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Professor Vassen NAËCK - Head Curriculum Implementation, Textbook
Development and Evaluation


Mauritius Institute of Education

Mrs Helina Hookoomsing DOOKHEE - Panel Coordinator, Lecturer
Dr Pascal NADAL - Senior Lecturer
Mrs Mangala JAWAHEER - Lecturer

Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research
Mr Jagdish KORLAPU-BUNGAREE - Deputy Head Master
Mrs Marie Françoise CONSTANCE - Deputy Head Master
Ms Andora LAVAL - Primary Educator


Vetting Team

Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research
Mrs Taramatee Nathoo - School Inspector
Mr Nunkishore Neergheen - School Inspector
Mr Henrio Douglas POTIÉ - Supervisor (The Arts)

Illustration and layout

Graphic Designer

ISBN : 978-99949-40-19-6

© Mauritius Institute of Education (2017)


We have the pleasure to offer you a brand new collection of textbooks as from 2016. These textbooks
have been written by a team of experts and supported by experienced Educators, advised by
Inspectors, mentors and Deputy Head Masters. We have done our best to ensure that children
undergo a pleasant learning experience.

We have taken care to align the textbooks with very clearly defined learning outcomes and objectives
set for the subject. This present textbook provides clear indications of the diverse skills that children
should master at each stage. We would request teachers to use the techniques and pedagogical
approaches suggested in the teacher’s manual so that children make optimal use of the textbook
and materials provided.

We are extremely thankful to all those who have provided us with constructive feedback, thereby
enabling us to make this curriculum development endeavour come to fruition. We are also thankful
to the artists who carried out the illustrations, and to our graphic artists, who have tried their best to
create the right layout for the books. The authors and the curriculum team, under the guidance of
Professor Vassen Naeck, also deserve our thanks.

We hope that you enjoy this material and wish you lots of success.

Dr O. Nath Varma
Mauritius Institute of Education.


The Grade 3 'Let's Learn English' textbook aims at providing pupils with adequate opportunities for
exposure to the English language and active engagement in its use. In line with the NCF, the structure of
the textbook allows the gradual development of the four language skills, namely listening, speaking,
reading, and writing, as well as grammar and punctuation. Through activity-based learning, pupils
learn and practise English in a contextualized, meaningful, and enjoyable manner, which focuses on
key areas of language and literacy development. Additionally, many of the activities adopt a cross-
curricular approach,which enables links to be made with other areas of the curriculum that are being
formally introduced and taught in Grade 3.

The textbook comprises of eight units, each driven by a theme that is related to the learners' lives or
interest. The units consist of the following sub-sections:

• Oral -
These activities precede the reading passage and are also interspersed throughout
each unit. They provide some key vocabulary related to the theme of a unit and support the
development of oral language skills;

• Reading comprehension -
The reading activities introduce the main theme and vocabulary of a unit. The text is followed by
short exercises to evaluate pupils' understanding;

• Writing -
These activities provide pupils with opportunities to produce different types of short texts with the
support of a writing frame or model;

• Phonics -
These activities help to develop and reinforce pupils' phonemic awareness, steadily leading them to
read and write with confidence;

• Grammar -
These activities empower pupils with essential notions of English grammar for accurate language
production both orally and in writing;

• Vocabulary -
These activities are based on the theme and are integrated throughout a unit so as to enable pupils
to increasingly build a repertoire of words;

• End of Unit -
These activities can be used to evaluate learning;

• ICT activities -
These activities simultaneously cater for the development of basic ICT skills and support language

Each unit covers approximately two weeks and is accompanied by a short literacy story which
complements the theme. A few fun and enjoyable activities are also provided at the end of each
literacy story.

The literacy stories are presented as a separate collection to encourage pupils to enjoy reading in
English, enable them to develop their own personal library, and inspire them to begin reading with
some independence; albeit with continued assistance and support from the teacher as needed.
While the focus is mostly on literacy in English, concepts from other areas such as History, Geography,
Values and Citizenship Education are also integrated.

We hope that pupils enjoy working through the Grade 3 'Let's Learn English' textbook and participate
fully in all activities.

The writing team

To the teacher

Much effort has gone into grading the content of the Grade 3 'Let's Learn English' textbook and
to include as many visual elements as possible to support learning. Moreover, the provision of
additional resources and activities (such as songs, poems/rhymes, short-story texts, ICT activities,
and the literacy story collection) aims at extending language learning while creating links with other
areas of the curriculum.

Nevertheless, the successful implementation of the textbook depends largely on teachers who will
have to supplement it with explanations, further resources, and additional activities as per their
pupils' level and needs to facilitate learning.

Teacher's notes have been inserted, wherever they were deemed to be useful, so as to guide teachers
and offer more detailed information about activities. However, these should not be considered
as being prescriptive. Instead, teachers have the scope and flexibility to adapt all activities in the
textbook to suit the level and needs of their learners.

Below are some general guidelines for conducting a reading activity (story, rhyme/poem/song):

Pre-reading phase
Carry out an oral session where pupils listen to a rhyme/poem/song or engage in an oral activity or
brainstorming. Make use of the illustrations and pictures in the textbook to stimulate discussion and
support learning. Encourage pupils' participation in English but allow pupils to use the language/s
with which they are more familiar as needed. Adequate support must be provided to gradually lead
pupils to express themselves using simple utterances and sentences in English. Use this pre-reading
phase to teach some key vocabulary that will facilitate understanding of the reading passage that
follows.Take the pupils outdoors whenever possible, so that they can indulge in the games or songs
that involve movements.

While reading phase

Read a text aloud a first time for pupils to listen and to familiarise themselves with the theme and
content. Read it again one line at a time and encourage pupils to repeat each line while they follow
the text with their finger. The use of strategies like demonstration, enacting/miming, and varying the
reading intonation and tone will help to retain pupils' interest and promote understanding of the

Post-reading activities
Carry out the activities orally first to check pupils' understanding and then help them to complete
the written exercises. Use resources such as word and picture cards whenever possible, especially for

vocabulary acquisition, as this will facilitate learning.
Given that the vocabulary varies in the different units, create a word wall in the classroom so that
pupils are exposed to new words in a sustained manner for the duration of the unit. Draw pupils'
attention to these words regularly for consolidation. Derive a list of sight words from the text and
help pupils to learn these.

