Human Resource

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Republic of the Philippines

Don Honorio Ventura State University

Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga
Graduate School

Subject Code: Personnel Management

Topic: Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, Selection and Placement
Professor: Dr. John S. Manalili
Reporter: Analyn I. Lacap

What is Human Resource Planning?

Human resource planning (HRP) is the continuous process of systematic planning ahead to achieve
optimum use of an organization's most valuable asset—quality employees. Human resources planning
ensures the best fit between employees and jobs while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses.

Importance of a Well Organized Selection Program

Effective recruitment and selection methods benefit organizations in multiple ways. Employee
engagement, sustained job performance, employee retention and low turnover are some advantages of
best practices in recruitment and selection processes. All of these benefits have an impact on the
company's bottom line, which illustrates how important the recruitment and selection process is to an
organization's workforce and overall business success.
 Improving Employee Engagement
Engagement refers to the enthusiasm, motivation and level of commitment employee’s exhibit in the
performance of their job duties. The recruitment and selection of qualified applicants can directly impact
employee engagement.
 Improving On-the-Job Performance
Generally speaking, an applicant seeking career opportunities elsewhere while still employed is probably
not in jeopardy of losing her job due to poor performance. Candidate interviews – particularly those that
use extensive and in-depth questions – shed light on the candidate's job performance, skills and
 Retaining Valuable Employees
Recruiters and employment specialists look for candidates who exhibit the desire to commit to one
employer for a reasonable period. Based on 2017 data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, workers
in the Baby Boomer generation had an average of 11.9 jobs during a 26-year period of their working
lives. This means an average job commitment of a little more than two years.
 Ensuring Low Turnover
Similarly, low turnover is another sign of an effective recruitment and selection process, especially
because most turnover occurs during the first 90 days of employment. Recruiters can often pinpoint the
signs that an applicant is prone to job hopping or less committed to staying with the company for a
reasonable period. In addition, candidates whose work history indicates they have been involuntarily
terminated from several jobs are easy for recruiters to identify.

Reasons for Proper Selection of Employees

Here are the 7 most important reasons why employees must be well selected:

1. Your business goals and objectives are better achieved by the employees you properly selected for a
particular job.
2. An incompetent employee is a liability to your business, an additional expense, or a burden. Proper
care should be made in getting the right person with the right competence for the job.
3. Personnel requirements vary from job to job. Meaning, the right employee for the right job. There
can be no general requirements.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Honorio Ventura State University
Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga
Graduate School

4. People have varying degrees of intelligence, aptitudes and abilities. Hence, fit the square peg on the
square hole not on the round one, so to speak.
5. Labor Laws protect employee, making it difficult to fire incompetent and problem employees.
Hiring is always easier than firing because of the laws governing termination of employment. In
some states and countries, ‘firing-at-will’ seems to be a norm, in others, it is illegal.
6. Individuals have different interests, goals, and objectives in life. Select somebody whose goals
closely align to your business goals.
7. Careless hiring is costly and can cause problems to the company. The hiring process cost you the
money for the advertisement, cost for testing, and time for those who made the interviews. More so,
in the long run as pointed out earlier, a wrong hire can cost you more in your operations.

A few things to keep in mind to enable a smooth hiring experience:

Integrate job postings with job description

Create a database of job postings and link vacancies to well defined job descriptions and skills. This
makes it easier for the recruiter, the hiring manager and even the candidate.

Simplify the application process

You want to excite a candidate and sell the job to them. A complex application process puts off most
candidates. The application process should work on all devices including mobiles, allow a seamless
experience and candidates should be able to register once and submit their resumes to multiple positions.

Display job postings on your website

Publish the jobs on the career page of your website along with postings on other social platforms. You
want to be visible everywhere – especially the social sites where a majority of your prospective hires
spend their time.

Manage previously submitted resumes

Old submissions often get lost. Build a database that allows easy tagging and searching. Keep track of
applicants and inform them of new positions.

Manage your candidates effectively

Assign interviewers to shortlisted candidates and automated reminders to candidates and interviewers.

Streamline the applicant tracking process

Allow recruiters to accept, review and manage resumes at a single location.

Maintain touchpoints with candidates

It is important to remain in touch with candidates on a periodic basis. They may not have succeeded in the
existing job position they applied for but may be suitable in the future. Keeping in touch with them often
builds relationships and can reduce the time-to-hire for future recruitments both for these candidate as
also their referrals.

Have a robust onboarding process

Improve day-one readiness of new hires by seamlessly onboarding new employees.
Republic of the Philippines
Don Honorio Ventura State University
Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga
Graduate School

Maintain data on the recruitment process

To iteratively improve the recruitment and selection process, meticulously maintain data related to
different parts of the process. Different recruitment metrics that you can manage include resumes
received, resumes shortlisted, interviews, no-shows, offers, accepts, time-to-hire, time-to-fill and so on.

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