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Migration Profile Country perspective


The MMWD – Making Migration Work for Development
is designed in the realm of the Europe 2020 Strategy to
support regional strategy-making for smart, sustainable
and inclusive growth. Its key assumption is that policy-
makers dealing with territorial development are in need
of a future-oriented and integrated vision of
development, that would help identify key regional and
local challenges and translate the targets and
objectives of Europe 2020 into territorial policy
priorities. The project foresees the development of a
Transnational Platform for Policy Dialogue and
Cooperation to support the governments of SEE
territories in adopting more effective services and
regulating the migration flows across the SEE area. In
order to foster the dialogue within the Platform, ad hoc
Migration Profiles (MPs) will be developed and will
integrate the information already known by each
partner country.
The current MP is related to Bulgaria and it focuses on
1. Resident foreign population by
five different topics: resident foreign population by
gender, age cohorts and citizenship; population flows gender, age cohorts and citizenship
(internal migration, emigration, immigration);
As of 1st February 2011, 36,677 persons with foreign
immigrants presence in the national labour market;
citizenship live in Bulgaria, representing 0.5% of the
foreign population by level of educational attainment;
country population. Among them, 8,444 (23.0%) are
remittances/transfers of money to country of origin.
European Union citizens, coming especially from the
These topics have been selected among MMWD
United Kingdom (2,605) and Greece (1,253), while the
indicators relevant to describe demographic and
majority comes from European countries outside the
migration trends and their socio-economic implications.
EU. In particular, the most represented countries of
origin are Russia (11,991 persons), Ukraine (3,064),
Background Information on Bulgaria Republic of Macedonia (1,091), Moldova (893) and
Serbia (569).
Capital: Sofia When looking, instead, at the gender dimension, it can
be noticed that 56.0% of resident foreign persons are
Official language: Bulgarian women and 44.0% are men.

Area: 110,994 km2 Figure 1. Structure of foreign citizens residing in Bulgaria by

geographical area of origin (01/02/2011)
Population (2012): 7,494,332

Population density (2012): 63.0 inhabitants/km²

Natural increase (2011): -0.08‰

Foreign population (2011): 0.5%

Employment rate (2011): 63.0%

Unemployment rate (2011): 13.2%

Religions (census 2002): Bulgarian Orthodox Church

83.7%, Muslims 12.2%, Catholicism 0.9%, Others 3.2%.
Country Perspective Bulgaria

2. Population flows

2.1. Immigration and emigration

Figure 2. The ten districts with highest share of migrants towards
In 2012 the number of immigrants arriving to Bulgaria district Sofia capital (2001 – 2011)
from other countries was equal to 14,103. In the same
year, 16,615 people emigrated from the country and
moved abroad. The net population decrease, as a
consequence of these flows, was thus significant:
around 2,500 individuals left Bulgaria. Focusing on the
emigrants, it is relevant to note that 53.9% of them
were between 20 and 40 years old and that within this
group men were slightly more than women (53.2%
against 46.8%). As far as the immigrants are
concerned, instead, only 37.0% of them belong to the
age cohort between 20 and 40 years old, while the
share of people above 50 years old is also high
(32.5%). In this case the male presence is even more
significant with respect to female one: almost 60.0% of
immigrants are men. Source: 2011 population census
Between 2007 and 2012 the number of immigrants into
the country has constantly increased, while the number
of emigrants has shown an uneven path: after a Figure 3. The ten districts with highest share of migrants towards
district Varna (2001 – 2011)
significant population outflow in 2009 and 2010 with
more than 40,000 people leaving Bulgaria, in 2011 the
number of emigrants has fallen down and then it has
started to increase again in 2012.
Moving to the observation of the process of internal
migration within country borders, it can be noted that in
2012 the most important flows have been those
concerning the district of the capital Sofia: around
17,000 individuals arrived in the area from other
Bulgarian districts and more than 9,000 moved away in
order to reach other districts. From the available data,
it emerges that migrants have come to the district of
Sofia from almost any district, and that those who
instead left the district have also moved to a broad
Source: 2011 population census
range of other internal destinations with no significant
trend emerging.

