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Compucerr & Srructun~ Vol. 22. No. 3. pp. 299-305. 1986 0045-7949186 53 00 4 .

Printed in Great Britain. 0 1986 Pergamon Prc%sLtd.



Mechancial Engineering Department. University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60680, U.S.A.

(Received 13 Augur 1984)

Abstract-Many commercial programs are available for pipeline flexibility analysis, but they are all
complex and consume time in preparing data for simple problems. Also, much attention has recently
being given lo evaluating the flexibility of curved pipes more accurately. So far no consistent method
exists to evaluate the flexibility factor in such cases. Hence, a need arises for a simplified pipe flexibility
analysis program while at the same time not forgoing the generality of the analysis. A simplified pipe
flexibility analysis program is presented and its merits are shown. This program is tested using a
comparatively simple pipeline system. Its use in obtaining consistent values for the flexibility of elbows
is also discussed.

Commercial programs are available for static anal- able in the literature[6]. The matrix method of anal-
ysis of piping systems either using the flexibility ysis for piping system is the most widely used
concept or the stiffness method. These programs procedure since it is well suited for high-speed dig-
are written so that complex piping systems are ital computer application. It can handle complex
solved with standard data preparation. If one re- piping systems involving many anchors, closed
quires to use these programs for simple piping sys- loops within loop and/or interconnecting branch
tems it involves extensive preparation of data and lines.
mastering the input and output data routines. Also,
if one is interested in modifying such programs so
that, for example, special piping elements can be
included in the system, it is not easy to do so. For the purpose of development of the method,
Recently, much work has been done to obtain a right-handed rectangular co-ordinate system is
flexibility factors[l-51 of piping elbows more ac- specified. Consider, at any point in a deformable
curately, taking into account the constraints pro- structure, an applied force system causing stresses
duced by tangent pipes attached to elbows, flanges in the structure. This is represented as a column
next to elbows, etc. For such studies, one uses shell matrix:
theories in conjunction with finite difference or fi-
nite element techniques. From these analyses for
obtaining the flexibility factors, most of the authors
assume that the end cross-section of the elbows re-
main straight. It is found that such an assumption
is not correct[l]. Thus it becomes necessary to
evolve a consistent method of finding the flexibility
factor of elbows using the results obtained from the
shell analysis. It is here once again that a simplified An elementary volume of material of a flexible
version of the piping flexibility program will be of structure which is acted upon by the force system
great use. Using this a consistent value for the flex- may experience displacements, due to distortion of
ibility of the elbows is obtained by comparing the the structure, which can also be represented as a
deflections of the pipeline obtained from the shell column matrix:
analysis and the piping flexibility[2, 31 analysis.
Further, such simple programs can be made easily
available for microcomputers. The various features
of the program are explained first. A sample piping
system is analysed using the program. Finally, the (2)
use of this program to determine the flexibility of
the pipe elbows is described.

An analytical method in piping flexibility analysis

as distinguished from the graphical, semigraphical
Several analytical methods for calculating ther- or numerical methods, will lead eventually to the
mal stresses in high temperature piping are avail- solution of a set of simultaneous algebraic equa-

tions. In general, these equations

in the following form:
may be written
m = A$= Zh(l + CL).

where A is the shear distribution factor.

The compliance matrix with i andj as base-point
in which [Cl represents the matrix of influence can be obtained using transformation matrix. The
coefficients (usually called the compliance matrix). transformation matrix is written as
The piping flexibility analysis is concerned tvith the
solution of the redundant {F}. In practice, however, iC0.1 = &J [Cpl mv~l~ (3)
the number of equations required to solve a partic-
ular piping system differs with the various methods where the transformation shifts the base-point p to
of analysis and essentially, it depends on the man- P’.
ner in which the compliance matrices are obtained
and manipulated. For a piping system involving
many anchors, interconnecting branches or closed 1
loops within loops, there is not only the problem of
T(p - P')

the size of the equations, which often imposes a
0 -(Yp -Yp.)
limitation on practical application even in the case
= cp
- -;P,

of digital computation, but also the problem of how -(z, -z,.) 0 (Xp- .t$.) . (7)
the equations may be set up readily for solutions. [ typ - yp.) -(.yp - .V&+) 0
These difficulties are overcome using the stiff-
ness method of analysis. From the compliance ma- is a 3 X 3 unit matrix.
trix of piping components[6], by an elegant method, 03 is a 3 X 3 null matrix.
the corresponding stiffness components are ob- Bend. Figure 1 shows a circular bend having a
tained. The conventional stiffness method is now bend radius R and central arc JI. Such a piping ele-
used for the solution of the displacements. These ment does not obey the Euler-Bernoulli-Navier
are then used to calculate the stresses at specified theory of bending.
points. The cross-section is able to warp from its original
circular shape in such a way that the relationship
between moment and curvature is

