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Name : Diarsa Pandham P

Source :

Summary : Six people died and 200 injured during mass rallies in Jakarta against the re-election of
Indonesian President Joko Widodo. The protests erupted after official election results showed Mr
Widodo had beaten his long-time rival Prabowo Subianto at the polls with Jokowi winning 55.5% of
the vote, consistent with quick count tallies. Police fired tear gas at protesters when clashes broke
out again in the capital on Wednesday. Protesters hurled fireworks and rocks at police.


Six people have been killed and 200 injured during Indonesia’s post-election protest.


Because the official election results showed Mr Widodo had beaten Prabowo Subianto at the polls
with Jokowi winning 55.5%, Mr. Prabowo’s supporters then began the protest.


On the 21st – 22nd May 2019


This happened during a stand-off near the election supervisory agency, while clashes also restarted
in other areas of the city Jakarta, Indonesia.


Thousands of protesters supporting Mr Prabowo


After the official results were announced, thousands gathered in front of the election supervisory
building in support of Mr Prabowo. The protests began peacefully but soon turned violent, with cars
set on fire and firecrackers thrown at police. Police in riot gear fired tear gas to disperse the crowd.

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