarifies that it is not
permitted to perform calculations using an allowable stress determined
by converting the allowable stress values published in either US
Customary or SI units in II-D to another local unit. Essentially, the
Committee felt that if conversion of allowable stresses that are
published in Section II, Part D was permitted, then there would be no
need to publish allowable stresses in SI units, since they could have
been determined directly from the US customary Tables. The net result
is that revisions to PG-4 was needed to assure that calculations
performed by the Manufacturer use not only allowable stresses that are
published in Section II, Part D, but any other material property
published in that standard. Also as a part of this action, Table II-1
"Standard Units for Use in Equations" is relocated from Mandatory
Appendix II to PG-4 as Table PG-4 and Mandatory Appendix II is
PG-20 Revision Post Bend HT requirements for carbon and C-Mo steel - PG-20 is
revised to include additional rules for post-bending heat treatment
requirements for carbon steel and carbon-molybdenum steel. These
rules apply to carbon and carbon-molybdenum tube and pipe cold
bends that convey water or steam. Post forming heat treatment shall
consist of either a subcritical anneal performed at a temperature of at
least 1250°F (675°C ), a full anneal, or a normalizing heat treatment,
for at least 30 minutes/inch (30 minutes/25mm) of thickness but not
less than 10 minutes. The heat treatment may be performed locally
provided the entire strained area of the cold formed bend is subjected
to the required heat treatment. PG-20.1.1 provides the three conditions
that will mandate the heat treatment which are:

(1) When the tubes or pipe are located external to the boiler
membraned wall or boiler metal encased enclosure
(2) When the design temperature of the cold formed areas is between
620°F (327°C) and 750°F (399°C)
(3) When strain developed in the cold formed areas exceeds 12 1/2 %
when the straight tube or pipe starting material to be formed is in the
sub-critical annealed, full annealed, or normalized heat treated
conditions. Alternately, when strain developed in the cold formed areas
exceeds 5% when the straight tube or pipe starting material to be
formed is in the un-heat treated condition (often referred to as the hot
finished heat treated condition).

PG-20.1.2 provides an exemption for carbon steel only meeting the

conditions above provided the tube or pipe material in the area to be
cold formed is subjected to an anneal or normalize heat treatment prior
to forming, and the entire bend area is subjected to a magnetic particle
examination over 100% of the bend region between the bend tangents
in accordance with Appendix A-260 with the specific additional
requirements and acceptance criteria provided in PG-20.1.2.
The existing CSEF material post forming heat treatments are now
addressed in PG-20.2.

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

PG-27.2.1 Revision Definition of "Tubing" in PG-27.2.1 - Section I received an inquiry
questioning the validity of the definition of terms "piping and tubing"
published in Interpretation I-83-47. As a result, PG-27.2.1 is revised in
2019 to include the scope/applicability of tubing and its purpose which
is "transferring heat". It is also now clarified that pipe used in a tubing
application may be designed using the equations provided in PG-
27.2.1. Since finned tubes shall meet the requirements of PG-27.2.1,
and it is not "bare" tube, the term "bare tube" is revised to "plain tube"
in PG-27.2.1 as part of this action.
PG-27.2.3 Revision Section I, PG-27.2.3 Deletion - In 2015 Edition, A-125 was replaced
with A-317 in PG-27.2.3 since both A-125 and A-317 are acceptable
methods of determining MAWP or minimum thickness for thick wall
cylindrical shells. However, the maximum temperature limit of 705.4°F
(374.1°C) was retained in PG-27.2.3 in 2015 Edition of Section I and
the relevance/need of that temperature limit for the purpose of using A-
317 equations was questioned subsequently. What the maximum
temperature limit in PG-27.2.3 meant/did was that when the design
temperature exceeded 705.4°F, PG-27.2.3 mandated the equations in
PG-27.2.2 for thick shells.

Further evaluations conducted since then made it clear that the

maximum temperature limit of 705.4°F was unnecessary for the
equations provided in A-317 and moreover PG-27.1 currently permits
the usage of A-317 in lieu of PG-27 rules without placing any
restrictions on wall thickness or temperature. A study and comparison
of the equations in A-317, PG-27.2.2 and the old A-125 (which was
eliminated in E15) showed that both PG-27.2.2 and A-317 are
acceptable for creep and non-creep temperature regimes as well as for
both thin and thick wall cylindrical shells and therefore the paragraph
PG-27.2.3 including the maximum temperature limit of 705.4°F has
been eliminated. The reference to PG-27.2.3 in PG-27.1 has also been
PG-29.8 Revision PG-29.8 Tolerance Requirements - Paragraphs PG-29.8 and PG-81
provided the exact same requirements related to the shape tolerance
for ellipsoidal heads. The Committee decided that the information
should only be in one place and since the rule is related to fabrication
and tolerance requirements, it was decided to delete the words in PG-
29.8 and retain PG-81. PG-29.8 now reads "For heads made to an
approximate ellipsoidal shape, the tolerance specified in PG-81 shall
PG-31 Revision Figure PG-31, Endnote 9 - The contents of Endnote 9 have been
moved to Note (4) in Figure PG-31. Endnote 9 only addressed
illustration (i) which was a mistake and the new Note (4) has been
updated to reflect the two correct illustrations (i-1) and (i-2) as they are
presented in Figure PG-31.
PG-31.4 Revision Section I, use of the word "nor" - "Nor" is a confusing word for non-
English speakers and in various places in Section I it is changed to
"not" while some are unchanged. As an example, in PW-16.6 "The
dimension tw of the attachment weld shall be not less than tn nor less
than 1/4 in. (6 mm)" is changed to "The dimension tw of the attachment

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

weld shall be not less than tn and not less than 1/4 in. (6 mm)." An
example where it is unchanged is the General Note under Table PW-
39-8, where it says "Postweld heat treatment is neither required nor
prohibited for joints between austenitic stainless steels of the P-No.8
PG-31.4 Revision Revisions to PG-31.4 and PW-17 - CC 2697-1 was incorporated in
Section I in the 2017 Edition. As a result, illustration (b) is changed to
(b-1) in Figure PG-31. A new illustration (b-2) was added to Figure PG-
31 and the new sketch references were made in PG-31.4. A new
paragraph PW-17 and Figure PW-17-1 were also added stating that
when the hub is integrally forged with the flat head or is machined from
a forging, the hub shall have the minimum tensile strength and
elongation specified for the material, measured in the direction parallel
to the axis of the vessel. It was additionally mentioned in PG-31.4 that
illustration (b-2) shall not be used with plate, bar, or rod.

However note that Figure PG-31 existing illustrations (a), (b-1) are
geometrically quite similar details with integrally forged hubs like in
newly added detail (b-2) and there is no reason why the requirement
for the minimum tensile strength for the hub parallel to the axis of the
vessel and the prohibition of usage of plate, bar and rod wouldn't apply
to these existing details as well. This proposal makes the newly added
requirements in PG-31.4 and PW-17 consistently applicable to all
flanged circular and noncircular heads forged integral with or butt
welded to the shell, pipe, or header, with an inside corner radius.
PG-31.4 Revision Section I, PG-31.4 - The rules in PG-31.4 currently only addresses
illustration (i) while Figure PG-31 has two illustrations (i-1) & (i-2). The
rules are now divided into two separate paragraphs one for illustration
(i-1) and the other for illustration (i-2) with no technical revisions.
PG-31.4 Revision PG-31 Illustration (s) - In 2001 Section I, the P = S / 5 d equation in
PG-31.4 was changed to P = 5 S / d which appears to be a publishing
erratum, due to metrification. This mistake is corrected by changing the
present equation "P = 5 S / d (P = 125 S /d)" to the correct equation "P
= S / 5 d (P = 5 S /d)". Note that the second equation in parenthesis is
used for metric calculations.
PG-32.2.2 Revision Section I, PG-16.1 in lieu of Proof Test - PG-16.1 was introduced in
Section I in the 2009 Addenda to address situations when specific
design rules are not provided in Section I. Proof test is an option under
PG-16.1. However paragraphs PG-32.2.2 (other shapes of openings)
and PG-32.3.3 (larger openings) made reference to only proof test
where the correct reference should have been PG-16.1 after the
introduction of PG-16.1. This action makes those revisions.
PG-33 Revision Figure PG-33.3, Angle of Plane - Figure PG-33.3 of Section I currently
doesn't show the sketch of a shell / vessel with an opening and how the
angle theta needs to be measured to determine the value of F. A
sketch is added to Figure PG-33.3 similar to Figure UG-37 of Section
VIII Division 1 to avoid any potential misinterpretation about how the
angle theta needs to be measured while performing reinforcement
calculations for openings. Also the title of X axis is changed to Angle of
Plane with Longitudinal Axis, deg for additional clarity.

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

PG-38.1 Revision Section I, PG-38.1 Compensation for Multiple Opening - It is clarified in
PG-38.1 that the compensation between multiple openings is required
to be performed in the plane connecting the centers of the openings.
PG-42.4.12 Addition Section I, Clamp Connections - PG-68.6 currently requires a flanged
inlet connection or a weld-end inlet connection for pressure relief
valves. Recognizing the service history of Power actuated pressure
relief valves with clamped connections, PG-68.6 has been revised to
permit Power actuated pressure relief valves with clamping
configurations which offer some benefits (compared to welded
connections) when these valves require periodic maintenance. A new
paragraph PG-42.4.12 has been introduced in Section I as a
consequence of this revision stating that clamped connections meeting
PG-11.4 or PG-16.1 may be used in Section I construction with
additional requirements listed in PG-42.4.12 for clamped connections.
It is a requirement that connectors shall be provided with two or more
bolts per connector lug unless a redundant method is used to hold the
clamps together independently in the operating condition in case of
failure of the primary bolting. PG-42.4.12 also provides the redundancy

Although this new paragraph was added to complement the changes

made to PG-68.6, PG-42.4.12 now provides minimum requirements for
clamped connectors for any Section I application.
PG-42.4.2 Revision Section I, Figure PG-42.1 and Table A-360 - ASME B16.25, Figure 1 is
revised and dimension tnom is deleted. Figure PG-42.1 of Section I
(which is based on Figure 1 of B16.25) has been updated to reflect this
change. The nominal thickness was only used for determining the
maximum thickness at the transition and the text in the notes has been
updated accordingly. In addition, the reference to the edition of ASME
B16.25 has been updated in Table A-360 from 2012 to 2017.
PG-43.1 Revision Intent Interpretation/Code Revision to PG-43(a) - When PG-43.1 was
revised in 2017 the phrase "seamless shell or head" was changed to
"seamless shell" which was an oversight. An Intent Interpretation BPV
I-18-11 (see the Q&R below) was published to correct this mistake as
soon as it was noticed.

Question: Is it the intent that the minimum required thickness specified

in PG-43(a) be that of a seamless shell or head to which it is attached
plus corrosion and erosion allowances, if applicable?
Reply: Yes.

In addition, in 2019 PG-43.1 has been also revised by adding the

missing word "or head".
PG-47.1 Revision Tell-Tale Holes in Stay-Bolts - PG-47.1 is revised to require telltale
holes on both ends of staybolts that are threaded and 8 in. (200 mm)
and less in length. This is done to make these requirements consistent
with PL-30.4.10 and FRA (Federal Railroad Administration) rules.

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

PG-49.1 Revision Section I, PG-49.1 - The last sentence of PG-49.1 that addressed a
requirement related to steam locomotives has been removed as this
information already exists in PL-7.2.
PG-52.1 Errata Section I, Errata, PG-52.1 - Changes were made to paragraph PG-52.1
in 2015 edition of Section I and as a consequence, the last paragraph
of PG-52.1 was deleted in the 2017 Edition of Section I by mistake.
This erratum is corrected in 2019 Edition by reinserting that paragraph.
PG-53 Revision Section I, Clarification of ligament rules, PG-52/PG-53 - It was brought
to the attention of the Committee that Code users were having difficultly
reading and applying the rules of PG-53 which deals with groups of
openings that do not form a definite pattern in pressure parts. The
following changes were made to improve the clarity and readability of
these rules:

(1) The existing words in paragraph PG-53.2 are deleted and replaced
with " The efficiency of the ligament between tube holes shall be
determined by the calculations described in PG-53.2.1 and PG-53.2.2".
(2) The existing paragraphs PG-53.2.1 and PG-53.2.2 are revised to
clarify that it is the average ligament efficiency that needs to be
compared with ligament efficiency used to determine the MAWP when
applying the rules contained in those paragraphs.
(3) An example problem is added at the end of PG-53 which shows
how to apply the rules of PG-53.2.1 and PG-53.2.2 for the situation
where a hole is misdrilled at a lesser pitch adjacent to a group of
openings in a definite pattern designed in accordance with PG-52 rules
which happened to be one common scenario when PG-53 rules are
applied. However, the example problem published in 2019 Edition
failed to depict the 80% rule correctly as stated in PG-53.2.2 and will be
revised in 2021 Edition. Also the typographical error of "2.457 in" tube
diameter in the example problem versus the actual value used in
solution "2.547 in" will be corrected in 2021 Edition.
(4) PG-53.3 dealt with diagonal ligaments when using Figure PG-53.3.
Figure PG-53.3 has been now re-named as Figure PG-52.6.
(5) PG-53.3 is deleted and a new paragraph PG-52.4.2 is added that
clarifies that the rules in PG-52.4.2 and Figure PG-52.6 may be used in
lieu of Figure PG-52.1 to evaluate diagonal ligaments under qualifying
(6) PG-52.4 has been subdivided into PG-52.4.1 which utilizes Figure
PG-52.1 and PG-52.4.2 which utilizes Figure PG-52.4.2 for calculating
the equivalent longitudinal ligament efficiency of the diagonal ligament.
(7) PG-52.5 now states very clearly (though perhaps understood in the
past ) that either Figure PG-52.1 or Figure PG-52.6 can be used to
calculate the equivalent longitudinal ligament efficiency.
(8) The nomenclature in PG-52.1 has also been updated by adding the
definitions of s and angle theta,

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

separately fired superheater, etc. Accordingly PG-58.4 now reads as
Inlet BEP with few sub paragraphs and PG-58.5 addresses
Miscellaneous piping. PG-59, PG-68, PG-106, PFH-1 have been
updated with the new PG-58 paragraph changes. Figures describing
the Code Jurisdictional Limits for Piping have also been updated with
the new paragraph references.
PG-58.1 Revision Clarification of Piping Requirements - Reworded PG-58.1 to clarify that
welded or mechanically assembled BEP must follow PG-104 for
certification. The reason for this change was because welded piping
was explicitly addressed in PG-58.3.9 in 2017 Edition and mechanically
assembled piping wasn't. PG-58.1 now makes reference to "all" piping.
PG-58.2 Addition Code Jurisdictional Limits for Piping - Firetube Boilers - A new figure
(Figure PG-58.2-6) is added to Section I to show the Jurisdictional
Limits for Piping for Firetube Boilers.
PG-58.2 Errata Section I, Figure PG-58.3.1(b) Errata - The economizer portion of the
Figure PG-58.3.1(b), sketch (2) and (3) were revised in 2017 Edition
and by mistake in sketch (2) for inlet drain valves, it showed a check
valve similar to the one showed for feedwater inlet. This mistake is
corrected in 2019 edition. Please also note that Figure PG-58.3.1(b) is
now Figure PG-58.2-2 in 2019 Edition.
PG-58.3.1 Revision PG-58.3.1 - Single Boiler Prime Mover Installation - PG-58.3.1 says
that " In the case of a single boiler and prime mover installation, the
stop valve required herein may be omitted provided the prime mover
throttle valve is equipped with an indicator to show whether the valve is
open or closed and is designed to withstand the required hydrostatic
pressure test of the boiler." Interpretation I-83-65 confirms that the
throttle valve is not a Section I valve as these valves are often
proprietary and made of materials that are not adopted in Section I.
The Intent Interpretation BPV I-17-11 (See the Q&R below) published
in 2017 further clarifies that the jurisdictional limit is on the upstream
side of the valves and does not include the connection as there have
been some argument or belief that the weld attaching the BEP to the
Non-code valve is a BEP weld.

Question: In the case of a single boiler and prime mover installation

wherein the required stop valve is omitted and the prime mover is
supplied with a throttle valve or a stop and throttle valve meeting the
requirements of PG-58.3.1, is it the intent of the Code that the
jurisdictional limit be on the upstream side of the valve(s) and does not
include the connection?
Reply: Yes.

What the above quoted Q&R essentially states is that weld (the
connection) is “non-BEP” which means an AI is not responsible for
inspection of this weld. However, since B31.1 invokes Section IX for
welding procedure and performance qualifications, those requirements
are applicable to this “non-BEP” weld.

In 2019 Edition of Section I, PG-58.3.1 has been revised incorporating

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

I-17-11 by adding a sentence at the end of the paragraph stating that
the limit of BEP ends upstream of the prime mover valve(s) and doesn't
include the connection.
PG-58.3.4 Revision Removes Requirement for Redundant Valve - PG-58.3.4 is revised to
state when boilers are arranged with a control valve downstream of the
economizer as shown in Figure PG-58.3.1(b) illustration (2), this control
valve controls the flow to the boiler and therefore a globe or regulating
valve is not needed upstream of the check valve required by PG-
PG-59.3 Revision Clarification Between Blowoff and Blowdown - This Item clarifies the
requirements for blowoff connections in PG-59.3 and resolves some of
the conflicts between PG-59.3 and Parts PMB and PEB with regards to
bottom and surface blowoff connections . PG-59.3.1 defines the
differences between blow down and blow off connections. Piping
connections used primarily for continuous operation are called
blowdown systems and these systems are not mandatory for a boiler
and therefore Section I doesn’t provide any minimum or maximum size
requirements for blowdown systems. PG-59.3.2 only provides the
maximum size requirement for surface blow off connections. It has
been clarified in PG-59.3.2 that this maximum size rule applies only if
and when a surface blow off connection is provided which also is not a
mandatory connection required for a power boiler built to Section I.
Lack of clarity existed in PG-59.3.5 as to whether or not those size
limits [minimum and maximum] apply to only bottom blow off
connections. Words are now added to PG-59.3.5 to clarify that the size
limits provided in that paragraph applies to only bottom blow off
connections which are mandatory for a power boiler built to Section I.

Words in PMB-12 already states “…….located to drain from the lowest

water space practicable” and hence no changes were made to PMB-12
because it is sufficiently clear that those words suggest that PMB-12
applies to bottom blow offs.
PEB-12 title currently says “BLOWOFF” and that has been changed to
“BOTTOM BLOWOFF” to add clarity that PEB-12 rules apply only to
bottom blow offs.
PG-60.1 Revision PG-60.1 minimum range for a water gage glass - BPV I received an
inquiry asking about the minimum allowable range required to be
visible on gage glass. An intent Interpretation was published answering
the inquiry as follows:

Question: Is it the intent to permit the installation of a short visibility

steam drum level gauge that does not cover the full allowable operating
range, and then valve the visual gauge out of service per PG-60.1
because two remote indicators are utilized, so that lower drum levels
cannot be indicated by the visual gauge?
Reply: No.

This inquiry also resulted into a code revision in PG-60.1 clarifying that
the gage glass shall cover the full operating water level range. The
revision also now mandates the lowest visible water level in the gage
glass shall be not less than 2 in. (50 mm) and not more than 3 in. (75

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PG

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mm) above the lowest permissible water level, as determined by the
boiler manufacturer.
PG-60.1.2 Revision PG-60.1.2, Shut off valves for level indicators - PG-60.1.2 currently
requires that for a bottom shutoff valve mounted on gage glass or
externally mounted water-level sensing or water-level-controlling
device, the operating mechanism shall indicate by its position whether
the valve is open or closed if the bottom valve is more than 7 ft (2 m)
above the floor or platform from which it is operated. In many
situations, the top shutoff valve is also above 7 ft (2 m) above the floor
or platform from which it is operated and the could be out of reach for
the operator to determine if the valve is closed or opened. PG-60.1.2 is
revised to address this concern and now requires if either the top or
bottom valves are more than 7 ft. (2 m) above the floor or platform from
which they are operated, the operating mechanism shall indicate by its
position whether the valves are open or closed.
PG-67.1, PG-37.2 Revision Total Combined Relieving Capacity - PG-67.1 has been editorially
revised and the term "design steam generating capacity" has been
changed to "maximum designed steaming capacity". PG-67.2 was not
clear that the pressure relieving capacity requirement stated in that
paragraph is the combined capacity of multiple valves. It is clarified
now that it is the "total combined relieving capacity" for each boiler.
PG-67.4 Revision Figure PG-67.4, Correct Reference - In Figure PG-67.4 under Note 4
on the right hand side the incorrect paragraph reference to PG-
is revised with the correct paragraph reference PG-
PG-68.6 Revision Section I, PG-68.6; PG-73.2.11, Inlet Connection Type - PG-68.6
currently requires a flanged inlet connection or a weld-end inlet
connection for pressure relief valves. Recognizing the service history of
Power actuated pressure relief valves with clamped connections, PG-
68.6 now permits power actuated pressure relief valves with clamping
configurations which offer some benefits (compared to welded
connections) when these valves require periodic maintenance.
Paragraph PG-73.2.11 has been also updated similarly. A new
paragraph PG-42.4.12 has been introduced in Section I as a
consequence of this item stating that clamped connections meeting
PG-11.4 or PG-16.1 may be used in Section I construction with
additional requirements listed in PG-42.4.12 for clamped connections.
PG-69.1 Revision PG-69.1 Explanatory Note on manufacturer and assembler - PG-69.1
is revised to add an explanatory note to clarify that the term
"manufacturer" and "assembler", both with lower case letters are used
in Section I to denote a pressure relief device manufacturer and
assembler. It also clarifies now that these terms apply to PG-69
through PG-73.7.3. Both of these aspects weren't very clearly
conveyed in the note in PG-73.4.4 which is no longer needed and
deleted as a part of this action.
PG-69.2 Revision PG-69.2 Correction Factor - When PG-69.2 was revised in 2015
Edition, the requirement about correction factor (multiplied to W) that it
is only used when the calculated correction factor is greater than 1,
was omitted by mistake. This action corrects that mistake and adds that
requirement back in PG-69.2.

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

PG-69.2, PG-73.4.3 Revision Incorporation of CC 2397 into Section I - Code Case 2397 provides
alternate rules for situations in which pressure relief valves exceeded
the capability of testing laboratories. The Code Case uses flow models
for capacity testing and demonstration tests for production certification.
CC 2397 is now incorporated into Section I. Added new Paragraphs
PG-69.2.4, PG-69.2.5 and PG-69.2.6. Also reformatted PG-73.4.3 and
added a new subparagraph (b) that provides rules when valve designs
exceed the size, capacity, or pressure capability, of an ASME
accepting testing facility.
PG-69.2.3 Errata Section I Errata, PG-69.2.3 - When PG-69.2.3 was revised in 2017
edition, the formula for P had the term "+14.7 psi" missing in the
second part of the equation. This mistake is corrected in 2019 edition.
PG-73.4.3 Revision Laboratory Accreditation - ASME CA-1 defines the process for
assessing a lab's ability to perform capacity certifications for pressure
relief valves as an accreditation activity. Therefore PG-73.4.3(a) and
PG-73.4.3(b) are revised to say "ASME accredited laboratory" instead
of "ASME-accepted laboratory" to be consistent with CA-1.
PG-99.4.2 Revision PG-99.4.2, Test Gage Range - PG-99.4.2 currently uses the words
"shall preferably have" for pressure gage range in the first sentence
which makes it confusing in determining whether the rule is mandatory
or not. The first sentence is revised in 2019 Edition to say "Dial
pressure gages used in testing shall have dials graduated over the
entire range of the intended maximum test pressure." which makes this
requirement mandatory. A second sentence is then added that says "It
is preferred that the range of the gage be double the intended
maximum test pressure, but in no case shall the range be less than
11/2 nor more than 4 times that pressure." which again clarifies that the
second part of that sentence is only mandatory.
PG-106.1 Revision Alternative Marking Methods - A Mandatory Appendix (VII) is added to
Section I to provide Alternate Methods for applying the ASME
Certification Mark. Acceptable alternate methods include etching (laser,
plasma or chemical), peening and engraving. The process controls for
the method of marking shall be described in the Manufacturer's Quality
Control System and shall be acceptable to the Authorized Inspector.
Paragraphs PG-106.1 and PG-106.4 have been revised acknowledging
these alternate methods mentioned in the new Appendix VII. A new
Code Case [CC 2896] has also been approved for the early
implementation of this requirement.
PG-109.3 Revision Section I, PG-109.3 - In PG-104.1 Note (2), PG-109.1, PG-109.3(a)
and in PG-109.4 the existing incorrect reference made to PG-112.2.4
has been corrected to the correct paragraph PG-112.2.5 which deals
with BEP and the relevant data reports.
PG-112.2 Revision PG-112.2.4(b)(2) - Code Stamping - The paragraph reference in PG-
112.2.4(b)(2) to PG-106.4.2 for marking requirements for parts was
incorrect. Instead of revising this incorrect reference, the last sentence
of PG-112.2.4(b)(2) was deleted because marking requirements for
parts are already stated in PG-106.8. Moreover, PG-112.2.4(b)(2) only
applied to parts supplied for an existing boiler, not for parts supplied for
a new boiler. Having a reference to stamping requirements in that

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PG

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subparagraph could imply that marking is not required when providing
parts for a new boiler and that is simply not true. The stamping
requirements in PG-112.2.4(b)(2) also stated that the S designator
shall be used and was silent about the PRT designator. Rather than
rewording the entire paragraph to make it clear that stamping is
applicable to all parts, whether new or existing boiler, and to include
reference to other designators, the stamping requirements are removed
from this paragraph which is now only providing requirements for Data
Reports as it should be. The user is expected to follow the appropriate
stamping requirements from the applicable paragraph under PG-106.
Similar changes were also made to PG-112.2.2 and PG-112.2.9. As a
part of this action and to avoid the potential confusion, an Intent
Interpretation (I-18-20) is also published as follows:

Question: Is it the intent of PG-112.2.4(b)(2) that the additional marking

requirements for waterwalls, superheaters, or economizers in PG-
106.4.2 be applied to all parts?

Reply: No.
PG-112.2.5 Revision PG-112.2.5 - design responsibility - Line 5 of Form P-4A and Form P-
4B, has the provision “Code Design By :” which allows an organization
other than the Certificate Holder / Manufacturer (who certifies Form P-
4A and/or Form P-4B) to perform the design work. Interpretation I-98-
17 further clarifies that design may be performed by a non-certificate
holder. This creates a confusion about who ultimately bears the
responsibility for design especially when the Certificate Holder receives
an order to “build to print” for BEP and often not provided with the
supporting design calculations. The revision clarifies that the
organization certifying the Form P-4A or P-4B retains the responsibility
for the Code design.
PG-113.4 Revision PG-113.4, Retention of Form P-4A - BPV I received an inquiry asking
about the retention period for Form P-4A. Currently neither PG-112.2.5
nor PG-113.3 specify a period of time for retention of Form P-4A by the
fabricator of Code piping. In addition, although PG-113.3 requires the
Manufacturer to retain the Master Data Report for 5 years, neither PG-
104.1 nor PG-113.3 require the retention of P-4A forms by the boiler
Manufacturer as part of the completed Master Data Report. In the 2019
Edition, PG-113.4 has been revised to say "The piping fabricator shall
retain the Form P-4A for a minimum of 5 years."

Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PW

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table PW-39 Revision Table PW-39 Notes Revision - In Table PW-39 -3, -4, -5, -6, -7,and -8
under the exemptions for post weld heat treatment when attaching fins
to tubes with electric resistance welding, the word "required" is inserted
in front of "minimum wall thickness" where it references the heat
affected zone. This revision makes it clear that the HAZ of the weld

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cannot encroach upon the REQUIRED minimum wall thickness, not
just the thinnest part of the tube.
Table PW-39-1 Revision Section I, Revision to Table PW-39-1 - In 2017 Edition, note (a) in
Table PW-39-1 was changed to permit exemptions for thicker
materials. In doing so, an additional requirement was added that the
carbon equivalent (CE) must be less than or equal to 0.45. With this
new requirement, Manufacturers using some P1 Group No. 1 materials
that were previously exempt from PWHT were no longer exempt due to
a CE greater than 0.45 (SA-53B, SA-36, SA-234 for example) which
was an unintended consequence. A Code Case [CC 2906] had been
issued in February 2018 by BPV I to reinstate this provision.

In 2019 Edition, the PWHT exemptions for P-No.1 Gr.1 materials have
been revised as follows rectifying the above mentioned oversight.
PWHT is not mandatory for P-No 1 Group 1 materials under the
following conditions:
(1) when the nominal thickness as defined in PW-39.3 is 1 in. (25mm)
or less regardless of CE.
(2) when the nominal thickness as defined in PW-39.3 exceeds 1 in.
(25mm), PWHT is still not required when the calculated carbon
equivalent, CE, of each of the base metals in the weld joint is less than
or equal to 0.45 and a minimum preheat of 200°F (95°C) is applied.
As for P-No.1 Group 2 & 3 Materials note (b) has been expanded into
three separate thickness categories and PWHT is not mandatory under
the following conditions:
(1) when the nominal thickness of a weld as defined in PW-39.3 is ¾ in.
(19 mm) or less regardless of CE and no preheat.
(2) when the nominal thickness of the weld as defined in PW-39.3
exceeds ¾ in. (19 mm) but does not exceed 1 in. (25 mm) and the
calculated CE of each of the base metals in the weld joint is less than
or equal to 0.45.
(3) when the nominal thickness of a weld as defined in PW-39.3 is
greater than 1 in. (25 mm) but does not exceed 1½ in. (38 mm), and
when the calculated carbon equivalent, CE, of each of the base metals
in the weld joint is less than or equal to 0.45, with a minimum preheat
of 250°F (120°C) [ compared to 200°F (95°C) in 2017 ] is applied and
when no individual weld pass thickness exceeds ¼ in. (6 mm). Please
note that , in 2019 Edition it was incorrectly published as "greater than
3/4 in. (19 mm) but does not exceed 1 1/2 in" and this mistake will be
corrected as an errata.

Along with this change, silicon (Si) is removed from the CE equation
from the second term to make it consistent with the equations found in
material specifications such as SA-105, SA-106 and SA-234. In
addition, the limiting thickness for P-No.1 Gr.1 materials have been
changed to 1" from the existing 1.5" which is supported by the EPRI
work on PWHT exemptions for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Materials.
PW-5.4, Table PW-39-5 Revision AWS classification in PW-5.4 and Table PW-39-5 - PW-5.4 and Table
PW-39-5, Note (3) are revised to add the filler metal specification B91.
The reason for this change primarily is because AWS classification B9
has been renamed as B91. B9 is still retained in PW-5.4 and Table
PW-39-5, Note (3) for the time being because SFA-5.28 and SFA-5.29

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PW

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still list B9 in Section II, Part C and these two specifications are also
still listed in Section IX, Table QW-432. In addition, "EN" in PW-5.4 and
Table PW-39-5, Note (3) is changed to ISO because EN type
classifications have been adopted in ISO system A.
PW-15.1, PW-41.2, PFT-40 Revision Removal of "Arc or Gas" Prefixed to Welded - The terms "arc welded"
and "gas welded" are deleted in PW-15.1, PW-41.2 and PFT-40 as
there are a number of other welding processes available today other
than arc or gas welding.
PW-38 Revision PW-38 Preheating and Interpass Temperatures - PW-38 Rules for
Preheating have been revised significantly in 2019 Edition of Section I.
Paragraph A-100 from Nonmandatory Appendix A is deleted as a part
of this action and a new Table PW-38 (similar to ASME B31.1 Table
131.4.1) is introduced in PW-38. The new table like in the old A-100,
provides Recommended Preheat Temperatures for Welding of
Pressure Parts and Attachments. For P-No. 1 materials, the rules for
preheating only apply when mandated by PW-39 for exemption of
postweld heat treatment. However, for all other materials, the minimum
metal temperature on the WPS must be 50oF (10oC) and preheat is
mandatory when welding base metals (except for P-No.1) below 50oF
(10oC) as stated in PW-38.3 and PW-38.4 according to the new rules.
Although the new Table PW-38 only provides recommended minimum
preheat temperatures, once a preheat is selected in the WPS (for
example when required by PW-39 or as determined by the Certificate
Holder using the guidance provided or otherwise), the new rules
require tighter controls and monitoring compared to the old rules. A few
examples are Minimum Preheat Distance from the weld (PW-38.4),
Minimum Temperature for base metal for tack welds (PW-38.5),
Maintenance of Preheat Temperature when welding two different P-
Number materials (PW-38.6), Verification of Preheat Temperature
during welding (PW-38.7) and conditions that allow Interruption of
Welding (PW-38.8)

The new rules also mandate the maintenance of a maximum interpass

temperature 800oF except for certain P-Nos where the maximum
temperature limits are provided or successful demonstration of welding
procedure qualification with a different maximum temperature limit
could be used as an alternative. Note (2) of Table PW-38 introduces a
new term "self preheating" which means no heat is applied prior to
welding, but that the heat of welding is demonstrated to quickly
establish the minimum preheat required. It is restricted to machine or
automated welds, on small diameter, thin wall tubes.
PW-38.3 and PW-39.3 Errata Section I Errata, PW-38.3 and PW-39.3 - When NonMandatory
Appendix C was introduced in 2017 Edition, the words in PW-38.3 of
Section I, 2017 Edition said "If preheating of P-No. 15E materials is
performed using electric resistance heating pads, it shall be (as
opposed to "is recommended") performed in accordance with the
requirements of Nonmandatory Appendix C. Also , the words in PW-
39.3 of Section I, 2017 Edition said "If heating of P-No. 15E materials is
performed using electric resistance heating pads, it shall be (as
opposed to "is recommended") performed in accordance with the

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PW

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

requirements of Nonmandatory Appendix C. These two mistakes are
corrected in 2019 edition.
PW-39.2, Table PW-39 Revision PW-39.2, PWHT Exemption Notes - PW-39.2 deals with pressure parts
of two different P-Number groups joined by welding. It says in PW-39.2
that the applicable notes for the material requiring the higher postweld
heat treatment temperature, should govern. This could potentially be
misread such as when welding a P-No.1 material to a P-No.5 material,
the P-No.5 PWHT exemption notes would also apply to the P-No.1
material for example a max carbon of 0.15%. Therefore there would
almost never be an exemption for a P-No.1 to a P-No.5 weld.

The following words are now added to PW-39.2 to clarify the intent. "If
one of the materials in the joint is exempt from postweld heat
treatment, then the time and temperature shall be that of the material
requiring postweld heat treatment. For the weld to be exempt from
postweld heat treatment, each material must satisfy the exemptions
in the PW-39 table applicable to its respective P-Number and
PW-40.2 Revision Review P-No.1 materials missing in Table in PW-40.2 - When the
PWHT table for P-No.1 was significantly overhauled in A09, P-No.1
was eliminated from the table located in PW-40.2 because for P-No.1,
it was expected that the user would refer back to Table PW-39-1 for
PWHT exemptions. However in PW-40.2(c), reference to P-No.1 was
still there and that caused confusion. PW-40.2 is revised by adding a
new subparagraph (e) stating that For P-No.1, all groups, see Table
PW-39-1 for PWHT exemptions. Keep in mind that PW-40.2 deals with
minor repairs on tube to header or tube to drum welded joints. PW-40.3
covers repair of defects in P-No. 1, all groups (if not otherwise
exempted by Table PW-39-1), and P-No. 3 Group Nos. 1 and 2
materials, and in the welds joining these materials and one of the key
requirement in PW-40.3 is that the repair weld method shall be limited
to either the half bead or temper bead weld repair technique which is
not a requirement in PW-40.2
PW-53.1 Revision Clarification to Test Plate Requirements - PW-53.1(b) provided
exemption from test plates for P-No.1 materials, however because of
the existing words "all cylindrical pressure parts", it wasn't clear if the
exemption applied to a butt weld on a flat head made of P-No.1
material. The words in PW-53.1(b) are changed in 2019 edition to say
all pressure parts for P-No.1 materials regardless of their shape.

In addition, the words in PW-53.1(a) are now changed to "cylindrical

pipe, tubes, and headers subject to internal pressure, including heads
attached by welding to these pressure parts" which clarifies that the
circumferential welds attaching the heads to the these components
also do not require any test plates.
PW-53.2 Revision PW-53.2 Welded Test Plates - The existing words in PW-53.2 state
that the test plate required is to be of the same material specification as
the material to be used in production via end note 26. However there
was no such requirement for the welding consumables which makes
the value of the test plate questionable. Words are now added to PW-

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PW

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

53.2 to require the weld consumables used to weld the test plate shall
be of from the same manufacturer and lot(s), control or heat number(s)
as that to be used for each weld process in production. In addition, the
requirement to make a test plate is now exempted if weld consumables
are purchased with a Certified Material Test Report based on Schedule
4 or I level of testing as defined in ASME SFA-5.01.
PW-53.2 Revision Section I, Incorporation of end note 26 - Section I decided to
incorporate end note 26 into the main body of PW-53.2 and delete the
end note.

Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PL

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

PL-30.3 Revision Staybolt Area Calculations - A new paragraph, PL-30.3.1 is added to
PL-30.3 to clarify that the 1.1 multiplier as required in PG-49
calculations is not required in PL-30 when using 7,500 psi (52 MPa) as
the allowable stress value.
PL-42 Revision Section I, Gage glass terminology - The reference to the term "water
gage glass(es)" has been changed to "gage glass(es)" in Section I in
several places to be consistent with Section VII.
PL-54.2 Revision Locomotive Safety Valves - Locomotive safety valve attachment
methods, that have been the industry standard for over 100 years, are
prohibited currently per the words in PG 71.3 which says "the opening
or connection between the boiler and the pressure relief valve shall
have at least the area of the valve inlet." Many locomotive safety valves
are manufactured with a female threaded connection, making it
impossible for the inlet connection to be equal or greater than the area
of the valve inlet. A new paragraph is added to PL-54.2 which allows
the use of safety valves which are manufactured with a female
threaded connection.

Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PFT

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

PFT-27.6 Revision Section I, PFT-27.6 - PFT-27.6 currently refers to Figure PWT-12.2
which was deleted in 2015. This mistake has been rectified in PFT-27.6
to make the correct reference to Figure PFT-21 sketch (a) and (b).

Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PFH

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

PFH-1.1, PEB-3 Revision Unfired Boiler PWHT Exemptions - Two new paragraphs (PFH-1.1.1
and PEB-3.1.1) are added in Parts PFH and PEB [where usage of

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PFH

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Section VIII Division 1 rules for Unfired Steam Boilers are permitted]
stating that "welds shall be postweld heat treated to the minimum
holding time and temperature requirements of Section VIII, Division 1
unless the welds satisfy the exemptions for postweld heat treatment in
both Section I and Section VIII, Division 1".

Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PVG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

PVG-12.2 Revision Revision of Reference - The requirements provided in PVG-12.2 (which
are currently mandatory because of the word "shall") are more of a post
construction activity which typically falls outside the scope of Section I.
Though NBIC covers this requirement, considering that international
users do not necessarily use that document, the requirement is kept in
PVG as a recommendation by changing the word "shall" to "should".
PVG-12.3.4 Errata Section I Errata, PVG-12.3.4 - The words "the requirements in PVG- through PVG- are met." are added at the end of
paragraph PVG-12.3.4 to tie in these subparagraphs to PG-12.3.4.

Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Part PTFH

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

PTFH-9.3 Revision Double Drain and Vent Valves - Removed the requirement for double
drain and vent valves in thermal fluid heaters because with the closed
loop system, there is no need to drain or blow down the system on a
regular basis. The proposal using a single gate, globe or needle valve
for the vent and drain connections are consistent with NBIC Part I
Installation and NFPA-87 Standard For Thermal Fluid Heaters. The
added requirement of a capped connection adds an additional measure
of safety to prevent risk of injury or fire.
PTFH-12.5 Revision Section I, PTFH-12.5 and PG-106.4 - PTFH-12.5 currently requires the
relieving capacity of the safety valve for the given thermal fluid to be on
a tag provided by the heater Manufacturer but there was no
corresponding stamping requirement to go with this for the thermal fluid
heaters in PG-106. The stamping requirements in PG-106.4.1 are
updated now to include maximum designed flow rate for thermal fluid
heaters. PTFH-12.5 is also updated now to include manufacturer, trade
name, designator or type of thermal fluid, maximum designed flow rate
and maximum operating temperature in the remarks section of the data

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Mandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Mandatory Appendix VI Revision Appendix VI paragraph VI-8 - Appendix VI paragraph VI-8 currently
states that the Edition that governs overpressure protection shall be the
same that governs design. Some Code Users have interpreted this to
mean that the valve manufacturers need to certify the valves as
meeting the Code edition and addenda governing the design. The
revision still says “same as those governing design” and the key to that
is the right set pressures, capacities, and mounting, all of which are still
to be determined by the boiler Manufacturer in accordance with the
edition that governs design. However, the revised rules clarify that the
pressure relief valves be manufactured and assembled in accordance
with the Code in effect when the valves are built.

Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: NonMandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NonMandatory Appendix A Revision Delete Figure A-370 & Table A-370 - Figure A-370 and Table A-370
had information which was different than that which appeared on
ASME's website. Instead of a revision to get the information to match, it
was decided to delete the Figure and Table from Non-Mandatory
Appendix A
NonMandatory Appendix C Revision Method of Heat Treatment Control - Soak Band Width for PWHT is
increased in C-4.1 to control the through wall temperature gradient.
New rules for calculating the width of the heated band are added in C-
4.2 based on soak band width and component thickness and
consequently new rules for calculating the width of the gradient control
band based on heated band width and component thickness are added
in C-4.3. Table C-4-1 and Table C-4-2 are also deleted and now the
relevant paragraphs provide the requirements for soak band width,
heated band width and gradient control band width for PWHT.

Titles of Figure C-3-1 and Figure C-3-2 are revised [changed from pipe
weld to cylindrical component welds ] to reflect the non-product specific
nature of the appendix The definitions of soak band and wall thickness
are also revised in Figure C-3-1 and Figure C-3-2.
Paragraph C-5 is revised to clarify that continuous temperature
monitoring is required only when temperatures exceed 800°F. All the
methodology for attachment of thermocouples are also eliminated from
C– 6.3 is also revised to provide a bit more leniency in controlling gaps
between heaters, now based on thickness.
NonMandatory Appendix E-6 Revision Personnel Qualification - Nonmandatory Appendix E-6 Personnel
Qualification is revised by removing the reference to Section V, Article
1, Mandatory Appendix II, II-124.3. PW-50 already makes reference to
Section V, Article 1, Mandatory Appendix II for the requirements of
training, experience, and examination and states that these should be
included in the employer's written practice.
NonMandatory Appendix F Revision Nonmandatory Appendix F for Dissimilar Metal Welds - This new Non-
Mandatory Appendix F provides the Best Practice Guidelines for

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Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: NonMandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Design and Fabrication for dissimilar metal welds (DMW) between
creep strength enhanced ferritic (CSEF) steel and Austenitic stainless

The appendix covers Design Details such as location, loading on

DMWs, Fabrication Details including filler metals, transition pieces,
alternate weld geometries for DMWs, Welding Techniques, PWHT,
post weld surface profiling, tube to tube butt welds, thick section welds,
Attachments to piping, headers and tubing. It also addresses the
material preferences for Thermowells, Steam Flow Elements and Drain
Lines and provides guidance on Post Construction and Monitoring.
Table A-360 Revision Table A-360 References - Updated references in Table A-360 for B16.3
& B16.4 to 2016 Edition , B16.5 to 2017 Edition , B16.11 to 2016
Edition, B16.20 to 2017 Edition , B16.24 to 2016 Edition , B16.34 to
2017 Edition , B16.42 to 2016 Edition, B16.47 to 2017 Edition and
ASTM A126 to R2014 (Reaffirmation).
Table A-360 Revision Table A-360, reference to B31.1-2018 - Table A-360 is revised to
reference B31.1-2018 Edition. Figure 100.1.2-4 [previously
100.1.2(B.2)] of B31.1 now matches with Figure PG-58.3.1(b) [Figure
PG-58.2-2 in 2019 Edition] and so Note (3) in Table A-360 is no longer
needed and therefore deleted. Revised note (2) and renumbered the
existing notes (4) and (5) to (3) and (4).
A-311 Revision Implementation of CA-1 for PRD Testing - In Section I, the elements
describing Authorized Observer and Laboratory Quality Control System
requirements for PRD testing have been replaced with applicable
references to ASME CA-1. Paragraphs PG-69.1.2 and A-311 have
been updated to clarify this. Paragraphs A-312, A-313, A-314, A-315
and A-316 have been deleted. This is a continuation of the changes
that took place in PG-105 in 2015 Edition, where the subparagraphs of
PG-105 were significantly overhauled by stripping out the conformity
assessment requirements and by making reference to ASME CA-1
wherever appropriate within PG-105.

Code Book: I Part: Subpart/Table: Endnotes

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Endnote 25, PW-50.1 Revision Section I, Endnotes 4 & 25 - Endnote 25 is deleted as it was found to
be the duplicate of endnote 4. In PW-50.1 the reference to endnote 25
is changed to endnote 4.

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Code Book: II Part: A Subpart/Table: Specifications

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

non-ASTM specifications Revision "Green" plate - Reconciled the non-ASTM specifications with the SA-20
requirement regarding plate that is not heat treated by the material
manufacturer ("green", or "G" plate) with regards to marking
requirements. SA/JIS G3118, SA/NF A 36-215, SA/EN 10028-2, SA/EN
10028-3 and SA/EN 10028-4 cover sheets modified.
non-ASTM specifications Revision Mechanical Properties by Agreement - Mechanical properties by
agreement between the material producer and the customer is
SA/JIS G3118 Revision Adoption of JIS G3118:2017 - 1) P and S contents are lowered from
0.030 max to 0.020 max for all grades.

2) Mn may be increased for reductions in C.

SA-6 Revision Adoption of ASTM A6/A6M-17a - 1) Dimensional requirements for
shapes revised for some geometries.

2) Niobium introduced as equivalent to columbium.

SA-20 Revision Adoption of ASTM A20/A20M-18 - 1) Definitions added to Terminology
for "as-rolled" and "hot-rolled".

2) Niobium introduced as equivalent to columbium.

SA-182 Revision Adoption of ASTM A182-18 - This is part of a larger project to
incorporate Section I Code Case 2864 for restricted chemistry Grade
91, now called Type 2. The adoption of the specifications is the first
phase; revision of the Code Case then revision of Section II, Part D will
be the next steps.

1) The -18 is the only permitted edition for Grade 91.

2) Added Note E to Table 1 to allow other cooling methods from the
solution heat treat temperature.
3) Permit F 91, in any thickness, to be normalized and tempered, or
quenched and tempered at the material manufacturer’s option.
SA-203 Revision Adoption of ASTM A203/A203M-17 - Guidelines for thicknesses
removed from the Scope; there are no thickness limits as long as
properties are achieved.
SA-204 Revision Adoption of ASTM A204/A204M-17 - Guidelines for thicknesses
removed from the Scope; there are no thickness limits as long as
properties are achieved.
SA-213 Revision Adoption of ASTM A213/A213M-17 - 1) Added K91060 (T115),
S31730, N08028, N08029

2) Corrected UNS for S31050

3) Corrected N for S20200
4) Revised 6.2.2 to allow stabilization heat treat
SA-213 Revision Adoption of ASTM A213/A213M-18 - This is part of a larger project to
incorporate Section I Code Case 2864 for restricted chemistry Grade
91, now called Type 2. The adoption of the specifications is the first

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Code Book: II Part: A Subpart/Table: Specifications

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

phase; revision of the Code Case then revision of Section II, Part D will
be the next steps.

1) Restricted chemistry Grade 91 added as Type 2, with the current

Grade 91 listed as Type 1; Grade 91 limited to -18 ASTM edition.
2) Grade T115 and UNS S31730 added.
3) UNS S31050 limited to -15a ASTM edition and later.
SA-225 Revision Adoption of ASTM A225/A225M-17 - Guidelines for thicknesses
removed from the Scope; there are no thickness limits as long as
properties are achieved.
SA-234 Revision Adoption of ASTM A234/A234M-18 - This is part of a larger project to
incorporate Section I Code Case 2864 for restricted chemistry Grade
91, now called Type 2. The adoption of the specifications is the first
phase; revision of the Code Case then revision of Section II, Part D will
be the next steps.

1) Added WP24, WP911 and WP92.

2) Restricted chemistry Grade 91 added as Type 2, with the current
Grade 91 listed as Type 1, revised hardness, added NDE; ASTM
edition limited to -18.
3) Removed maximum tensile requirements in favor of hardness for
WPB, WPC, P11, P12, P22, P5, P9, and P91 grades; hardness testing
now required.
4) In Table 1, revised footnote D to permit higher Mn for lower C for
WPB and WPC.
SA-240 Revision Adoption of ASTM A240/A240M-17 - 1) UNS S38815 limited to -16 and
later due to corrected (tightened) Ni range (13.0-17.0% to 15.0-17.0%).

2) Added S40300, S42000, S42200, S43100, S44200, S44600,

S31730, S31655, S82013, S43037, S30616.
3) Increased the maximum hardness in Table 2 for S32760 from 270
HBW (28 HRC) to 310 HBW (32 HRC).
4) In Table 2, added HRC in addition to HB for S31260, S32101,
S32202, S32520, S32760, and S82441, and modified footnote C to
permit Rockwell hardness and to permit the use of Rockwell superficial
scales for thin materials.
5) Footnote A of Table1 was revised to explain ellipses
SA-249 Revision Adoption of ASTM A249/A249M-16a - Moved the lot definitions from
Notes to the body of the specification to clarify that they are mandatory.
SA-285 Revision Adoption of ASTM A285/A285M-17 - 1) Guidelines for thicknesses
removed from the Scope; there are no thickness limits as long as
properties are achieved.

2) Supplementary Requirements added for ultrasonic examination.

SA-299 Revision Adoption of ASTM A299/A299M-17 - Guidelines for thicknesses
removed from the Scope; there are no thickness limits as long as
properties are achieved.

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Code Book: II Part: A Subpart/Table: Specifications

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

SA-302 Revision Adoption of ASTM A302/A302M-17 - 1) Guidelines for thicknesses
removed from the Scope; there are no thickness limits as long as
properties are achieved.

2) Added provisions for an optional temper to heat treatment.

3) Ellipsis note added to Table 1.
SA-333 Revision Adoption of ASTM A333/A333M-16 - 1) Minor editorial changes to
Table 1 chemistry

2) Columbium increase permitted by agreement with purchaser.

SA-335 Revision Adoption of ASTM A335/A335M-18 - This is part of a larger project to
incorporate Section I Code Case 2864 for restricted chemistry Grade
91, now called Type 2. The adoption of the specifications is the first
phase; revision of the Code Case then revision of Section II, Part D will
be the next steps.

1) Restricted chemistry Grade 91 added as Type 2, with the current

Grade 91 listed as Type 1; Grade 91 limited to -18 ASTM edition.
2) Grades 23 and 911 limited to ASTM edition -18.
3) Grades 23 & 911: added hardness requirement
SA-336 Revision Adoption of ASTM A336/A336M-18 - This is part of a larger project to
incorporate Section I Code Case 2864 for restricted chemistry Grade
91, now called Type 2. The adoption of the specifications is the first
phase; revision of the Code Case then revision of Section II, Part D will
be the next steps.

1) Restricted chemistry Grade 91 added as Type 2, with the current

Grade 91 listed as Type 1.
SA-353 Revision Adoption of ASTM A353/A353M-17 - Guidelines for thicknesses
removed from the Scope; there are no thickness limits as long as
properties are achieved.
SA-358 Revision Adoption of ASTM A358/A358M-15 - Added S31655.
SA-369 Revision Adoption of ASTM A369/A369M-18 - This is part of a larger project to
incorporate Section I Code Case 2864 for restricted chemistry Grade
91, now called Type 2. The adoption of the specifications is the first
phase; revision of the Code Case then revision of Section II, Part D will
be the next steps.

1) Restricted chemistry Grade 91 added as Type 2, with the current

Grade 91 listed as Type 1, provisions for centerline (1/2t) tensile and
hardness testing added and provisions for welding repair included.
SA-387 Revision Adoption of ASTM A387/A387M-17a - This is part of a larger project to
incorporate Section I Code Case 2864 for restricted chemistry Grade
91, now called Type 2. The adoption of the specifications is the first
phase; revision of the Code Case then revision of Section II, Part D will
be the next steps.

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Code Book: II Part: A Subpart/Table: Specifications

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

1) A Supplementary Requirement was introduced in ASTM
A387/A387M-17 for this restricted composition of Grade 91.
2) In ASTM A387/A387M-17a, this was removed and introduced
directly into the chemical requirements table as Type 2, with the current
Grade 91 listed as Type 1.
3) Grades 21L and 22L were removed as being obsolete.
4) Niobium introduced as equivalent to columbium.
SA-414 Revision Reference in 1.3 - Editorially corrected the reference in SA-414/SA-
414M para. 1.3 from 5.1.4 to 5.1.3.
SA-435 Revision Withdrawal of SA-435/SA-435M - Removed SA-435/SA-435M from
Section II, Part A due to its inclusion in Section V.
SA-479 Revision Adoption of ASTM A479/A479M-15 - 1) Added S82011, S32266,
S31050, S82441, S32808, S31266

2) Added N08700, N08800, N08810, N08811, N08925 and N08926 as

part of the general project to move the high-Ni austenitic stainless
steels from nonferrous to ferrous specifications.
3) Added a mechanical property line for thick S32750
4) Added a Q&T mechanical property line for S41040
5) For grade S32654, ASTM editions are limited to 11 and later due to
a chemistry correction.
SA-480 Revision Adoption of ASTM A480/A480M-17 - 1) Table A1.1: added additional
product analysis tolerances for higher maximum contents of W, Ni, and

2) Table A1.2 (heat treatment):

a) UNS S30616, S33550, and N08925 grades were added
b) heat treatment of S82121 revised
c) For several alloys, reference to Footnote C added: “Quenched in
water or rapidly cooled by other means”
3) 6.3.1: slightly revised to "clarify" the intent of the maximum
allowance for unspecified elements - also added 6.3.2; see also the
revision to SA-480 in the E15 and Interpretation BPV II-A-18-03.
SA-484 Revision Adoption of ASTM A484/A484M-18 - Added transverse tensile test
sample option to 12.1.
SA-515 Revision Adoption of ASTM A515/A515M-17 - Guidelines for thicknesses
removed from the Scope; there are no thickness limits as long as
properties are achieved.
SA-516 Revision Adoption of ASTM A516/A516M-17 - Guidelines for thicknesses
removed from the Scope; there are no thickness limits as long as
properties are achieved.
SA-517 Revision Adoption of ASTM A517/A517M-17 - 1) Niobium introduced as
equivalent to columbium.

2) ASME also corrected the specification to reference Note A in Table 1

for boron.

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Code Book: II Part: A Subpart/Table: Specifications

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

SA-553 Revision Adoption of ASTM A553/A553M-17 - Niobium introduced as equivalent
to columbium.
SA-572 Revision Adoption of ASTM A572/A572M-18 - 1) Table 2: lowered P and S to
.03 max.
2) Included footnote allowing an increase in Mn for a decrease in C for
thinner plates.
SA-577 Revision Withdrawal of SA-577/SA-577M - Removed SA-577/SA-577M from
Section II, Part A due to its inclusion in Section V.
SA-578 Revision Withdrawal of SA-578/SA-578M - Removed SA-578/SA-578M from
Section II, Part A due to its inclusion in Section V.
SA-662 Revision Adoption of ASTM A662/A662M-17 - Guidelines for thicknesses
removed from the Scope; there are no thickness limits as long as
properties are achieved.
SA-691 Revision Adoption of ASTM A691/A691M-18 - This is part of a larger project to
incorporate Section I Code Case 2864 for restricted chemistry Grade
91, now called Type 2. The adoption of the specifications is the first
phase; revision of the Code Case then revision of Section II, Part D will
be the next steps.

1) Restricted chemistry Grade 91 added as Type 2, with the current

Grade 91 listed as Type 1.
2) Made into a dual-units specification - added metric.
SA-736 Revision Adoption of ASTM A736/A736M-17 - 1) Guidelines for thicknesses
removed from the Scope; there are no thickness limits as long as
properties are achieved.

2) Niobium introduced as equivalent to columbium.

SA-737 Revision Adoption of ASTM A737/A737M-17 - Niobium introduced as equivalent
to columbium.
SA-745 Revision Withdrawal of SA-745/SA-745M - Removed SA-745/SA-745M from
Section II, Part A due to its inclusion in Section V.
SA-803 Revision Adoption of ASTM A803/A803M-16 - Changed Cb to Nb in Table 1 and
noted that the two are interchangeable.
SA-832 Revision Adoption of ASTM A832/A832M-17 - 1) Guidelines for thicknesses
removed from the Scope; there are no thickness limits as long as
properties are achieved.

