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NET #0571 28/02/2019


Is your recruiting technology

OK, but who put
turning candidates into casualties? the dragon on the
Strategic HR demands a great candidate experience interview
that goes beyond the application


Competition heats
Distributed in

up in HR tech market
Published in association with Holistic solutions from the tech giants now have to compete with smaller, niche providers,
with barriers to entry in the HR software market lower than ever

of different suppliers depending on

Contributors Virginia Matthews

Mike Kononov/Unsplash
things like the size of the headcount
and, of course, how much you are
Anna Codrea-Rado Cath Everett ith the fast-growing appetite prepared to pay.”
Freelance culture and
technology journalist, her
Freelance journalist
specialising in
W for cloud-based human cap- While Mr D’Souza notes the current
ital management software impact of “literally thousands of new
work has been published workplace and
showing little sign of being satisfied, players offering their own ‘lite’ ver-
in The New York Times, employment issues, she
The Guardian and also writes on the impact
vendor numbers are mushrooming. sions of the big, all-encompassing
WIRED. of technology on society Yet at the heart of a market platforms”, he too identifies a grad-
and culture. likely to be worth some $22.5 bil- ual move towards “ecosystem” prod-
lion (£17.4 billion) within three ucts, akin to Apple’s App Store.
LeRon Barton Peter Crush years, according to global market Although there are clear dan-
Writer and speaker based Freelance business research firm AMR, lies a classic gers to being locked into a single-
in San Francisco, he journalist, specialising
David-and-Goliath struggle. vendor arrangement at a time
writes about race, politic in human resources and
and gender, contributing management issues, he For while established technol- when innovation is driving the
to Salon, The Good Men was deputy editor of HR ogy giants such as Sage, Oracle and market, the prospect of a multi-
Project and Elephant magazine. ADP promise welcome economies tude of small suppliers potentially
Journal. of scale in placing everything from replicating both in-house informa-
diversity and inclusion analytics to tion systems and each other is, for
Shuranjeet Singh Virginia Matthews
payroll in the hands of one provider, many, equally nightmarish.
Takhar Freelance writer and
Culture and healthcare editor, she contributes the young bloods boast thrilling dis- Yet there may be hints that smart
writer, he covers topics regularly to the ruption and innovation. niche firms are already beginning to
relating to mental health, national and specialist Deciding whether to go holis- play the big boys at their own game.
South Asian political and press on a range of tic or niche can be difficult, says “What’s most exciting at the
cultural issues. business, education and
David D’Souza, membership direc- moment is how smaller, best-of-
consumer topics.
tor of the Chartered Institute of breed providers are talking to each
Personnel and Development, par- other to deliver a more seamless
ticularly for the many HRs who cite service,” says Mr Richards. “By col-
spreadsheets as their current tech- laborating with two other players,
nology of choice. one an engagement tool provider
“There are a few end-to-end solu- and the other a scheduling ser-
tions providers to choose from and deliver a more seamless, relevant and will have logged in. We offer value vice, say, there is an opportunity
most are very well known, but if useful employee experience”, he says. for money, quick returns and lots for an operation such as Breathe
you use one for logistical reasons, At the opposite end of the HR of help and that’s why no-non- to literally become the central hub
you may find it that much harder technology market lies Breathe HR, sense niche players like Breathe are and employee data holder around
to buy into the brand new systems whose hunting ground is growing becoming so popular,” he says. which other services revolve.”
coming on stream,” he says. businesses that need to be “actively While many purchasers may This sort of collaboration does
Publishing manager Head of production “It’s true that the ‘tech-stack’ supported by, not buried in tech”, in hope that the current shakedown much to counter the fear that jug-
John Harvey Justyna O'Connell approach means you must engage the view of founder and chief execu- in HR tech leads to greater choice gling too many suppliers inevita-
with a myriad number of smaller tive Jonathan Richards. of all-singing, all-dancing prod- bly causes breakages, says Kate
Associate editor Digital content executive
vendors with all this entails, but While he believes the enterprise ucts from big-name vendors, this Cooper, head of research, policy
Peter Archer Fran Cassidy
it’s an approach that could well end of the market offers “high- is unlikely, says David Hargrave, and standards at the Institute of
Managing editor Design allow you to be more fleet of foot.” ticket consultancy for very large and director of Willis Towers Watson. Leadership & Management.
Benjamin Chiou Joanna Bird Yet both strategies have their sophisticated users”, his own firm’s “What I do see, however, is more “The notion of small, specialist tech
Grant Chapman
merits, he believes, particularly unique selling point is to provide the of a platform-based market, which firms banding together to rival the
Sara Gelfgren
now that the barriers to entry into jargon-free, user-friendly approach allows you access to a competitive big platforms is a very good example
Kellie Jerrard
Harry Lewis-Irlam this highly fragmented industry that he says so many smaller busi- marketplace for each different tool of how people can make tech work
Celina Lucey are now lower than ever. nesses crave. on that platform as soon as you sub- for themselves, rather than the other
Samuele Motta “Nobody should be left behind in “You can subscribe to our product scribe. If you want to use the salary way around,” she says.
the current data revolution, what- on a Monday and by Friday all the survey tool, for example, you will HRs, who are constantly being
Head of design
ever their budget or level of tech- data will be in and all the employees be able to choose between a number told to be agile, responsive and flex-
Tim Whitlock
nical expertise,” says Mr D’Souza. ible, should view technology not as
For long-time payroll proces- a threat, but as a way to ensure they
sor ADP, the firm’s iCHM2 prod- continue to lead the way with all
Although this publication is funded through advertising and TOP HR TECHNOLOGIES CURRENTLY IN USE
sponsorship, all editorial is without bias and sponsored features uct, branded as a “complete human people matters.
are clearly labelled. For an upcoming schedule, partnership capital management system in the Survey of senior HR and talent professionals who are using the following “Whether it’s long-term policy
inquiries or feedback, please call +44 (0)20 3877 3800 or cloud”, clearly demonstrates the technologies decisions or day-by-day changes to
email superiority of holistic solutions in job descriptions, reliance on a sin-
Raconteur is a leading publisher of special-interest content and
both raising engagement levels and Social 58% gle procurement provider makes
research. Its publications and articles cover a wide range of topics,
pegging costs. it more difficult to stay ahead of
including business, finance, sustainability, healthcare, lifestyle and eLearning
Don McGuire, the firm’s president, 58% trends,” she says.
technology. Raconteur special reports are published exclusively in
The Times and The Sunday Times as well as online at believes that too many human capital Mobile “Even though there may be head-
The information contained in this publication has been obtained management purchasing decisions 50% aches inherent in going ad hoc, I
from sources the Proprietors believe to be correct. However, are based on “neat functionality and Workforce advise companies to take advantage
no legal liability can be accepted for any errors. No part of this cool widgets” when a more joined-up management 42% of the disruptors and tap firmly into
publication may be reproduced without the prior consent of the
approach is what’s required. ADP’s their research and development.
Publisher. © Raconteur Media Analytics 42%
iCHM2, in contrast, can “break down There are many tech opportunities
processing silos to give forward- out there right now and nobody can
@raconteur / @raconteur_london thinking organisations a way to HR Exchange Network 2018 afford to miss them.” /talent-management-2019


