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The Law Of Attraction Demystified

The Law of Attraction Demystified:

Learn How To Manifest
Exactly What You Think
About, Wish For & Desire
- In 3 Easy Steps

by Jeff Cohen
Founder of

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accuracy. However, I'm human. If you spot any mistakes or inaccuracies, please let me know so that I can
fix them in future editions.

My lawyer made me say it

The strategies and techniques in this guide should not replace seeking professional advice for any problem,
but rather as a very cool resource for gathering information only. What you do with it is totally up to you. I
wish you the best. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with or
arising out of the use of the information contained herein. In short, you agree that by reading this guide
you are 100% responsible for all the decisions you make.

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Table of Contents

Page 3: Let’s Begin With Some Good Stuff

Page 4: Introduction: The Secret Revealed

Page 6: Step 1: Ask

Page 9: Step 2: Accept

Page 11: Step 3: Allow

Page 15: How Science & Religion Factor In

Page 17: Applying The Law of Attraction To Common Desires

• Law of Attraction & Money
• Law of Attraction & Relationships
• Law of Attraction & Your Health
• Law of Attraction & The World

Page 20: Conclusion: What Is Your Purpose?

Page 22: I Mean It, Take Action - Today!

Page 22: I Wasn’t Quite Finished With The Good Stuff

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Let’s Begin With Some Good Stuff

If You Can Spare Just 4 Minutes Twice A Week,

I’ll Show You How To Absolutely Positively
Empower Yourself, Ignite All Your Passion
& Get Everything You Want In Life.

It's the easiest, most practical way to make massive, radical changes in your life.
As you read each of my 'Dare To Dream' Insights closely, you'll learn
a wealth of simple secrets that you never even imagined could produce
astonishing results in your life and unlimited happiness.

It’s Fantastic, So Don’t Wait – Start Today

Law of Attraction – Glossary of Terms

The following are some of the most common terms you will come across in your
study and practice of the Law of Attraction.

Top 3 Law of Attraction Mistakes

The Most Common Mistakes People Make Applying the Law of Attraction, and
How to Avoid Making Them Yourself.

Do You Know What You Want?

This is not a rhetorical question. Knowing what you want is the first step to
having it. And without knowing what you want, you will never have it (except
maybe fleetingly and by total chance and happenstance).

Do You Understand Synchronicity?

Two (or more) events that coincide in a meaningful way but are unrelated in
terms of causality are considered synchronous. What distinguishes synchronicity
from coincidence is meaning.

How Do I Take Control of My Life?

The key to taking (or taking back) control over your life is to…

Stop Resisting, Start Relaxing

Not only do we resist the things we don’t want from coming our way, we resist
those things we do want too.

>> Learn Even More Law of Attraction <<

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Introduction: The Secret Revealed

Recently, powerful esoteric knowledge previously known and passed down
through the centuries to but a privileged few has been infused into the public
sphere by the release of the successful documentary film, "The Secret."

People revered as many of history's greatest minds - Plato, Leonardo Da Vinci,

Michelangelo, Winston Churchill, Mother Theresa, Thomas Edison, Alexander
Graham Bell, Andrew Carnegie, Ralph Waldo Emerson - all attribute their
success to the awareness and practice of the same singular gem of secret

The film "The Secret" lays bare this secret, explained clearly and concisely by
theologians, doctors, philosophers, businessmen and women, quantum scientists,
artists, and more, all giving personal testimony to the power of this secret to work
for anyone of any age with any background in any line of work living anywhere in
the world.

It is the secret to living the life you've always dreamed of, the Universal
Law as simple as it is powerful that governs all creation in the world. The film
then goes on to instruct viewers in the simple 3-step formula for harnessing the
power of this Law to serve their innermost desires and ultimate fulfillment.

It's called the Law of Attraction, and a simple Google® search (with or without
quotes) will reveal how pervasive knowledge of this great secret revealed has

There are many ways to encapsulate the Law of Attraction, all of them pointing to
the same essential truth: that what you think about is what you attract
into your realm of experience, your life. Whatever we put out into the
universe is what we receive. Energy out determines energy in.