2) Niobium introduced as equivalent to columbium.

SA-841 Revision Adoption of ASTM A841/A841M-17 - Niobium introduced as equivalent
to columbium.
SA-999 Revision Adoption of ASTM A999/A999M-17 - 1) Metricated Table I.

2) Corrected sample size for lot size of 9 to 90 for flattening and flaring

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Code Book: II Part: A Subpart/Table: Specifications

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

3) Revised metric value of C in 14.2.
SA-999 Revision Adoption of ASTM A999/A999M-18 - Test reports and certificates of
compliance are required for the product specifications (Alloy and
Stainless Steel Pipe) referenced by SA-999. Note that the
implementation of this new requirement may be different in the
construction Codes. For example, VIII-1 does not require MTRs for
pipe, which supersedes this specification requirement. However,
Section I defers to the material specifications, which would now require
MTRS for all such Section I pipe.
SA-1016 Revision Adoption of ASTM A1016/A1016M-17a - 1) Corrected paragraph
number for hydrotest.

2) Clarified the notch depth between minimum and avg. wall for UT,
ECT and flux leakage.
SA-1017 Revision Adoption of ASTM A1017/A1017M-17 - Niobium introduced as
equivalent to columbium.
SA/AS 1548 Revision Interchangeability of Grades - The considerations in Appendix D
concern either design or welding procedures qualification, and are not
applicable for SA/AS 1548.
SA/EN 10028-2 Revision Normalize rolling - For Grade 16Mo3 (C-0.3Mo), normalized rolled is
prohibited in place of normalized. Note that construction Codes (e.g.,
VIII-1) may also have further restrictions/requirements.
SA/EN 10028-2 Revision Adoption of EN 10028-2:2017 - 1) The niobium content max for grades
P235GH, P265GH, and P295GH has been increased from 0.020% to

2) Normalized rolling for certain grades permitted - note that

construction Codes (e.g., VIII-1) may have further
3) General specification, EN 10028-1, updated to 2017 edition.
SA/EN 10028-3 Revision Adoption of EN 10028-3:2017 - 1) Added grades P420NH, P420NL1,
and P420NL2.

2) Yield and tensile strength values are now specified for grades
P460NH, P460NL1, and P460NL2, for thickness above 100 mm up to
250 mm; the minimum % elongation is reduced of 1%.
3) New note applying to the copper content is added, permitting more
restrictive limits.
4) Normalized rolling permitted - note that construction Codes (e.g.,
VIII-1) may have further restrictions/requirements.
5) General specification, EN 10028-1, updated to 2017 edition.
SA/EN 10028-4 Revision Adoption of EN 10028-4:2017 - 1) Thickness range for X8Ni9+QT640,
X8Ni9+QT680 and X7Ni9 was extended to 125 mm.

2) General specification, EN 10028-1, updated to 2017 edition.

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Code Book: II Part: A Subpart/Table: Specifications

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

SA/EN 10028-7 Revision Adoption of EN 10028-7:2016 - 1) Many ferritic, austenitic and
austenitic-ferritic stainless steel grades added.

2) General specification, EN 10028-1, updated to 2017 edition.

SA/EN 10222-2 Revision Adoption of EN 10222-2:2017 - 1) Added new grades: P235GH,
P250GH, P265GH, P295GH

2) minimum impact energies and stress rupture properties revised - not

used by ASME
3) maximum tensile strength increased for grade X10CrMoVNb9-1
4) minimum tensile strength increased for grade X20CrMoV11-1
5) for grade 16Mo3, thickness range revised
6) various heat treatments and heat chemistries changed and product
analysis tolerances revised
Note that for the SA/EN specifications, older EN specifications are not
permitted, so all these changes are mandatory.

Code Book: II Part: A Subpart/Table: Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Appendix IV Revision Alignment with HIP changes to II-D Appendix 5 - Includes the same
language for HIP components in this duplicate Appendix as in II-D App
5 in this same Edition
Table II-200-1 Revision Revised SA-240 to limit to -05 edition of A240 for S32101. - This is
related to the incorporation of Code Case 2418-1 under this same RN
in the E15. The material properties changed in that Edition.
Table II-200-1 Errata ASTM A240 acceptable year dates - UNS S32101 is limited to -05 and
later. The change was approved for the E15, but this Errata did not
get published in the E15 nor in the E17.
Table II-200-1 Revision Deletion of Book Section & Code Case columns - These columns in
this table [with the little x's] have not always been kept up to date with
the adoption of new materials by the Construction Codes (I, III, IV, VIII,
X, and XII) or by adoption of Nuclear and non-Nuclear Code Cases. Its
purpose was also misunderstood by Code users that if there was not
an x in the column for the applicable construction code, that
specification could not be used. These columns indicated which
construction Codes and Code Cases permitted one or more of the
grades of materials in an adopted specification, but was not specific
about which grade(s) were permitted. The lists of permitted
specifications [and grades] are contained in the construction Codes
themselves and/or Section II, Part D, and in the Code Cases.
Appendix A Revision Nonmandatory Appendix A Sources of Standards - Address for the
Japanese Standards Association updated.

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Code Book: II Part: B Subpart/Table: Specifications

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

non-ASTM specifications Revision Mechanical Properties by Agreement - Mechanical properties by
agreement between the material producer and the customer is
SB-42 Revision Adoption of ASTM B42-15a - [Note: this is not a dual-units

Editorial revisions.
SB-43 Revision Adoption of ASTM B43-15 - [Note: this is not a dual-units specification.]

Flattening test alternative now refers to ASTM B968/B968M.

SB-61 Revision Adoption of ASTM B61-15 - [Note: this is not a dual-units specification.]

Editorial changes.
SB-62 Revision Adoption of ASTM B62-15 - [Note: this is not a dual-units specification.]

Sections 5.1.5 and 6.3 covering analysis of residual elements were

deleted as they are covered in general specification SB-824.
SB-96 Revision Adoption of ASTM B96/B96M-16 - 1) Now requires yield strength to be
tested and reported on the MTR.

2) Editorial revisions.
SB-98 Revision Adoption of ASTM B98/B98M-13 - Editorial revisions.
SB-148 Revision Adoption of ASTM B148-14 - [Note: this is not a dual-units

Editorial changes and changes to non-ASME materials.

SB-151 Revision Adoption of ASTM B151/B151M-13 - P and S impurity limits for C70600
which were erroneously included were removed.
SB-152 Revision Adoption of ASTM B152/B152M-13 - Editorial changes and changes to
non-ASME materials.
SB-166 Revision Adoption of ASTM B166-11 - [Note: this is not a dual-units

Added N06674.
SB-169 Revision Adoption of ASTM B169/B169M-15 - Editorial changes.
SB-171 Revision Adoption of B171/B171M-12 - Editorial changes and changes to non-
ASME materials.
SB-187 Revision Adoption of ASTM B187/B187M-15 - Temper for other than rod (bar,
shapes) changed from H04 to H02. No parallel revision made in II-D
(only H04 permitted). If a Manufacturer uses this specification in bar
product form in the H04 temper, please contact so we can assist in requesting a Code

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Code Book: II Part: B Subpart/Table: Specifications

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

SB-249 Revision Adoption of ASTM B249/B249M-15a - Added C69240 and C46750.
SB-265 Revision Adoption of ASTM B265-15 - 1) The oldest ASTM edition permitted
updated to -13ae1 due to errata

2) Grade 39 added - not an ASME material

3) hot-rolled sheet is defined as a new product
4) editorial revisions
SB-271 Revision Adoption of ASTM B271/B271M-15 - 1) Added C85470.

2) Editorial changes and changes to non-ASME materials.

SB-283 Revision Adoption of ASTM B283/B283M-17 - 1) Added C28500, C49265,
C49345, C46750, C27453, C27451, C49250, C87700, C87710,
C49255, C49260, C49300, C49340, C49350 and C27450.

2) Changes to non-ASME materials.

3) First publication as dual-unit specification.
SB-315 Revision Adoption of ASTM B315-12 - [Note: this is not a dual-units

Editorial changes.
SB-338 Revision Adoption of ASTM B338-17 - [Note: this is not a dual-units

1) Grade 39 added.
2) Editorial changes.
SB-348 Revision Adoption of ASTM B348-13 - [Note: this is not a dual-units

Editorial changes.
SB-359 Revision Adoption of ASTM B359/B359M-15 - 1) Modified to accommodate the
unenhanced portions of the tube to be cold worked during
manufacturing to achieve the H55 temper designation.

2) Flattening test alternative now refers to ASTM B968/B968M.

3) Requirement for pressure testing removed - 12.2 now permits a
hydrostatic or pneumatic test, or eddy current.
4) Stress corrosion cracking test is now required after enhancing and
stress relief anneal.
SB-366 Revision Adoption of ASTM B366/B366M-17 - 1) made a dual-units
specification - added metric

2) N06044 added - not an ASME material

SB-369 Revision Adoption of ASTM B369-09(16) - [Note: this is not a dual-units

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Code Book: II Part: B Subpart/Table: Specifications

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Editorial changes.
SB-381 Revision Adoption of ASTM B381-13 - [Note: this is not a dual-units

Editorial changes.
SB-395 Revision Adoption of ASTM B395/B395M-16 - 1) Welding limits were removed
for alloys UNS C70600 and C71500.

2) Corrected typo in Table 4 where HR58 should be HR50.

SB-435 Revision Adoption of ASTM B435-06(R16) - [Note: this is not a dual-units

Even though the ASTM designation indicated it was a Reapproval of

the -06 edition, there were actually -11 and -11e1 editions. The -11e1
edition made an editorial correction to the metric tensile strength for
UNS N12160, which is for reference only.
SB-466 Revision Adoption of ASTM B466/B466M-14 - 1) Corrected metric tensile
strength C71500 and C71520; no changes to allowable stresses.

2) Flattening test alternative now refers to ASTM B968/B968M.

SB-467 Revision Adoption of ASTM B467-14 - [Note: this is not a dual-units

1) Added C70620 and C71520.

2) Flattening test alternative now refers to ASTM B968/B968M.
SA-494 Revision Adoption of ASTM A494/A494M-15 - 1) Maximum P and/or S reduced
for most alloys.

2) Trace elements are required to be analyzed and reported for

information only.
[Note: Although this is an "SA" specification, since the majority of the
alloys are nickel alloys, it is published in numeric, not alpha-numeric,
order in II-B.]
SB-564 Revision Adoption of ASTM B564-17a - [Note: this is not a dual-units

1) Added N06044 and N08034.

2) Editorial changes and changes to non-ASME materials.
SB-574 Revision Adoption of ASTM B574-17 - Added N06044. Chemistry for N06058
revised - not a Code material.
SB-626 Revision Adoption of ASTM B626-17 - 1) ASTM editions limited: N06059 to 10e1
and later, and R20033 to 10e2 and later - due to errata

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Code Book: II Part: B Subpart/Table: Specifications

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

2) N06044 and N06617 added
3) N06058 chemistry revised - not a Code material
SB-666 Addition Adoption of ASTM B666/B666M-15 - SB-209, SB-210, SB-211, etc.
require marking in accordance with ASTM B666, however ASME had
not adopted this specification for the Manufacturer and AI to verify
proper marking. Publication of this general specification provides such
required information.
SB-956 Revision Adoption of ASTM B956/B956M-10e1 - ASTM specification previously
incorrectly identified the specification as B956; the specification was a
dual-units specification though. This is editorially corrected.
SB/EN 1706 Addition EN AC-42000-S-T6 Aluminum Alloy - An Inquirer requested to use
SB/EN 1706 EN AC-42000-S-T6 aluminum alloy for VIII-1 up to 120°C.
This material is similar to A03560 in the T6 temper but with somewhat
higher minimum tensile and yield strength, and a very low elongation
minimum of 1%. To assure adequate ductility, EN AC-42000-S-T6 is
required to have a 3% minimum elongation.

Code Book: II Part: B Subpart/Table: Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Appendix A Revision Nonmandatory Appendix A Sources of Standards - Address for the
Japanese Standards Association updated.
Appendix IV Revision Alignment with HIP changes to II-D Appendix 5 - Includes the same
language for HIP components in this duplicate Appendix as in II-D App
5 in this same Edition
Table II-200-1 Revision Deletion of Book Section & Code Case columns - These columns in
this table [with the little x's] have not always been kept up to date with
the adoption of new materials by the Construction Codes (I, III, IV, VIII,
X, and XII) or by adoption of Nuclear and non-Nuclear Code Cases. Its
purpose was also misunderstood by Code users that if there was not
an x in the column for the applicable construction code, that
specification could not be used. These columns indicated which
construction Codes and Code Cases permitted one or more of the
grades of materials in an adopted specification, but was not specific
about which grade(s) were permitted. The lists of permitted
specifications [and grades] are contained in the construction Codes
themselves and/or Section II, Part D, and in the Code Cases.

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Code Book: II Part: C Subpart/Table: Specifications

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

SFA-5.10/SFA-5.10M Revision Adopted AWS A5.10/A5.10M:2017 as SFA-5.10/SFA-5.10M - Adopted
AWS A5.10/A5.10M:2017 "Welding Consumables - Wire Electrodes,
Wires and Rods for Welding of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys -
Classification" as SFA-5.10/SFA-5.10M to replace the 2012 AWS
Edition. Five changes, including paragraph renumbering, from the
previous Edition were noted in the informative annex.
SFA-5.14/SFA-5.14M Revision Adopted AWS A5.14/A5.14M:2018 as SFA-5.14/SFA-5.14M - Adopted
AWS A5.14/A5.14M:2018 "Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Alloy
Bare Welding Electrodes and Rods" as SFA-5.14/SFA-5.14M to
replace the previous 2011 AWS Edition. The following changes were
noted from the previous edition: (1) Added new classifications: ERNi-
CrCo-1, ERNiCrFe-15, ERNiFeCr-3, ERNiMoCr-1, ERNiCrCoMo-2,
and ERNiCrMoWNb-1; (2) Chemical composition of ERNiCrMo-19 was
modified as shown on subsequent pages; and (3) The previously noted
new classifications were added to the F-Number table as F-No. 43.
SFA-5.17/SFA-5.17M Errata Errata - Table 1 UNS N01213 Silicon Value Corrected - The value of
silicon (Si) "wt. percent" for Electrode Classification EH12K UNS
K01213 was corrected in Table 1 from "0.25/0.65" to "0.20/0.65".
SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M Revision Adopted AWS A5.18/A5.18M:2017 as SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M - Adopted
AWS A5.18/A5.18M "Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and
Rods for Gas Shielded Arc Welding" as SFA-5.18/SFA-5.18M. The
following changes were noted from the previous 2005 AWS edition: (1)
A new solid electrode classification, ER70S-8 [ER49S-8] has been
added; (2) Two new composite electrode classifications have been
added: E70C-8X [E49C-8X] for DCEN welding, and E70C-12X [E49C-
12X] with a 1.60% maximum Mn to meet QW-442 A-No. 1; (3) Boron
reporting requirements were added where intentionally added or when
exceeding 10 ppm; (4) Metric designations with strength designators
“ER48” and “EC48” have been changed to “ER49” and “EC49” with a
corresponding change in required minimum tensile strength from 480
MPa to 490 MPa; and (5) Requirements for the GTAW weld pad were
moved to Annex A for clarity. No changes to the F-Number table were
SFA-5.2/SFA-5.2M Revision Adopted AWS A5.2/A5.2M:2018 as SFA-5.2/SFA-5.2M
- Adopted AWS A5.2/A5.2M:2018 "Specification for Carbon and Low-
Alloy Steel Rods for Oxyfuel Gas Welding" as SFA-5.2/SFA-5.2M to
replace the previous 2007 AWS Edition. No substantive changes were
noted from the previous edition.
SFA-5.35/SFA-5.35M Addition Added New Specification SFA-5.35/SFA-5.35M - Adopted AWS
A5.35/A5.35M:2015-AMD1 "Specification for Covered Electrodes for
Underwater Wet Shielded Metal Arc Welding" as new specification
SFA-5.35/SFA-5.35M in Section II, Part C.
SFA-5.11/SFA-5.11M Revision Adopted AWS A5.11/A5.11M:2018 as SFA-5.11/SFA-5.11M
- Adopted AWS A5.11/A5.11M:2018 "Specification for Nickel and
Nickel-Alloy Welding Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding" as
SFA-5.11/SFA-5.11M to replace the previous 2010 AWS Edition. The
following changes were noted from the previous edition: (1) Added new
classifications ENiCrFe-15 & ENiMoCr-1; (2) Chemical composition of

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Code Book: II Part: C Subpart/Table: Specifications

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

ENiCrMo-19 was modified; and (3) The previously noted new
classifications were added to the F-number table as F-No. 43.

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Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Front Matter

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Information Provided in Revision Size/thickness Limit - Clarified that the information in the Minimum
Stress Tables Tensile Strength, Minimum Yield Strength, and Size/Thickness
columns is mandatory, but that when there is a conflict between the
intermediate values for these quantities in the stress tables and those
in the material specifications, the values in the material specifications
Locating Materials Addition Table Organization - This addition is part of a 2-Edition transition plan
to move the Section IV allowable stresses to Section II, Part D. The first
phase in the E19 is to add to II-D the criteria for calculating such
stresses, and adding "For Information Only" allowable stress
tables. In the E21, after doing some cleanup in II-D, the allowables will
be deleted from Section IV and the allowables in II-D will become
mandatory. If errors are noted, please inform

For the new Section IV allowable stress Tables 6x, the Guideline is
revised to detail how those tables are organized and explain the
ordering of materials in those tables.
Locating Materials Addition Statement on Section IV Tables - This addition is part of a 2-Edition
transition plan to move the Section IV allowable stresses to Section II,
Part D. The first phase in the E19 is to add to II-D the criteria for
calculating such stresses, and adding "For Information Only"
allowable stress tables. In the E21, after doing some cleanup in II-D,
the allowables will be deleted from Section IV and the allowables in II-D
will become mandatory. If errors are noted, please inform

Added a statement in the Guideline on Locating Materials that Tables

6A, 6B, 6C and 6D are for information only - the allowable stresses
published in Section IV are the ones to be used for the E19. A header
will also be added to every Table 6x page indicating that the data is for
information only.
Statement of Policy Revision Values for Interpolation - Generalized the Statement of Policy so that
the statement about listing values in the tables at temperatures above
the maximum use temperature, so that they can be used for
interpolation, applies to both the Metric and Customary II-D books.

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Appendix E Revision Correction to General Notes - Revised the Notes in tables E-100.1-1
and E-100.6-1 to match the similar General Notes in Tables U and Y-1.
Appendix 5 Revision Incorporation of Hot Isostatically-Pressed Components - Adds controls
such that the allowable stresses for a wrought product form grade may
be applied to HIP powder metallurgy components of the same grade
under certain conditions.

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Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Appendix 6 Addition Section IV allowable stress criteria - This addition is part of a 2-Edition
transition plan to move the Section IV allowable stresses to Section II,
Part D. The first phase in the E19 is to add to II-D the criteria for
calculating such stresses, and adding "For Information Only"
allowable stress tables. In the E21, after doing some cleanup in II-D,
the allowables will be deleted from Section IV and the allowables in II-D
will become mandatory. If errors are noted, please inform

Note that although this is a "Mandatory Appendix", it is only mandatory

for the Committee's use - Manufacturers are not permitted to calculate
their own allowable stresses.
This new Mandatory Appendix 6 addresses the allowables, by
coincidence, in the Table 6x series.
[Note, Appendix 6 was redesignated as Appendix A in the A04.]

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: All Tables

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

A96063 Addition Incorporation of Code Case 2573 - Stress values for A96063-T6 added
to Tables U and Y-1.
A96063 Addition Addition of 6063 Aluminum Alloy - Added stress values for 6063
aluminum alloy in all conditions.
C23000 Addition Addition of Stress Values - Added lines for C23000 to Tables U and Y-
C46400 and C46500 Revision Revise time-dependent allowable stresses - New data was provided
and reanalyzed. Allowables increased up to ~8%.
C63000 Revision Reassess C63000 Stress Lines - New data were provided for this alloy
that permitted re-analysis of the stresses, with an approximate 12%
increase in allowable at certain temperatures. Metric size breaks were
also revised to match the material specifications.
C70600 Addition Addition of High-Stress Lines - This is the second instance of the
revised policy of applying the 90% yield strength criterion to copper
alloys; this change to the II-D Mandatory Appendices was approved in
the E17.

Added C70600 high stress lines to Tables 1B and 5B. Also corrected
existing values for welded lines at creep-controlled temperatures
C70620 and C71520 Addition Addition of Stress Values - Added C70620 and C71520 to Tables 1B,
2B, 5B, U, Y-1, TM-3 and PRD. These grades are the same as C70600
and C71500 except with impurity controls - the specification calls it the
weldable grade.
C71500 Addition Addition of High-Stress Lines - This is the third instance of the revised
policy of applying the 90% yield strength criterion to copper alloys; this
change to the II-D Mandatory Appendices was approved in the E17.

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Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: All Tables

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Added C71500 high stress lines to Tables 1B and 5B. Also corrected
several existing values.
C71500 and C71520 Revision Addition of Stress Values - Added lines for SB-359, SB-395, SB-466
and SB-467 C71500 and C71520 to Tables U and Y-1.
C95400 Revision Revised Stress Values for SB-148 and SB-271 C95400 - 1) New data
were found for C95400 (aluminum bronze) and added to the existing
data on this material. The re-analysis results in a 3-5% increase in time
independent allowable stress values. Changes were made to Table 1B
and to Table Y-1; there are no changes to Table U.
2) Errors were found in denoting the time-dependent values with italics
in Table 1B and were corrected - the value at 450F is time dependent.
Accordingly, the Section III Max. Temperature Limit was changed to
400F from 450F. Parallel changes were made for the metric table.
General Notes Revision Removal of Notes - Removed Construction Code-specific shear and
bending stress criteria Notes from Tables 1A, 1B, and 3. Sections VIII
and XII are proceeding in parallel to add such design information into
the construction Code itself.
nonferrous alloys Revision Revisions of Stress Values - Revisions were made in Tables 1B, 2B, 3,
4, 5B, U and Y-1 for C70600, N04400, N06600, N06625, N06690 and
N08800 to have the values and designations of the stress lines match
the properties in the material specifications.
S31266 Addition Incorporation of Code Case 2831 - This alloy is added to all Tables in
various product forms.
S32003 Addition Incorporation of Code Case 2503-1 - Stress values for S32003 added.
S38815 Addition Incorporation of Code Case 2450 - Stress values were added for
various aluminum alloys Revision Revision of stress values for various aluminum alloys - Revised
allowable stresses, and added yield and tensile stress values for alloys
A91060, A91100, A95154, A95254 and A95454. Allowable stresses in
some instances increased about 14%.
various copper alloys Revision Stress Values Reassessment - Additional data were provided and
analyzed for C10200, C11000, C12000, C12200, C12300, C14200,
C10400, C10500 and C10700 providing revised stress values.
Allowable stress values using the "high stress" rules were calculated for
the annealed temper stress lines in Table 1B. Incorrect size break
entries were removed. A stress line for SB-543 C12200 WO61 was
various copper alloys Revision Size/Thickness Values Corrections - Size/thickness limits revised to
correspond to the values in the material specifications. Ellipses ("...")
were used when no size was mentioned in the specification; "All" was
used when that term was used in the specification.
Various Ferrous Materials Revision Size/thickness Values - For dual-unit specifications, revised the
intermediate values in the Size/Thickness columns of Tables 1A, 2A, 3,
4, 5A, U, and Y-1 in the Metric Edition, to conform to the intermediate
size/thickness limits in the material specifications.

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Synopsis of the 2019 Edition of the ASME BPV Code

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: All Tables

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Tables 1A, U & Y-1 Addition SA-213 UNS S31254 Seamless Tubing - Allowable stresses, and
tensile and yield strength values added to Tables 1A, U & Y-1 in
Section II, Part D for SA-213 UNS S31254 material.
Grade 11 Revision Metric Allowable Stresses - Various allowable stresses for Grade 11 in
the II-D Metric were corrected. Also, 2 values in II-D USC were
corrected at 900F.
Grade 91 Revision Update stress values for Grade 91 - Tables 1A and 5A for all wrought
product forms have been revised. An extensive and thorough analysis
of the database, including new data, resulted in several changes to the
allowable stresses:

1) A size/thickness distinction is no longer made for SA-213, SA-234,

SA-336 and SA-369 - only a single stress line is published. For SA-182,
SA-335 and SA-387 product forms, the 3" limit is retained, although the
allowable stresses are not different, due to differences in permitted use
for Section III.
2) From 1000-1200F (525-650C), allowables are reduced 1-19%.
SB-111 C28000 and SB-171 Revision Addition of Stress Values - Added values for SB-111 C28000 and SB-
C36500 171 C36500 to Tables U and Y-1
SB-167 Revision Removal of Duplicate Stress Lines - Removed duplicate [and incorrect]
stress lines for SB-167 N06600 in Table U and Y-1.
SB-171 Revision Corrections to Metric Size Breaks - The metric size breaks were
revised to match the material specification.
SB-171 Addition Additions to Tables U and Y-1 - Added stress values for SB-171
C46400 and C46500 to Tables U and Y-1.
SA-182 and SA-336 Revision Stress Values for F91 - The stress values were revised based on the
specification minimum tensile strength of 90 ksi for F91 in SA-182 and
SA-336, not the 85 ksi listed in II-D. Allowable stresses increased up to
6% below 1000F.
SA-193-B16 Revision Upper Size Limits - The upper size limit was revised in the specification
from 7" (180 mm) to 8" (200 mm), and this revision reflects that change.
SA-553 Addition Incorporation of Code Case 2842 - Added SA-553 Type III 7% Ni
SA-705, Type XM-12 Revision Incorporation of Case 2567 - Allowable stresses for SA-705, Type XM-
12, Conditions H1075, H1025, H925, and H900 added for VIII-3 use.
SB/EN 1706 Addition EN AC-42000-S-T6 Aluminum Alloy - An Inquirer requested to use
SB/EN 1706 EN AC-42000-S-T6 aluminum alloy for VIII-1 up to 120°C.
This material is similar to A03560 in the T6 temper but with somewhat
higher minimum tensile and yield strength, and a very low elongation
minimum of 1%. To assure adequate ductility, EN AC-42000-S-T6 is
required to have a 3% minimum elongation.

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Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table 1A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

II-D Metric Revision Missing Metric Values - S30601, S30600, S32615 and S31725 added
to II-D Metric. These materials are listed in the US Customary II-D
Tables but are missing from the Metric. Due to the need for
interpolation to the metric equivalent of the US Customary use
temperature, notes are added permitting the last value in the table to
be used to a slightly higher metric temperature, rather than creating a
new value for the next higher metric temperature.
Note H3 Revision Reference to Note H3 Deleted - The note was deleted in the E17 and
all references to it in II-D US Customary were deleted. This action
cleans up II-D Metric for this Note's deletion.

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table 1B

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Note W8 Revision Delete Note - Note W8 had mandated PWHT of C95400, which is no
longer considered necessary.

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table 3

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

SA-320 Revision Increased Use Temperature - SA-320 is an impact tested bolt
specification typically used for cold temperatures. However, bolts may
see both cold and warm temperatures, so the traditional 100F
maximum temperature does not meet some service needs. For VIII-1
and VIII-2, the Max. Temperature Limit for SA-320 UNS S30400,
S31600, S34700, S32100 and S30323 was increased to the value for
the same grade in the SA-193 listings.

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table 5A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

K31390 Addition Incorporation of Code Case 2151-2 - Added allowable stresses for 3Cr-
1Mo-0.25V-Cb-Ca (Grade 3VCb) for VIII-2 Class 2 use.

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table 5B

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

SB-111 Revision Stress Line Deleted - When a high stress line was added for SB-111
C60800 in the E17, the low stress line was not deleted as is the policy
per II-D Appendix 10. This revision now deletes the low stress line.

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Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table 5B

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

SB-241 Revision Addition of SB-241 6061-T6 welded material - Allowable stresses for
VIII-2 were added for this material.

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table U

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table U Revision Revised Table U - Updates to General Note (b) of Tables U and Y-1
discusses the “tabulated values” for use in Sections I, III, and VIII but
does not include Section XII. Section XII was first issued after this
General Note was added and the note needs to be updated to reflect it.

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table 6A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table 6A Addition New Stress Table 6A - This addition is part of a 2-Edition transition plan
to move the Section IV allowable stresses to Section II, Part D. The first
phase in the E19 is to add to II-D the criteria for calculating such
stresses, and adding "For Information Only" allowable stress
tables. In the E21, after doing some cleanup in II-D, the allowables will
be deleted from Section IV and the allowables in II-D will become
mandatory. If errors are noted, please inform

Added allowable stress values for ferrous boiler materials found in

Section IV, Table HF-300.1, for temperatures up to 500F (275C) into
Section II, Part D, by creating Table 6A.

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table U

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

SB-366 N06625 Revision Revise Tensile Strength - The room temperature tensile strength was
revised in the Metric Table to match the specification.

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table U-2

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Sizes and Tensile Strengths Revision Metricated Table U-2 - The current Table U-2 in II-D Metric was soft-
converted from the US Customary values. This revision uses the actual
metric values for sizes and strengths found in the material

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Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table U-2

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Tensile Strengths Revision Table U-2 Combination with Table U - The values from Table U-2 were
added to Table U, and Table U-2 was deleted.

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table 6B

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table 6B Addition New Stress Table 6B - This addition is part of a 2-Edition transition plan
to move the Section IV allowable stresses to Section II, Part D. The first
phase in the E19 is to add to II-D the criteria for calculating such
stresses, and adding "For Information Only" allowable stress
tables. In the E21, after doing some cleanup in II-D, the allowables will
be deleted from Section IV and the allowables in II-D will become
mandatory. If errors are noted, please inform

Added allowable stress values for nonferrous boiler materials found in

Section IV, Table HF-300.2, for temperatures up to 500F (275C) into
Section II, Part D, by creating Table 6B.

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table 6C

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table 6C Addition New Stress Table 6C - This addition is part of a 2-Edition transition
plan to move the Section IV allowable stresses to Section II, Part D.
The first phase in the E19 is to add to II-D the criteria for calculating
such stresses, and adding "For Information Only" allowable stress
tables. In the E21, after doing some cleanup in II-D, the allowables will
be deleted from Section IV and the allowables in II-D will become
mandatory. If errors are noted, please inform

Added allowable stress values for Lined Water Heater Materials found
in Section IV, Table HLW-300, for temperatures up to 500F (275C) into
Section II, Part D, by creating Table 6C.

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table 6D

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table 6D Addition New Stress Table 6D - This addition is part of a 2-Edition transition
plan to move the Section IV allowable stresses to Section II, Part D.
The first phase in the E19 is to add to II-D the criteria for calculating
such stresses, and adding "For Information Only" allowable stress
tables. In the E21, after doing some cleanup in II-D, the allowables will
be deleted from Section IV and the allowables in II-D will become

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Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table 6D

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

mandatory. If errors are noted, please inform

Added allowable stress values for Unlined Water Heater Materials

found in Section IV, Table HLW-301, for temperatures up to 500F
(275C) into Section II, Part D, by creating Table 6D.

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Table Y-1

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table Y-1 Revision Revised Table Y-1 - Updates to General Note (b) of Tables U and Y-1
discusses the “tabulated values” for use in Sections I, III, and VIII but
does not include Section XII. Section XII was first issued after this
General Note was added and the note needs to be updated to reflect it.

Code Book: II Part: D Subpart/Table: Subpart 2

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

A95086 Revision Metric TC and TD Values - Added metric Thermal Conductivity (TC)
and Thermal Diffusivity (TD) values for A95086, which were stated as
"TBD" previously.
Table TE-3 Revision Copper Thermal Expansion Values - Added an explanation of which
copper alloys (as identified by UNS designations) are included in which
property class in Table TE-3.
Tables TE Revision Added Precision - A second decimal was added to coefficients of
thermal expansion values below 1.0.

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Code Book: III Part: Appendices Subpart/Table: Mandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Mandatory Appendix II Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix II - Revisions to Appendix II to
incorporate for use in Divisions 3 and 5.

Mandatory Appendix V Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix V - Revise the N-2 Data Report to
address the certification of Nuclear parts and establish a new N-2A
Data Report for the certification of Nuclear appurtenances. The current
N-2 Data Report does not provide for a method to certify the design for
appurtenances, when the fabricator is not responsible for design.
Mandatory Appendix XI Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XI - Used for consistency since the
definition of 'b' in XI-3000 is different than E-1120 and L-3190 regarding
references to Appendix XI. Several other inconsistencies were found
when correcting this difference and were included as well.
Mandatory Appendix XI Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XI - Revisions to Appendix XI to
incorporate for use in Divisions 3 and 5.
Mandatory Appendix XII Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XII - Editorially reorganize the articles in
Mandatory Appendix XII
Mandatory Appendix XII Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XII - Revisions to Appendix XII to
incorporate for use in Divisions 3 and 5.
Mandatory Appendix XIII Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XIII - Add reference to test conditions in
paragraph XIII-3600 since test conditions are included in XIII-3000 but
were not listed in the primary stress intensity limits.
Mandatory Appendix XIII Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XIII - Paragraph XIII-2200 was revised to
provide clarification that interpolation is permitted for all design stress
values and mechanical properties.
Mandatory Appendix XIII Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XIII - Add new Supplement to Appendix
XIII for the Design by Analysis rules in NB-3200, Appendix XIII and
Appendix XIV were consolidated as Appendix XIII in the 2017 Edition.
Added Cross-Reference List for NB-3200 and Appendix XIII which
allows the management of the applicability of the documents without
having to revise each document.
Mandatory Appendix XIII Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XIII - Revision is being made to match a
similar revision approved for NC and ND in regards examples of local
primary membrane stress
Mandatory Appendix XIII Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XIII - Revised editorial change to
separate current requirements into two distinct sub-subparagraphs
Mandatory Appendix XXII Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XXII - Revisions to Appendix XXII to
incorporate for use in Divisions 3 and 5.
Mandatory Appendix XXIII Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XXIII - Incorporated requirements into
XXIII-1100 scope for overpressure protection reports since these are
now incorporated into XXIII-1260 and Table S2-5 (see NE-7230).
Mandatory Appendix XXIII Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XXIII - ASME BPVC, Section III,
Appendix XXIII-1223(b)(2), add an end note identifying "Washington
Accord: 1989"

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Code Book: III Part: Appendices Subpart/Table: Mandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Mandatory Appendix XXIII Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XXIII - Editorial change to remove lines
beginning with F-1321 and F-1370 from XXIII Table S2-3

Mandatory Appendix XXVI Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XXVI - Clarify XXVI-2400 and XXVI-4130
that no repair of polyethylene material may be performed until after
delivery to the fabricator or installer.
Mandatory Appendix XXVI Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XXVI - Revised Section III, Appendix
XXVI to clarify flange adapter requirements, remove redundant test
requirement, resolve regulator condition, clarify data acquisition
requirements, correct error in electrofusion qualification requirements.

Mandatory Appendix XXVI Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix XXVI - Revised ASME BPVC, Section
III, Appendix XXVI, Table XXVI-I-100-1 to reference NCA-7100-2 for
PPI TR-3 and PPI TR-4

Code Book: III Part: Appendices Subpart/Table: Nonmandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Non-Mandatory Appendix A Revision Revised Non-Mandatory Appendix A - Added cross references to
paragraph A-8120 for Figure A-8120-1

Non-Mandatory Appendix D3 Revision Added Non-Mandatory Appendix D3 - Added a new Non-Mandatory

Appendix that provides guidance for developing Division 3 Design
Specifications and Fabrication Specifications.
Non-Mandatory Appendix E Revision Revised Non-Mandatory Appendix E - Used for consistency since the
definition of 'b' in XI-3000 is different than E-1120 and L-3190 regarding
references to Appendix XI. Several other inconsistencies were found
when correcting this difference and were included as well.
Non-Mandatory Appendix HH Revision Revised Non-Mandatory Appendix HH - Editorial Format of Table HH-
1120-1 and Figure HH-1220
Non-Mandatory Appendix L Revision Revised Non-Mandatory Appendix L - Used for consistency since the
definition of 'b' in XI-3000 is different than E-1120 and L-3190 regarding
references to Appendix XI. Several other inconsistencies were found
when correcting this difference and were included as well.
Non-Mandatory Appendix L Revision Revised Non-Mandatory Appendix L - Revised to include minor
revisions to Appendix L to expand use to Divisions 3 and 5 and other
editorial changes
Non-Mandatory Appendix N Revision Revised Non-Mandatory Appendix N - Paragraphs were added to
Section III, Non-Mandatory Appendix N to address possible in-plane
fluid elastic instability for structures like steam generator U-tube from
industry events specific to San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.
Non-Mandatory Appendix Q Revision Revised Non-Mandatory Appendix Q - Appendix is being revised to
expand applicability to Division 5 for low temperature applications, and

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Code Book: III Part: Appendices Subpart/Table: Nonmandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

to make other minor editorial changes. The Appendix is being given a
title and article Q-1000 is being re-titled, and applicability statements
are being added. It is not likely that clamped connections would be
used in Div 3 so this Division was not added.
Non-Mandatory Appendix T Revision Revised Non-Mandatory Appendix T - Revised action reinstates the
title and creates a new article 1000 and article 1000 title to be
consistent with other appendices. Incorporated use for Div 5

Non-Mandatory Appendix U Revision Revised Non-Mandatory Appendix U - Revised action reinstates the
title and creates a new article 1000 and article 1000 title to be
consistent with other appendices. Incorporated use for Div 5.
Non-Mandatory Appendix ZZ Revision Added Non-Mandatory Appendix ZZ - New Non-Mandatory Appendix
ZZ added to address to development Division 5 Design Specifications.

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Code Book: III Part: Subsection Subpart/Table: Front Matter


Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Forwards of Section III Revision Revised Forwards of Section III - Proposed clarification to recent
revisions to the Section III and Section XI Forewords of the BPV Code
to change the word "components" to the more inclusive word "items" is
a simple fix for this concern, allowing all pertinent items to be properly


Code Book: III Part: Subsection Subpart/Table: Article NCA-1000


Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NCA-1275 Revision Revised NCA-1275 - Revision to NCA-1275 to clarify rupture disk inlet
and outlet material requirements and requirements for other parts. This
changes considers disk as material, a part, or an appurtenance, and
are considered to be part of the pressure-retaining boundary.

Code Book: III Part: Subsection Subpart/Table: Article NCA-3000


Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table NCA-3200-1 Revision Revised Table NCA-3200-1 - Revised to Table NCA-3200-1 -
Document Distribution for Division 2 Construction for N-3 Data Report
entry requirements.

NCA-3126 Revision Revised NCA-3126 - Revise reference editions of ISO/IEC 17025 to

2005 and 2017 in NCA-3000, NCA-4000, WA-3000, and HAB-3000.
Add 2005 and 2017 reference editions of ISO/IEC 17025 to Tables
NCA-7100-2, NCA-7100-3. WA-7100-2, and HAB-7100-1 and delete
2005 reference edition from paragraphs in NCA-3126, NCA-3127,
NCA-4255.3(c), NCA-4354.3, NCA-4255.3(d), WA-3123, WA-3124,
HAB-3126, HAB-3127, HAB-3855.3(c), HAB-3855.3(d). ISO released
publication of the 2017 edition of ISO/IEC 17025. Conformance to this
new standard becomes mandatory for the accredited calibration and
testing laboratories over a three year period ending in 2020 as their
certificates come due.

NCA-3127 Revision Revised NCA-3127 - Revise reference editions of ISO/IEC 17025 to

2005 and 2017 in NCA-3000, NCA-4000, WA-3000, and HAB-3000.
Add 2005 and 2017 reference editions of ISO/IEC 17025 to Tables
NCA-7100-2, NCA-7100-3. WA-7100-2, and HAB-7100-1 and delete
2005 reference edition from paragraphs in NCA-3126, NCA-3127,
NCA-4255.3(c), NCA-4354.3, NCA-4255.3(d), WA-3123, WA-3124,
HAB-3126, HAB-3127, HAB-3855.3(c), HAB-3855.3(d). ISO released
publication of the 2017 edition of ISO/IEC 17025. Conformance to this
new standard becomes mandatory for the accredited calibration and

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Code Book: III Part: Subsection Subpart/Table: Article NCA-3000


Paragraph Type Subject - Description

testing laboratories over a three year period ending in 2020 as their
certificates come due.

NCA-3360 Revision Revised NCA-3360 - Updated NCA-3360(b) to show that the "Certifying
Engineer" certifies the Construction Specification and Design Drawings
on behalf of the "Designer." This code changes replaces "Designer"
with "Certifying Engineer" for Div 2 activities.
NCA-3511.3(g) Revision Revised NCA-3511.3(g) - Update NCA-3551 restructured to NCA-
3551(a), NCA-3551(b) and NCA-3551(c) with existing sub-sub
paragraphs being renumbered (1) through (7). Clarify existing NCA-
3551(g) [new NCA-3551(c)(7)] that date of certification is the date(s)
the Design Reports are certified with an alternative of the date the
Summary is Certified.

NCA-3551.3 Revision Revised NCA-3551.3 - Update NCA-3551 restructured to NCA-3551(a),

NCA-3551(b) and NCA-3551(c) with existing sub-sub paragraphs being
renumbered (1) through (7). Clarify existing NCA-3551(g) [new NCA-
3551(c)(7)] that date of certification is the date(s) the Design Reports
are certified with an alternative of the date the Summary is Certified.

NCA-3761 Revision Revised NCA-3761 - Update NCA-3761(a) to address NS Certificate

Holder in the list of Certificate Holders the NA Certificate Holder may
approve based only upon the NS Certificate Holder having an ASME
issued Certificate of Authorization

NCA-3784 Revision Revised NCA-3784 - Revised to Correct "Registered Professional

Engineer" to read "Certifying Engineer" in NCA-3784.2 and NCA-
3784.5, which was introduced in 2017
NCA-3820 Revision Revised NCA-3820 - Clarification in NCA-3820 added to allow for a
Certificate Holder to provide material to another Certificate Holder to be
used in the fabrication, assembly or installation of an item that will be
stamped by the original Certificate Holder who provided the material.

Code Book: III Part: Subsection Subpart/Table: Article NCA-4000


Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NCA-4110 Revision Revised NCA-4110 - ASME updated to the latest approved NRC
adopted NQA-1. This is up to the 2015 Edition of NQA-1 which was
documented in Reg Guide 1.28 Rev 5. Code change provides further
clarification in NCA-4110, invoking Part II of NQA-1 when directed in
Part I. Although this was always the intended requirement the code
language now clarifies this. NCA-4134.3 also adds direct code
language to NQA-1 Part II, Subpart 2.7 for Computer Program Code.
This code change also Revises NCA-4100, WA-4100, and HAB-4100

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Code Book: III Part: Subsection Subpart/Table: Article NCA-4000


Paragraph Type Subject - Description

to clarify the use of NQA-1 Part II and the use of commercial grade
dedication for software.
NCA-4134.17(d) Revision Revised NCA-4134.17(d) - Updated reference in NCA-4134.17(d) to
Lifetime Records in Table NCA-4134.17-1 to reflect activities for
Polyethylene Material Organization Quality System Program
NCA-4134.3 Revision Revised NCA-4134.3 - ASME updated to the latest approved NRC
adopted NQA-1. This is up to the 2015 Edition of NQA-1 which was
documented in Reg Guide 1.28 Rev 5. Code change provides further
clarification in NCA-4110, invoking Part II of NQA-1 when directed in
Part I. Although this was always the intended requirement the code
language now clarifies this. NCA-4134.3 also adds direct code
language to NQA-1 Part II, Subpart 2.7 for Computer Program Code.
This code change also Revises NCA-4100, WA-4100, and HAB-4100
to clarify the use of NQA-1 Part II and the use of commercial grade
dedication for software.
NCA-4134.7 Revision Revised NCA-4134.7 - Revised NCA-4134.7 to include a direct
reference to NCA-3127 for testing laboratories. Since NCA-1140
requires all CH to have updated NCA-4000 quality programs 6 months
after issuance of code books the direct reference to NCA-3127 in NCA-
4134.7 allows for the use of the ILAC MRA provision for testing
laboratories. This was overlooking when NCA-3127 was created in
E17. The same provision applies and exist for NCA-3126 for calibration
NCA-4255.3(c) Revision Revised NCA-4255.3(c) - Revise reference editions of ISO/IEC 17025
to 2005 and 2017 in NCA-3000, NCA-4000, WA-3000, and HAB-3000.
Add 2005 and 2017 reference editions of ISO/IEC 17025 to Tables
NCA-7100-2, NCA-7100-3. WA-7100-2, and HAB-7100-1 and delete
2005 reference edition from paragraphs in NCA-3126, NCA-3127,
NCA-4255.3(c), NCA-4354.3, NCA-4255.3(d), WA-3123, WA-3124,
HAB-3126, HAB-3127, HAB-3855.3(c), HAB-3855.3(d). ISO released
publication of the 2017 edition of ISO/IEC 17025. Conformance to this
new standard becomes mandatory for the accredited calibration and
testing laboratories over a three year period ending in 2020 as their
certificates come due.

NCA-4354.3 Revision Revised NCA-4354.3 - Revise reference editions of ISO/IEC 17025 to

2005 and 2017 in NCA-3000, NCA-4000, WA-3000, and HAB-3000.
Add 2005 and 2017 reference editions of ISO/IEC 17025 to Tables
NCA-7100-2, NCA-7100-3. WA-7100-2, and HAB-7100-1 and delete
2005 reference edition from paragraphs in NCA-3126, NCA-3127,
NCA-4255.3(c), NCA-4354.3, NCA-4255.3(d), WA-3123, WA-3124,
HAB-3126, HAB-3127, HAB-3855.3(c), HAB-3855.3(d). ISO released
publication of the 2017 edition of ISO/IEC 17025. Conformance to this
new standard becomes mandatory for the accredited calibration and
testing laboratories over a three year period ending in 2020 as their
certificates come due.

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Code Book: III Part: Subsection Subpart/Table: Article NCA-5000


Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NCA-5125 Revision Revised NCA -5125(i) - Revised NCA -5125(i) to clarify for supervisor
annual audits that the audit needs to be of the CE qualification Program
and not of every individual CE record.

Code Book: III Part: Subsection Subpart/Table: Article NCA-7000


Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table NCA-7100-1 Revision Revised Table NCA-7100-1 - Revised Section III Table NCA-7100-1 to
incorporate the latest published editions of the reference standards
Table NCA-7100-1 Revision Revised Table NCA -7100-1 - ASME updated to the latest approved
NRC adopted NQA-1. This is up to the 2015 Edition of NQA-1 which
was documented in Reg Guide 1.28 Rev 5. Code change provides
further clarification in NCA-4110, invoking Part II of NQA-1 when
directed in Part I. Although this was always the intended requirement
the code language now clarifies this. NCA-4134.3 also adds direct code
language to NQA-1 Part II, Subpart 2.7 for Computer Program Code.
This code change also Revises NCA-4100, WA-4100, and HAB-4100
to clarify the use of NQA-1 Part II and the use of commercial grade
dedication for software.
Table NCA-7100-2 Revision Revised PPI TR-3 and TR-4 Editions - Revised Table NCA-7100-2 to
include "2008 through 2017" editions for PPI TR-3 and PPI TR-4
Table NCA-7100-2 Addition Reinstated Reference to SNT-TC-1A (2006) - Add the 2006 Edition of
SNT-TC-1A back into Table NCA-7100-2, Table NCA-7100-3, and
Table WA-7100-2. Update the endnotes in NB/NC/ND/NE/NF/NG,
Division 2, and Division 3 to include provisions for the use of SNT-TC-
1A (2006) or (2011). The 2015 Edition of Section III removed the
acceptance of SNT-TC-1A - 2006 Edition in lieu of the 2011 Edition.
This acceptance of the 2011 Edition of SNT-TC-1A has only been
performed by Section III, with other Sections not updating the
reference. This revision is proposed to include the 2006 Edition of SNT-
TC-1A, while not removing the 2011 Edition as Certificate Holders may
have already adopted the new reference. Additionally, the endnotes are
updated to reflect that more than one Edition is acceptable. One of the
problems Certificate Holders are identifying in the 2011 Edition of SNT
is in note 1 of Table 6.3.1.B, which "requires practical review of 1000
radiographs." This is placing a burden on Certificate Holders attempting
to document "how" they meet this requirement, as radiographs are
typically sent to the utility and not stored to demonstrate compliance.
Table NCA-7100-2 Revision Revised Several ASTM Editions - Update the edition of E186, E280,
E446 and E1921 in Table NCA-7100-2.

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Code Book: III Part: Subsection Subpart/Table: Article NCA-8000


Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table NCA-8100-1 Revision Revised Table NCA-8100-1 - Revise the N-2 Data Report to address
the certification of Nuclear parts and establish a new N-2A Data Report
for the certification of Nuclear appurtenances. The current N-2 Data
Report does not provide for a method to certify the design for
appurtenances, when the fabricator is not responsible for design.
NCA-8322.1(d) Revision Revised NCA-8322.1(d) - The 2015 Edition of Section III added NCA-
8322.1(d) adding provisions for items pressure tested in accordance
with NB-6114.2(d). These same provisions exist for Class 2 and Class
3 items in NC/ND-6114.2(d) and were extended to NCA-8322.1(d).

Code Book: III Part: Subsection Subpart/Table: Article NCA-9000


Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NCA-9200 Revision Revised NCA-9200 - Add a definition for Certified Design Report
Summary in NCA-9200

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Code Book: III-1 Part: NB Subpart/Table: Article NB-1000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Figure NB-1132.2-4 Revision Revised Figure NB-1132.2-4 - Revised Figure NB-1132.2-4 to remove
partial penetration weld connection to reactor vessel internal surface at
7 o'clock in the plan view. The change is to depict a full penetration
weld for consistency with NB-4433.

Code Book: III-1 Part: NB Subpart/Table: Article NB-2000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NB-2000 Revision Revised NB-2000 - Updated various references from NCA-3850 to
NCA-4200 in NB/NC/ND/NENF/NG-2000
NB-2321.3 Errata Incorporation of CC N-631 into NB-2321.3 - Incorporation of CC N-631
for use of ASTM E1921 for transition temperature fracture toughness
tests for use of an alternative reference index temperature.
NB-2573.5 Revision Revised NB-2573.5 - Revision changes "nominal wall thickness" to
"section thickness" in paragraphs NB/NC/ND-2573.5(a) and
NB/NC/ND/NE-2573.8 to align with the current wording in Tables
NB/NC/ND-2571-1. The same wording will also be changed in
paragraph NE-2573.5 to maintain consistency across the different

Code Book: III-1 Part: NB Subpart/Table: Article NB-3000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NB-3325 Addition Added NB-3325 - Incorporation of Nonmandatory Appendix A, Article
A-8000 in NB-3325 for Perforated Flat Plates and Tubesheets in
calculating stresses in perforated flat plates and tubesheets
NB-3352.4 Revision Revised NB-3352.4 - Revisions to NB/NE/WB-3352.4 delete '1.25 tn'
from the statement in NB-3352.4(d)(4), NE-3352.4(d)(4), and WB-
3252.4(f)(4). This clarification is to show that special consideration to
achieve the minimum depth of the partial penetration weld and access
for examination is relevant to all partial penetration weld configurations
shown in the cited Figures, not just the ones that require a minimum
depth of penetration into the base material of 1.25 tn.
NB-3353 Addition Added NB-3353 - Added new design rules for steam generator tube-
tubesheet welds and clarify existing code content.
NB-3500 Revision Revised NB-3500 - Revised Endnotes throughout NB-3500
NB-3653 Revision Revised NB-3653 - Revision to NB-3653 to cross-reference Appendix
JJ for stress due to the effects of thermal stratification
NB-3653.7 Revision Revised NB-3653.7 - Revision provided equation for y' in NB-3653.7
that is consistent with previous NB-3222.5/current Appendix XIII-3430
for linear distributions for the entire range of x

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Code Book: III-1 Part: NB Subpart/Table: Article NB-4000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Figure NB-4433-1 Revision Revised Figure NB-4433-1 - Revised Figure NB-4433-1 to delete the
non-continuous fillet weld. In addition the General Note will be revised
to add "full penetration" to the sentence.
Table NB-4622.7(b)-1 Revision Table NB-4622.7(b)-1 - Revised Note 1 to replace "Type of Weld" from
"base material" to "thicker of the base material" to be consistent with
the language in the code paragraphs.
NB-4250 Revision Revised NB-4250 - Revise NB-4250 and associated figures to clarify
that the figures are illustrative only and that counterbores may be
tapered or otherwise not straight, and also to clarify that counterbore
length is a minimum (minus tolerance zero, plus tolerance unlimited).
NB-4337(h) Revision Revised NB-4337(h) - Revise NB/NC-4337(h) to add reference to a
"data acquisition system" since most modern systems no longer use
Chart Recorders
NB-4422 Revision Revised NB-4422 - Revised NB-4422 to provide clarification on the use
of Peening for distortion control and peening for introducing
compressive stress on surface
NB-4422 Revision Revised NB-4422 - Proposed and accepted editorial revisions by
ASME Publishing Staff. Does not change intent of the code language
NB-4424 Revision Revised NB-4424 - Revised NB-4424.2 (c) (2) to clarify that marks shall
be repeated along the weld length at intervals of not more than 1 ft (0.3
m) for vessel to nozzle welds, and at intervals of not more than 3 ft (1
m) for all other vessel

NB-4424 Revision Revised NB-4424.2 - NB-4424.2 Preservice Examination, (a) The

surface finish on the side of the pipe (OD or ID) where a preservice
ultrasonic examination is to be performed shall be 250 ?in. (6.3 ?m) Ra
or better on at least one side of the weld. The extent (distance) of this
surface finish requirement is from the edge of the weld for a distance of
at least 2t (see end note 16) plus 4 in. (100 mm) or 6 in. (150 mm),
whichever is greater, or as stated in the Design Specification. If access
to both sides of the weld is required for preservice examination for
austenitic stainless steel pipe to pipe welds, the surface finish
requirement shall be met on both sides of the weld.

EndNote (16): t equals nominal wall thickness

NB-4424.2 Revision Revised NB-4424.2 - Revised NB-4424.2 for pre-service examination

requirements to be consistent with Section XI IWA-2610. Change
language from "each side of weld joint" to "each circumferential weld
joint" and "marked at a minimum of two points in suitable increments
from the edge prep. These marks shall be repeated at 90 deg intervals
around the pipe." to "marked at a suitable distance from the weld edge
with at least one mark on each side of the weld joint at each 90°
azimuthal location around the circumference, for a total of 8 marks
minimum, as shown in Figure 4424-2."
NB-4433 Revision Revised NB-4433 - The fourth sentence of NB-4433 sends the reader
to Figure NB-4433-1 for illustrations of typical structural attachments

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Code Book: III-1 Part: NB Subpart/Table: Article NB-4000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

using full penetration welds, however, Figure NB-4433-1 only depicts
fillet welds. The figure was updated after the 2001 Edition to only show
fillet welds, however, the paragraph has not been updated.
NB-4451 Revision Revised NB-4451 - Revised to address Weld Residual Stress Control
for New Plant Construction of weld repair on materials susceptible to
Stress Corrosion Cracking

Code Book: III-1 Part: NB Subpart/Table: Article NB-5000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NB-5283 Revision Revised NB-5283 - Revised requirements for PSI for the SG tubing in
Section III to be consistent with the requirements in Section XI.