Frequent exposure and practice are necessary to develop phonemic awareness. Like vocabulary
acquisition, phonics must be taught in a sustained manner, and it is necessary to go beyond the
activities provided in the textbook. Whenever possible, the teacher will have to supplement the
phonics activities with further resources and additional exercises to draw pupils' attention to the
sounds, letter-sound associations in words, and how to blend letters and segment words. Practice
can be made appealing and fun by encouraging pupils to create nonsense words. Phonics instruction
helps children learn the relationships between the letters of written language and the sounds of
spoken language, which is essential for developing reading skills.

Carry out the activities orally first to check pupils' understanding and then help them to complete
the written exercises. Though an introduction to and some explanation of the grammar points have
been included in the textbook, it may be necessary to extend explanations depending on the level
and needs of pupils. Use anecdotes and examples related to the pupils to make grammar learning
meaningful. While it may be necessary to top up with some explanations, where needed, the
emphasis is on grammar usage and developing an awareness of the grammar points. The focus is
not on the memorisation of rules.

Bearing in mind that it is not possible to tailor textbooks to specific pupils or classrooms, the Grade
3 'Let's Learn English' textbook has been structured in a way that allows the teacher to use it in a
flexible manner. Units 1 and 2 serve to consolidate concepts and language acquired during Grade 2.
Units 3 to 7 teach language and concepts to be acquired at Grade 3 level; and these are reinforced in
Unit 8. The teachers can thus adapt this textbook and the pace at which they progress through it, as
per the level and needs of their pupils.

It is hoped that teachers will exploit all the sections and activities which have been carefully thought
out, in view of enhancing the teaching and learning of English in Grade 3.

Content pages

Pages 1- 24 25 - 44 45 - 72 73 - 98

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Theme Welcome to Food My Country Jobs

Standard 3

- Parts of the - A variety of - Islands - A variety of

body and face foods, fruits, jobs
and vegetables - Places in
- Clothing Mauritius - Items and
Key - Tableware tools related
Vocabulary - Feelings and utensils - Holiday / to different
travel jobs
- School and -Parts of the
the classroom house

-Places to go

- Song: We are - Song: I like - Poem: Island - Rhyme: Work

back at school fruits and in the sun Hard
- Game: My - Role-play: The
Oral friends in story of Van
Standard 3 Warwick

- Poem: Going
to school



Reading The new girl in A lunch for A letter to Sam Different jobs
Grade 3 Mother

Letter Recipe About Mauri- Note

Writing tius

- Capital letters - Determiners - Nouns - Use of

and full-stops (a, an) (introduction commas
of the term)
- Possessive - Affirmative - Countable
adjectives and negative - Plural forms and
forms (not, is (s, es, ies) uncountable
- Simple not, are not, do nouns
Grammar present tense not, does not) - Conjunctions
of verb ‘to be’ (and, but, or) - Future tense
(am, are, is) - Question (will)
mark + - Simple
- Present interrogative present tense - Plural form
continuous form (what, (common
tense (am, are, when, who, irregular
is + ‘ing’) where) words)

End of Unit 22 - 24 41 - 44 70 - 72 96 - 98

Literacy session Lacey Loves to Having Tea I Spy a Dodo When I Grow
Talk with a Tiger Up

Unit 1 : Welcome to Standard 3

Welcome to Grade 3
Unit one

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3

The Grade 3 Team

Hello, my name is Mika.

Hello, my name is Wendy.

Hello, my name is Sonia.

Hello, my name is Tony.

Hello, my name is Dax.

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3

Activity 1 – I sing a song: We are back at school.

Hello, hello, we are back at school, back at school, back at school,

Hello, hello, we are back at school, early in the morning.

Hello, hello, we are with our friends, with our friends, with our friends,
Hello, hello, we are with our friends, early in the morning.

Hello, hello, we greet our teacher, greet our teacher, greet our teacher,
Hello, hello, we greet our teacher, early in the morning.

This is the class of Grade 3, Grade 3, Grade 3,

This is the class of Grade 3, hello to everybody!

Keywords: school friends teacher class

Activity 2 – I trace, colour, and write how I feel to be back at school.

How do you feel?

I feel....

excited scared happy sad angry

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3

Activity 3a – I write the correct possessive adjective.

1. This is ________ Grade 3 book. 2. ______ name is Mika.

3. _____ name is Wendy. 4. They are playing with _______ dog.

5. We will have fun with _____ Grade 3 Team. his
Activity 3b – I learn the possessive adjective ‘its’.

We have learnt many possessive adjectives. There is one more!

1. a) It is a dog. ______ name is Dax. (Its/Their)

b) _____ hairs are brown and white. (Its/Our)

2. She is laughing with ________ friends. (its/her)

3. The shop is famous for _______ toys. (its/my)

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3

Activity 4 – I talk with my friends and I write a list.

Let’s talk with our

friends. We can learn
about each other.

Good idea! Let’s try

to find one friend for
each item on the list!

My friends in Grade 3.

Who can ride a bicycle?

Who owns a pet dog?

Who wears glasses?

Who has a brother or sister in

this school?

Who has gone swimming during

the summer holidays?

Who knows the answer to 3 + 4?

Who has travelled outside


Who has a first name starting

with the letter ‘A’?

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3


Activity 5 – I listen to and read a short story.

The new girl in Grade 3

The pupils are in the classroom. They are sitting at their desks. Miss Molly
is the teacher. She welcomes all the pupils to Grade 3. She is happy to see

Miss Molly sees a new pupil in the class. Her name is Seema. She is shy. She
does not want to talk.

Miss Molly knows that all her pupils are nice children.
"Say hello to Seema everyone. Who wants to be her friend?"
Miss Molly asks.

All the pupils raise their hands. They all want to

be Seema's friend. This makes Seema happy.
She likes her new Grade 3 class.

