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 Renewable power generation


6. Secondary power supply

6. Uninterruptible power supplies

22-Aug-2018 | V1.1 
Electrical Design Criteria

UPS systems shall be provided for all critical loads that cannot tolerate power interruptions. These shall be further backed by the
standby generator system. 

Each uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) system shall be hot-swappable, comprising of a fully controlled recti er charger, battery
bank, inverter, static bypass, and manual bypass capable of providing safe and secure power supply. 

System con gurations

Simple UPS
UPS for diagnostic imaging equipment shall be provided as part of the imaging equipment package, complete with external
maintenance bypass. 

Distributed redundant UPS

The designer shall con gure the Distributed Redundant UPS system using two equally-sized UPS units, with each UPS capable of
supporting the entire load. The designer shall eliminate or minimize all single points of failure within the distribution system by
ensuring that a second path is always available for the ow of power. 
As indicated in the diagram below, this con guration is to cater to dual corded network equipment.  Concurrent maintenance shall be
possible on all components within the system, as long as dual corded equipment is used.

Indicative distributed redundant UPS schematic

N+1 hot swappable UPS 

Hot swappable UPS shall be provided with dual input connections and a manual bypass switch, enabling live replacement of
standard plug-in UPS systems for maintenance without interrupting power to connected loads.
The N+1 con guration shall utilize a number of smaller modules, with one module being redundant. In case of failure of one module,
load shall be redirected to the remaining modules.  

Dedicated N+1 hot swappable UPS

This con guration is dedicated to the CCTV systems, and cannot be combined with other UPS systems or loads.
The following table illustrates the con gurations to be deployed:

System con gurations

Con guration Area of use includes Battery run time at rated end-of-life

Simple UPS Diagnostic Imaging and Radiography Established by Equipment Manufacturer

N+1 Hot Swappable Critical Care Nursing Units, Surgical Theaters 60 minutes

Dedicated N+1 Hot Swappable CCTV and Security Systems 120 minutes

Distributed Redundant Path Server Rooms, IDF Rooms 30 minutes

System components & operation

UPS systems shall include, but are not necessarily limited to the following:

UPS modules,
battery monitoring,
DC disconnects, and
maintenance bypass.
The UPS system shall be single or multi-module or redundant con guration as described above.

The UPS system shall be sized to maintain the load and be equipped with a battery able to supply this load for speci ed minutes, at a
temperature of 25°C. The battery is to provide 100 percent of the speci ed capacity at initial startup. 

Apart from rack mounted UPS, the main outgoing cables from UPS supplies shall be provided with 4-pole circuit breakers to facilitate
mitigation of oating neutrals.

System components
System includes:

battery to provide continuous source of electrical power,

recti er/battery charger to maintain battery charge and to provide input to inverter when utility power is available,
inverter to provide power to load during normal operation,
static switch to transfer load automatically and without disturbance between inverter and utility power in case of inverter failure,
manual switch to bypass static switch for maintenance,
input and output lters to provide appropriate disturbance attenuation,
necessary monitors, sensors, and control circuits with UPS module isolation breakers,
bus tie breakers,
load distribution breakers. 

System operation
Utility power available: recti er/charger supplies load through primary inverter and maintains battery in fully charged “ oat”
condition.  Load is served from the recti er/chargers-inverter assembly or assemblies depending on the system con guration.
Utility power failure:  load supplied from battery through static inverter if utility power drops below preset limits, or fails. There is no
output disturbance transmitted to load.
Utility power returns:  recti er/charger supplies power to load through inverter while it recharges battery.  There is no output
disturbance transmitted to load.
Failure of both recti er/charger assemblies or battery: static switch transfers load to synchronized utility power, without disturbance,
when inverter output deviates beyond speci ed quality limits. When inverter output returns to acceptable operation, it is
synchronized to utility power, and after preset timing interval, static switch returns load to inverter without disturbance.
Single recti er failure: static switch of failed module removes module from system output and transfers load to utility power bus.
Overload or short circuit: static switch transfers load to utility power during load inrush and clearing of faulted branch circuits; load
automatically transfers back to inverter without disturbance.
Inverter failure: static switch shall transfer to utility power without disturbance and remain until manually returned.
Maintenance operation: load shall be transferred manually to utility power using bypass switch.  During bypass mode, operation of
system or static switch shall not affect power to load.

UPS battery systems

Valve regulated lead calcium sealed unit, C&D Liberty series 1000.  
Life expectancy: battery shall be a true 10-year battery, having a three year full warranty replacement, pro-rated after the third
year.  The terms of the pro-rated warranty shall be submitted to HMC for review.
The UPS shall provide an integral battery monitoring capability, which shall monitor the battery string and provide out-of-limits
alarming to the CCMS and to the UPS internal alarm when the battery performance is outside of its required speci cation. Batteries
shall be monitored during the charge and discharge cycle and out-of limit alarming provided for: string impedance, string voltage,
battery temperature, power outage.

System ratings & operating characteristics

System continuous rating:  over entire battery voltage range at speci ed power factor.  The output voltage shall be maintained within
speci ed limits at any load from full load to no load.