Like Attracts Like

Thoughts Produce Things

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

Mind Makes Matter

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The ways to describe the Law of Attraction are as abundant as the ways to apply
it, but the inherent concepts are the same, regardless of the words used. And here
they are, the 3 steps of The Law of Attraction, in a nutshell:

1. Ask for what you want;

2. Accept that you have it already;
3. Allow it to appear in your life.

In this guide, we explore the Law of Attraction in all its divine simplicity. You will
come to understand intimately the ins and outs of each of these 3 steps and
discover ways to apply them properly to get the results you seek - in your work
and finances, your relationships, your health, and in the world at
large. You will even learn how the Law of Attraction corresponds seamlessly
with both science and religion.

So join us now on the first step (or first three, really) on your journey to self-
empowerment, abundance, joy, and total fulfillment. By the time you finish
reading this guide, you will already be well on your way to living the life you've
only ever dreamed about…until now.

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Step 1: Ask
Abundance and fulfillment is the nature of the Universe. It is its purpose and its
greatest joy to make all of our wishes come true. In fact, it's already doing it as
you read this, abundantly fulfilling all that you ask for.

Don't believe it? Thinking that if this were true you'd already have all the things
you ever wanted, right?

The discrepancy between the fact of the Universe's complete and total devotion to
giving you all that you ask for and the evidence of your life as it currently appears
lies in the asking - what you are asking for and how you ask for it.
Oftentimes, what we think we are asking for is not what the Universe interprets
as our request. And still other times we may not think we're asking for anything,
and yet the Universe loudly and clearly hears us making request after request.

To get more of what you want and less of what you don't want, then, you need to
know how the Universe "hears" or receives requests. The Universe gives you that
which it "thinks" you want based on whatever it is you focus on the most,
whatever thoughts you give the greatest energy to. That's it.

Creating by Default
So to get what you want, it helps to know first what it is you want, and then to
make those desires the focal point of your attention. If you don't know what you
want, then the Universe still gives you what it "thinks" you want using the same
method, by noticing whatever it is you focus on the most. In other words,
whatever you focus on - good or bad, for better or worse - is what the
Universe interprets as your desire seeking fulfillment. And, as always, it
happily obliges. This is creation by default.

We create by default (or attract by default) whenever we feel strongly about

something, not realizing that those feelings are read by the Universe as requests
for more of whatever we're feeling strongly about.

Ask yourself if this has ever happened to you: knowing precisely what you didn't
want only to find that it was precisely what you got. The explanation for this
common, and easily avoidable, phenomenon, is simple, and should be making
itself clear to you already.

The Law of Attraction does not function in the realm of negatives. In other words,
it cannot NOT create something. It cannot NOT attract something to you.

The Universe reads energy, and energy travels in vibrations. We emit these
vibrations all the time. So when you expend great loads of energy hoping not to
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get sick, it doesn't make you "not sick", it makes you "sick", because sickness was
the object of your focus, sickness was the energetic vibration you emitted, and
therefore it was interpreted by the Universe as the object of your desire.

Likewise if you wish to not be poor or not to be in a miserable relationship.

Instead of attracting wealth and happiness in your relationship, you attract
poverty and misery. Why? Because they're the focus of your attention. They're
where you're putting your energy.

The fact that you feel negatively about the object of your attention
makes no difference to the Universe. It only understands that you feel
strongly about the object of your attention.

The Universe doesn't judge or evaluate: this is a good wish, this is a bad one; this
is a smart desire, this is a foolish one. It doesn't pick out only the positive desires
and leave the negative ones alone. Its job is not to tell you what's right for you. Its
job is to give you what you tell it to.

In other words, it takes your energy at face value. It's not about to translate a
desire for a change from something into a desire for a change to something - it
only recognizes the "something".

That means the phrases we carelessly throw about in our daily lives: "I can't do
anything right", "Here we go again", "I'm having a bad day", "I'm in a bad mood",
"This isn't going to work", "One step forward, two steps back", "Easy come, easy
go", "Life isn't fair", "You can't always get what you want" - come true, like self-
fulfilling prophecies.

There's the secret of life for you - that it's all a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So, how do we change the prophecy being self-fulfilled?

Fortunately, it's easy - change your mind.

Deliberate Creation

Now that you understand how energy works, and the power of your point of
focus, it should be obvious that to get what you want and not what you don't
want, stop giving your attention to those things you don't want.