Competition heats
Distributed in

up in HR tech market
Published in association with Holistic solutions from the tech giants now have to compete with smaller, niche providers,
with barriers to entry in the HR software market lower than ever

of different suppliers depending on

Contributors Virginia Matthews

Mike Kononov/Unsplash
things like the size of the headcount
and, of course, how much you are
Anna Codrea-Rado Cath Everett ith the fast-growing appetite prepared to pay.”
Freelance culture and
technology journalist, her
Freelance journalist
specialising in
W for cloud-based human cap- While Mr D’Souza notes the current
ital management software impact of “literally thousands of new
work has been published workplace and
showing little sign of being satisfied, players offering their own ‘lite’ ver-
in The New York Times, employment issues, she
The Guardian and also writes on the impact
vendor numbers are mushrooming. sions of the big, all-encompassing
WIRED. of technology on society Yet at the heart of a market platforms”, he too identifies a grad-
and culture. likely to be worth some $22.5 bil- ual move towards “ecosystem” prod-
lion (£17.4 billion) within three ucts, akin to Apple’s App Store.
LeRon Barton Peter Crush years, according to global market Although there are clear dan-
Writer and speaker based Freelance business research firm AMR, lies a classic gers to being locked into a single-
in San Francisco, he journalist, specialising
David-and-Goliath struggle. vendor arrangement at a time
writes about race, politic in human resources and
and gender, contributing management issues, he For while established technol- when innovation is driving the
to Salon, The Good Men was deputy editor of HR ogy giants such as Sage, Oracle and market, the prospect of a multi-
Project and Elephant magazine. ADP promise welcome economies tude of small suppliers potentially
Journal. of scale in placing everything from replicating both in-house informa-
diversity and inclusion analytics to tion systems and each other is, for
Shuranjeet Singh Virginia Matthews
payroll in the hands of one provider, many, equally nightmarish.
Takhar Freelance writer and
Culture and healthcare editor, she contributes the young bloods boast thrilling dis- Yet there may be hints that smart
writer, he covers topics regularly to the ruption and innovation. niche firms are already beginning to
relating to mental health, national and specialist Deciding whether to go holis- play the big boys at their own game.
South Asian political and press on a range of tic or niche can be difficult, says “What’s most exciting at the
cultural issues. business, education and
David D’Souza, membership direc- moment is how smaller, best-of-
consumer topics.
tor of the Chartered Institute of breed providers are talking to each
Personnel and Development, par- other to deliver a more seamless
ticularly for the many HRs who cite service,” says Mr Richards. “By col-
spreadsheets as their current tech- laborating with two other players,
nology of choice. one an engagement tool provider
“There are a few end-to-end solu- and the other a scheduling ser-
tions providers to choose from and deliver a more seamless, relevant and will have logged in. We offer value vice, say, there is an opportunity
most are very well known, but if useful employee experience”, he says. for money, quick returns and lots for an operation such as Breathe
you use one for logistical reasons, At the opposite end of the HR of help and that’s why no-non- to literally become the central hub
you may find it that much harder technology market lies Breathe HR, sense niche players like Breathe are and employee data holder around
to buy into the brand new systems whose hunting ground is growing becoming so popular,” he says. which other services revolve.”
coming on stream,” he says. businesses that need to be “actively While many purchasers may This sort of collaboration does
Publishing manager Head of production “It’s true that the ‘tech-stack’ supported by, not buried in tech”, in hope that the current shakedown much to counter the fear that jug-
John Harvey Justyna O'Connell approach means you must engage the view of founder and chief execu- in HR tech leads to greater choice gling too many suppliers inevita-
with a myriad number of smaller tive Jonathan Richards. of all-singing, all-dancing prod- bly causes breakages, says Kate
Associate editor Digital content executive
vendors with all this entails, but While he believes the enterprise ucts from big-name vendors, this Cooper, head of research, policy
Peter Archer Fran Cassidy
it’s an approach that could well end of the market offers “high- is unlikely, says David Hargrave, and standards at the Institute of
Managing editor Design allow you to be more fleet of foot.” ticket consultancy for very large and director of Willis Towers Watson. Leadership & Management.
Benjamin Chiou Joanna Bird Yet both strategies have their sophisticated users”, his own firm’s “What I do see, however, is more “The notion of small, specialist tech
Grant Chapman
merits, he believes, particularly unique selling point is to provide the of a platform-based market, which firms banding together to rival the
Sara Gelfgren
now that the barriers to entry into jargon-free, user-friendly approach allows you access to a competitive big platforms is a very good example
Kellie Jerrard
Harry Lewis-Irlam this highly fragmented industry that he says so many smaller busi- marketplace for each different tool of how people can make tech work
Celina Lucey are now lower than ever. nesses crave. on that platform as soon as you sub- for themselves, rather than the other
Samuele Motta “Nobody should be left behind in “You can subscribe to our product scribe. If you want to use the salary way around,” she says.
the current data revolution, what- on a Monday and by Friday all the survey tool, for example, you will HRs, who are constantly being
Head of design
ever their budget or level of tech- data will be in and all the employees be able to choose between a number told to be agile, responsive and flex-
Tim Whitlock
nical expertise,” says Mr D’Souza. ible, should view technology not as
For long-time payroll proces- a threat, but as a way to ensure they
sor ADP, the firm’s iCHM2 prod- continue to lead the way with all
Although this publication is funded through advertising and TOP HR TECHNOLOGIES CURRENTLY IN USE
sponsorship, all editorial is without bias and sponsored features uct, branded as a “complete human people matters.
are clearly labelled. For an upcoming schedule, partnership capital management system in the Survey of senior HR and talent professionals who are using the following “Whether it’s long-term policy
inquiries or feedback, please call +44 (0)20 3877 3800 or cloud”, clearly demonstrates the technologies decisions or day-by-day changes to
email superiority of holistic solutions in job descriptions, reliance on a sin-
Raconteur is a leading publisher of special-interest content and
both raising engagement levels and Social 58% gle procurement provider makes
research. Its publications and articles cover a wide range of topics,
pegging costs. it more difficult to stay ahead of
including business, finance, sustainability, healthcare, lifestyle and eLearning
Don McGuire, the firm’s president, 58% trends,” she says.
technology. Raconteur special reports are published exclusively in
The Times and The Sunday Times as well as online at believes that too many human capital Mobile “Even though there may be head-
The information contained in this publication has been obtained management purchasing decisions 50% aches inherent in going ad hoc, I
from sources the Proprietors believe to be correct. However, are based on “neat functionality and Workforce advise companies to take advantage
no legal liability can be accepted for any errors. No part of this cool widgets” when a more joined-up management 42% of the disruptors and tap firmly into
publication may be reproduced without the prior consent of the
approach is what’s required. ADP’s their research and development.
Publisher. © Raconteur Media Analytics 42%
iCHM2, in contrast, can “break down There are many tech opportunities
processing silos to give forward- out there right now and nobody can
@raconteur / @raconteur_london thinking organisations a way to HR Exchange Network 2018 afford to miss them.” /talent-management-2019