When taking into account the 2001-2011

Im m igration in and em igration from Bulgaria (2007-2012) decade, other considerations can be
made about the general process of
internal migration flows. According to the
25.000 2011 Census of the National Statistical
Institute, the persons who changed their
20.000 residence in the country within the
period 2001 – 2011 were 379,181. Out
15.000 Immigrants
of those who changed their residence,
10.000 Emigrants 35.5% moved to a settlement within the
same district. The remaining 64.5%
5.000 migrated out of the district of previous
0 residence. In this context, the highest
share concerns persons who migrated to
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
the district of the capital Sofia (32.1%)
Source: 2011 population census as well as to that of Varna (10.8%). The
two figures above show the main
districts of origin of migrants moving to Sofia and Varna
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Country Perspective Bulgaria

3. Immigrants presence in the Bulgarian While the number of work permits for self-employed
immigrants is practically non-existent, there are a
labour market
number of immigrant businessmen or investors who
From a general country perspective, employment growth operate as Bulgarian employers, having obtained a
has been negative since the beginning of the financial long-term residence permit. Their average number in
crisis in 2008, reaching -4.2% in 2011. The the period 2009–2011 was 1,100, with the biggest
unemployment rate has been growing steadily since share coming from Turkey, followed by Russia and
2008, when the lowest unemployment rate was recorded other countries in Eastern Europe, the US, Macedonia,
(5.6%), and rose to 11.3% in 2011. The highest drop in and China.
employment numbers in 2011 in comparison to 2010 is Unemployment is very low among immigrants, as data
in the sphere of construction work with a 23% decrease, from the Employment Agency since 2009 indicate. In
transportation with a 10% decrease, and trade and retail 2009 there were 1,510 third-country nationals
with a 6% decrease. Immigrants in Bulgaria do not figure registered as unemployed in the Employment bureaus,
in the general statistical data on employment rates. One which was 0.6 per cent of the overall unemployment
of the publicly accessible sources for labour migration is rate for the country. Since then, numbers dropped by a
the data provided by the Employment Agency on the third, to reach 1,018 in 2011.
number of work permits issued per year. As of 2008, the
number of issued work permits steadily decreased and
reached its lowest level in 2011, with only 595 issued
4. Foreign population by level of educational
permits (they had been 1476 in 2006). A closer look at attainment
the dynamics of work permits issued per country shows Specific data on foreign population by level of
that the most significant drop is observed for Turkish educational attainment are not fully available for
migrants. The drop is most clearly reflected in two Bulgaria. Therefore, some more general information
prevalent work categories: low-skilled and technical about the educational level of the whole Bulgaria
personnel. This can be explained through the population, with a detailed focus on the main ethnic
discontinued labour agreement for low-skilled workers’ groups in the country will be instead provided.
import in the industry, which was active only in 2008 and As of 1st February 2011 there are 1,348,700 persons
2009. Signs of ethno-stratification can be already with tertiary education (19.6% of total population). The
detected from these numbers: Russian and Ukrainian share of persons with tertiary education increases by
citizens with work permits tend to be engineers, US 5.5% compared to the previous Census (2001). With
citizens scholars or athletes, Indians consultants, and upper secondary education are instead 2,990,400
Serbians athletes. There are three large clusters of persons (43.4%) for an increase again close to 5% with
immigrant labour: highly skilled migrants, wage workers respect to 2001.
(mostly low-skilled or technical personnel) with work For the first time during the 2011 census the category
permits, and foreign businessmen and investors, with “school never visited” is included. The number of
long-term residence. With the exception of Russians and persons who have never visited school is 81,000 or
other immigrants from the post-Soviet countries, who are 1.2% of the population aged 7 and more. Generally, the
well integrated, the majority of migrant wage workers are education of male population is a little bit higher
mostly engaged in ethnically dominated enterprises. compared to female: the share of males with upper
Most migrant workers are employed in private secondary and higher education is 63.6% compared to
businesses within their community. 62.4% for females. However, the females complete
tertiary education more often than the males and at the
census moment there are 791,800 females with tertiary
education, compared to 556,900 males.
Work permits granted in 2006 by nationality: Considerable discrepancies are observed in the
Source: Ministry of Interior (2007) educational structure by place of residence: nearly 3/4
of the female population in urban areas (71.6%) has at
least upper secondary education completed, compared
Nationality N. to hardly 40.3% in the rural areas. Illiterate persons are
Turkey 211 112,778 persons, representing 1.7% of the population
aged 9 and over years of age. There are considerable
F.Y.R.O.M. 165
differences in the share of illiterate persons among the
Ukraine 125 three main ethnic groups. Among the Bulgarian ethnic
group the share of illiterate is 0.5%, among the Turkish
Italy 98
4.7% and amongst the Roma ethnic group 11.8%.
Germany 96
Greece 96
Total (all countries) 1476