Keywords: classroom desks teacher

pupil shy nice friend happy

Activity 5a - I shade the correct box if the answer is true or false

1. The pupils are sitting at their desks. T F

2. Miss Polly is the teacher. T F

3. The new pupil is angry. T F

4. All the pupils want to be Seema's friend. T F

5. Seema does not like her new Grade 3 class. T F

Activity 5b - I choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Miss Molly is __________ to see her Grade 3 pupils. (happy /sad)

2. Seema is a new _________________. (teacher/pupil)
3. Seema does not want to _______________. (sit/talk)
4. The Grade 3 class is full of _____________ children. (nice/naughty)

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3

Activity 6a – I choose and copy the correct words:

Parts of the face and body.

This is my friend Seema. Can you help me

label the different parts of the picture?

foot eye leg hand ear arm nose mouth belly hair

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3

Activity 6b – I choose and copy the correct words: clothing items.

My friend Seema always wears clean

clothes. Can you help me label the different
parts of this picture too?

skirt socks shoes leggings shirt hat

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3
Activity 7 - I choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

It is important to learn all the classroom rules!

listen kind walk work desk hand

I must _____ carefully in the classroom. I must be _____ to my classmates.

I must sit quietly at my ______. I must _______ to my teacher.

I must raise my ______ before I speak. I must _______ hard.

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3


Activity 8a - I listen to and read a poem.

This is a poem about going to school.

Let’s read it together!

Going to school
Going to school,
Being happy,
Making friends.

Going to class,
Where I learn
And keep it clean.

Learning my numbers
1, 2, 3,
Learning my letters
a, b, c.

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3

Activity 8b - I complete a crossword puzzle.

Across: 1. A place where I learn : C _ _ _ _

Down: 2. How must I keep my class: C _ _ _ _

3. How do I feel when I am with my friends? H _ _ _ _

4. A place where I meet my teachers and friends. S _ _ _ _ _

2 4
Let’s look for words in
1 C S the poem to complete
this crossword puzzle.

Activity 9a - I add full-stops to the short story. Grammar

Do you remember the short story we read together?

Let’s read it again and add in the full-stops.

The new girl in Grade 3

The pupils are in the classroom They are sitting at their desks Miss Molly is

the teacher She welcomes all the pupils to Grade 3

Miss Molly knows that all her pupils are nice children

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3

Activity 9b - I rewrite the sentences correctly using capital letters.

Every sentence begins with a capital letter and ends
with a full-stop. Rewrite the following sentences with
the correct capital letters and full stops.

1. this is a beautiful island


2. we like going to school


3. you are happy to meet your friends


4. the girls are dancing


5. my friend lives in Vacoas


Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3


Activity 10 - I write a letter about myself.

I want my new friend Seema to know things

about me. This is my letter to her.

Hi Seema,

My name is Mika. I am seven years old. I live in Pretty Town.

I like reading and swimming.

My favourite subject is English. This year, I am excited about

Sports Day at school.

I am happy to be your friend.

From Mika

Did you like reading Mika’s letter? Now, write a letter to your
friend about yourself. You may use the words given or add your

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3

Hi ____________________

__ _________________
My name is ______________

__________ years old.


____ _____________________
I live in ________________

________ _________________
I like __________________
________ _________________
________ _________________
ll, playing video games, watching TV
(dancing, singing, playing footba

____ ___________________
My favourite subject is ____

__ ______________________
This year, I am excited about
________________ at scho

ld Bo ok Day, Flag Raising Day)

(Music Day, Sports Day, Wor

From __________________

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3

Activity 11 - I choose among am, are, is to complete the sentences.

In Grade 2 we learned am, are, and

is. Complete the sentences below
using these words.

Remember, we say:
I am
You are
He/She/ It is
We are Example:
They are. The boy – tall
The boy is tall.

1. I – happy

2. Mika – a good pupil


3. You – my friend

4. Sonia and Tony – happy


5. I – in Grade 3

6. We – at school

7. She – a good teacher

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3
Activity 12a - I write the verbs in the present continuous tense: Add ‘ing’.

We also use am, are, or is when verbs
are in the present continuous tense.

We use verbs in the present continuous tense

to say what we are doing now.

For some verbs we only need to add ‘ing’.

Let’s write the verbs correctly.

The girls are jumping (jump).

Hello. My name
is Sonia.

1. Sonia is __________ 2. Tony is ________ a kiwi

(talk). (eat).

3. The pupils are ___________ 4. I am ___________

(sing). (dream).

5. The teacher is ___________ 6. The birds are ___________

(laugh). near the tree (fly).
Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3
Activity 12b - I write the verbs in the present continuous tense:
Verbs ending with ‘e’.

For verbs ending with ‘e’, we must

remove the ‘e’ and then add ‘ing’.

writ + ing

Let’s do the same for the following verbs!

1. dance _________________ 5. create ________________ __

2. make _________________ 6. type ____________________

3. smile _________________ 7. hope ____________________

4. come _________________ 8. ride ____________________

Activity 12c - I write the verbs in present continuous tense:

Double the last letter.

For some other verbs, we must double

the last letter and then add ‘ing’.

runn + ing

Let’s do the same for the following verbs!

1. dig ___________________ 5. swim _________________

2. put ___________________ 6. shut __________________

3. clap __________________ 7. sit ___________________

4. cut ___________________ 8. win ___________________

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3


Activity 13 - I colour words with the /I/ sound.

Do you remember some words with the /I/ sound?

Colour the words with this sound in blue!

ten bug
top bed
swim lip
dig bin
bike fan






Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3
Activity 14 – I circle words with the /aI/ sound.

Do you remember some words with the / I/ sound? Circle the
words below that contain this sound. The first one has been
done for you.

look tree
see kite
ice book

pie hand
school bike
cone lips

chair door
bag lime
five flower

class nine
mice new
clock dessert

socks rice
happy bees
slide square

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3
Activity 15 – I colour the correct boxes.
I trace the words with the /i:/ sound.

Sonia says you are really good at identifying sounds.

Can you please help me with this activity?

________ Frog
________ Cat


________ Star
________ Leaf

________ Sea
________ Sock

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3
Activity 16 – I choose and write the correct
letters to complete the words.

You are doing great!