Commercial feature
ally. Razvan Creanga, co-founder

of startup Hackajob, which spe-
cialises in helping employers find
technology talent, says its AI strips
out influencing factors, such as the It's all about the
university people went to and even pursuit of perfection.
who their previous employer was,
to analyse four million-plus data- Firms today can no
points to focus purely on skills and
competencies. He says: “We’re find-
longer survive hiring
ing people employers would simply the ‘good enough’.

have ignored like the Uber driver
we found who had amazing prob-
It’s all about hiring
lem-solving skills.” the ‘best’
Not only can AI unearth ignored

to thrive:
or “invisible” talent, it promises
being able to match for real “fit”;
qualifications-based selections
say little about team working, for

A case for
example. However, it’s also argued ing mini-industry purely around
machine-learning merely models testing it and consulting which
historical profiling of what “good” might better suit firms.
in a company already looks like, Faye Walshe, director of innova-

agile in talent
perpetuating hiring bias, particu- tion at recruitment consultancy
larly gender bias. But even here Robert Walters, and her team test
technologists are fighting back. everything from chatbox technol-
At neuroscience and AI firm ogy to technology that heat-maps

pymetrics, director Tom Viggers where specific skills could lie. She
says: “We proactively de-bias our says: “We’re reviewing a tool called
algorithms to protect against Textio that analyses how jobs ads
adverse impact based on gender are written to see if they appeal
and ethnicity. So important is more to men or women; SEEK is a
this, we actually open source our tool in Australia where, as people
de-biasing methodology.” He adds update their CVs, the data also
that because new joiners feed into
the selection algorithm, this ena-
updates to different employers’
talent pipeline databases; Arya is
Agile recruitment teams need technology
bles their tool to remain predic- AI technology we’ve been testing that empowers them to think, experiment,
tive over time. for the past two years.”
“With an insurance firm we work But she argues the big message is and trial recruiting programs so they can
with, our ‘highly recommended’
matches are so accurate that staff
that tech won’t solve everything.
“Tests with an investment bank in
approach hiring in a new, meaningful way
it hires make 33 per cent higher the UK and US found Arya could Dimitri Boylan, chief executive, Avature
TA LE NT ACQ U ISITION sales and are 30 per cent less likely read a job spec and search for peo-
to leave after one year.” ple, but while it found better peo-
ith Parliament yet to approve that the future is binary: either you As well as adopting the right mindset, focusing on creating a market-by-
But the future of technology in ple in the north-east of England
a Brexit deal, uncertainty are a disruptor or you are being dis- the most agile companies give their market strategy that takes into

Relying on AI
Why? Because artificial intelli- talent acquisition will only be as than our own recruitment teams
gence (AI), specifically a tool from good as its actual uptake and here found, it didn’t work so well in New continues to plague the UK rupted. To be a disruptor, you need people time to think and experiment. account individual market nuances,
San Francisco-based Entelo, has
told you so. It doesn’t just find skilled
the jury is most definitely out.
“A lot of the time new technology
York. You still can’t assume tech-
nology will understand more than
and European Union labour markets.
Businesses are being forced to pre-
talented people and for that you need
talent acquisition teams agile enough
If your technology is a digital If you don’t create an organisation that
can innovate, you cannot expect to
recruitment can provide a true com-
petitive advantage,” says Mr Boylan.
straitjacket, then you don’t

to find you
people, it predicts whether they’re has ‘go-faster’ stripes that doesn’t a human.” pare simultaneously for wildly differ- to prosper in turmoil. achieve agility; they go hand in hand. There’s no doubt that these are com-
ent scenarios. “The reality is that agility is a capa- Technology is the key enabler of agil- plicated organisational challenges that
have a good shot at doing
considering new pastures, by look- integrate well with HR depart- Ellie Brown, HR and tech lead at
ing at what they’re saying and doing ments or the market is running online marketplace Oodle, says: Though this is an extreme exam- bility, one that enables you to harness ity. If you don’t have a platform that require attention and resources. But
on social media, including whether ahead with solutions the profes- “There’s tonnes of technology out ple, the truth is that disruption in the the power of disruption and convert it anything agile allows you to execute all of the differ- victory in a turbulent labour market

the perfect
they’ve changed their profiles. sion hasn’t caught up with,” says there, but the business context labour market has become the new into opportunity rather than a crisis,” ent programs you are working on in a belongs to agile recruiting teams.
The firm is just one of a new breed Stephen Reilly, group talent acqui- must always determine which is norm. While Brexit is currently in the explains Dimitri Boylan, chief exec- reasonable amount of time, and at a “In the face of institutional resist-
of technology providers that could sition consultant at engineering opted for.” spotlight, in due course attention utive of Avature, a leader in enter- relatively low cost, they will fail. But ance, taking a programmatic approach
finally be helping employers win firm Mott MacDonald. Accenture, for example, has just will turn to the next challenge. Under prise software as a service for talent many recruiting teams are prevented to innovation, where the company gen-

the famous war for talent. Thanks Daniel Harris, its head of talent announced using virtual reality these conditions, businesses know acquisition and talent management. So how does HR develop a total from selecting fit-for-purpose tech- erates a variety of programmes in dif-
to AI, employers are being prom- acquisition, adds: “We need to be technology for its graduate recruit- “Agility is already a core capability talent management philosophy that nology and are forced to operate on ferent markets and at different scales
ised phenomenally better hiring. planning talent one, two, three years ment. One test sees candidates of tech-enabled businesses from embraces agile practices and trans- core HR technology that doesn’t meet to find what works, can be a great way