Output voltage regulation

Plus or minus 0.5 percent for balanced load, plus or minus two percent for 50 percent unbalanced load.
Voltage transient recovery time: to within one percent of output voltage rating within one cycle.
Input current limit

Adjustable to maximum of 125 percent of that required to operate at full load with battery bank on oat charge.
Current Walk In:  25 to 100 percent in 15 seconds.

Output current limit

150 percent of rated output current.

Environmental range
The UPS shall be able to withstand any combination of the environmental conditions encountered in Qatar, and maintain operation
without mechanical or electrical damage or degradation of function when the UPS is mounted inside a shelter with access doors

UPS power factor over full range of loads and input voltages
80 percent, lagging or better.

Total harmonic distortion (THD) of input power supply current and voltage wave forms

Provide input harmonic lters to limit re ected current THD of input power supply to ve percent, maximum at full load, according to
IEEE Standard 519.  Input power supply has a short-circuit rating of 65 kA symmetrical.

THD of output voltage wave form

Maximum three percent RMS THD and maximum one percent any single harmonic, at rated frequency and voltage, from 10 percent
load to full load and over battery voltage range, measured into a non-linear load.  Excessive ltering shall not be required to reduce

Non-linear load rating

UPS system shall be capable of handling non-linear load currents typical of that of a K20-rated transformer.
Audible noise

Noise generated by the UPS under any condition of normal operation shall not exceed the allowable sound pressure level of 75 dB
measured at 62 m from the nearest surface of the cabinet.

Charging units
Each recti er/charger unit shall be solid state and shall provide direct current to the inverter unit and for battery charging utilizing
6-pole Silicon Controlled Recti er (SCR) bridge or Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs). IGBTs are preferred.
Each recti er/charger unit shall be provided with an input circuit breaker.  In addition to supplying power for the load, the
recti er/charger shall be capable of recharging the batteries. The charging rate shall  be suf cient to restore the battery from
discharge to 95 percent of full charge within ten times the discharge time.  After the battery is recharged, the recti er/charger shall
maintain the battery at full charge until the next emergency operation (Note: the recti er/charger shall be thermally compensated to
prevent battery overcharging and thermal runaway). 
The input AC current limit shall be designed so that demands in excess of the DC output current needed to operate the inverter at
rated load and simultaneously recharge a discharged battery to 95 percent of its original capacity shall not cause a corresponding
decrease in the output DC voltage from the recti er/battery charger.
Each recti er/charger unit shall provide for input current limiting and battery recharge current limiting. Both are to be independently
adjustable. The input current limit shall be adjustable from 100 to 125 percent  full load.  The battery recharge current limit shall be
adjustable from two to 25 percent of the maximum discharge current.
The recti er/charger unit shall provide features whereby when the AC power is returned to the AC input bus, after the UPS has been
operating on battery power or has been de-energized, the total initial power requirement at the input terminals will not exceed
20 percent of rated load, and the power will gradually increase to 100 percent of full rating over the 15-second time interval.
The recti er/charger unit shall have an output lter to minimize ripple current into the battery.  Under no conditions shall ripple
current into the battery exceed three percent RMS.  
Electronic controls shall be incorporated to provide individual phase voltage compensation to obtain phase voltage balance under
all conditions, including up to a 50 percent current unbalance.
Each inverter unit in the system shall have fault sensing and static isolation, as well as an output circuit breaker, for removal of a
faulted module from the system without affecting the critical load bus. 
The inverter shall be constructed of solid-state devices capable of providing the speci ed rated volt-amperes (VA) within the
operating range of the battery while connected to a 1.0 to 0.8 leading or lagging power factor load.  The inverter shall current-limit
for loads in excess of 150 percent of its full load rating.  Maximum effective current at the output of the inverter (when bypass AC
input is not available) shall be 150 percent.  The inverter shall be capable of at least 300 percent current for short circuit conditions.
 If the short circuit is sustained, the inverter shall shutdown and disconnect automatically from the critical load bus.

Bypass switching arrangement

The UPS modules shall contain a fully rated solid-state static bypass transfer switch which allows a “make-before-break” or overlap
type transfer of the load from the UPS module output to the utility power source or back again without interruption of power to the
critical load.  Forward and reverse contactors shall not be used.  The control unit shall contain an automatic transfer circuit, which
senses the status of the inverter logic signals and alarm conditions and initiates uninterrupted transfer of the load in case of
malfunction of the UPS module or external overload.  The static bypass transfer switch shall be rated at 1,000 percent of UPS
module output rating for 16 milliseconds, 400 percent for 1 second, and 150 percent for 1 minute and 125 percent continuous.  The
redundant unit switch shall be rated for the full kVA system rating.  
A manually externally-operated maintenance bypass switching arrangement shall be provided which permits bypassing the UPS
loads to the bypass (reserve) AC power source without interruption of power to those loads and also electrically isolates the static
bypass switch and inverter from the bypass normal power source.
Key interlocking shall be provided to ensure that the transfer to or from the external maintenance bypass can only be done when the
UPS is on internal bypass and the sources are locked in phase.
The UPS shall provide monitoring and control for the complete system via a control panel equipped with monitoring, controls, light
emitting diode (LED) indicators, and an audible alarm.

© Copyright - Hamad Medical Corporation by Corporate Communications Dept.

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