Let’s do one more activity together.

pr br fr tr dr cr gr

o g a s s

a b u m

e e e s s

e a d i n k

a i n u s h

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3

Unit 1 End of unit Unit one

1. I listen to and read the following poem.

My Promise

Each day I will do my best

And I will not do any less.

My work will be the finest

And I will not make a mess.

I will play nicely

And I will work neatly.

This I promise
With a big kiss!
(Adapted from: http://www.tooter4kids.com/

2. I listen to and say a tongue-twister.

Red rats run around the playground.

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3

3. I choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. When I am ___________ (angry, sad), tears fall from

my___________ (ears, eyes).

2. When I am _________ (happy, naughty), there is a big and

beautiful smile on my _________ (hand, face).

3. The teacher says: “If you’re happy and you know it,
stomp your__________ (nose, foot)!”

4. The ____________ (naughty, nice) child does not listen to the teacher
and pulls the girls’ ________ (belly, hair).

5. He walks in the mud and his _________ (dirty, clean)

__________ (hat, shoes) make our class __________ (messy, tidy).

4. I fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1. I ______ (is, am) in Grade 3 this year.

2. My teacher _________ (is, are) nice to me.

3. John and Dany __________ (is, are) cleaning ____________

(its, their) room.

4. We always wash ____________ (its, our) hands before eating.

5. Sara is talking to ____________ (their, her) friend Zoé.

6. “Open ____________ (your, his) books at page 9,” says the teacher.

Unit 1 : Welcome to Grade 3
7. Jordan brushes ____________ (her, his) teeth twice a day.

8. My dog ___________ (is, are) wagging ________ (its, my) tail.


5. I write the words below in the correct circles.

fly eat fit right sleep ill

ship arrive sheep read funny island

/I/ sound /aI/ sound /i:/ sound

Unit 2 : Food

Unit two

Unit 2 : Food

Activity 1 – I sing a song: I like fruits and vegetables.

Let’s sing a song!

I like fruits and vegetables

I like oranges. I like oranges.

They are a fruit. They are a fruit.
They are round and juicy. They are round and juicy.
They taste good. They taste good.

I like cabbages. I like cabbages.

They are a vegetable. They are a vegetable.
They are green and crunchy. They are green and crunchy.
They taste good. They taste good.

Unit 2 : Food

Activity 2 – I listen to and read a short story. Reading

A lunch for mother

It is Mother’s Day. The family is in the kitchen. Suzan wants to prepare

lunch for her family.

“Who will help me?” Suzan asks.

“I will cut and fry the fish,” says father.
“I will wash and cook the rice and vegetables,” says Jenna.

Uncle joins them to eat lunch.

After the meal, Suzan and Jenna give their mother some flowers.
“Thank you,” says mother. She gives them a big hug.

Keywords: lunch family kitchen fry cook meal hug

Activity 2a – I colour the correct box if the answer is true or false.

1. Jenna and Suzan are preparing lunch. T F

2. Suzan cuts the fish. T F

3. The girls give mother some flowers. T F

4. Mother does not say thank you. T F

Unit 2 : Food

Activity 2b – I choose and write the correct words.

1. In the story, it is ________________________.

(Christmas, Mother’s Day, Music Day)

2. The girls are preparing __________________. (dinner, lunch, breakfast)

3. Jenna washes the _______________________.(vegetables, fruits)

4. ___________ joins them for lunch. (Grandma, Uncle)

5. They give mother some __________________. (flowers, cakes)


Activity 3 – I write 'a' or 'an' to complete the sentences.

In Grade 2 we learned about ‘a’ and ‘an’.
We use ‘an’ when a word starts with a, e, i, o, u.

For example: an umbrella, an elephant

It is lunchtime. The Grade 3 Team is near the canteen.

My mum made me ____ sandwich. I also have ____ orange.

There is _____ banana and ____

cheese sandwich in my lunch bag!

I have finished my sandwich.

I will buy ____ chocolate bar.

I will buy ____ apple juice.

Unit 2 : Food

Activity 4 – I circle the correct words.

We learned many of the words below in Grade 2.

How many do you remember?

apple bedroom house garden

kitchen bread cream kitchen
milk toilet bathroom living room

oven basket shelf door

fridge plate cupboard sink
window shelf window basket

plate hotdog cheese mug

fridge fork glass fruit
cream bowl mug spoon

plate pot cheese rolling pin

spoon knife kettle towel
pan bowl mug soap

Unit 2 : Food


Activity 5 – I write a recipe.

Do you like smoothies?

My friends and I love smoothies!
Here is a simple recipe.


You will need:
One sliced mango
Two sliced apples
One peeled and sliced carrot
Two sliced pears
One glass of orange juice

1 Put all the fruits and vegetables in the blender.
2 Mix everything together.
3 Pour into a glass and enjoy!

Unit 2 : Food

Let’s write a smoothie recipe together! You may choose words from
the list of ingredients given below or add your own.


You will need:

1. Put all the ________________________________ in the
2. ____________________________________________.
3. Pour into ___________________________________ and


- Sliced pineapple - Sliced red apple

- Carrot - Peeled orange

- One cup of coconut water - One glass of orange juice

- Cucumber - Broccoli

Unit 2 : Food

Activity 6 – I number the pictures in the

correct order to make a story.

In the morning, the family eats

At night, the family eats dinner.

In the afternoon, father goes to At noon, mother goes

the supermarket. to the market.

Unit 2 : Food

Activity 7 – I learn: Affirmative and negative forms.

Jenna and Suzan are at the market.

Jenna: This lettuce is fresh.
Suzan: This pumpkin is not fresh.
Jenna: Mother likes green apples.
Suzan: She does not like red apples.
Jenna: Let’s buy some mangoes.
Suzan: The mangoes are not ripe.

Did you notice the words in red?

Sentences that contain ‘not’ are called negative sentences.

Activity 7a – I match the affirmative sentences

with the correct negative sentences.

Affirmative Negative

1. He is sad. • We do not play tennis.

2. They are laughing. • She does not go to school.
3. She goes to school. • He is not sad.
4. We play tennis. • They are not laughing.

Activity 7b – I write 'is not' or 'are not' to complete the sentences.