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Country Perspective Bulgaria

Figure 4: Remittances
Source: World Bank

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Migrant remittance
inflows (US$
million) 1.177 1.718 1.723 1.613 1.716 1.694 1.919 1.592 1.333 1.483 1.449

Migrant remittance
outflows (US$
million) 14 13 29 35 50 103 162 101 25 26 27

5. Remittances/transfers of money to
country of origin
The World Bank provides data on remittances and
transfers of money to the country of origin until 2012. In
2012 the total amount of inward remittance flows was
1,449 million USD (around 1,050 million Euros). The
total amount of the outward remittance flows was
instead 27 million USD (around 20 million Euros). A
similar evidence was recorded also for the previous
years 2011 and 2010, while in 2008 and 2009 both
migrant remittance inflows and outflows where actually
much higher (e.g. 1,919 and 162 million USD
respectively in 2008). The table above shows data for
remittance inflows and outflows across the decade

6. Relevant links

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Country Perspective Bulgaria


The MMWD – Making Migration Work for Development
is designed in the realm of the Europe 2020 Strategy to
support regional strategy-making for smart, sustainable
and inclusive growth. Its key assumption is that policy-
makers dealing with territorial development are in need
of a future-oriented and integrated vision of
development, that would help identify key regional and
local challenges and translate the targets and
objectives of Europe 2020 into territorial policy
priorities. The project foresees the development of a
Transnational Platform for Policy Dialogue and
Cooperation to support the governments of SEE
territories in adopting more effective services and
regulating the migration flows across the SEE area. In
order to foster the dialogue within the Platform, ad hoc
Migration Profiles (MPs) will be developed and will
integrate the information already known by each
partner country. 1. Resident foreign population by
The current MP is related to the district of Vratsa, gender, age cohorts and citizenship
located in the north-western part of the country, and it
focuses on five different topics: resident foreign There is no available information regarding resident
population by gender, age cohorts and citizenship; foreign population in the district of Vratsa by gender,
population flows (internal migration, emigration, age cohorts and citizenship.
immigration); immigrants presence in the national
labour market; foreign population by level of
educational attainment; remittances/transfers of money
to country of origin. These topics have been selected
among the MMWD panel of indicators relevant to
describe demographic and migration trends as well as
to map their socio-economic implications.

Background Information on Bulgaria

Capital : Vratsa

Official language: Bulgarian

Area: 3,619.7 km2

Population (2011): 186,848

Population density (2011): 51.6 inhabitants/km²

Natural change in population (2013): -1.0%

Foreign population: n.a.

Employment rate: n.a.