When you complain, for example, you feed exactly that which you're complaining
about, thereby producing more and more of it. Instead of complaining, then, start
thinking about how you want things to be instead, if the thing you were
complaining about were taken care of. Take your focus off the complaint and put
it on its opposite - the solution.
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Don't want to get sick? Then think about being healthy and feeling good. In doing
so, you are in essence Asking the Universe to attract health and good feelings to
you. Don't want to be poor? Think about being rich, and all the things you'd love
to do when that happens.

Deliberate creation requires asking for what you want (and not for what you don't
want). And asking is not a matter of knowing some secret magic words. It's
simply a matter of giving your precious energy to those things you desire by
thinking and feeling about them, and not their lack or absence or opposites.

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Step 2: Accept
For many people this, the second step of the Law of Attraction, may be the most
challenging step of them all, since it demands that you do nothing, and for
many of us nothing is the most difficult thing to do of all.

Once you've asked for what you want, once you've focused on that which you
desire (and not that which you don't), the process of bringing the fulfillment of
that desire to you has already begun. There is nothing you need to do but accept
that fact and move on to Step 3.

The point of Step 2, and what makes it so tricky, is that the getting of what you
want isn't your job. It is, as suggested above, the job of the Universe. "Ask and ye
shall receive" the ancient wisdom goes; not "Ask and ye shall go out and get it".

We think we have to do it all ourselves. That's the mistake that trips most
people up at this point in the process. We're conditioned to believe that if we
want something, we're the only ones who can make that happen, and while that's
partially true, it's also somewhat misleading.

For we can thwart the natural process of getting what we want. We can "gum up
the works" so to speak. But as far as the actual acquiring and obtaining of what
we want, we don't do any of that at all. We can only make our desires known, by
making them clear and focusing on them, and then be there - be here - to receive
it when it comes.

It's like placing an order in a restaurant. You don't do the cooking (or the
cleaning). You're not even the one who goes to the kitchen to get the dishes and
brings them to your table. You are merely the one who picks what they want from
the menu and gives your order to the person who takes care of all the rest.

We as human beings spend way too much of our lives straining to figure out
exactly how to get our desires met and not nearly enough time actually having
them met. We chase our goals exhaustively when really what we need to learn is
how to let our goals come to us.

The lesson of Step 2 - that whatever you have asked for is already well on its way.
At this point, you can only receive it or hinder it. Accept it or deny, refuse, and
reject it.

Part of the secret of the Law of Attraction, and why it seems to work so flawlessly
for some and not at all for others (emphasis on the word "seems") is that the
having of what you want is inherent in the asking for it. For many of us, that
seems just too simple to be true.

But we don't have to believe it for it to be so. It's not belief that makes it happen
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at all. It's asking, accepting, and allowing. You don't have to believe that a light
bulb or an automobile functions the way it does for it to function. The same goes
for the Law of Attraction.

By thinking of something, we automatically bring that something into being. By

giving it the energy of our attention - positive or negative - we literally call it into
existence. Another way to look at it would be to say that we call into existence
and bring into being whatever we think about and give our attention

That means the money you want is already yours. The beautiful body you've
always longed for already belongs to you. That perfect relationship - you've got it.
That coveted prize, whatever it be, you've already won!

Why don't you have it then? Why isn't it in your physical realm of experience
(rather than just your mental, emotional, spiritual one)? Because we're constantly
getting in our own way, expending exorbitant amounts of energy figuring,
planning, plotting, working to do what isn't even our jobs to do.

Imagine if you were in a restaurant and you decided to go back into the kitchen
and cook your own meal, then bring it out to your table yourself. What do you
think would happen? You'd get thrown out of the restaurant - that's what!

The same applies if you ask your spouse or roommate to pick up something for
you from the store on their way home from work and then you go out and pick it
up yourself anyway. How do you think the other person will react? They probably
won't be so quick to do you any more favors like that.

The second step of the Law of Attraction demands that you trust the Universe to
do what it does best - love and create. Out of love for you, it will create what you
ask of it, but if you don't trust this simple fact, then you will be too blind, too busy
to notice. And even then it still works, it still creates for you and presents you
with whatever you ask for, you just miss it when it comes.

To make the Law of Attraction work for you, you need to concentrate on the
desired end result, not the process. Trust the process. Let it happen. But keep
your eye always on the prize, on the ball, on the goal.

