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Be the reason of someone lives

Jeremiah C. Baluan

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. The greatest

hero I never knew was an organ donor, who saved one’s life. You don’t have to be a doctor to

save lives, you can save lives to by donating your organs.

To be an organ donor means to carry out an act of love, toward someone in need,

toward a person in difficulty, it is a free act of helping other’s that every person of good will

can do at any time and for any people. You should be an organ donor because someday your

soul becomes immortal, your body gets decomposed, your heart beat will be no more, so,

make a way to gave life to others by donating your organs .In organ donation statistics

113,000 + number of men, women and children on the national transplant waiting list as of

January 2019, 36,528 transplant were performed in 2018, only 3 in 1000 people die in a way

that allows for organ donation. In 2018, there was a total of 17,553 donors; 10,722 were

deceased donors and 6,831 were living donors. 35% of deceased donors in 2018 were over

the age of 50. 61% of deceased donors in 2018 were male, 39% female. On average, 20

people die every day from the lack of available organs for transplant. A single organ donor

may save up to eight people and a single tissue donor may enhance the lives of up to 50

people. Did you know that one organ donor can help multiple people, one organ donor has

the potential to save many lives or improve as many as sixty lives. You have the power to

save lives and improve the quality of life of those in need of any form of transplant. Organs

which can be donated are the heart, lung, kidneys, liver and pancreas. You can also be a

living donor, you can donate your partial kidney, partial lungs, pancreas intestine, bone

marrow and skin tissue. There are many reason to become an organ donor, because organ

donations is an opportunity to help. Receiving an organ can become a life changing event for
those who are in needs. There is no age limit on organ donation, if you are healthy, many of

your organs could still be able for an organ donation.

Do things for people, not because of who they are or what they do in return but because of

who you are.

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