Tmgenr. The flexibility matrix of a tangent with

Curvature = n . FI ,
the mid-point as the base-point is available. This is
written as
where n is a factor greater than unity. The elements
[C&J = DMG&{($
+m/p’),lP2, of the compliance matrix are given as

C,, = A C,3 = F
(; + mip’) ,I,/(1 + I*LI}, (4)
Cr, = Cl2 = B C,a = Ca = G

C,6 = Cal = C CJ5 = Cs3 = H

where E is Young’s modulus, I is flexural 1M.I. of
the pipe, p is radius of gyration, 1 is length of the C 22 =D cu = I (8)
tangent pipe and p is Poisson’s ratio.
Cz6 = Ce2 = E CJs = CT4 = J

cg = K
CM = L,

where A, etc. are given in Appendix A.


Using the flexibility matrix derived earlier, the

corresponding (12 x 12) stiffness matrix can be ob-
tained, correlating the 12 displacement components
at the ends of the element to the corresponding
force components. Thus
Fig. I. Circular bend with bend radius R and central
arc rL. [K]‘{D)’ = {F)‘. (9)
Pipe flexibility analysis program 301

The matrix [K]c can be subdivided into four mat-The solution of eqn t 19, subject to the boundary
I-&5: conditions (&}, for the vector {D,,} and {F,,}. re-
suits in the complete solution of the piping system
for the displacements and reactions.
For the assembly and solution of the problem,
the front solution method is adopted. This uses
Where Kji is the stiffness matrix whose columns Gaussian forward elimination and back-substitu-
are obtained by restraining the end j and computing tion.
the force components at the i end for unit displace-
ment components at the end i and Kij is the stiffness
matrix whose columns are obtained by restraining The thermal loading problem is treated as an in-
the end i and computing the force components at itial strain problem. To calculate the nodal forces,
thej node for unit displacement components at the we write the initial strain as
end j.
To obtain the submatrix Kfi the matrix [Cj]
should be inverted. Thus

Kii = [Ci]-‘a (11)

where a is the coefficient of thermal expansion in
OC/~~crn and T is the difference in temperature in
TR~~SFORMATlO~ TO GLOBAL CO+ORDIiVATES “C. The equivalent nodal forces are given as
The compliance and hence the stiffness matrices
for the piping elements are derived on the basis of
a local co-ordinate systems. Hence, for assembly
these matrices are transformed into chosen global
system. Thus it is written as

From the solution of tee system of equations,

the global displacements have already been ob-
or tained. The internal forces and moments can be
computed easily using the equation
WJIW = V-2. (131
@=I= KIW. (15)
where [L] is the transformation matrix and suffix g
denotes the global reference system. At any point along the length of a straight pipe,
there are moments and forces which can be re-
solved into the following components: one axial
force, two cross-shearing forces, one torsional mo-
Equation (13) represents the force deformation ments. The stresses can be computed as
relationship of a pipe element in global direction.
A piping system has a large number of elements S, = F,iA
consisting of tangents, bends, tees, valves, etc.
S, = h F,fA
Each of these has a relation of the type eqn (13). (18)
Summing up all such equations we get S, = kitroil,

where n, s, t and b stand for axial, shear force and

or twisting and bending moments, respectively. A rep-
resents area of cross-section of the element. rll rep-
resents radius of the cross-section of the pipe, lP
and f represent polar and bending moment of inertia
The load vector gives the external loads applied on of the pipe cross-section,
the structure including thermal loads. The pressure piping code recommends that the
The boundary conditions for the piping system expension stresses be based only on the combina-
is generally specified in terms of prescribed dis- tion of torsional stress S, and the bending stress S,,.
placements at the anchors and other restraint
points. Thus the vector {D) is split into two parts, S.&= JCSi + 4s;). (191
{D,,/DK) where DK corresponds to the knowns and
D,, corresponds to the unknowns. While calculating the stresses in a bend, stress