"All roads lead to Rome", the saying goes. So decide what Rome means to you
then get walking. Where? Wherever you like. Whatever path looks most
interesting, pretty, comfortable, or desirable to you. It hardly matters which, for
you see, all roads will lead you there. As long as you know where you want to go,
the Universe will lead you there. Whether you listen, follow, trust or whether you
kick and scream and resist, insisting that you should lead, that you know better
the right way to go - is up to you.

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Step 3: Allow
Release control and let the objects of your desire come to you. That is the
message of the Law of Attraction. Step 2 is about releasing control. Step 3 is
about letting your desires come. Or put another way, Step 2 is what you must do
to consciously make the Law of Attraction work for your absolute fulfillment.
Step 3 is how.

As you just learned, the moment you ask for anything you desire, the Universe
immediately springs into action bringing what you've just asked for to you. But
are you there to receive it when it comes? Do you take it or refuse it? Would you
even know it if it was right there in front of you? Would you recognize it if
you had it already?

If we were going to use more esoteric spiritual terms to describe the process of
the Law of Attraction we might call Step 3 Align. Because what you are doing
when you allow your desired to be fulfilled is you're getting in energetic
alignment with that possibility becoming a reality. We spoke earlier about
vibrations. Allowing is emitting those vibrations that correspond with the having
of your desires, be they possessions you wish to own, events, circumstances, and
conditions you wish to have happen, or the body and world you wish to live in.

In more practical terms, think of the concept of having a "fear of success".

Without analyzing it too deeply, we can probably all agree that we've at least
heard this phenomenon mentioned before. Some people, for whatever reason
(and there are many possibilities), are not actually prepared - mentally,
emotionally, spiritually, vibrationally and energetically - to be successful or,
extrapolating, to have whatever it is they want.

We've all seen it before. The person who craves a relationship but is far too selfish
to share their time or personal space, much less their lives with anyone. Why
does this type of person never seem to get the chance they so desire? Because
they push it away, literally pushing away the possibility of intimacy with another
person. And those around them accurately call it "self-sabotage."

Or how about the shocking (or maybe not so shocking) revelation that the vast
majority (over 90% for sure) of lottery winners are financially back where they
started, or worse off, within 5 years after winning all that money. Why does this
keep happening? Because these particular people are out of vibrational alignment
with wealth. They may have just won money, but they're still putting out their
same old vibrations of poverty, scarcity and lack.

They key to making the Law of Attraction work for you in bringing you all that
you desire is to match what you say with how you feel. You must be in a
state of mental, emotional, and spiritual readiness to receive what you want.

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What you ask for must match up with what you're willing to have. To have your
wishes granted, you must be open to having it be so.

This is where belief comes into play, for you need not believe the Law of
Attraction works for it to work. But you do need to believe that you can have the
specific things and circumstances you want in order for you to have them.

Are you willing to be happy? Are you willing to be wealthy? Are you willing to be
surrounded by loving, supportive people? Are you willing to be your physical
ideal of beauty? Can you live in that world, or is some sort of resistance keeping it
all at bay. That's the opposite of allowing - resistance. And usually we resist in
order to protect ourselves.

What are we protecting ourselves from? Any number of things -

disappointment, loss, failure, challenge, change, or the repercussions of having
our desires met, to name just a few. To allow, to align, is to be open. In
protecting, in resisting, we close up, we shut down, we close ourselves off.

Consider, for example, the person who wishes to be what they perceive of as
physically beautiful, yet can't take a compliment when offered. What do you think
it does energetically when that person brushes off any compliment offered? When
someone says, "You look beautiful today" and they say, "No I don't", or "You've
got to be kidding", or "Oh, stop". Do they think they're being coy? Modest? Really
they're just saying, "I don't want this. I know I say I do, but I really don't."

How many more compliments might they get, and therefore how much more
beauty will they be cultivating in their lives, if they simply said, "Thank you.
That's very sweet."

It's like the supermodel who still feels like an ugly little girl inside. What we think
of her looks doesn't matter to her. For her true happiness, fulfillment and inner
peace, it's only what she thinks that counts. And she still thinks she's ugly. That's
resistance to allowing right there.

Another way we sabotage having what we want, resisting our own fulfillment, is
through impatience, doubt, and worry. Ask and the Universe obliges - always and
without fail. But rarely does it operate on your time schedule, or in the manner
that you think is right and best.