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Code Book: III-1 Part: NC Subpart/Table: Article NC-2000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NC-2000 Revision Revised NC-2000 - Changes part of NC/ND book alignment; to ND-
2340, NC-2345, NC-2547, ND-2547, NC-2548, NC-2549, ND-2549,
ND-2571, ND-2610

NC-2000 Revision Revised NC-2000 - Updated various references from NCA-3850 to

NCA-4200 in NB/NC/ND/NENF/NG-2000
NC-2573.5 Revision Revised NC-2573.5 - Revision changes "nominal wall thickness" to
"section thickness" in paragraphs NB/NC/ND-2573.5(a) and
NB/NC/ND/NE-2573.8 to align with the current wording in Tables
NB/NC/ND-2571-1. The same wording will also be changed in
paragraph NE-2573.5 to maintain consistency across the different

Code Book: III-1 Part: NC Subpart/Table: Article NC-3000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Figure NC-3217-1 Revision Added Figure NC-3217-1 - Added figure NC-3217-1, consistent with
NB-3213.10-1 to include examples of local membrane stresses with
new defined variables
Figure NC-3673.2(b)-1 Revision Revised Figure NC-3673.2(b)-1 - Corrected coefficients in the 2011
addenda to the 2010 Code of Figure NC-3673.2(b)-1 NOTE FURTHER
REVISED IN 17-1208
Figure NC-3673.2(b)-2 Revision Revised Figure NC-3673.2(b)-2 and Table NC-3673.2(b)-1 - Revised
Figure NC-3673.2(b)-2 and Table NC-3673.2(b)-1 to clarify specific
Code dimensional requirements for the inner corner radius for branch
NC-3200 Revision Revised NC-3200 - Revision includes various editorial changes to NC-
3200 proposed by ASME Editorials and approved by BPV III.
NC-3300 Revision Revised NC-3300 - Revised NC/ND-3300 as a proposed alignment for
consolidation of NC/ND into a single book in future code release.
NC-3400 Revision Revised NC-3400 - Revise NC-3400 and ND-3400, 2017 edition as
marked for consistency between the two. The objective is part of the
overall goal of making NC and ND consistent throughout in the 2019
Code in preparation for the planned consolidation for the 2021 Code
under management of the special task group.
NC-3500 Revision Revised NC-3500 - NC-3500 and ND-3500 have been revised in order
to provide consistency between the two books. These changes are
preparing for a proposed consolidation of NC and ND in the 2021
Edition. Most of the requirements in the two books are the same.
NC-3600 Revision Revised NC-3600 - Revised NC-3600 references to Section II, Part D,
Subpart 1, Table 3 throughout various paragraphs for consistency.
Table 3 addresses bolting which is not applicable in the context where
referenced in NC-3600

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Code Book: III-1 Part: NC Subpart/Table: Article NC-3000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NC-3600 Revision Revised NC-3600 - Revised paragraphs in NC-3600 and ND-3600 to
make them consistent.
NC-3671.7 Revision Revised to NC-3671.7 - Revised NC/ND-3671.7 to clarify requirements
for non-welded joints. Added current proposal from B31.1 for "sleeve
coupled and other patented piping joints." Added requirements for
prototype testing and reliability.

NC-3800 Revision Revised NC-3800 - Changes part of NC/ND book alignment; to NC/ND-
NC-3811.2 Revision Revised NC-3811.2/NC-3911.2.2(a) - Revision allows for the use of
alternative design rules of NC-3200 in lieu of NC-3800 for design of
atmospheric and 0-15 psi storage tanks
NC-3900 Revision Revised NC-3900 - Alignment of NC and ND-3900

Code Book: III-1 Part: NC Subpart/Table: Article NC-4000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table NC-4622.7(b)-1 Revision Table NC-4622.7(b)-1 - Revised Note 1 to replace "Type of Weld" from
"base material" to the "thicker of the base material" to be consistent
with the language in the code paragraphs.
NC-4000 Revision Revised NC-4000 - Changes part of NC/ND book alignment; 4300,
4400, 4500, and 4600 (no change to NC/ND 4700 and 4800) to
editorially align
NC-4213.1 Revision Revised NC-4213.1 - Changes part of NC/ND book alignment; to ND-
4213.1, NC-4213.1
NC-4337(h) Revision Revised NC-4337(h) - Revise NB/NC-4337(h) to add reference to a
"data acquisition system" since most modern systems no longer use
Chart Recorders
NC-4423 Revision Revised NC-4423 - Revised NC-4423 to provide clarification on the use
of Peening for distortion control and peening for introducing
compressive stress on surface
NC-4423 Revision Revised NC-4423 - Proposed and accepted editorial revisions by
ASME Publishing Staff. Does not change intent of the code language
NC-4451 Revision Revised NC-4451 - Revised to address Weld Residual Stress Control
for New Plant Construction of weld repair on materials susceptible to
Stress Corrosion Cracking

Code Book: III-1 Part: NC Subpart/Table: Article NC-5000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NC-5000 Revision Revised NC-5000 - Changes are a part of NC/ND book alignment

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Code Book: III-1 Part: NC Subpart/Table: Article NC-6000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NC-6000 Revision Revised NC-6000 - Changes part of NC/ND book alignment. NC/ND
6000 to editorially align

Code Book: III-1 Part: NC Subpart/Table: Article NC-7000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NC-7000 Revision Revised NC/ND-7000 - BPVC, Section III, NC/ND-7000 Consolidation
NC-7733(b)(2) Errata Revised equation in NC-7733(b)(2) - Since the 2010 Edition, the
equation in NC-7733(b)(2) has been missing the "F" variable for
determining the instantaneous slope of each test point of pressure
relief valves with set pressures from 3 psig (20 kPa gage) up to but not
including 15 psig (100 kPa gage).
NC-7734.2 Revision Revised NC-7734.2 and NC-7754.2 - Correct maximum coefficient of
discharge from 0.876 to 0.878. (3 locations). This value is listed as the
product of the 0.9 derating factor and a maximum coefficient of 0.975
which should be 0.878 instead of 0.876. The 0.878 value is included in
every other location where this maximum value is used.

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Code Book: III-1 Part: ND Subpart/Table: Article ND-2000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

ND-2000 Revision Revised ND-2000 - Changes part of NC/ND book alignment; to ND-
2340, NC-2345, NC-2547, ND-2547, NC-2548, NC-2549, ND-2549,
ND-2571, ND-2610

ND-2000 Revision Revised ND-2000 - Updated various references from NCA-3850 to

NCA-4200 in NB/NC/ND/NENF/NG-2000
ND-2573.5 Revision Revised ND-2573.5 - Revision changes "nominal wall thickness" to
"section thickness" in paragraphs NB/NC/ND-2573.5(a) and
NB/NC/ND/NE-2573.8 to align with the current wording in Tables
NB/NC/ND-2571-1. The same wording will also be changed in
paragraph NE-2573.5 to maintain consistency across the different

Code Book: III-1 Part: ND Subpart/Table: Article ND-3000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Figure ND-3673.2(b)-2 Revision Revised Figure ND-3673.2(b)-2 and Table ND-3673.2(b)-1 - Revised
Figure ND-3673.2(b)-2 and Table ND-3673.2(b)-1 to clarify specific
Code dimensional requirements for the inner corner radius for branch
ND-3300 Revision Revised ND-3300 - Revised NC/ND-3300 as a proposed alignment for
consolidation of NC/ND into a single book in future code release.
ND-3400 Revision Revised ND-3400 - Revise NC-3400 and ND-3400, 2017 edition as
marked for consistency between the two. The objective is part of the
overall goal of making NC and ND consistent throughout in the 2019
Code in preparation for the planned consolidation for the 2021 Code
under management of the special task group.
ND-3500 Revision Revised ND-3500 - NC-3500 and ND-3500 have been revised in order
to provide consistency between the two books. These changes are
preparing for a proposed consolidation of NC and ND in the 2021
Edition. Most of the requirements in the two books are the same.
ND-3600 Revision Revised ND-3600 - Revised ND-3600 references to Section II, Part D,
Subpart 1, Table 3 throughout various paragraphs for consistency.
Table 3 addresses bolting which is not applicable in the context where
referenced in ND-3600
ND-3600 Revision Revised ND-3600 - Revised paragraphs in NC-3600 and ND-3600 to
make them consistent.
ND-3671.7 Revision Revised to ND-3671.7 - Revised NC/ND-3671.7 to clarify requirements
for non-welded joints. Added current proposal from B31.1 for "sleeve
coupled and other patented piping joints." Added requirements for
prototype testing and reliability.

ND-3800 Revision Revised ND-3800 - Changes part of NC/ND book alignment; to NC/ND-

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Code Book: III-1 Part: ND Subpart/Table: Article ND-3000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

ND-3900 Revision Revised ND-3900 - Alignment of NC and ND-3900

Code Book: III-1 Part: ND Subpart/Table: Article ND-4000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table ND-4622.7(b)-1 Revision Revised Table ND-4622.7(b)-1 - Revised Table ND-4622.7(b)-1 note
(1) to clarify "Type of Weld" is the thicker of the two base materials at
the weld joint
ND-4000 Revision Revised ND-4000 - Changes part of NC/ND book alignment; 4300,
4400, 4500, and 4600 (no change to NC/ND 4700 and 4800) to
editorially align
ND-4213.1 Revision Revised ND-4213.1 - Changes part of NC/ND book alignment; to ND-
4213.1, NC-4213.1
ND-4422 Revision Revised ND-4422 - Revised ND-4422 to provide clarification on the use
of Peening for distortion control and peening for introducing
compressive stress on surface
ND-4422 Revision Revised ND-4422 - Proposed and accepted editorial revisions by
ASME Publishing Staff. Does not change intent of the code language
ND-4451 Revision Revised ND-4451 - Revised to address Weld Residual Stress Control
for New Plant Construction of weld repair on materials susceptible to
Stress Corrosion Cracking
ND-4622 Revision Revised ND-4622 - Revision deleted endnote 22 in BPV III-ND
regarding the requirement to PWHT welds in SB-148 UNS C95400
castings and the reference to that end note in paragraph ND-4622.7(a).

Code Book: III-1 Part: ND Subpart/Table: Article ND-5000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

ND-5000 Revision Revised ND-5000 - Changes are a part of NC/ND book alignment

Code Book: III-1 Part: ND Subpart/Table: Article ND-6000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

ND-6000 Revision Revised ND-6000 - Changes part of NC/ND book alignment. NC/ND
6000 to editorially align

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Code Book: III-1 Part: ND Subpart/Table: Article ND-7000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

ND-7000 Revision Revised NC/ND-7000 - BPVC, Section III, NC/ND-7000 Consolidation

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Code Book: III-1 Part: NE Subpart/Table: Article NE-2000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NE-2000 Revision Revised NE-2000 - Updated various references from NCA-3850 to
NCA-4200 in NB/NC/ND/NE/NF/NG-2000
NE-2573.5 Revision Revised NE-2573.5 - Revision changes "nominal wall thickness" to
"section thickness" in paragraphs NB/NC/ND-2573.5(a) and
NB/NC/ND/NE-2573.8 to align with the current wording in Tables
NB/NC/ND-2571-1. The same wording will also be changed in
paragraph NE-2573.5 to maintain consistency across the different

Code Book: III-1 Part: NE Subpart/Table: Article NE-3000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Figure NE-3213.10-1 Revision Added Figure NE-3213.10-1 - Added figure NE-3213.10-1, consistent
with NB-3213.10-1 to include examples of local membrane stresses
with new defined variables
NE-3227 Revision Revised NE-3227.1(b) - Revise the term "load stress" used in BPV III
NE/NG/WB-3227.1(b), proposal corrects the terminology from load
stress, which is not defined, to load-controlled stress, which is included
in the definitions of the respective subsection. This change is
consistent with Appendix XIII, however in XIII a hyphen is missing in
NE-3232.3 Revision Revised NE-3232.3 - Changes in NE/NG/WB-3232.3 based off intent
interpretation which addresses specifies fatigue strength reduction
factors for threaded members are applicable only to those portions of a
threaded member in which the stresses are affected by the presence of
the threads. This directs users to use fatigue strength reduction ratio
"for the threaded region."
NE-3352.4 Revision Revised NE-3352.4 - Revisions to NB/NE/WB-3352.4 delete '1.25 tn'
from the statement in NB-3352.4(d)(4), NE-3352.4(d)(4), and WB-
3252.4(f)(4). This clarification is to show that special consideration to
achieve the minimum depth of the partial penetration weld and access
for examination is relevant to all partial penetration weld configurations
shown in the cited Figures, not just the ones that require a minimum
depth of penetration into the base material of 1.25 tn.

Code Book: III-1 Part: NE Subpart/Table: Article NE-4000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table NE-4622.7(b)-1 Revision Table NE-4622.7(b)-1 - Revised Note 1 to replace "Type of Weld" from
"base material" to the "thicker of the base material" to be consistent
with the language in the code paragraphs.

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Code Book: III-1 Part: NF Subpart/Table: Article NF-2000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NF-2000 Revision Revised NF-2000 - Updated various references from NCA-3850 to
NCA-4200 in NB/NC/ND/NE/NF/NG-2000

Code Book: III-1 Part: NF Subpart/Table: Article NF-3000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table NF-3332.3-1 Revision Revised Table NF-3332.3-1 - Initially, two boxes in Table NF-3332.3-1
were blank. Proposal was to add "T or Rev." under "Kind of Stress",
and ellipsis (...) under "Illustrative Example". However, the editors
made the change to add the ellipsis, and this current action is to add "T
or Rev." under "Kind of Stress"
Tables NF-3221.2-1 Revision Revised Tables NF-3221.2-1 - Revise Tables NF-3221.2-1 and NF-
3241.2-1 to include clarification in note 3 which is only be imposed on
the primary membrane stress intensity limit for Service Level D in and
only be imposed on the primary membrane stress limit for Service
Level D, respectively.
NF-3200 Revision Revised NF-3200 - Revised to NF-3200 and NF-3300 for allowable
shear stress on groove welds and allowable stress limits for Class 1
linear-type support welds.
NF-3227.2 Revision Revised NF-3227.2 - Revised editorial change to separate current
requirements into two distinct sub-subparagraphs
NF-3266 Revision Revised NF-3266 - Revised NF-3266 to be consistent with table
general notes related to welds
NF-3322 Revision Revised NF-3322 - Revise equations in NF-3322.1(a)(2) and NF-
3322.8(c)(4)(-c) for the allowable tension stress in pin connected
members from the lesser of .45Sy and .375Su on the effective net area
to the lesser of .60Sy on the gross area and .50Su on the effective net
area. Change also limits the effective distance from the edge of the pin
hole to the edge of the member from 4 times the thickness to 2 times
the thickness plus 5/8 inch. ***NOTE Record Incorporated into 17-
NF-3322 Revision Revised NF-3322.1 - Removed paragraph NF-3322.1(c)(1)(-c) and
equation (6). The equation was used in the AISC Steel Construction
Manual, 8th Edition. However, it was removed in following editions.
Sub-section NF is being updated to reflect he newer methods used by
AISC which do not include this equation.
NF-3322.1 Revision Revised NF-3322.1 - This revision will bring Subsection NF into
alignment with ANSI/AISC 360-10. Subsection NF was originally based
on AISC 360. The revision allows for the allowable tension stress in pin
connected members from the lesser of .45Sy and .375Su on the
effective net area to the lesser of .60Sy on the gross area and .50Su on
the effective net area. Also the it will limit the effective distance from the
edge of the pin hole to the edge of the member from 4 times the
thickness to 2 times the thickness plus 5/8 inch

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Code Book: III-1 Part: NF Subpart/Table: Article NF-3000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NF-3324.6 Revision Revised NF-3324.6 - Added clarifications and changes to NF-3324.6
and NF-4721(b) to bring the bolting minimum edge distance and bolting
oversized hole size requirements in alignment with the requirement of

Code Book: III-1 Part: NF Subpart/Table: Article NF-4000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table NF-4622.7(b)-1 Revision Table NF-4622.7(b)-1 - Revised Note 1 to replace "Type of Weld" from
"base material" to the "thicker of the base material" to be consistent
with the language in the code paragraphs.
NF-4721(b) Revision Revised NF-3324.6 - Added clarifications and changes to NF-3324.6
and NF-4721(b) to bring the bolting minimum edge distance and bolting
oversized hole size requirements in alignment with the requirement of

Code Book: III-1 Part: NF Subpart/Table: Article NF-5000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NF-5215 Addition Added NF-5215 - Added new paragraph NF-5215 to have an exception
to radiographic examination when the joint design does not allow it, this
is consistent with Subsections NB, NC, and ND

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Code Book: III-1 Part: NG Subpart/Table: Article NG-1000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NG-1132 Revision Revised NG-1132 - Revised NG-1132 to define the jurisdiction
boundary between core support structures and internal structures
based on Interpretation 16-223 for mechanical fasteners.

Code Book: III-1 Part: NG Subpart/Table: Article NG-2000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NG-2000 Revision Revised NG-2000 - Updated various references from NCA-3850 to
NCA-4200 in NB/NC/ND/NE/NF/NG-2000

Code Book: III-1 Part: NG Subpart/Table: Article NG-3000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

NG-3000 Revision Revised NG-3000 - Revised terminology using "service conditions", to
"service loadings".
NG-3213.23 Revision Revised NG-3213.23 - Revised NG-3213.23 related to Limit Analysis,
Experimental Analysis and Collapse Load in order to align and clarify
the definitions for different service levels. There is no change in the
defined acceptable criteria. Changes will clarify the definitions and align
the paragraphs for different service levels.

NG-3222.1 Revision Revised NG-3222.1 and NG-3232.2(a) - Corrected in consistent use of

the terms “primary load” and “secondary load,” and also clarifies
maximum stress includes stress from preload.
NG-3227 Revision Revised NG-3227.1(b) - Revise the term "load stress" used in BPV III
NE/NG/WB-3227.1(b), proposal corrects the terminology from load
stress, which is not defined, to load-controlled stress, which is included
in the definitions of the respective subsection. This change is
consistent with Appendix XIII, however in XIII a hyphen is missing in
NG-3227.2 Revision Revised NG-3227.2 - Revised editorial change to separate current
requirements into two distinct sub-subparagraphs
NG-3232.3 Revision Revised NG-3232.3 - Changes in NE/NG/WB-3232.3 based off intent
interpretation which addresses specifies fatigue strength reduction
factors for threaded members are applicable only to those portions of a
threaded member in which the stresses are affected by the presence of
the threads. This directs users to use fatigue strength reduction ratio
"for the threaded region."

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Code Book: III-1 Part: NG Subpart/Table: Article NG-4000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table NG-4622.7(b)-1 Revision Table NG-4622.7(b)-1 - Revised Note 1 to replace "Type of Weld" from
"base material" to the "thicker of the base material" to be consistent
with the language in the code paragraphs.
NG-4422 Revision Revised NG-4422 - Revised NG-4422 to provide clarification on the
use of Peening for distortion control and peening for introducing
compressive stress on surface
NG-4422 Revision Revised NG-4422 - Proposed and accepted editorial revisions by
ASME Publishing Staff. Does not change intent of the code language
NG-4451 Revision Revised NG-4451 - Revised to address Weld Residual Stress Control
for New Plant Construction of weld repair on materials susceptible to
Stress Corrosion Cracking

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Code Book: III-2 Part: CC Subpart/Table: CC-2000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table CC-2231.7.1-1 Revision Revised Table CC-2231.7.1-1 - Revised ACI 318-14 Code Table and Section III Table CC-2231.7.2-1
CC-2000 Revision Revised CC-2000 - Replace the terms Material Manufacturer and
Material Supplier with the current term Material Organization
CC-2000 Revision Revised CC-2000 - Revisions to : CC-2432, CC-2435, CC-2440, CC-
2436, CC-2440-CC-2445, CC-2453, CC-2454, CC-2461 for
prestressing materials and post-tensioning activities. New requirements
have been added for grouting procedures expanding testing for grout

CC-2000 Revision Revised CC-2000 - This item contains proposed editorial changes from
the current edition of the Code. The changes made in the proposal
have been confirmed to be consistent with the ASME style guide and
Section III Appendices, Nonmandatory Appendix AA (Guidance for the
Use of U.S. Customary and SI Units in the ASME B&PV Code).

CC-2232.4 Revision Revised CC-2232.4 - New section CC-2232.4 added to address Self
Consolidating Concrete (SCC). Section 5.10.9 of ACI 349-13 be
included in ASME 2013 BPVC Section III Division 2 to allow use of Self
Compacting (consolidating) Concrete (SCC) on a limited basis. 5.10.9
— Where conditions make consolidation difficult, or where
reinforcement is congested, batches may be re-proportioned to exclude
the larger of the coarse aggregate gradations. Where the coarse
aggregate is furnished in only one gradation, batches of mortar
containing approximately the same proportions of cement, sand, and
water may be used. Such substitutions shall be limited to only those
made in limited areas of specific difficulty and subject to the approval of
the engineer as to location, mix proportioning, or alteration of this mix.

CC 2243.3.2 Revision Revised CC 2243.3.2 - BPV III Div 2, Revisions to BPV III Div. 2, CC-
2000, regarding pre-stressing materials and post-tensioning activities;
Revisions to : CC-2243, CC-2435, CC-2436, CC-2442, Article D2-II-
1000 and NCA-7100-3

CC-2331.2 Revision Revised CC-2331.2 - Code Revision for use of ASTM A615 Grades 75
and 80 and ASTM A706 Grade 80 reinforcement for containment
structure construction.
CC-2533.3(b) Revision Added CC-2533.3(b) - The basis for change is to bring this paragraph
in line with NB-4452(a) and NE-4452(a). For example, NB-4452(a)
reads as follows: The remaining thickness of the section is not reduced
below that required by NB-3000. The current code wording that allows
removal of up to 1/16” from a ¼” section may be unacceptable if the ¼”
weld or section is part of the containment pressure boundary. The
intent of the proposed code change is to make it clear that grinding
cannot be used as a replacement for weld repair unless it is determined
that the containment liner still can meet its design bases requirements

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Code Book: III-2 Part: CC Subpart/Table: CC-2000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

given in Article CC-3000.


Code Book: III-2 Part: CC Subpart/Table: CC-3000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table CC-3230-1 Revision Revised Table CC-3230-1 - Table CC-3230-1 is revised to include Note
(2) specifying that if the magnitude of operating basis earthquake
(OBE, Eo) is less than or equal to one-third of safe shutdown
earthquake (SSE, Ess), then the OBE load combinations need not be
CC-3542 Revision Revised CC-3542 - Revisions to CC-3542 to properly align with ACI
349-13, ACI 349-06 & ACI 318-14 in regards to loss of prestress

Code Book: III-2 Part: CC Subpart/Table: CC-4000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

CC-4000 Revision Revised CC-4000 - Replace the terms Material Manufacturer and
Material Supplier with the current term Material Organization
CC-4333 Revision Revised CC-4333 - Revision updates the code on Mechanical Couplers
to include industry slip criteria in accordance to ASTM A1034
CC-4432.5 Revision Revised CC-4432.5 - Editorial in nature no changes to the intent of the
code. CC-4432.5 changed the word 'comprised' to 'composed'.
CC-4545.2(a) Revision Added CC-4545.2(a) - The basis for change is to bring this paragraph
in line with NB-4452(a) and NE-4452(a). For example, NB-4452(a)
reads as follows: The remaining thickness of the section is not reduced
below that required by NB-3000. The current code wording that allows
removal of up to 1/16” from a ¼” section may be unacceptable if the ¼”
weld or section is part of the containment pressure boundary. The
intent of the proposed code change is to make it clear that grinding
cannot be used as a replacement for weld repair unless it is determined
that the containment liner still can meet its design bases requirements
given in Article CC-3000.


Code Book: III-2 Part: CC Subpart/Table: CC-5000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

CC-5000 Revision Revised CC-5000 - Replace the terms Material Manufacturer and
Material Supplier with the current term Material Organization

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Code Book: III-2 Part: CC Subpart/Table: Mandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

D2-C-4000 Revision Revised D2-C-4000 - Revisions to Table NCA-7100-3 to update the
applicable reference edition and Article D2-C-4000
Mandatory Appendix D Revision Revised Mandatory Appendix D - Revised D2-II-2000 Nomenclature,
CC-3542 Loss of Prestress, and Endnotes.

Mandatory Appendix D2-II Revision Revised D2-II-100 - Revise definition of operating basis earthquake
(OBE) to be consistent with updates to Table CC-3230-1

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Code Book: III-3 Part: WA Subpart/Table: WA-1000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

WA-1000 Revision Revised WA-1000 - Revised Section III, Division 3 in numerous areas,
all editorial

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Code Book: III-3 Part: WB Subpart/Table: WB-2000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table WB-2432.1-1 Revision Revised Table WB-2432.1-1 - Editorial change to add the heading
"Welding Material" to column 1 of Table
WB-2130 Revision Revised WB-2130 - WB/WC/WD-2130 editorial changes for
consistency in referencing NCA-3860 and "containment" in lieu of
"component" or "internal support structures".

Code Book: III-3 Part: WB Subpart/Table: WB-3000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

WB-3000 Revision Revised WB-3000 - Revised portions of WB/WC-3000 to: (1) eliminate
redundant information (WB-3112.4(b)), (2) clarify that strain-based
acceptance criteria should be used for Level D energy-limited events,
and (3) provide consistent terminology to distinguish between the terms
"allowable stress" and "stress intensity value."
WB-3227 Revision Revised WB-3227.1(b) - Revise the term "load stress" used in BPV III
NE/NG/WB-3227.1(b), proposal corrects the terminology from load
stress, which is not defined, to load-controlled stress, which is included
in the definitions of the respective subsection. This change is
consistent with Appendix XIII, however in XIII a hyphen is missing in
WB-3232.3 Revision Revised WB-3232.3 - Changes in NE/NG/WB-3232.3 based off intent
interpretation which addresses specifies fatigue strength reduction
factors for threaded members are applicable only to those portions of a
threaded member in which the stresses are affected by the presence of
the threads. This directs users to use fatigue strength reduction ratio
"for the threaded region."
WB-3252.3 Revision Revised WB-3252.3 - Provides clarification for Category C full
penetration butt welds of forged flanges with hubs to shells
WB-3352.4 Revision Revised WB-3352.4 - Revisions to NB/NE/WB-3352.4 delete '1.25 tn'
from the statement in NB-3352.4(d)(4), NE-3352.4(d)(4), and WB-
3252.4(f)(4). This clarification is to show that special consideration to
achieve the minimum depth of the partial penetration weld and access
for examination is relevant to all partial penetration weld configurations
shown in the cited Figures, not just the ones that require a minimum
depth of penetration into the base material of 1.25 tn.

Code Book: III-3 Part: WB Subpart/Table: WB-4000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table WB-4622.7(b)-1 Revision Table WB-4622.7(b)-1 - Revised Note 1 to replace "Type of Weld" from
"base material" to the "thicker of the base material" to be consistent
with the language in the code paragraphs.

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Code Book: III-3 Part: WC Subpart/Table: WC-2000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table WC-2432.1-1 Revision Revised Table WC-2432.1-1 - Editorial change to add the heading
"Welding Material" to column 1 of Table
WC-2130 Revision Revised WC-2130 - WB/WC/WD-2130 editorial changes for
consistency in referencing NCA-3860 and "containment" in lieu of
"component" or "internal support structures".

Code Book: III-3 Part: WC Subpart/Table: WC-3000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

WC-3000 Revision Revised WC-3000 - Revised portions of WB/WC-3000 to: (1) eliminate
redundant information (WB-3112.4(b)), (2) clarify that strain-based
acceptance criteria should be used for Level D energy-limited events,
and (3) provide consistent terminology to distinguish between the terms
"allowable stress" and "stress intensity value."

Code Book: III-3 Part: WC Subpart/Table: WC-4000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table WC-4622.7(b)-1 Revision Table WC-4622.7(b)-1 - Revised Note 1 to replace "Type of Weld" from
"base material" to the "thicker of the base material" to be consistent
with the language in the code paragraphs.
WC-4130(d) Revision Revised WC-4130(d) - Revision changes "are loaded" to "are to be
loaded". This requirement applies to weld repairs made to base
material during fabrication and prior to loading the canister with spent
fuel or radioactive material. The current language is vague and could
imply that the canister is already loaded with spent fuel or radioactive
material which is not the intent.

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Code Book: III-3 Part: WD Subpart/Table: WD-2000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

WD-2130 Revision Revised WD-2130 - WB/WC/WD-2130 editorial changes for
consistency in referencing NCA-3860 and "containment" in lieu of
"component" or "internal support structures".

Code Book: III-3 Part: WD Subpart/Table: WD-4000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table WD-4622.7(b)-1 Revision Table WD-4622.7(b)-1 - Revised Note 1 to replace "Type of Weld" from
"base material" to the "thicker of the base material" to be consistent
with the language in the code paragraphs.

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Code Book: III-5 Part: HA Subpart/Table: Article HAA-2000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

HAA-2120 Revision Revised HAA-2120 - Update HAA-2120 to reflect the new Class SM
core support structures classification for metallic core support

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Code Book: III-5 Part: HB Subpart/Table: Article HBA-1000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

HBA-1000 Revision Revised HBA-1000 - Revision to HBA incorporates ceramic composite
materials and editorially relocates HAB-3850 to HAB-4550.

Code Book: III-5 Part: HB Subpart/Table: Article HBB-1000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table HBB-I-14.3E Revision Revised Table HBB-I-14.3E - Update and extend the allowable stress
values for Grade 91. Figures and tables are updated and extended
from 300,000hr to 500,000hr: Figure and Table HBB-I-14.3E, Figure
and Table HBB-I-14.4E, Figure and Table HBB-I-14.6E.

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Code Book: III-5 Part: HG Subpart/Table: Article HGA-1000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

HGA-1000 Revision Revised HGA-1000 - Change Class designator for metallic core
support structures from Class A to a unique designator (Class SM) for

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Code Book: III-5 Part: HH Subpart/Table: Article HHA-1000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

HHA-1000 Revision Revised HHA-1000 - Change references to "Class A" to "Class SN"
and support structures to components

Code Book: III-5 Part: HH Subpart/Table: Article HHB-1000

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

HHB-1000 Revision Revised HHB-1000 - Consolidated version of HHB: Composites.
Rewrite of all section in HHB to include previsions for composites.

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Code Book: IV Part: Subpart/Table: Part HG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Nonmandatory Appendix A, Revision Nonmandatory Appendix A, HG-100, HG-320.3, and HG-326.4 -
HG-100(a), HG-320.3(d), Editorial revisions to Nonmandatory Appendix A and HG-100(a) per
HG-326.4(a) suggestion from the ASME editor. Fixed the reference to material
tables in HG-320.3(d) and HG-326.4(a).
HG-301.2, HG-305.5, HG- Revision Incorporation of Code Cases - Codes cases 2534, 2546, 2571, 2615,
312.1, HG-346.4, HF-204.3, 2688, 2708, 2765, 2769, & 2885 have been incorporated into Section
HF-300.1 HF-301.1, HF- IV.
301.2, HLW-307
HG-350.2 Revision HG-350.2, Definite Repeating Patterns - Clarify the wording used to
describe ligaments which do not form a definite repeating pattern.
HG-510(c), HLW-505.2 Revision Hidden Joint Inspection - Adapted similar rules to those used in VIII-1,
UG-99(g)(3) for the inspection of hidden joints prior to hydrostatic
HG-511 Revision HG-511 Pneumatic Tests - Corrects the potential energy equation in
HG-515, HLW-602 Revision Definition of AI - Revised HG-515 & HLW-602 to include the definition
of AI. This will bring Section IV in line with the language in Section I,
PG-91, and Section VIII is proposing a similar change.
HG-530, HG-531 Revision H or PRT Designator - Figure HG-530.1 has been changed, and
Figures HG-531.1 and HG-531.2
HG-530.1 Revision HG-530.1 Update - Clarification to stamp economizers with the heat of
absorption in BTU/hr
HG-606 Revision HG-606 Revision - Removed the term "vapor system" from HG-606
HG-615 Revision Hot Water Supply - Incorporation of Code Case 2893 into Section IV,
and made changes to HG-615

Code Book: IV Part: Subpart/Table: Part HF

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table HF-300.1 & HLW-301 Revision SA-268 Welded Allowable Stress - Added the missing allowable stress
values for welded SA-268.
HF-300.1 Revision SA-182 - Corrected Table HF-300.1 notes regarding SA-182.

Code Book: IV Part: Subpart/Table: Part HF - Subpart HW

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

HW-712.1 Revision Revised HW-712.1(b) - There were two different requirements for
single fillet weld sizes between Figure HW-701.3 and paragraph HW-
712.1(b). This changes HW-712.1(b) to fall in line with Figure HW-

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Code Book: IV Part: Subpart/Table: Part HC

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

HC-403, HC-520, HA-404, & Revision Electronic Signatures - Addresses the use of electronic signatures.

Code Book: IV Part: Subpart/Table: Part HA

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

HF-300.2 HF-300.2M Revision Cast Aluminum, Code Case Incorporation - This item incorporates
Code Case 2483 into Section IV. Allowable stresses for aluminum EN
AC-AlSi7Mg, AC42000, have been added to Table HF-300.2 and Table

Code Book: IV Part: Subpart/Table: Part HLW

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table HLW-300 Table HLW- Revision Table HLW-300 & Table HLW-301 Notes - Table HLW-300 & Table
301 HLW-301 are being incorporated into Section II Part D. Some notes are
being incorporated into the paragraphs of Section IV so that they are
not lost when the Tables are removed.
HLW-308.1 Revision Rewording of HLW-308.1 - HLW-308.1 has had its primary paragraph,
and subparagraphs (a) & (b) revised for clarification.
HLW-600.3 Revision AI to Witness Hydrostatic and Proof Testing - Part HLW did not include
the responsibility of the Authorized Inspector to witness hydrostatic
testing and proof testing. This action revises HLW-600.3 to include
witnessing proof tests and hydrostatic tests as a specific duty of the
Authorized Inspector.
HLW-602 Revision Maximum Temperature on Nameplate - HG-503 requires that a
nameplate with the H designator must have the maximum temperature
stated on that nameplate. There is no such requirement for part HLW,
so this item imposes that the maximum temperature be listed on the
HLW-602.4(a) & HG- Revision PRT Designator - Included provisions in HLW-602.4(a) and HG-
531(1)(a) 531(1)(a) for the PRT designator.
HLW-701.1 Revision Revised HLW-701.1 - Ensures that the high limit control will cut off the
fuel supply at or below the marked maximum water temperature on the
water heater's ASME nameplate.
HLW-900 through HLW-907 Revision Modular Water Heaters - Revised HLW-900 through HLW-907 for
modular water heater requirements.

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Code Book: IV Part: Subpart/Table: Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Mandatory Appendix 2 Revision Referenced Standards - Revised the edition of referenced standard
B16.1 from 2010 to 2015.
Appendix 2 Table 2-100 Revision Update Appendix 2 & Table 2-100 References - This item updates the
standards which are referenced in Table 2-100 to the latest published

Code Book: IV Part: Subpart/Table:

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Endnote Revision Maximum Water Temperature Definition - Added the definition of
maximum water temperature to E-100.
Endnote Revision Authorized Inspection Agency Definition - The definition of Authorized
Inspection Agency was revised, which then made Endnote 10
redundant. This item removes Endnote 10, and the definition of AIA
can now be found in ASME QAI-1.

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Code Book: V Part: Subpart/Table: Subsection A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Various Revision Editorial Redesignations - The following paragraphs / subparagraphs
were editorially redesignated from previous numbering schemes, such
as by changing decimal subparagraphs (such as .1, .2, etc.) to letter
designations (such as (a), (b), etc.). No changes were made to
technical content:

Article 7, Mandatory Appendix I-730; Article 7, Mandatory Appendix V-

720 & V-730; Article 8, Mandatory Appendix II-830, II-840, II-860, II-880
& II-890, and associated figures; Article 8, Mandatory Appendix VII-
830; Article 8, Mandatory Appendix VIII-850, VIII-880 & VIII-890; Article
9, Paragraphs T-900 & T-991; Article 12, Paragraphs T-1220 & T-1224;
Article 12, Mandatory Appendix I-1210; Article 12, Mandatory Appendix
III-1332 & III-1382; Article 12, Mandatory Appendix VI-1330; Article 17,
Paragraph T-1762; and Article 18, Paragraphs T-1863.
Article 1, Mandatory Revision Added Full Matrix Capture (FMC) UT Technique - (1) Article 1,
Appendix II Mandatory Appendix II, paragraphs II-110 and II-121 were revised to
incorporate the Full Matrix Capture (FMC) UT technique; (2) Paragraph
II-124.5 was added to address FMC topical training outlines and to
refer to new "Supplement A"; and, (3) Tables II-121.2 and II-122.2 were
revised to incorporate additional personnel qualification and
examination requirements for FMC.
Article 1, Mandatory Addition Added FMC UT Technique Topical Training Outline - Article 1,
Appendix II (Supplement A) Mandatory Appendix II, Supplement A was added to provide a
minimum topical training outline for the Full Matrix Capture (FMC) UT
technique. This Supplement is referenced in Article 1, Mandatory
Appendix II, II-124.5 .

Article 1, Mandatory Addition Adopt ASNT SNT-TC-1A, 2016 Edition with Modifications - Article 1, T-
Appendix III 120(e)(1) was revised to adopt the 2016 Edition of ASNT SNT-TC-1A
with exceptions and modifications as detailed in new Article 1,
Mandatory Appendix III. In essence, Mandatory Appendix III formally
changes nearly all of the 85 "should" statements found in the 2016
Edition to "shall" statements and removes any perception that the
modified SNT-TC-1A is a "suggested" document for drafting of a
Written Practice. Modifications to the Written Practice that reduce or
eliminate basic provisions of the program such as training, experience,
testing, and recertification shall not be allowed. By reference, T-
120(e)(1) and Mandatory Appendix III have been adopted for ASME
BPV Code Section VIII, Divisions 1, 2 & 3 construction to the 2019
Edition and could influence Section I, III and other fabrication codes
and standards to adopt it was well.

The following are notable exceptions, modifications, and additions to

the SNT-TC-1A - 2016 Edition imposed by this new Mandatory
- When developing a written practice as required in ASME Section V,
the employer shall review and include the detailed recommendations
presented in SNT-TC-1A - 2016 and ASME Section V including Section
V, Article 1, Mandatory Appendix III. Modifications that reduce or

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Code Book: V Part: Subpart/Table: Subsection A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

eliminate basic provisions of the program such as training, experience,
testing, and recertification shall not be allowed.
- The written practice shall describe responsibility of each level of
certification for determining the acceptability of materials or
components in accordance with ASME Section V, and the referencing
Codes, Standards, and documents.
- The written practice shall describe the training, experience, and
examination requirements for each level of certification by method and
- The written practice shall identify NDE techniques within each method
applicable to the written practice.
- Mandatory Appendix III reinforces the additional requirements of
Section V, Article 1, Mandatory Appendix II for CR, DR, TOFD and
PAUT Examiners.
- The composite passing grade shall be 80% with no single test below
70%; however, the minimum passing grade for the Practical Exam shall
be 80%.
- Visual acuity shall be Jaeger 1 (or equivalent) and administered
annually as well as the color contrast test. The provision allowing vision
exams to expire at the end of the month is not acceptable.
- A valid ACCP Level II or ASNT NDT Level II certificate MAY NOT be
accepted as fulfilling the Specific and Practical Examination criteria for
Level II for each applicable method.
- A valid ACCP Level III or ASNT NDT Level III certificate MAY NOT be
accepted as fulfilling the Specific Examination criteria.
- Numbers of flawed specimens for CR, DR Radiography, and TOFD,
PAUT Ultrasonics shall be in accordance with Mandatory Appendix II.
Other NDE methods shall require one specimen for each technique
practical demonstration and at least two for each method
- Minimum numbers of examination questions shall be as necessary to
meet referencing Code, Standards, and Specifications, in addition to
those required by Mandatory Appendix II.
- Any recertification solely by “continuing satisfactory performance” is
now eliminated for all Levels.
- Recertification intervals for Levels I & II have been reduced from 5
years to 3 years.
- A time limit has been set to achieve certification in new techniques,
namely, prior to their recertification date.
Certificate Holders should thoroughly review their Written
Practices and those of their subcontractors against ASNT SNT-
TC-1A (2016) and Section V, Article 1, Mandatory Appendix III to
ensure Code compliance.
Article 1, Mandatory Revision Clarified CR/DR Training and Experience Hours - The above
Appendix II, II-121.1 and paragraphs were revised to clarify the minimum technique specific
Table II-121-1 training and experience hours for a “green” individual with no RT
background who wanted to directly pursue a DR or CR Level II
qualification. Literal reading of previous Mandatory Appendix II wording
led some to believe that only 40 hours technique specific + 16 hours
equipment specific training were needed, instead of 80 hours + 16
hours, respectively.

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Code Book: V Part: Subpart/Table: Subsection A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

The following additions were made: (1) A new paragraph under Article
1, Mandatory Appendix II, II-121: "For the CR and DR techniques, the
trainee shall first meet the training and experience requirements in
Table II-121-1 for a Level I in that technique as a prerequisite for being
eligible for qualification as a Level II in that technique. See
modifications to the number of hours in the General Notes in Table II-
121-1. For TOFD, PAUT, and FMC, see the prerequisite requirements
in Table II-121-2."; and, (2) "Note(e)" to Table II-121-1: "(e) For
individuals not currently certified in a Radiography technique, who are
pursuing qualification directly as a Level II in CR or DR, the minimum
required training and experience hours in the technique shall consist of
at least the sum of the stated Level I and Level II hours in the
Article 1, Mandatory Revision Revised Table II-121-1, "Note (d)" - Revised Table II-121-1, Note (d) to
Appendix II, Table II-121-1 establish the minimum additional training hours for a Level II examiner
certified in one Radiography technique to achieve certification Level II
in another technique as 24 hr of technique-specific training, plus 16 hr
of manufacturer-specific hardware / software training for each system /
software to be used, plus 10 practical examination specimens called
out in subparagraph II-122.1(b), per additional technique.

In the 2015 and 2017 Editions of Section V, Article 1, Mandatory

Appendix II, Table II-121-1, Note (d), stipulated that individuals
currently certified as Level II in a Radiography technique, could achieve
certification in either the CR or DR technique solely with an increase in
practical examination specimens from 5 to 10, without "fully meeting"
the 40 additional training hours for either additional technique. This had
been interpreted by some Code users that, for example, a Level II CR
Examiner did not require ANY additional training, including equipment
specific training, to attain a DR certification. Only a 10 specimen
practical exam would be required.

Note (d) was originally intended to apply only to those individuals who
were certified at the time Mandatory Appendix II was issued (2015
Edition), and whose training hours and/or experience fell short of the
CR and DR Mandatory Appendix II requirements. Their employer could
double the number of Practical samples (5 to 10) and if these
individuals passed the practical, they would remain CR and/or DR
certified until their current expiration date. Upon their next certification,
they were to comply with the training and experience hours as set forth
in Mandatory Appendix II. This was one way that the Section V
Standards Committee felt would be less of an impact on the employer
and still support certification of qualification through demonstration.
Article 1, Mandatory Addition Adoption of ANSI/ASNT CP-189 (2016) with Modifications - Article 1, T-
Appendix IV 120(e)(2) was revised to replace ANSI/ASNT CP-189 2006 Edition with
the 2016 Edition as modified by new Article 1, Mandatory Appendix IV.
The latter identifies exceptions and additions to 2016 Edition of
ASNT/ANSI CP-189 “ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification
of Nondestructive Testing Personnel” as well as reinforcing the specific
additional personnel qualification requirements in Section V Article 1,

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Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Mandatory Appendix II for NDE personnel in computed radiography
(CR), digital radiography (DR), Phased Array Ultrasonic (PAUT), Time
of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) and Fixed Matrix Capture (FMC) ultrasonic

By reference, T-120(e)(1) and Mandatory Appendix IV have been

adopted for ASME BPV Code Section VIII, Divisions 1, 2 & 3
construction to the 2019 Edition and could influence Section I, III and
other fabrication codes and standards to adopt it was well.

The following are notable exceptions, modifications, and additions to

CP-189 - 2016 Edition imposed by Mandatory Appendix IV:
- Adds definition of “Personalized Instruction”.
- Deletes “self-study” as an acceptable form of training.
- Requires vision examinations to expire annually rather than on the
last day of the month of expiration.
- Removes the requirement for a Company Level III to be certified by
ASNT for their initial certification.
- Removes waiver of employer-based Specific Examination for ASNT
or ACCP certified Level IIs.
- Removes waiver of employer-based Practical Examination for ACCP
certified Level IIs.
- Mandates that candidates receive at least an 80% on the Practical
- Requires the Level III to determine the minimum number of
radiographs to be successfully reviewed by a candidate seeking
Limited Certification
- Establishes that individual certifications shall expire 5 years from the
day of the first examination for each method NDE Level I, II and III
- Eliminates the link between the expiration of Level III employer
certification and expiration of ASNT Level III certification.
- Requires that the signature of the NDE Level III that verified
qualifications of candidate for certification shall be affixed to the
Certificate Holders should thoroughly review their Written
Practices and those of their subcontractors against ANSI/ASNT
CP-189 (2016) and Section V, Article 1, Mandatory Appendix IV to
ensure Code compliance.
Article 1, Mandatory Addition Added Definition: Unprocessed Data - Added definition of
Appendix I, I-121 "unprocessed data" under I-121 "General Terms".
Article 1, Mandatory Revision Added Definition: "Visible Light" - Added definition to Article 1,
Appendix I, I-121 Mandatory Appendix I, I-121 - General Terms: "Visible light (white light)
—electromagnetic radiation in the 400–700 nm (4000–7000 Å)
wavelength range".
Article 1, Mandatory Revision Revised Definitions of "Lux (lx)" and "Foot-candles (fc)" - Added
Appendix I, I-121 and I-121.6 definition of "foot-candle (fc)" and moved definition of "lux (lx)" from I-
121.6 to I-121 "General Definitions".

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Code Book: V Part: Subpart/Table: Subsection A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Article 1, Mandatory Addition Added / Revised Definition: EMUT - Separated and revised definition of
Appendix I, I-121.2 Encoded Manual Ultrasonic Examinations (EMUT), which was
previously incorporated as part of the definition of Manual Ultrasonic
Examinations (MUT).
Article 1, Mandatory Addition Added FMC/TFM Definitions - Added 13 definitions pertaining to FMC
Appendix I, I-121.2 (Full Matrix Capture) and TFM (Total Focusing Method) to I-121.2 - UT
Ultrasonics due to Section V's incorporation of the FMC UT technique
in Article 4, Mandatory Appendix XI..
Article 1, Mandatory Errata Errata - Editorial Correction to "S-Scan" - The subparagraph (a) and
Appendix I, I-121.2 (b) designations in the definition of "S-Scan" were inadvertently
missing. They have been restored with this Errata.
Article 1, Mandatory Addition Added and Revised MT Definitions Related to Current - Revisions to I-
Appendix I, I-121.4 121.4 - Magnetic Particle Definitions: (1) Added definition of "direct
current"; (2) Revised previous definitions of " half-wave rectified current
AC" and "rectified magnetic current" to "half-wave rectified alternating
current (HWAC) " and "rectified current", respectively, for consistency.
Article 1, Mandatory Addition Added Definitions for "Fill Factor" - In Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I,
Appendix I, I-121.5 I-121.5 - ET — Electromagnetic (Eddy Current), added definitions for
"fill factor (FF)" for both OD encircling coils and ID probes/coils. The
previous definitions found in SE-1316 (deleted in 2017) were found to
be incorrect.
Article 1, Mandatory Addition Added Definitions for Eddy Current Array (ECA) - Added the following
Appendix I, I-121.5 Eddy Current Array (ECA) definitions to Section V, I-121.5 ET —
Electromagnetic (Eddy Current): "array coil topology", "channel
standardization", "eddy current array (ECA)", and "eddy current
Article 1, Mandatory Addition Added Leak Testing Definitions - Terms from new Section V, Article 10,
Appendix I, I-121.7 Mandatory Appendix XI have been added. They are: "foreline",
"HMSLD", "mode lock", "multiple mode", and "test mode"
Article 1, T-120(b) Revision Revised T-120(b) - Clarified the usage of Subsection B by revising T-
120(b) as follows: (1) Replaced "are nonmandatory" with "are not
mandatory" in the second sentence; and (2) Added a final sentence:
"Where there is a conflict between Subsection A and Subsection B, the
requirements of Subsection A take precedence."
Article 1, T-120(e)(1) and Revision Adoption of SNT-TC-1A (2016) - Article 1, T-120(e)(1) was revised to
Mandatory Appendix III replace ASNT SNT-TC-1A 2006 Edition with the 2016 Edition as
modified new Article 1, Mandatory Appendix III. The latter identifies
exceptions and additions to 2016 Edition of ASNT SNT-TC-1A
“Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing” as
well as reinforcing the specific additional personnel qualification
requirements in Section V Article 1, Mandatory Appendix II for NDE
personnel in computed radiography (CR), digital radiography (DR),
Phased Array Ultrasonic (PAUT), and Ultrasonic Time of Flight
Diffraction (TOFD) techniques. Fixed Matrix Capture (FMC) is also now
included in Mandatory Appendix II requirements.
Article 1, T-120(e)(2) and Addition Adoption of ANSI/ASNT CP-189 (2016) - Article 1, T-120(e)(2) was
Mandatory Appendix IV revised to replace ANSI/ASNT CP-189 2006 Edition with the 2016
Edition as modified new Article 1, Mandatory Appendix IV. The latter

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identifies exceptions and additions to 2016 Edition of ASNT/ANSI CP-
189 “ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of
Nondestructive Testing Personnel” as well as reinforcing the specific
additional personnel qualification requirements in Section V Article 1,
Mandatory Appendix II for NDE personnel in computed radiography
(CR), digital radiography (DR), Phased Array Ultrasonic (PAUT), Time
of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) and Fixed Matrix Capture (FMC) ultrasonic
Article 1, T-120(g) Revision Added Full Matrix Capture (FMC) UT Technique - Revised T-120(g) to
add Full Matrix Capture (FMC) as a UT technique which mandates the
training, experience, and examination requirements found in Article 1,
Mandatory Appendix II.
Article 1, T-150(d) Revision Clarified Timing of Procedure Qualifications - Revised introductory
sentence of T-150(d) to state that the procedure qualification
demonstration shall be performed prior to the acceptance of production
examinations. This revision clarifies that procedure qualification
demonstration shall be performed prior to acceptance of the NDE
procedure's results in production. Previously, there were no specific
words in Section V to establish chronologically when a procedure
qualification demonstration must be performed.

Notice that these words do not strictly limit "procedure qualification" to

prior to the start of fabrication (similar to welding procedure
qualification). Those words were felt to be too much of a burden by
several members of the Section V Standards Committee.
As now written, T-150(d) allows NDE to be performed on the boiler or
vessel prior to any required procedure qualification demonstration. The
“risk” being that if the procedure qualification is not accepted by the
Inspector, it would need to be redone successfully before the NDE
results could be accepted.
Article 1, T-170(a) Revision Revised T-170(a) - Editorial change. Removed gender-specific pronoun
and replaced with "the Inspector".
Article 2, Mandatory Revision Revised Written Procedure and Demonstration Requirements - For
Appendix IX, IX-221.1 and direct radiography (DR) using digital detector systems (DDS): (1)
IX-221.2 Added requirements for procedure pixel intensity range and frame
averaging as IX-221.1 (k) and (l); (2) Revised procedure demonstration
requirements in IX-221.1 and included a reference to new Supplement
A; and, (3) Added new Supplement A to provide the details and
requirements for procedure demonstrations in accordance with IX-
Article 2, Mandatory Revision Added IQI Requirements for In-Motion Techniques - Wording added to
Appendix IX, IX-277.1 Article 2, Mandatory Appendix IX, Paragraphs IX-277.1 (b), (c) and (d)
to clearly indicate the stated requirements are for "in-motion" digital
radiography techniques
Article 2, Mandatory Revision Revised IX-281.1 - Revised paragraph IX-281.1 and restructured to
Appendix IX, IX-281.1 add subparagraphs (a) and (b) addressing the use of static
(subparagraph (a)) and in-motion (subparagraph (b)) DDSs, taking into
account the use of image stacking, multiple exposures to generate a

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Code Book: V Part: Subpart/Table: Subsection A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

final compounded image. Reference to ASTM E2597 was also updated
to SE-2597.
Article 2, Mandatory Addition Clarified Wire IQI Placement and Discernibility - For digital radiography
Appendix IX, IX-283.1(a) (DR) using digital detector systems (DDSs): Article 2, Mandatory
Appendix IX, subparagraph IX-283.1(a) was added to clarify that the
essential wire shall be visible within the area of interest representing
the thickness used for determining the essential wire (inclusive of
allowable brightness and density variations).
Article 2, Mandatory Revision Revised Written Procedure and Demonstration Requirements - For
Appendix VIII, VIII-221.1 and phosphor imaging plate radiography: (1) Added requirements for pixel
VIII-221.2 intensity range and scanning parameters to subparagraphs VIII-221.1
as (i) and (j); (2) Revised VIII-221.2 procedure demonstration
requirements; (3) Added new Supplement A to provide the details and
requirements for procedure demonstrations in accordance with VIII-
Article 2, Mandatory Addition Clarified Wire IQI Placement and Discernibility - Article 2, Mandatory
Appendix VIII, VIII-283.1(a) Appendix VIII, subparagraph VIII-283.1(a) was added to clarify that the
essential wire shall be visible within the area of interest representing
the thickness used for determining the essential wire (inclusive of
allowable brightness and density variations).
Article 2, T-223 Revision Modified Lead Letter "B" Minimum Size - T-223 was changed to reflect
a minimum dimension of 7/16 inch (11 mm) for the required height of
the Lead Symbol "B" for the determination of the presence of
backscattered radiation. The reason for the change is that the
previously stated SI-unit minimum height of 13 mm is not commercially
Article 2, T-224 Revision Clarified Use of the Word "Organization's" - The word "organization's"
in the second sentence of T-224 was replaced with "Manufacturer's".
The word "organization" was introduced as a generic replacement
throughout most of Section V in the 2015 Edition for terms such as
"Manufacturer", "Assembler", and "Fabricator". There have been
inquiries (e.g. Interpretation V-18-03) as to whether an NDE
subcontractor is considered an "organization", which would open the
possibility of accepting the NDE subcontractor's symbol or name as
part of the radiograph identification. Reinstating the term
"Manufacturer's" for "organization's" is to clarify that the required
symbol or name on the radiograph is to refer to the party responsible
for the manufacture / fabrication / assembly of the examined item and
for the ultimate acceptability of the radiograph
Article 2, T-262.1 Revision Revised Densitometer Calibration Frequency - In T-262.1, the previous
"90 days" requirement for minimum densitometer calibration frequency
has been changed to "3 months".
Article 2, T-276.2(a) Revision Clarified "Estimated Reinforcement" - Removed the previous word
"actual" in the first sentence of T-276.2(a) and added a revised second
sentence to state: "The values used for the estimated weld
reinforcement thicknesses shall be representative of the weld
conditions and shall not exceed the maximums permitted by the
referencing Code Section."

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Code Book: V Part: Subpart/Table: Subsection A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Article 2, T-277.1(d) Revision Clarified Placement of Wire IQIs - Previous wording " across the
length of..." was changed to "...are transverse to the longitudinal axis
of..." to more clearly establish that IQI placement is perpendicular to the
weld axis and without defined tolerances for skewing.
Article 2, T-283.1(a) Addition Clarified Wire IQI Placement and Discernibility - Article 2,
subparagraph T-283.1(a) was added to clarify that the essential wire
shall be visible within the area of interest representing the thickness
used for determining the essential wire (inclusive of allowable
brightness and density variations).
Article 4, Figure T-434.3-2 Revision Corrected Fig. T-434.3-2 Note (2) - In Fig. T-434.3-2 Note (2) the
previous incorrect reference to "T-464.1.2" for setting up a DAC curve
using side-drilled holes was corrected to "T-464.1.3"
Article 4, Mandatory Addition Added Mandatory Appendix for Full Matrix Capture (FMC) UT - New
Appendix XI Article 4, Mandatory Appendix XI, "Full Matrix Capture (FMC)
Ultrasonic Technique", was developed to implement a data acquisition
strategy that allows for the capture of every possible transmit-receive
combination for a given ultrasonic phased-array transducer. It is used
in conjunction with data reconstruction techniques when examinations
are performed with fracture mechanics based acceptance criteria. FMC
is highly sensitive to small flaws, and produces high resolution, fully
focused images. This emerging technology had not been previously
addressed in Section V.
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Revised Paragraph References and Variable Tables - In previous
Appendix IV, IV-421 Section V Editions, users were required to integrate information from
two or three separate sources - Article 4 and up to two separate
Mandatory Appendices. This revision was the first step in reorganizing
the complex set of variables for advanced UT in a more user friendly
way. As single tables, one each in the manual raster and encoded
techniques, it is easier and clearer to show what procedure and scan
plan elements are required. Based on experiences and lessons
learned, additional process variables are included. Further details were
added to address conflicts or omissions with regard to scan plans.

Significant changes include: (1) Revised paragraph IV-421 deleting

reference to Table T-421; (2) Revised Paragraph IV-421.2 to reference
only Table IV-421; (3) Inserted paragraph IV-422 clarifying need and
use of a Scan Plan; and, (4) Revised Table IV-421 to incorporate Table
T-421 and supplemented the listed variables to incorporate variables
from Table T-421 as a single source of procedure requirements. Table
IV-421 was thereby significantly expanded and allowed deletion of
previous Tables V-421, VII-421 and VIII-421.
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Revised Requirements for PAUT Examination Record - Deleted "focal
Appendix IV, IV-492 depth" (IV-492(b)) and added various instrument settings (under IV-
492(d)) and "scan plan variables" (under IV-492(e)) as required to be
reported in the "Examination Record".
Article 4, Mandatory Errata Errata - "Normal" corrected to "Nominal" - The previous term "normal
Appendix VIII-432.1, frequency" as published in 2010 was incorrect. The correct term to be
used when referring to probe frequency is "nominal frequency".