1. Sarah _______ 2. The dogs 3. He __________

reading her book. _______ barking. drinking milk.

4. They ________ happy. 5. Rani ___________ baking a cake.

Unit 2 : Food


Activity 8 – I learn: Interrogative form.

What are you doing Suzan?

I am making a salad.
Where is the lettuce?

It is in the basket. Mum will make

When are you going to set the table? the dessert.

I will do it later.
Who will make the dessert?

Did you notice the words in bold?

Did you notice the question marks?
We use a question mark when asking a question.
The words 'what', 'when', 'where' and 'who' are used to ask questions.

Unit 2 : Food

Activity 8a – I read the sentences and put

a question mark or a full-stop.

1. What is your favourite food __

2. Mina is reading a book __
3. Where is your father going __
4. They are swimming __
5. When do we have lunch __

Activity 8b – I choose who or what and match it to form questions.

do you eat everyday ?

Who prepares your dinner?

is your teacher’s name?

What sits next to you?

are the pupils doing in the classroom?

Now, write the interrogative sentences in full.

1. ___________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________

Unit 2 : Food

Activity 8c – I write when or where to complete the questions.

1. _____________ do you live?

2. ____________ is your birthday?
3. ____________ is dinner time?
4. ____________ are my shoes?
5. ___________ is the restaurant?


Activity 9 – I colour the pictures for words with the / / sound.

bed book cheese web

cake lemon desk dog

egg pen apple key

Unit 2 : Food

Activity 10 – I circle words with the / / sound.


box snail bed

sock hat dog

ear car pot

ring boat mop

Unit 2 : Food


Activity 11 – I circle the pictures with the /u:/ sound.

I write the correct words in the boxes.

school group star nest girl broom

boy soup spoon tooth moon cat

Unit 2 : Food

Activity 12 – I connect the correct letters

and write the word.

k e te
p i ce

k a ke
c e ak

c e f
k a r

d o w
c a p

d e t
b u ck

Unit 2 : Food

n a ck
r o nk

s o ck
z i nd

st e ck
st i p

cl u d
tr o ck

dr i ck
br e mp

Unit 2 : Food

Unit 2 End of unit Unit two 2

1. I tell my friends about my favourite foods and drinks. Oral

2. I use who, what, when and where to make questions.

When prepares your lunch?

What do you brush you teeth?
Who do you go shopping?
Where is your favourite meal?





Unit 2 : Food


3. I complete the sentences in the negative form.

1. Shana ______ ______ baking a cake.

2. The children ______ ______ eating their lunch.

3. You ______ ______ drinking your milk.

4. He ______ ______ cleaning the kitchen.

5. We ______ ______ play badminton.

6. She ______ ______ like to eat bananas.

5. I fill in the blanks with the correct words.

1. Mum and dad are preparing _______ (a, an) nice dessert in the kitchen.

2. “__________ (What, Where) have you put the milk?” dad asks.

3. “I don’t know. I __________ (did, did not) take it. _____________

(When, Who) was the last time you used it?” replies mother.

4. “I used it this morning. ___________ (Who, What) did I do with the

bottle of milk?” dad says to himself.

5. "Here it is! In the oven! _______ (Where, Who) put it here?”

mother asks.

Unit 2 : Food

4. I choose and copy the correct words with the /e/ sound.
I circle the correct ending of each word.

net pet ed
vet get et

hen ten
zen pen en

nest rest ell

dest test

shell bell ed
fell cell et

red bed
ted shed

Unit 2 : Food


5. I colour the boxes red for words with the sound /u:/. I colour
the boxes blue for words with the sound the / /.

dot roof

zoo olive

room food

frog balloon

sock log

Unit 3 : My Country

My Country
Unit three

Unit 3 : My Country

Activity 1a - I read a poem: Island in the Sun.

This is my island in the sun,

This is my island of joy and fun.

There is the mountain, there is the tree,

This island is home to me.

There is the river, there is the sea,

This island is home to my family.

There is the sky, there is the sand,

It is such a beautiful island.

This is my island in the sun,

This is my island of joy and fun.

Can you find words in the poem which rhyme with “bee”.
Colour these words.

Unit 3 : My Country

Activity 1b - I write the correct words below each picture.

Activity 2 - I listen and read a letter. Reading

A letter to Sam
Dear Sam,

I am happy you will come to Mauritius on holiday. You will like my beautiful
island. We will go shopping at Bagatelle Mall. We can go to Flic en Flac beach.

We will eat different foods. You will like our Mauritian fried noodles, dholl
puri, and biryani. You can drink alouda at Port-Louis market.

I can teach you some Mauritian Creole words. You will help me to speak
English. I will teach you how to dance the sega. My friend Sonia is excited
to meet you.

My father and I will be at the airport when you arrive.

See you soon.

From Wendy.

Keywords: holiday beautiful island shopping excited airport

Unit 3 : My Country

Activity 2a - I tick the correct answer.

1. Who writes the letter?


2. Who will come to Mauritius?


3. Where will Sam and Wendy go shopping?

Cascavelle Mall
La Croisette Mall
Bagatelle Mall

4.What food will they eat during Sam’s holiday?

Dholl puri

5. What language will Sam help Wendy to speak?


Unit 3 : My Country

Activity 2b – I write the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Wendy and Sam will go to the ______________.

2. They can drink alouda at Port-Louis _______________.
3. Wendy will teach Sam how to __________________ the sega.
4. Wendy and her father will be at the ____________ when Sam arrives.

market airport dance beach

Activity 3 - I match the words with the corresponding pictures.

Do you know that

Mauritius is an island?

Yes, I know. An island

is surrounded by sea.




Unit 3 : My Country


Activity 4 - I learn: Nouns.

Sam comes to Mauritius

Sam and Wendy are cousins. Sam lives in England. He has come to visit
Mauritius. Wendy goes to Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International
Airport in Plaine Magnien with her father. They sit on a bench and wait for
Sam. There is a dog sleeping nearby.
Two pilots walk by and get into a taxi. Then, Wendy’s cousin arrives. Wendy
gives him flowers. When they reach home, they see a cat sitting near the

The words in bold are names of people, places,

animals and things. These words are called

People Places Animals Things

Sam England dog bench
Wendy Mauritius cat taxi
cousin Sir Seewoosagur flowers
Ramgoolam International
father Plaine Magnien door
pilots home

Unit 3 : My Country

Activity 4a - I write the words in the correct boxes.