It's like leaving the restaurant before your meal is finished cooking because you're
too hungry to wait any longer. The meal is still cooked. Somebody will eat it. Just
not you. If you had stayed in your seat, relaxed and enjoyed the atmosphere while
you waited, there is no doubt that your meal would have come. And your growing
hunger would only make it taste that much more delectable when it did arrive.
Besides, there's always salad, bread and wine.

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It's the same way with doubt. Like the parents who frets so overbearingly over
their child's safety that they end up raising an accident-prone child because he or
she never learned to fend for him or herself.

What's happening, on an energetic level, is that your impatience, doubt, and

worry take attention off the goal and place it squarely on the lack of it. Suddenly
your energy is focused on "not having" again, rather than "having", and we know
now from Step 1 what that means. It means the Universe is going to interpret
your energy as a request for more "not having".

Waiting to be happy until you have a particular goal achieved only puts its
attention on unhappiness, not the goal. So what does the Universe bring you?
Exactly - more unhappiness, more reasons to be unhappy. Remember, it doesn't
judge, it only fulfills.

If you focus on being overwhelmed at all the obstacles between you and your goal
- what do you get? More obstacles and more overwhelmed.

Jealousy over someone else having what you want in life only produces more
jealousy. Resentment and blame over not having what you want in life only
produces more reasons to resent and more things to blame.

Through the Law of Attraction, the Universe produces and delivers evidence of
that which we believe to be so. It loves us so much that it tirelessly validates our
perception of our existence. Change your perception, change your

So we've spent a bit of time, now, and how NOT to allow. But how do you allow?
Think of taking a child to the park or the movies. Tell a child the night before that
you'll be going there the following day and how do they respond? With absolute
eager enthusiasm. They can barely sleep from it. They don't doubt that it's going
to happen or worry that something will get in the way of it happening. Rather
they imagine themselves there already, enjoying themselves already, filled with
excitement about the fun that they're going to have. That is how you allow.

When you cook yourself a meal do you doubt that you'll ever eat it? No, you savor
the process of cooking, smell the ingredients blending and cooking, 100%
confident that in just a few moments, you'll be sitting down for a tasty meal. It's
the same way with the Law of Attraction.

If you truly trust the process to work, and you know that you've already expressed
your desire to the Universe, then you can start enjoying the benefits of receiving
that desire now. Feeling satiated is inherent in the process of cooking food.
Pleasure, leisure, relaxation, and enjoyment is inherent in the process of going to
the movies. Building a fire is part of the fun of having one, because the process of
getting from no fire to fire is infused with confident and eager enthusiasm.

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Rather than force yourself, for example, to quit smoking, train your focus instead
on envisioning yourself as a non-smoker. Then feel what that's like. Feel with
confident and eager enthusiasm the greater lung capacity, the increased
sensitivity to taste and smell, the longer and healthier life, the extra money you'll
be saving not buying cigarettes. What will you do with all this extra time, money,
and vitality? Take on a new hobby, maybe? How does that feel? What if you
started that hobby now, before you've even become the non-smoker you see
yourself to be.

Instead of starving yourself and running yourself ragged to lose weight, start
imagining yourself looking the way you wish to look, knowing confidently that it
is already yours as sure as your name. Feel beautiful now, knowing it's your
birthright. How will your life change when you look the way you want to look?
Better job? More dates? Increased self-confidence? Enjoy it now, the same way
you relish a vacation you're planning before it's even begun.

Let the external changes come automatically and in their own time, as a natural
consequence of the internal changes you've made. Live now as though the goals
you set have already been achieved and their achievement will automatically,
naturally, take care of itself.

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How Science and Religion Factor In

Now that you're acquainted with the Law of Attraction and the complete step-by-
step process for applying it consciously, the time comes next to address any
skepticism or resistance that comes up for you regarding it. Our natural human
tendency with seemingly esoteric spiritual matters, often tagged with the stigma
of being New Age fill-in-the-blank, is to challenge them against the trusted
realms of science and religion. This chapter, then, is devoted to debunking any
erroneous beliefs that the Law of Attraction defies either of these treasured troves
of Universal knowledge.

The Science behind the Law of Attraction

Its lessons may be spiritual lessons, shedding light on the consciousness that
underlies all of creation, but the Law of Attraction wouldn't work at all if, like all
of creation, it didn't have a scientific foundation. And this scientific foundation
can be found in the study and discoveries of quantum mechanics.