Unemployment rate (2013): 14.9%

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Country Perspective Bulgaria

2. Population flows

2.1. Internal and International


In 2012 the number of immigrants arriving to the district

of Vratsa was equal to 2,113. In the same year, 3,166
people emigrated from the district and moved either
abroad or in other parts of the country. The net
population decrease, as a consequence of these flows,
was thus significant: more than 1000 individuals left
the area. Among both immigrants and emigrants, the
share of females was a bit higher than that of males
(53.6% and 52.5% respectively), however not
significantly. It is instead relevant to note that almost
65% of emigrants where 40 years old or younger, while
as far as the immigrants are concerned the same age
cohort was around 50% of the total.
In addition, most of the immigrants arriving into the
district of Vratsa were
coming from within the
Vratsa district: population inflows and outflows (2005-2012)
country (96.2%); in
particular from the area
of Sofia but also from 7000
those of Montana and 6000
Pernik. Only 3.8% of
immigrants where 5000
coming from other 4000 Immigrants
countries. When shifting
to observe population 3000 Emigrants
outflows, it can be 2000
noticed that most of
people leaving the 1000
district go to other 0
Bulgarian regions, while
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
only few (4.3%) move
abroad. To be more
precise, such internal emigration
is directed in particular towards Net Migration rate from abroad (‰ ): Total Population
Sofia and Pleven districts. (2007-2020)
Between 2005 and 2012 the
number of emigrants from the -1,55
district has remained constantly 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
higher than the number of -1,60
immigrants. However, the last
years show a decrease in both
population inflows and outflows, -1,70
as shown by the figure below.
Val. ‰

According to the demographic

projections realized within the -1,80 Vratsa (BG)
framework of MMWD project
activities, it can be also provided
an overview of the net migration -1,90
rate from abroad in the coming
years, up to 2020. Such evidence
confirms how the spread -2,00
between emigrants moving
abroad and immigrants arriving
from abroad will keep increasing. Source:MMWD

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Country Perspective Bulgaria

3. Immigrants presence in Vratsa district 5. Remittances/transfers of

labour market money to country of origin
Out the 204 foreign workers in the district of Vratsa, The World Bank provides data on remittances and
more than half come from EU Member States transfers of money to the country of origin until 2009.
(55.4%) and the remaining 44.6% come from non- In 2009 the total amount of inward remittance flows
EU States. Among EU Member States, the countries in Bulgaria was 1,558 million USD (around 1,150
of origin are Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Czech million Euros), of which 965 million come from
Republic and Great Britain, while foreign non-EU workers’ remittances and 593 million come from
workers come from Russia, Serbia, Mexico, compensation of employees. The total amount of the
Lebanon, Iran and Iraq. outward remittance flows was 101 million USD
Considering the foreign economically active (around 75 million Euros), out of which 14 million
population, almost two-thirds are males (63.0%) and coming from workers’ remittances and 88 million
a third of them belongs to the age cohort 30-39. from compensation of employees. Compared to the
Overall, females are on average younger than previous year (2008), both the inward and the
males: around 65% of female foreign economically outward remittance flows decreased (respectively, -
active population belongs to the age cohort 20-39, 316 million USD and -61 million USD).
while 60% of males belongs to the cohort 30-49.

Vratsa district: foreign workers (2007-2013) 6. Relevant links

110 /OBC-T-06ENG.htm
90 •


2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Foreign (EU) w orkers Foreign (non EU) w orkers

4. Foreign population by level of

educational attainment
There is no available information regarding the level
of educational attainment of foreign population in the
district of Vratsa.

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Country Perspective Bulgaria