Rodrigues sister book rabbit hospital Mika

school teacher horse bird flag car

People Places Animals Things

Activity 5 - I do a role-play.

Long ago Mauritius was covered with trees. There were

many birds and animals. Let’s learn more about Mauritius.

The story of Van Warwick

Captain: I am Van Warwick. I am the captain of a big ship.

I am sailing in the sea but there is a storm.

Sailor 1: Look! Here is an island! Let’s land on the beach.

Captain: I am hungry. Let’s hunt birds to eat.

Sailor 2: There are many trees everywhere.

We can use the wood to fix our ship.

Sailor1: We can all stay here for some time.

Captain: We must leave now. I will name this island Mauritius.

Unit 3 : My Country

Activity 5a - I colour the pictures and write the correct words below.

tree sailor bird island captain beach ship wood


Activity 6 - I learn: plural ‘s’.

Sam and Wendy visit Casela

"Look, there is a tiger!" Wendy shouts.

"I can see two tigers," Sam says.
Wendy counts and says: "I can see three tiger."
"You're right," says Sam, "but we say 'tigers' because there is more than

"Oops! I forgot to add the 's' at the end of the word," Wendy says.

When we have more than one, we add 's' to some words:

cousins, birds, lions, tigers
These words are in the plural form.

Unit 3 : My Country
Activity 6a - I choose the correct words below and
write them in the plural.

1. Sam and Wendy go to see the __________ and


2. They play with two ______________ at the mini farm.

3. They wash their __________ and then eat their lunch.

4. They can hear the ________________ roar.

rabbit foot zebra lion hand giraffe

Activity 7 - I learn: plural ‘es’.

Hey Sam! Don't forget:

Sometimes we add 'es' to form the plural of some words.

Singular Plural

box boxes

bench benches

dish dishes

potato potatoes

Unit 3 : My Country

Activity 7a - I write the plural of the words.

fox _________ church _________

tomato _________ bus _________

sandwich _________ glass _________

class _________ match _________

Activity 7b - I choose and write the correct words in the plural

form to complete the story.

glass fox sandwich dish tomato

Some _______________ live in the woods.

Mother fox is cutting ________________.

Father fox is making _____________________.

Loulou is putting the _________________ on the table.

After lunch, everyone helps to wash and dry the ____________.

Unit 3 : My Country

Activity 8 – I learn: Plural ‘ies’.

Sometimes we add ‘ies’ to form the plural of some words.

Look at the example and then write the plural of the words

baby babies

fly ____________ butterfly ____________

bunny ____________ family ____________

puppy ___________ city ____________

story ____________ lorry ____________

Unit 3 : My Country


Activity 9 - I write about Mauritius.


Let’s write about Mauritius! You can use the

words given in the box and add your own.

In Mauritius, we can visit _____________________________________

We can eat ________________________________________________
I like to __________________________________________________

swim in the sea - dholl puri - noodles - play with my friends - rice and
curry - Casela - Shoprite - kebab - ride my bicycle - Rochester Falls
Black River Gorges - banana tart - pineapple salad - Chamarel Seven
Coloured Earth - biryani - Blue Penny Museum - dance sega

Unit 3 : My Country

Activity 10 - I write the words in the correct Grammar

order to make sentences.

Do you remember learning how to use 'and' in Grade 2?

Help me to do this activity.

1. Sonia are friends Wendy and

2. and Wendy are cousins Sam

3. a sister a brother and Sonia has

Activity 11- I learn: ‘but’.

Sabrina and the cupcakes

Sabrina can see a box of cupcakes but she cannot reach it.
Sabrina tries to climb on to the table but it is too high.
She asks her brother to help her but he is too busy.
Sabrina feels sad but she does not cry.

Did you notice the underlined word?

We use the word 'but' to put together two different ideas.

Unit 3 : My Country

Activity 11a - I match part A with the correct part B.

I write the complete sentences.


1. Wendy goes to the shop but she is strong.

2. The boy kicks the ball but it is not cold.

3. The girl is small but he cannot swim.

4. It is rainy but it is closed.

5. Mika can ride a bicycle but it hits the goal post.

Now, write your sentences in full.

1. ______________________________________________________


2. ______________________________________________________


3. ______________________________________________________


4. ______________________________________________________


5. ______________________________________________________


Unit 3 : My Country

Activity 12 – I learn: ‘or’.

The word 'or' can also be used to join words and ideas.
The word 'or' is used when there is a choice.


I can go to school on foot or by car.

Do you want to eat noodles or biryani?

Activity 12a - I listen to and read a funny rhyme.

What do you want?

Do you want to see the forest or the sea?

Do you want a flower or a tree?

Do you want to play or sleep?

Do you want a dragon or a sheep?

Do you want to go to school or a shop?

Do you want a broom or a mop?

What do you want?

I want you to stop!

Circle the word 'or' in the poem!

Unit 3 : My Country

Activity 13 - I learn: Simple present tense.

Let's read these sentences together!

Pay attention to the underlined words.

I eat rice.
You eat rice
He eats rice.
She eats rice.
It eats rice.
We eat rice.
They eat rice.

The underlined verbs are in the simple present tense.

The simple present tense tells us the action happens regularly
or is generally true.

For the personal pronouns 'he', 'she' and 'it',

we add 's' to the verb.
For example: He eats a cake.
She drinks her milk.
It plays with a toy.

For some verbs, we add 'es':

He goes to school.
She finishes her homework.
It catches the ball.

Unit 3 : My Country
Activity 13a - I choose the correct verbs to fill in the blanks.

I _________ football. You _________ a song. He ________ juice.

(play, plays) (sings, sing) (drinks, drink)

She _______ in the pool. We __________ in the They __________ at

playground. the clown.

(swim, swims) (talks, talk) (laugh, laughs)

It __________ up the I __________ music. She ___________ to

tree. dance.