Quantum mechanics reveals that everything in the physical world, ourselves

included, are no more than constantly shifting patterns of organic energy. The
same energy that the Law of Attraction speaks of.

Quantum mechanics goes on to note, based on the results and analyses of many
famous experiments, that these ever-shifting patterns of organic energy are
influenced by the presence of a conscious observer. Thanks to quantum physics,
we now understand that we can never know the "true" state of any energetic
pattern without our attempts to observe the pattern affecting and changing the

Our consciousness, then, allows us to interact with all other patterns of energy
(that which is always everywhere around us) in a way that can't help but influence
their movement and shape. What's more, our intention can actually guide and
direct the movement and shape of those energetic patterns.

When we realize that those energetic patterns are the very substance of
everything we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell, we realize the immense power we
have to influence not only our experience of the world we live in, but the very
world and life itself.

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Religion and the Law of Attraction

"Ask and ye shall receive," say both religion and the Law of Attraction.

Nothing about the Law of Attraction negates or defies or contradicts any religious
teachings whatsoever. On the contrary, religion and the Law of Attraction are in
complete agreement. If anything, the Law of Attraction validates, strengthens,
and reinforces one's religious beliefs.

The Law of Attraction requires acceptance of a higher force that is both part of
you and more than you which loves you so much that it gives you everything you
desire. If you desire struggle, it brings you struggle. If you desire peace, it brings
you peace. How is this different from divinity? Is not Asking the same focus of
energy and release of the illusion of control as in Praying?

The Universe, acting in accordance with the Law of Attraction, does not judge. It
merely is what it is, no more, no less than the wellspring from which all things
come into being. Could you not also call this God?

Like religion, the Law of Attraction acknowledges (and depends on) a force at
once part of us and greater than us, from which all things emanate and to which
all things return. A major lesson of the Law of Attraction is that we are not the
ones creating anything. We are merely the ones respond to creation and getting
back from it precisely what we give out to it, trusting that there is a higher good
and that, if we align with this higher good, we find our lives filled with joy and
peace and fulfillment. Is this not Faith?

And with this in mind, is not bringing yourself into energetic alignment with
allowing fulfillment, peace, and joy into your life the same as welcoming your
God or the Messiah into your heart?

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Applying the Law of Attraction to Common

The Law of Attraction & Money
Do you find yourself working tirelessly to make money only to find that you just
make more work? Knowing what you know now it should make perfect sense.
Your attention is on the work.

And even then, your work does produce money, but your desires are still not met.
What does that tell you? Focus on the desires.

Money is just a means to an end - a symbol of energy exchange. But now you
understand more the fruitlessness of focusing on the means rather the end. You
just stay trapped in an endless cycle of pursuing means after means
with no end - no reward - in sight. What's the reward? That's what merits
your attention. Let the Universe deal with how you'll get it.

Of course, if you're out of energetic alignment with receiving your rewards, then
you know what must be done next - work on releasing your resistance to allowing
what you want to be. Feel what it feels like to be as wealthy as you see yourself
being, having all that your money would buy. Enjoy prosperity and abundance
now, as a state of mind, and watch how easily prosperity and abundance come to

The Law of Attraction & Relationships

We attract to ourselves not only the things that match with us vibrationally but
the people as well. All you need to do to know how you feel about yourself inside
is to take a look around you at the people you've surrounded yourself with. If
there's love in your heart, self-love especially, then you'll find yourself
surrounded by love. It's that simple.

By the same token, if there's insecurity, resentment, blame, jealousy, spite, anger,
and hate, the people around us will reflect that energy back at us as more
evidence of why we feel that way inside. Likewise if we project energies we
mistake for love, such as infatuation or possessiveness. Because, as we now know,
the Universe simply loves to provide us endless validation for our thoughts and

Do you believe you deserve love? Are you so afraid of losing love that you push
the possibility of love away? Love is an energy, a vibration, like any other thought
or feeling, belief or state of mind. If our vibrations of lovingness, of love for self

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and appreciation of others, matches with our desire to be loved and give love,
then it will be.