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Code Book: V Part: Subpart/Table: Subsection A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Article 4, Mandatory Revision Added Reference to FMC UT Technique - Because of Section V's
Appendix VIII, VIII-410 addition of the Full Matrix Capture (FMC) UT technique, the following
was added as the last sentence to Article 4, Mandatory Appendix VIII,
VIII-410: "When fracture-mechanics-based acceptance criteria are
used with the Full Matrix Capture (FMC) ultrasonic technique,
Mandatory Appendix XI shall apply."
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Revised Paragraphs and Deleted Previous Variable Table - In previous
Appendix VIII, VIII-421 Section V Editions, users were required to integrate information from
two or three separate sources - Article 4 and up to two separate
Mandatory Appendices. This revision was the first step in reorganizing
the complex set of variables for advanced UT in a more user friendly
way. As single tables, one each in the manual raster and encoded
techniques, it is easier and clearer to show what procedure and scan
plan elements are required. In addition, based on experiences and
lessons learned, additional process variables are included. Further
details were added to address conflicts or omissions with regard to
scan plans.

Significant changes include: (1) Revised paragraph VIII-421.1 deleting

reference to Table T-421 and referring to Table V-421; (2) Revised
Paragraph VIII-421.2 to reference only Table V-421 and to call out
compliance with T-150(d) ; (3) Deleted Table VIII-421.
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Clarified T-150(d) Requirements - When the referencing code
Appendix VIII, VIII-421.2 mandates procedure qualification for fracture-mechanics-based UT
invoking Mandatory Appendix VIII, then Article 1, T-150(d) additional
requirements also apply. Words were added for clarity in Article 4,
Mandatory Appendix VIII, VIII-421.2 to make a direct reference to the
requirements of T-150(d).
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Added Personnel Qualifications for Set-Up and Calibration - Article 4,
Appendix VIII, VIII-423 Mandatory Appendix VII, para. VII-423 was revised to additionally state
that "Personnel who approve setups, [and] perform calibrations" must
also be appropriately qualified Level II or Level III Examiners.
Previously there were no stated requirements for certification of
personnel who approve acquisition set-ups and perform calibrations,
which should be Level II or Level III responsibilities. Acquisition
personnel open pre-built setups and calibrations, since these files are
not being altered and are being used to perform Code examinations, it
is imperative that those functions be performed by qualified and
certified personnel
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Expanded Documentation Requirements - Revised subparagraph VIII-
Appendix VIII, VIII-492 492 (a) and added subparagraphs (f) and (g) regarding instrument
settings and focal law parameters, respectively. These revisions
provide linkage back to Article 4, Mandatory Appendix V requirements.
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Revised Paragraphs and Deleted Previous Variable Table - In previous
Appendix VII, VII-421 Section V Editions, users were required to integrate information from
two or three separate sources - Article 4 and up to two separate
Mandatory Appendices. This revision was the first step in reorganizing
the complex set of variables for advanced UT in a more user friendly

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way. As single tables, one each in the manual raster and encoded
techniques, it is easier and clearer to show what procedure and scan
plan elements are required. In addition, based on experiences and
lessons learned, additional process variables are included. Further
details were added to address conflicts or omissions with regard to
scan plans.

Significant changes include: (1) Revised paragraph VII-421.1 deleting

reference to Table T-421 and referring to Table V-421; (2) Revised
Paragraph VII-421.2 to reference only Table V-421; (3) Deleted Table
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Added Personnel Qualifications for Set-Up and Calibration - Article 4,
Appendix VII, VII-423 Mandatory Appendix VII, para. VII-423 was revised to additionally state
that "Personnel who approve setups, [and] perform calibrations" must
also be appropriately qualified Level II or Level III Examiners.
Previously there were no stated requirements for certification of
personnel who approve acquisition set-ups and perform calibrations,
which should be Level II or Level III responsibilities. Acquisition
personnel open pre-built setups and calibrations, since these files are
not being altered and are being used to perform Code examinations, it
is imperative that those functions be performed by qualified and
certified personnel.
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Expanded Documentation Requirements - Revised subparagraph (a)
Appendix VII, VII-492 and added subparagraphs (f) and (g) regarding instrument settings and
focal law parameters, respectively. These revisions essentially provide
linkage back to Article 4, Mandatory Appendix V requirements.
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Revised Paragraph References and Variable Tables - In previous
Appendix V, V-421 Section V Editions, users were required to integrate information from
two or three separate sources - Article 4 and up to two separate
Mandatory Appendices. This revision was the first step in reorganizing
the complex set of variables for advanced UT in a more user friendly
way. As single tables, one each in the manual raster and encoded
techniques, it is easier and clearer to show what procedure and scan
plan elements are required. Based on experiences and lessons
learned, additional process variables are included. Further details were
added to address conflicts or omissions with regard to scan plans.

Significant changes include: (1) Revised paragraph V-421 deleting

reference to Table T-421; (2) Revised Paragraph V-421.2 to reference
only Table V-421; (3) Inserted paragraph V-422 clarifying need and use
of a Scan Plan; and, (4) Revised Table V-421 to incorporate Tables T-
421, VII-421 and VIII-428 and supplemented the listed variables to
incorporate variables from Table T-421 as a single source of procedure
requirements. Table V-421 was thereby significantly expanded and
allowed deletion of previous Tables V-421, VII-421 and VIII-421.
Article 4, Mandatory Revision Expanded Exam Record Requirements - (1) V-492(b) was revised to
Appendix V, V-492 delete the previous entry "focal depth"; (2) The following
subparagraphs were added to indicate additional requirements to be

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recorded on the Examination Record per para. V-492: "(d) instrument
settings to include, as a minimum, excitation pulse type, duration and
voltage settings, digitization rate (e.g. nominal rate as affected by
compression and points quantity), rectification, pulse repetition rate,
range start and stop, band pass filters, smoothing, focal type and
length", and the previous "(d)" now redesignated as "(e) scan plan
Article 4, Nonmandatory Addition Added New Nonmandatory Appendix F - New Article 4, Nonmandatory
Appendix F Appendix F, "Full Matrix Capture (FMC)", was added as an
informational document to aid the user when applying Article 4,
Mandatory Appendix XI, "Full Matrix Capture (FMC)" UT. It covers a
general description of FMC / Total Focusing Method (TFM), its
processes, guidance for probe selection, amplitude fidelity, and
Article 4, T-420(e) and (f) Addition Added Mandatory Appendix V & XI References - Added T-420 (e) and
(f) to reference Mandatory Appendix V for phased array E-scan and S-
scan linear scanning examination techniques and new Article 4,
Mandatory Appendix XI for Full Matrix Capture (FMC) UT, respectively.
Article 4, T-421.1 and T- Revision Added Reference to Applicable Appendices - Added the phrase "or the
421.2 appendices applicable to the technique in use" to the first sentence in
each of the above referenced subparagraphs. This reminds the user
that variables other than those listed in Table T-421 may apply.
Article 5, Mandatory Revised "Bolt Size" Column Header to "Bolt Diameter" - For
Appendix IV, IV-531.2 clarification, the previous header of "Bolt Size" in the table
accompanying Article 5, Mandatory Appendix IV, IV-531.2 was
changed to "Bolt Diameter"
Article 6, Mandatory Revision Revised Conversion of 3/8 in. to 9.5 mm - In Article 6, Mandatory
Appendix III, III-630 Appendix III, III-630, the SI conversion of 3/8 in. has been changed
from 10 mm to 9.5 mm, as currently shown elsewhere in Section V
(e.g. Article 6, Mandatory Appendix III, Figure III-630).
Article 6, T-673.3 Revision Revised Conversion of Foot-candles (fc) to Lux (Lx) - The previous
conversion value of 100 fc has been changed from "(1000 lx)" to "(1076
Article 6, T-676.1 Revision Revised PT Developing Time - Added the phrase "unless otherwise
qualified under T-653". This was the result of Intent Interpretation V-18-
07 which stated it was permissible to qualify and utilize a minimum
development time for final interpretation that is less than 10 minutes
when the reduced development time was qualified in accordance with
T-653 and T-676.1 did not prohibit the qualification of development
times of less than 10 minutes for high temperature applications under
Article 6, T-676.4 Revision Revised Black-Light to UV-A Light & Added LED Lights - (1) Revised
several subparagraphs of T-676.4 to change "black light" to "UV-A
light"; (2) Revised T-676.4(a) to add "with a maximum ambient white
light level of two (2) foot candles (fc) or 21.5 lx measured with a
calibrated white light meter at the examination surface"; (3) Added new
subparagraph T-676.4(c): "The examination area shall be illuminated
with UV-A lights which operate in the range between 320 nm and 400
nm"; (4) Added new subparagraph T-676.4(g) to allow for use of LED

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Code Book: V Part: Subpart/Table: Subsection A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

UV-A lights; (5) Added LED UV-A light sources shall be certified as
meeting the requirements of SE-3022 and/or ASTM E3022; and (6)
Renumbered remaining subparagraphs.
Article 7 T-777.1 and T- Revision Revised Conversion of "Foot-candles (fc)" to "Lux (lx)" - (1) In T-777.1,
777.3(c) the previous conversion value of 100 fc has been changed from "(1000
lx)" to "(1076 lx)"; and (2) In T-777.3(c), 2 fc has been changed from
"(20 lx)" to "(21.5 lx)".
Article 7, T-710 Revision Corrected Title of SE-709 - The previously referenced title of SE-709
has been corrected to: "Standard Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing".
Article 7, T-731(b) Revision Clarified Specified SE-709 Requirements - Replaced wording that
magnetic particle examination dry and wet particles and suspension
vehicles "should" be in accordance with SE-709 with a "shall"
requirement "in accordance with the applicable specifications listed in
SE-709 paragraph 2.2".
Article 7, T-762 (b) and (c) Revision Added Yoke Contact Condition - Revised T-762(b) and (c) for the
determination of lifting power of AC and DC (and permanent magnet
yokes), respectively, so that the final sentence of each ends with "at the
maximum pole spacing, with contact similar to what will be used during
the examination.”
Article 7, T-777.2 Revision Revised Black-Light to UV-A Light & Added LED Lights - (1) Revised
several subparagraphs of T-777.2 to change "black light" to "UV-A
light"; (2) Revised T-777.2(a) to add "with a maximum ambient white
light level of two (2) foot candles (fc) or 21.5 lx measured with a
calibrated white light meter at the examination surface ."; (3) Added
new subparagraph T-777.2(c): "The examination area shall be
illuminated with UV-A lights which operate in the range between 320
nm and 400 nm."; (4) Added new subparagraph T-777.2(g) to allow for
use of LED UV-A lights; (5) Added LED UV-A light sources shall be
certified as meeting the requirements of SE-3022 and/or ASTM E3022;
and (6) Renumbered remaining subparagraphs.
Article 8, Mandatory Revision Corrected Title of SE-243 Reference - The previously referenced title of
Appendix IV-810 SE-243 has been corrected to: "Standard Practice for Electromagnetic
(Eddy Current) Examination of Copper and Copper-Alloy Tubes".
Article 8, Mandatory Addition Added Eddy Current Array (ECA) Examination of Materials - Added
Appendix IX Article 8, Mandatory Appendix IX, "Eddy Current Array (ECA)
Examination of Ferromagnetic and Nonferromagnetic Materials for the
Detection of Surface Breaking Flaws", to address the examination of
magnetic and nonmagnetic welds using the ECA method.
Article 8, Mandatory Revision Revised Title of Mandatory Appendix VIII - Revised the title of
Appendix VIII "Mandatory Appendix VIII" by designating it as "Alternative Technique
for Eddy Current Examination of Nonferromagnetic Heat Exchanger
Tubing, Excluding Nuclear Steam Generator Tubing" to distinguish it
from the title of "Mandatory Appendix II".
Article 8, Mandatory Errata Errata - Removed "grade/temper" - Removed "grade/temper" from
Appendix VIII, Table VIII-821 "Requirements" of the first essential variable listed in Table VIII-821.
This should have occurred in the 2015 Edition.

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Code Book: V Part: Subpart/Table: Subsection A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Article 8, Mandatory Addition Added Eddy Current Array (ECA) Examination of Welds - Added
Appendix X Article 8, Mandatory Appendix X, "Eddy Current Array (ECA)
Examination of Ferromagnetic and Nonferromagnetic Welds for the
Detection of Surface Breaking Flaws", to address the examination of
magnetic and nonmagnetic welds using the ECA method.
Article 8, T-810 (i) and (j) Addition Added References to Mandatory Appendices VII & VIII - Added
references to "Mandatory Appendix VII" and "Mandatory Appendix VIII"
to T-810 as subparagraphs (i) and (j), respectively.
Article 8, T-810 (k) and (l) Addition Added Eddy Current Array (ECA) Examination to Scope - The Eddy
Current Array (ECA) examination method can be used for the detection
of surface breaking defects in magnetic and nonmagnetic materials and
welds. T-810(k) and T-810(l) were added to refer to new Article 8,
Mandatory Appendices IX and X for Eddy Current Array (ECA)
examination of materials and welds, respectively.
Article 9, T-921 Revision Reclassified "Essential Variable" as "Nonessential Variable" - In Article
9, Table V-921, "Personnel performance qualification requirements,
when required" [5th row] has been reclassified from "Essential
Variable" to "Nonessential Variable", as it is not relevant to a Procedure
Qualification Demonstration.
Article 9, T-952 Revision Revised Conversion of "Foot-candles (fc)" to "Lux (lx)" - The previous
conversion value for 100 fc has been changed from "(1000 lx)" to
"(1076 lx)".
Article 9, T-953 and T-955 Addition Added Light Meter Calibration and Intensity Requirements - (1)
Revised last sentence of paragraph T-953 to include light intensity in
addition to resolution as a remote visual examination system
requirement; (2) Added light meter calibration requirements in new
paragraph T-955.
Article 10, Mandatory Addition Added Helium Filled Container Leak Rate Test - This is a new
Appendix XI Mandatory Appendix to address the helium leak test of sealed objects
that contain helium, such as a package that is welded closed with
helium as the gas portion of the package contents. This is the most
common leak test used for Spent Nuclear Fuel Containers. ASME
Section III, Div. 3 references ASME Section V, Article 10 for the
leakage rate tests, but the required technique was not previously
addressed therein.
Article 10, Mandatory Revision Reclassified Essential Variable as Nonessential - In Article 10 (Leak
Appendix III, Table III-1021 Testing), Mandatory Appendix III, Table III-1021 [4th row], "Personnel
performance qualification requirements, when required" has been
reclassified from "Essential Variable" to "Nonessential Variable", as it is
not relevant to a Procedure Qualification Demonstration.
Article 10, Mandatory Revision Reclassified Essential Variable as Nonessential - In Article 10 (Leak
Appendix II, Table II-1021 Testing), Mandatory Appendix II, Table II-1021 [5th row], "Personnel
performance qualification requirements, when required" has been
reclassified from "Essential Variable" to "Nonessential Variable", as it is
not relevant to a Procedure Qualification Demonstration.
Article 10, Mandatory Revision Reclassified Essential Variable as Nonessential - In Article 10 (Leak
Appendix IV, Table IV-1021 Testing), Mandatory Appendix IV, Table IV-1021 [5th row], "Personnel
performance qualification requirements, when required" has been

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Code Book: V Part: Subpart/Table: Subsection A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

reclassified from "Essential Variable" to "Nonessential Variable", as it is
not relevant to a Procedure Qualification Demonstration.
Article 10, Mandatory Revision Revised Article 10 Mandatory Appendix IX - Article 10, Mandatory
Appendix IX Appendix IX, "Helium Mass Spectrometer Test - Hood Technique", was
extensively revised based on improvements and advancements in the
technique. Most revisions were editorial and included enhanced
descriptions. Significant additions include equations to determine
equipment sensitivity and upstream pressure compensation.
Article 10, Mandatory Revision Reclassified Essential Variable as Nonessential - In Article 10 (Leak
Appendix IX, Table IX-1021 Testing), Mandatory Appendix IX, Table IX-1021 [6th row], "Personnel
performance qualification requirements, when required" has been
reclassified from "Essential Variable" to "Nonessential Variable", as it is
not relevant to a Procedure Qualification Demonstration.
Article 10, Mandatory Revision Reclassified Essential Variable as Nonessential - In Article 10 (Leak
Appendix I, Table I-1021 Testing), Mandatory Appendix I, Table I-1021 [5th row], "Personnel
performance qualification requirements, when required" has been
reclassified from "Essential Variable" to "Nonessential Variable", as it is
not relevant to a Procedure Qualification Demonstration.
Article 10, Mandatory Revision Reclassified Essential Variable as Nonessential - In Article 10 (Leak
Appendix VIII, Table VIII- Testing), Mandatory Appendix VIII, Table VIII-1021[5th row],
1021 "Personnel performance qualification requirements, when required" has
been reclassified from "Essential Variable" to "Nonessential Variable",
as it is not relevant to a Procedure Qualification Demonstration.
Article 10, Mandatory Revision Reclassified Essential Variable as Nonessential - In Article 10 (Leak
Appendix VI, Table VI-1021 Testing), Mandatory Appendix VI, Table VI-1021 [5th row], "Personnel
performance qualification requirements, when required" has been
reclassified from "Essential Variable" to "Nonessential Variable", as it is
not relevant to a Procedure Qualification Demonstration.
Article 10, Mandatory Revision Reclassified Essential Variable as Nonessential - In Article 10 (Leak
Appendix V, Table V-1021 Testing), Mandatory Appendix V, Table V-1021 [5th row], "Personnel
performance qualification requirements, when required" has been
reclassified from "Essential Variable" to "Nonessential Variable", as it is
not relevant to a Procedure Qualification Demonstration.
Article 10, Mandatory Revision Reclassified Essential Variable as Nonessential - In Article 10 (Leak
Appendix X, Table X-1021 Testing), Mandatory Appendix X, Table X-1021, "Personnel
performance qualification requirements, when required" has been
reclassified from "Essential Variable" to "Nonessential Variable", as it is
not relevant to a Procedure Qualification Demonstration. [The
published "Summary of Changes" incorrectly shows this Record
Number as a revision to Table IX-1021. This incorrect designation was
corrected by Errata (19-1927). Table IX-1021 was revised by Record
Number 17-2909.]
Article 17, T-1710(d) Revision Revised Article Reference for SE-2096 - In Section V 2015 Edition, SE-
2096 was moved from Article 26 to Article 32. T-1710(d) has been
revised to correct its previous reference of "Article 26" to "Article 32".

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Code Book: V Part: Subpart/Table: Subsection B

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Article 22, SE-1030/SE- Revision Adopted ASTM E1030 / E1030M-15 as SE-1030/SE-1030M - Adopted
1030M ASTM E1030 / E1030M-15, "Standard Practice for Radiographic
Examination of Metallic Castings" as SE-1030/SE-1030M-15. The
specification was retitled and editorially revised from the previous
ASTM 2005 (Reapproved 2012) Edition.
Article 22, SE-1416 Revision Adopted ASTM E1416-16a as SE-1416 - Adopted ASTM E1416-16a
"Standard Practice for Radioscopic Examination of Weldments" as SE-
1416. The only changes from the previous ASTM 2009 Edition were
editorial in nature.
Article 22, SE-2597 Addition Added ASTM E2597/E2597M-14 as SE-2597 - Adopted ASTM
E2597/E2597M-14, "Standard Practice for Manufacturing
Characterization of Digital Detector Arrays", as SE-2597. This standard
is referenced in Article 2, Mandatory Appendix IX, "Radiography Using
Digital Detector Systems."
Article 22, SE-797/797M Revision Adopted ASTM E797/797M-15 as SE-797/797M - Adopted ASTM E797
/ E797M-15, "Standard Practice for Measuring Thickness by Manual
Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Contact Method', as SE-797/797M. The only
change from the replaced 2010 ASTM edition was to add ISO 9712 in
two places.
Article 23, SA-388/SA-388M Revision Adopted ASTM A388/A388M-16a as SA-388/SA-388M - Adopted
ASTM A388/A388M-16a "Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Examination
of Steel Forgings" as SE-388/SA-388M. The changes from the previous
ASTM 2015 Edition include: clarification of the determination of an
indication free area (, adding references to instruments which
employ an electronic DGS (Distance-Grain-Size) method (5.1.2, 6.5,
6.5.1), added wording for straight beam calibration (9.2.2,
and and the addition of an electronic DGS method for angle
beam testing (9.3.3,,
Article 23, SA-435/SA-435M Revision Adopted ASTM A435/A435M-17 as SA-435/SA-435M. - SA-435/SA-
435M was previously published in Section II, Part A and has been
relocated to Section V. ASTM A435/A435M-17, "Standard Specification
for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Plates", was adopted
as SA-435/SA-435M. Changes from the 1990 (R2012) ASTM Edition
included: (1) Addition of Section 3, Terminology; (2) Revision of Section
4 to include phased array technology; (3) Revision of Section 6; and,
(4) Paragraphs renumbered as required.
Article 23, SA-577/SA-577M Revision Adopted ASTM A577/A577M-17 as SA-577/SA-577M. - SA-577/SA-
577M was previously published in Section II, Part A and has been
relocated to Section V. Adopted ASTM A577/A577M-17, "Standard
Specification for Ultrasonic Angle-Beam Examination of Steel Plates",
as SA-577/SA-577M. Changes to the 1990 (R2012) ASTM Edition
were made to document formatting and the addition of provisions for
phased-array UT techniques. Changes made were primarily editorial in
nature and do not affect material examination or acceptance standards.
Article 23, SA-578/SA-578M Revision Adopted ASTM A578/A578M-17 as SA-578/SA-578M. - SA-578/SA-
578 was previously published in Section II, Part A and has been
relocated to Section V. Adopted ASTM A578/A578M-17, "Standard
Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Rolled Steel
Plates for Special Applications", as SA-578/SA-578M. Changes to the

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Code Book: V Part: Subpart/Table: Subsection B

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

2007 (R2012) ASTM Edition made were to document formatting and
the addition of provisions for phased-array UT techniques. Changes
made were primarily editorial in nature and do not affect material
examination or acceptance standards.
Article 23, SB-548 Revision Adopted ASTM B548-03(2017) as SB-548. - ASTM B548-03(2017),
"Standard Test Method for Ultrasonic Inspection of Aluminum-Alloy
Plate for Pressure Vessels", was adopted as SB-548. This action
adopts the 2017 reapproval of ASTM's 2003 Edition.
Article 23, SE-317 Addition Adopted ASTM E317-16 - Adopted ASTM E317-16, "Standard Practice
for Evaluating Performance Characteristics of Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo
Testing Instruments and Systems without the Use of Electronic
Measurement Instruments", as SE-317. The document was added to
Section V because it is referenced in many other standards and
provides detail for evaluation of UT instrument performance.
Article 24, SD-808 Revision Adopted ASTM D808-16 as SD-808 - Adopted ASTM D808-16,
"Standard Test Method for Chlorine in New and Used Petroleum
Products (High Pressure Decomposition Device Method)", as SD-808.
This replaces the 2011 ASTM Edition. Revisions include: (1) Added
Practice D4177 to Referenced Documents;(2) Revised subsection 7.1
to include additional sampling procedure; (3) Added new subsection
6.9 for a new reagent.
Article 24, SD-516 Revision Adopted ASTM D516-16 as SD-516 - Adopted ASTM D516-16,
"Standard Test Method for Sulfate Ion in Water," as SD-516. The
following changes were noted from the 2011 ASTM Edition: (1)
Practices D3370 statement was added to Section 2.; (2) Test Method
D4327 was added to Sections 2 and 5.; (3) Subsection 3.1 was
modified. ; (4) Section 8 was modified to add filter paper information.
(5) Section 14 on Quality Control was modified.
Article 26, SE-2096/SE- Addition Adopted ASTM E2096/E2096M-16 as SE-2096/SE-2096M - Added
2096M ASTM E2096/E2096M-16, "Standard Practice for In Situ Examination
of Ferromagnetic Heat-Exchanger Tubes Using Remote Field Testing"
as SE-206/SE-2096M. E2096 was referenced in Article 17 "Remote
Field Testing (RFT) Examination Method" but not included as a
Subsection B document.
Article 29, SE-1118/SE- Revision Adopted ASTM E1118/E1118M-16 as SE-1118/SE-1118M - Adopted
1118M ASTM E1118/E1118M-16 "Standard Practice for Acoustic Emission
Examination of Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe (RTRP)" as SE-
1118/SE-1118M. Changes to the 2011 ASTM Edition included adding
references to ISO 9712 for Personnel Qualification as well as to ASTM
E1106 and E1781 for establishing sensor sensitivity range.
Article 29, SE-1139/SE- Revision Adopted ASTM E1139/E1139M-17 as SE-1139/SE-1139M - Adopted
1139M ASTM E1139/E1139M-17 "Standard Practice for Continuous
Monitoring of Acoustic Emission from Metal Pressure Boundaries" as
SE-1139/SE-1139M. The only change to the 2012 ASTM Edition was
an added reference to ISO 9712.
Article 29, SE-1211/SE- Revision Adopted ASTM E1211/E1211M-17 as SE-1211/SE-1211M - Adopted
1211M ASTM E1211/E1211M-17 "Standard Practice for Leak Detection and
Location Using Surface-Mounted Acoustic Emission Sensors" as SE-
1211/SE-1211M. Changes from the 2012 ASTM Edition included an

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Code Book: V Part: Subpart/Table: Subsection B

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

added reference to ISO 9712 for Personnel Certification and a
correction to the unit conversion for 400 mm from "12 in." to "15.7 in." in
Article 29, SE-650/SE-650M Revision Adopted ASTM E650/E650M-17 as SE-650/SE-650M - Adopted ASTM
E650/E650M-17 "Standard Guide for Mounting Piezoelectric Acoustic
Emission Sensors" as SE-650/SE-650M.
Changes to the 2012 edition in Clause 6 provided clarification to
address sensor selection, surface preparation, couplant selection,
sensor removal, and prevention of ground loops.
Article 30 Revision Editorially Deleted Article 30 - All NDE terminology had been previously
incorporated into Article 1, Mandatory Appendix I with the 2017 Edition
of Section V.
Article 31, SE-2261/SE- Revision Adopted ASTM E2261/2261M-17 as SE-2261/SE-2261M - Adopted
2261M ASTM E2261/2261-17 "Standard Practice for Examination of Welds
Using the Alternating Current Field Measurement Technique" as SE-
2261/SE-2261M. The only changes from the previous ASTM 2012
Edition were the addition of ISO 9712 to 2.3 and 6.1.1.; updated
vocabulary in subsections 9.1.1, 11.2.1, and 13.1.1.

Code Book: V Part: Subpart/Table: NonMandatory Appendix

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Nonmandatory Appendix A, Revision Replaced "Nonmandatory Appendix" with "Section" - This revision
A-1 corrects an editing error introduced in the 2004 Addenda by replacing
"Nonmandatory Appendix" with "Section" in the first sentence.
"Equations" are found in the Code "Section" not in this "Nonmandatory
Appendix". This is editorial change was introduced by Section IX
SGGR under Record 17-334. Section V issued an Errata on July 30,
2019 (Record 19-1927) deleting Record 17-334 from its 2019
"Summary of Changes"; however, the revision was published in Section
V, Nonmandatory Appendix A and is technically correct.

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Introduction

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table U-3 Revision Added Reference - A reference to ASTM A1033 "Standard Practice for
quantitative Measurement and reporting of Hypoeutectoid Carbon and
Low-Alloy Steel Phase Transformations" was added to Table U-3, in
support of establishing the maximum PWHT temperature for P-No. 15E
and Table UCS-56–11.
Table U-3 Revision Update to Reference Standards - The following References were

(1) ASME B16.24 - Cast Copper Alloy Pipe, Flanges, Flanged Fittings,
and Valves, Classes 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500 2016 Edition
(2) ASME B16.42 - Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings,
Class 150 and 300 2016 Edition
(3) ASME B16.47 - Large Diameter Steel Flanges, NPS 26 Through
NPS 60 Metric/Inch Standard 2017 Edition
(4) ASTM E4 - Standard Practices for Force Verification of Testing
Machines 2016 Edition
(5) ASCE/SEI 7 Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for
Buildings and Other Structures 2016
(5) ASTM E691 - Standard Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory
Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method 2016 Edition
Table U-3, Endnote 103 Revision Update Year Edition for PCC-2 - The reference to PCC-2, Repair of
Pressure Equipment and Piping, has been updated from the 2015
Edition to the 2018 Edition. Endnote 103 [now Endnote 101 in 2019
Edition] was updated to reflect the new numbering format of PCC-2.
U-2(g), Appendix 46 Revision Options When Construction Rules Do Not Exist in VIII-1 - Paragraph U-
2(g) could be considered to be the single most important paragraph in
Section VIII, Division 1. The reason is that this paragraph provides
guidance to the Manufacturer when rules for design or construction are
not published in the standard. For example if the Manufacturer is
constructing a vessel subject to wind, snow or seismic loads, equations
are not provided within VIII-1 to directly calculate the stresses in the
vessel due to these loads. But the absence of equations does not
mean that one cannot construct and certify a pressure vessel subject to
wind, seismic or snow loads, because U-2(g) gives the Manufacturer
permission to provide details of design and construction which will be
as safe as those provided by the rules of this Division. U-2(g) is used
for most pressure vessels, in many cases unknowingly. For example
any vessel subject to wind or seismic loads, external loads on nozzles
from piping, or supported on saddles is demonstrated to comply with
VIII-1 via U-2(g).

For the past six years, a Task Group reporting to the Section VIII
Standards Committee has been working on several items related to U-
2(g). For example the revisions to U-2(e) concerning the Authorized
Inspector's responsibilities for review of design calculations published
in the 2015 Edition, were developed by the Task Group U-2(g).

With regard to U-2(g), this revision contains a complete rewrite of that

paragraph. It now provides the vessel designer an option to use VIII-2

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Introduction

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Part 4 to design components for a VIII-1 vessel. And rules are
introduced that now mandate that use of finite element analysis to
design a component for which rules are not available must be carried
out in accordance with VIII-2 Part 5. The following is a further summary
of the revisions associated with this item:

(1) Paragraph U-2(g) has been completely rewritten. One of the

significant changes in the intent of this paragraph concerns expansion
of its applicability from just design to all aspects of construction. As a
reminder, the Code defines construction to be an all-inclusive term
comprising materials, design, fabrication, examination, inspection,
testing, certification, and pressure relief. It has long been recognized
that Section VIII, Division 1 does not provide details for all aspects of
design. For example explicit rules are not provided for consideration of
external loads on nozzles, or a vessel subject to wind or seismic loads.
But the expansion of the applicability of U-2(g) beyond just design
recognizes the practical need to have such a rule. It is not possible
within a single standard to describe in exacting detail all of the activities
that must take place in constructing the vessel. One simple example
concerns heat treatment. Today the Code provides an option to locally
heat treat a circumferential band of the vessel containing nozzles and
other welded attachments. In these rules given in UW-40(a)(5) there is
a requirement that states: "The portion of the vessel outside of the
circumferential soak band shall be protected so that the temperature
gradient is not harmful." This is a performance-based rule that would
then require careful engineering consideration to satisfy. It is a classic
example where "details of construction" are not provided in a
prescriptive fashion, and therefore would require the Manufacturer,
subject to the acceptance of the Authorized Inspector, to provide the
explicit details that will be used in construction to satisfy the safety
intent of the Code. This is a significant shift in philosophy of how U-2(g)
should be applied. But one aspect of U-2(g) that has been retained is
that when the Code does provide a rule, whether it be design,
fabrication, or material related, then this rule must be followed and
there is no option to use U-2(g) to get around it. This is stated in the
last paragraph of U-2(g): "The provisions of this paragraph shall not be
used to justify the use of materials, joining processes (fabrication),
examination, inspection, testing, certification and overpressure
protection methods other than those allowed by this Division." Simply
stated, a Manufacturer cannot use U-2(g) to use a material that has not
been adopted by the Code, or a welding process that is not addressed
in VIII-1 or Section IX or an NDE method that is not addressed in VIII-1
or Section V.

(2) Another expansion to U-2(g) scope does concern design. In

subparagraph U-2(g)(1), it now provides three options (methods) for
design when the Code does not provide explicit rules. These options
(a) Use the design-by-rule and design-by-analysis rules Section VIII,
Division 2 per Mandatory Appendix 46. The intent of this option is that
when the Manufacturer intends to carry out a design utilizing a general-
purpose finite element program, then this finite element analysis shall
satisfy Part 5 of VIII-2.

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Introduction

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

(b) Proof test per UG-101;
(c) Use of other recognize and generally accepted methods, such as
those found in other ASME/EN/ISO/ National/Industry Standards or
U-4, Table U-4-1 Revision Units To Be Used in Equations - This revision is an outcrop of
Interpretation BPV VIII-1 RN13-842, which basically stated that it was
not permitted to perform calculations using an allowable stress
determined by converting an allowable stress published in US
Customary or SI units in II-D to another local unit. Essentially the
Committee felt that if conversion of allowable stresses that are
published in Section II, Part D was permitted, then there would be no
need to publish allowable stresses in SI units, since they could have
been determined directly from the US customary Tables. The net result
is that revisions to U-4 was needed to assure that calculations
performed by the Manufacturer use not only allowable stresses that are
published in Section II, Part D, but any other material property
published in that standard. Also part of this action was the addition of
subparagraph (f) addressing dimensions shown as decimals or
fractions, which was taken from VIII-2. Finally Table 33-1 "Standard
Units for Use in Equations" was relocated from Mandatory Appendix 33
to U-4, Table U-4-1.

Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table UG-84.6 Revision Location of Impact Test Specimen in HAZ - In the 2013 Edition,
requirements addressing HAZ impact test specimen set removal where
introduced in Table UG-84.6. These rules considered three different
thickness ranges for the base metal, and two different weld joint
configurations, single-sided and two-sided welds. Subsequent to
publication of Table UG-84.6, the Committee began to receive inquiries
on the proper application of the rules given in this table. For example
for a two-sided weld with a base metal thickness equal to 1 inch (38
mm), two sets of HAZ impact test specimens are required. These
specimen sets shall be removed from a depth between ¼t and ½t from
each weld surface. What is missing from this rule is where exactly
should the impact test specimen be located within the ¼t and ½trange?
This issue was reviewed and debated at length by the Subgroup on
Toughness Committee, and ultimately it was resolved that the
centerline of the specimen shall be located within the ¼t and ½t range.
Further every effort shall be made to extract the largest specimen size,
up to 10mm, that can be removed within the specified range of removal
depth as defined in Table UG-84.6. The number of base metal
thickness ranges was reduced from three to two; t <3/4 in. (19mm), t >
3/4 in. (19mm). Manufacturers should pay close attention to these
changes as it could affect the continued use of existing qualified
UG-11(c)(1) Addition Update Paragraph Reference - As a result of the new rules in UG-45(b)
for evaluating external loads on standard rated flanges (B16.5 &

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Paragraph Type Subject - Description

B16.47), the reference to "UG-44" in paragraph UG-11(c)(1) were
corrected to " UG-44(a).
UG-14 Revision Rods and Bars - Rod and bar material is commonly used as stiffening
rings, stays and stay-bolts as well as flange rings in pressure vessel
construction. For the past 10-15 years we have seen an increase in the
fabrication of hollow cylindrical parts and flat heads machined from rod
or bar material. If the rod or bar is manufactured in a manner that does
not assure isotropic material properties, then the possibility exists that
the through-thickness properties could be significantly lower than the
rolling direction properties. For this reason UG-14 has placed
limitations on the size of components that can be fabricated from rod or
bar. Since 1993 Section VIII has published Cases 2155 and 2156
which provide alternative rules when hollow cylindrical parts or heads
greater than NPS 4 are fabricated from rod or bar material.

This action incorporates the provisions of Cases 2155 and 2156.

Following publication of the 2019 Edition, these two Cases will be on
annulled. The major changes to UG-14 are:

1. Surface examination (MT / PT) requirements are specified for

flanges, heads, caps, elbows, return bends, tees and header tees that
are fabricated from rod or bar. This is a new requirement that was
not previously published in UG-14 or Cases 2155 and 2156-1.
2. For Hollow cylindrically-shaped parts made from rod and bar, no
surface examination is needed.
3. Parts may be machined from rod or bar having a hot-worked
diameter not greater than 5.50 in. (140 mm), provided that the axial
length of the part is approximately parallel to the metal flow lines of the
stock. This hot-worked diameter limit of 5.50 in. replaces the previous
limit of NPS 4, eliminating some of the confusion when these rules
should be applied.
4. Parts may be machined from rod or bar having a hot-worked
diameter greater than 5.50 in. (140 mm), but not greater than 8.00 in.
(205 mm), provided the axial length of the part is approximately parallel
to the metal flow lines of the stock, and the minimum required thickness
of the component is calculated following the rules of this Division using
50% of the specified allowable stress.
5. For parts fabricated from rod or bar having a hot-worked diameter
greater than 8 inches (205 mm):
a) At least two transverse tension test specimens shall be taken from
each lot of rod or bar material and having the same diameter;
b) The reduction of area of carbon and low alloy steel shall not be less
than 30%;
c) Each rod or bar before machining shall be 100% ultrasonically
examined perpendicular to the longitudinal axis by the straight beam
technique in accordance with SA-388.
d) For heads and the flat portion of caps, the ultrasonic examination
shall also be performed in the axial direction;
e) Before welding, the cut surfaces of the part adjacent to the weld
shall be examined by MP or PT.

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Paragraph Type Subject - Description

UG-16(a) Revision Performing Design per Section VIII, Division 2 - This revision to UG-
16(a) is essentially the incorporation of Case 2695. As a reminder,
Case 2695 provides the option to a Section VIII, Division 1
Manufacturer to use the rules of Section VIII, Division 2 Part 4 to
design components in a VIII-1 vessel. This revision goes a step further
by also directly opening up the option to carry out a design by analysis
in accordance with Part 5 of VIII-2 when design rules are not explicitly
provided in VIII-1 or VIII-2 Part 4. UG-16(a) points to Appendix 46 for
detailed rules for using VIII-2 for design.

This revision will likely accelerate the use of the VIII-2 formed head and
opening reinforcement rules in VIII-1 construction since there are
efficiency gains when using the VIII-2 rules. Manufacturers should
take note of this important change.
UG-23(f), UG-23(g) Addition Shear & Bearing Stress Requirements - At the present time scattered
throughout the General Notes to the stress allowable tables in Section
II, Part D are requirements that pertain to construction and should be
published within the appropriate construction standard. This revision
concerns shear and bearing stress requirements presently published in
General Notes (c) & (d) of Section II, Part D Tables 1A, 1B and General
Notes (b) & (c) of Table 3. The requirements given in these Notes have
been moved to new paragraphs UG-23(f) and (g).
UG-34(b) Revision Last sentence of C factor definition deleted - The last part of the C-
factor definition in UG-34(b) stated that the C factors included a factor
of 0.667 to account for 1.5S bending allowable stress. There was some
confusion in certain industries that use non-welded flat plates that were
sometimes taking an additional 1.5 factor for a bending stress
allowable and sometimes not. The statement was seen as rationale
that was not needed in the Code book, and therefore deleted.
UG-34(c)(1) Revision Update Paragraph Reference - As a result of the addition of new rules
in UG-45(b) for evaluating external loads on standard rated flanges
(B16.5 & B16.47), the reference to "UG-44" in paragraph UG-34(c)(1)
was corrected to "UG-44(a)".
UG-35.3(a)(1) Revision Update Paragraph Reference - As a result of the addition of new rules
in UG-45(b) for evaluating external loads on standard rated flanges
(B16.5 & B16.47), the reference to "UG-44" in paragraph UG-35.3(a)(1)
was corrected to "UG-44(a)".
UG-36(g)(2) Revision Oblique Conical Shell Section - Section VIII, Division 1 permits the use
of an oblique conical producer to join to shell sections with different
diameters and an offset in their centerlines. Figure UG-36 sketch (e)
depicts this type of construction. The current rules in UG-36(g)(2) limit
this type of construction to an angle alpha not greater than 30 deg. This
revision to the paragraph modifies this 30 deg. limit by providing an
option to exceed 30 deg. when the requirements of 1-5(g) are satisfied.
Paragraph 1-5(g) requires a special analysis to examine the local
membrane and bending stresses at a cone-to-cylinder junction without
a knuckle when the half-apex angle alpha is greater than 30 deg.

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

UG-39(b)(3), UG-39(c)(2), Revision Revise Edge Distance Rules for Openings in Flat Heads - This revision
Fig. UG-39 adds a second sketch to Figure UG-39 showing the spacing and
ligament sizing requirements when one or more openings are placed in
a welded or bolted flat cover [sketch (a)]. Paragraph UG-39(b)(3) was
rewritten to specifically address the opening and spacing details
depicted in Figure UG-39 sketch (a). Figure UG-39 sketch (b) still
addresses opening spacing and ligament sizing for a flat cover
containing a large circular centrally located opening. In two places in
UG-39(c)(2) the reference to Figure UG-39 was updated to "Figure UG-
UG-40(e) Revision Update Paragraph Reference - As a result of the addition of new rules
in UG-45(b) for evaluating external loads on standard rated flanges
(B16.5 & B16.47), the reference to "UG-44(j)" in paragraph UG-40(e)
was corrected to "UG-44(a)(10)".
UG-44(b), Table UG-44(b) Addition Evaluating External Forces & Moments on B16.5 Flanges - The
issuance of Interpretation BPV VIII-1-16-85 in October 2016 confirmed
that when using ASME standard rated flanges such as B16.5 and
B16.47 that are subject to external forces and moments, then
supporting calculations are required to verify that the selected flange is
adequate for the intended design pressure and temperature as well as
the external forces and moments. VIII-1 does not contain rules for
evaluating external forces and moments on flanges. However VIII-2,
paragraph 4.16.7 does contain rules. However these rules are
considered very conservative. In 2013 a technical paper was presented
at the ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping conference titled "Improved
Analysis of External Loads on Flanged Joints - PVP 2013-97814". This
paper authored by Warren Brown presents a new method for assessing
the maximum acceptable level of external loads on standard rated
flanges. The method considers both allowable design stress levels as
well as probability of leakage for standard piping joints using the
method outlined in Appendix O of ASME PCC-1. The design method
presented in this paper was first published in Case 2901. Case 2901
has now been incorporated into UG-44(b) of VIII-1. These new rules
provide an option to address external loads on B16.5 and B16.47
flanges for designers of pressure vessels constructed to either VIII-1 or

Note that as a result of the addition of these rules to UG-44 for

evaluating external loads on B16.5 and B16.47 flanges, the entire
paragraph has now been renumbered, resulting in two subparagraphs,
UG-44(a) and UG-44(b).
UG-84(g)(2) Revision HAZ Specimen Orientation - Current rules in UG-84(g)(2) require that
the notch of the HAZ specimen be cut normal to the surface. This does
not present a problem for joints with a square bevel angle, since for the
most part assuming the technique, parameters and the process are the
same, the fusion line along with the HAZ will align normal to the
surface. Once a bevel angle is introduced, or multiple welding
processes of varying heat input or techniques are used, the heat
affected zone will not necessarily align normal to the surface. Taking
HAZ specimens from these locations without being able to index the
notch line or obtain subsized specimens, will result in base metal and

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Paragraph Type Subject - Description

weld metal also being represented in the HAZ specimens. To address
this, Section VIII has borrowed a rule from Section III NB-4334.2(b)
whereby when the material thickness permits, the axis of a specimen
may be inclined to allow the root of the notch to align parallel to the
fusion line.
UG-84(g)(2), Table UG-84.6 Revision HAZ Impact Test Specimens - In the 2013 Edition, requirements
addressing HAZ impact test specimen set removal where introduced in
Table UG-84.6. These rules considered three different thickness
ranges for the base metal, and two different weld joint configurations,
single-sided and two-sided welds. Subsequent to publication of Table
UG-84.6, the Committee began to receive inquiries on the proper
application of the rules given in this table. For example for a two-sided
butt weld with a base metal thickness equal to 1 inch (38 mm), two sets
of HAZ impact test specimens are required. These specimen sets shall
be removed from a depth between ¼t and ½t from each weld surface.
What is missing from this rule is where exactly should the impact test
specimen be located within the ¼t and ½t range? This issue was
reviewed and debated at length by the Subgroup on Toughness
Committee, and ultimately it was resolved that the centerline of the
specimen shall be located within the ¼t and ½t range. Further every
effort shall be made to extract the largest specimen size, up to 10mm,
that can be removed within the specified range of removal depth as
specified in Table UG-84.6. The number of base metal thickness
ranges was reduced from three to two; t < 3/4 in. (19mm), t > 3/4 in.
(19mm). Note that an early implementation Code Case 2948 was
approved, permitting users to begin using these new rules prior to the
publication of the 2019 Edition.

Manufacturers should pay close attention to these changes as it

could affect the continued use of existing qualified WPS.
UG-84(g)(6), UG-18 Addition WPS Qualification & Impact Test Requirements - New paragraph UG-
84(g)(6) provides guidance when qualifying a WPS with welding base
metals having different impact testing requirements and acceptance
criteria. The weld metal impact test specimens shall meet the
acceptance criteria for either base metal, and when HAZ tests are
required, separate impact test specimens shall be removed from the
HAZ of each base metal that requires impact testing, and shall meet
the acceptance criteria applicable to the base metal from which they
were removed.

As part of this action, UG-18 was revised to align with new paragraph
UG-84(g)(6). This resulted in removal of the parenthetical example
published in the second paragraph of UG-18.
UG-84(h)(2)(-b) Revision Recording Heat Treatment Condition on PQR - UG-84(h)(2) specifies
the test plate material requirements when weld procedure impact tests
are required by UCS-67, UHA-51, etc. One of the requirements listed
is: "be in the same heat treated condition;". Although clearly stated,
verifying that this requirement has been met is next to impossible since
there are no requirements to record the material heat treated condition
on the PQR and WPS use for construction. This revision will now
require that the test plate material heat-treated condition be recorded

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

on the PQR and WPS used for construction. Manufacturers should
take note of the this change, as future auditors will likely look for
evidence that the test plate material heat-treated condition is
recorded on PQR's and WPS used for Code construction.
UG-84(i)(3)(-b), Fig. UG-84.6 Revision No. of HAZ Impact Test Specimens for Production Tests - The rules of
UG-84(i)(3)(-b) allow a single set of production impact tests to be
conducted to represent several vessels constructed within a three
month period. The plate thicknesses of the vessels of parts of vessels
may vary up to 1/4 inch (6 mm) or 25%, whichever is greater. This
paragraph required updating due to the changes made in UG-84(g)(2)
concerning the number and location of HAZ impact test specimens
(Fig. UG-84.5 and Table UG-84.6). In this revised paragraph, the
number of HAZ impact specimens for production testing will now be
based on the largest plate thickness in the range specified (vary up to
1/4 inch (6 mm) or 25%, whichever is greater).
UG-91 Revision Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA) 3 Types - In the 2010 Edition, the
ASME QAI-1 standard (Qualifications for Authorized Inspection) was
revised to add a third definition of an AIA. Prior to this change, and
Authorized Inspection Agency was either a jurisdiction that has adopted
one or more of the ASME construction standards, or and insurance
company that has been licensed or registered within the USA or
Canada to write boiler and pressure vessel insurance. The third type of
AIA that was added in 2010 was a company in the business of
providing "third-party" inspection services within a jurisdiction, which
has government recognition to perform inspection and design reviews
for boilers and pressure vessels. In the 2011 Addenda, Section VIII
revised its reference to ASME QAI-1 from a specific year edition to
"Latest Edition". By doing so the standard now has accepted the three
definitions of an AIA. However this detail was overlooked in UG-
91(a)(1) where it still only recognized the original two definitions of an
AIA. This revision to UG-91 replaced specific rules regarding the
Inspector and Authorized Inspection Agency with a direct reference to
QAI-1, thereby assuring that the rules stated within VIII-1 with respect
to the Inspector and AIA are consistent with QAI-1.
UG-99(k), UG-100(e), UCL- Revision Pressure Testing with Non-metallic Liners - The revisions made in UG-
52(b) 99(k)(1) and UG-100(e)(2) are to clarify that the internal linings are
those which are non-metallic. Paragraphs UG-99(k)(3) and UG-
100(e)(3) were also revised for lined lethal service vessels and now
points to UCL-51. UCL-51 permits a tightness test of applied linings
with a follow-up after hydrostatic pressure test to check for seepage
into the annular space between the liner and the base pressure
containment shell. If the liner is attached to the shell by welding,
another pressure test will be required following the installation of the
applied liner. UCL-52 was revised to include a new paragraph UCL-
52(b) which states that the requirements of UG-99(k) are not applicable
for vessels with integral cladding or weld metal overlay cladding.
UG-100(b) Revision Glass Lined Vessel Pneumatic Testing - There was an unintentional
change in paragraph UG-100(b) during the revisions published in the
2015 Edition. It was the intention of UG-100(b) that the pneumatic test
pressure for enameled (glass lined) vessels be performed at or above
the MAWP of the vessel. However, the wording made it seem that the

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Paragraph Type Subject - Description

pressure test for these vessel was to be exactly at the MAWP. This
was corrected under this action so that now this paragraph states that
enameled vessel pneumatic test pressure "shall be at least equal, but
need not exceed" the MAWP.
UG-116(b)(1) Revision Nameplate Marking - Type of Construction - These revisions to the
nameplate markings related to type of construction have been updated
with three goals in mind: (1) Align the nameplate markings between
Divisions 1 and 2; (2) remove construction type markings that are least
useful to a repair organization; (3) Include construction type markings
that are covered in other VIII-1 Parts. To accomplish these goals the
following changes were made:

1) Removed the W, P, B and RES from the table titled "Types of

Construction" in UG-116(b)
2) Added the UHT marking to UG-116(b) and reference to UHT-115
3) Added the WL marking to UG-116(b) and reference to ULW-115
4) Added the ULT marking to UG-116(b) and reference to ULT-115
5) Added a reference to UIG-116 with the Graphite marking G
6) Added the CS marking to UG-116(b) and reference to Mandatory
Appendix 44, 44-7


UG-116(h)(1), Appendix DD Revision PRT Markings and Certificate of Authorization Scope - Several clean-
up actions were taken after the addition of the Parts Fabrication
Certification Program (PRT) in Section VIII Division 1 in the 2017
Edition. UG-116(h)(1) has been revised because it was mistakenly
written such that the Code User would need to include both the "PRT"
and "PART" under the official Certification Mark. It was the intent that
only the "PRT" is required. Appendix DD included a scope with PRT
Designator that allowed for field sites which would have also been
removed under this action because the Parts Fabrication Certificate
Program is only available for shop locations and does not allow
extension to field sites. Appendix DD is actually being deleted from
Section VIII Division 1 entirely under a separate revision record.
UG-117(c) Revision Deletion of Appendix DD - Section VIII Division 1 Nonmandatory
Appendix DD is no longer required because the certification and
accreditation requirements, including the scopes for Certificates of
Authorization, will now only be kept in online at Reference to Appendix
DD in UG-117(c) was replaced with this web address.
UG-119(a), M-3 Revision Location of Nameplates - In both UG-119(a) and M-3, which are
relative to the location of the nameplate or marking on a vessel, there
was a reference to UG-116(j). This reference was confusing to Code
Users because UG-116(j) is for combination units. The reference to this
U-116(j) paragraph has been removed.
UG-120(b)(3) Revision Mandatory Form U-5 for Fixed Tube Heat Exchangers - Paragraph UG-
120 addresses Data Reports but failed to make any reference to
mandatory Form U-5 for fixed tube sheet heat exchangers. Prior to this
addition of new paragraph UG-120(b)(3), the only place this form was

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listed was back in Part UHX. Paragraph UHX-19.3.2 stated that the use
of Form U-5 is mandatory for a fixed tubesheet heat exchanger. By
adding this paragraph in UG-120, hopefully this requirement will be
more obvious to the Code User.
UG-129(a)(4), UG-136(d)(4) Revision PRV for Gas Service - This proposal clarifies the requirements for gas
and vapor pressure relief valve test media. It is proposed that gas or
vapor valves may be tested on air, other suitable gas, or steam with
special considerations. As part of this revision, paragraph UG-136(d)(4)
was editorially revised by presenting the requirements as stand-alone
UG-131, UG136, UG-138 Revision Incorporation of Code Case 2397 - Section VIII Division 1 is
incorporating Code Case 2397 directly into the Code rules. This Code
Case establishes alternative rules for the testing of safety valves which
exceed the size, capacity, or pressure capability of an ASME-accepted
testing laboratory. The new text begins in UG-131(k) with subsequent
paragraphs being renumbered. Additional text is inserted in UG-
136(c)(4) and UG-138(c)(4) with those sections also requiring
renumbering after the inserted text.
UG-136(b)(3), UG-137(b)(3), Revision Toughness Requirements for Pressure Relief Devices - These three
UG-138(b)(3) paragraphs contain specific toughness requirements for pressure relief
valves, rupture discs and pin devices. These toughness requirements
are a repeat of what is already stated in Subsection C, and therefore
were replaced with a direct reference to UCS-66 requirements.
UG-137(c)(3)(d), UG- Revision Replace "Valve" with "Device" - In two separate paragraphs dealing
138(c)(3)(d) with rupture disc and pin devices, the term "valve" was corrected to

Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UW

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Figure UW-16.1 Addition Studded Outlet Integral Attachment Detail - Fig. UW-16.1 currently only
contains an attachment detail for a studded outlet utilizing two fillet
welds. Unlike VIII-2, it does not provide a detail for an integrally
attached studded outlet utilizing a full penetration groove weld with
cover fillet. This was corrected with this action with the addition of new
sketch (p-2) to Fig. UW-16.1. The fillet weld throat dimension must be
greater than a minimum of 0.7te or 0.7t.
Figure UW-3 Revision Weld Category for Flange Attachment Joints - Users are often
confused with the fact that circumferential joints connecting two shell
sections or a head to shell is considered a Category B joint, while a
weld neck flange welded to the shell or nozzle is considered a
Category C joint. Unfortunately the logic behind this rule is lost in
antiquity. However the Committee felt that users would benefit from a
detail in Figure UW-3 that explicitly showed that a weld neck flange
welded to a nozzle is considered a Category C joint.