intensification factors have to be brought in. The STFTR. Takes the stiffness matrix of an element
calculated bending moment at a point is divided into and places its elements in proper places in the area
two components, one causing in-plane bending Mbi allocated for assembly of all the equations from the
and the other an out-of-plane Mbo. Thus assembly which will not appear again in the system.
FORWAD. Eliminates those equations from the
assembly which will not appear again in the system.
The elimination process is in fact done by the con-
ventional Gaussian elimination process. These
(20) eliminated equations are stored in a back store in
the BUFFER routine. The sequence of calling
STFTR, FORWAD and BUFFER is done for all
the elements in the system. The stored equations
are now solved for the unknowns using back-sub-
stitution technique.
where L,, and Li are the stress intensification factors
INIAL. Here in the program as a special tech-
along in-plane and out-plane bending. z is the pipe
nique known as front solution method is used in-
section modulus. Thus
stead of the conventional assembly process, the ne-
cessity arises for the calculation of a quantity,
SE = J[(MbjLi)’ + (Mb&,)’ + Mf]/z. (21)
namely, the front width. This determines the size
of the assembled matrix of the entire system, and
Thus the axial stresses, shear stress and the
is evaluated in this routine.
bending stress can be calculated at a point in a
NODE. Here the element node connection data,
straight pipe or a bend.
identification of the element-tangent or bend, co-
ordinates of a special point with respect to the ele-
EQUILIBRIUM AND COMPATIBILITY CHECK ment useful for calculating the transformation ma-
trix and element material properties are read. Fur-
The program has an built-in capacity to check ther nodal co-ordinates for the entire system are
whether the solution obtained, namely displace- also read here.
ments at the nodal points and forces at the anchor PRDF. The amount of constraints given to the
points, are accurate enough. system at different prescribed nodal points are read
Equilibrium check. The reaction force vectors here.
calculated at the anchor points are summed up with PDATA. Reads in all different internal diameters
the externally applied force vector to check and thicknesses of the pipe and the different tem-
whether the total force vector is zero. Further, the peratures encountered in the system.
moment produced by these reaction forces about TRANS. Calculates the transformation matrix
the origin is found and the check is applied to see for tangents and bends, which will be used when
whether this quantity is again zero. obtaining global stiffness matrix from calculated
Compatibility check. For this, a separate anal- local stiffness matrix.
ysis is done for the entire piping system by releasing GEOP. From the given co-ordinates of the ends
one of the anchor points but substituting the dis- of a bend, this routine calculates the radius and in-
placement boundary conditions at that point by a cluded angle of the bend.
force boundary condition, in terms of calculated re- GLOSTF. Calculates the global stiffness matrix
action forces by the earlier analysis. The resulting of the pipe element using the local stiffness matrix
displacements at the anchor points in this analysis as the input to the routine.
should correspond to the prescribed anchor dis- STIFF. With the flexibility matrix of a bend as
placements in the original analysis. input, this routine augments and obtains the stiff-
ness matrix in the local co-ordinate system.
TANGT. Calculates the stiffness matrix of a tan-
gent element once again augmenting the flexibility
A flow chart for the program is given in Fig. 2. matrix given as input to the routine.
TLOAD. The load on the piping element due to
increase in temperature is calculated. To this the
SHORT DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCRAlf externally applied load, if any, is added.
MAIN. This calls all the subprograms, in order, STRESS. It calculates the forces and moments
required for the analysis of the system as well as at the ends of the element. Using this, axial
for checking the solution thus obtained. stresses, bending and torsional stresses are evalu-
STFTR, FORWAD. BUFFER AND BACKWD. ated. These stresses are combined according to
These four routines assemble the stiffness equa- ASME specifications. The global forces and mo-
tions of the elements and solve for the unknown ments are also evaluated here at the nodal points.
deformations and reactions in the entire piping sys- MATIV. Standard routine to find the inverse of
tems. a given matrix.
Pipe flexibility analysis program 303






:- STIFF r





Fig. 2. Details of the algorithms.