(climb, climbs) (likes, like) (likes, like)

Activity 13b - I make sentences and I write them down.


Tony studies everyday

Sonia plays often

The girl works well



Unit 3 : My Country

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________

6. ______________________________________________________


Activity 14 - I choose and write the correct cluster of letters.

Ch Sh

__air __eese __oe __erries __eep

di__ bea__ fi__ wat__ __ip

__ell __ips bru__

Unit 3 : My Country
Activity 15 - I cut and paste the pictures in the correct boxes.

Can you hear “th” as in thumb in the given words?

Cut out the words and pictures below. Stick

them in the correct boxes on the next page.

bath bottle apple

teeth thorn house

table mouth

Unit 3 : My Country

Unit 3 : My Country

I can hear “th” I cannot hear “th”

Unit 3 : My Country

Unit 3 : My Country
Activity 16 - I circle the words with the /ð/ sound.

mother sun grandmother shoes

clothes table grandfather door

brother flower feather weather

Unit 3 : My Country
Activity 17- I cross out the odd word in each row.

whale bird whiskers wheel

wheelchair whip tree wharf

pencil whistle whisk wheat

wheelbarrow hair whisper white

Unit 3 : My Country
Activity 18- I colour the pictures and I circle the correct words.

brush feet park

hen hammer hat
beach juice fish

bag sun harp

hand book eye
island hug mountain

heart house horse

square wall dog
circle tree mango

Unit 3 : My Country

Unit 3 End of unit Unit three

1. I say what I like and what I like less about my country.

Unit 3 : My Country

2. I correct the underlined words in the text. Grammar

I wrote this postcard for my mum but I have made a few

mistakes. Please help me to correct the underlined words.

Hi mum,

How are you? And how is dad? I’m sure he bring me and show me everywhere. Uncle
miss me a lot! Here it are fine. There are and auntie are very nice. Together we enjoys
many lovely beach to swim and have fun. I ourselves every day. They says that you
goes to the seaside as much as I wants. needs to come here one day.
I eats a lot of local meal, especially the
different curry. Wendy is really helpful. She I misses you,


3. I fill in the blanks to complete the sentences correctly.

1. Mary brushes her teeth and ________________________________

2. Seeven is sick but _______________________________________

3. Do you want to read a book or _____________________________

4. I want to play outside but ________________________________

5. We can go to Blue Bay on foot or __________________________

watch a film it is raining by car

washes her face he goes to school

Unit 3 : My Country

4. I pronounce the words below. I pay attention

to the sounds shown by the letters in red.

Words with ‘ch’: child, chair, much, chicken, branch,

Words with ‘sh’: show, push, shell, wish, shark
Words with ‘th’: three, throw, north, month, both
Words with ‘th’: the, this, their, brother, with

5. I match the correct parts of the words.

hea py

hor ey

hippo mer

hel pe

he potamus

ham se

hap lo

hon ad

hou rt

ho se

Unit 4 : Jobs

Unit four

Unit 4 : Jobs

Activity 1- I listen to and read a rhyme.

Work hard
te r fighting fires
I see a fire figh
ic ch anging tyres,
I see a mechan
ing thro ugh the air,
I see a pilot fly
sser cutting people’s hair.
I see a hairdre

n with the mail,

I see a postma
e putting thieves in jail,
I see the polic
at the s wimming pool,
I see a lifeguard
ers, working in the schools.
I see the teach

s, astronauts,
Doctors, nurse
in th e courts.
Judges, lawyers

y jobs, so if you want
There are man
go and get it!
Work hard and
ompatz channel- http
ople Song' on tt
d from 'The Pe
(Source: Adapte

Unit 4 : Jobs

Activity 2 – I listen to and read a short story. Reading

Different Jobs

Some parents have come to school to talk about their jobs.

“Good morning,” Miss Molly says. “We will play a game. The parents will

describe what they do. The pupils will guess the job.”

The first speaker is Mr. Nailor: “I make trousers, suits, and shirts.”

The pupils shout: “Mr. Nailor is a tailor.”

Mr. Gummer: “I fix leaking taps and pipes.”

The pupils shout: “Mr. Gummer is a plumber.”

Mrs. Prentis: “I help to keep teeth clean and healthy.”

“Mrs. Prentis is a dentist,” the pupils say.

The final speaker is Mrs. Shaker: “I make bread and cakes.”

“Mrs. Shaker is a baker,” shout the pupils.

“Well done pupils! All the answers are correct,” Miss Molly says.

Keywords: parents job tailor plumber dentist baker

Unit 4 : Jobs

Activity 2a – I match the pictures to the words.






Unit 4 : Jobs

Activity 2b – I use words from the short story to fill in the blanks.

1. Some ___________________ have come to school.

2. The parents talk about their _________.

3. Mr. Gummer fixes ___________ and pipes.

4. Mrs. Prentis helps to keep _____________ clean.

5. Mrs. Shaker makes ______________ and ________________.

Activity 3a- I match part A with the correct part B.

Part A Part B

The postman fixes vehicles.

The writer takes care of our teeth.

The policeman builds houses and buildings.

The mechanic writes books.

The hairdresser cures us when we are sick.

The pilot cuts people’s hair.

The dentist delivers letters.

The doctor cures animals when they are sick.

The builder flies airplanes.

The vet cares for our security.

Unit 4 : Jobs

Activity 3b - I play a game: Who am I?

Let's put the letters in the

correct order to make words.

1. I work on the stage.

I am an ……………………. (a, c, o,t, r )

2. I work in a hospital.

I am a …………………( n, s, r, u, e)

3. I work in a school.

I am a ……………………….( t, e, c, e, h, a, r)

4. I work on a ship.

I am a ………………………..( s, o, l, i, a, r)

5. I work in a restaurant.

I am a ……………….. ( c, e, h, f)

Unit 4 : Jobs

Activity 4 – I learn: Commas. Grammar

Let’s look carefully at the sentences below.

Notice the little marks in red.

1. A vet cares for dogs, cats, rabbits and birds.

2. A gardener looks after the flowers, trees, bushes and grass.

The little marks are called commas.

We use a comma to separate items on a list.
We use ‘and’ before the last item.
Circle the word ‘and’ in the sentences above.