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UW

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

UW-9(a), UW-11(e), UW-12, Revision Acceptable Welding Processes - In the 2017 Edition the first sentence
Table UW-12, UW-15(a), UG- of Paragraph UW-12 refers to joints completed by arc or gas welding
116(b)(1) and 2-4(b processes. Code users interpreted this as the rules of UW-12
applicable to only arc or gas welding processes making other
processes, such as laser welding, inapplicable or unacceptable.
Paragraph UW-11 specified certain NDE to weld joints based on the
welding process used. Welding processes such as laser, electron
beam, and friction stir welding are acceptable under UW-27(a)(3).
Based on this action the Committee considered all welding processes
permitted in Section IX and concurred that all welding processes listed
in Article II of Section IX are suitable for use in Table UW-12 for the
assignment of weld joint efficiencies. As a result, the term “arc and gas”
was deleted from UW-9(a), UW-12, Table UW-12, UW-15(a), UG-
116(b)(1) and 2-4(a)(2). New Notes (6), (7) and (8) were added as part
of the revisions made to Table UW-12 for clarification in which some
welding processes have additional requirements that shall be reviewed
and considered for some welding processes as additional restrictions
and limitations may be applicable. Laser beam welding (LBW) process
was added to UW-11(e) for welded joints requiring UT, unless
otherwise exempted. In order to allow prompt implementation of this
Code change a Code Case was adopted with the intent to annul it six
months after the publication of the 2019 Edition.
UW-11(a)(4) Revision Full Radiography of Butt Joints in Nozzles - This revision in UW-
11(a)(4) removes the second reference to Paragraph (2). This change
will revert the radiography requirements for butt joints in nozzles and
communicating chambers back to the requirement prior to the 2011
Addenda. A butt weld in a nozzle or communicating chamber is now
required only when the nozzle or communicating chamber itself
exceeds the thickness requirements of UW-11(a)(2), or if the shell
and/or head (so the entire vessel) is designed for lethal service or as
an unfired steam boiler exceeding 50 psi. Prior to this revision, the
radiography requirements for butt welds in nozzles or communicating
chambers was dependent on the thickness of the shell or head that the
nozzle or communicating chamber is attached to.
UW-13(e)(2) Revision Weld Detail Requirement for Flange Ring - Paragraph UW-13.2(e)
currently requires the sum of a + b to be not less than three times the
nominal wall thickness of the abutting pressure part. As currently
written, this has been interpreted to apply to all of the bolted
assemblies depicted in Fig. UW-13.2, including tubesheets with a
bolting flange. In the 2003 Addenda the weld sizing rules for
tubesheets with a bolted flange were revised, reducing the weld size
from a + b > 3t to a + b > 2t. Apparently paragraph UW-13.2(e)(2) was
overlooked. This action corrects this oversight, thereby only requiring a
weld size of a + b > 3t for Figure UW-13.2 sketches (m) & (n).
UW-16(h) Addition Minimum Fillet Weld Throat Dimension for Nozzle Attachments - This
addition to the UW-16 rules concerns the size of the cover fillet weld on
a nozzle attached to a cylinder using one of the full penetration
attachment details shown in Fig. UW-16.1 sketches (a-e). As a general
rule the fillet weld leg dimensions that meet the minimum throat
dimensions determined at the plane through the longitudinal axis of the
cylindrical shell shall be used around the circumference of the

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Paragraph Type Subject - Description

attachment. UW-16(h)(2) addresses the situation when the outside
diameter of the nozzle is the same or close to the outside diameter of
the cylindrical shell. For this type of attachment, as one progresses
around the circumference the fillet weld flattens and reaches a point
where the weld throat approaches zero. Paragraph UW-16(h)(2) states
that the fillet weld leg dimensions that meet the minimum throat
dimensions determined at the plane through the longitudinal axis of the
cylindrical shell shall be used around the circumference of the
attachment to the maximum extent possible, and from that point, the
fillet weld may be transitioned into the full penetration weld. Note that
these new rules only apply to sketches (a-e) of Fig. UW-16.1, and do
not apply to other non-integral nozzle attachments, such as fillet
welded nozzles depicted in Fig. UW-16.1 sketches (i) - (l). For these
non-integral attachments, the minimum throat dimension must be
maintained around the entire circumference.
UW-19(c)(1), 17-1(f) Revision Revision to UW-19(c) after Incorporation of Code Case 2424 - Code
Case 2424 was annulled and incorporated to the Code in the 2017
Edition in Appendix, 17, para. 17-1(f). This Case permitted completing
filling the hole or slot after the fillet weld is made per the requirements
of UW-19(c)(1) and Fig. UW-19.2) It was later decided by the
Committee to revise UW-19(c)(1) to increase the applicable thickness
limit from ":3/16 in. (5 mm) or less" to "½ in. (12 mm) or less" when
completely filling the hole with filler metal. Note that the only reference
in Section VIII, Div. 1 to UW-19(c)(1) is found in paragraph 17-1(f). The
last sentence of 17-1(f) was deleted since in E2019 it is found in UW-
UW-20.3, UW-20.7(d) Addition Tube Attached to Clad Tubesheet - UW-20 provides rules for
establishing weld sizes and allowable joint loads for full strength and
partial strength tube-to-tubesheet welds. This revision concerns the
variable St, which is the allowable stress of the material to which the
tube is welded. For the situation where the tubes are strength welded
to integral or weld metal overlay clad tubesheets ,St shall be the
allowable stress value of the integral cladding or the wrought material
whose chemistry most closely approximates that of the weld metal
overlay cladding.
UW-27, UW-9(a),UW-12(f) Revision Deletion of references to BPV IX of specific welding process -
Paragraph UW-27 was extensively revised and simplified by removing
the references to a specific list of “pressure welding processes” and
allowing instead the use of “permitted welding processes” listed in
Article II of Section IX. The references to “pressure” welding processes
were deleted as it proved to be inaccurate and obsolete. Paragraph
UW-27(a) was renumbered as the result of this revision. Paragraphs
UW-9(a), UW-12(f) were revised to correct the paragraph references to
the revised UW-27 paragraphs.
UW-50 Revision Incorporation of Case 1518-5 - Case 1518 "Weld Joint Examination for
Pneumatically Tested Pressure Vessels" was originally published in
March 1972. There had been numerous revisions to this case, and the
latest version is 1518-5. This case provides an exemption to the
requirements of UW-50. UW-50 mandates that all welds around
openings and all attachment welds shall be surface examined by either
magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods when the pressure vessel

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UW

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

is to be pneumatically tested in accordance with UG-100. To qualify for
the exemption given in case 1518, the following requirements must be

1. MAWP must be no greater than 500 psi;

2. The governing thickness for Fig. UCS-66 Curve A materials shall be
no greater than 1/2 inch, and for Curves B, C or D no greater than 1
3. For austenitic chromium nickel stainless steels, the nominal
thickness is no greater than 3/4 inch, and for aluminum, aluminum alloy
3000 series, aluminum alloy 5000 series, and aluminum alloy 6061-T6
the maximum nominal material thickness shall be 1 inch.

Case 1518-5 is commonly used by manufacturers that carry out mass

production of pressure vessels in accordance with UG-90(c)(2) and
Appendix 35. The provisions of this Case have been incorporated into
paragraph UW-50(b). However application is no longer limited to mass
produced vessels (UG-90(c)(2), Appendix 35)
UW-51(a)(2), UW-51(b) Revision Written Radiographic Procedure & Other Clarifications - These
revisions address radiographic examination of welded joints. To bring
VIII-1 more in line with VIII-2, the first sentence of UW-51(a)(2) was
deleted. This change now mandates that a written radiographic
examination procedure must be prepared in accordance with Section
V, Article 2 T-221.1. Also changed in this paragraph was the
replacement of the term "penetrometer" with "image quality indicator",
and the deletion of the phrase "shall be the basis for final acceptance".
The deletion of this last phrase removes some confusion amongst code
users thinking they do not need to satisfy the acceptance criteria given
in UW-51(b). Finally paragraph UW-51(b) was rewritten to simplify the
wording and breakup long "run on" sentences. Also the option to
substitute ultrasonic examination for radiographic re-examination of a
repaired weld no longer requires Inspector confirmation of the defect
indication by ultrasonic examination.
UW-51(a)(4) Revision Thickness Limit for UT in Lieu of RT - This revision to UW-51(a)(4)
clarifies the meaning of the 1/4" (6mm) thickness limit to substitute UT
in lieu of RT. Specifically this change addresses the situation where a
weld joins to components of unequal thickness. The requirement will
now say that: "all welds in which the thinner of the members joined is
1/4 in. (6mm) thick and greater" may be examined using the ultrasonic
(UT) method.
UW-51, UNF-91, and 7-2 Revision Image Quality Indicator in lieu of Penetrameter - In order to maintain
consistency with Section VIII, Div. 2 the terminology of “Penetrameter”
is replaced with “Image Quality Indicator” or “IQI” throughout Section
VIII, Div. 1.
UW-54 Revision NDE Personnel Qualification Reference to Section V, T-120 - A
revision within Section V in the 2017 Edition impacted the references to
Section V from within UW-54 of VIII-1. This revision corrects the
problem by removing the reference to T-120(h) in UW-54 and adding a
reference to T-120(i) and T-120(k).

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UF

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

UF-5(c), UF-26, UF-31(b), Revision Clarification of Forged Fabrication Requirements - These revisions to
UF-45 Part UF were made to clarify the applicability of some of the rules to
specific forged material specifications. Following is a brief summary of
the changes:

1. UF-5(c) - This paragraph was revised to provide requirements

specific to the SA-372 material subject to liquid quench and temper
heat treatment. The way the current paragraph is worded, it suggested
that the entire Part UF only applies to SA-372 materials. This of course
is not the intent.
2. UF-26 - The phrase "apply specifically to forge vessels, main
sections of vessels and other vessel parts, and shall be used to" was
stricken from the first sentence of this paragraph. Doing so makes it
clear that specific fabrication rules given in Part UF supplement the
applicable paragraphs in the Fabrication section [UG-75 through UG-84
and UCS-79], all of which apply to all forged components and vessels.
3. UF-31(b) - The title to this paragraph was changed from "Liquid
Quenched Material" to "Liquid Quenched SA-372".
4. UF-31(b)(1)(-d) - This paragraph was relocated to UG-31(a)(2)
5. UF-45 - Editorial changes made to this paragraph to clarify that the
requirements for Inspection and Tests given in Part UF supplement the
applicable requirements given in UG-90 through UG-102.

Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UCS

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Figure UCS-66 Addition Impact Test Exemption Curve for SA/GB 713 Gr Q345R - SA/GB 713
Gr Q345R was added for VIII-1 construction in the 2013 Edition. At that
time the material was not assigned to any specific impact test
exemption curve, so by default it was assigned to Curve A. However
based on CVN data from 10+ heats of this material, it is determined
that the Q345R material has better impact toughness than SA-516
Grade 70, and therefore it can be justified to assign this material to
Curves B & D for hot rolled and normalized conditions respectively.
Table UCS-56-11 Revision PWHT Requirements for P-No. 15E Material - The use of Grade 91
material [P-No. 15E] is beginning to be recognized in Section VIII
Division 1 & 2 construction as an alternative to 2-1/4 Cr vanadium
modified material for high temperature, high pressure hydroprocessing
reactors, particularly as the design temperature approaches 482°C
(900°F) or more higher. At 482°C (900°F) the allowable stress of Grade
91 is approx. 30% higher than 2-1/4Cr V modified material.

The PWHT holding temperature for P-No. 15E is sensitive to the Mn +

Ni value. Maximum PWHT holding temperatures are now specified for
three Mn + Ni conditions:
(1) Mn + Ni <1.0% PWHT temperature shall be 1455°F (790°C)
(2) 1.0% < Mn + Ni <1.2% PWHT temperature shall be 1435°F (780°C)
(3) Mn + Ni > 1.2% PWHT temperature shall be at least 20°F (10°C)
below the lower critical transformation temperature (Ac1) as

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UCS

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

determined by measurement of that temperature for the specific heat of
filler metal to be used in accordance with ASTM A1033.
Table UCS-79-1 Revision Post Form Heat Treat Requirement for Grade 91 - The upper limit on
post-forming heat treatment temperature was increased from 1425°F
(775°C) to 1435°F (780°C)
UW-2(a) and Table UCS-56- Revision PWHT Requirements and exemptions for Lethal Service vessels. -
1 General Notes (b)(3) Paragraph UW-2(a) contains requirements for construction of pressure
vessels that contain lethal substances. The third sentence of the
paragraph states: "When fabricated of carbon or low alloy steel, such
vessels shall be postweld heat treated." Apparently some Code users
failed to recognize that when it says "shall be postweld heat treated"
that this heat treatment shall be carried out in accordance with Table
UCS-56. This clarification has been added to this sentence in UW-2(a).
UCS-11(c) Revision Update Paragraph Reference - As a result of the addition of new rules
in UG-45(b) for evaluating external loads on standard rated flanges
(B16.5 & B16.47), the reference to "UG-44" in paragraph UCS-11(c)
was corrected to "UG-44(a)".
UCS-33 Revision External Pressure Chart References - This revision corrects the
reference to the external pressure charts found in Section II, Part D,
Subpart 3.
UCS-56(a) Revision Addition of the P-Number Assignment statement - This revision comes
after some discrepancies were found in Section VIII P-Nos. listed in the
PWHT Tables and P-Nos. listed in Section IX Tables. As a result it was
decided to add a P-No. Assignment statement to the end of UCS-56(a)
making ASME Section IX the governing Code Section when a conflict
in P-No. or Group No. exists between Sections IX and VIII.
UCS-56(c), UHA-32(c) Revision PWHT of Welds Between Dissimilar Metals - In the 2017, UW-40(d)
was revised to address pressure parts of two different P-No. Groups
joined by welding, and the postweld heat treatment that should be
applied. This paragraph only addressed the case of carbon and low
alloy steel welded to high alloy material, and stated that the material
requiring the higher postweld heat treatment temperature will dictate
the PWHT rules that must be followed. This revision removed the rule
addressing the welding of carbon or low alloy steel to high alloy
material, and replaced it with a generalized statement on the possible
detrimental effects that can occur when welding materials from two
different P-No. groups, and the need for engineering judgement when
selecting the postweld heat treatment temperature and holding time.
When this change was approved, the Committee next turned their
sights on UCS-56(c) and UHA-32(c), two paragraphs that also
addressed welds between dissimilar metals. The changes made to
UW-40(d) were made to UCS-56(c) and UHA-32(c).
UCS-66(b)(1)(-c) Revision Lowering B16.5 /B16.47 Flange MDMT - In the 2017 Edition, two
options are available to lower the MDMT established in UCS-66(c) for
B16.5 and B16.47 flange this. The first option is UCS-66(b)(1)(-b)
where the MDMT for the B16.5 and B16.47 flange is lowered based on
the ratio of maximum design pressure at the MDMT to the maximum
allowable pressure (MAP) of the component at the MDMT. The second
option is given in UCS-66(b)(1)(-c) where the MDMT for the B16.5 and

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UCS

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

B16.47 flange can be reduced based on the stress ratio at the
connection weld of the flange to a neck or shell. In the 2019 edition,
this second option has been removed. The committee felt that this
second option could result in a situation where the MDMT for a B16.5
flange that is fully stressed could be reduced to -55°F based on the
coincident stress ratio at the attachment weld. They believe that there
was no clear technical basis to support this rule.

Note that there was an oversight in the preparation of this revision. In

addition to the change made to UCS-66(b)(1)(-c), a similar revision
should also have been made to UCS-66(b)(1)(-b). The second
sentence of UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) should read: " The MDMT of these
components without impact testing as determined in (a) or (c) may be
reduced as determined from Figure UCS-66.2." This correction will be
made in the 2021 Edition.
Manufacturers should take special note of the several revisions
made to UCS-66 in the 2019 Edition addressing the MDMT for
B16.5 and B16.47 standard rated flanges.
UCS-66(b), UCS-66(b)(1)(-b) Revision Application of Stress Ratios for Bolting and Nuts - UCS-66(b) and Fig.
UCS-66.1 provide rules to further reduce the MDMT when the general
primary stress in a component during operation is below the Code
allowable design stress (coincident ratio less than one). In current
Code, these rules can be applied to bolts and nuts. The Committee
recently reconsidered this provision, and decided to remove this option
to lower the MDMT for bolts and nuts based on a coincident ratio less
than one. The reason is that the bolt pre-load applied to equipment
under the scope of ASME Section VIII is often significantly greater than
the allowable stress of these components. Appendix S and ASME
PCC-1 provide a basis behind the higher pre-loads. The bottom line is
that because a significant pre-load is applied to the bolts to seat the
gasket and assure a leak tight joint, a reduction in pressure in a
component does not always translate in a reduced stress in the bolts,
therefore the use of the stress ratio methodology becomes problematic.

The following sentence was added to the end of UCS-66(b): "Use of

Figure UCS-66.1 is not permitted for bolts and nuts.". Also in UCS-
66(b)(1)(-b) the parenthetical expression "(including bolts and nuts)"
was deleted.
UCS-66(c), Fig. UCS-66/66M Revision Low Toughness Concerns for Carbon Steels - Starting sometime in
2015 there were reports from the petrochemical industry of A105
carbon steel flanges, A234 Gr WPD fittings and A106 Gr B piping
exhibiting lower than expected toughness. Some components made
from these materials failed in a brittle manner during the standard
hydrostatic test. These tests were conducted at ambient temperatures
where these materials are assumed by the Code to behave in a ductile
manner. Research is still underway to identify a root cause for this
problem. More information regarding these brittle fracture problems can
be found on the following web sites:


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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UCS

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

In the meanwhile, Section VIII decided to modify the -20F impact test
exemption currently given to B16.5 and B16.47 flanges. To qualify for
this -20F exemption, the flanges will now need to be produced to fine
grain practice and supplied in the heat treated condition (normalized,
normalized and tempered, or quenched and tempered after forging).
Otherwise the B16.5 / B16.47 flanges supplied in the as-forged
condition would be assigned a 0°F (-18°C) exemption temperature.

One other change made was to assign A/SA-105 forged flanges

supplied in the as-forged condition to Fig. UCS-66 Curve A. A/SA-105
forged flanges which are produced to fine grain practice and
normalized and tempered, or quenched and tempered are assigned to
Curve B.
UCS-79(d) Revision Cold Formed Pipe and Tube - In the 2013 Edition, the rules of UCS-
79(d) were clarified to the extent that it was now clear that the rules
apply to cold forming pipe and tube. Shortly thereafter, some relaxation
to these requirements were provided via Code Case 2807. These
revisions to UCS-79(d) incorporate the provisions from Case 2807.
Also added to the paragraph is a new rule that provides the option for
alternative heating and cooling rates and hold times for formed pipe
and tube having a nominal thickness of 1/4 inch (6 mm) or less when
the heat treatment method is demonstrated to achieve a thorough
heating of the pipe or tube. The reason for adding this option is that
when post-form heat treatment is required for thin walled pipe or tube,
the minimum hold time established in Tables UCS-56-1 thru 56-4 can
damage or destroy the tubing.

With regard to incorporating the provisions of Case 2807, the following

changes were made to UCS-79(d):
(1) Cold formed and bent P-No.1 pipe into material having a nominal
thickness not greater than 3/4 in. (19 mm) does not require post
forming heat treatment. Note that there is no limit on diameter.
(2) Cold formed or bent P-No. 3 through P-No. 5C pipe and tube
material having an outside diameter not greater than 4.5 in. (114 mm)
and a nominal thickness not greater than 1/2 in. (13 mm) do not require
a post forming heat treatment.
UCS-85(d) Revision Torch Brazing and Heat Treatment of Test Specimens - Paragraph
UCS-85 provides rules for heat treatment of carbon and low alloy steel
material used in a pressure vessel that has been subjected to a thermal
treatment during fabrication exceeding 900°F (480°C). Per UCS-85(d),
thermal treatment as used in this paragraph is not intended to include
such local heating as thermal cutting, preheating, welding, or heating
below the lower transformation temperature of tubing and pipe for
bending or sizing. This revision adds torch brazing as one additional
fabrication activity that is not considered thermal heating.

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UNF

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table UNF-23.2 Revision Incorporation of Case 2230-2 - UNS C95820 - Ni-Al Bronze sand
castings, SB-148 C95820 was added to Table UNF-23.2 for VIII-1
Table UNF-79 Revision Post Fabrication Strain Limits for Nickel Alloys - Table UNF-79 was
revised to include the nickel alloys listed in Table UNF-23.3. Also the
heat treatment temperature for N08811 was revised to read: "2100
UNF-23(a) Revision Remove Out-of-Date Reference - The reference to UG-31(a) in UNF-
23(a) has been removed since this paragraph was revised in the 1988
UNF-23.2 Revision Addition of C70620 and C71520 - Alloys C70620 and C71520 are
considered to be improved welding grades to their counterparts
C70600 and C71500. The newly added alloys will be added to the SB
specification that currently list C70600 and C71500, and will be added
to SB-283 (which does not actually list the standard grades of C70600
and C71500.
UNF-33 Revision External Pressure Chart References - This revision corrects the
reference to the external pressure charts found in Section II, Part D,
Subpart 3.
UNF-56(c) Revision Delete UNF-56(c) - PWHT SB-148 Alloy CDA 954 - This action
removes the requirement to postweld heat treat castings of SB-148
Alloy CBA 954. The requirement to postweld heat treat this material
was first introduced into the boiler code around 1974 when it was
determined that this material can undergo dealloying caused by
corrosive attack on the beta phase, and heat treatment improves
resistance to dealloying. However this material is often used for
components such as service water pumps, valves, etc. which if
postweld heat treated, there is a significant risk of distortion and the
component may no longer meet dimensional requirements. If there is a
concern with corrosion-resistance of the base material or weld metal, it
is outside the purview of the ASME code and should be a matter of
agreement between the purchaser and Manufacture whether or not
PWHT is performed based on service conditions related to corrosion.
UNF-79(a)(1) Revision Minimum Annealing Times - Paragraph UNF-79(a)(1) requires that
pressure-retaining components manufactured of austenitic alloys that
are cold formed shall be solution annealed by heating at the
temperatures given in Table UNF-79 for 20 min/in. of thickness or 10
min., whichever is greater, followed by rapid cooling. For components
fabricated from thin material, solution annealing for 10 minutes may be
excessive. For this reason the requirement for a minimum 10 minute
solution annealing has been removed.

Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UHA

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table UHA-23 Revision Addition of EN 10028-7 Material - A Code User requested the adoption
of 9 grades of stainless steel plate from European specification EN

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UHA

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

10028-7 for use in Section VIII, Division 1. The Grades are:

X2CrNi18-9 - Considered as Type 304L

X2CrNiMo17-12-2 - Considered as Type 316L
X2CrNiMoN17-11-2 - Considered as Type 316LN
X2CrNiMoN17-13-3 - Considered as Type 316LN
X2CrNiN18-10 - Considered as type 304LN
X5CrNi18-10 - Considered as Type 304
X5CrNiMo17-12-2 Considered as Type 316
X5CrNiN19-9 - Considered as Type 304N
X6CrNiTi18-10 - Considered as Type 321
Table UHA-23 Revision Incorporation of Case 2503-1 (UNS S32003) - This action adds
stainless steel alloy UNS S32003 in plate (SA-240), tube (SA-789) and
pipe (SA-790) product forms for VIII-1 construction.
Table UHA-23 Revision Use of SA-213 UNS S31254 - Use of SA-213 UNS S31254 seamless
tubes has been added to Table UHA-23.
Table UHA-32-2 Revision PWHT of P-No.7 Materials - Note (d) has been added stating that
alloys UNS S40910, S40920, S40930, S40935, S40936, S40945,
S40977, S43932 and S43940 are exempt from PWHT. Evidence was
presented to the Committee that there is long history of successfully
using these alloys in the as-welded condition.
Tables UHA-32.3 & UHA- Revision Cautionary Notes when PWHT P-No. 8 & P-No. 45 - This revision adds
32.7 a cautionary note to Tables UHA-32-3 & UHA-32-7 concerning the
possibility of embrittlement, sensitization and the precipitation of
deleterious phases when postweld heat treating P-No. 8 and P-No. 45
materials. A reference to Section II, Part D Nonmandatory Appendix A,
A-207 through A-210 provides more detailed information regarding
avoiding unnecessary damage to the material. This change aligns VIII-
1 with VIII-3 requirements.
UHA-23 Revision Remove Out-of-Date Reference - The reference to UG-31(a) in UNF-
23(a) has been removed since this paragraph was revised in the 1988
UHA-31 Revision External Pressure Chart References - This revision corrects the
reference to the external pressure charts found in Section II, Part D,
Subpart 3.
UHA-32(a) Revision PWHT of UHA materials as a service requirement - In UHA-32(a) the
phrase: "…when postweld heat treatment is a service requirement as
set forth in UHA-51 and UW-2,” inferred that there is a PWHT
requirement for UHA materials based on service requirements. This
statement was misleading and therefore deleted from the Code as
there was no requirement in UW-2 or UHA-51 that would invoke PWHT
for UHA materials as a service requirement.
UHA-32(b), UHA-32(c), Table Revision Clean Up References Related to High Alloy Material - Nonmandatory
UHA-32-3, Nonmandatory Appendix UHA-A is published at the end of Part UHA and contains
Appendix HA suggestions on the selection and treatment of austenitic chromium-
nickel and ferritic and martensitic high chromium steels. Much of the
information is presently published in Section II, Part D, Nonmandatory
Appendix A. The following clean-up changes were made:

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UHA

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

1. UHA-32(b) - Reference to UHA-A-5 changed to Nonmandatory

Appendix UHA-A.
2. UHA-32(c) - Reference to UHA-A-6 changed to Nonmandatory
Appendix UHA-A.
3. UHA-A-2 through UHA-A-6 Deleted, the information is covered in
Section II, Part D Nonmandatory Appendix A.
4. Table NN-6-4 - Reference to UHA-A-8 replaced with Nonmandatory
Appendix UHA-A
UHA-34 Revision Examination of Martensitic Stainless for Cracking - Martensitic
chromium steel welds has been added to the list of materials that shall
be examined for the detection of cracks by the liquid penetrant method.
UHA-44(a)(1) Revision Minimum Annealing Times - Paragraph UHA-44(a)(1) requires that
pressure-retaining components manufactured of austenitic alloys that
are cold formed shall be solution annealed by heating at the
temperatures given in Table UHA-44 for 20 min/in. of thickness or 10
min., whichever is greater, followed by rapid cooling. For components
fabricated from thin material, solution annealing for 10 minutes may be
excessive. For this reason the requirement for a minimum 10 minute
solution annealing has been removed.
UHA-51(d)(3) Revision Nominal Material Thickness - Paragraph UHA-51(d)(3) provides impact
test exemption temperatures and thickness for austenitic ferritic duplex
steels, ferritic chromium stainless steels, and martensitic chromium
stainless steels. The term "nominal material thickness" is used in this
paragraph to establish the thickness limits. However "nominal material
thickness" will have a different meaning depending on the material
product form. This revision provides a definition for nominal thickness
for product forms plate, pipes, castings, hollow cylindrical forgings, disk
forgings, and weld neck flanges as follows:

(1) Plate & Pipe - see UW-3

(2) Castings: maximum thickness between two cast coincidental
(3) Hollow cylindrical forgings: maximum radial thickness
(4) Disk forgings: maximum thickness including the length of an integral
hub if a hub is present
(5) Weld neck flanges: the larger of the thickness of the flange ring or
the neck

Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UCI

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

UCI-35(b)(3) Revision Update Paragraph Reference - As a result of the addition of new rules
in UG-45(b) for evaluating external loads on standard rated flanges
(B16.5 & B16.47), the reference to "UG-44(a)" in paragraph UCI-
35(b)(3) was corrected to "UG-44(a)(a)".

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UHT

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

UHT-18(b)(4) Addition Update Paragraph Reference - As a result of the new rules in UG-45(b)
for evaluating external loads on standard rated flanges (B16.5 &
B16.47), the reference to "UG-44" in paragraph UHT-18(b)(4) was
corrected to " UG-44(a).
UHT-18(c), Table UHT-23, Revision 7% Ni Q&T Tempered Steel Plate - The provisions of Case 2842
UHT-57(e), Table UHT-56, permitting the use of quenched and tempered 7% nickel steel plates
UHT-82(e) conforming to ASTM A553/A553M-14 Type III have been incorporated
into Part UHT of Section VIII, Division 1.

Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part ULW

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

ULW-52(a) and (b), ULW- Revision Use of PT in addition to MT for layered vessels - Prior to 2019 Code
53(a) , (b) and (c) Edition the use of Magnetic Particle (MT) with DC polarity was required
with no mention of an alternative for nonferromagnetic materials. Part
ULW allows the use of nonferromagnetic materials such as 300 series
stainless steels. Thus the use of an alternative to surface examination
method was needed. Under this revision the use of Liquid Penetrant
(PT) for nonferromagnetic materials is now required. The MT with DC
polarity is still required for ferrous materials as it is capable of detecting
some limited subsurface indications depending on the depth, size, and
orientation of the subsurface indication. For this reason the Committee
believed that this is an important benefit that would be lost if PT was
given as an alternative to all materials as PT only detects surface

Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part ULT

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

ULT-5(c) & (e), ULT-16(b), Revision 7% Ni Q&T Tempered Steel Plate - The provisions of Case 2842
ULT-17(c), ULT-30(a) & (c), permitting the use of quenched and tempered 7% nickel steel plates
Table ULT-23, ULT-56(a), conforming to ASTM A553/A553M-14 Type III have been incorporated
ULT-79, ULT-82(b), ULT-86, into Part ULT of Section VIII, Division 1.
Table ULT-82/82M

Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UHX

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Figure UHX-13.4 Revision Revised "increased" to "different" in title - This change was a follow up
to Interpretation BPV VIII-1-17-46 which asked if the shell adjacent to
the tubesheet could be thinner to the rest of the shell. The Figure only
showed "increased thickness" but paragraph UHX-13.6.1 said
"different". The revision changes the title of the Figure to be consistent
with the paragraph.

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UHX

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Part UHX Figures Revision Redesignation of Part UHX Figures - In the 2017 Edition, Part UHX
Figures are identified as Figures UHX-11.1, UHX-11.2, UHX-11.3, etc.
In the 2019 Edition, the following list of Figures were redesignated to
identify the paragraph it is associated with:

Figure UHX-11.1 redesignated to Figure UHX-11.3-1;

Figure UHX-11.2 redesignated to Figure UHX-11.3-2;
Figure UHX-11.3 redesignated to Figure UHX-11.5.2-1;
Figure UHX-11.4 redesignated to Figure UHX-11.5.2-2
Figure UHX-13.3-1 redesignated to Figure UHX-13.5.7-1;
Figure UHX-13.3-2 redesignated to Figure UHX-13.5.7-2.
UHX-4(h), Figure UHX-4-1 Addition Guidelines for Openings Near a Tubesheet - New paragraph UHX-4(h)
introduces rules addressing the spacing of nozzles in cylindrical shells
or cylindrical channels adjacent to integral tubesheets. For circular
nozzles with a finished diameter, d, greater than 30% of D (shell inside
diameter), no part of d may be located within 1.8*(D*t)1/2. New Figure
UHX-4-1 contains sketches showing the required nozzle spacing from
an integral tubesheet for nozzles installed in either or shell or channel.
UHX-10(d), Figs. UHX-10(b) Revision Hemi Head Attachment to H/X Tubesheet - This revision concerns the
and UHX-10(c) joint detail associated with the attachment of a hemispherical head to a
heat exchanger tubesheet with a hub. Numerous inquiries have been
submitted on this issue asking whether a tubesheet hub should be
treated as a short cylinder when butt welding a hemispherical head to a
tubesheet. One method to deal with this is to consider the tubesheet
hub to be an extension or part of the hemispherical head such that the
tangent line of the head is coincident with the adjacent face of the
tubesheet. A new sketch (c) was added to Figure UHX-10 showing the
case where the hub of a tubesheet acts as an extension of the
hemispherical head and the tangent line of the hemispherical head is
adjacent to the surface of the tubesheet.
UHX-10(f) Revision Operating Loading Cases - In Part UHX, fixed and floating tubesheets
require consideration of design and operating condition load cases. In
UHX-10(f), for operating-thermal-pressure conditions (operating loading
cases), when the operating pressure is known it shall be used. A code
user asked the Committee if it would be acceptable to always use the
design pressure even for operating condition, since that option is given
in the last sentence of UHX-10(f) when the operating pressure is not
available. The committee concluded that it would be conservative to
always use the design pressure even for operating loading conditions,
and a subsequent revision to the paragraph was made.
UHX-11.3, Figure UHX-11.3- Revision Temperature In Tubesheet at Rim - New Figure UHX-11.3-3 added to
3, UHX-13.8.3, UHX-14.6.3 clarify the intent of where T', tubesheet metal temperature at rim, is
located, A definition for T' has been added to the Nomenclature in
UHX-11.3, and revised in UHX-13.8.3 and UHX-14.6.3.
UHX-12.3, UHX-12.5.9, UHX- Revision Allowable shear stress for tubesheets revised - The allowable shear
13.5.8 and UHX-14.5.8 stress for all tubesheets has been revised to be a min(0.8S, 0.533Sy).
This item is along the same idea as a change in the 2017 Edition of
VIII-2 regarding how shear allowable stress is controlled for supports.
The change to UHX accounts for a designer using Sy (II-D table Y-1) to
determine the allowable stress instead of S. This should also account

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UHX

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

for any future items that are addressing stress limits on the pressure
test condition.

Note that as part of this revision, the Editors inadvertently deleted the
variables "SPS,c" and "SPS,s" from the Nomenclature in UHX-12.3. This
error will be corrected as Errata prior to January 1, 2020.
UHX-13.7.3, UHX-14.8.3 Revision Added definitions for fact(sub)s and fact(sub)c - UHX has equations for
plasticity factors, facts and factc, but does not actually define the
variable anywhere. This item rectifies this by adding a new UHX-13.7.3
and UHX-14.8.3. Subsequent paragraphs have been renumbered.
UHX-14.4 Errata Errata Corrections - (1) In UHX-14.4(b)(2), the reference to
subparagraph (f) was corrected to subparagraph (e).

Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UIG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Fig. UIG-76-1 and 76-2 Revision Corrections to Figures - The dimensions for the tension test specimen
and the cement material tension test specimen shown in Figures UIG-
76-1 & -2 were corrected. The correction involved the maximum
outside diameter of the test specimen, and the diameter at the base of
the 15° taper.
UIG-34, Figs, UIG-34-1, -2 Revision UIG-34(b) completely revised. - During a review of existing UIG-34
and -3, Tables UIG-34-1, -2 rules, the Committee determined that there are several critical
and -3, Fig. UIG-34-4, Table elements of an impregnated graphite heat exchanger that are actually
UIG-34-4 and -5 not being considered or not applicable in the existing rules. It was also
decided that instead of continuing to reference Part UHX, the Subgroup
on Graphite Pressure Equipment chose to re-write the entire section
dealing with heat exchangers (UIG-34(b)). Although it appears to be a
completely new procedure, there are only a few changes to the
previous procedure. New additions/changes account for initial
(assembly) spring pre-load force and spring rod stiffness, With the
additions, design and operating conditions need to be evaluated. Also,
due to the non-ductility of impregnated graphite, the UHX rules
regarding a "pre-check" for shear stress is more important to be
performed to get an actual numerical result in Part UIG. Any secondary
stress multipliers (operating cases) have been removed as graphite is
not expected to see these locally high stresses. Tube buckling, bolt
moments (W*) and spring unloading checks have also been revised to
better represent graphite exchangers.
UIG-60(e), UIG-99 Revision Hydrostatic Pressure Test Multiplier - When rules for construction of
pressure vessels using impregnated graphite, Part UIG, were added to
Section VIII, Division 1 in the 2009 Addenda, the pressure test
multiplier was set to 1.5. The Committee wanted a more conservative
pressure test multiplier then the current 1.3 used for vessels
constructed of steel, mostly due to the lack of experience with
construction of vessels utilizing impregnated graphite. This action
lowers the pressure test multiplier from 1.5 to 1.3 based on the
recommendation of the Subgroup on Graphite Pressure Equipment,

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Part UIG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

and its manufacturing members. The justification for the change
includes recognition that unlike steel vessels, there is no material
benefit to subject a graphite vessel to a significantly higher stress
during the pressure test. Further testing at a higher factor requires
increased torque of bolts used in bolted assemblies which could
overstress the graphite parts. In paragraph UIG-99, the reference to a
test pressure not less than 1.5 times design pressure (1.75 for lethal
service vessels) was removed thereby defaulting to the test multiplier of
1.3 given in UG-99. Also the reference to the 1.75 multiplier in UIG-
60(e) for lethal service was also deleted.
UIG-99 Revision Inspection for Leaks Following Pressure Test - In UIG-99, The last
sentence was corrected to read: "The inspection for leaks of all joints
and connections shall be made at a pressure not less than the MAWP."
In the current Edition, the last part of that sentence reads: "… not less
than the design pressure."

Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Mandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Appendix 2, 2-9(d) Addition Flange Rigidity Check for Split Loose Flanges - New Paragraph 2-9(d)
has been added to clarify that the flange rigidity rules of 2-14 do not
apply to split loose flanges. The flange rigidity rules only apply flanges
that have been designed based on allowable stress limits alone and
may not be sufficiently rigid to control leakage. A split loose flange has
no leakage problem since it isn't the closure and there is no gasket.
Appendix 2, 2-1(b), 2-6, 2- Errata Correction to Paragraph Reference - A publishing error in the 2017
8(a), 2-11(a) Edition was corrected. In the listed paragraphs, the reference to
paragraph "13-1" was corrected to "2-7".
Appendix 2, 2-1(c), 2-12(a) Revision Update Paragraph Reference - As a result of the addition of new rules
in UG-45(b) for evaluating external loads on standard rated flanges
(B16.5 & B16.47), the reference to "UG-44" in paragraph 2-1(c) was
corrected to "UG-44(a)(a)". Also the reference to "UG-44(b)" in 2-12(a)
was corrected to "UG-44(a)(2)".
Appendix 2, 2-2(b) Revision Heat Treatment of Ferritic Steel Flanges - Paragraph 2-2(b) currently
requires flanges made from ferritic steel and designed in accordance
with Appendix 2 to be full-annealed, normalized, normalized and
tempered, or quenched and tempered when the thickness of the flange
section exceeds 3 inches (75 mm). The Manufacturer asked the
question concerning the meaning of the phrase "thickness of the flange
section". He pointed out that in 2-2(d)(2)(-b), the flange thickness and
hub are both used to determine whether or not postweld heat treatment
is required. This revision to 2-2(b) clarifies that it is the flange
thickness, "t", that determines when the flanges must be heat treated
when this thickness exceeds 3 inches (75 mm)
Appendix 2, 2-2(d) Revision Flanges Fabricated from Plate, Bar Stock or Billet - Paragraph 2-2(d)
provides rules for fabrication of hubbed flanges from plate or bar. To be
consistent with the revisions to UG-14 related to flanges machined from
bar, 2-2(d) was revised as follows: "(d) Flanges with hubs that are

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Mandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

machined from plate, bar stock, or billet shall not be machined from
plate or bar material [except as permitted in UG-14(b)] unless the
material has been formed into a ring and the following additional
conditions are met:". The addition of the statement" "[except as
permitted in UG-14(b)]" now recognizes that UG-14(b) will permit
hubbed flanges to be machined from bar up to a hot-worked diameter
not greater than 5.50 in. (140 mm).

A second revision took place in 2-2(d)(1) concerning rings formed from

plate. A clarification was added stating that the original plate surface
need not be present in the finished flange.
Appendix 2, 2-3 Revision Calculation of Gasket Load for Operating Condition - In the
Nomenclature for Appendix 2, the definition of HG was changed to read:
"gasket load for the operating condition", and the equation for HG
changed to "Wm1 - H". This revision does not change any of the
technical requirements in Appendix 2, but more accurately defines the
gasket load for the operating condition.
Appendix 3 Revision Definition of NPS - The Acronym for nominal pipe size "NPS" is used
throughout Section VIII, Division 1, but nowhere is there a formal
definition. This was corrected by adding a definition to Appendix 3
reading: "NPS: Nominal Type Size as used throughout this Division is
defined as the pipe outside diameter for a given pipe size in
accordance with ASME B36.10M."
Appendix 7, 7-3(a)(4)-b) Errata Reference Corrected - In 7-3(a)(4)(-b), the reference to "(a)' was
corrected to "(-a)".
Appendix 10, 10-13(c) Revision Record Retention for UM and UG-90(c)(2) Vessels - Appendix 10-13(c)
has been revised to make it clear that there are record retention rules
for either UM vessels, or vessels produced under UG-90(c)(2). The
intention is that both UM and UG-90(c)(2) shall have records for six
representative vessels per year. For UM vessels, these records shall
be maintained for 1 years. For UG-90(c)(2) vessels, the records shall
be maintained for 3 years. The 2017 Edition only allows manufacturers
of UM vessels under the provisions of UG-90(c)(2) to maintain records
of 6 representative vessels for 1 year, otherwise UM records are
required to be maintained for 3 years for everything.
Appendix 10, 10-13(b)(14) Revision Retention of Pressure Test Records - Appendix 10, 10-13(b) requires
the Manufacturer to maintain construction documents for vessels
marked with the Certification Mark with U Designator. Item 14 calls for
"hydrostatic test records". Considering that in certain situations a
Manufacturer does have an option to conduct a pneumatic test, the
phrase "hydrostatic test records" was replaced with "pressure test
Appendix 10, 10-13(b)(8) Revision Record of Radiographs - Appendix 10-13 identifies the documents that
a Manufacturer shall maintain for 3 years. 10-13(b)(8) listed RT and UT
reports so Manufacturers were storing the RT films but the images
would deteriorate over time. It is more valuable to maintain the
interpretation report of the radiograph so this paragraph has been
modified to now state that "NDE interpretation reports" shall be

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Mandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Appendix 13, 13-14 Errata Correction to Equation (5B) - In Equation (5B) of 13-14, the term "4ScrB"
was corrected to "4S'crB".
Appendix 13, Table 13-18.1 Errata Correction to Equation - In Table 13-18.1 Eq. (1), the term "h2" was
corrected to "h2".
Appendix 24, 24-3 Errata Errata Corrections - In 24-3 Nomenclature, the definition for " lm " was
corrected to read: " lc - (C - Ci )/2 "
Appendix 24, 24-6 Eq. (10) Errata Correction to Equation - In Eq. (10) the term "075" in the numerator
was corrected to read: "0.75".
Appendix 26, 26-3, 26- Revision Generic fatigue equation coefficients renamed. - The coefficients used
4.2.3(d) in the generic fatigue equations for correlation testing were recently
changed and became identical to those used for stresses. This caused
confusion within the industry. This item changes variable names [New
variables K0, K1, K2, K3, K'0, K'1, K'2, K'3] in 26-3 and in the equations in
Appendix 26, 26-4.2, 26-9.5, Revision Stress range and cumulative damage procedure updated - There is
26-9.6, Forms 26-1/26-1M some apparent confusion with the procedure for fatigue cumulative
damage. Currently the only example shows how cycles should be
combined for superposition of cycles of various origins. This could
produce a total stress range greater than the stress ranges of the
individual cycle. EJMA also shows a case when cycles could be
considered independent but this is not in Appendix 26. With the one
example, designers might think that cycle counting should always
follow a procedure where the cycles are combined. This was not the
intent. This item revises 26-4.2 to clarify that cycle counting should be
more detailed - concurrent and independent conditions. The item also
revises 26-9.5 and 26.9.6, separating equivalent axial displacement
and equivalent axial displacement range. A note regarding multiple
movements has also been added in Forms 26-1 and 26-1M.
Appendix 26, 26-4.2.2 Revision Fatigue Correlation Testing - Appendix 26 contains the design rules for
bellows extension joints. In addition to designing bellows for a ductile
rupture failure mode, a fatigue evaluation must also be carried out.
Fatigue design curves for a limited number of materials are given in 26-, 26-, and 26-8.6.3 2. When performing a fatigue
evaluation for these limited materials using the Code supplied fatigue
curves (presented in equation form only), it is still necessary for the
Manufacturer to carry out fatigue correlation testing in accordance with
26-4.2.2. However this paragraph as currently written contains some
misleading information. For example the last sentence of the first
paragraph suggest that the correlation testing must demonstrate
predictability of rupture pressure as well as cyclic life. The Committee
has concluded that the only thing that must be correlated relates to the
design fatigue curves and not checking the ductile rupture strength of
the bellows. The substantiation of the fatigue curves shall be based on
data obtained from five separate tests on bellows of the same basic

A second major change to 26-4.2.2 concerns developing fatigue curves

for other materials that are not specifically addressed in 26-, 26-, and 26-8.6.3 2. A minimum of 25 fatigue test shall be carried

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Mandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

out. Each bellows in the test group shall have a minimum of 3
convolutions and varying geometries, including inside diameter,
convolution profile, and thickness. A minimum of 3 different heats of the
intended material shall be used.
The revision to 26-4.2.2 required additional editorial changes to
paragraphs 26-2, 26-6.6.3, 26-7.6.3 and 26-8.6.3. The margin on
cycles was also corrected from 3.0 to 2.6.
Appendix 26, 26-9.5, 26-9.6 Revision Extension and Compression of Bellows - The purpose of these
Revisions to Appendix 26 concern clarifying the concept of extension
and compression for total equivalent axial displacement of a bellows.
The changes also include the addition of alternative formulas for the
calculation of the total equivalent axial displacement range in
paragraph 26-9.6.
Appendix 39, 39-2, 39-6 Revision Errors in Coefficient of Permeability Equations - Several corrections
were made to Appendix 39 as follows:

1. 39-2(b) - Variable "P

2. 39-6 - In the definition of pi, lb2/in. was corrected to read "lb/in2"
3. 39-6 - In the definition of p1 2, the phrase" is the measuring volume,
in.3 (mm3)" was deleted;
4. 39-6 - A definition for V, the measuring volume, has been added.
5. 39-6 - p, the pressure difference, has been added.
6. 39-6 - A defin pi, the pressure difference, has been added.
Appendix 41, 41-5, 41-7 Revision Added consideration for vacuum condition - The Appendix currently did
not address what to do if the pressure was negative (i.e. vacuum in the
shellside). This revision adds these provisions.

(1) 41-5 - Revised definition for "P "

(2) 41-7 - P ", was
corrected to read: " | P | ".
Appendix 41, Figure 41-1-1 Revision Editorial Correction - Figure 41-1.1-1 was editorially redesignated to
Figure 41-1-1.
Appendix 42, 42 - 7 Revision PT Requirements & Acceptance Criteria for Diffusion Bonding - This
record makes clear that PT examination in accordance with Mandatory
Appendix 8 is required after diffusion bonding regardless of whether
final machining is performed or not. Currently, as written, there is no
acceptance criteria listed for PT. By listing Mandatory Appendix 8, the
acceptance criteria found therein will now apply. Also, by the current
reference of Section V, Article 6 for PT, this turns on Article 1, which
requires the PT examiner to be qualified as a Level II or III in
accordance with a written practice based on SNT-TC-1A or CP-189,
Appendix 44, 44-5(a) Revision Wall Thickness Thinning During Cold-Stretching - During the cold-
stretching operation, permanent strain is introduced into the pressure
vessel such that there will be a slight reduction in wall thickness. This
revision clarifies that wall thinning during the cold-stretching shall be
considered. The thickness of heads and each shell course after cold-
stretching shall not be less than the minimum thickness. This
clarification was also made in Interpretation BPV VIII-1-16-64.

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Mandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Appendix 44, 44-6.1(g)(2) Revision Impact Test Requirements for Cold Stretched Vessels - Paragraph 44-
6.1(g)(2) was revised to make it clear that all welding conducted on a
cold stretch vessel shall be in accordance with Section IX. Further
when the MDMT is colder than -55°F (-48°C), the Welding Procedure
Qualification shall include impact test of welds and heat-affect zones
made in accordance with UG-84(h) and with requirements of UHA-
51(a) at MDMT. The paragraph was also revised to clearly state that
only impact test specimens shall be tested from the welded cold-
stretched plate.
Appendix 44, Table 44-4-1 Revision Allowable Material for Cold Stretch Construction - SA-240, Type 304LN
stainless steel was added as an acceptable material for cold stretched
vessels constructed to the rules of Appendix 44.
Appendix 45, 45-5(b) Revision MAWP & Min. Thickness for Gasketed Plate Packs - Appendix 45
contains requirements for the construction of plate heat exchangers.
This Appendix was first published in the 2017 Edition based on
incorporation of the rules published in Code Case 2766. These
revisions concern the rules in 45-5 (b) dealing with plate packs using
gaskets. A minimum nominal thickness for single or double-wall heat
transfer plates shall not be less than 0.014 in. (0.35 mm). Also plate
heat exchangers utilizing gasketed plate packs may not be used in
lethal service (UW-2(a)). Finally the MAWP of the gasketed plate pack
does not need to be determined by way of proof testing or design
calculations. Satisfactorily passing a hydrostatic test to a pressure at
least 1.3 times the MAWP is evidence that the wall thickness of the
gasketed plates is acceptable for the intended service.
Appendix 45, 45-7 Revision PHE Pressure Test Requirements - The first three words of the first
paragraph of 45-7, "All chambers of", were deleted. Also the second
paragraph of 45-7 was also deleted. The reason is that these
statements were causing confusion for users applying the UG-99 or
UG-100 pressure test rules for vessels containing multiple chambers.
By deletion of these statements in 45-7, the requirements for testing
vessels containing multiple chambers reverts to the requirements as
stated in UG-99 or UG-100.
Appendix 46 Addition Rules for the Use of Section VIII, Division 2 - This new Mandatory
Appendix gives Manufacturers the option to use Section VIII, Division 2
design rules for Section VIII, Division 1 construction. VIII-2 design rules
may be used as an alternative to the design rules of VIII-1 [See UG-
16(a)], or when rules are not provided in VIII-1 [see U-2(g)]. Appendix
46 eliminates the need to use Case 2695.

Both design-by-rule (Part 4) and design-by-analysis (Part 5) options of

VIII-2 are available for use. Appendix 46 provides details and
adjustments to the VIII-2 rules when using them for the design of
components to VIII-1. One obvious adjustment is the need to continue
to use the VIII-1 allowable stresses, instead of the VIII-2 allowable
stresses when using VIII-2 design rules. But there are many other
details to pay attention to when using VIII-2 Design Rules for VIII-1
construction. It is predicted that providing this option to use VIII-2
design rules readily available from within VIII-1 will only accelerate the

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Mandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

use of VIII-2 instead of VIII-1 for the construction of custom engineered
pressure vessels. [ Also see entry under Paragraph UG-16(a)]

Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Nonmandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Appendix A, A-1(e), A-2, Revision Add radial thermal exp. factor to welded tube-to-tubesheet - The radial
Table A-2 thermal expansion factor, fT , is currently only used in the calculation of
maximum allowable axial load for expanded only tube-to-tubesheet
joints. The factor should also be applicable to expanded and welded
joints. This items adds the factor to other tube-to-tubesheet joint types.
Other changes associated with this revision include:

(1) A-1(e)(1) - Clarified that these requirements only apply when the
maximum allowable axial load is controlled by the weld.
(2) A-1(e)(1)(-a), (-b), (-c) - Defined tube-to-tubesheet joints covered in
this category where the maximum allowable axial load is controlled by
the weld.
(3) A-1(e)(3) - New detail added concerning joint types controlled by
(4) A-1(e)(3)(-b) - The reference to Table Y-2 was corrected to Table Y-
1 in two places.
(5) A-2 - Equation (2) corrected to read: Lmax = MIN[AtSafre, AtSa]
(6) A-2 - Equation (3) corrected to read: Lmax = MIN[AtSafefrfyft AtSa]
(7) A-2 - Definition for fre added
(8) Table A-2 - Note (10) added to Joint Types f,g,i,j
Appendix A, A-1(f) Revision Reference to App. HH - A reference to Nonmandatory Appendix HH
was added in A-1(f). Appendix HH establishes requirements for tube
expanding procedures and qualification for expanded tube-to-tubesheet
Appendix A, A-2 Revision Formulas for interfacial pressures added - Appendix A has always
referred to interfacial pressures, Po and Pt but never provided any
method to determine them. This item adds commonly used equations
and corresponding nomenclature. Other methods may exist for different
Manufacturers which would still be acceptable, since Appendix A is
Nonmandatory. The specific changes to A-2 includes:

(1) Definitions for di, E, Et , Pe , Ta , a, at added.

(2) Equation for calculating Po added to the definition for Po .
(3) Equation for calculating PT added to the definition for PT
Appendix DD Revision Deletion of Appendix DD - Section VIII Division 1 Nonmandatory
Appendix DD is no longer required because the certification and
accreditation requirements, including the scopes for Certificates of
Authorization, will now only be kept in online at Reference to this web
address will be provided in the Code where there was reference to
Appendix DD.

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Nonmandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Appendix GG, GG-1 Revision Units To Be Used in Equations - These corrections to GG-1 are related
to revisions to U-4 concerning units used in equations. In GG-1, the
term "Nonmandatory Appendix" was replaced with "Division", and the
reference to "Mandatory Appendix 33" was changed to "Table U-4".
Appendix JJ, Fig. JJ-1.2.3 Revision Flow-Chart for Welding Consumable Pre-Use Testing - Two new
decision diamonds added to the flowchart to account for UHA-51(a)(3)
where below -320°F (-196°C), there are no pre-use testing exemptions.
Appendix W, Forms U-4 & U- Revision AI Signature on Forms U-4 and U-5 - Forms U-4 and U-5 were not
5 consistent with other Division 1 Data Reports in that they seemed to
only require the Authorized Inspector's name, and not their actually
signature. These two forms have been updated so that the Authorized
Inspector line is for signature, not just the name.
Table W-3 Revision MDR Instructions Editorial Change - Note 61 of Table W-3 has been
editorially revised because "Inspector" was listed twice and made the
language awkward.

Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Code Cases

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Cases 2155 & 2156 Revision Use of Rod or Bar for Hollow Cylindrical Parts - Paragraph UG-14
(Rods and Bars) was completely re-written in the 2019 Edition. These
changes prompted a revision to the two existing Code Cases, Case
2155 and 2156, dealing with use of rod and material.

Case 2155 was revised to state that this Case may be used in lieu of
the rules of UG-14. Case 2155 provides rules for the use of rod and bar
for heads.
Case 2156-1 was revised to state that this Case may be used in lieu of
the rules of UG-14. Case 2156-1 provides rules for the use of rod and
bar for hollow cylindrical-shaped parts.
Cases 2155 & 2156 Revision Alternative Rules for Rods and Bars - Cases 2155 and 2156 provide
alternative rules for fabricating heads and hollow cylindrically shaped
parts greater than NPS 4 from rod or bar material. The provisions of
these two code cases have been incorporated into paragraph UG-14 in
the 2019 Edition. However the cases will not be annulled until the 2019
Edition becomes mandatory on January 1, 2020. In the meanwhile, the
Committee elected to make a couple of technical changes to the cases
as follows:

1. In the Inquiry and Reply, the phrase "in addition to the pressure parts
listed in" was replaced with "in lieu of the rules of". This change makes
it clear that the code cases provide alternative rules to those published
in UG-14.
2. In the paragraph dealing with the two transverse tensile test
specimens, the phrase "nominal cross-section dimensions" was
replaced with "diameter".
3. The requirement addressing a check of the tensile and yield

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Code Book: VIII-1 Part: Subpart/Table: Code Cases

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

properties in the transverse direction was modified to now require
satisfying all mechanical properties specified in the material
specification in the transverse direction. For some materials, this would
include a check of elongation.
4. The requirement that the reduction of area not be less than 30% was
changed to only apply to Table UCS-23 materials.

The latest revisions of these two cases, Case 2155-2 and Case 2156-
3, were approved for use on March 20, 2018.
Case 2901 Addition Evaluation of External Forces & Moments on B16.5 Flanges - The
issuance of Interpretation BPV VIII-1-16-85 in October 2016 confirmed
that when using ASME standard rated flanges such as B16.5 and
B16.47 that are subject to external forces and moments, then
supporting calculations are required to verify that the selected flange is
adequate for the intended design pressure and temperature as well as
the external forces and moments. VIII-1 does not contain rules for
evaluating external forces and moments on flanges. However VIII-2,
paragraph 4.16.7 does contain rules. However these rules are
considered very conservative. In 2013 a technical paper was presented
at the ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping conference titled "Improved
Analysis of External Loads on Flanged Joints - PVP 2013-97814". This
paper authored by Warren Brown presents a new method for assessing
the maximum acceptable level of external loads on standard rated
flanges. The method considers both allowable design stress levels as
well as probability of leakage for standard piping joints using the
method outlined in Appendix O of ASME PCC-1. The design method
presented in this paper has been published in Case 2901, and will be
published in Division 1, UG-44(b) in the 2019 Edition.
Case 2935 Revision Manual UT of Final Closure Seam - In the 2017 Edition, paragraph
UW-11(a)(8) was deleted. This paragraph permitted the use of manual
UT in accordance with Appendix 12 on the final closure seam of a
pressure vessel where interpretable radiographs could not be obtained.
The only option for a Manufacture was to perform automated or
semiautomated UT in accordance with UW-53(b) and 7.5.5 of VIII-2.
However some Manufacturers reported that they both cannot perform
radiography nor could they apply a mechanized UT per the rules of
7.5.5. In response to this feedback, the Committee developed a Code
Case that will permit the use of a phased array manual raster
examination technique to examine a final closure seam. This
examination shall be performed with a semiautomated scanner having
data acquisition, encoding, and analysis abilities in accordance with a
written procedure conforming to the requirements of Section V, Article
4, Mandatory appendices IV and V as well as other conditions set forth
in the Code Case. Case 2935 was approved for use on September 30,

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 1

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

1.4 Revision Units To Be Used in Equations - This revision is an outcrop of
Interpretation BPV VIII-1 RN13-842, which basically stated that it is not
permitted to perform calculations using an allowable stress determined
by converting an allowable stress published in US Customary or SI
units in II-D to another local unit. Essentially the Committee felt that if
conversion of allowable stresses that are published in Section II, Part D
was permitted, then there would be no need to publish allowable
stresses in SI units, since they could have been determined directly
from the US customary Tables. The net result is that revisions to 1.4
was needed to assure that calculations performed by the Manufacturer
use not only allowable stresses that are published in Section II, Part D,
but any other material property published in that standard. Table 1.2
"Standard Units for Use in Equations" was added to Part 1. It was an
oversight that this Table was not originally published in the 2007
Edition of VIII-2.
Table 1.1 Revision Added Reference - A reference to ASTM A1033 "Standard Practice for
quantitative Measurement and reporting of Hypoeutectoid Carbon and
Low-Alloy Steel Phase Transformations" was added to Table U-3, in
support of establishing the maximum PWHT temperature for P-No. 15E
and Table UCS-56–11.
Table 1.1 Revision Update to Reference Standards - The following References were

(1) ASME B16.47 - Large Diameter Steel Flanges, NPS 26 Through

NPS 60 Metric/Inch Standard 2017 Edition
(2) ASCE/SEI 7 Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for
Buildings and Other Structures 7-16
Table 1.1, 8.1.2(d) Revision Update Year Edition for PCC-2 - The reference to PCC-2, Repair of
Pressure Equipment and Piping, has been updated from the 2015
Edition to the 2018 Edition in Table 1.1. Paragraph 8.1.2(d) Endnote
103 [now Endnote 101 in 2019 Edition] was updated to reflect the new
numbering format of PCC-2., Revision Rearrangement of Paragraphs under Scope - A new paragraph
has been added, resulting in some paragraph renumbering for
subsequent paragraphs under 1.2.1. New paragraph will state
the Section VIII Division 2 scope exclusion of vessels designed to not
exceed 15 psi (103 kPa). This information is currently listed later in this
section on Scope in There is a separate action to remove
many of the scope exclusions under paragraph, but this
particular exclusion for vessels not to exceed 15 psi is not to be
removed, just relocated to an earlier paragraph

As a result of this change, the reference to in was

updated to

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 1-B

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

1-B.2.9, 1-B.2.14 Revision Definition of Certifying Engineers & Designers - These revisions to
Annex 1-B are part of a large number of changes to VIII-2 related to
personnel who carry out design and design review activity. Currently for
Class 2 construction, the User's Design Specification and
Manufacturer's Design Report are required to be certified by a
Professional Engineer or equivalent. In North America the term
"Professional Engineer" is well-recognized, but outside of North
America individuals that perform engineering work are qualified and
recognized in many different ways. These revisions to VIII-2 replace
the use of Professional Engineer or equivalent with a new label
"Certifying Engineer". Much of the qualification requirements for the
Certifying Engineer are modeled after similar changes made in Section
III in the 2017 Edition. Also as part of this action, the Committee
decided to also address the qualification requirements for individuals
that perform the design work, now called the Designer. The definition of
a Certifying Engineer and Designer is as follows:

Certifying Engineer - an engineer or other technically competent

professional duly accredited and qualified to practice engineering as
required by this Division.