But if we cling to love, we stop up the free flow of that energetic flow. Attachment
is a form of resistance. Attachment comes from fear, such as fear of loss or
undeservingness. Clinging to love closes us off from it. Engaging in the flow of
love - in and out, in and out, like a deep breath - keeps us forever in a state, a
vibration of ceaseless love.

Change the energy you're projecting and change the people you attract. In part
this will mean attracting new, loving and lovable people into your life as others
fall away by wayside. And in part this will mean instigating and evoking a shift in
the energy coming from those already around us. In both cases, we get more love.

The Law of Attraction & Your Health

Perfect health is your natural state. You can get in its way. You can deny it, refuse
it, or reject it as you like. It is yours to do with what you will.

It's no longer such an esoteric mystery that our physical health has a very real
mental and emotional component. Even Western medicine has taken up the call
of stress as a leading cause of nearly every physical illness and disease (and when
not its cause, certainly a leading factor in a condition worsening or the person
suffering failing to heal).

Stress is resistance. It's resistance to what is and to what we desire to be. In stress
we close ourselves off to that very free flow of boundless, loving, healing energy
that is our natural state.

All physical illness and disease are symptoms of resistance to being well. Why are
you resisting being well? Are you afraid that more will be demanded of you if you
are well? Are you so accustomed to being unwell that you're actually worried you
won't know what do with yourself if you were well? Do you like being sick?

It sounds ridiculous but it makes perfect sense when you think of how sick people
are treated - with pity, tender loving care and compassion. Sick people are often
waited on hand and foot by those around them. Sick people have an excuse to
disengage from life. It's the one time that it's okay to be lazy.

To be well, then, see yourself as well. Allow yourself to be well. Imagine what
you'd do once you were well. How does that feel? Feel it now with joyous, eager
anticipation, knowing that perfect health is already yours for the having.

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The Law of Attraction & The World

Many people expend an extraordinary amount of energy fighting things that are
wrong with the world, only to find themselves confronted by an endless stream of
disheartening evidence of all that they're fighting against. But what do we know
about the Law of Attraction and fighting? That it only produces more fighting!

What if, instead, your humanitarian efforts were fixated on producing more good
in the world? If you focused on nurturing that which you want more of in the
world, rather than eliminating all that you don't want in the world? Focusing on
fixing problems only produces more problems. Focusing on creating
change and newness creates change and newness.

Instead of fighting hunger, then, feed people. Instead of fighting poverty, help
create more jobs. Instead of fighting crime, promote ethics and honesty and
honor and education. Instead of fighting AIDS and cancer and child leukemia,
promote loving, compassionate health and healing for all.

And instead of fighting war, promote peace.

How to save the world is to save yourself. Allow peace and joy, tolerance and
unity, a sense of freedom and security within your heart, and you give those very
gifts to the world around you.

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Conclusion: What Is Our Purpose

All this talk about having what we want makes it sound like the world is only here
to serve us, to feed our every craving, to bend to our every whim. And though this
is, in large part, precisely how things work, it can leave a misleading impression
of why it works, or why we - humanity - are here to begin with?

Is the world merely our plaything? Is that all that life is about, nothing more than
fulfilling our moment to moment desires? Well, in a way "Yes". But stopping
there keeps hidden the reason why this is so valuable, so wonderfully important -
the Grand Design.

We know now that the Universe is an endlessly abundant source of creative

energy, its purpose in the realm of time and space to constantly evolve into ever
new and expanding modes of expressing this boundless creativity.

By itself, without mind to give it form and expression, the Universe is but a
bundle of potential energy, limitless potential but potential nonetheless. It is only
through the conscious extensions of this boundless source energy that the
Universe can start to express this creative energy through form.

We are each individually placed in this body in this life on this planet to act as a
unique extension of this boundless potential. Our lives, our life circumstances
and experiences, let us develop preferences - for this over that, here instead of
there, yes or no. And from these preferences are born our desires.

Our desires are not selfish any more than the Universe seeking ultimate self-
expression is selfish. Our desires are the flawless and invaluable tools the
Universe uses to achieve its purpose of ever-expanding creative self-expression.

Our purpose is to facilitate the purpose of the Universe. We are its eyes and ears.
Its hands and mouths. We are each the unique thoughts, feelings, and beliefs of a
Universe too full of every thought, feeling and belief there is to make a distinction
between them without us.