Either for current roles – tech firm down the line, but what we need to “enter” an Egyptian tomb, testing Amazon to Uber that have success- forms itself into a strategic weapon their complex needs. to calm the butterflies that leadership
HireVue assesses video interviews ensure is new technology fulfils a problem-solving skills to crack a fully disrupted their markets.” for the organisation? “If your technology is a digital strait- might have. Change doesn’t have to be
with in-built emotion recognition specific business need, for instance hieroglyphics code. The aim is to Like most organisations, the chances The first hurdle to overcome is your jacket, then you don’t have a good shot huge and transformational. When it is
technology and pairs it with AI we’ve spent a lot of time learning eliminate gender bias. are that your business is going through organisation’s psychology; there can’t at doing anything agile. Technology introduced on a small, but continuous
and validated psychometric game- how to optimise jobs on our website Ms Brown concludes: “While some form of digital transformation. be resistance to doing things differ- has to serve a new purpose in the scale, the end result tends to have a
based assessments to assess more on Google For Jobs. This has been a there’s no denying tech is getting global customers As technology becomes more integral ently. The quickest way to kill an idea is organisation; it’s a weapon, and it bigger impact,” says Mr Boylan.
accurately for critical thinking and real priority and we’ve achieved 57 evermore clever, what I and the rest to how you compete in the market, you to demand return-on-investment anal- needs to be wielded by HR and mar- “If you can’t deploy agile recruit-
team work – or anticipating who per cent conversion to our site from of the talent profession still have to are slowly converting into a tech com- ysis before it has been implemented. keting departments to achieve their ment methods, there’s no way you

has most potential. searches with Google.” accept is letting tech totally decide pany. This transition has important But this is a common occurrence when goals,” says Mr Boylan. can compete for top talent. Your ina-
For instance, at recruitment Such is the preponderance of new for me. Humans are still very good implications for recruiting teams who leadership is presented with an inno- Typically, HR software reflects its bility to attract the illusive in-demand
management software provider tech solutions there is a burgeon- at spotting potential, eye to eye.” will soon find themselves in a new, even vative and untested approach; they accounting software origins and deals workforce will put the brakes on any
Sophisticated Peter Crush TribePad, its algorithms are now more competitive market for talent. instinctively put the brakes on. with people as if they were numer- fundamental company-wide digital
capable of finding patterns in the of the Fortune 500 companies Recruitment and retention of “To embrace agile in a company, ical assets in a payroll ledger rather transformation that you have in mind.
artificial intelligence

career histories of people with high-impact transformational talent is the organisation has to actively pro- than human beings who need to be Meanwhile you will lose key talent.

and machine- probably the easiest place for human mote the practice and be open to the engaged with and motivated to join Good recruiters will move on to com-

ou are head of talent acqui- similar skillsets to predict job
Y sition. You’re about to make advancement. resources to orchestrate its own trial-error-learn-adjust approach. If you or stay at the company. Agile recruit- panies where they can practise their
learning tools are contact with what recruit-
ers call a cold prospect, someone not
Chief executive Dean Sadler says:
“Recruiters can predict the careers
transformation, but to succeed they
will have to embrace agility and face
demand perfection, nobody will make a
move. It’s a trial-and-error process with
ing teams prefer to have candidate-
centric platforms at their finger-
craft freely and the forward-thinking
managers will settle into their dis-
helping businesses actively looking for a job. You know of candidates two years from now, the chaos and disruption in the labour the data from failure used to optimise tips that empower them to approach rupter of choice.”
this because their CV isn’t on any job by looking at the advancement of of the FTSE 100 Index markets differently. future actions,” says Mr Boylan. hiring in a new, meaningful way.
remove bias and boards. Neither have they registered people who had the skillset they Technology companies have taken You won’t always be able to guaran- Finally, it’s important to realise that To find out more about how Avature
recruiting very seriously for a long time, tee a positive outcome, but you must agility is not one dimensional. “Our can help your business please visit
improve talent with LinkedIn’s Open Candidate tool, need now, back then. It’s all about

which basically says “call me”. And the pursuit of perfection. Firms
of HR functions have started to but many did so by taking recruiting out be prepared to do things quickly and most progressive customers fully
introduce artificial intelligence,
acquisition, but are yet far from this being the shot in the
dark it used to be, you’re calling safe
today can no longer survive hiring
the ‘good enough’. It’s all about and just 14 per cent have invested
of HR altogether. And while that worked,
it prevented leading-edge recruiting
differently. As with marketing and
sales, there is a bonus for being the
understand their marketing depart-
ment’s obsession with segmentation
there limitations to in the knowledge that the recipient hiring the ‘best’.” in AI over the past two years practices from influencing talent man- one that gets there first. Operating and personalisation. They would never
will be seven times more likely to be An enticing benefit of AI is that tal- agement and prevented companies from ahead of the curve is a strategic take a one-size-fits-all approach
its success? interested in what you say. ent is looked at completely ration- KPMG 2019
of the top largest EU companies
addressing talent issues in a holistic way. advantage in recruiting. and neither should recruitment. By

Commercial feature
ally. Razvan Creanga, co-founder

of startup Hackajob, which spe-
cialises in helping employers find
technology talent, says its AI strips
out influencing factors, such as the It's all about the
university people went to and even pursuit of perfection.
who their previous employer was,
to analyse four million-plus data- Firms today can no
points to focus purely on skills and
competencies. He says: “We’re find-
longer survive hiring
ing people employers would simply the ‘good enough’.

have ignored like the Uber driver
we found who had amazing prob-
It’s all about hiring
lem-solving skills.” the ‘best’
Not only can AI unearth ignored

to thrive:
or “invisible” talent, it promises
being able to match for real “fit”;
qualifications-based selections
say little about team working, for

