Plaintiff Cross Questions

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Cross: (Jose G.

Q: You are a residing at #27 San Sebastian St., Brgy. Tinago, Naga City, correct?
A: Yes.
Q: Were you living at the same address prior to leaving for Japan?
A: Yes.
(Objection: Irrelevant Question. Comment: I am establishing a point)
Q: Can you say that you are familiar with your neighbors or the persons living near you?
A: Yes.
Q: Even those neighbors after you left for Japan?
A: Yes.
Q: You said in your judicial affidavit that you only knew of Tomas Tan as the buyer,
A: Yes.
Q: Tomas Tan is living also in the same barangay, are you not familiar with him?
A: No.
Q: Even if he lives just a few houses away from your house?
A: No.
Q: Isn’t this contrary to what you said that you are familiar with your neighbors?
A: No. I familiar with some but not all.
----- alright

Q: You left for Japan about 3 or 4 years ago, correct?

A: Yes. It was 2015.
Q: Were you in constant communication with your wife after you left for Japan?
A: Yes. Minsan sya o ako nauuna tumatawag.
(Objection: Beyond the scope of the judicial affidavit.)
Q: You allegedly found out about the sale from your brother, correct?
A: Yes.
Q: Did you contact your wife immediately about it?
A: Yes.
Q: But you were not able to talk to her, correct?
A: Yes.
Q: Was this the first time that you were not able to contact her?
A: No, at times di na sya sumasagot sa iba kong mga tawag.
Q: But there are still times that you are able to talk to her?
A: Yes.
Q: The reason that you went back to the PH is because she was not answering your calls
about the sale, correct?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you still love your wife, Mr Hosana?
(Objection: Irrelevant Question. Comment? I just wanna know your honor)
Q: The SPA was executed when you were in Japan, right?
A: I have no personal knowledge as to when it was executed.
Q: Let me re-phrase the question, the SPA is dated July 1, 2018 and during that time you
were still in Japan?
A: Yes.
Q: Have you tried sending letter from Japan to PH?
A: No.
Q: But, you can send a letter if you want to right?
A: Yes, pero it’s not practical.
Q: So, can you say that it’s not imposible to also send a handwritten from Japan?
A: Yes.
Q: Then can you still say that it’s not impossible to send the SPA with your signature?
A: I did not send any SPA.

No further questions your honor.

Cross: (Bonifacio Hosana)

Q: You said that the signatures are different from his handwritten letters and passport, correct?
A: Yes.
Q; Were you present at the time these handwritten letters or passport was made?
A: No but I received that letter from Jose.
Q: To confirm, did Jose sent a letter from Japan?
A: Yes.

No further questions.

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