Designer - an individual who is qualified to design pressure vessels in

accordance with the rules of this Division by demonstrated knowledge
in Code requirements and proficiency in selecting correct design
formulas and appropriate values to be used when preparing the design
of a pressure vessel.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 1-C

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

1-C.1 Revision Units To Be Used in Equations - These corrections to Annex 1-c are
related to revisions to Part 1, 1.4 concerning units used in equations. In
1-C.1, the reference to "this Annex" was changed to "Table 1.2".

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 2

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

2.2.2 Addition Single UDS and MDR for Multiple Vessels - These revisions concern
the situation where a Manufacturer intends to fabricate identical VIII-2
vessels that will be installed and operated at different locations. The
way the current rules are written this Manufacturer would have to
prepare a UDS and MDR for each of these vessels, even though the
details in these two documents could essentially be identical for all
vessels. A provision was introduced in new paragraph 2.2.2 to allow
using a single UDA for multiple vessels that reads as follows: "A single
Users Design Specification may be prepared to support the design of
more than one pressure vessel that is to be located in a single, specific

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 2

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

jurisdiction provided that the environmental requirements and
jurisdictional regulatory authority applied for each installation location
are clearly specified and are the same or more conservative than
required." Similarly, paragraph was added to allow a
Manufacturer's Design Report to address multiple identical vessels., Revision Certification of UDS for Class 1 & 2 Construction - This revision to Part
2 are part of a large number of changes to VIII-2 related to personnel
who carry out design and design review activity. Currently for Class 2
construction, the User's Design Specification and Manufacturer's
Design Report are required to be certified by a Professional Engineer
or equivalent. In North America the term "Professional Engineer" is
well-recognized, but outside of North America individuals that perform
engineering work are qualified and recognized in many different ways.
These revisions to VIII-2 replace the use of Professional Engineer or
equivalent with a new label "Certifying Engineer". Much of the
qualification requirements for the Certifying Engineer are modeled after
similar changes made in Section III in the 2017 Edition. Also as part of
this action, the Committee decided to also address the qualification
requirements for individuals that perform the design work, now called
the Designer. The changes to Part 2 are summarized below:

1. - For Class 1 construction, the UDS shall be certified by a

Certifying Engineer when required by Otherwise
certification is not required. The phrase: "individual or individuals" was
replaced with "Certifying Engineer".
2. - For Class 2 construction the UDS shall be certified by a
Certifying Engineer.
3. - For Class 1 construction, two additional conditions have
been added whereby the Manufacturer's Design Report must be
certified by a Certifying Engineer. These conditions are (1) the vessel
contains a quick-actuating closure requiring design to Part 4.8; (2) the
pressure vessel requires a dynamic seismic analysis.
4. - The Manufacturer's Design Report for Class 2 construction
shall be certified by a Certifying Engineer.
5. 2.3.7 - A new section titled "Manufacturer's Design Personnel" must
now be addressed in the Quality Control System. The Manufacturer
has the responsibility of ensuring all personnel engaged in performing
or evaluating design activities are competent any area of design. See
Annexes 2-C and 2-J., Addition Occasional Loads & Operating Loads - This revision to information to
be reported in a User's Design Specification (UDS) is related to
operating loads combined with occasional loads when carrying out a
design of the pressure vessel. In the current code, design load
combinations that include occasional loads such as wind, seismic or
snow loads, are combined with the operating pressure, which is
typically set as 0.9P ( 90% of the specified design pressure ). In this
P that is to
be defined by the user in A fourth set of operating loads
(dead loads, live loads, snow loads, etc.) that the user may need to
define has been added in

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 2

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

2.4.1, 2.4.2 Revision Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA) 3 Types - In the 2010 Edition, the
ASME QAI-1 standard (Qualifications for Authorized Inspection) was
revised to add a third definition of an AIA. Prior to this change, and
Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA) was either a jurisdiction that has
adopted one or more of the ASME construction standards, or and
insurance company that has been licensed or registered within the
USA or Canada to write boiler and pressure vessel insurance. The third
type of AIA that was added in 2010 was a company in the business of
providing "third-party" inspection services within a jurisdiction, which
has government recognition to perform inspection and design reviews
for boilers and pressure vessels. In the 2011 Addenda, Section VIII
revised its reference to ASME QAI-1 from a specific year edition to
"Latest Edition". By doing so the standard now has accepted all of the
latest requirements concerning the Inspector and AIA. However this
detail was overlooked in 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 where it contained rules that
became out of sync with QAI-1. This revision to 2.4.1 and 2.4.2
replaced specific rules regarding the Inspector with a direct reference
to QAI-1, thereby assuring that the rules the stated within VIII-2 with
respect to the Inspector and AIA are consistent with QAI-1.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 2-A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

2-A.1, 2-A.2, Table 2-A.1 Revision Certification of UDS for Class 1 & 2 Construction - This revision to
Annex 2-A is part of a large number of changes to VIII-2 related to
personnel who carry out design and design review activity. Currently for
Class 2 construction, the User's Design Specification and
Manufacturer's Design Report are required to be certified by a
Professional Engineer or equivalent. In North America the term
"Professional Engineer" is well-recognized, but outside of North
America individuals that perform engineering work are qualified and
recognized in many different ways. These revisions to VIII-2 replace
the use of Professional Engineer or equivalent with a new label
"Certifying Engineer". Much of the qualification requirements for the
Certifying Engineer are modeled after similar changes made in Section
III in the 2017 Edition. Also as part of this action, the Committee
decided to also address the qualification requirements for individuals
that perform the design work, now called the Designer. The changes to
Annex 2-A are summarized below:

1. 2-A.1(a) - Certifying Engineer term introduced in the 4th line.

2. 2-A.1 - Paragraph 2-A.2.1(b) relocated to 2-A.1(b).
3. 2-A.2 - This entire paragraph has been revised to address
certification of the UDS by a Certifying Engineer.
Table 2-A.1 - The word "Professional" was replaced by "Certifying"
Table 2-A.1 Revision Recognition of Vessel Class on Certification Forms - The User's Design
Specification (UDS) Certification of Compliance form depicted in Table
2-A.1 was revised to include vessel class, either Class 1 or Class 2, in
the certification block.

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 2-B

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

2-B.1, 2-B.2, Table 2-B.1 Revision Certification of MDR for Class 1 & 2 Construction - This revision to
Annex 2-B is part of a large number of changes to VIII-2 related to
personnel who carry out design and design review activity. Currently for
Class 2 construction, the User's Design Specification and
Manufacturer's Design Report are required to be certified by a
Professional Engineer or equivalent. In North America the term
"Professional Engineer" is well-recognized, but outside of North
America individuals that perform engineering work are qualified and
recognized in many different ways. These revisions to VIII-2 replace
the use of Professional Engineer or equivalent with a new label
"Certifying Engineer". Much of the qualification requirements for the
Certifying Engineer are modeled after similar changes made in Section
III in the 2017 Edition (see Annex 2-J). Also as part of this action, the
Committee decided to also address the qualification requirements for
individuals that perform the design work, now called the Designer. The
changes to Annex 2-B are summarized below:

1. 2-B.1 - Paragraph 2-B.2.1(b) relocated to 2-B.1(b).

2. 2-B.2 - This entire paragraph has been revised to address
certification of the MDR by a Certifying Engineer.
3. 2-B.3 - New text to address certification of the Manufacturer's Design
Report by a Designer for Class 1 construction.
Table 2-B.1 Revision Recognition of Vessel Class on Certification Forms - The
Manufacturer's Design Report (MDR) Certification of Compliance form
depicted in Table 2-B.1 was revised to include vessel class, either
Class 1 or Class 2, in the certification block.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 2-D

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Form A-4 Errata Correction to Data Report Form A-4 - The Description for Field 4. Type
was corrected from "Horiz. or vert. tank" to "Horizontal, Vertical, or
Table 2-D.1 Revision MDR Instructions Editorial Change - Note 44 of Table 2-D.1 has been
editorially revised because "Inspector" was listed twice and made the
language awkward.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 2-E

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

2-E.5.1, 2-E.5.2 Revision Design Competency Address in QCS - This revision to Annex 2-E is
part of a large number of changes to VIII-2 related to personnel who
carry out design and design review activity. In the section of the Quality
Control System dealing with drawings, design calculations, and
specification control, a new requirement was added in 2-E.5.2 stating
that the Manufacturers or Assemblers Quality Control System shall

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 2-E

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

provide procedures that will ensure Certifying Engineers and Designers
performing design activities are competent for each activity (see Annex
2-J) they perform.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 2-F

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

1.2.6, Annex 2-C, 2-F and 2- Revision PRT Markings and Certificate of Authorization Scope - Several clean-
H up actions were taken after the addition of the Parts Fabrication
Certification Program (PRT) in Section VIII Division 2 in the 2017
Edition. Annex 2-F has the majority of the revisions from this action. In
both Annex 2-C and 2-F, there were portions that were written such
that the Code User would need to include both the "PRT" and "PART"
under the official Certification Mark. It was the intent that only the "PRT"
is required. The notes for Figure 2-F.1 were updated so that
construction type markings shall be applied below the Certification
Mark and the "PRT" Designator and several related construction type
markings paragraphs required slight modification as well. Paragraph and Annex 2-H required modifications because the "PRT"
Parts Fabrication Certificate Program is only available for shop
locations and does not allow extension to field sites. Also note that
Annex 2-H is actually being deleted from Section VIII Division 2 entirely
under a separate revision record.
2-F.1 Revision Nameplate Marking - Type of Construction - The requirement to record
on a nameplate a type of construction as "F" - Forged, or "W" - Welding
has been removed. It was felt that this information was of little value,
especially to vessel repair firms.
2-F.4.1(a), 2-F.4.2 Revision Part Marking With No Design Responsibility - In 2-F.4.1(a)
Subparagraphs (1) and (2 were added to address the marking
requirements for a Part constructed either by a U2 Certificate Holder
(U2 Designator) or a U-2 PRT Certificate Holder (PRT Designator).

When a parts Manufacturer has no responsibility for design, they

should not be required to mark the part with the pressure or
temperature rating. Paragraph 2-F.4.2 has been revised in order to
allow a parts Manufacturer who does not prepare a Manufacturer's
Design Report to not mark the pressure or temperature on that part.
This was an inconsistency between Division 1 and Division 2 prior to
this revision.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 2-H

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Annex 2-H Revision Deletion of Annex 2-H - Section VIII Division 2 Annex 2-H is no longer
required because the certification and accreditation requirements,

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 2-H

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

including the scopes for Certificates of Authorization, will now only be
kept in online at
Reference to this web address is given in 2-G.1 of Annex 2-G.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 2-I

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

2-I.2 Revision Mandatory Code Edition - This revision further aligns Section VIII
Division 2 Annex 2-I with Appendix 43 of Section VIII Division 1.
Division 2 now includes specific subparagraphs for subcontracted
parts, parts built for stock and parts used from stock.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 2-J

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Annex 2-J Revision Requirements for Certifying Engineers & Designers - New Annex 2-J
"Qualifications and Requirements for Certifying Engineers and
Designers" is part of a large number of changes to VIII-2 related to
personnel who carry out design and design review activity. Currently for
Class 2 construction, the User's Design Specification and
Manufacturer's Design Report are required to be certified by a
Professional Engineer or equivalent. In North America the term
"Professional Engineer" is well-recognized, but outside of North
America individuals that perform engineering work are qualified and
recognized in many different ways. These revisions to VIII-2 replace
the use of Professional Engineer or equivalent with a new label
"Certifying Engineer". Much of the qualification requirements for the
Certifying Engineer are modeled after similar changes made in Section
III in the 2017 Edition. Also as part of this action, the Committee
decided to also address the qualification requirements for individuals
that perform the design work, now called the Designer. Below is a
summary of the requirements for the Certifying Engineer and Designer,
Note that definitions for the Certifying Engineer and Designer are
provided in Annex 1-B.

• The Certifying Engineer may engage in any design activity required

by this Division or any supplemental requirements from the User's
Design Specification (UDS). The Designer may perform design activity
in support of certification of the Manufacturers Design Report (MTR) by
the Certifying Engineer, if he has evidence of competence on the topic
of design under consideration, and he is working under the responsible
charge of a Certifying Engineer.
• Table 2-J.1 contains a list of design activities that may only be
performed by a Certifying Engineer.
Certifying Engineer
a) Must attest in writing that they understand and meet the
requirements of the ASME Code of Ethics;

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 2-J

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

b) Shall have a minimum of 4 years of experience in the design of
pressure vessels. This experience shall be demonstrated through
documentation certified by a Manufacturer.
c) The Certifying Engineer shall be a chartered, registered, or licensed
engineer within either the jurisdiction where the design activity takes
place or the jurisdiction of the location of an installation.
d) The Manufacturer who employs (directly or by contract) the engineer
who certifies the MDR shall prepare a statement that the Certifying
Engineer is qualified to perform the design activities used.

a) All Designers engaged in pressure vessel design shall hold a
General Pressure Vessel Design qualification. This qualification
requires through documentation that they have a minimum of 4 years of
experience and pressure vessel design. However additional years of
experience are required for three specialized areas of design; heat
exchanger design, numerical analysis, and quick-actuating closures.
b) Designers performing heat exchangers design, numerical analysis or
the design of quick-actuating closures require an additional 2 years of
experience, which may be acquired concurrently.
c) Designers' qualifications remain valid if they can demonstrate
through documentation design activity completed within a continuous
period of 36 months for each of their qualifications.

• RESPONSIBLE CHARGE - When VIII-2 was rewritten and published

in 2007, the requirements in Annex 2-A and 2-B stated that individuals
in responsible charge shall certify the User's Design Specification
(UDS) and Manufacturer's Design Report (MDR). These individuals
were later defined to be Registered Professional Engineers.
Subsequently in the 2019 Edition, these individuals are now identified
as Certifying Engineers. In the 2019 Edition, a Certifying Engineer may
be a registered Professional Engineer in North America, or an engineer
that is chartered, registered or licensed in accordance with either the
International Register of Professional Engineers by an authorized
member of the International Professional Engineers Agreement (IPEA),
an authorized member of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC), or an authorized member of the European Federation of
National Engineering Associations (FEANI). But another important
revision that took place in the 2019 Edition was a reference for "in
responsible charge" that provides a clear definition of the meaning of
this important phrase. The reference given in Annex 2-J is to the
National Society of Professional Engineers Position Statement No.
1778. This position statement lays out principles that guide the licensed
practice of engineering by professional engineers. With regard to
Responsible Charge, it states the following: "Responsible Charge is
The degree of control a professional engineer is required to exercise
over engineering decisions made personally or by others over which
the professional engineer provides supervisory direction and control
authority. In making and approving engineering decisions, the
professional engineer must be actively engaged in the engineering
process, from conception to completion. Responsible charge and direct
supervision are not satisfied with drawing or other document review
after preparation without involvement in the design and development

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 2-J

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

process". This definition for responsible charge clearly states that a
Registered Professional Engineer may not certify or apply their stamp
to a drawing or other engineering work based solely on a review of
engineering work carried out by others. The intent is that the
Registered Professional Engineer must be actively engaged throughout
the engineering process, and have supervisory control of any other
engineers that may be performing engineering work. By introducing this
reference for "responsible charge" in Annex 2-J, the Committee
extends this principle not only to Registered Professional Engineers,
but all engineers that come under the Certifying Engineer definition.
This is a very significant clarification within VIII-2 concerning what
actions engineers must take to certify a UDS or MDR.

Manufacturers should take special note of these significant

changes for engineers performing Section VIII, Division 2 design

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 3

Paragraph Type Subject - Description Revision Heat Treatment of Test Specimens - Section VIII, Division 1 was
revised in the 2015 Edition such that the exemption from heat
treatment of test coupons under UCS-85(e) would only include
nonwelded standard pressure parts described in UG-11(c) and UG-
11(d). This revision accomplishes the consistent change in Division 2.
The exemption in applies to only nonwelded standard
pressure parts that either comply with an ASME product standard
( or comply with a standard other than an ASME product
standard ( Revision Material Test Requirements for Castings - Paragraph contains
material test requirements for castings. In subparagraph (d) it states:
"With prior approval of the vessel Manufacturer, test specimens for flat
ring and simple ring forgings may be taken from a separately cast test
coupon under the following conditions." It would appear that the
underlined portion of this rule seems out of place, since it is talking
about test specimens for flat ring and simple ring forgings, as opposed
to castings. Research indicates that this error was introduced in the
2007 rewrite Edition. The underlined phrase was replaced with: "test
specimens may be taken from a separately cast test coupon under the
following conditions:". Errata Errata Corrections - In the second line of, the phrase:
"...when required by (b) and (c)." was corrected to read: "...when
required by (b) or (c)"., Fig. 3.7/3.7M, Revision Low Toughness Concerns for Carbon Steels - Starting sometime in
Fig. 3.8/3.8M 2015 there were reports from the petrochemical industry of A105
carbon steel flanges, A234 Gr WPD fittings and A106 Gr B piping
exhibiting lower than expected toughness. Some components made
from these materials failed in a brittle manner during the standard
hydrostatic test. These tests were conducted at ambient temperatures

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 3

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

where these materials are assumed by the Code to behave in a ductile
manner. Research is still underway to identify a root cause for this
problem. More information regarding these brittle fracture problems can
be found on the following web sites:
In the meanwhile, Section VIII decided to modify the -20F impact test
exemption currently given to B16.5 and B16.47 flanges. To qualify for
this -20F exemption, the flanges will now need to be produced to fine
grain practice and supplied in the heat treated condition (normalized,
normalized and tempered, or quenched and tempered after forging).
Otherwise the B16.5 / B16.47 flanges supplied in the as-forged
condition would be assigned a 0°F (-18°C) exemption temperature.

One other change made was to assign A/SA-105 forged flanges

supplied in the as-forged condition to Fig. UCS-66 Curve A. A/SA-105
forged flanges which are produced to fine grain practice and
normalized and tempered, or quenched and tempered are assigned to
Curve B. Revision Application of Stress Ratios for Bolting and Nuts - and Figs.
3.12 & 3.13 provide rules to further reduce the MDMT when the general
primary stress in a component during operation is below the Code
allowable design stress (coincident ratio less than one). In current
Code, these rules can be applied to bolts and nuts. The Committee
recently reconsidered this provision, and decided to remove this option
to lower the MDMT for bolts and nuts based on a coincident ratio less
than one. The reason is that the bolt pre-load applied to equipment
under the scope of ASME Section VIII is often significantly greater than
the allowable stress of these components. Appendix S of VIII-1 and
ASME PCCC-1 provide a basis behind the higher pre-loads. The
bottom line is that because a significant pre-load is applied to the bolts
to seat the gasket and assure a leak tight joint, a reduction in pressure
in a component does not always translate in a reduced stress in the
bolts, therefore the use of the stress ratio methodology becomes

In the second line of the parenthetical expression

"(including bolts and nuts)" was deleted. Revision Ferrite Number for SS 316L - In the 2017 Edition of VIII-1, the ferrite
number (FN) limit for Type 316L material was relaxed from 5 to 10. This
change in the limit was justified by more current impact test data of the
material. This same change to the FN limit for 316L is now made in of VIII-2. Revision HAZ Specimen Orientation - Current rules in require that the
notch of the HAZ specimen be cut normal to the surface. This does not
present a problem for joints with a square bevel angle, since for the
most part assuming the technique, parameters and the process are the

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 3

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

same, the fusion line along with the HAZ will align normal to the
surface. Once a bevel angle is introduced, or multiple welding
processes of varying heat input or techniques are used, the heat
affected zone will not necessarily align normal to the surface. Taking
HAZ specimens from these locations without being able to index the
notch line or obtain subsized specimens, will result in base metal and
weld metal also being represented in the HAZ specimens. To address
this, Section VIII has borrowed a rule from Section III NB-4334.2(b)
whereby when the material thickness permits, the axis of a specimen
may be inclined to allow the root of the notch to align parallel to the
fusion line., Table 3.18 Revision HAZ Impact Test Specimens - In the 2013 Edition, requirements
addressing HAZ impact test specimen set removal where introduced in
Table 3.18. These rules considered three different thickness ranges for
the base metal, and two different weld joint configurations, single-sided
and two-sided welds. Subsequent to publication of Table 3.18, the
Committee began to receive inquiries on the proper application of the
rules given in this table. For example for a two-sided butt weld with a
base metal thickness equal to 1 inch (38 mm), two sets of HAZ impact
test specimens are required. These specimen sets shall be removed
from a depth between ¼t and ½t from each weld surface. What is
missing from this rule is where exactly should the impact test specimen
be located within the ¼t and ½t range? This issue was reviewed and
debated at length by the Subgroup on Toughness Committee, and
ultimately it was resolved that the centerline of the specimen shall be
located within the ¼t and ½t range. Further every effort shall be made
to extract the largest specimen size, up to 10mm, that can be removed
within the specified range of removal depth as specified in Table
3.18. The number of base metal thickness ranges was reduced from
three to two; t < 3/4 in. (19mm), t > 3/4 in. (19mm). Note that an early
implementation Code Case 2948 was approved, permitting users to
begin using these new rules prior to the publication of the 2019 Edition.
Manufacturers should pay close attention to these changes as it
could affect the continued use of existing qualified WPS. Revision Recording Heat Treatment Condition on PQR - specifies the
test plate material requirements when weld procedure impact tests are
required by, etc. One of the requirements listed in
(f)(2) is: "be in the same heat treated condition;". Although clearly
stated, verifying that this requirement has been met is next to
impossible since there are no requirements to record the material heat
treated condition on the PQR and WPS use for construction. This
revision will now require that the test plate material heat-treated
condition the recorded on the PQR and WPS used for construction.
Manufacturers should take note of the this change, as future
auditors will likely look for evidence that the test plate material
heat-treated condition is recorded on PQR's and WPS used for
Code Construction. Revision Production Test Plates & Multiple Welding Processes - The
requirements for production test plates in has been revised to
include consideration of Category A & B weld joints where multiple

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 3

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

welding process are utilized. Note that a similar revision to UG-84(i) of
VIII-1 will likely be published in the 2021 Edition. Revision Production Test Plate Requirements - A reference to (Impact
Test for Welding Procedures) was added to the first sentence of to assure that the requirement given in are also met
in production test plates. This revision aligns the requirements with VIII-
1 UG-84(i) Revision Rods and Bars - Rod and bar material is commonly used as stiffening
rings, stays and stay-bolts as well as flange rings in pressure vessel
construction. For the past 10-15 years we have seen an increase in the
fabrication of hollow cylindrical parts and flat heads machined from rod
or bar material. If the rod or bar is manufactured in a manner that does
not assure isotropic material properties, then the possibility exists that
the through-thickness properties could be significantly lower than the
rolling direction properties. For this reason has placed
limitations on the size of components that can be fabricated from rod or
bar. Since 1993 Section VIII has published Cases 2155 and 2156
which provide alternative rules when hollow cylindrical parts or heads
greater than NPS 4 are fabricated from rod or bar material.

This action incorporates the provisions of Cases 2155 and 2156.

Following publication of the 2019 Edition, these two Cases will be on
annulled. The major changes to UG-14 are:

1. Surface examination (MT / PT) requirements are specified for

flanges, heads, caps, elbows, return bends, tees and header tees that
are fabricated from rod or bar. This is a new requirement that was
not previously published in UG-14 or Cases 2155 and 2156-1.
2. Hollow cylindrically-shaped parts need not the surface examined
when made from rod or bar.
3. Parts may be machined from rod or bar having a hot-worked
diameter not greater than 5.50 in. (140 mm), provided that the axial
length of the part is approximately parallel to the metal flow lines of the
stock. This hot-worked diameter limit of 5.50 in. replaces the previous
limit of NPS 4, eliminating some of the confusion when these rules
should be applied.
4.. For parts fabricated from rod or bar having a hot-worked diameter
greater than 8 inches (205 mm):
a) At least two transverse tension test specimens shall be taken from
each lot of rod or bar material and having the same diameter;
b) The reduction of area of carbon and low alloy steel shall not be less
than 30%;
c) Each rod or bar before machining shall be 100% ultrasonically
examined perpendicular to the longitudinal axis by the straight beam
technique in accordance with SA-388.
d) For heads and the flat portion of caps, the ultrasonic examination
shall also be performed in the axial direction;
e) Before welding, the cut surfaces of the part adjacent to the weld
shall be examined by MP or PT. Addition Tube Attached to Clad Tubesheet - 4.18.10 provides rules for
establishing weld sizes and allowable joint loads for full strength and

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 3

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

partial strength tube-to-tubesheet welds. This revision concerns the
variable St, which is the allowable stress of the material to which the
tube is welded. For the situation where the tubes are strength welded
to integral or weld metal overlay clad tubesheets , per St shall
be the allowable stress value of the integral cladding or the wrought
material whose chemistry most closely approximates that of the weld
metal overlay cladding. Errata Correction to Reference - The reference to "Section V, Article 2" in the
second line of was corrected to "Section V, Article 5".
Fig. 3-7/3.7M, Fig. 3.8/3.8M Errata Correction to Paragraph Reference - Under Curve C (i), the phrase: "All
materials listed in (a) through (h) and in (j) ..." was corrected to read:
"All materials listed in (a) through (i) and in (k)..."., Revision Specimen Locations for Forgings and Castings - Paragraphs
(c) and (c) define the specimen locations of forgings and
castings after heat treatment. The philosophy of the specimen location
requirements is that the specimen shall be taken from locations where
the maximum tensile stress is expected. However the requirement as
stated in these paragraphs is very difficult to read and draw that
understanding. This revision rewrites the requirements in hopefully
more plain English.
Table 3.1, Table 3-A.1 Revision Addition of 3Cr-1Mo-0.25V-Cb-Ca - The following Grades of 3Cr-1Mo-
0.25V-Cb-Ca have been added to Tables 3.1 and 3-A.1.

Grade F3VCb SA-182 Forgings

Grade F3VCb SA-336 Forgings
Grade 3VCb SA-508 Forgings
Grade 3VCb SA-541 Forgings
Type E Cl.4a SA-542 Plate
Grade 23V SA-832 Plate

Note that allowable stresses for these materials for VIII-2 application
are only published Table 5A of Section II, Part D, and therefore may
only be used for Class 2 construction., Addition WPS Qualification & Impact Test Requirements - New paragraph provides guidance when qualifying a WPS with welding
base metals having different impact testing requirements and
acceptance criteria. The weld metal impact test specimens shall meet
the acceptance criteria for either base metal, and when HAZ tests are
required, separate impact test specimens shall be removed from the
HAZ of each base metal that requires impact testing, and shall meet
the acceptance criteria applicable to the base metal from which they
were removed.

As part of this action, was revised to align with new paragraph

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 3-A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table 3-A.2 Revision 7% Ni Q&T Tempered Steel Plate - The provisions of Case 2842
permitting the use of quenched and tempered 7% nickel steel plates
conforming to ASTM A553/A553M-14 Type III [SA-553 UNS K61363]
have been incorporated into Section VIII, Division 2.
Table 3-A.3 Revision Addition of EN 10028-7 Material - A Code User requested the adoption
of 9 grades of stainless steel plate from European specification EN
10028-7 for use in Section VIII, Division 2. The Grades are:

X2CrNi18-9 - Considered as Type 304L

X2CrNiMo17-12-2 - Considered as Type 316L
X2CrNiMoN17-11-2 - Considered as Type 316LN
X2CrNiMoN17-13-3 - Considered as Type 316LN
X2CrNiN18-10 - Considered as type 304LN
X5CrNi18-10 - Considered as Type 304
X5CrNiMo17-12-2 Considered as Type 316
X5CrNiN19-9 - Considered as Type 304N
X6CrNiTi18-10 - Considered as Type 321

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 3-D

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table 3-D.1 Revision Correction to Material Constant "m2" - In the calculation of a stress
strain curve in Annex 3-D, the constant "m2" for precipitation
hardenable nickel base alloys was corrected from "1.90" to "1.09" in
table 3-D.1.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 3-F

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

3-F.1.2 Revision Limits on Stress Amplitudes for Smooth Bar Fatigue Curves - New
equations for smooth-bar fatigue curves were introduced in the 2017
edition of Section VIII Division 2 in an effort to simplify the equations.
However when this was done, due to an oversight, the limits on
computed stress amplitude (alternating stress) was left out. This
revision corrects this oversight.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.1

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

4.1.13, Table 4.1.1, Table Addition Occasional Loads & Operating Loads - This revision is related to
4.1.2 operating loads combined with occasional loads when carrying out a
design of the pressure vessel. In the current code, design load
combinations that include occasional loads such as wind, seismic or
snow loads, are combined with the operating pressure, which is

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.1

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

typically set as 0.9P ( 90% of the specified design pressure ). In this
P that is to
be specified by the user in Changes to Part 4.1
associated with operating and occasional loads are:

1. 4.1.13 Nomenclature - P PP added.

2. Table 4.1.1 - Description of design load parameter, D, revised as
follows: "Weight of vessel contents under design and test conditions"
3. Table 4.1.1 - Design load parameter S changed to Ss.
4. Table 4.1.2 - In design load combinations (4), (5), and (6), the term
P "
5. Table 4.1.2 - In design load combinations (3), (4) and (6), the
variable "S" was changed to "Ss".
6. Table 4.1.2 - New design load combination (9) added: "Other load
. Revision Interaction of Components Designed Per Part 4 & Part 5 - Parts 4 & 5
are written on a "component" basis, meaning that in any given pressure
vessel, some of the components can be designed to Part 4, and some
to Part 5. But sometimes there needs to be consideration of a structural
interaction within the assembly, which may be overlooked by the
analyst. This new paragraph has been added to
"Components of the same pressure vessel may be designed (thickness
& configuration) using a combination of Part 4 “design-by-rules” or any
of the three methods of Part 5 “design-by-analysis” Section

component shall be evaluated for all of the applicable failure modes in using the methodology of Part 4 or Part 5. Where the failure
mode is not addressed in Part 4, e.g. ratcheting, then the analysis shall
be in accordance with Part 5. Structural interactions between
components shall be considered.", Addition Shear & Bearing Stress Requirements - At the present time scattered
throughout the General Notes to the stress allowable tables in Section
II, Part D are requirements that pertain to construction and should be
published within the appropriate construction standard. This revision
concerns shear and bearing stress requirements presently published in
General Notes (c) & (d) of Section II, Part D Tables 1A, 1B and General
Notes (b) & (c) of Table 3. The requirements given in these Notes have
been moved to new paragraphs and
Table 4.1.1 Revision Correction to Reference - As a result to adding new paragraph
in Part 1, the reference to "" in Table 4.1.1 for Design Load
Parameter D has been changed to "".

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.2

Paragraph Type Subject - Description Errata Correction to Reference - The reference to "" in was
corrected to "". Revision 7% Ni Q&T Tempered Steel Plate - The provisions of Case 2842
permitting the use of quenched and tempered 7% nickel steel plates
conforming to ASTM A553/A553M-14 Type III [SA-553 UNS K61363]
have been incorporated into Part 4 of Section VIII, Division 2. [ SA-553
Types I, II, and III],, 4.2.6 Revision Defining Distance from Gross Structural Discontinuity - Paragraph contains requirements for welding non-pressure parts or
stiffeners to pressure parts. If the weld may be used to attach a non-
pressure part or stiffener so long as the toe of the weld is not closer
s) from a gross structural discontinuity. The term "ts"
represents the nominal thickness of the shell. Therefore this definition
for the distance from a gross structural discontinuity would not apply
when a non-pressure attachment is welded to a head instead of the
shell. To correct this, the variable "ts" was replaced with "tsh", which is
defined as the nominal thickness of a shell (ts) or head (th). Also the
definition of variable, R, was revised to read: "mean radius of the shell
or head".
Figure 4.2.3 Revision Editorial Change to Notes Placement - In Figure 4.2.3 Notes (1) and (2)
addressing spacing of external and internal stiffeners were relocated
from the bottom of the Figure to the middle below the sketches
depicting In-Line, Staggered and Continuous fillet weld stiffener
Table 4.2.14 Details 1 & 2 Revision Correction to Recess Dimension - In Details 1 & 2 of Table 4.2.14, the
recess dimension in SI units was corrected from 3 mm to 1.5 mm.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.3

Paragraph Type Subject - Description, Fig. 4.3.7 Revision Combined Loadings and Allowable Stresses - 4.3.10 contains the rules
to determine the acceptance criteria for stresses developed in
cylindrical, spherical, and conical shells subject to internal pressure
plus supplemental loads of applied net section axial force, bending
moment, and torsional moment. In the calculation for stresses in
spherical shells,, there is a need to place a limit on the

conical shells, the following limi

> Eq. 4.3.4 3 r = 0 for stress on
the outside surface. Finally in Figure 4.3.7, the variable and t were
corrected in the sketches for spherical and conical shell.
4.3.13, Revision Inside Diameter of Conical Shell - In the current Code, calculations for
the thickness of a conical shell are based on the inside diameter D
which is shown as the diameter at the large end in Figure 4.3.1.
However when checking the stresses at a conical-to-cylindrical shell
junction without a knuckle, it is required to check the stresses at either
the large end or the small and, depending on the configuration. For this

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.3

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

reason it is necessary to modify the definition of D in 4.3.13 to read:
"For conical shells, the inside diameter at the point under consideration,
measured perpendicular to the longitudinal axis (see Figure 4.3.1)".
Figure 4.3.1 was revised by locating the definition of D diameter to
approximately the central region of a cone.,, 4.3.12..2, Revision Editorial Clarification of Cone-to-Cylinder Design Rules - Paragraphs, 4.3.13 4.3.11 and 4 3.12 provide design rules for cylindrical-to-conical shell
transition junctions with and without a knuckle. In the description of the
steps to be followed to check the stress at the code-to-cylinder junction,
the current language states that the cylinder and cone nominal
thickness shall be computed. These rules were rewritten to state that
the required thickness of the cylinder or: shall be computed and the
nominal thickness selected based on this calculated thickness. This
editorial cleanup was carried out in four locations. Also the definitions
for tc, tL and tS were revised, replaced the word "thickness" with
"nominal thickness".
Tables 4.3.7 and 4.3.8 Revision Editorial Correction to Tables - In Tables 4.3.7 and 4.3.8, the
Acceptance Criteria for a compact knuckle, non-compact knuckle,
compact flare, and non-compact flare were presented as separate

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.4

Paragraph Type Subject - Description Revision Variable Name Corrected - The variable "Fla" was editorially corrected
to "F1a" in the 3rd line of Errata Correction to Equation (4.4.131) - In Equation (4.4.131), the lower limit
for Ro/t was corrected from "662" to "622". Note that Eq. (4.4.131) was
redesignated Eq. (4.4.110) in the 2019 Edition.
4.4.4, Figure 4.4.5 Revision Correction to Shell Tolerance Calculations - Paragraph 4.4.4 Contains
rules for determining the permissible out-of-roundness of cylindrical
and conical shells. These rules are based on Code Case 2286 and
WRC bulletin 443. However during the rewrite of VIII-2 in the 2007
Edition, inconsistencies were introduced into these calculations. Below
is a listing of the changes made to correct the inconsistencies:

1. Revised Equation (4.4.9) which replaces the variable Lec with L and
the variable of R with Ro.
2. Revised the inequality of Equation (4.4.9) which replaces the value
of the coefficients 0.2 and 0.0242 with 0.1 and 0.0282, respectively;
and which replaces the variable R with Ro.
3. Revised Equations (4.4.10), (4.4.11), (4.4.12) and (4.4.13) which
replaces the variable R with Rm.
4. Revised Equation (4.4.12) which replaces the value of the exponent
0.54 with 0.054.
5. Revised paragraph to replace the variable Le to Les.
6. Revised Figure 4.4.5 and the corresponding Figure notes to replace

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.4

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

the variable Lce to Ld.
7. Provided definitions for variables Ld, Lec, and Les in paragraph 4.4.15
4.4.2, 4.4.3,,, Revision Revisions to External Pressure Design Rules - In the external pressure, Table 4.4.2 design rules in the current VIII-2, the equations for the allowable
compressive stress are based on carbon and low alloy steel plate
materials. For materials other than carbon or low alloy steel, a
modification to the allowable stress is required. Paragraph
provides a procedure to adjust the allowable compressive stress for
carbon and low alloy steels for other material applications. This process
to deal with materials other than carbon and low alloy steels has been
the cause of confusion by users trying to carry out external pressure
design for other materials. Further the need to use the lower bound
curve-fit equations (based on carbon and low alloy steel) is eliminated.
All of paragraph 4.4.3 has been replaced with a new procedure for
determining the inelastic buckling stress, Fic . This is an iterative
process. An algorithm has been supplied for the iterative calculation of
Fic . This new method to calculate the inelastic buckling stress applies
for all materials; hence revisions to the external pressure design
procedure for cylindrical shells (4.4.5), spherical shell and
hemispherical head (4.4.7), and combined loadings (4.4.12) were
made. Also note that as a result of these revisions, all the Equation
numbers in Part 4.4 have been affected.



Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.5

Paragraph Type Subject - Description Revision Hillside Nozzle in a Spherical Shell or Hemi Head - An error in the
calculations of a hillside or perpendicular nozzle in a spherical shell or
hemispherical head was corrected. In, the term "Rnc" was
replaced with "Rnc = Rncl", and the reference to Eq. 4.5.63 was
corrected to Eq. 4.5.64. Addition Nozzles Near Gross Structural Discontinuities - The current design
rules for openings in shells and heads in Part 4.5 do not establish a
minimum distance between the nozzle opening and any gross
structural discontinuities. Examples of gross structural discontinuities
include flat heads, tubesheets, or conical transitions. The rules in
4.5.13 do address spacing requirements between nozzles. The
Committee felt that there was a need to establish a minimum distance
between an opening and a gross structural discontinuities, so rules
were placed in paragraph, and the subsequent paragraphs
renumbered. The new rule states that the limit of reinforcement for a
nozzle shall not overlap with a gross structural discontinuity. It goes on
to state that the limit of reinforcement may be reduced from the
maximum permitted by other rules to allow closer placement of nozzles
so long as all opening reinforcement requirements are satisfied.

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.6

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

4.6.5 Revision Last sentence of C factor definition deleted - The last part of the C-
factor definition in 4.6.5 stated that the C factors included a factor of
0.667 to account for 1.5S bending allowable stress. There was some
confusion in certain industries that use non-welded flat plates that were
sometimes taking an additional 1.5 factor for a bending stress
allowable and sometimes not. The statement was seen as rationale
that was not needed in the Code book, and therefore the second
sentence of the definition was removed.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.12

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Eqs. 4.12.35 & 4.12.36 Revision Editorial Correction to Equations - The last line of Equations 4.12.35
and 4.12.36 was editorially corrected by adding the term: " +...+".
Figure 4.12.6, 4.12.7 Revision Editorial Revision to Figures - The ASME Writing and Style Guide
requires that any Notes providing information for a Figure be located at
the bottom of the Figure, and not within the Figure. These corrections
to Figures 4.12.6 and 4.12.7 bring them into conformance with the
Writing and Style Guide.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.13

Paragraph Type Subject - Description,, Revision Layered Vessel Gap Analysis - In layered vessel design, the gap height
4.13.13 between the layers is limited by fatigue cycles during the opening and
closing of the gap from pressure cycle. In the current rules, an "infinite"
number of cycle conditions is assumed in the calculations, which is a
valid assumption if the membrane + bending stress is less than Sps
(shakedown condition is satisfied). The fatigue check calculations were
updated to reflect the latest rules published in Part 5. Also the
reference to "" in the last sentence of was
corrected to "".

As a result of these updated fatigue check rules, a number of variables

and their definitions were updated in 4.13.13 Nomenclature.
Figures 4.13.1, 4.13.3, Revision Editorial Revision to Figures - The ASME Writing and Style Guide
4.13.5, 4.13.7, 4.13.7, requires that any Notes providing information for a Figure be located at
4.13.10 the bottom of the Figure, and not within the Figure. These corrections
to the Figures in Part 4.13 bring them into conformance with the Writing
and Style Guide.

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.15

Paragraph Type Subject - Description,, Revision Editorial Corrections to Saddle Support Rules - The following editorial
4.15.6 corrections were made in Part 4.15:

(1) Eq. (4.15.1) - The variable "t " was brought under the square root
(2) In, the variable " M1 " was corrected to " M2 ".
(3) In 4.15.6 Nomenclature: In the definition of "h", the letter "o" was
corrected to "on".
(4) In 4.15.6 Nomenclature: In the definition of "h2", the term "elliptical
head" was corrected to "formed head"., 4.15.6 Revision Allowable Shear Stress for Supports Revised. - The allowable shear
stress for all support material has been revised to "min(0.8S, 0.533Sy)".
*3" the allowable shear stress has been revised to " min(0.8Sh,

This item is along the same idea as a change in the 2017 Edition of
VIII-2 regarding how shear allowable stress is controlled for supports.
The change to 4.18 accounts for a designer using Sy (II-D table Y-1) to
determine the allowable stress instead of S. This should also account
for any future items that are addressing stress limits on the pressure
test condition.
Definitions for Shy and Sy added to the Nomenclature in 4.15.6.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.16

Paragraph Type Subject - Description Revision Heat Treatment of Ferritic Steel Flanges - Paragraph currently
requires flanges made from ferritic steel to be full-annealed,
normalized, normalized and tempered, or quenched and tempered
when the thickness of the flange section exceeds 75 mm or (3 in.). A
Manufacturer asked a question concerning the meaning of the phrase
"thickness of the flange section". He pointed out that in 4-16.4.3(b)(2),
that both the flange thickness and hub are used to determine whether
or not postweld heat treatment is required. This revision to
clarifies that it is the flange thickness, "t", that determines when the
flanges must be heat treated. Revision Fabricated Hubbed Flanges - The term "Fabricated hubbed flanges"
was replaced with "Flanges with hubs that are machined from plate, bar
stock or billet". This change was made to clarify that the rules of are intended to apply to flanges which are machined from
plate, bar stock or billet, as compared to standard forged flanges, Eq. 4.16.8, 4.16.13 Revision Deletion of Conversion Factor, Cus - Equation 4.16.8 for calculating the
design bolt load for gasket seating condition when using non-self-
energized gaskets, contains a variable Cus, which is a conversion factor
based on whether or not the design seating stress, y, is presented in SI
or US customary units. However since all Code calculations should be
carried out in a consistent set of units, the Committee concluded that
there was no need to provide the conversion factor, Cus. Therefore it

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.16

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

was deleted from Equation 4.16.8, as well as the Nomenclature in
4.16.8(d) Addition Flange Rigidity Check for Split Loose Flanges - New Paragraph
4.16.8(d) has been added to clarify that the flange rigidity rules of
4.16.7 Step 10 do not apply to split loose flanges. The flange rigidity
rules only apply flanges that have been designed based on allowable
stress limits alone and may not be sufficiently rigid to control leakage. A
split loose flange has no leakage problem since it isn't the closure and
there is no gasket.
4.16.12, 4.16.13, Table Addition Evaluating External Forces & Moments on B16.5 Flanges - The
4.16.12 issuance of Interpretation BPV VIII-1-16-85 in October 2016 confirmed
that when using ASME standard rated flanges such as B16.5 and
B16.47 that are subject to external forces and moments, then
supporting calculations are required to verify that the selected flange is
adequate for the intended design pressure and temperature as well as
the external forces and moments. VIII-1 does not contain rules for
evaluating external forces and moments on flanges, however VIII-2,
paragraph 4.16.7 does contain rules. But the VIII-2 rules are
considered very conservative. In 2013 a technical paper was presented
at the ASME Pressure Vessel and Piping conference titled "Improved
Analysis of External Loads on Flanged Joints - PVP 2013-97814". This
paper authored by Warren Brown presents a new method for assessing
the maximum acceptable level of external loads on standard rated
flanges. The method considers both allowable design stress levels as
well as probability of leakage for standard piping joints using the
method outlined in Appendix O of ASME PCC-1. The design method
presented in this paper was first published in Case 2901. Case 2901
has now been incorporated into UG-44(b) of VIII-1 and 4.16.12 of VIII-2
These new rules provide an option to address external loads on B16.5
and B16.47 flanges for designers of pressure vessels constructed to
either VIII-1 or VIII-2,
Table 4.16.3 Sketch 2 Revision Editorial Correction - The term: "w•• N.2" was corrected to read: "w

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.18

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

4.18.15 Revision Added definitions for plasicity factors - 4.18 has equations for plasticity
factors, facts and factc, but does not actually define the variable
anywhere. This item rectifies this by adding a new definitions in
4.18.15, Figure 4.18.18 Revision Figure added to show metal temp at rim location - This additional figure
clarifies the intent of where T', tubesheet metal temperature at rim, is
located, Also definitions for T', T's, T'c were added to the Nomenclature
in 4.18.15.

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.18

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

4.18.15.(e) Addition Definition of Tubesheet Allowable Stress - In the Nomenclature for
tube-to-tubesheet welds, a reference to was added to the
definition of St.
4.18.3(h), Figure 4.18.19 Addition Guidelines for Openings Near a Tubesheet - New paragraph 4.18.3(h)
introduces rules addressing the spacing of nozzles in cylindrical shells
or cylindrical channels adjacent to integral tubesheets. For circular
nozzles with a finished diameter, d, greater than 30% of D (shell inside
diameter), no part of d may be located within 1.8*(D*t)1/2. New Figure
4.18.19 contains sketches showing the required nozzle spacing from
an integral tubesheet for nozzles installed in either or shell or channel.
4.18.4(d), Figure 4.18.15(c) Revision Hemi Head Attachment to H/X Tubesheet - This revision concerns the
joint detail associated with the attachment of a hemispherical head to a
heat exchanger tubesheet with a hub. Numerous inquiries have been
submitted on this issue asking whether a tubesheet hub should be
treated as a short cylinder when butt welding a hemispherical head to a
tubesheet. One method to deal with this is to consider the tubesheet
hub to be an extension or part of the hemispherical head such that the
tangent line of the head is coincident with the adjacent face of the
tubesheet. A new sketch (c) was added to Figure 4.18.15 showing the
case where the hub of a tubesheet acts as an extension of the
hemispherical head and the tangent line of the hemispherical head is
adjacent to the surface of the tubesheet.
4.18.4(f) Revision Operating Loading Cases - In Part 4.18 fixed and floating tubesheets
require consideration of design and operating condition load cases. In
4.18.4(f), for operating-thermal-pressure conditions (operating loading
cases), when the operating pressure is known it shall be used. A code
user asked the Committee if it would be acceptable to always use the
design pressure even for operating condition, since that option is given
in the last sentence of 4.18.4(f) when the operating pressure is not
available. The committee concluded that it would be conservative to
always use the design pressure even for operating loading conditions,
and a subsequent revision to the paragraph was made., Table 4.18.3 Errata Correction to Equations - The following corrections were made to
Equations in Part 4.1*;

(1) In Equation (4.18.80) the term "ps s".

(2) In Equation (4.18.84) the term "at" t".
(3) In Equation (4.18.93) the term "pe" was corrected to read "Pe".
(4) In Table 4.18.3 the term "FX" was corrected to read "Fx"., and Revision Allowable shear stress for tubesheets revised. - The allowable shear stress for all tubesheets has been revised to be a min(0.8S, 0.533Sy).
This item is along the same idea as a change in the 2017 Edition of
VIII-2 regarding how shear allowable stress is controlled for supports.
The change to 4.18 accounts for a designer using Sy (II-D table Y-1) to
determine the allowable stress instead of S. This should also account
for any future items that are addressing stress limits on the pressure
test condition.
Figure 4.18.9 Revision Revised "increased" to "different" in title - This change was a follow up
to Interpretation BPV VIII-1-17-46 which asked of the shell adjacent to

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.18

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

the tubesheet could be thinner to the rest of the shell. The Figure only
showed "increased thickness" but the paragraph said "different". The
revision changes the title of the Figure to be consistent with the

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.19

Paragraph Type Subject - Description Revision Generic fatigue equation coefficients renamed - The coefficients used
in the generic fatigue equations for correlation testing were recently
changed and became identical to those used for stresses. This caused
confusion within the industry. This item changes the variables in the
equations of (c) and 4.19.11 Nomenclature [K0, K1, K2, K3, K'0,
K'1, K'2, K'3]. Revision Stress range and cumulative damage procedure updated - There is
some apparent confusion with the procedure for fatigue cumulative
damage. Currently the only example shows how cycles should be
combined for superposition of cycles of various origins. This could
produce a total stress range greater than the stress ranges of the
individual cycle. EJMA also shows a case when cycles could be
considered independent but this is not in With the one
example, designers might think that cycle counting should always
follow a procedure where the cycles are combined. This was not the
intent. This item revises to clarify that cycle counting should be
more detailed - concurrent and independent conditions. The item also
revises and, separating equivalent axial displacement
and equivalent axial displacement range. A note regarding multiple
movements has also been added in Forms 4.19.1 and 4.19.2.

A definition for Sq was added to the Nomenclature in 4.19.11, and the

definition for St was revised to read: " total stress range due to cyclic
displacement corrected by internal pressure,, Figs. Revision Extension and Compression of Bellows - The purpose of these
4.19.6 & 4.19.7 Revisions to 4.19.8 concern clarifying the concept of extension and
compression for total equivalent axial displacement of a bellows. The
changes also include the addition of alternative formulas for the
calculation of the total equivalent axial displacement range in

Figures 4.19.6 and 4.19.7 were revised to indicate the Extended side
and Compressed side of the bellows subject to lateral deflection and
angular rotation.

Added difference between "extension" and "compression" in paragraph

- Added alternative formulas for the calculation of the total equivalent
axial displacement range in paragraph 26-9.6

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 4.19

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Form 4.19.14 Errata Correction to Form 4.19.1 Line 12. - On Line 12., the unit term "N-
mmor" was corrected to read: "N-mm or".
Part 4.19, Revision Fatigue Correlation Testing - Part 4.19 contains the design rules for
bellows extension joints. In addition to designing bellows for a ductile
rupture failure mode, a fatigue evaluation must also be carried out.
Fatigue design curves for a limited number of materials are given in,, and When performing a fatigue evaluation
for these limited materials using the Code supplied fatigue curves
(presented in equation form only), it is still necessary for the
Manufacturer to carry out fatigue correlation testing in accordance with However this paragraph as currently written contains some
misleading information. For example the last sentence of the first
paragraph suggests that the correlation testing must demonstrate
predictability of rupture pressure as well as cyclic life. The Committee
has concluded that the only thing that must be correlated relates to the
design fatigue curves and not checking the ductile rupture strength of
the bellows. The substantiation of the fatigue curves shall be based on
data obtained from five separate tests on bellows of the same basic

A second major change to concerns developing fatigue

curves for other materials that are not specifically addressed in,, and A minimum of 25 fatigue test shall be
carried out. Each bellows in the test group shall have a minimum of 3
convolutions and varying geometries, including inside diameter,
convolution profile, and thickness. A minimum of 3 different heats of the
intended material shall be used.

The revision to required additional editorial changes to

paragraphs 4.19.2, 4.19.5, 4.19.6, 4.19.7. The margin on cycles was
also corrected from 3.0 to 2.6.
Tables 4.19.6, 4.19.8 & Revision Editorial Correction to Tables - Tables 4.19.6, 4.19.8, and 4.19.11
4.10.11 containing equations for determining the allowable number of cycles for
three different types of bellows. However within the table, there
appears the Labels "Stress" and "Stress Range". These Labels were
deleted from the Tables, and the Stress Range Criteria unit, MPa or
psi, were relocated to the first column.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 4-C

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

4-C.1.5(a), 4-C.1.5(b), 4-C.2, Revision Add radial thermal exp. factor to welded tube-to-tubesheet - The radial
4-C.6, Table 4-C.1 thermal expansion factor, fT, is currently only used in the calculation of
maximum allowable axial load for expanded only tube-to-tubesheet
joints. The factor should also be applicable to expanded and welded
joints. This items adds the factor to other tube-to-tubesheet joint types.

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 4-C

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

In 4-C.2 the equations for Lmax were revised. In 4-C.6, Nomenclature, a

definition for fre was added, and the definition for fT was modified.
4-C.1.6 Revision Reference to Annex 4-E - A reference to Nonmandatory Informative
Annex 4-E was added in 4-C.1.6. Annex 4-E establishes requirements
for tube expanding procedures and qualification for expanded tube-to-
tubesheet joints.
4-C.2, 4-C.6 Revision Formulas for interfacial pressures added - Annex 4-C has always
referred to interfacial pressures, Po and PT, but never provided any
method to determine them. This item adds some commonly used
equations and corresponding nomenclature. Other methods may exist
for different Manufacturers which would still be acceptable. Even
though Annex 4-C is Normative, the Po and PT equations in 4-C.2 have
been added as a "may be used".