A case for
example. However, it’s also argued ing mini-industry purely around
machine-learning merely models testing it and consulting which
historical profiling of what “good” might better suit firms.
in a company already looks like, Faye Walshe, director of innova-

agile in talent
perpetuating hiring bias, particu- tion at recruitment consultancy
larly gender bias. But even here Robert Walters, and her team test
technologists are fighting back. everything from chatbox technol-
At neuroscience and AI firm ogy to technology that heat-maps

pymetrics, director Tom Viggers where specific skills could lie. She
says: “We proactively de-bias our says: “We’re reviewing a tool called
algorithms to protect against Textio that analyses how jobs ads
adverse impact based on gender are written to see if they appeal
and ethnicity. So important is more to men or women; SEEK is a
this, we actually open source our tool in Australia where, as people
de-biasing methodology.” He adds update their CVs, the data also
that because new joiners feed into
the selection algorithm, this ena-
updates to different employers’
talent pipeline databases; Arya is
Agile recruitment teams need technology
bles their tool to remain predic- AI technology we’ve been testing that empowers them to think, experiment,
tive over time. for the past two years.”
“With an insurance firm we work But she argues the big message is and trial recruiting programs so they can
with, our ‘highly recommended’
matches are so accurate that staff
that tech won’t solve everything.
“Tests with an investment bank in
approach hiring in a new, meaningful way
it hires make 33 per cent higher the UK and US found Arya could Dimitri Boylan, chief executive, Avature
TA LE NT ACQ U ISITION sales and are 30 per cent less likely read a job spec and search for peo-
to leave after one year.” ple, but while it found better peo-
ith Parliament yet to approve that the future is binary: either you As well as adopting the right mindset, focusing on creating a market-by-
But the future of technology in ple in the north-east of England
a Brexit deal, uncertainty are a disruptor or you are being dis- the most agile companies give their market strategy that takes into

Relying on AI
Why? Because artificial intelli- talent acquisition will only be as than our own recruitment teams
gence (AI), specifically a tool from good as its actual uptake and here found, it didn’t work so well in New continues to plague the UK rupted. To be a disruptor, you need people time to think and experiment. account individual market nuances,
San Francisco-based Entelo, has
told you so. It doesn’t just find skilled
the jury is most definitely out.
“A lot of the time new technology
York. You still can’t assume tech-
nology will understand more than
and European Union labour markets.
Businesses are being forced to pre-
talented people and for that you need
talent acquisition teams agile enough
If your technology is a digital If you don’t create an organisation that
can innovate, you cannot expect to
recruitment can provide a true com-
petitive advantage,” says Mr Boylan.
straitjacket, then you don’t

to find you
people, it predicts whether they’re has ‘go-faster’ stripes that doesn’t a human.” pare simultaneously for wildly differ- to prosper in turmoil. achieve agility; they go hand in hand. There’s no doubt that these are com-
ent scenarios. “The reality is that agility is a capa- Technology is the key enabler of agil- plicated organisational challenges that
have a good shot at doing
considering new pastures, by look- integrate well with HR depart- Ellie Brown, HR and tech lead at
ing at what they’re saying and doing ments or the market is running online marketplace Oodle, says: Though this is an extreme exam- bility, one that enables you to harness ity. If you don’t have a platform that require attention and resources. But
on social media, including whether ahead with solutions the profes- “There’s tonnes of technology out ple, the truth is that disruption in the the power of disruption and convert it anything agile allows you to execute all of the differ- victory in a turbulent labour market

the perfect
they’ve changed their profiles. sion hasn’t caught up with,” says there, but the business context labour market has become the new into opportunity rather than a crisis,” ent programs you are working on in a belongs to agile recruiting teams.
The firm is just one of a new breed Stephen Reilly, group talent acqui- must always determine which is norm. While Brexit is currently in the explains Dimitri Boylan, chief exec- reasonable amount of time, and at a “In the face of institutional resist-
of technology providers that could sition consultant at engineering opted for.” spotlight, in due course attention utive of Avature, a leader in enter- relatively low cost, they will fail. But ance, taking a programmatic approach
finally be helping employers win firm Mott MacDonald. Accenture, for example, has just will turn to the next challenge. Under prise software as a service for talent many recruiting teams are prevented to innovation, where the company gen-

the famous war for talent. Thanks Daniel Harris, its head of talent announced using virtual reality these conditions, businesses know acquisition and talent management. So how does HR develop a total from selecting fit-for-purpose tech- erates a variety of programmes in dif-
to AI, employers are being prom- acquisition, adds: “We need to be technology for its graduate recruit- “Agility is already a core capability talent management philosophy that nology and are forced to operate on ferent markets and at different scales
ised phenomenally better hiring. planning talent one, two, three years ment. One test sees candidates of tech-enabled businesses from embraces agile practices and trans- core HR technology that doesn’t meet to find what works, can be a great way

Either for current roles – tech firm down the line, but what we need to “enter” an Egyptian tomb, testing Amazon to Uber that have success- forms itself into a strategic weapon their complex needs. to calm the butterflies that leadership
HireVue assesses video interviews ensure is new technology fulfils a problem-solving skills to crack a fully disrupted their markets.” for the organisation? “If your technology is a digital strait- might have. Change doesn’t have to be
with in-built emotion recognition specific business need, for instance hieroglyphics code. The aim is to Like most organisations, the chances The first hurdle to overcome is your jacket, then you don’t have a good shot huge and transformational. When it is
technology and pairs it with AI we’ve spent a lot of time learning eliminate gender bias. are that your business is going through organisation’s psychology; there can’t at doing anything agile. Technology introduced on a small, but continuous
and validated psychometric game- how to optimise jobs on our website Ms Brown concludes: “While some form of digital transformation. be resistance to doing things differ- has to serve a new purpose in the scale, the end result tends to have a
based assessments to assess more on Google For Jobs. This has been a there’s no denying tech is getting global customers As technology becomes more integral ently. The quickest way to kill an idea is organisation; it’s a weapon, and it bigger impact,” says Mr Boylan.
accurately for critical thinking and real priority and we’ve achieved 57 evermore clever, what I and the rest to how you compete in the market, you to demand return-on-investment anal- needs to be wielded by HR and mar- “If you can’t deploy agile recruit-
team work – or anticipating who per cent conversion to our site from of the talent profession still have to are slowly converting into a tech com- ysis before it has been implemented. keting departments to achieve their ment methods, there’s no way you

has most potential. searches with Google.” accept is letting tech totally decide pany. This transition has important But this is a common occurrence when goals,” says Mr Boylan. can compete for top talent. Your ina-
For instance, at recruitment Such is the preponderance of new for me. Humans are still very good implications for recruiting teams who leadership is presented with an inno- Typically, HR software reflects its bility to attract the illusive in-demand
management software provider tech solutions there is a burgeon- at spotting potential, eye to eye.” will soon find themselves in a new, even vative and untested approach; they accounting software origins and deals workforce will put the brakes on any
Sophisticated Peter Crush TribePad, its algorithms are now more competitive market for talent. instinctively put the brakes on. with people as if they were numer- fundamental company-wide digital
capable of finding patterns in the of the Fortune 500 companies Recruitment and retention of “To embrace agile in a company, ical assets in a payroll ledger rather transformation that you have in mind.
artificial intelligence

career histories of people with high-impact transformational talent is the organisation has to actively pro- than human beings who need to be Meanwhile you will lose key talent.