This actual provincial level of self-government is not
reflected in the establishment of a local authority with
Bulgaria is currently composed of two NUTS-1
a governing body elected directly by the people. This
Regions, six planning NUTS-2 level Regions, 28
level has a “governor” whose attributions
Districts and 264 Municipalities. Administrative
(coordination and supervision) are very similar to
Districts (oblasti), kind of ‘lower-level Regions’, are
those of the French and Italian prefects. These high-
de-concentrated divisions of the central Government
ranking civil servants appointed by the central
and are not directly elected.
government and placed under the broad authority of
In terms of surface area the oblasti in many ways
the State, not civil servants with neutral status in
correspond more closely to an intermediate tier of
charge of implementing national policies in the
self-government (between the municipal and
territory under their responsibility in the interests of
regional levels, like the Italian and Spanish
the State. In fact both in legislation and in the
provinces, the German Kreise, and so on) than to a
government policies, the term “region” has two
regional level as such.
different meanings. On the one hand there are the
Districts are administrative and territorial unit where
28 oblasti which have an administrative structure
State authority is decentralised for the purpose of
and “regional” governors with specific responsibilities
pursuing an effective “regional” policy. The main
of coordination and supervision, on the other hand,
tasks of a District include: a) implementation of
there are six regional zones that serve as reference
government policies in the region; b) reconciliation of
territories for the adoption and implementation of a
national and local interests; c) protection of State
“regional development” strategy. No real government
property within the region; d) ensuring observance of
structure exists at this level as the regional zone
the law within the region and exercising
were delimitated by the Ministry for Regional
administrative control; f) exercising control over the
Development and Public Works for statistical and
lawfulness of the acts and actions of the bodies of
analytical purposes.
local self-government and local administration; g)
A new law on regional development, adopted in
controlling the lawfulness of the acts and actions of
early 2008 to replace the previous law in force since
government agencies, organisations and enterprises
1999, defines the current planning and programming
within the region; h) Organisation of the defence-
framework for regional development in Bulgaria. In
mobilisation readiness of the population; supervise
2007, the Council of Ministers and the European
civil defence in the event of disasters and accidents;
Commission adopted seven operational programmes
g) accountability for the protection of public order.
including the “Regional Development 2007-2013”
The Municipality (obshtini) constitutes the only level
operational programme. Regional development
at which self-government is exercised. Bulgaria is a
plans are implemented entirely by the central
highly centralised State, as the national Council of
government on the basis of the territorial division into
Ministers directly selects district governors and
six regional entities that have nothing to do with the
Districts have no form of fiscal autonomy.
current “regional governments” of the 28 oblasti.

Planning Regions (NUTS‐2) and Districts/Oblasti (NUTS‐3):

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Country Perspective Bulgaria

The ambiguity in the reference between regional

development (6 Regions Development) and the
Regional Government (the 28 districts or oblasti)
remains even in the new Decentralisation Strategy
2006-2015, a discussion document having the s goal
of streamlining the functional competence of the
regional governor for coordination of sector policies
at regional level. The document contains three
priorities: (Priority 1) Enhancing the capacity and
responsibility of the regional administration in
relation to regional policy, state governance on site
and compliance between the national and local
interests; (Priority 2) Strengthening the coordinating
role of the regional governor as regards the acts and
actions of the heads of territorial units of the central
executive power in the territory of the region; (Priority
3) increasing the powers of the regional councils for
The implementation of the first two priorities refers
to Districts/Oblasti governors with the aim to
establishing effective state governance, improving
cooperation among the representatives of central
government bodies and coordinating sectoral
policies. The third Priority 3 aims to increase the
powers of the six regional councils for development
and so to ensure the good use of funds under the
operational programmes and the coordination of EU
structural instruments.
So it appears that, above the intermediate or
“provincial” tier represented by the oblasti, there is a
not yet structured regional level of government
useful for the adoption of strategic and general
“regional development” policies. The Council of
Europe monitoring reports consider as incorrect the
use of the term “regionalisation” in connection with
the intermediate level (the oblasti level) between the
central government and the local authorities.