Definitions for di, E, Et,, Pe, Rm, ro, T, Ta, , and t have been added to
the Nomenclature in 4-C.6.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 5

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Figure 5.1 Revision Editorial Corrections to Hopper Diagram - Figure 5.1 "Stress
Categories and Limits of Equipment Stress", is often referred to as the
"Hopper Diagram", since it looks like a series of hoppers feeding two
different stress lines below. When VIII-2 was rewritten in the 2007
Edition, a line connecting Pm and PL was missing, and this is corrected
in this action. A second correction involves correcting the stress limits
on PL + Pb + Q + F from "Sa" to "2Sa", since the summation of PL + Pb +
Q + F Is the range of peak stress, and should be limited to 2Sa. To
remind users of this, a Note (1) was added pointing to paragraph 5.5.3.,,, Revision Limit Load and Plastic Collapse Definition - The definitions of limit load and elastic-plastic stress analysis methods have been revised., (a) & (b), Addition Occasional Loads & Operating Loads - This revision is related to, 5.13, Tables 5.2 & operating loads combined with occasional loads when carrying out a
5.3 design of the pressure vessel. In the current code, design load
combinations that include occasional loads such as wind, seismic or
snow loads, are combined with the operating pressure, which is
typically set as 0.9P (90% of the specified design pressure). In this
P that is to be
specified by the user in Also when performing a design
analysis to Part 5, Figure 5.1 shows that operating loads are used for
the secondary and peak categories. However Table 5.3 only includes
references to design loads and design pressure, with no mention of
operating loads, although it directly references Figure 5.1. To correct
this inconsistency, Table 5.2 was revised to define Operating Load
Parameters, and Table 5.3 was revised to add Operating Load
Combinations. Changes to Part 5 associated with operating and
occasional loads are:

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 5

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

1. - The reference to "Design Load Combination (9) from Table

5.3" was changed to "Design Load Combination (18) from Table 5.3"
for consideration of the test condition for components.
2. & (b) - the phrase "the loading combinations" was changed
to "Design Load Combinations (1) through (9)".
3. - The following sentence as added the end of
"Load case combinations to be considered for this stress category for
typical pressure vessel components are shown in Table 5.3".
4. 5.13 - P was added to the Nomenclature.
5. Table 5.2 - New Column "Operating Load Parameter" has been
added to the Table. New variables [Po, Pso, Do, Lo, To] related to
operating conditions have been added.
6. Table 5.2 - New NOTE added concerning operating load
7. Table 5.3 - Seven new Design Load Combinations added to address
Operating Loads, and one to address Pressure Test Condition.
8. Table 5.3 - NOTES updated.
Eqs. 5.47, 5.49, 5.50 Revision Added crack face pressure to membrane stress - Revisions to Part 5
Equations 5.47, 5.49 and 5.50 to address the pressure acting on the
crack. The pressure is added to the membrane stress when using the
Structural Stress Method. Definitions for mPk and nPk added to the
Nomenclature in 5.13.
Table 5.5 Revision Correction to Global Load Case Combination - Under Design Condition
W" was
Table 5.7 Revision Update Precipitation Hardenable Nickel Base in Table 5.7 - The data
L. The
following information for Row 4 was corrected:

Hardenable Nickel Base"

2 : The constant "1.90" was corrected to "1.09"


Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 6

Paragraph Type Subject - Description Revision Cold Formed Pipe and Tube - These revisions to incorporate
the provisions from Case 2807 concerning post forming heat treatment
requirements for bent pipe and tube. Also added to the paragraph is a
new rule that provides the option for alternative heating and cooling
rates and hold times for formed pipe and tube having a nominal
thickness of 1/4 inch (6 mm) or less when the heat treatment method is
demonstrated to achieve a thorough heating of the pipe or tube. The
reason for adding this option is that when postform heat treatment is

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 6

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

required for thin walled pipe or tube, the minimum hold time established
in Tables 6.8 thru 6.11 can damage or destroy the tubing.

With regard to incorporating the provisions of Case 2807, the following

changes were made to
(1) Cold formed and bent P-No.1 pipe into material having a nominal
thickness not greater than 3/4 in. (19 mm) does not require post
forming heat treatment. Note that there is no limit on diameter.
(2) Cold formed or bent P-No. 3 through P-No. 5C pipe and tube
material having an outside diameter not greater than 4.5 in. (114 mm)
and a nominal thickness not greater than 1/2 in. (13 mm) do not require
a post forming heat treatment. Revision Use of Higher Nb Content Filler Metal for Nickel Based Alloy - This
revision aligns VIII-2 with VIII-1 insofar as permitting the use of
NiCrMo-3 and NiCrMo-12 filler metals with nickel based alloys listed in
Table 3-A.6. Revision Addition of the P-Number Assignment statement - This revision comes
after some discrepancies were found in Section VIII P-Nos. listed in the
PWHT Tables and P-Nos. listed in Section IX Tables. As a result it was
decided to add a P-No. Assignment statement at the end of
making ASME Section IX the governing Code Section when a conflict
in P-No. or Group No. exists between Sections IX and VIII. Revision PWHT of Welds Between Dissimilar Metals - In the 2017 Edition of VIII-
2, requires that when pressure parts of two different P-No.
groups are joined by welding, the postweld heat treatment shall be that
required by the material having a higher postweld heat treatment
temperature. This requirement has been revised in the 2019 Edition to
be in alignment with similar changes made in UW-40(d) of VIII-1. The
issue is that the requirement to apply the higher postweld heat
treatment temperature for all cases is not always the best course of
action, and that engineering judgment should be applied on a case-by-
case basis. Paragraph was revised to read: "When pressure
parts of two different P-Number groups joined by welding, engineering
judgment shall be applied when selecting the postweld heat treatment
temperature and holding time to produce material properties suitable
for the intended service. Alternatives such as welding with bartering as
described in Section IX, QW-283 may be considered." Revision Delete ¶ - PWHT SB-148 Alloy CDA 954 - This action removes
the requirement to postweld heat treat castings of SB-148 Alloy CBA
954. The requirement to postweld heat treat this material was first
introduced into the boiler code around 1974 when it was determined
that this material can undergo dealloying caused by corrosive attack on
the beta phase, and heat treatment improves resistance to dealloying.
However this material is often used for components such as service
water pumps, valves, etc. which if postweld heat treated, there is a
significant risk of distortion and the component may no longer meet
dimensional requirements. If there is a concern with corrosion-
resistance of the base material or weld metal, it is outside the purview
of the ASME code and should be a matter of agreement between the

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 6

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

purchaser and Manufacturer whether or not PWHT is performed based
on service conditions related to corrosion.
Tables 6.17 & 6.18 Revision 7% Ni Q&T Tempered Steel Plate - The provisions of Case 2842
permitting the use of quenched and tempered 7% nickel steel plates
conforming to ASTM A553/A553M-14 Type III [SA-553 UNS K61363]
have been incorporated into Part 6 of Section VIII, Division 2., Revision Minimum Annealing Times - Paragraph requires that pressure-
retaining components manufactured of austenitic alloys that are cold
formed shall be solution annealed by heating at the temperatures given
in Table 6.2.B for 0.8 min/mm (20 min/in.) of thickness or 10 minutes,
whichever is greater, followed by rapid cooling. For components
fabricated from thin material, solution annealing for 10 minutes may be
excessive. For this reason the requirement for a minimum 10 minute
solution annealing has been removed. Note, the same change was
made to for nonferrous material parts.
Table 6.11.A Revision PWHT Requirements for P-No. 15E Material - The use of Grade 91
material [P-No. 15E] is beginning to be recognized in Section VIII
Division 1 & 2 construction as an alternative to 2-1/4 Cr vanadium
modified material for high temperature, high pressure hydroprocessing
reactors, particularly as the design temperature approaches 482°C
(900°F) or more higher. At 482°C (900°F) the allowable stress of Grade
91 is approx. 30% higher than 2-1/4Cr V modified material.

The PWHT holding temperature for P-No. 15E is sensitive to the Mn +

Ni value. Maximum PWHT holding temperatures are now specified for
three Mn + Ni conditions:

(1) Mn + Ni <1.0% PWHT temperature shall be 1455°F (790°C)

(2) 1.0% < Mn + Ni <1.2% PWHT temperature shall be 1435°F (780°C)
(3) Mn + Ni > 1.2% PWHT temperature shall be at least 20°F (10°C)
below the lower critical transformation temperature (Ac1) is determined
by measurement of that temperature for the specific heat of filler metal
to be used in accordance with ASTM A1033.
Tables 6.13 & 6.15 Revision Cautionary Notes when PWHT P-No. 8 & P-No. 45 - This revision adds
a cautionary note to Tables 6.13 & 6.15 concerning the possibility of
embrittlement, sensitization and the precipitation of deleterious phases
when postweld heat treating P-No. 8 and P-No. 45 materials. A
reference to Section II, Part D Nonmandatory Appendix A, A-207
through A-210 provides more detailed information regarding avoiding
unnecessary damage to the material. This change aligns VIII-1 with
VIII-3 requirements.
Table 6.2.A Revision Post Form Heat Treat Requirement for Grade 91 - The upper limit on
post-forming heat treatment temperature was increased from 1425°F
(775°C) to 1435°F (780°C) in Note (2).
Table 6.3 Revision Post Fabrication Strain Limits for Nickel Alloys - Table 6.3 was revised
to include the nickel alloys listed in Tables 3.7, 3-A.6 and 3-A.10. Also

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 6

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

the heat treatment temperature for 800HT (N08811) was revised to
read: "1150 (2100)".

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 7

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

7.3 Revision NDE Personnel Qualification Reference to Section V, T-120 - A
revision within Section V in the 2017 Edition impacted the references to
Section V from within 7.3. This revision corrects the problem by
removing the reference to T-120(h) in 7.3 and adding a reference to T-
120(i) and T-120(k)., (a) and (b), Revision Use of PT in addition to MT for layered vessels - Prior to 2019 Code and (c) Edition the use of Magnetic Particle (MT) with DC polarity was required
with no mention of an alternative for nonferromagnetic materials. Part
ULW allows the use of nonferromagnetic materials such as 300 series
stainless steels. Thus the use of an alternative to surface examination
method was needed. Under this revision the use of Liquid Penetrant
(PT) for nonferromagnetic materials is now required. The MT with DC
polarity is still required for ferrous materials as it is capable of detecting
some limited subsurface indications depending on the depth, size, and
orientation of the subsurface indication. For this reason the Committee
believed that this is an important benefit that would be lost if PT was
given as an alternative to all materials as PT only detects surface
indications.,, Addition Definition of "t" for RT & UT Acceptance Criteria - Table 7.2 defines the, Table 7.2 nondestructive examination that must be carried out for different joint
categories, types of welds, and examination groups. Notes (4) and (5)
of this table adjusts the examination percentages based on the variable
t, but the Notes do not provide a definition for t. New paragraph
was added to Part 7 to provide the definition for thickness t,as used in
Notes (4) and (5) of Table 7.2. The definition for t was taken from
paragraphs and, and subsequently deleted in these
paragraphs. Revision 7% Ni Q&T Tempered Steel Plate - The provisions of Case 2842
permitting the use of quenched and tempered 7% nickel steel plates
conforming to ASTM A553/A553M-14 Type III [SA-553 UNS K61363]
have been incorporated into Part 7 of Section VIII, Division 2.
7.5.5(f) Revision Editorial Correction - In the NOTE to paragraph 7.5.5(f), the first word
"Sectional", was corrected to read "Sectorial". Revision Full Matrix Capture (FMC) Ultrasonic Testing Technique - Presently
VIII-2 permits UT in lieu of RT when automated or semi-automated
ultrasonic examination is performed in accordance with Section V,
Article 4, Mandatory Appendix VIII. A new UT technique has been
adopted for use by Section V, Full Matrix Capture or FMC. This
technique is covered in Section V, Article 4 Mandatory Appendix XI,
and is now an available option for VIII-2 construction. Full matrix
capture (FMC) is a data acquisition strategy that allows for the capture
of every possible transmit-receive combination for a given ultrasonic

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 7

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

phased array transducer. Some of the benefits include: Fully focused
images High sensitivity to small flaws High resolution Signal-to noise
levels equivalent to phased array Real-time inspection
Table 7.1, Table 7.2 Revision Assignment of ISO Material Group 11.1 - In the 2017 Edition, materials
were assigned to examination groups in Table 7.1 based on ISO
15608. It was discovered due to an oversight, ISO Material Group 11.1
was not addressed in Tables 7.1 and 7.2. Material Group 11.1 covers
two very common materials, SA-516-70 and SA-105. Since Material
Group 11.1 was not listed in Tables 7.1 and 7.2, this means that SA-
516-70 and SA-105 were automatically assigned to Examination Group
1a, which requires the maximum amount of NDE. This oversight has
been corrected, and Material Group 11.1 has been assigned to
Examination Groups 1b, 2b and 3b. Note that an early implementation
Code Case, Case 2940, has been approved effective Nov. 5, 2018., Revision Qualification of UT Personnel - When UT is used in lieu of RT as
permitted in 7.5.5, one of the requirements for personnel that acquire
and analyze UT data is that they should have participated in the
qualification of the procedure per Section V, Article 4 Mandatory
Appendix IX. The meaning of “participated” is not defined in VIII-2,
however a definition does exist in Section V, Article 4 Mandatory
Appendix VIII-423. was revised by adding a third sentence that states that UT

personnel shall meet the requirements of Section V, Article 4,
Mandatory Appendix VIII, VIII-423. This change provides additional
ways this participation can be met, specifically for those UT personnel
hired or assigned after the procedure qualification was successfully
completed without their involvement. was revised to state
that qualification of the procedure shall be performed per Section V,
Article 4 Mandatory Appendix VIII, VIII-421.2 and Section V, Article 1,

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Annex 7-A

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Annex 7-A Errata Designate Annex 7-A as Normative - Annex 7-A defines the
responsibilities and duties for inspection and examination activities
within VIII-2. Prior to the 2019 Edition, this Annex was not identified as
either "Normative" or "Informative". This oversight has been corrected
and the Annex has been properly identified as "Normative" which
means that its requirements are Mandatory.

Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 8

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

8.1.2(e) Revision Pressure Testing with Non-metallic Liners - Paragraph 8.1.2(e)(2)
addressed painting or coating but did not include vessels with internal

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Code Book: VIII-2 Part: Subpart/Table: Part 8

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

linings to have a leak test performed, so this has been added for non-
metallic internal linings., 8.2, 8.3, 8.5 Revision Pressure Test Factor - When VIII-2 was rewritten in 2007, the test
pressure limits were set to those used in the European Pressure
Equipment Directive (PED) (1.43 x MAWP) to be consistent with the
allowable stress basis (design margin on UTS equal 2.4). For vessels
where the design allowable stress is based on 2/3 yield, the maximum
stresses possible in the vessel based on a 1.43 pressure test factor
could exceed limits established in The hydrostatic test is not
the only consideration for compliance with the European PD. Imposing
this requirement on all vessels even if there is no intention of
compliance with the PED is onerous and does not add much value.
Therefore the Committee has elected to reset the pressure test factors
to 1.25 for a hydrostat St/S
in Table 4.1.3). Also as part of this revision, Paragraphs 8.2 and 8.3
were combined into a single paragraph.

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Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Article KG-6 Revision Incorporation of Code Case for impulsively loaded vessels - Currently
rules for Impulsively Loaded Vessels are contained in Code Case
2564-5 which has been in existence since 2008. These types of
vessels are subjected to highly dynamic transients due to high-
explosive detonations or gaseous detonation-driven response. Several
new Articles (KG-6, KM-7, KR-7), sections (KD-240, KS-102, KT-350)
and Appendix K have been added and paragraphs have been revised
(KD-210) in order to incorporate Code Case 2564 for impulsively
loaded vessels.
Table KG-141 Revision Updated Edition of API 579-1 / ASME FFS-1 - The Edition of API 579-1
/ ASME FFS-1 has been updated to 2016. The 2016 Edition adds new
influence coefficients for internal surface cracks for thick wall cylinders
and the plasticity interaction factor has been changed to tabular format
instead of an equation. The change also deleted the partial safety
factor which also caused a change to KD-420 (a).
Table KG-141 Revision ASME CA-1 Edition updated - Change to the Edition reference for
ASME CA-1 to "latest edition"
Table KG-141 Revision Updated ASCE-07 reference year and added B31.3 - B31.3 has been
referenced in KR-230 for several Editions but was not included in Table
KG-141. It has now been added to the table. The year/edition reference
for ASCE-07 has now been updated to 2016.
Table KG-141 Revision Added ASTM E8 and E23. - ASTM E8 and E23 added to Table KG-141
with the incorporation of Code Case 2564-5 for Impulsively Loaded
Vessels are contained in Code Case 2564.
KG-150, Table KG-150 Revision Units To Be Used in Equations - This revision is an outcrop of
Interpretation BPV VIII-1 RN13-842, which basically stated that it was
not permitted to perform calculations using an allowable stress
determined by converting an allowable stress published in US
Customary or SI units in II-D to another local unit. Essentially the
Committee felt that if conversion of allowable stresses that are
published in Section II, Part D was permitted, then there would be no
need to publish allowable stresses in SI units, since they could have
been determined directly from the US customary Tables. The net result
is that revisions to KG-150 was needed to assure that calculations
performed by the Manufacturer use not only allowable stresses that are
published in Section II, Part D, but any other material property
published in II-D or VIII-3. Table 7-1 "Standard Units for Use in
Equations" was relocated from Mandatory Appendix 7 to Table KG-
KG-310 and KG-323 Revision Addition of single UDS/MDR for multiple vessels - Paragraphs KG-310
and KG-323 have been revised to allow for provision of using a single
UDS and MDR for the construction of multiple vessels.
KG-322 Revision Added reference to Code PART - The change adds reference to PART
to clarify that Code Compliance to this Division also applies to Cod
KG-411, KG-431, KG-432 Revision Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA) 3 Types - In the 2010 Edition, the
ASME QAI-1 standard (Qualifications for Authorized Inspection) was
revised to add a third definition of an AIA. Prior to this change, and

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Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Authorized Inspection Agency was either a jurisdiction that has adopted
one or more of the ASME construction standards, or and insurance
company that has been licensed or registered within the USA or
Canada to write boiler and pressure vessel insurance. The third type of
AIA that was added in 2010 was a company in the business of
providing "third-party" inspection services within a jurisdiction, which
has government recognition to perform inspection and design reviews
for boilers and pressure vessels. Section VIII revised its reference to
ASME QAI-1 from a specific year edition to "Latest Edition" several
editions ago. By doing so the standard now has accepted the three
definitions of an AIA. However this detail was overlooked in KG-411,
KG-431 and KG-432 where, per Endnote 2, it still only recognized the
original two definitions of an AIA. This revision to KG-431 and KG-432
and the deletion of Endnote 2 replaces specific rules regarding the
Inspector and Authorized Inspection Agency with a direct reference to

Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KM

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Article KM-6 Revision New Article KM-6 - Analytical material models are currently scattered
throughout the book with no logic to location. This addition of KM-6
attempts to make the book more "user friendly" by consolidating all of
the material models and then just reference back to KM-6 throughout
the book (KD-231, KD-232, KD-234.1, KD-236, and KD-360).
Article KM-7 Revision Incorporation of Code Case for impulsively loaded vessels - Currently
rules for Impulsively Loaded Vessels are contained in Code Case
2564-5 which has been in existence since 2008. These types of
vessels are subjected to highly dynamic transients due to high-
explosive detonations or gaseous detonation-driven response. Several
new Articles (KG-6, KM-7, KR-7), sections (KD-240, KS-102, KT-350)
and Appendix K have been added and paragraphs have been revised
(KD-210) in order to incorporate Code Case 2564 for impulsively
loaded vessels.
Table KM-400-1 and 400-1M Revision Maximum thickness of SA-841increased - The maximum thickness for
SA-841, Grade A, Class 1 and Grade B, Class 2 has been increased
from 2.5 inches (64 mm) to 4 inches (100 mm). The change is based
on a request that was accompanied by supported research testing of
the mechanical properties of the greater thicknesses.
Table KM-400-1 and KM- Revision SA-841 Grade F Classes 6 and 7 added - SA-841, Grade F, Classes 6
400-1M and 7 steel plate materials have been added to Tables KM-400-1 and
KM-400-1M, incorporating Code Case 2451-1.
Table KM-400-1M Revision Corrected diameters for SA-540 Grade B24 - Section II, Part D added
diameter ranges for SA-540 Grade B24 in Tables U and Y-1 (RN11-
126). This change to Table KM-400-1M is for consistency (238 mm
changed to 240 mm).
Table KM-400-2 and 400-2M Revision Increase maximum design temperature for Alloy 15-5PH - This item
incorporates Code Case 2567 to increase the maximum design

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Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KM

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

temperature of 15-5PH (XM-12) Conditions H1075, H1025, H925 and
H900 to 550 deg. F (288 deg C). The revision to the Tables also adds
Note (6) to all heat treat conditions to warn of embrittlement at 550F
(288C). Adding the Note to all is consistent with H1100 which has the
same 550 F (288 C) limits and warning. Other warnings and restrictions
from the Code Case are already addressed in VIII-3.
KM-211.1 Revision Change specimen location - The revision changes the depth of the test
specimen location from T/4 to T/2.
KM-211.2 Revision Acceptable forging prolongation specimen revised. - This change
incorporates Interpretation VIII-3-10-03. KM-211.2 adds the
requirement that testing shall be done after final heat treatment. KM-
211.2 (d) has also been revised adds similar requirement when the
specimens are taken from a separate forging rather than an integral
KM-250 Revision Through thickness variation of toughness added. - Second paragraph
of KM-250 has been revised to advise the designer/Manufacturer that
fracture toughness can vary through the thickness of a component and
shall be considered to ensure that the toughness used in Article KD-4
is representative of the material at the location under consideration.
This is more common in thick, complex forgings.

Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KD

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Article KD-10 Revision KD-10 corrected for clarity - Since it was first written, KD-10 has
generated several questions due to ambiguous statements and
arbitrary values. Changes have been made to KD-1001, KD-1003, KD-
1010, as well as KD-1021 and KD-1022. Paragraph KD-1030 has been
deleted with the change to KD-1010.
Figure KD-320.2, KD-302.2, Revision Restriction on use of Fig. KD-320.2 removed. - Figure KD-320.2 was
KD-312.4, KD-321, KD-322 originally used for welded steel and contained two curves (UTS <= 80
ksi and UTS = 115-130 ksi) similar to VIII-2. When the Structural Stress
method was introduced into KD-3, the Figure was limited to non-welded
steel with a UTS <= 90 ksi. Welded construction should use Figure KD-
320.1. However, Fig. KD-320.1 is for forged components. There are 5
plate specifications that cannot be evaluated with the Fig. KD-320.1
curves because their UTS is between 95 and 105 ksi. The Committee
determined that the Figure KD-320.2 curves would also be applicable
for the higher UTS plate specifications. Corresponding changes to the
text of KD have also been made for consistency. There were also
several editorial changes to KD-3 that were made for general clarity.
Table KD-230.5 Revision Constant m2 corrected for PH nickel - Table KD-230.5 has been moved
to KM-6 and redesignated as Table KM-620. Also, the constant m2 for
PH nickel was 1.90 (0.93-R). Using this value when generating true
stress-strain curves is not consistent with experimental true stress-
strain curve. The value is more correct as 1.09 (0.93-R).

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Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KD

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table KD-320.1 Errata Correction to Equation - In General Notes (7), the minus sign between
the 2nd and 3rd terms of the equation for 22.5 ksi < Sa <81 ksi was
corrected to a plus sign (+).
Table KD-320.1 and KD- Revision Corrects equations for "N". - All of the equations in Tables KD-320.1
320.1M and 1M incorrectly use "Salt" in the equations for "N". "Sa" is the
correct term to be used.
Table KD-320.1 / KD-320.1M, Addition Added S-N equations for 6061 Aluminum - Two new S-N equations
Table KD-320.7 and Figure have been added to Tables KD-320.7 and KD-320.7M for 6061-T6 and
KD-320-1/KD-320.7M -T651 Aluminum. This revision also deletes the first thee lines of
Figures KD-320.7 and KD-320.7M. The information in the first three
lines are the same as the 4th line (now first line).
Table KD-430 / KD-430M Revision Cautionary note added to the tables. - When a vessel is in corrosive
service, the Fatigue Crack Growth constants in Tables KD-430/KD-
430M may be unconservative. The constants were developed for inert
environments and do not account for all possible variables that can be
associated with corrosive media. This cautionary note is already in
paragraph KD-430(c) but needed to be more visible in the Code.
KD-210 Revision Incorporation of Code Case for impulsively loaded vessels - Currently
rules for Impulsively Loaded Vessels are contained in Code Case
2564-5 which has been in existence since 2008. These types of
vessels are subjected to highly dynamic transients due to high-
explosive detonations or gaseous detonation-driven response. Several
new Articles (KG-6, KM-7, KR-7), sections (KD-240, KS-102, KT-350)
and Appendix K have been added and paragraphs have been revised
[KD-210(t) and (u)] in order to incorporate Code Case 2564 for
impulsively loaded vessels.
KD-221, KD-230, Appendix 1 Revision Hydrostatic test pressure limit change - In the 2019 Edition, another
and Appendix 9 change modifies the upper hydrostatic test pressure limit in KT-312.
This corollary action revises equations and references in KD-221 to
add the 1.43 factor. This change also includes revisions to the Sy/Su
ratios in Table KD-230.3 and the hydrostatic test condition in Table KD-
230.4, add nomenclature to Appendix 1 and add upper limit for
hydrostatic pressure limits to Appendix 9.
KD-231, KD-233 and KD-932 Revision Clarification of design margin and load factor - Section VIII, Div. 3 is
different from other codes, in that the load factor is not the same as the
design margin. This is due to the nonlinearity of stresses across thick
sections. The revisions in KD-231 and KD-233 replace "design" with
"load" for accuracy. In KD-932, "design" has been deleted when talking
about various K factors for wire.
KD-232.1 Revision Cold forming strain revised - Similar to an error in the determination of
cold forming strain in Section VIII, Div. 2, it was discovered that the
equation in KD-232.1 (eq. KD-232.5) was not correct. Unlike VIII-2, the
KD-232.1 equation was overly conservative. The change corrects the
factor from 2/3 to 1/3.
KD-232.1 and KD-234 Revision Clarified the intent of KD-232.1 - KD-232.1 (a) has been replaced with
new (a), (b) and (c). Several years ago the phrase "and the ratcheting
criteria for a series of applied loads" was added. This phrase caused a
lot of confusion resulting in numerous Interpretation requests. This

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Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KD

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

change attempts to rectify the confusion by modifying the definitions of
loads to be evaluated and clarified the material model to be used. KD-
234 has also been revised to help clarify the intent of what analyses
are required. The change corresponds to the Intent Interpretation VIII-
KD-232.1(c) Errata Correction to Variable Superscripts - For the definition of
t, h " was correct to read "kth".
1,k 2,k 3,k e,kthe term "k

KD-232.1(d) Revision Nomenclature added in KD-232.1(d) - As a result of an Interpretation

request regarding definitions of several variables in KD-232.1(d)
several variables have been added to the nomenclature for plastic
strain ranges.
KD-237, Table KD-230.2 Revision Added acceleration loads due to spectral motion response - KD-237
Floating Transporter (Ship) Loads contains rules to determine the
acceleration loads due to spectral motion response. These loads are
also now included in Table KD-230.2, Load Descriptions, as variable
LA. Since these are considered a subset of live loading, LA and the
applicable factor have also been added to Global criteria equations (2)
through (5) in Table KD-230.4.
KD-312.3 Revision Corrected "elastic" to "elastic-plastic" - Revision corrects a
typographical error in KD-312.3
KD-341 Revision Added crack face pressure to membrane stress - Revisions to KD-
341.1, KD-341.3 and KD-341.4 add equations to address the pressure
acting on the crack. The pressure is added to the membrane stress
when using the structural stress method (SSM) method.
KD-401(c) Revision Through thickness variation of toughness added. - KD-401(c) have
been revised to advise the designer/Manufacturer that fracture
toughness can vary through the thickness of a component and shall be
considered to ensure that the toughness used in Article KD-4 is
representative of the material at the location under consideration. This
is more common in thick, complex forgings.
KD-412 Revision Fracture mechanics life criteria revised. - The basis of VIII-3 has been
to have a criteria for critical flaw size based on life and one based on
size. The current critical flaw size determined using KD-4 results in a
size that is less than four times the initial flaw size. The "allowable final
crack depth" cannot be determined, so only one option is the result.
This change changes the second "lesser of" values to be based on 1/4
of the growth between the initial and final critical flaw size.
KD-430 and Table KD-430 Revision Change "C" factor - The standard unit of crack growth is mm/cycle.
Revision changes the "C" factor from m/cycle to mm/cycle.
KD-430 and Table KD-430 Revision Add crack propagation rate for intermediate strength steels - The
current crack growth rate factors in KD-430 are for atmospheric
temperatures. For operating temperatures that are higher, correction
factors are needed. There are currently no correction factors for
intermediate strength steels (Sy <690 MPa). The revision also defines
"carbon and low alloy steels" and adds crack growth rate for these

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Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KD

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

KD-625 Errata Clarified "proprietary" and "prototype" - Two terms were used in KD-
625, "proprietary joint" and "prototype joint". The revision clarifies what
was intended by adding of "such a proprietary" to indicate that
proprietary joints shall be proven by prototype testing.
KD-652.2 Revision Specifies that yoke closures are quick-actuating - The change to KD-
652.2 clarifies that yoke closures must meet the rules for quick-
actuating closures.
KD-911(c) Revision Allowance for yielding in compression for inner cylinders - New
sentences in KD-911(c) have been added to incorporate Case 2796
that allows yielding in compression of the inner cylinder(s) during the
wire winding process of wire wound cylinders.
KD-1021 and KM-250 Revision References to API 579 - Currently KD-412 refers to API 579-1/ASME
FFS-1 to determination of allowable final crack growth. However, for
vessel in hydrogen service KD-1021(b) references Nonmandatory
Appendix D as an option. Appendix D is not consistent with the API 579
fracture toughness correlations that can be used in lieu of fracture
toughness testing. This revision brings KD-4 and KD-10 into alignment
by changing the reference in KD-1021(b) to KM-250 (KM-251, KM-252
and KM-253) which has also had the reference to API 579-1 / ASME
FFS-1 added instead of Nonmandatory Appendix D.
KD-1310(h) Revision Stress reference in KD-1310(h) clarified - The revision clarifies that the
circumferential stress should be used when comparing the ultimate
tensile stress of the wrap.

Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KF

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table KF-402.1 and KF- Revision Cautionary note for P-Nos. 8 and 45 added. - If PWHT is performed on
402.1M these stainless steels, the Manufacturer should consider the elimination
of embrittlement. For P-No. 8, several types of embrittlement are
possible (see Section II, Part D, Appendix A, sections A-207 through A-
209) For some P-No. 45 materials the concern is formation of
secondary phases (see II-D, Appendix A, A207 through A210).
Table KF-402.1M Revision Correction to metric value in Note 1 - The metric conversion notes in
Notes (1)(a) and (1)(b) were incorrect. 1.25 inches should be 32 mm
and 0.625 inch should be 16 mm.
KF-130 Revision Exemption moved from KF-131 to KF-130 - There is an exemption from
fabrication tolerances if supported by design calculations and agreed
upon by the User, Mfr., and AI. This is currently only in KF-131
(cylindrical shells) but is applicable to both KF-131 and KF-132
(spherical shells and formed heads). This revision moves the
exemption sentence from KF-131 to the general paragraph KF-130.
KF-402 Revision Addition of the P-Number Assignment statement - This revision comes
after some discrepancies were found in Section VIII P-Nos. listed in the
PWHT Tables and P-Nos. listed in Section IX Tables . As a result it
was decided to add a P-No. Assignment statement to the end of KF-

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Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KF

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

402 making ASME Section IX the governing Code Section when a
conflict in P-No. or Group No. exists between Sections IX and VIII.

Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KR

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Article KR-7 Revision Incorporation of Code Case for impulsively loaded vessels - Currently
rules for Impulsively Loaded Vessels are contained in Code Case
2564-5 which has been in existence since 2008. These types of
vessels are subjected to highly dynamic transients due to high-
explosive detonations or gaseous detonation-driven response. Several
new Articles (KG-6, KM-7, KR-7), sections (KD-240, KS-102, KT-350)
and Appendix K have been added and paragraphs have been revised
(KD-210) in order to incorporate Code Case 2564 for impulsively
loaded vessels.

Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KE

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

KE-300(a) and KE-302 Revision Revised for consistency in KE-3 - "Qualification block" and
"demonstration block" are used interchangeably throughout KE-3.
Section V, Article 14 refers to "qualification block". "Demonstration
block" is now changed to "qualification block".
KE-301 Revision Proximity rules and acceptance criteria revised for clarity. - A recent
study of Sections VIII, Div. 2, Div.3, Code Case 2235-13 and Section XI
discovered some differences in the proximity rules, acceptance criteria
and the standard tables regarding ultrasonic examination of welds. The
revisions to Section VIII have added new paragraphs to KE-301(i)(3),
i.e. (-c) and (-d), to bring the 4 documents into better alignment. Tables
KE-301-1 and KE-301-2 and Figure KE-301-1 have been revised to
provide better clarification to the user. New Figures KE-301-2 and KE-
301-3 have been added to accompany the changes in KE-301(i)(3).
Tables have also been added to allow the acceptance criteria to be
KE-301(f) and KE-501(a) Revision Reference to Section V, Article 1 T-120(f) added - The second
sentence of KE-301(f) is basically a copy of Section V, Article 1, T-
120(f). The revision changes the paragraph to just reference Section V.
A reference to T-120(f) has also been added to KE-510(a)

Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KT

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

KT-312 Revision Design factor for upper limit of hydrostatic test revised. - A new factor,
KUT has been added and the equations used to determine the upper

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Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KT

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

limit hydrostatic test pressure have been revised. Prior to this change,
a factor of 0.866 was embedded in the equations. This upper limit
causes a problem when sending equipment to the EU where there is
also a 1.43 factor that needs to be met. In order to meet the 1.43 factor
for materials with a Sy/Su is less than 0.7, the design pressure must be
decreased or the vessel wall thickness to be increased. Using VIII-2 as
a guide (0.95 factor) 3 levels of factors have been introduced in KT-312
based on the Sy/Su ratio.

Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Part KS

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Figure KS-132 Revision Deleted incorrect paragraph references in Figure. - Reference to KS-
100 (g) and (h) is incorrect. Reference should be made to just the main

Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Mandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Appendix 7 Revision Units To Be Used in Equations - Mandatory Appendix 7 was deleted,
and Table 7-1 relocated to Table KG-150.
Appendix 8 Revision Mandatory Edition for parts revised - The current Appendix 8 did not
adequately address what was the mandatory Edition of the Code to be
used when parts are subcontracted, built for stock or used from stock.
Additions to 8-200 now address these other situations to be consistent
with the other two Section VIII divisions.

Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Nonmandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Appendix A, Table A-100.1, Revision MDR Instructions Editorial Change - Note 41 of Table A-100.1 and
Table A-100.4 Note 42 of Table A-100.4 have been editorially revised because
"Inspector" was listed twice and made the language awkward.
Appendix C Revision Deletion of Appendix C - Section VIII Division 3 Nonmandatory
Appendix C is no longer required because the certification and
accreditation requirements, including the scopes for Certificates of
Authorization, will now only be kept in online at Reference to this web
address will be provided in the Code where there was reference to
Appendix C.
Appendix I, I-100 Revision Units To Be Used in Equations - These corrections to Appendix I are
related to revisions to KG-150 concerning units used in equations. In I-
100, the term "Nonmandatory Appendix" was replaced with "Division",

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Code Book: VIII-3 Part: Subpart/Table: Nonmandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

and the reference to "Mandatory Appendix VII" was changed to "Table

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Code Book: IX Part: Appendices Subpart/Table: Appendix B

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Nonmandatory Appendix B, Revision Revised PQR Form QW-483 - PQR Form QW-483 was revised to add
Form QW-483 the field "Alternative Tension Specimen Specification (QW-462)"
beneath the "Tensile Test" grid to identify to which specification the
tension specimens were made. Numerous codes / standards /
specifications were added to QW-462 as alternatives to Section IX in
the 2017 Edition.

Code Book: IX Part: Appendices Subpart/Table: Appendix K

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Nonmandatory Appendix K, Revision Deleted Reference to "Composite" - In K-300(f) "composite (clad)" was
K-300(f) deleted and replaced with "clad". The change was necessitated
because the definition of "composite materials" was deleted in QG-
109.2 and for consistent terminology throughout Section IX.
Nonmandatory Appendix K, Revision Added Recommended Code Case Template - Some Construction
K-304 and Figure K-305 Code Committees requested Section IX to develop a standard template
for the introduction of new materials for use in Code Cases for
construction of boilers and pressure vessels. A template reference was
added to para. K-304 of Mandatory Appendix K - "Guidance on
Invoking Section IX Requirements in Other Codes, Standards,
Specifications, and Contract Documents" as an outline to cover most
non-ASME material Code Cases and Code Cases where the material
has been assigned to a P-Number. The template is shown in Figure K-

Code Book: IX Part: Appendices Subpart/Table: Appendix E

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Mandatory Appendix E Revision Corrected SWPS Reaffirmation Dates - Eight (8) SWPS reaffirmation
dates previously shown as "(R11)" were incorrect. This record corrects
those reaffirmation dates to "(R12)".

Code Book: IX Part: Appendices Subpart/Table: Appendix G

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Nonmandatory Appendix G, Revision Replaced "Nonmandatory Appendix" with "Section" - This revision
G-100 corrects an editing error introduced in the 2004 Addenda by replacing
"Nonmandatory Appendix" with "Section" in the first sentence of para.
G-100. "Equations" are found in the Code "Section" not in this
"Nonmandatory Appendix".

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Code Book: IX Part: Subpart/Table:

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Corrections to Multiple Board Revision Corrections to Multiple Board Approved Items - Slight editorial
Approved Items corrections were made to ASME Board Approved items prior to
publication. These changes were made to RN(s): 16-186, 16-2870, 17-
899, 17-1994, 17-2492, and 17-2879.

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Code Book: IX Part: QB Subpart/Table: Article XI

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

QB-151.3 Revision Clarified Full-Section Pipe Tensile Specimen Requirements - Added
"The cross-sectional area of the pipe before testing shall be used to
establish the tensile strength of the test specimen" as a new 2nd
sentence. This was to clarify how to calculate the cross-sectional area.
QB-153.1(d) Revision Replaced "Cladding" with "Clad Brazing Sheets" - Replaced references
to "cladding" with "clad brazing sheets" in two instances for consistency
of terminology in Section IX.
QB-153.2 Addition Added QB-153.2 - QB-153 did not previously mention unassigned base
metals as is done in QW-424. QB-153.2 was added to address
unassigned base metals and their identification in the BPS and on the
PQR. It also directs the user to QW-420.

Code Book: IX Part: QB Subpart/Table: Article XII

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Tables QB-252 through QB- Revision Deleted References to QB-409.2 & QB-409.3 - PBHT Essential
257 Variables QB-409.2 & QB-409.3 were deleted from the Code. Their
references in Tables QB-252 through QB-257 were also deleted.
QB-200.1(e) Revision Deleted QB-200.1(e) - Moved previous requirement in QB-200.1(e)
regarding availability of the Brazing Procedure Specification (BPS) to
QB-200.2(e) Revision Deleted Authorized Inspector's Review of PQR - Revised QB-200.2(e)
to delete the previous requirement for "Authorized Inspector" review of
the Procedure Qualification Record (PQR), as not all referencing codes
or standards require an Authorized Inspector.
QB-203 Revision Added Reference to Table QB-461.3 - Added reference to new Table
QB-461.3 "Procedure and Performance Qualification Position Limits".

Code Book: IX Part: QB Subpart/Table: Article XIII

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

QB-301.4 Revision Added Procedure Followed During Test - Revised QB-301.4 to require
listing the brazing procedure followed during the qualification test.
QB-303 Revision Added Reference to Table QB-461.3 - Added reference to new Table
QB-461.3 "Procedure and Performance Qualification Position Limits".

Code Book: IX Part: QB Subpart/Table: Article XIV

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table QB-461.3 Revision Clarified Brazing Flow Position/Qualification Relationship - Added new
Table QB-461.3 "Procedure and Performance Qualification Position

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Code Book: IX Part: QB Subpart/Table: Article XIV

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Limits" to clarify the relationship between test brazing flow positions
and qualified brazing flow positions for brazing procedure and
performance qualifications.
QB-407 Revision Added Reference to Table QB-461.3 - Added reference to new Table
QB-461.3 "Procedure and Performance Qualification Position Limits".
QB-409 Revision Deleted PBHT Essential Variables QB-409.2 and QB-409.3 - QB-409.1
was revised in the 2017 Edition of Section IX. As a result of that action,
it was determined that QB-409.2 and QB-409.3 were no longer relevant
and have been deleted from the 2019 Edition.

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Code Book: IX Part: QF Subpart/Table: Article XXI

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

QF-100 Revision Scope clarification - The scope of Part QF was changed. Previously,
this Part only pertained to the performance qualification of "Fusing
Machine Operators". It was recognized that small diameter gas lines
were often fused manually. As a result, "fusing machine operators" was
deleted from QF-100 and replaced with "fusing operators" to account
for this manual fusing.
QF-101 Revision Thermal Sidewall Fusing - Various revisions were made to Part QF
incorporating changes to reflect adding the "thermal sidewall fusing"
process. Paragraphs affected include: QF-101,, QF-103.1, QF-110,
QF-120, QF-130, QF-131.1, QF-132, QF-132.1,QF-132.2, QF-141, QF-
141.1, QF-142.1, QF-142.1.1, QF-142.1.2, QF-142.1.3, QF-142.2.2,
QF-142.3.2, QF-143.1, QF-143.1.1, QF-143.1.2, QF-143.1.3, QF-
143.2, QF-143.2.1, QF-143.2.2, QF-143.2.3, QF-, QF-
143.3.1, QF-143.3.2, QF-143.3.3, QF-143.3.4, QF-144.1, QF-144.1.1,
QF-144.1.2, QF-143.1.3, QF-144.1.5, QF-144.2.1, QF-144.2.2, QF-
144.2.3, QF-144.2.4, QF-145, QF-145.1.1, QF-145.1.3, QF-145.2.1,
QF-130 Revision Data Acquisition and Evaluation - QF-131 was revised to add reference
to the newly created fusing variables in QF-131.3, which cover manual
butt fusing. Data acquisition shall also be recorded when qualifying a
manual butt fusing procedure.
QF-131.3 Addition Manual Butt-Fusing Procedure - This new paragraph was added to
capture the variables, which must be captured through data acquisition
when qualifying a manual butt-fusing procedure.
QF-132 Revision Data Acquisition Record Review - "Qualifications" was editorially
revised to read "conditions". Also, QF-132.3 was added to the list to
account for manual butt-fusing procedures.
QF-132.3 Addition Data Acquisition Record Review - The data acquisition information
required to be retained for Manual Butt-Fusing Qualification was added.
QF-141 Revision Visual Examination - "Visually Inspected" was revised to "Visually
Examined". This aligns with the BPV usage of these terms.
QF-142.1.1(d) Addition Manual Butt Fusing Size Limitation - A maximum diameter limitation for
what can be manually fused was added.
QF-142.3 Addition Minimum Hydraulic Burst Pressure - Electrofusion was removed from
the title. Also, "fused joint" was added.
QF-142.3.1 Addition Test Coupons - Created rules for both Electrofusion and Butt-fusing
test coupons.
QF-142.3.4 Revision Acceptance Criteria - Revised the words to address both electrofusion
fitting and fused joint.

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Code Book: IX Part: QF Subpart/Table: Article XXII

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

QF-200, QF-201.1, QF- Revision Thermal Sidewall Fusing - Various revisions incorporating changes to
201.2, QF-201.3, QF-201.5, reflect adding the "thermal sidewall fusing" process.
QF-202.1.1, QF-202.1.2, QF-
202.1.3, QF-202.1.4, QF-
202.1.5, QF-202.1.6, QF-
202.1.7, QF-202.1.8, QF-
202.2.1, QF-202.2.2, QF-203,
QF-221, QF-221.1, QF-
221.2, Figure QF-221.1,
Table QF-221.2, QF-222.1,
QF-251, Table QF-254, Table
QF-255, Table QF-256
QF-201.1 Addition Fusing Procedure Specification - Added reference to Table QF-256 for
manual butt-fusion variables.
QF-201.2(a)(3) Addition Standard Fusing Procedure Specification Changes - Added reference
to Table QF-256.
QF-201.4 Revision Deleted QF-201.4 - Moved previous requirement in QF-201.4 regarding
availability of the FPS, SFPS and MEFPS to QG-101. The previous
reference to the "Authorized Inspector" was also deleted.
QF-201.5(e) Revision Clarified Availability of Documents for Review - Revised QF-201.5(e) to
clarify that the Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) shall be made
available for review; however, access to the document is not
exclusively limited to the "inspector", so "inspector" was deleted in the
QF-202.1.3 Revision Hydraulic burst pressure tests - Added reference to butt-fusing joints.
QF-202.1.6 Revision Crush Tests - Specified that the crush tests pertain to electrofusion.
QF-202.1.7 Revision Impact Resistance Tests - Specified that the impact resistance tests
pertain to electrofusion.
QF-202.2.3 Addition Polyethylene Manual Butt Fusion - Added rules specific to Polyethylene
Manual Butt Fusion.
QF-221.1(f) Addition Standard Fusion Procedure Specifications - Added additional rules for
Pipe Butt Fusing of Polyethylene in subparagraph (f). Following these
rules in addition to others listed in QF-221.1 provides an exemption for
procedure qualification.

Code Book: IX Part: QF Subpart/Table: Article XXIII

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

QF-300, QF-301.2, QF- Revision Thermal Sidewall Fusing - Various revisions incorporating changes to
301.4, QF-302.1, QF-302.2, reflect adding the "thermal sidewall fusing" process.
QF-303.1, QF-303.2, QF-
305, QF-305.1, QF-305.2,
QF-311, QF-321, QF-321.1,
QF-321.2, QF-322.2, QF-
361, Table QF-362

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Code Book: IX Part: QF Subpart/Table: Article XXIII

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

QF-301.4 Revision Added Procedure Followed During Test - Revised QF-301.4 to require
listing the fusing procedure specification followed during the
qualification test.

Code Book: IX Part: QF Subpart/Table: Article XXIV

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

QF-401 Revision Thermal Sidewall Fusing - Various revisions incorporating changes to
reflect adding the "thermal sidewall fusing" process. Paragraphs
affected include: QF-401, QF-402.3, QF-402.6, QF-403.1, QF-403.2,
QF-403.3, QF-403.7, QF-404.1, QF-405.1, QF-405.2, QF-405.3, QF-
405.8, QF-405.9, QF-406.6, QF-407.4, QF-420, Table QF-452.3,
Figure QF-461.1, Figure QF-461.2, Figure QF-462(a), Figure QF-
462(b), Figure QF-463, Figure QF-464, Figure QF-465, Figure QF-466,
Figure QF-467, Figure QF-468, Figure QF-469, Figure QF-470, Form
QF-482(a), Form QF-482(b), Form QF-482(c), Form QF-483(a), Form
QF-483(b), Form QF-483(c), Form QF-484(a), Form QF-484(b), Form
QF-484(c), Form QF-485, QF-491, QF-492 .
QF-406.6 Addition New Essential Variable - The addition or deletion of a torque wrench to
measure the applied pressure is now an essential variable.

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Code Book: IX Part: QG Subpart/Table: General Requirements

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

QG-100(b) Revision Clarification on requirements - The word "qualification" was inserted
before "requirements" to make it clearer that when the referencing
code, standard, or specification introduces qualification requirements
different than those listed in Section IX, that those requirements take
precedence over Section IX. Section IX only deals with qualification
requirements, not production requirements.
QG-101, QG-102 and QG- Revision Clarified Availability of Documents for Review - Revised QG-101, QG-
104 102 & QG-104 to clarify that applicable welding documents shall be
made available for review. In addition, access to the documents is not
exclusively limited to the "Authorized Inspector" as not all referencing
codes or standards require an Authorized Inspector.
QG-104 Revision Clarified Qualification Records Requirements - (1) Restructured QG-
104 to add subparagraphs (a) through (d) for clarity; (2) Deleted the
previous requirement that ranges for all variables be documented; (2)
Added that the identification of the procedure specification(s) followed
during the test must be included; and (3) Added a requirement that the
record include a statement that the test was in accordance with Section
QG-106 Revision Added Requirements for Supervisory Personnel - In response to
several inquiries concerning the qualifications of those who provide the
"complete supervision and control" of individuals that join test coupons
for procedure and personnel qualifications, QG-106 was revised to
require that the individuals who provide supervision and control over
personnel who join qualification coupons be shown by the organization
to be qualified, trained or experienced to perform the oversight.
QG-107 Revision Multiple Organizations - (1) Added to QG-107: "Multiple organizations
under a common ownership may use PQRs, procedure specifications,
and performance qualification records under that owner’s name. The
Quality Control System or Quality Assurance Program of each
organization shall describe the effective operational control and
authority for technical direction of welding."; (2) Revised subparagraph
(b) to state that "the procedure specifications identify the name of the
new owner(s) prior to use."; and (3) Added subparagraph (c): "The
Quality Control System or Quality Assurance Program documents the
original source of the PQRs, procedure specifications, and
performance qualification records as being from the original qualifying
organization." It was considered important to distinguish between
historical certification/qualification documents and current specification
documents. An original Procedure Qualification Record and a
Performance Qualification Record are both certified historical records
and are not to be revised, except in very specific cases identified in
Section IX. Procedure Specifications, on the other hand, are not
certified and typically reference the original PQRs. Therefore,
Procedure Specifications need to be revised to represent the current
organization(s) using the document.
QG-109.2 Revision Deleted Definition of "Ferrite Number" - Since the term "Ferrite
Number" is not used in Section IX, and AWS A3.0 provides for a
standard definition, there was no reason to include its definition in QG-

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Code Book: IX Part: QG Subpart/Table: General Requirements

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

QG-109.2 Addition Added Definition of "Electron Beam Welding Gun" - Added the
definition "welding gun, electron beam", to help clarify terminology
when considering electron beam welding (EBW) process essential
variable QW-410.17 - "a change in the type of welding equipment".
QG-109.2 Revision Revised Definitions Related to "Cladding" - Added definition of "clad or
cladding" and deleted definition of "composite materials" in QG-109.2.
The new definition clarifies some terminology for consistency
throughout Section IX.
QG-109.2 Addition Butt-Fusing Pressure - Subgroup Plastic Fusing introduced a new term
into the glossary. "Butt-Fusing Pressure" now has a definition in QG-
QG-109.2 Addition New Plastic Fusing Definitions - Definitions for the following plastic
fusing terms were added: bead-up cycle, butt fusing cycle, butt fusing
pressure, cool time at butt fusing pressure, data acquisition record,
drag pressure, drag resistance, frictional resistance in the butt fusing
machine, fusing gauge pressure, fusing operator, fusing procedure
specification, heat soak cycle, header, heat soak time, heater removal
(dwell) time, interfacial pressure, melt bead size, sidewall fusion (SWF),
and Standard Fusing Procedure Specification (SFPS).
QG-109.2 Revision Revised Instantaneous Power / Energy Definitions - For clarity, deleted
previous definition of "Instantaneous power or energy" and added
definitions for "Instantaneous power" and "Instantaneous energy".
Some users had been confused because power must be multiplied by
a time component and energy is cumulative over a time period.

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Code Book: IX Part: QW Subpart/Table: Article I

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

QW-101 Addition Addressing Variables in the WPS - A new paragraph was added, which
makes it clearer that defined Section IX variables that are outside of the
scope of a given WPS, such as rules specific to P-No 11A and 11B, do
not need to be addressed on the WPS, when that P-No is not being
QW-101 and QW-102 Revision Added Paragraph Headers to QW-101 & QW-102 - Added paragraph
QW-161 Revision Added language formerly in a General Note - (1) Inserted former
“GENERAL NOTE (d)” from Figure QW-466.1 as fifth and sixth
sentences; and (2) Inserted former
“GENERAL NOTE (b)” from Figure QW-466.2 as seventh sentence.
QW-171.3 Errata Toughness terminology - "Notch-" was deleted before Toughness. This
was previously changed but reprinted in error by the editor.
QW-181.1.1 Revision Added language formerly in a General Note - Inserted five sentences
formerly located in Table QW-451.3 “GENERAL NOTE” immediately
after the first sentence of QW-181.1.1.
QW-182.2.1 Revision Added language formerly in a General Note - Inserted the last sentence
formerly located in Table QW-452.5 “GENERAL NOTE” immediately
after the first sentence of QW-181.2.1.
QW-191.2, QW-191.3 and Revision Clarified Qualifications for All Volumetric Examiners - (1) Revised QW-
QW-191.4 191.2.1(b); (2) Deleted previous QW-191.2.1(c) and QW-191.2.2; (3)
Redesignated previous QW-191.2.3 as QW-191.2.2 and QW-191.2.4
as QW-191.2.3; and (4) Added new paragraph QW-191.4, referencing
ASME Section V, Article 1 for qualification and certification
requirements applicable to all volumetric examination (RT and UT)
personnel. NOTE: The new QW-191.4 effectively cancels any further
use of Interpretation IX-83-142 which had stated it was not required for
radiographers to hold SNT certification to a Manufacturer's Written
QW-193 Revision Clarified QW-193 "Tube-to-Tubesheet" Qualifications - Revised QW-
193 to clarify requirements for procedure and performance
qualifications of Tube-to-Tubesheet Welds. Referenced details found in
QW-288 were extensively revised and included in a new tabular.
Variables were added or revised in Article IV to accommodate this
revision as well.

At the time of publication, there appears to be errata present, which is

being reviewed by the Committee. The changes voted upon and
passed were not what was published. Errata, when issued, will be
posted on the Section IX Committee page.
QW-196.2.1 Revision Resistance Spot and Seam Welds - The tensile strength data tables in
QW-462.10(a), (b), and (c) were deleted and replaced with an equation
and reference to Table QW/QB-422 in QW-196.2. The tensile strengths
listed in QW-462.10 did not align with certain materials and that was
the reasoning for their deletion. This change also aligns closer to the
rules found in European standards.

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Code Book: IX Part: QW Subpart/Table: Article II

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table QW-264.2 Revision Revised Table QW-264.2 - (1) Deleted "QW-405.2", the supplementary
essential variable for position; and (2) Deleted "QW-407.4" from Table
QW-264.2. The text of QW-407.4 was deleted in the 2017 Edition,
however, this reference in the Table was overlooked.
QW-200.1(e) Revision Deleted QW-200.1(e) - Incorporated previous requirement in QW-
200.1(e) regarding availability of the Welding Procedure Specification
(WPS) into QG-101.
QW-200.2(b) Revision Revised QW-200.2(b) to Exclude Weld Reinforcement - Revised third
paragraph of QW-200.2(b) by inserting the phrase ", excluding weld
reinforcement," to clearly state that weld reinforcement is not to be
considered when establishing the qualified range of deposited metal
thickness. This revision is the result of an Intent Interpretation request.

QW-200.2(e) Revision Deleted Authorized Inspector's Review of PQR - Revised QW-200.2(e)

to delete the previous requirement for the "Authorized Inspector" to
review the Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) as not all referencing
codes or standards require an Authorized Inspector. This has no
functional change though for the Authorized Inspector. The new words
state that the PQR shall be available for review.
QW-202.2 and QW-451- Revision Dissimilar Thickness Test Coupons - Rules were added to QW-202.2
Dissimilar Thickness Test describing the base metal qualified thicknesses when qualifying a WPS
Coupons. with dissimilar thickness test coupons.

For test coupons where there is a tapered transition in the thicker

member to provide a thickness transition at the weld, the qualified base
metal thickness range shall be based on the thickness of the material
adjacent to the toe of the weld at the thinnest point of the tapered
There are also now rules established for a thicker member joined to a
thinner member in a test coupon without a tapered transition at the
weld. The base metal thickness qualified shall be based on the
thickness of each member in the test coupon, individually. This
effectively establishes two base metal qualified ranges which would
need to be on the PQR and WPS and controlled for code compliance.
This will require modification of existing templates for PQRs and WPSs
to accommodate a second qualified base metal range for qualifications
made using the 2019 Edition of Section IX and beyond.
QW-214 Revision Revised QW-214 - (1) Revised QW-214.1 to add reference to QW-
214.2; and (2) Added QW-214.2 which now includes all applicable

Corrosion-Resistant Overlay (CRO) “Notes” formerly found in Table

QW-216 Revision Revised QW-216 - (1) Added QW-216.2 which now includes all
applicable Hard-facing Overlay (Wear-resistant) (HFO) “Notes” formerly
found in Table QW-453; and (2) Former QW-216.2 through QW-216.4
are redesignated as QW-216.3 through QW-216.5, respectively

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Code Book: IX Part: QW Subpart/Table: Article II

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

QW-217 Revision Revised Header Title - Header Title of QW-217 was changed from
"Joining of Composite (Clad Metals)" to "Joining of Clad Materials" to
be consistent with other text changes in Section IX.
QW-288 Revision Revised QW-288 "Tube-to-Tubesheet" Qualifications - This record was
not correctly published in the 2019 Edition. An Errata will be issued to
correct the editorial mistakes. The following is a summary of what
should have been published. QW-288 was revised to replace the
former in-text narrative presentation of essential variables with two new
Tables: Table QW-288.1 - "Essential Variables for Qualification of
Tube-to-Tubesheet Welding" and Table QW-288.2 - "Essential
Variables for Qualification of Tube-to-Tubesheet Welding (Explosion
Welding)". Former in-text descriptions of the essential variables were
either added to or revised in Article IV as follows: (1) Added QW-
402.31 & .32; QW-403.32, .34 & .35; QW-404.58 & .59; QW-410.81
through .85; (2) Revised: QW-403.18 and QW-407.1,
QW-289(a) and (b) Addition Added Low Energy Capacitor Discharge Welding - Added provisions in
QW-289 to allow use of low-energy capacitor discharge welding for
attachment of thermocouples, etc. Energy input is limited to 125 W-sec
and the HAZ created by this process is only 0.002 - 0.003 in. (0.051 -
0.076 mm) deep. This revision is an incorporation of Code Case 2884.