Our purpose is to help the Universe evolve and expand into becoming an ever-
more perfect expression of the boundless creative energy that it already is. And
how we serve this Grand Design is through our preferences, our desires and
beliefs, as according to the Law of Attraction.

Step 1: Ask
Step 2: Accept
Step 3: Allow
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I’m Glad You Read This Special “How-to” Guide

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it brief on purpose. You’ve now got the tools to reach any dream and master your
life. Feel free to pass it on to a friend, family member or colleague. I've put a
lot of time and effort into writing it. If you'd like to thank me, the nicest way
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Jeff Cohen
Founder & CEO of Launch 3, LLC

If You Can Spare Just 4 Minutes Twice A Week,

I’ll Show You How To Absolutely Positively
Empower Yourself, Ignite All Your Passion
& Get Everything You Want In Life.

It's the easiest, most practical way to make massive, radical changes in your life.
As you read each of my 'Dare To Dream' Insights closely, you'll learn
a wealth of simple secrets that you never even imagined could produce
astonishing results in your life and unlimited happiness.

It’s Fantastic, So Don’t Wait – Start Today

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I Mean It, Take Action Today – Learn More!

• I’ve Gotta Lose Some Weight • Fantastic Relationships (Ladies)

• I‘m Ready To Start Exercising • Fantastic Relationships (Guys)
• I Want To Sleep Better & Longer • Powerful Self Confidence Boost
• Lower My Stress Level Please • Freedom From Depression
• Start a Small Business • How Do I Set Goals
• I Want More Money • How To Manage Your Time
• Lower My Debt Burden • Anger Management 101
• Stop Smoking (Cough, Cough) • Stop My Procrastinating
• Break A Bad Habit or Addiction • I Need MORE Motivation
• Incredible Self Esteem • How To Get Organized

I Wasn’t Quite Finished With The Good Stuff

What is The Nature of Desire?

It is the Universe’s nature to grant all our wishes. More, it is its greatest joy to
give us all that we desire.

Attracting Money: Focus on Your Desire

So many people work so hard to make money only to find that, rather than create
more money, they only create more work.

Attracting The Perfect Relationship

The people we attract to ourselves in life match up vibrationally with some energy
we’re projecting.

Why Are Setbacks Essential To Creating Positive Change?

This article explores not just the value of setbacks, but how and why the duty they
perform are so essential in creating any positive change at all.

Clean The Clutter Out of Your Life

Feeling trapped? In a rut? Paralyzed by indecision? Grinding your wheels? Stuck
in the mud?

How Can I Save The World?

The way to save the world is to save yourself. The way to bring joy and peace into
the world is to bring joy and peace into your heart. The way to alleviate pain and
suffering in the world is to alleviate it in your heart.

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How To Always Know What To Do

Wouldn’t it be great to quell once and for all that constant nagging inside making
you question every decision you make? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to rid yourself of
the doubt, worry, and insecurity that so often paralyze you from making any
decisions at all?

The Myth of Separation Debunked

You did not fall from grace; no one did. For it is not possible. You and the Source
Energy of All-That-Is, the Universe, God (if you will) are one. You will never NOT
be one. The concept that man and God are separate is a fallacy.

Are You A Know-It-All?

The term is thrown around most times as an insult, pointing in reality more
someone's smugness or arrogance than to their intelligence. But in truth it's not
an insult. It's a statement of fact. You do know it all.

What is Spiritual Healing?

Spiritual healing: relieving physical pain and illness through changes made on a
mental, emotional, and spiritual level. For many, the very thought of it conjures
up images of evangelical faith healings and New Age hippies.

How To End Your Suffering: Surrender

When we are truly present, we are in direct and unfettered contact with our core
essence, the source of all power. And when we are in this state, we can do

What is the Science Behind The Law of Attraction?

The lessons of the omnipotent and omnipresent Law of Attraction are deep
spiritual lessons, reaching to the very soul and psyche of humanity, shedding
unprecedented light on the consciousness underlying the universe and All That Is
in it. But Law of Attraction wouldn’t work at all if it didn’t also have a firm and
inexorable footing in the physical.

Achieve Inner Peace & Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy, but not very many will say they truly are, and still
fewer could say they even know how to get there. Why is this? Why do so many
people have trouble achieving a goal that everybody shares? And how do you
break out of the quiet desperation that seems to be the norm and find your own
way to happiness?

>> Learn Even More Law of Attraction <<

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