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Curriculum vitae


Rotterdam (Netherlands)
+31 6 40 87 88 67


08/2019–Present Customer Service Representative

LCS Agency, Rotterdam (Netherlands)
▪ engaged in maintaining high customer service standards via an online website-based platform for
the Under Armour.
▪ the markets are international and I currently work in French, Spanish English and Italian, making
use of Arabic in isolated cases.

06/2017–01/2019 Client Advisor

Match4Markets, Leiden (Netherlands)
▪ worked as a client advisor on the Spanish, French, Italian, German, Austrian, Swiss, British and
Canadian markets.
▪ conversed in five languages daily (French, Spanish, Italian, German and English).

09/2016–06/2017 Customer service representative

Huntsman Corporation, Wynyard (United Kingdom)
▪ account management of Italian, Spanish, Swiss and German clients.
▪ intracompany transfers: organisation of internal transfers between European and international
warehouses (Dubai, Japan, Brazil, Korea and Taiwan).
▪ translation of official communications from English to Spanish and Italian.
▪ use of SAP.

05/2015–09/2016 Administrative Assistant

NRG4Business, Stockton-On-Tees (United Kingdom)
▪ worked as an administrative assistant.
▪ organised meetings.
▪ created spreadsheets and sent emails on behalf of the bosses.
▪ spoke on the phone to clients.
▪ typed letters.

01/2015–05/2015 Market Research

Kline & Company, Prague (Czechia)
▪ worked as a market researcher and linguist.
▪ completed research projects in the beauty sector.
▪ worked primarily in the Italian market.
▪ work involved interviewing salon-owners and end-users.

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Curriculum vitae Scott Burns

09/2014–11/2014 Translator
Eurologos Milano, Milano (Italy)
▪ internship as a translator and reviser.
▪ worked with documents in Italian, Spanish, French and English.
▪ translated from Italian to English.
▪ documents included fashion house press releases and cruise cabin manuals.
▪ use of SDL Trados.
▪ contributed articles to the company blog on topics such as linguistic diversity in the Middle East.

01/2014–08/2014 Administrative Assistant

NRG4Business, Stockton-On-Tees (United Kingdom)
▪ worked as an administrative assistant.
▪ organised meetings.
▪ created spreadsheets and sent emails on behalf of the bosses.
▪ spoke on the phone to clients.
▪ typed letters.

08/2013–11/2013 Teaching Assistant

Gymnasium Västerhöjd, Skövde (Sweden)
▪ internship as teaching assistant at a Swedish high school.
▪ taught French, Spanish, Italian and English.
▪ assisted with administration tasks.
▪ helped organise educational events.


04/02/2019–15/06/2019 MRes Study Abroad Semester: Lebanon

Université Saint-Joseph, Beirut (Lebanon)
- Lebanese Arabic A2/B1,
- Modern Standard Arabic B1,
- Moyen orient : conflits et enjeux

11/09/2017–Present Master of Research: Middle Eastern Studies

Leiden University, Leiden (Netherlands)
- Worked as a teaching assistant for BA MES course by Sasha Goldstein-Sabbah.
- Worked as a transcriber in PhD Research Group: "The Making of (Trans)national Middle Eastern
- Received Minerva Scholarship
- Received Uhlenbeck Scholarship
- Received Lustra+ Scholarship
- Completion of fieldwork research semester in Beirut, Lebanon.

09/2017–06/2018 Pre-master Middle Eastern Studies

Leiden University, Leiden (Netherlands)
▪ Politics, Ideologies and Societies in the Middle East
▪ Diasporas and Minorities in the Middle East
▪ Economies of the Middle East

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Curriculum vitae Scott Burns

▪ Language and Identity in the Middle East

▪ Séminaire: Maghreb Francophone

01/2012–05/2012 Erasmus Study Exchange Programme

Università di Bergamo, Bergamo (Italy)
Erasmus study exchange programme at Università di Bergamo in Bergamo, Italy.

09/2011–12/2011 Erasmus Study Exchange Programme

Univerdad De Deusto, Bilbao (Spain)
Erasmus study exchange programme at Universidad de Deusto in Bilbao, Spain.

21/09/2009–07/06/2013 Bachelor of Arts (Hons): Modern Languages - Programme A:

University of Manchester, Manchester (United Kingdom)
▪ Spanish Language
▪ Italian Language
▪ Portuguese Language
▪ Contemporary Italian Culture
▪ Spanish and Latin American Culture
▪ The Structures of Modern Italian
▪ Italian Sociolinguistics


Mother tongue(s) English


Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production

Italian C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
Spanish C2 C2 C2 C2 C2
French C1 C1 C1 C1 C1
Hebrew B2 B2 B2 B2 B2
Arabic B1 B1 B1 B1 B1
Attestation USJ - B1
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Communication skills I have strong communication skills due to the fact that my education and work life so far has been
primarily focused on the harvesting and maximisation of my communication skills.

I have a high level of writing and I have contributed articles to the University of Manchester’s
Portuguese-language newspaper and the Eurologos Milano company blog.

I have also volunteered as a mentor for incoming study abroad students to assist them in adapting to
UK life.

Organisational / managerial skills I partook in a year abroad for my Bachelor degree and my experience of living abroad has taught me
to be self reliant and disciplined. I have lived in Italy, Spain, Sweden, Czech Republic and
currently the Netherlands, whilst studying my Research Master degree in Middle Eastern Studies at

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Curriculum vitae Scott Burns

Leiden University.

I recently lived for a 6 month period in Beirut, Lebanon and studyied at Université Saint-Joseph. I took
courses in political science, Middle Eastern studies, Modern Standard Arabic and Lebanese Arabic.

Job-related skills I have a high grasp of technology and quickly learn to use new software; incl. SDL Trados and SAP. I
am also extremely comfortable with both Mac and Windows.

Digital skills SELF-ASSESSMENT

Information Content Problem-

Communication Safety
processing creation solving

Proficient user Proficient user Independent user Proficient user Independent user

Digital skills - Self-assessment grid

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