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The following is a list of books providing background reading in the teaching of English as a
foreign language. Reading these will help you derive the full benefit from your teacher
training course. All are available in most large bookstores in English-speaking countries or

Candidates may also wish to explore online bookshops such as Amazon for new or second-
hand copies.

You will need two books (Learning Teaching and Grammar for English Language
Teachers) for the course. Please buy them before the start of the course and
familiarise yourself with them.

You will need a methodology book. Buy the one ticked below.

() Learning Teaching Jim Scrivener (Heinemann)

An excellent book outlining the key issues in English Language Teaching.

You will need a grammar reference book. Choose one from the list below.

() Grammar for English Language Teachers Martin Parrott (CUP)

This is a very detailed and thorough guide to current English grammar. It includes exercises
for teachers and an answer key to aid self study. Information is also given regarding common
student problems with grammar and useful ‘rules of thumb’.

( ) Practical English Usage Michael Swan (OUP)

This book is intended to provide intermediate and advanced students of English with a ‘quick
reference guide’ to grammatical problems which regularly cause difficulty to foreign learners.
It is also very useful in the teaching of English as a foreign language.

( ) An A-Z of English Grammar and Usage Geoffrey Leech (Edward Arnold)

This book is designed to help students at all levels to understand English grammar and
usage. Each piece of information is presented in alphabetical order with clear explanations
and useful examples, tables and illustrations. It is equally good for teachers of English as a
foreign language.


() English Grammar In Use Raymond Murphy (CUP)


( ) Teaching English Grammar – What to Teach and How to Teach it

Jim Scrivener (Macmillan) – This book looks at language areas usually found in course
books, analyses them and gives you ideas on how to teach the point. An excellent resources
if you are brand-new to English Language Teaching. Highly recommended
( ) The Practice of English Language Teaching Jeremy Harmer (Longman)
New Edition
The first chapters of this book give an overview of the principles of language and learning.
Subsequent chapters provide practical guidance in the development of classroom skills and
will be useful during and after the course. The 4 th edition includes a DVD with sample lessons

( ) Essentials of English Language Teaching Julian Edge (Longman)

This book gives clear guidelines for anyone approaching English Language Teaching for the
first time. Quite a simple book – not recommended for CELTA

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