and machine- probably the easiest place for human mote the practice and be open to the engaged with and motivated to join Good recruiters will move on to com-

ou are head of talent acqui- similar skillsets to predict job
Y sition. You’re about to make advancement. resources to orchestrate its own trial-error-learn-adjust approach. If you or stay at the company. Agile recruit- panies where they can practise their
learning tools are contact with what recruit-
ers call a cold prospect, someone not
Chief executive Dean Sadler says:
“Recruiters can predict the careers
transformation, but to succeed they
will have to embrace agility and face
demand perfection, nobody will make a
move. It’s a trial-and-error process with
ing teams prefer to have candidate-
centric platforms at their finger-
craft freely and the forward-thinking
managers will settle into their dis-
helping businesses actively looking for a job. You know of candidates two years from now, the chaos and disruption in the labour the data from failure used to optimise tips that empower them to approach rupter of choice.”
this because their CV isn’t on any job by looking at the advancement of of the FTSE 100 Index markets differently. future actions,” says Mr Boylan. hiring in a new, meaningful way.
remove bias and boards. Neither have they registered people who had the skillset they Technology companies have taken You won’t always be able to guaran- Finally, it’s important to realise that To find out more about how Avature
recruiting very seriously for a long time, tee a positive outcome, but you must agility is not one dimensional. “Our can help your business please visit
improve talent with LinkedIn’s Open Candidate tool, need now, back then. It’s all about

which basically says “call me”. And the pursuit of perfection. Firms
of HR functions have started to but many did so by taking recruiting out be prepared to do things quickly and most progressive customers fully
introduce artificial intelligence,
acquisition, but are yet far from this being the shot in the
dark it used to be, you’re calling safe
today can no longer survive hiring
the ‘good enough’. It’s all about and just 14 per cent have invested
of HR altogether. And while that worked,
it prevented leading-edge recruiting
differently. As with marketing and
sales, there is a bonus for being the
understand their marketing depart-
ment’s obsession with segmentation
there limitations to in the knowledge that the recipient hiring the ‘best’.” in AI over the past two years practices from influencing talent man- one that gets there first. Operating and personalisation. They would never
will be seven times more likely to be An enticing benefit of AI is that tal- agement and prevented companies from ahead of the curve is a strategic take a one-size-fits-all approach
its success? interested in what you say. ent is looked at completely ration- KPMG 2019
of the top largest EU companies
addressing talent issues in a holistic way. advantage in recruiting. and neither should recruitment. By

Commercial feature

It is typically startups and OPINION

Markus Spiske/Shutterstock
younger companies that favour

Facts beat quotas

this ad-hoc approach to manage-

‘Organisations must
ment over a formal review process.
“We have no HR and you don't have
a lot of the fail-safes that you do

carefully choose how

as AI revolutionises
in other companies,” Sarah says.
“You really have to push for what
you want all the time and you need

they respond to the

a lot of your own drive.” of the global workforce will be

diversity hiring
millennials by 2020
Some worry, however, that this
complete rejection of structure is

change that is already

Manpower Group/UN 2016
also not the answer. “The cavalier
attitude I see towards management
in startups is often disguised as a
rebellion against corporate cul-
ture,” says Tiffany Philippou, a
brand consultant who has worked
According to City & Guilds Group,
there are already clear indications of
happening and to the Assessments driven by artificial intelligence (AI) remove the bias
with startups for over a decade.
“By ignoring management struc-
the kind of working culture millen-
nial leaders will foster. “Our research change yet to come’ from hiring to build truly inclusive workforces
tures completely, we are letting a shows that 66 per cent of workers
whole generation down by not pro- want to have a greater say in the run-
viding them with the clarity they ning of their workplace,” says Mr he UNLEASH community compliment a century trying to turn he rapidly advancing nature
need in what is already a chaotic Williams. The research highlights T has taken the global lead employees into machines, splitting T of machine intelligence has APPLICANT REACTIONS TO AI DECISION-MAKERS
and stressful working environment. the need for organisations to be more in showcasing case stud- roles into primary tasks and opti- fuelled a much-needed
“When we leave employees to collaborative, and foster an environ- ies, research and insights on the mising people in the hope it would change in the narrative around diver- Applicants who received job offers are:

work everything out for themselves ment of transparency between man- driving forces needed for human unleash them. sity hiring and positioned objectiv-
and prove their value to survive, agement and employees. change such as workforce technol- Additionally, the talent and knowl- ity, rather than quotas, at the heart of
we create a sink-or-swim culture “Rather than decisions being ogy, happiness, health and financial edge economy has entered the pro- solutions for inclusivity. Companies are
where no one but the sharks win.” made at the top, millennial man- wellbeing, productivity, and robust ductivity, performance and networked realising that measuring behavioural
While startups may have moved agement is encouraging employees, artificial intelligence (AI). age where people, trusted communi- competencies, without bias, produces more likely to distrust the hiring
MILLENNIALS away from management training, at any level, to generate workplace Managing a company’s talent pool ties, wellbeing, learning and global greater outcomes. organisation, even if they got the
many traditional industries still ideas,” he says. “This creates a more should not be about recreating the networks are the magic ingredients The long-held approach to early-stage job, if AI rather than humans make
“I don’t think I’m well managed,” prize it. “There’s an extensive inter- aligned approach between employ- wheel and relying on tools that have needed for sustainable growth. talent acquisition in large US consulting the decisions

says a 27 year old who works in nal management training offer and ees and businesses from the start.” only been used in the past, but instead Education systems are on their and financial services companies epit-
publishing. “Higher management my company has also bought in a For Sarah, it is this collabora- companies should learn from one knees, resulting in an explosive omised the flawed approach to inclu-

have no trust in the employees leadership course for senior staff,” tive approach to management that another and adjust talent plans based growth in micro-learning over the sive hiring that existed for too long.
and micro-manage everything. As the non-profit employee says. appeals to her the most. “My ambi- on economic changes and globalisa- past 12 months. The growing num- Employers would tie up with a small

the problems
a manager myself, I look to foster “It's easy to dismiss it as snake- tion as a woman is celebrated in a tion, and plan for future generations. ber of unaccredited tech education network of preferred universities to uti-
trust within my team, as I believe handling corporate voodoo, but it startup, rather than questioned,” she A great concept is how Finland is startups providing one-year pro- lise the social demographic data they
they can work independently, but can be really useful, such as the says. “I am listened to. At 27, I don't putting the wellbeing of their citi- grammes are enjoying 98 per cent collect relating to their students and less likely to promote the hiring
it is hard when I am being under- ‘difficult conversation training’ to want to be micro-managed, I want to zens at the heart of policy. The Finns success rates in graduate job place- acquire talent from under-represented organisation, even if they got the