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Country Perspective Bulgaria

and social partners. At regional level Activity 7.1

identified 4 stakeholders (Regional Governor;
Employment Commission within the Regional
Labour Governance Council for Development (ECRCD); Regional
At the regulation level, Project MMWD Activity 7.1 Employment Service Directorate (a territorial
mapped 4 national stakeholders (Council of subdivision of the Employment Agency);
Ministers; Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Cooperation Council). Ministry of Labour and
(MLSP) - Labour Market Policy Directorate; National Social Policy, together with the other ministries and
Advisory Board for Vocational Qualification of the social partners, it develops annually a National
Labour Force; National Employment Promotion Employment Action Plan. The National Employment
Board) and a negotiating table, the National Council Promotion Board proposes to the Ministry of Labour
for Tripartite Cooperation (NCTC). and Social Policy the elaboration of draft statutory
The Council of Ministers, on a proposal by the instruments, measures and programmes for
Minister of Labour and Social Policy, adopts annually employment promotion. All the subjects cited may
a National Employment Action Plan, considers and develop and propose for financing and
approves of strategies, draft laws and other implementation programmes for increase of
regulatory documents in the field of active policy in employment, related to the priorities of national
the labour market. The Ministry of Labour and strategic documents on development and the
Social Policy develops, coordinates and carries out National Employment Action Plan, as well as
the governmental policy of employment promotion programmes for employment, acquiring literacy,
and maintenance, and adult training, and provides vocational training and training in key competences
protection in the national labour market. Moreover of disadvantaged groups in the labour market. At
the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy regulates regional level the Regional Governor provides
the conditions for labor migration. The National coordination between the national and local-level
Advisory Board for Vocational Qualification of interests on matters of employment in the
the Labour Force co-ordinates the development of development and implementation of regional
a national policy and strategy for education of strategies for development and reduction of
unemployed and employed persons for the unemployment, and performs interaction with the
acquisition of vocational qualification; creates local self-government authorities and the local
conditions for interaction between the representative administration. The Employment Commission
organisation of employers and those of workers and within the Regional Council for Development
employees at the national level with regard to life- (ECRCD) is a standing body which assists the
long learning; co-ordinates needs for education for regional governor in formulating, organising and
the acquisition of vocational qualification by controlling the implementation of the government
unemployed persons and other. The National policy of adult employment promotion and training at
Employment Promotion Board discusses and the regional level. The Regional Employment
gives opinions on the development and Service Directorate participates in the development
implementation of the employment policy and the of a Regional Employment Action plan in compliance
National Employment Action Plan; proposes to the with the National Employment Action Plan and assist
Ministry of Labour and Social Policy the elaboration the Labour Office Directorates with its
of draft statutory instruments, measures and implementation. The Cooperation Council
programmes for employment promotion; discusses discusses programmes and projects of regional
and gives opinion on draft statutory instruments importance and offers them to the Employment
related to the labour market; discusses drafts and Commission for inclusion in the National
gives opinions on agreements between the Ministry Employment Action Plan. ECRCD, according to the
of Labour and Social Policy and other ministries, Employment Promotion Act, are responsible for the
government institutions and non-government development and implementation of employment
organizations on joint action on matters of and training programmes.
employment, etc. The National Council for The labour policy implementation phase is
Tripartite Cooperation holds discussions and gives responsibility of the Ministry of Labour and Social
opinions on projects and legal acts governing Policy and the Employment Agency and its
matters of employment, unemployment and territorial divisions under the Ministry. At regional
vocational qualification. The 6 planning regions have and local level The Ministry of Labour and Social
no competences on their own but are concerned with Policy proposes and implements measures for
regional development broadly speaking. The 28 regulation of labour migration, regulates access to
administrative districts (oblasti) also known as the national labour market and is responsible for the
‘lower-level Regions’ are devolved divisions of the coordination of the immigrants integration measures.
central Government. The Employment Agency under the Ministry provides
The national stakeholders predominantly involved in administrative services related to the issuance of
the governance programming and planning phase work permits to foreign nationals, citizens of third
are 4 plus other ministries, government institutions countries under the procedure of the Employment
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Country Perspective Bulgaria

Promotion Act and the secondary legislation acts,

including registration of short-term employment of
foreign nationals, without a work permit. It gives also
a written permission for exercising highly qualified
employment to a foreign national in relation to the
issuance of an EU Blue Card document by the
Ministry of Interior authorities. Employment Agency
territorial divisions provide information, consultation
and intermediation services for job seeking persons
and employers.