AC/GMT. This routine is used while obtaining Table I. The displacements at specific nodal points
stiffness matrix of an element from the flexibility
Node im.m) (m.mJ (m.m)
EQBM. Here the reaction forces at all restraint
points are calculated and summed. The moments of 2 Il.9 3.85 0.0
these reactions are evaluated about the origin. 6 32.84 12.66 - 13.75
PRNT. Prints out the results in the desired form. IS 32.84 12.66 13.75
20 49.03 0.0 0.0
29 128.18 -5J.21 30.5 I

A three-dimensionai piping system (Fig. 3) with

29 elements consisting of tangents, elbows in dif-
ferent planes, supports with various constraints and It is explained here how the present piping anal-
ends with external loading applied, is analysed to ysis program is utilised to obtain a consistent value
show the applicabiIity of the present programe. A for the flexibility factor of an elbow.
brief summary of the displacements at specific As an example, it is required to evaluate the fiex-
nodal points is given in Table 1. The stresses ob- ibility factor of a 30” elbow when its ends are con-
tained are not presented here. It is found that the strained by tangent pipes from the results obtained
deformation obtained here compares well with from a tinite element analysis. Figure 4 below
those obtained from a commerical package. shows the layout of the piping system.

Table 2. Results for the 30” elbow

Trial flexible X-DISPL at Y-DISPLat X-DISPLat Y-DISPLat

coefficient Node I Node I Node 3 Node 3

F.E.M. -0.0013 -0.0174 -0.0012 -0.0051

12.0 -0.001 I -0.0169 -0.0011 - 0.0038
13.0 -0.001 I -0.0179 -0.001 I - 0.0040
13.5 -0.001 I -0.0184 -0.001 I -O.OWI

Fig. 3. A three-dimensional piping system.

Pipe flexibility analysis program 305

M =686x10

Fig. 4. Layout of the piping system.

An assumed value for the flexibility factor of the 3. R. Natarajan and S. Mirza, Effect of internal pressure
30” elbow is input into the present piping program. on flexibility factor in pipe bends with end constraints.
The deformations at the free end and at the elbow- Danerno. 83 WA/DE-l I. Proc. ASME. Boston C1983).
4. k.‘Thomas, Stiffening effects of thin-killed pi&g ii-
tangent junction are compared with those obtained bows of adjacent piping and nozzle constraint. PVP-
from finite element analysis. This iterative process, Vol. 50, Stress Indices and Stress Intensification Fac-
of assuming the flexibility factor from the piping tors of Pressure Vessel and Piping Componenrs. pp.
program with those obtained from the finite element 93-108, ASME.
5. E. C. Rodabaugh and S’. E. Moore, End effects on el-
analysis, is continued until satisfactory results are bows subjected to moment landings. PVP-Vol. 56, Ad-
obtained. vances in Design and Analysis Methodology for Pres-
Table 2 shows the results obtained for the 30” sare Vessels and Piping, pp. 99-123. ASME.
elbow. Hence 13.0 is accepted as a consistent flex-
ibility factor. APPENDIX A

A = n(2lL - sin ZJl)f,, + (1.55$ + 0.525 sin 2b)f7

B = -n(l + cos 2Jl)f6 + 0.525t I - cos 2$)f7
C = n(l - cos 4j.f~
The description of a simplified piping analysis D = n(2JI + sin 2Jl)f6 + (I.55 II, - 0.525 sin 2*Jf7
E = -n sin $fj
program is given here. Its use in solving moderately
F = 4tl + CL)$ f6 + 2.6 ti f7
simple piping system is also shown. Further its ap- G = -(I + p)(I - cos Jl)f~
plicability to evaluate a consistent value for flexi- H = (I + p)sinJIfj
bility of an elbow is also explained. Thus this type I = [2(l + tk + n)JI - (I + p - n) sin hL]fr
J = -(I + p - nhl - cos 23r)fj
of simple program is of great value for practicing
K = [2(l + F + n)l + (I + p - n) sin 2ti1f4
engineers. In addition. efforts are on the way to L = 4n3rf4,
implement this program for microcomputers such
as Apple. where

f5 = R’IEI
I. R. Natarajan and J. A. Blomtield, Stress analysis of f6 = R’f4EI
curved pipes with end restraints. Inr. J. Compur. Stnrc- f7 = r=RIEI
fitres 5, 187-196 (1975).
2. R. Natarajan and S. blirza. Stress analysis of curved
r is mean radius of pipe cross-section
pipes with end restraints subjected to out-of-plane mo-
ment. F 2/8, Proc. 6th SMIRT Conf., Paris (1981).

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