Activity 4a – I add the commas in the correct places in the sentences.

1. There is a pencil an eraser a ruler and a pen in my pencil case.

2. The musicians are playing guitar drums violin and piano.

3. The lifeguard is a tall strong intelligent and kind man.

4. The mechanics are fixing cars vans and motorbikes.

5. The hairdresser uses combs scissors gel and a hairdryer.

6. My friends are Tony Sonia Mika Wendy and Dax.

Unit 4 : Jobs


Activity 6 – I learn: Countable nouns.

one cake

What do you see? Write the correct answers.

One example has been done for you.

Unit 4 : Jobs

There are some things that we can count.

We call these ‘countable nouns’.

Countable nouns can be singular or plural.

You can use ‘how many’ to ask questions with countable nouns.
Let’s practise together!

Activity 5a – I ask questions using “how many”.

How many chairs do you see? I see ___________ chairs.

How many bees do you see? I see ___________ bees.

How many flowers do you see? I see ___________ flowers.

Unit 4 : Jobs

Activity 5b – I learn: Uncountable nouns.

There are some things that we cannot count.

These are called ‘uncountable nouns’.

For example: We cannot count...

rice tea toothpaste honey

grass water sand milk

Uncountable nouns can only be singular.


water a water

six jugs of water six waters

a little water a little waters

Unit 4 : Jobs

With uncountable nouns we use ‘much’, ‘a little’, or we

use the nouns alone.
I have much rice in my plate.
There is a little water left in my glass.

Activity 5c – I tick the correct answer.

Countable Uncountable
noun noun

1. Tony and Neena are playing with their toys.

2. Neena has two dolls.

3. Wendy wants to eat a little soup.

4. Rahul is eating an orange.

5. Dax is drinking water.

6. They like sitting on the grass.

7. There is much honey in the jar.

Unit 4 : Jobs


Activity 6 – I draw and I write a note.

When I grow up, I want to be a policeman, just like my dad!

What job would you like to do when you grow up?

Draw two jobs you like. Write something about each job.

I want to be a _______________
I like this job because

Unit 4 : Jobs

Activity 7 – I learn: Future tense.

The Grade 3 Team is talking about different jobs.

I will be a policeman I will be an airhostess.

when I grow up. I will travel to many places!

I will be a
scientist! I will be an artist.
I will paint
beautiful art. I
will be rich!

All the friends laugh.

Did you notice the words in pink?

We use will to talk about the future.
We use the future tense to talk about something that is
going to happen.

I will You will He will She will It will We will They will

Unit 4 : Jobs
Activity 7a – I write the verbs in the future tense.

1. Marc (go) ______________ to the cinema with his family.

2. They (watch) _____________a film about superheroes.

3. I (be) ____________ absent tomorrow.

Activity 7b – I make sentences and I write them down.

I be a fruit salad

It make to school
Bella rain a poet

They go tomorrow

1. ______________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________

Unit 4 : Jobs
Activity 8a – I learn: Irregular plural forms. Grammar

Do you remember the plural forms we learnt in Unit 3?

There are some words that change when there is more than one.
Let’s look at the pictures. Trace the words and read them aloud!

man men

woman women

child children

Unit 4 : Jobs

foot feet

tooth teeth

leaf leaves

shelf shelves

mouse mice

Unit 4 : Jobs

There are some words that do not

change even when there is more than one.

grass grass

sheep sheep

deer deer

Unit 4 : Jobs

Activity 8b – I choose and copy the correct words.

Choose the correct words from the box

below and label all the pictures.

teeth leaves lions

men trees children

Unit 4 : Jobs

flies sheep boxes

feet tomatoes dogs

Unit 4 : Jobs


Activity 9: I circle the pictures and words with the /ʤ/sound.

Let’s learn some more words together.

jam angel juice gold fish

bag jar giraffe jet

jungle jewel guitar baby

Unit 4 : Jobs
Activity 10 - I circle the words with the /v/sound.

boat shoes clock

car vest vase
van hat bowl

fruits village guitar

vegetables forest drum
animals sea violin

mop volcano dove

broom hill fish
vacuum tree cat

waiter six glove

chef five dress
vet eight foot

Unit 4 : Jobs
Activity 11 : I tick the pictures and words with the sound /j/.

yacht juice cloud Doctor bag

jam yard sailor sad bicycle

child teacher yoyo postman waiter

airplane grass yellow rice milk

Unit 4 : Jobs

Activity 12: I make words and write them down.

z f p
l i a

z k ra
p eb o

k o te
z i o

s e to
z i ro

d uzz te
p ub le

wi te ul
ma za rd

Unit 4 : Jobs

Unit 4 End of unit Unit four

1. I sing 'The Job Song'.

The Job Song

I’m a policeman/fireman/postman/milkman in the town

All day long I walk around.

It’s my job, it’s what I do

It’s my job, I like it too!

Unit 4 : Jobs

2. I write the correct words to Vocabulary

complete the sentences.
1. Laura likes to take care of animals. One day she will be a

2. It has always been my dream to fly. I hope one day I will be a


3. I don’t like thieves. If I become a ________________ I will catch

them all.

4. Karishma likes to explain things to people. One day she will work as a

5. Alvin likes working outside, planting trees and cutting grass.

_______________ is his dream job.

3. I fill in the blanks with the correct words. Grammar

On my way to school, I see __________ (much, many) people working. Most

people work during the day, but ___________ (a few, a little) work during

_________ (the, some) night as well. I hope that __________ (one, many)

day I ___________ (will get, got) ____________ (much, a) job that is

interesting, like being _________ (a, an) doctor. That way, I will be able

to help _________ (child, children), __________ (womans, women),

_________ (men, mans). Everybody! Then, I ________ (was, will be) very


Unit 4 : Jobs


4a. I circle the words with the /j/ sound and underline words
with the /v/ sound.
vehicle five yogurt vet young

verb year you glove yes

4b. I tick the words with the /dʒ/ sound and colour the words
with the /z/ sound.

zip giant zigzag jump zone

January joke zebra giraffe judge

5. I complete the word search.

Help me find these different words. CHEF





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