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yw ‘your answers, compulsorily draw diagonal cross lines on the remaining blank pages. ing of identification, appeal to evaluator and /or equations waitten eg, 42+8 = 50, will be treated as malpractice. 2. Any rev Important Note : 1. On compl oO CGS Schsis USN | | | 18PHY12 First Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2018/Jan.2019 Engineering Physics Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 100 Note: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module, 2. Physical constants ; Velocity of light, c = 3 x 10° més Planck’s constant, h = 6.63% 10FS Mass of electron, m.= 9.1 x 10"'kg Charge of electron, e = 1.6x 16 C Boltzmann constant = 1,38 x 10 JK! Avagadro number = 6.02. 10"'/mol. Module-1 ‘What are shock waves? Mention the characteristics and applications of shock waves. (06 Marks) What are damped oscillations? Give-the theory of damped oscillations and hence discuss the case of critical damping. (10 Marks) A free particle is executing. simpie-ltarmonic motion in a straight line with a period of 25 seconds; 5 seconds after it has crossed the equilibrium point, the velocity is found to be 0.7 ms. Find the displacement, at the end of 10 seconds and also amplitude of oscillations. (04 Marks) OR Define SHM. Mention the characteristics of SHM. Give one example of SHM. (06 Marks) With a neat diagram, explain the construction and working of Reddy’s shock tube. Mention conservation of mass energy and momentum expressions. (10 Marks) A mass of (0.5kg causes on extension of 0.03m in a spring and the system is set for oscillations, Fixid i) The force constant for the spring ii) Angular frequency and iii) Time period of the resulting oscillation, (04 Marks) Module-2 ‘State and explain Hooke’s law. Define elastic and plastic limits. (06 Marks) Define Young's modulus of materials. Derive an expression for the Young’s modulus of a beam using single cantilever method. (10 Marks) Calculate the torque required to twist a wire of length 1.5m, radius 0.0425* 10m through an angle of (7/45) radians, if the value of rigidity modulus of the material is 8.3«10'°N/m’. (04 Marks) OR What is Bending moment? Mention various types of beams and their engineering applications (any four). (06 Marks) What are the types of Elastic moduli? Derive a relation between Y,K and. (10 Marks) Calculate the Force required to produce an extension of Imm in steel wire of length 2m and diameter Imm. (Y = 2 = 10'' N/m’) (04 Marks) 1of2 10 oe 18PHY12 Module-3 What is Numerical Aperture? Derive an expression for the same. (06 Marks) State and explain Maxwell's equation for electromagnetic field, Starting from Maxwell's ‘equations, deduce the wave equation for a plane wave in free space. (10 Marks) Determine constant C, such that A = (x + ay), + (y +bz)4, +(x 4e2)4, is solenoidal. (04 Marks) OR Explain the types of fiber losses. (06 Marks) State and explain Gauss Divergence theorem. Mention the Stoke's theorem, (10 Marks) The refractive indices of core and clad are 1.50 and 1.48 respectively in an optical fiber. Find the numerical aperture and angle of acceptance! (04 Marks) Moduie= Setup one dimensional time independent Schrddinger wave equation. (06 Marks) Mention the three modes of vibrationin.COz molecule. With neat diagrams explain the construction and working of CO» laser: (10 Marks) A pulsed laser emits photons of wavelength 780am with 20mW average power/pulse. Calculate the number of photons :oritained in each pulse if the pulse duration is 10ns. (04 Marks) OR Prove that electron-cannot exist inside the Nucleus of an atom. (06 Marks) Derive an expressiog for energy density in terms of Einstein’s coefficients. (10 Marks) ‘An electron is bound in a one dimensional potential well of width1A., but infinite wall height. Find its energy values in the ground state and in the first two excited states, , (04 Marks) Module-5 What are the assumptions of Quantum Free Electron Theory (QFET)? Explain the merits of QEET. (06 Marks) ‘What is Hall Effect? Derive an expression for Hall voltage interms of Hall coefficient. (10 Marks) Find the temperature of which there is 1% probability that a state with an energy 0.5eV above the Fermi energy is occupied. (04 Marks) OR What is polarization? Explain various types of polarizations mechanisms. (06 Marks) What is Fermi Energy? Derive an expression for Fermi Energy at zero Kelvin for a metal. (10 Marks) The resistivity of intrinsic germanium at 27°C is equal to 0.47 ohm-m, Assuming the electron and hole mobilities as 0.38 and 0.18 m’/V-Sec respectively. Calculate the intrinsic carrier density, (04 Marks) tenes 20f2 First Semester B.£. Degree Examination Dec 2018/Jan 2019 Scheme & Solutions Subject title: Engineering Physics Code: 18PHY12 Que. | Solution Marks, No. allocates la ‘Shock waves- definition ~Lmarks 06 Characteristics and application -S marks b Definition of damped oscillations -1 marks 10 /- up to the equation of motion for damped vibration = 2 marks ona “[- Discussion of critical damping = 02 marks Cc | x=asin wt 04 ) de +02 marks v= =aweoswt dt a=9.06mand _x=5.3m =02 marks 2a _ | Definition + with example -02 marks 06 Any four characteristics = 04 marks | Diagram, Construction and working ~ 42+ 4 marks 10 Law of conservation expressions = 3 marks 0 © | Force constant K==163.3/m — -01 marks | ~ 5 marks k Angular frequency @ = 8. rad /s- 01 marks m . 2a Time period T == = 0.3425 +02 marks o 3a__| Statement of Hooke’s law = 2 marks 06 Elastic and plastic limits =2+2marks . L 0 Definition of ¥ and arriving at the relation Y = "= ..02 marks ‘ ax Single cantilever diagram - 01 mark 3 Explanation and derivation of Y¥ = "= - 07 marks c 4 04 C= eR and r= C6 -01 +01 marks C= 2836x107 & r= 1.98 «10"Ns 02 marks APPROVED Registrar (Evaluation) \Visvesvaraya Technological University BELAGAVI - 18. ———— 4a Definition 01 mark 06 Types of beam (any three) O3marks Mention of applications (any four) 2 marks b Three types of elastic moduli with formula 03 marks 10 Derivation: figure 01 marks Derivation of ¥ =3K(I1-20) 06 marks € 04 2marks F=78.54N _2marks Sa Diagram and explanation of NA 2 marks 06 4 marks b 10 4 marks: | 2 Derivation of wave equation fora plane wave V?E = ue 6 marks ¢ © | Writing the condition for solenoid, V. marks om Substitution and evaluation of C=-2 3 marks 6a Three types of Fibre losses 2x 3=6marks 06 b ‘Statement of Gauss Divergence theorem 2 marks Explanation/proof 6 marks 10 Stoke's theorem 2 marks © | NA=qn?-n2 <1 marks. substitution -1 marks o NA=0.244 and @=14.1deg_ -2 marks | [7a wi 06 A== Amarks upto KE=——_ 3 marks P 2m _ d'y . 8a"m Final equation —& =“ (E-V)y =0 2 marks dk b Explanation of 3 modes of vibration in CO, molecule 3 marks 10 Diagram + construction + working (2+ 2+ 3) marks c 04 ae = and NxAE=pxt 2marks Substitution and N=7.86x10* photons/pulse 2 marks 8a h 06 Proof: Ap Ar =~ and upto calculation of Ap 2 marks in E2 mm and up to calculation of 2 marks im Conclusion 2 marks b Expression of absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission probability 3marks | 10 Rate of Absorption = Rate of Emission + Rate of Stimulated emission 1 marks A 1 Arriving at the FA 6 marks 8 3 [=r = i] c PH? 04 Formula E, => marks 8ma® £)= 6.03 x 10-"") = 37.64eV €:=2.41x 10-7 50.54 eV 3 marks £2 = 5.42 x 10-"” J = 338.7 eV 9a Assumptions 3 marks 06 Merits: 3 marks b Definition A marks, Diagram marks: 10 Vv, Derivation up to Ry = Pee = + marks neV,, B ne IB Vj=R,— marks d c 04 Formula {(E)= 2 marks em 4] | T=1261.1K 2marks 10a_| Definition of polarization 2 marks 06 Any 2 types of polarization 4 marks b Defintion with equation 2marks 10 N(E)dE = g(E)Exf(E) — ~2marks Expression 2 5 z-(4 *) ~6marks 8m € 04 — 2marks elu, +H) 3716 x 10 *m? 2 marks Approved Date: 12-02-2019 APPROVED (Dr. M. L. MALLIKARJUNA) Registrar (Evaluation) \Visvesvaraya Technological University BELAGAVI - 18.

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