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Country Perspective Bulgaria

recent economic trends. The Bulgarian State

Welfare Governance
guarantees to the foreigners seeking protection on
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy is a body of
its territory a refugee status granting procedure, a
council of ministers in charge to develops,
right to social and health insurance, free access to
coordinates, implements and monitors the state
education, conditions for retraining and work, with
policy in the field of incomes and living conditions,
the view of their better social integration. The State
social security, social protection and social inclusion,
Agency for Refugees at the Council of Ministers
active labour market policy, support for the child and
implements the state policy for foreigners who seek
the families, demographic development, integration
or have been granted protection under the Law on
of people with disabilities, etc.. It is the key institution
Asylum and Refugees. The Integration Centre
regarding the legislation that regulates the provision
assists foreigners with granted status in finding jobs
of social services and social assistance. Its
and provides them with counselling on social
subordinate executive body is the Agency for Social
assistance matters.
Assistance, overseeing state policy in the field of
social security and social assistance. A specific
body, the State Agency for Child Protection operates
in the field of social assistance and services for the
protection of children’s rights.
The social assistance system is a key element of the
Bulgarian social policy helping individuals and
families cope with income shocks and poverty
consequences of the transition . It includes the
provision of social benefits (cash and/or in-kind
benefits) aimed to meet the basic necessities of life
of persons who are unable to meet them by working
or through property in their ownership, and the
provision of social services. Entitled to social
assistance are Bulgarian citizens, families and
persons living together, who, due to health, age,
social or other reasons beyond their control, cannot
satisfy their basic life needs by themselves.
Foreigners with permission for permanent residence
permits, foreigners who were granted asylum,
refugee status or humanitarian status, have the
same rights.
The implementation of the policy in the field of
poverty reduction and social inclusion is monitored
by the National Council on Social Inclusion within the
Council of Ministers as a body for coordination,
cooperation and consultation in the process of
development, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of the state policy in the field of social
inclusion. The Council includes representatives of all
stakeholders – ministries, social partners, agencies,
NGOs, representatives of the National Association of
the municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria,
academic representatives, etc..
At Regional Level, District authorities, the divisions
of the central Government, are responsible for the
cooperation with the State on social policy topics,
and the implementation of programmes and projects.
The Municipalities, that constitute the only level at
which self-government is exercised, are responsible
for the implementation of some of the European
Social Fund (ESF) projects and orphans and
children care in local hospices. Municipalities are
associated in the National Association of
Regarding the presence of a specific policy stream
on migrants, it should be said that Bulgaria has
remained largely a country of emigration, though
immigration increased with EU membership and
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Country Perspective Bulgaria