of millennial
mined by my own managers.” handle underperformance.” be mentored and inspired.” have long been motivated to improve ment. Compare this with traditional groups to meet their diversity quotas. job, if AI rather than humans make
This experience is common the wellbeing of their citizens and, tertiary education for certain func- “They were fishing in a pool of 1 per
the hiring decision
among millennials, who say there is according to the United Nations, they tions: they are more expensive, it cent and ignoring the other 99 per
a disconnect between their expecta- are the happiest nation on the planet. takes a longer time to complete cent of talent in a country that’s made

tions and the management they are European Union member, Finland them and they require students to up of every colour, creed and gender qualities to be successful in a job role, While the benefits of using AI to
delivered. According to Manpower Percentage of global millennials who see the following skills as essential, and those who say their meticulously researches their five learn skills and take courses that under the sun,” says Andreas Lohff, such as a management consultant or streamline hiring processes and
Group’s report on millennial organisation offers a lot of support in these areas million citizens to understand how will not be necessary at the work- chief executive at Aon’s Assessment investment banker. They are giving enhance diversity are clear, organ-
careers, half of millennials would to improve their health, employment, places of tomorrow. Solutions. “While good intentioned, access to demographics of people who isations must overcome scepticism
Essential Support
consider leaving their current job wellbeing, education and much more. It is easy to see why work has been it’s a very mechanical process and not previously were never given a chance in among the general public. In an online
due to a lack of appreciation. The Scandinavian nation now completely reinvented in the last a good way to achieve the outcome. the whole economy. experiment by Aon, applicants were
“There's an idea that millennials 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% has a social welfare system, and is four to five years and it is all because It fails to provide opportunity for “The systems are really good at 57 per cent more likely to distrust the

As the millennial workforce grows and want some specific kind of man-
agement because they're really
Interpersonal skills
a champion of financial and social
equality, making it easy to forget
of the pace of digital and exponen-
tial technology.
the many talented people who don’t
happen to be in these institutions.”
not having any adverse impact on
under-represented groups or women,”
hiring organisation if AI rather than
humans made the decisions, even if
individuals rise through the leadership entitled,” according to a 34-year- that once Finland was one of the To reinvent work and help commu- Even if companies were able to
hit recruitment quotas through this
says Mr Lohff. “AI-driven online assess- they got the job.
This distrust is exacerbated when the
old manager who works for a non- poorest European countries. In per- nities thrive, we must evolve how we ments organise everything for attract-
ranks, understanding how these employees profit organisation. “I don't think
Confidence and motivation
haps the greatest case the world has recruit and manage talent to bring to approach to talent acquisition, it’s ing and loading the application pool AI is not able to explain its decisions, as
that's true. I've managed younger seen of the progressive use of citi- the surface the real potential of the clear that only hiring from elite univer- with the right mix of diverse talent. has been the case with the hundreds of
want to be managed, and how they manage people who want fast progression zen data, the Finns have created and networked business. sities does very little to achieve genuine They’re boosting the yields companies recruitment technologies with “black

others, remains a struggle for companies and seem to feel that they deserve
to be promoted every year, but I've Strong ethics/integrity
enabled a sense of security for their
people: the idea that if something
While change is inevitable, organ-
isations must now carefully choose
diversity in a workforce. Technologies
such as AI and machine-learning, how-
get from a wider talent pool, are much
more inclusive and are really good for
box” algorithms. Not being able to jus-
tify why a candidate has failed to pro-
confined to traditional ways of working also managed people the same
age who work incredibly hard and
is needed, they are going to get it.
Finland is a great example for all
how they respond to the change that is
already happening and to the change
ever, are now spearheading a path to
removing human bias.
their brand because there is proven
value in building workforces that reflect
gress in a job interview can also leave
employers vulnerable to legal chal-
don't think they are ready for the organisations, companies and coun- yet to come. Thanks to AI, the robots A new wave of intelligent online the demographics of your customers.” lenges. Organisations can overcome
next step. Critical thinking tries alike, that really care for the have arrived. We need to retrain our- assessments, driven by predictive Aon’s Assessment Solutions is a the scepticism by adding personal
“The common thing I fi nd is that wellbeing of their people. selves in being human and embrac- analytics, can understand whether a leader in automatically scored, on- channels that allow applicants to inter-
people really just want to be lis- We are living in a globalised econ- ing our creative curiosity, so we are person has the necessary skills and demand solutions that incorporate act with real people, while Aon’s tech-
tened to by their manager.” omy, where processes have been cen- less like programmed algorithms and video into interviews and are designed nology arms AI with the power to pro-
As the number of millennials Innovation/creativity tralising for efficiency and the epi- instead continue to put our people, responsively for the mobile-first mil- vide reasons.
Anna Codrea-Rado as the children of baby boom- rising up the leadership ranks centre for modern human resources and humanity, first. lennial generation. Having conducted “The black box has died,” says Mr
ers, over the course of her career, increases, experts agree that organ- planning and strategy. Global politi- an automated interview on their smart- Lohff. “With really clear data that can
Sarah has witnessed the swing- isations will need to adapt to the Resilience, such as staying cal turmoil suggests globalisation is phone in their own time, applicants are correlate what is gathered and show
hen Sarah joined a ing pendulum of two distinct priorities of this new cohort of on task under pressure no longer a given, aiding nationalism assessed and measured by algorithms what has been measured, our AI can not
W London-based startup, management styles. Where tradi- managers. “Millennial leaders can and even leading to the prospect of
A new wave of against various behavioural character- only understand which people will pro-
there was no manage- tional hierarchical management challenge a company’s values for reverse globalisation. istics linked to the specific role. vide the best business outcomes, but
ment. “I wasn't so much managed, structures have been too stifling, the better, with their principles Recent evidence for this can iron- intelligent online AI is able to replicate the typical ele- will also provide proper feedback and
Effective time management
but more left to my own devices
with occasional pep talks and
the flat organisation favoured by
younger companies are a profes-
focusing more on engagement and
transparency,” says John Williams,
ically be observed through Brexit,
with jobs heading home to Japan
assessments, driven by ments of a job interview, but without
the subconscious human desire to make
justify why decisions have been made in
a way that’s acceptable for candidates.”
moments of mentorship with the sional wilderness. global marketing director at City & from major UK manufacturers such as predictive analytics, decisions based on personal bias rather
CEO,” says the 27 year old, who Given that by 2020 millennials Guilds Group. Emotional intelligence, Nissan, Honda and Toyota. This has than objective facts. In a case study with For more information please visit
asked not to be identified. “At will make up more than a third of “Shunning traditional forms of
such as showing empathy
huge implications for talent mobility, can understand a large airline, Aon’s intelligent algo-
times this was confusing, aggra- the global workforce, according to training, previously designed for relationships, employee privacy, diver- whether a person has rithms chose the same candidate to
vating and very emotional; how- Manpower Group, how this gener- senior managers, does not mean sity and inclusion, and further disrup- progress as an expert interviewer on
ever, I also thrived off it having ation wants to be managed, and these new leaders are ineffective, Attention to talent tions at an unprecedented scale. the necessary skills 95 per cent of occasions during the AI
development and mentoring
just left the corporate world.” subsequently manages others, is but rather that they are focusing on
instilling leadership skills at every
We now live in a land of centres
inspired by HR’s finest influencers,
Marc Coleman
and qualities to be training phase. However, the AI scor-
ing does not get bored or tired, or base
Like many of her millennial becoming an increasingly press- Chief executive and founder
peers, who are typically defined ing issue in the modern workplace. level of the organisation.” Deloitte 2018 HR departments and workplaces that UNLEASH Group successful in a job role decisions on implicit biases.