Code Book: IX Part: QW Subpart/Table: Article III

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

QW-300.1 Addition Clarified Welder Continuity Start Date - Added a new paragraph to QW-
300.1. For the purpose of establishing initial performance qualification
continuity, the welder's or welding operator's qualification continuity
begins from the date the welding of the test piece(s) was completed,
rather than some other date, such as the certification date of the
procedure qualification record, provided the required testing was
performed and the test results obtained were acceptable.
QW-301.4 Revision Added Procedure Followed During Test - Revised QW-301.4 to require
listing the procedure followed during the qualification test.
QW-303.5, QW-387 Addition Tube to Tubesheet Welder/Operator Qualification - The rules of QW-
303.5 were deleted. A new paragraph QW-387 was added and Table
QW-388 was also created which states the essential variables for Tube
to Tubesheet Performance Qualification.
QW-381 Revision Revised QW-381 - (1) Added reference in QW-381.1 to QW-381.2; (2)
Inserted new QW-381.2 and QW-381.2(a) which include former “Notes"
relocated from Table QW-453; and (3) Former QW-381.2 and QW-
381.3 were redesignated as QW-381.3 and QW-381.4, respectively.
QW-381.1(b), QW-381.2; Revision Replaced References to "Composite" - (1) QW-381.1(b): Replaced
QW-383.1(a) and (b) "composite clad" with "clad materials"; (2) QW-381.2: In title, replaced
"Composite Welds" with Clad Materials"; as well as "in composite welds
with clad" with "clad materials" in the next sentence; (3) QW-383.1(a)
and (b): Replaced "composite" with "clad material" in three instances.
The changes were necessitated because the definition of "composite

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Code Book: IX Part: QW Subpart/Table: Article III

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

materials" was deleted in QG-109.2 and for consistency throughout
Section IX.
QW-382 Revision Revised QW-382 - (1) Paragraph was restructured to add QW-382.1
“Qualification Test”; (2) Inserted new QW-382.1(a) through (c) which
include former “Notes” relocated from Table QW-453; and (3) Former
QW-382 (b) through (e) are now redesignated as QW-382.1 (e) through
(h), respectively.
QW-387 Addition Added Low Energy Capacitor Discharge Welding - Added provisions in
QW-387 to allow use of low-energy capacitor discharge welding in
accordance with QW-289. Welding operator performance qualification
is not required. This revision is an incorporation of Code Case 2884.

Code Book: IX Part: QW Subpart/Table: Article IV

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Figure QW-462.1(b) Errata General Note - The General Note was removed from the Figure QW-
462.1(b) as it applies to (a) as well.
Figure QW-466.1 Revision Editorially Revised Figure QW-466.1 - The text beneath Figure QW-
466.1 was incorrectly published in the 2017 Edition of Section IX. The
headers "Thickness of Specimen" now include "t," inserted in both the
inch and mm versions. In addition, the entries in the U.S. Customary
Units "Thickness of Specimen, t, in." column were corrected from "t =
1/8 or less" or "t = 3/8 or less" to now show two separate lines for "1/8"
and "less than 1/8" or "3/8" and "less than 3/8", as appropriate.
Corresponding values in the "A", "B", "C" and "D" columns were also
corrected. SI Units value data were handled similarly.
Figure QW-466.1 Revision Reformatting of "thickness of specimen" values in Table - In the 2017
Edition, there was an issue with the publication of Figure QW-466.1.
Values were shifted around. An erratum was issued to correct this.
Later it was determined that this error by the Editor was a result of the
words being shifted with the file was converted to XML code. This
change adds the terms, "less than" in the column "Thickness of
Specimen" to attempt to correct this conversion issue.
Figure QW-466.1 Revision Revised "General Notes" - (1) Deleted “GENERAL NOTE (d)” and
inserted into QW-161; and (2) Redesignated former “GENERAL NOTE”
“(e)” as “(d)”.
Figure QW-466.2 Revision Deleted "General Note (b)" - Deleted “GENERAL NOTE (b)” and
inserted into QW-161.
Nonmandatory Appendix B, Addition Added Reference to AWS BM-Numbers - Lines referring to AWS B2.2
Forms QB-482, QB-482 & BM-Numbers were added for "Base Metal" on Nonmandatory Forms
QB-484 QB-482 (BPS), QB-483 (PQR) and QB-494 (BPQ). This action is a
results of a new explanatory paragraph added to QW-420 to explain
and permit the use of "BM-Number" designations of brazing filler from
AWS 2.2-2010 "Specification for Brazing Procedure and Performance
Qualification "(Note: the latest published edition is 2016). In addition, a
Table QW/QB-422 column headed "B2.2 BM" was added parallel to "P-

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Code Book: IX Part: QW Subpart/Table: Article IV

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

No." under "Brazing" to include the "BM-Number" which permits users
to reference one or both of these numbers on brazing procedures,
procedure qualification records and brazing personnel qualification
Table QW-432 Errata Incorrect Filler Metal UNS Numbers - Corrected the UNS numbers for
ERNiCrMo-19 and ERNiMo-11.
Table QW-451.3 Revision Revised "General Note" - Removed the last five sentences of the
previous “GENERAL NOTE” to Table QW-451.3 and inserted them to
immediately after the first sentence of QW-181.1.1.
Table QW-451.4 Revision Deleted "General Note" - Deleted previous “GENERAL NOTE” as this
was considered to be adequately covered in Parts QG and QW.
Table QW-452.1 Revision Revised Note (3) - Added two final sentences to "Table QW-452.1(a),
Note (3)" to clarify what bend specimen substitutions could be made
when welding in the 5G, 6G or combination of 2G and 5G positions.
For a test coupon welded in the 5G or 6G position, four bends are
required. For a test coupon welded using a combination of 2G and 5G
positions, six bends are required.
Table QW-452.1(a), Note (3) Revision Editorial Change - "Note 3" was referenced under Face as well as Root
bends in the Table. It was already listed under Side Bends permitting
Face and Root bends as an alternative. This was deleted from under
Face and Root bends for clarity. No technical change made.
Table QW-452.5 Revision Revised "General Note" - Removed the last sentence of the previous
“GENERAL NOTE” to Table QW-452.5 and inserted it to immediately
after the first sentence of QW-181.2.1
Table QW-453 Revision Deleted All "Notes" - The table was restructured by deleting all ten
previous “Notes” and adding text descriptions of the type and number
of tests required for Procedure Qualification Testing and Performance
Qualification Testing of Corrosion-Resistant Overlay (CRO) and Hard-
facing Overlay (Wear-Resistant) (HFO) welding. The applicable “Notes”
were relocated to QW-214.2 and QW-216.2 for CRO and HFO,
Table QW-453, Note (6) Addition CRO Performance Qualification Side Bend Specimens - This record
adds a sentence to Table QW-453, Note (6), which states, "For
coupons that are less than 3/8 (10 mm) thick, the width of the side-
bend specimens may be reduced to the thickness of the test coupon".
The reason for this addition was to align with the rules in Note 5 for
Procedure qualification, which allows a reduction in the specimen width
to the thickness of the test coupon for thicknesses under 3/8 inch (10
mm). Not having this provision in the Code for performance
qualification was causing hardship to some code users. Attempting to
bend a specimen with a large width to thickness ratio can cause the
specimen to twist during side bending.
Table QW-462.4(d) Revision Deleted "General Note (b)" - Deleted “GENERAL NOTE (b)” in its
entirety as this was considered to be adequately covered in QW-183.
Table QW/QB-422 Revision Deleted "-Cu" from UNS 08367 Nominal Composition - UNS N08367
nominal composition does not include copper; therefore, all 28
instances of "-Cu" previously listed in Table QW/QB-422 under

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Code Book: IX Part: QW Subpart/Table: Article IV

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

"Nominal Composition" for all materials of this UNS No. have been
deleted. Affected material specifications are all P-No. 45 (Brazing P-
No. 111 / ISO 15607 Group 8.2).
Table QW/QB-422 Revision Revised Min. Spec. Tensile Values - The minimum specified tensile
strength values for A/SA-182 F91 and A/SA-336 were revised from 85
ksi (585 MPa) to 90 ksi (620 MPa) to match the corresponding values
in ASME Section II, Part A (2017).
Table QW/QB-422 Revision Revised Several UNS N06625 Entries - In Table QW/QB-422, for UNS
N06625: (1) added B/SB-443 Grade 1 and B/SB-446 Grade 1 with
revised product form, as P-No. 43 (Brazing P-No. 111 / ISO 15608
Grade 43); (2) Added B/SB-704 Grade 2 and B/SB-705 Grade 2 as P-
No. 43 (Brazing P-No. 111 / ISO 15608 Grade 43); (3) Revised B/SB-
366 min. specified tensile strength from "110 (760)" to "100 (690)"; (4)
Revised B/SB-443 and 446 product form; and (5) Revised B/SB-704
and 705 Grade from "none" to "1". The minimum specified tensile
strength values and product form breakdown for UNS N06625 were
revised to accurately reflect current Section II Part B material
Table QW/QB-422 Revision Corrections to Table Values - Changes to materials in the Table were
passed and slated to be published in the 2019 Edition. Some errors
were identified prior to publication. This record corrected those errors
before publication.
Table QW/QB-422 Revision Assigned P-Nos. to EN Material Specifications - Table QW/QB-422
"Spec. No." column was revised for all "SA/EN" and "SB/EN" listings to
"EN or SA/EN" and "EN or SB/EN", respectively. This change
essentially invalidates Interpretation IX-18-05 going forward and
removes the EN materials' "unassigned" status by assigning them
same P-Nos. as was established for the corresponding "SA/EN" or
"SB/EN" material.
Table QW/QB-422 Addition Added AWS BM-Numbers - A Table QW/QB-422 column headed
"B2.2 BM" was added parallel to "P-No." under "Brazing" to include
"BM-Number" designations of brazing filler from AWS 2.2-2010
"Specification for Brazing Procedure and Performance Qualification
"(Note: the latest published edition is 2016). This allows users to
reference one or both of these numbers on brazing procedures,
procedure qualification records and brazing personnel qualification
records. A new explanatory paragraph was added to QW-420. Lines to
refer to AWS B2.2 BM-Numbers was also added for "Base Metal" on
Nonmandatory Forms QB-482 (BPS), QB-483 (PQR) and QB-484
Table QW/QB-422 and Addition Assigned P-No. 34 to New UNS C70620 and C71520 Materials -
Nonmandatory Appendix D B/SB-111, 171, 283, 359, 395, 466, 467, 543, 956 UNS C70620 and
C71520 and B/SB-151 UNS C70620 have been assigned to P-No. 34
(Brazing P-No. 107 / ISO 15608 Group 34)

Table QW/QB-422 and Addition Added A/SA-995 Grade 5A, UNS J93404 - Added A/SA-995 Grade 5A,
Nonmandatory Appendix D UNS J93404 to Table QW/QB-422 and Nonmandatory Appendix D as
P-No. 10H Group 1 (Brazing P-No.102, ISO 15608 Group 10.2).

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Code Book: IX Part: QW Subpart/Table: Article IV

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table QW/QB-422 and Addition Added A/SA-276 Type 314, UNS S31400 - Added A/SA-276 Type 314,
Nonmandatory Appendix D UNS S31400 to Table QW/QB-422 and Nonmandatory Appendix D as
P-No. 8 Group 2 (Brazing P-No. 102 / ISO 15608 Group 8.2).
Table QW/QB-422 and Addition Assigned P-Nos. to 3 A/SA-1011 Material Grades - ASTM A570 was
Nonmandatory Appendix D deleted in 1998 and superseded by A/SA-1011. Two grades of the
former A570 material, SS Grade 33 and SS 45 Type 1 now included in
A/SA-1011 have been assigned as P-No. 1 Group 1 (Brazing P-No.
101 / ISO 15608 Group 1.1).
Table QW/QB-422 and Addition Assigned P-No. to ASTM A1091 Gr. C91 - ASTM A1091 Grade C91
Nonmandatory Appendix D castings have been assigned to P-No. 15E Group 1 (Brazing P-No. 102
/ ISO 15608 Group 6.4).
Table QW/QB-422 and Addition Added A/SA-213 UNS S31254 - Added A/SA-213 UNS S31254
Nonmandatory Appendix D Seamless Tubes to Table QW/QB-422 and Nonmandatory Appendix D
as P-No. 8 Group 4 (Brazing P-No. 102 / ISO 15608 Group 8.2)

Table QW/QB-422 and Addition Added A/SA-182 Grade F310H, UNS S31009 - Added A/SA-182 Grade
Nonmandatory Appendix D F310H, UNS S31009 to Table QW/QB-422 and Nonmandatory
Appendix D as P-No. 8 Group 2 (Brazing P-No. 102 / ISO 15608 Group
Table QW/QB-422 and Addition Added A/SA-841 Grade F Class 6 and 7 - Added A/SA-841 Grade F
Nonmandatory Appendix D Class 6 and 7 to Table QW/QB-422 and Nonmandatory Appendix D as
P-No. 3 Group 3 (Brazing P-No. 101 / ISO 15608 Group 2.2.)
Table QW/QB-422 and Addition Added A/SA-553 Type III - Added A/SA-553 Type III plate to Table
Nonmandatory Appendix D QW/QB-422 and Nonmandatory Appendix D as P-No. 11A Group No. 1
(Brazing P-No. 101 / ISO 15608 Group 9.2). This is an incorporation of
the material used in Code Case 2842.
Table QW/QB-422 and Addition Assigned P-Numbers to CSA Z245.XX Grades - P-Numbers and Group
Nonmandatory Appendix D Numbers have been assigned to the following CSA materials in Table
QW/QB-422 and Nonmandatory Appendix D: (1) CSA Z245.1 Grades
241, 290 and 359 - P-No. 1 Gr. 1 (welding); Grades 386, 414 and 448 -
P-No. 1 Gr. 2 (welding); Grade 483 - P-No. 1 Gr. 3 (welding); and
Grades 550 and 620 - P-No. 1 Gr. 4 (welding). (2) CSA Z245.11
Grades 207, 241, 290, 317 and 359 - P-No. 1 Gr. 1 (welding); Grades
386, 414 and 448 - P-No. 1 Gr. 2 (welding); Grade 483 - P-No. 1 Gr. 3
(welding); and Grades 550 and 620 - P-No. 1 Gr. 4 (welding). (3) CSA
Z245.12 Grades 248, 290, 317 and 359 - P-No. 1 Gr. 1 (welding);
Grades 386, 414 and 448 - P-No. 1 Gr. 2 (welding); Grade 483 - P-No.
1 Gr. 3 (welding); and Grades 550 and 620 - P-No. 1 Gr. 4 (welding).
All of the preceding have been assigned brazing P-Number 101 and
ISO 15608 Group Number 11.1.
Table QW/QB-422 and Addition Added UNS K92460 Product Forms - Added A234 WP92, A/SA-336
Nonmandatory Appendix D F92 and A/SA-1017 Grade 92 (UNS K92460) to Table QW/QB-422 and
Nonmandatory Appendix D as P-No. 15 E Group 1 (Brazing P-No. 102
/ ISO 15608 Group 6.4). UNS K92460 materials are referred to in B31
Case 183-2.
Table QW/QB-422 and Revision Editorial Changes - The following changes were made to Table
Nonmandatory Appendix D QW/QB-422: (1) The previous "Type or Grade" column title was

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Code Book: IX Part: QW Subpart/Table: Article IV

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

replaced by "Designation, Type or Grade", and "Type","Tp.","Grade"
and "Gr." identifiers were deleted from the that column for consistency
and to avoid redundancy; (2) The prefix "TP" was removed from A/SA-
276 entries as this is bar material and "TP" means "pipe / tube"; (3)
A/SA-276 deleted "Type S32205" and "Product Form" was revised to
"Bars & Forgings"; (4) ISO 15608 group for A/SA-1011 SS36 1 and
SS36 2 was revised from "1.1" to "1.2".

The following changes were made throughout Nonmandatory Appendix

D: (1) Deleted all instances of "Gr." and "Type" for entries in the "Type,
Grade, or UNS No." column.
QW-403.20 Revision Revised QW-403.20 to Align with QW-403.11 - No solid technical
reason could be found for the rules for qualified base metals using the
special process of weld metal overlay to be more restrictive than the
rules for groove and fillet welding procedures under QW-424 when the
chemical composition of the weld deposit is not specified in the WPS.
This revision relaxes the qualified base metal for situations where the
overlay weld deposit composition is not specified in the WPS and
allows the WPS to also be qualified for overlay welding on lower base
metal P-Numbers. An early implementation Section IX Code Case
2897 was approved on September 29, 2017.
QW-403.5(c) Revision Clarified Qualification for Group Nos. within Same P-No. - Revised the
last sentence of the large paragraph immediately following QW-
403.5(c) to read: "In addition, when base metals of two different Group
Numbers within the same P-Number are qualified using a single test
coupon, that coupon qualifies the welding of those two Group Numbers
within the same P-Number to themselves as well as to each other
using the variables qualified." This revision clarifies that the previous
wording introduced in the 2006 Addenda was only intended to allow
welding of different Group Number materials within the same P-
QW-404.10 Revision Deleted Reference to "Authorized Inspector" - Specific reference to the
"Authorized Inspector" is deleted, as not all referencing codes or
standards require an Authorized Inspector. This action leaves it up to
the Construction (Referencing) Codes to decide record availability
rather than ASME Section IX.
QW-404.5 Revision Clarification of last paragraph - In the last paragraph within QW-404.5,
"by" was inserted in two places. This was done to make it clear that the
restrictions for "G" suffix classifications did not extend into the
manufacturer's trade designation or other established procurement
QW-404.5(d) and QW-404.12 Revision Revised "Trade Designation" to "Trade Name" - Changed "Trade
Designation" previously used in QW-404.5 and QW-404.12 to "Trade
Name" for consistency in terminology throughout Section IX.
QW-405.2 Revision Deleted QW-405.2 - The supplementary essential variable for position
has been deleted. Position and progression have no bearing on the
heat input of a test coupon. Certainly, some progressions and positions
due to technique could raise of heat input; however, controlling the aim

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Code Book: IX Part: QW Subpart/Table: Article IV

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

heat input is the critical thing to control. That is already covered by a
different supplemental essential variable.
QW-410.14 Revision Laser Beam Angle - QW-410.14 is an essential variable for the laser
welding process and overlay, which covers beam angle. The current
words in this paragraph only make it applicable for full penetration
welds. This record changes this to apply to all welds, since beam angle
is important for overlay as well as partial penetration welds as well.
QW-420 Revision Revised QW-420 to Address non-ASTM Materials - Added 8th
paragraph to QW-420 to clarify that with respect to P-Nos., non-ASTM
material specifications that have not been adopted for use in the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code are considered "unassigned". For
example, EN 10028-3 Grade P355GH is unassigned; however, the
ASME adopted revision SA/EN 10028-3 Grade P355GH is assigned to
P-No. 1. Interpretation IX-18-05 was the impetus for this revision.
QW-420 Revision Examples of unlisted base metals - This is a revision to Record
Number 18-68 prior to publication in the 2019 Edition. This record lists
an SA/EN and an EN material in a parenthetical statement with an
"e.g.". After passage of this record, the two materials listed were
assigned P-Nos and could no longer be listed as examples for unlisted
materials. As a result, this record substitutes in two materials that truly
are unlisted into the list of examples.
QW-420 Addition Added Reference to AWS BM-Numbers - A new explanatory
paragraph was added to QW-420 to explain and permit the use of "BM-
Number" designations of brazing filler from AWS 2.2-2010
"Specification for Brazing Procedure and Performance Qualification
"(Note: the latest published edition is 2016). A Table QW/QB-422
column headed "B2.2 BM" was added parallel to "P-No." under
"Brazing" to include the "BM-Number" which permits users to reference
one or both of these numbers on brazing procedures, procedure
qualification records and brazing personnel qualification records. Lines
to refer to AWS B2.2 BM-Numbers were also added for "Base Metal"
on Nonmandatory Forms QB-482 (BPS), QB-483 (PQR) and QB-484
QW-423.1 Revision Revised QW-423.1 Text and Table - (1) Clarified the base metal
substitutions allowed and range qualified for welder qualification; (2)
Added to text of QW-423.1 stating that any base metal shown in the
same row may be substituted in the performance qualification test
coupon for the base metal(s) specified in the WPS followed during
welder qualification; (3) The headings to the accompanying table were
also revised.
QW-462 Revision Added "API 1104" as an Alternative Specification - This was not
published as a result of RN: 18-557, which removed the explicit listing
of acceptable standards
QW-462 Revision Tensile testing to standards other than Section IX - Previously in QW-
462, there was a specific list of alternative permitted standards for
tensile testing specimen geometry. This revision now permits any
welding qualification standard to be used for tensile testing specimen
geometry as long as a cross-section can be measured so that an
ultimate tensile strength can be determined.

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Code Book: IX Part: QW Subpart/Table: Article IV

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

QW-462.10(a), (b), and (c) Revision Resistance Spot and Seam Welds - The tensile strength data tables in
QW-462.10(a), (b), and (c) were deleted and replaced with an equation
and reference to Table QW/QB-422 in QW-196.2. The tensile strengths
listed in QW-462.10 did not align with certain materials and that was
the reasoning for their deletion. This change also aligns closer to the
rules found in European standards.

Code Book: IX Part: QW Subpart/Table: Article V

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

QW-540(h) Revision Clarified Demonstration Record Review Availability - Revised QW-
540(h) to clarify the certified Supporting Demonstration Record shall be
made available for review; however, access to the Record is not
exclusively limited the "Authorized Inspector", as not all referencing
codes or standards require an Authorized Inspector.

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Code Book: X Part: Subpart/Table: Introduction

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

3.3.4 Revision Additional cycles requirement deleted. - Revisions to Introduction 3.3.4
deletes the requirement for additional cycles until the vessel leaks or
total of 2 times the "N" cycles are reached.
Table 1.1 Revision Added ASTM D7078 - ASTM D7078 has been added to RT-703.5 as
an option to D4255. ASTM D7078 is a recognized best practice for
determining in-plane shear properties and improves on some
deficiencies that D4255 has, including reducing the sample size and
revising the sample geometry to located the failure at a specific
location. Reference has also been added to Table 1.1 and RT-801.

Code Book: X Part: Subpart/Table: Part RG

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

RG-321.2 Revision Added references to Appendix AK - Nonmandatory Appendix AK was
added in the 2017 Edition but there were no references in the main
body of the book. Revisions to RG-312.2(b) and RG-321.2(e)(8) now
refer to Appendix AK as an alternative to RT-7.

Code Book: X Part: Subpart/Table: Part RM

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

RM-153 Revision Added references to Appendix AK - Nonmandatory Appendix AK was
added in the 2017 Edition but there were no references in the main
body of the book. Revisions to RM-153 now refer to Appendix AK as an
alternative to RT-7.

Code Book: X Part: Subpart/Table: Part RD

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

RD-1163 Revision Added references to Appendix AK - Nonmandatory Appendix AK was
added in the 2017 Edition but there were no references in the main
body of the book. Revisions to RD-1163 and RD-1163.1 now refer to
Appendix AK as an alternative to RT-7.
RD-1176.3 Revision Correction to formula in RD-1176.3(i) - The equation for longitudinal
hub stress, SH , was missing the hub stress correction factor, f. Figure
RD-1176.1, worksheet template, correctly shows the factor being used.
RD-1180.2 Revision Added references to Appendix AK - Nonmandatory Appendix AK was
added in the 2017 Edition but there were no references in the main
body of the book. Revisions to RD-1180.2(c) now refer to Appendix AK
as an alternative to RT-7.
RD-1230 Revision Added references to Appendix AK - Nonmandatory Appendix AK was
added in the 2017 Edition but there were no references in the main

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body of the book. Revisions to RD-1230 now refer to Appendix AK as
an alternative to RT-7.

Code Book: X Part: Subpart/Table: Part RF

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

RF-531 Revision Elastomeric liners has been added. - Elastomeric liners were not listed
in RF-531 or Appendix 4. This appears to have been an oversight. The
change to RF-531 separates the type of liners permissible in class 1
and class 2 vessels. The definition of "liners" has also been revised to
account for elastomeric liners.

Code Book: X Part: Subpart/Table: Part RT

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

RT-510 Revision Prohibits intermediate valves in pressure test line - Change to the
paragraph clarifies that intermediate valves are not permitted in
between the pressure gage and vessel or pressure line.
RT-703.5, RT-801 Revision Added ASTM D7078 as an option to D4255 - ASTM D7078 has been
added to RT-703.5 as an option to D4255. ASTM D7078 is a
recognized best practice for determining in-plane shear properties and
improves on some deficiencies that D4255 has, including reducing the
sample size and revising the sample geometry to locate the failure at a
specific location. Reference has also been added to Table 1.1 and RT-

Code Book: X Part: Subpart/Table: Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Nonmandatory Appendix AA, Revision Added design factor for vessels built per RG-404.2 - In Appendix AA,
AA-200.1 there was no design factor indicated for Class I vessels built in
accordance with RG-404.2 (Filament winding with only polar boss
openings). This change introduces the 1/5 factor per RT-223.5 to the
definitions of S and SH.
Nonmandatory Appendix AD, Revision Added references to Appendix AK - Nonmandatory Appendix AK was
AD-400 added in the 2017 Edition but there were no references in the main
body of the book. Revisions to AD-400 now refer to Appendix AK as an
alternative to RT-7.
Nonmandatory Appendix AH Revision Replaced "Nonmandatory Appendix" with "Section" - This revision
corrects an editing error introduced in the 2004 Addenda by replacing
"Nonmandatory Appendix" with "Section" in the first sentence of
paragraph AH-100. "Equations" are found in the Code "Section" not in
just this "Nonmandatory Appendix".

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Code Book: X Part: Subpart/Table: Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Appendix 1, 1-100 Revision Revised ASME Designee reference to Authorized Inspector - Revision
corrects an unintentional error in 1-100. The QC System must be
accepted by the Authorized Inspector rather than "ASME Designee" in
accordance with ASME CA-1.
Appendix 4 Revision Revised current definitions and added new - Several definitions have
been revised and new ones added. Definitions for ASTM ring, carbon
filament, E-CR glass, loop order, and quasi-isotropic added. Definitions
for accelerator, aramid fiber, balanced laminate,

curing agent, fiber, geodesic isotensoid contour, graphite filament,

hybrid, inhibitor, isotropic laminate, liner, NOL ring, planar winding,
strength ratio, and winding pattern revised.
Appendix 8 Revision Includes high pressure fluids other than hydrogen - Incorporation of
Codes Cases 2745 and 2820 revises Appendix 8 to include high
pressure fluids other than just hydrogen. The incorporation also adds
permeation requirements for fluids other than hydrogen (natural gas
and methane) in 8-700.5.7. With the change the following paragraphs
have been revised or added: Appendix Title, 8-100.2, 8-100.8 (added),
8-300.1(c), 8-300.6.1, 8-400.1 (last part of 2nd paragraph), 8-
700.2.1(d), 8-700.5.7.2(b) (added), 8-700.5.7.4(b) (added), and 8-
Appendix 8 Revision Changed "inspector" to "Inspector" or "technician" - The term
"inspector" was not used correctly in several places in Appendix 8. The
changes make it clear when an Authorized Inspector (qualified by the
rules of the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors) is
required and when the term "inspector" meant a technician.
Appendix 8, 8-400.1 Revision Incorporation of Code Case 2744 - Revision to 8-400.1 changes the
requirement to use minimum thickness and minimum material
properties in the stress calculation to be values closer to nominal
properties. The stress analysis results shall be confirmed with strain
gages or similar methods during testing. This should provide more
accurate stress analysis results.
Appendix 8, 8-600.2.7 Revision Acoustic Emission Examination requirements revised - Changes to 8-
600.2.7 include adding a minimum hold time for the pressure. The
previous time has been revised to state "does not need to exceed"
time. A range of pressurization is now added. These changes are
meant to help increase inspection efficiency. The new times are based
on experience in assessing production vessels.
Appendix 8, 8-700.2.1-1 Revision Incorporation of Code Case 2747 - Revision to Table 8-700.2.1-1
deletes the requirement for a new creep test if a nozzle design
Appendix 8, 8-700.5.3.1 Revision Incorporation of Code Case 2746 - This incorporation of Case 2746
sets a maximum pressurization rate at 200 psi/sec for the burst test
procedure for Class III vessels with liners for gaseous hydrogen
stationary service. This value is more common in the industry. The
revision also adds requirements when the rate exceeds 50 psi/sec at
pressures above 80% of the design burst pressure.

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Code Book: X Part: Subpart/Table: Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Appendix 8, 8-700.5.4.1 Revision Incorporation of Code Case 2742 - If a minimum operating pressure is
specified in the UDS (greater than 10% of design pressure) this change
to 8-700.5.4.1 permits the fatigue test cycles to be between the
minimum operating pressure and design pressure for that portion of the
required number of cycles rather than all cycles being the full 10% of
design to design pressure.
Appendix 8, 8-700.5.4.1 Revision Maximum limit of necessary cycles added. - Changes to Appendix 8, 8-
700.5.4.1 place an upper limit on the number of cycles necessary for
qualification testing.

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Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: Front Matter

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Forward of Section XI Revision Revised Forward of Section XI - Proposed clarification to recent
revisions to the Section III and Section XI Forewords of the BPV Code
to change the word "components" to the more inclusive word "items" is
a simple fix for this concern, allowing all pertinent items to be properly

Preface to Section XI, Revision ASME Section XI, Division 2 - Revised the Preface to Section XI and
Organization of Section XI, the Organization of Section XI to do the following: Revised reference to
Division 2 and Division 3 Division 2 to Reliability and Integrity Management (RIM) Program and
deleted reference to Division 3. In addition, revised Division 2 page to
direct user to separate book and Division 3 page requirements were

Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: IWA

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

IWA-5120(a) Revision Periodic System Pressure Test Exemptions - The revision clarifies that
system leakage testing is not required when paragraphs IWC-5000 or
IWD-5000 do not require it.
IWA-5250(a)(1) Errata IWA-5250(a)(1) - Revised IWA-5250(a)(1) to reference IWD-3132 in
lieu of IWD-3120.
IWA-6211(c), Mandatory Revision Revise IWA-6211(c) and Form OAR-1 - Revision to the OAR-1 for
Appendix II Preservice Inspections
Figure IWA-3320-1 Errata Figure IWA-3320-1 Errata - Removed the word "Is" in title
Table IWA-1600-1 Revision Table IWA-1600-1 Referenced Standards and Specifications - Updated
Table IWA-1600-1 referenced standards for the following: ASME NQA-
1, ASTM D3867, and ASME D4327,
IWA-2200(d) Addition ASME Section V Edition/Addenda Applicability - Added paragraph (d)
to IWA-2200 that addresses the requirement for the Edition/Addenda of
ASME Section V to be used for ASME Section XI examinations.
IWA-2430(c)(1) and (c)(3) Revision IWA-2430 Inspection Intervals - Revised IWA-2430(c)(1) and (c)(3) to
clarify that examinations for the extended interval or period need not be
completed prior to extending the inspection interval or period.
IWA-3100(b), IWB-3410.2(d), Revision Subject to review and approval by Regulatory Authority - The revisions
IWB-3610(e), IWB-3640, were to delete words “subject to review and approval,” where
IWB-3720(c), IWB-3730(c), applicable, since the ASME Section XI Code is used internationally.
IWC-3640, IWD-3640, The review & approval requirements are up to the user's discretion.
Appendix A-4200(c),
Appendix A-4400(b),
Appendix G-2100(a),
Appendix G-2216, Appendix
G-2510 and Appendix G-

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Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: IWA

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

IWA-3360(b) and Figure Revision IWA-3360 Laminar Flaws Proximity Rules - IWA-3360(b) is modified to
IWA-3360-1 include the new proximity criteria. Figure IWA-3360-1 is also modified
to accommodate the new geometric parameters.
IWA-3390(a)(1), IWA- Revision Figure IWA-3390-1 Multiple Aligned Separate Flaws - The revision
3390(a)(2)(-c), and Figure corrects an error/ambiguity in Figure IWA-3390-1 when defining flaw
IWA-3390-1 dimension a1, a2, a3, as identified in Inquiry BPV XI-1-17-20. Also,
paragraph IWA-3390(a) was revised for added clarity when using
Figure IWA-3390-1.
IWA-4320, IWA-4321 and Revision Added requirements for Class 2 and 3 mechanical joints. - Added
IWA-4322 requirements for mechanical joints from Section III, NC/ND-3671.
Moved the introductory paragraph added to IWA-4321 in the 2017
edition to IWA-4320, to make it applicable to all Classes. Added
reference to B36.10M to Table IWA-1600-1. Added metrication to IWA-
IWA-4411(c), IWA-4440(d) Revision Welding and Brazing Operators - Revision moves note 10 to paragraph
and Endnote 10 IWA-4411(c), which states "welders and brazers include welding and
brazing operators unless otherwise specified."
IWA-4440(d) Errata BPV XI Errata - IWA-4440(d) - Errata item for insertion of "and brazers"
in IWA-4440(d)

IWA-4512 Addition ASME Section V Edition/Addenda for R/R Activities - Paragraph IWA-
4512 was added to allow later Editions/Addenda of ASME Section V to
be used as an alternative to the Edition/Addenda of ASME Section V
referenced in the Construction Code.
IWA-4520(c) Revision Timing of NDE after welded or brazed R/R activity - Revised IWA-
4520(c) to state that the NDE examinations shall be completed prior to
returning the system to service.
IWA-4540(a) Revision Pressure Testing after Welding and Brazing - Clarified in IWA-4540(a)
that the pressure test shall be performed after completion of welding
and brazing.
IWA-5211(b) and Endnote 18 Revision System Hydrostatic Test Requirements - Revised description of system
hydrostatic test and add footnote 18 to clarify that the system
hydrostatic test is only used for post repair/replacement activities.
IWA-5212(b) and IWA- Revision Clarify when IWA-5260 is required. - Adding wording to include system
5212(d) pneumatic tests in lieu of system leakage tests or system hydrostatic
tests to paragraphs IWA-5212(b) and (d).
IWA-6230(b) Revision OAR-1 Completion Time - Revise paragraph IWA-6230(b) to extend
the Form OAR-1 completion requirement from 90 days to 120 days.
See Case N-892 for use of 120-days.(Record #18-2014)
IWA-6230(b)(1) Errata BPV XI Errata -IWA-6230(b)(1) - Changed "and" to "or" in paragraph

IWA-9000 Revision Revise Definition of "Open ended" - Revised definition for “open ended”

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Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: IWA

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

IWA-9000 Revision IWA-9000, Definition of Repair/Replacement Organization - The
definition of Repair/Replacement Organization was revised to clarify
that the Repair/Replacement Organization can have their own QA
Program as described in IWA-4142.
IWA-9000 Addition Moderate Energy Items Definition - Added the definition of Moderate
Energy Items to IWA-9000.
IWA-9000 and Revision Nonmandatory Appendix A-9000 Definitions - Revised IWA-9000 and
Nonmandatory Appendix A- Nonmandatory Appendix A-9000 definitions to avoid duplication. In
9000 addition, updated definitions in A-9000.

Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: IWB

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Figure IWB-2500-11 Errata BPV XI Errata - Figure IWB-2500-11 - Figure IWB-2500-11 was
incorrectly published from what was approved in Record #11-1143. The
leader line arrowhead for “Exam. Surface A-B” should terminate at the
vertical line instead of where it is currently shown. Also, the dimension
line between the arrowheads for “1/2t or 1 in. (whichever is less)”
should actually be shown parallel to the surface of the component (it is
currently shown at an angle).
Table IWB-2500-1, Addition Class 1 Core Makeup Tank - Added examination requirements for
Examination Categories B-B, Core MakeUp Tank (Vessel) welds, similar to what is required for
B-D, B-F, B-G-1 and B-G-2; pressurizers.
Figure IWB-2500-20
Table IWB-2500-1, Revision Clarify Category B-D Examination Requirements - Revise Table IWB-
Examination Category B-D 2500-1, Examination Category B-D, Note 4 to clarify that examination
of nozzle inside corner region is required only for Items B3.100 and
Table IWB-2500-1, Revision Class 1 Bolting Examination Requirements - Revision to Table IWB-
Examination Category B-G-1 2500-1, Examination Category B-G-1 Note (4) to provide clarification in
Note (4) regards to frequency and quantity of Visual examination of Class 1
bolted connections greater than 2 inch in diameter.
Table IWB-2500-1, Revision Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Category B-J, Note (2) - Note (2) was
Examination Category B-J, revised to clarify the weld selection requirements.
Note (2
IWB-1220, IWC-1221, IWC- Revision Components Exempt From Examination - The revision clarifies how
1222 and IWD-1220 cumulative pipe cross-sectional area is calculated.
IWA-2200(c), Table IWB- Revision Accessibility criteria for surface and volumetric exams - Revised IWA-
2500-1 Examination 2200(c),Table IWB-2500-1, Examination Categories B-A, B-B, B-J, and
Categories B-A, B-B, B-J, B-K, and Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Categories C-A and C-C to
and B-K, and Table IWC- clarify requirements for obtaining essentially 100% of the required
2500-1, Examination examination volume or area.
Categories C-A and C-C
IWB-2411(a)(3) Revision Clarify Deferral of B-G-1 Examinations - Paragraph IWB-2411(a)(3)
was revised to include Examination Category B-G-1. This was to clarify

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Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: IWB

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

that B-G-1 required examinations may be deferred to the end of the
inspection interval. The revision makes the paragraph consistent with
Table IWB-2500-1 Examination Category B-G-1.
IWB-2500(f)(5) and IWB- Errata BPV XI Errata - IWB-2500(f)(5) and IWB-2500(f)(7) - Corrected formula
2500(f)(7) definitions and added radius definitions.
IWB-3122.1(b), IWB-3131(c), Revision Clarify and Standardize Acceptance Standards - Revised paragraphs
IWB-3132.1, IWB-3141(a), IWB-3122.1(b), IWB-3131(c), IWB-3132.1, IWB-3141(a), and IWB -
IWB -3142.1(b) 3142.1(b) to clarify and standardize how the acceptance standards are
IWB-3720 and Appendix E Revision Analytical Evaluation of Unanticipated Operating Events - Revise
Appendix E and IWB-3720 to add ,"excluding nozzles" after all
instances of "reactor vessel beltline region"
IWB-5210 and IWB-5221 Errata BPV XI Errata - IWB-5200 - Revised IWB-5210 to delete this
misprinted(c). This insertion was supposed to be added to IWB-5221.
Revised IWB-5221 (d) to reference IWB-5221(b)
IWB-5222(b)(1) Errata BPV XI Errata - 5222(b)(1) - The Reference in IWB-5222(b)(1) should
be (a), not the published "IWB-5221(a)".

Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: IWC

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table IWC-2500-1, Revision Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-A Weld Examination -
Examination Category C-A This action revises Note (2) in Table IWC-2500-1, Examination
Category C-A to clarify what is already shown in Figures IWC-2500-1
and IWC-2500-2 (that the examination includes the weld and 0.5 in. (13
mm) on each side of the weld).
Table IWC-2500-1, Revision Nozzle Size Exemptions for Examination Category C-B - This action
Examination Category C-B revises Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-B, Items C2.10,
and Figures IWC-2500-3 and C2.20, and C2.30, to clarify that only nozzles > 4" NPS require
IWC-2500-4 examination.
Tables IWC-3510-1, IWC- Revision IWC-3500 Standards Material Limitations - Revised ferritic steel
3510-3, IWC-3511-1, IWC- limitations/requirements on the applicability of IWC-3500 standards to
3511-2, and paragraph IWC- make them applicable to commonly used vessel steels with room
3510.5 temperature yield strengths above 50 ksi.
IWC-1221 Revision IWC-1221 Exemptions - This action revises IWC-1221 to apply 1 ½”
size exemption criteria to Auxiliary Feedwater systems that may be
considered within the boundary of ECCS, CHR, or RHR systems at
some plants. This change will ensure that the same size exemptions
will apply to Auxiliary Feedwater system components, regardless of
whether they are within the ECCS, CHR, or RHR system boundary.
IWC-2420(f)(2) Errata BPV XI Errata - IWC-2420(f)(2) - In IWC-2420(f)(2) , corrected
"designation" to "degradation".

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Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: IWC

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

IWC-3121(a), IWC-3122.1, Revision Clarify and Standardize Acceptance Standards - Revised paragraphs
IWC-3131, IWC-3132(b) IWC-3121(a), IWC-3122.1, IWC-3131, and IWC-3132(b) to clarify and
standardize how the acceptance standards are specified.
IWC-3125, IWC-3131, and Errata BPV XI Errata - IWC-3125, IWC-3131, and IWD-3131 - In IWC-3125,
IWD-3131 corrected "Evaluation analyses" to "The analytical evaluation". In IWC-
3131 and IWD-3131, corrected the first sentence to "The results of the
visual examinations...".

Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: IWD

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

IWD-3131, IWD-3132(b), Revision Clarify and Standardize Acceptance Standards - Revised paragraphs
IWD-3131 and IWD-3132(b) to clarify and standardize how the
acceptance standards are specified.

Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: IWE

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table IWE-2500-1 Exam Revision Table IWE-2500-1 Exam Category E-A and E-G Examinations -
Category E-A and E-G Note Revision is to note 1 of Table IWE-2500 Examination Categories E-A
1 and E-G. The revision clarifies that threads are required to be
examined in both base material and flanges.
Table IWE-2500-1 Note Errata BPV XI Errata - Table IWE-2500-1 Note (1)(d) - Corrected misspelling
(1)(d) of "disassembled" in Table IWE-2500-1 Note (1)(d).
IWE-2310 and IWE-3511 Revision Inspection of Liner Plates for bulging - Added: Added "visually" in IWE-
2310(b) for consistency: (b) Noncoated areas shall be visually

Added: New paragraph to IWE-2310 and revised IWE-3511 to address

the examination and acceptance requirements for the inspection of
Liner Plates.
IWE-3121, IWE-3122.1 Revision Clarify and Standardize Acceptance Standards - Revised paragraphs
IWE-3121 and IWE-3122.1 to clarify and standardize how the
acceptance standards are specified.

Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: IWF

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

IWF-3121, and IWF-3122.1 Revision Clarify and Standardize Acceptance Standards - Revised paragraphs
IWF-3121, and IWF-3122.1 to clarify and standardize how the
acceptance standards are specified.

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Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: IWL

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

IWL-2320(a)(3)(b) and IWL- Revision IWL Visual Examiner Proficiency Requirements - Revised paragraphs
2320(a)(3)(d) IWL-2320(a)(3)(b) and IWL-2320(a)(3)(d) to replace reference to "flaws
and indications", with "examples of damage or degradation". "Damage"
and "degradation" are more appropriate terms used in IWL visual

Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: Nonmandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Appendix C Revision Allowable Flaw Size Tables in Appendix C - Corrects the allowable
circumferential flaw depth-to-thickness ratio Tables C 5310-1 through
C-5310-4 at low stress ratios that gives allowable flaws sizes that are
inconsistent with the analytical solution of C-5320 or C-6320, as
Appendix C Revision Flaw Evaluation of Cast Austenitic Stainless Steel - Revised the flaw
evaluation requirements for austenitic piping to include Cast Austenitic
Stainless Steel (CASS) piping.
Appendix J Figure J-1000-1, Revision References to ASME OM Code - Removed references to required tests
J-3000(a), J-3000(b), J- per ASME OM Code in Non-mandatory Appendix J.
3000(c), and J-4000(b).
Appendix L, L-4100 Errata BPV XI Errata - Appendix L, L-4100 - Inserted the word "analytical" in
the scope. Scope reads, "provisions for analytical evaluations..."
Appendix N-1000 and Revision Updated SNT-TC-1A, CP-189 and Section XI references - Removed all
Appendix N Table N-1000-1 references to ASNT SNT-TC-1A 1984 updated the tables to include
2006 CP-189 and ASME Section XI 2015 Edition
Nonmandatory Appendix A- Revision Analytical Evaluation of Flaws and Fracture Toughness - Revised
1100, A-4200(b), Figure A- Nonmandatory Appendices A and G to be in line with the material
4200-1, Figure A-4200-1M, requirements per paragraph IWB-3510.4.
and Table A-4200-1;
Nonmandatory Appendix G-
2110(b), and Table G-2110-
Nonmandatory Appendix A- Revision O.D. Circumferential Flaw Equations - Added closed-form equations for
3412, A-3540, and A-3600. the calculation of influence coefficients for surface flaws on the outside
diameter (OD) of cylinders. The addition/changes are to Nonmandatory
Appendix A, Paragraphs A-3412, A-3540 and A-3600.
Nonmandatory Appendix C- Revision Analytical Evaluation of Flaws in Piping - Updates to ASME Section XI
1300 and Article C-4000 Appendix C-4000 for Stress Intensity Factor Solutions.
Nonmandatory Appendix G- Revision Fracture Toughness Material Requirements - Clarifies the RTTO
2110 requirements for ferritic materials. The change was a result of intent
inquiry BPV XI-1-18-16.
Nonmandatory Appendix P- Revision Nonmandatory Appendix P - The term "Nonmandatory Appendix" was
1100 replaced with "Section" in paragraph P-1100

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Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: Code Cases

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

N-561-3 Revision Class 2 and 3 High Energy Piping Overlay Requirements - Changes
will incorporate NRC Conditions, remove references to IWA-4650
butter bead rules, clarify flexibility analysis requirements, and clarify s
dimension limits.
N-768 Addition Examination of Class 1 & 2 Pressure Vessel Ferritic Welds - This Code
Case provides alternative inservice volumetric examination
requirements for Class 1 & 2 pressure vessel weld joints greater than 2
in. in thickness where examination limitations caused by component or
part geometry results in examination coverage that does not meet the
examination volumes specified by Table IWB-2500-1, Examination
Category B-A or B-B, or Table IWC-2500-1, Examination Category C-
N-871 Addition Repair of Buried Class 2 & 3 Piping - New Code Case to address repair
of localized leakage and structural degradation of buried metallic Class
2 or Class 3 piping with maximum operating temperature not exceeding
200 °F, using carbon fiber reinforced polymer composites.
N-885 Addition Reactor Vessel Examination Requirements - The Code Case is to
clarify and simplify the examination requirements associated with
existing Code Examination Categories B-N-1, B-N-2 and B-N-3 and
eliminate inconsistencies in application of requirements.
N-889 Addition Stress Corrosion Crack Growth in Irradiated Materials
- Case provides stress corrosion crack growth rate curves for
analytical evaluation of flaws in irradiated austenitic stainless steels
exposed to light water reactor environments.
N-890 Addition Fracture Toughness Material Requirements - Provides an alternative to
the Nonmandatory Appendix G paragraph G-2110(b) requirement of
“obtaining fracture toughness data for at least three heats” for using
KIC curve (Figure G-2210-1) for the above grades, and their heat-
affected zone (HAZ) and weld metals.
N-892 Addition OAR-1 Completion Time - 1. Subject * Case N-TBD - Alternative
Requirement for IWA-6230(b) Owner's Activity Report, Form OAR-1,
Completion Time.
2. Proposal Approve Case N-TBD to allow Owners 120 days to
complete Form OAR-1 following a refueling outage.
3. Explanation * For decades Inservice Inspection Report preparation
and submittal to the enforcement authority having jurisdiction at the
plant site has been set at 90 days after completion of ISI work following
a refueling outage. The requirement appeared at least as early as the
July 1, 1971 Edition of the Section XI Code.

One impact from utility adoption of the “Delivering the Nuclear Promise”
initiative has been plant staff reduction. A consequence of the reduction
has been fewer people dedicated to ISI tasks. One such task is pursuit
and closure of Form NIS-2 (or NIS-2A for Case N-532 users), Owner’s
Repair/Replacement Certification Record, and Form OAR-1, Owner’s
Activity Report.

Recognizing that work conditions have changed since the 90-day

reporting period was originally set, utilities seek some measure of relief

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Code Book: XI Part: Div. 1 Subpart/Table: Code Cases

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

by extending the outage cycle ISI documentation completion and
submittal requirements by an additional 30 days.
4. Summary of Changes Case N-TBD was originated to allow Owners
30 more days to complete Form OAR-1.

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Code Book: XI Part: Div. 2 Subpart/Table: Foreword

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Section XI Division 2 Revision ASME Section XI Division 2 - This is an initial issue BPV XI Division 2 :
Requirements for Reliability and Integrity Management (RIM) Program
for Nuclear Power Plants.

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Code Book: XII Part: Subpart/Table: Part TM

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Table TM-130.2-2 and Revision Materials UNS N08904 moved from SB to SA Spec - In ASTM and
TM130.2-5 ASME Section II-B, N08904 has been moved from SB to SA
specification. The affected specifications are SB-673, SB-674, SB-677
and SB-625:
These are the details of this change:
SB-673 moved to SA-249
SB-674 and SB-677 moved to SA-312
SB-625 moved to SA-240
N08904 is also added to SA-182

The allowable stresses are available in II-D.

TM-250.1(c)(1)(-a) Revision Revision of FN Number 316L weld wire - For MDMT colder than -320
ºF, the ferrite number requirement for Type 316L weld has been
relaxed from 5 to 10 in 2017 Ed. Section VIII-1 The higher FN limit is
justified by the impact test data. The revision to paragraph TM-
250.1(c)(1)(-a) was made to be consistent with Section VIII.

Code Book: XII Part: Subpart/Table: Part TD

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

TD-210(a) Revision Replace reference to “Section VIII, Division 1” - In Paragraph TD-
210(a), “Section VIII, Division 1” was replaced with “Section XII”. A
reference to Section VIII, Div. 1 was made in Paragraph TD-210(a)
when Section XII was still under development. Allowable stresses were
added to Section II-D that needed to be properly addressed.
TD-210(e) and (f) Revision Incorporation of requirements from BPV II Part D - This revision
consists in the incorporation of Section II shear and bearing stress
requirements from Table 1A General Notes (c) and (d): Table 1B
General Notes (c) and (d), and Table 3 General Notes (b) and (c) into
Section XII. It was determined by Section II Committee after an
interpretation request under RN11-731 and later under RN17-2199 that
Table 1A General Note (d) contains design/manufacturing rules for
BPV VIII and XII which really belong in the construction codes. Upon
further review by the Committee it was determined that Table 1B
General Notes (c) and (d), and Table 3 General Notes (b) and (c) also
belong to the construction code.

Code Book: XII Part: Subpart/Table: Part TR

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

TR-130(i) and TR-520 Revision Alternate Marking for Rupture Disks - This new paragraph provides an
alternative to the rupture disk marking application requirements of TR-
520 when it is impracticable or not possible to place the marking on the
flange of the disk or fasten the tag securely to the disk by requiring the
metal tag to be sealed to the installation in such way that would prevent
removal of the disk without breaking the seal as stated in the new

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Code Book: XII Part: Subpart/Table: Part TR

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

paragraph TR-130(i). The lot number shall also be marked on the disk.
This revision comes from the incorporation of Code Case 2367 into
Section XII.

Code Book: XII Part: Subpart/Table: Modal Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Modal Appendix 1, 1-1.4(c) Revision Revision of Notes and Definitions - A note for clarification was added to
and Fig. 1-1.4 Para. 1-1.4(c) to ensure that evaluation for internal or external pressure
conditions are made for all load cases and that torsion and shear
stresses be evaluated for transverse loads. Figure 1-1.4 was revised in
its entirety to ensure consistent nomenclature and methods to current
practice as defined by Recommended Practice 96 of TTMA.
Modal Appendix 1, 1- Revision Reference to Tables 1-1.4 & 1-1.4M - Tables 1-1.4 & 1-1.4M were
1.4(d)(10) and 1-1.6(a)(1) deleted in Section XII E2017 but were referenced in 1-1.4(d)(10) and 1-
1.6(a)(1). The reference to these tables in 1-1.4(d)(10) and 1-1.6(a)(1)
was replaced with the correct reference to paragraph 1-1.4(b).
Modal Appendix 1, 1- Addition Pressure Relief Devices - Current industry practice where certain types
1.8(a)(2)(-m) of PRDs are disassembled for routine cleaning and maintenance and
then reassembled and returned to service was considered to serve the
industry. It is typical that personnel performing these tasks were not
certified in valve repairs. The addition of this new paragraph provides
for testing and documentation that are required when these routine
cleaning and maintenance are performed. Pressure relief vents such as
those used on DOT 407 cargo tanks in corrosive service are examples
of PRD’s that would require disassembly for routine maintenance.
Modal Appendix 1, Para. 1- Revision Reference to manhole size requirements - Modal Appendix 1 currently
1.4(d)(2) does not define size requirements for manholes. Users were left with
only the requirements of TD-690, which describes handholes sizes.
Requirements based on 49CFR, §178.345–5 Manhole assemblies
were added to 1-1.4(d)(2) requiring a cargo tank with capacity greater
than 400 gallons to have access through a manhole as prescribed in
1-1.4(d)(6) Revision Loading by vacuum and transportation under relieved vacuum - Current
rules requires a tank to be loaded by vacuum to be designed for full
vacuum in all loading conditions, including dynamic loads which
imparts additional compressive stresses, making these rules
excessively conservative. Under the new revision designers will be
allowed to consider multiple states such as load by vacuum, but
transported under relieved vacuum condition (a common practice in the
industry) provided the cargo tank is equipped with a vacuum relief
system that limits the vacuum to less than 80% of the vacuum
capability in the dynamic conditions. Additional marking showing the
design external pressure for static and dynamic conditions are now
required to address the loading and transport conditions.
1-1.4(d)(8) & 1-1.7 Revision Knuckle and dish limitations exemptions for 400-series tanks - The
revision was made for consistency with the requirements of 49 CFR. In
Section XII, TD-310.5 included the typical limitations found in UG-32 of

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Hartford Steam Boiler
Synopsis of the 2019 Edition of the ASME BPV Code

Code Book: XII Part: Subpart/Table: Modal Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

Section VIII, Div. 1 on knuckles (6%) and crown radius equals the skirt
OD, while 49 CFR exempted these requirements for 400-series tanks
which are not marked with the Certification Mark and U Designator.
Paragraph 1-1.4(d)(8) was revised to exempt requirements for TD-
310.5 for 400-series tanks. TF-120.1(b) required that tanks be pre-
rolled while 49 CFR exempted this requirement for non-circular tanks
for tanks under 15 psi (these tanks may be made by "pulling" shell
sheets around heads). A revision to 1-1.7 was made by adding a
sentence allowing exemption to TF-120.1(b) for 406 and 412 tanks with
MAWP equal or less than 15 psi.
1-3.10(d), 1-3.10(d)(1) and 1- Revision Impact testing acceptance criteria repairs WP qualifications - To make
3.10(d)(2)(-b) clear that the requirement in Para. 1-3.10(d) only applies to tank
vessels constructed of SA-517 material. The impact test acceptance
criteria for repair welding qualification in Para. 1-3.10(d)(2)(-b) shall be
in accordance with the minimum required value adopted either in the
Section XII when the vessel was built, or in the current Section XII
when the vessel is repaired.

Code Book: XII Part: Subpart/Table: NonMandatory Appendices

Paragraph Type Subject - Description

New NonMandatory Addition New Nonmandatory Appendix L - Q. C. System Guidelines - This new
Appendix L Nonmandatory Appendix L covers quality control system guidelines for
equipment that is outside the pressure boundary and provides
recommendations for quality control format. It includes elements from
Appendix I of Section XII as well as CSA B620.
NonMandatory Appendix C, Addition Traceability of Multi-Page Data Report Forms - New rules were added
New C-1(f) in new paragraph C-1(f) to provide Code users on the minimum
information that must appear on individual sheets of multi-page Data
Report forms. The information shall be sufficient enough to identify the
item being certified and each page traceable to the first page of the
Form. The page number and the number of total pages of the Data
Report shall be indicated on each page, such as page 1 of 3, 2 of 3,
NonMandatory Appendix E, Revision Vacuum Jackets, NonMandatory Appendix E - Since there was nothing
New E-3(g), E-3(h) and Table previously in the Code to cover requirements of vacuum jacket welds
E-3 and inspection requirements for vacuum jackets, new requirements
were added to NonMandatory Appendix E-3(g) and inspection
requirements for vacuum jackets to NonMandatory Appendix E-3(h)
and Table E-3.
NonMandatory Appendix J, Revision Correct Reference in Figure J-1.2-1 - In the previous Code edition of
Figure J-1.2-1 BPV Section XII, Figure J-1.2-1 contains an incorrect reference to UG-
84 in BPV Section VIII, Div. 1 instead of BPV Section XII. The correct
reference is TM-200 of BPV Section XII which is the equivalent
paragraph for UG-84 in BPV Section VIII, Div. 1. Reference to Figure J-
1.2-5 is added to the general note and moved outside the box to be
consistent with BPV Section VIII, Div. 1.

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