ensure high quality of education and research

Education Governance
through an internal system for quality assessment
Central level: The Ministry of Education and
and assurance and the fulfillment of the
Science determines and implements state policy in
recommendations given in the course of the
the field of education; forecasts and plans the
assessment and accreditation.
activities pertaining to the development of education
Bulgarian authorities have developed several
by drafting long-term programmes and operational
strategic documents to promote the concept of
plans; organizes and coordinates the work of the
lifelong learning, such as the Employment Strategy
administrative units and education establishments;
(2008 - 2015) and the Operational Programme
monitors the activity of all types and levels of schools
"Human Resources Development", which led to the
(including nursery schools) in the country; approves
development of a National Strategy for Lifelong
school documentation and planning of school places;
Learning in October 2008.
ensures the implementation of innovations, the
Regarding VET governance and responsible bodies
supply of textbooks, curricula and teaching staff; and
the Ministry of Education and Science develops
carries out international activities in the field of
legislative framework, elaborates and tests national
education. The Ministry is engaged in organizing and
examination programs, develops national framework
coordinating activities with other ministries and
programs for vet and introduces modular curricula in
institutions associated with the administration of
the formal education system. The Employment
schools which train specialists in specific economic
Agency as an implementing agency of the Ministry of
fields. The type of system management underwent
Labor and Social Policies is responsible for
fundamental changes in compliance with the last
implementation of active measures on the Labour
amendments to the National Education Act. А new
Market (mainly VET) and develops annually National
model of administration has been developed, giving
Action Plan for Employment. The National Agency
individual character to the regional educational
for Vocational Education and Training (NAVET) is a
structures. The process is mainly related to the
national authority to the Council of Ministers, which
redistribution of the administrative functions of the
is responsible for licensing of activities within the
units within the system in compliance with their
vocational education and training system, as well as
specificity and readiness. School co-operation and
for coordination of the institutions related to
partnership with local authorities, governmental and
vocational guidance and vocational education and
non-governmental organizations are also in a
training. NAVET develops and updates the list of
process of expansion. The constitution of the School
professions, elaborates National Education
Board Act promotes the participation of the whole
Requirements and is responsible for licensing of
community in the life of a particular school.
VET centers and the follow-up (monitoring and
Regional level: Bulgaria has 28 Regional Education
control). NAVET is also responsible for the quality
Inspectorates, responsible for the overall educational
assurance system in VET and Adult Training.
policy, set out by the Ministry within the territory of
The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and the
the respective district. They manage and control the
Ministry for Education and Science are both
public education system creating the conditions for
responsible for adult education and training, which
the state education policy in the region.
can be considered as Continuous Vocational
Higher education management: The state
Education and Training (CVET). The Minister of
management of the higher education comes down to
Labour and Social Policy together with the Minister
setting up of general framework and conditions for
of Education and Science develops and coordinates
the system functioning. The Higher Education Act
the state policy on adult training, creates conditions
gives full academic independence to higher
for the assessment and recognition of knowledge,
education institutions. The state encourages the
skills and competences acquired through non-formal
autonomous Higher education institutions in their
training and informal learning and identifies,
efforts to build strong and sustainable university
analyzes and forecasts the condition, the
structures with enough independence and
development and the needs of training for adults.
transparency of process of decision making.
Local Level: The 264 Municipal authorities are
The Minister of Education is entitled to initiate a
responsible for the compulsory school education,
procedure for accreditation as well as to make a
health services and the safety of kindergartens and
proposal to the National Evaluation and
schools, of children and pupils; the funds for the
Accreditation Agency to withdraw the accreditation of
maintenance, construction, furnishing and general
Higher education institutions. The National
repairs of schools and kindergartens; the conditions
Evaluation and Accreditation Agency under the
for canteens, hostels, recreation, sports facilities and
Council of Ministers is the specialized state authority
transport for children, pupils and teachers, and
vested with the assessment, and accreditation and
scholarships and special grants to pupils.
of the quality control of the activities of the HE
Education for migrants from member-states of the
institutions. The Agency is supported by the budget.
EU, the European Economic Area and Switzerland,
The Agency is exercising post-accreditation
is provided in compliance with Ordinance No 3/2009
monitoring and supervision of the capacity of the
of the Minister, regulating the terms and procedure
institution and its primary units and affiliates to
page 13
Country Perspective Bulgaria

for providing free education in Bulgarian language,

as well as education in mother tongue and culture to
students at compulsory school age.
The Integration Centre at the State Agency for
Refugees with the Council of Ministers provides
Bulgarian language courses and directs refugees to
educational institutions. It organizes the vocational
training of foreigners seeking or granted protection.
Bulgarian language training for migrants is carried
out according to curricula approved by the Minister
of Education and Culture.

page 14
Country Perspective Bulgaria


• Migration, Employment and Labour market

Integration policies in the European Union – IOM
• Krasteva, A. (ed.) 2010 Russian identities in Bulgaria
(in Bulgarian).
• 2011 Population Census – National Statistical
Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria.
• Committee of the Regions (Division of Powers) and
Monitoring Reports on Local and Regional
Democracy of the Council of Europe.
• MMWD – Making Migration Work for Development

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Country Perspective Bulgaria

Notes and comments

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