Commercial feature

It is typically startups and OPINION

Markus Spiske/Shutterstock
younger companies that favour

Facts beat quotas

this ad-hoc approach to manage-

‘Organisations must
ment over a formal review process.
“We have no HR and you don't have
a lot of the fail-safes that you do

carefully choose how

as AI revolutionises
in other companies,” Sarah says.
“You really have to push for what
you want all the time and you need

they respond to the

a lot of your own drive.” of the global workforce will be

diversity hiring
millennials by 2020
Some worry, however, that this
complete rejection of structure is

change that is already

Manpower Group/UN 2016
also not the answer. “The cavalier
attitude I see towards management
in startups is often disguised as a
rebellion against corporate cul-
ture,” says Tiffany Philippou, a
brand consultant who has worked
According to City & Guilds Group,
there are already clear indications of
happening and to the Assessments driven by artificial intelligence (AI) remove the bias
with startups for over a decade.
“By ignoring management struc-
the kind of working culture millen-
nial leaders will foster. “Our research change yet to come’ from hiring to build truly inclusive workforces
tures completely, we are letting a shows that 66 per cent of workers
whole generation down by not pro- want to have a greater say in the run-
viding them with the clarity they ning of their workplace,” says Mr he UNLEASH community compliment a century trying to turn he rapidly advancing nature
need in what is already a chaotic Williams. The research highlights T has taken the global lead employees into machines, splitting T of machine intelligence has APPLICANT REACTIONS TO AI DECISION-MAKERS
and stressful working environment. the need for organisations to be more in showcasing case stud- roles into primary tasks and opti- fuelled a much-needed
“When we leave employees to collaborative, and foster an environ- ies, research and insights on the mising people in the hope it would change in the narrative around diver- Applicants who received job offers are:

work everything out for themselves ment of transparency between man- driving forces needed for human unleash them. sity hiring and positioned objectiv-
and prove their value to survive, agement and employees. change such as workforce technol- Additionally, the talent and knowl- ity, rather than quotas, at the heart of
we create a sink-or-swim culture “Rather than decisions being ogy, happiness, health and financial edge economy has entered the pro- solutions for inclusivity. Companies are
where no one but the sharks win.” made at the top, millennial man- wellbeing, productivity, and robust ductivity, performance and networked realising that measuring behavioural
While startups may have moved agement is encouraging employees, artificial intelligence (AI). age where people, trusted communi- competencies, without bias, produces more likely to distrust the hiring
MILLENNIALS away from management training, at any level, to generate workplace Managing a company’s talent pool ties, wellbeing, learning and global greater outcomes. organisation, even if they got the
many traditional industries still ideas,” he says. “This creates a more should not be about recreating the networks are the magic ingredients The long-held approach to early-stage job, if AI rather than humans make
“I don’t think I’m well managed,” prize it. “There’s an extensive inter- aligned approach between employ- wheel and relying on tools that have needed for sustainable growth. talent acquisition in large US consulting the decisions

says a 27 year old who works in nal management training offer and ees and businesses from the start.” only been used in the past, but instead Education systems are on their and financial services companies epit-
publishing. “Higher management my company has also bought in a For Sarah, it is this collabora- companies should learn from one knees, resulting in an explosive omised the flawed approach to inclu-

have no trust in the employees leadership course for senior staff,” tive approach to management that another and adjust talent plans based growth in micro-learning over the sive hiring that existed for too long.
and micro-manage everything. As the non-profit employee says. appeals to her the most. “My ambi- on economic changes and globalisa- past 12 months. The growing num- Employers would tie up with a small

the problems
a manager myself, I look to foster “It's easy to dismiss it as snake- tion as a woman is celebrated in a tion, and plan for future generations. ber of unaccredited tech education network of preferred universities to uti-
trust within my team, as I believe handling corporate voodoo, but it startup, rather than questioned,” she A great concept is how Finland is startups providing one-year pro- lise the social demographic data they
they can work independently, but can be really useful, such as the says. “I am listened to. At 27, I don't putting the wellbeing of their citi- grammes are enjoying 98 per cent collect relating to their students and less likely to promote the hiring
it is hard when I am being under- ‘difficult conversation training’ to want to be micro-managed, I want to zens at the heart of policy. The Finns success rates in graduate job place- acquire talent from under-represented organisation, even if they got the

of millennial
mined by my own managers.” handle underperformance.” be mentored and inspired.” have long been motivated to improve ment. Compare this with traditional groups to meet their diversity quotas. job, if AI rather than humans make
This experience is common the wellbeing of their citizens and, tertiary education for certain func- “They were fishing in a pool of 1 per
the hiring decision
among millennials, who say there is according to the United Nations, they tions: they are more expensive, it cent and ignoring the other 99 per
a disconnect between their expecta- are the happiest nation on the planet. takes a longer time to complete cent of talent in a country that’s made

tions and the management they are European Union member, Finland them and they require students to up of every colour, creed and gender qualities to be successful in a job role, While the benefits of using AI to
delivered. According to Manpower Percentage of global millennials who see the following skills as essential, and those who say their meticulously researches their five learn skills and take courses that under the sun,” says Andreas Lohff, such as a management consultant or streamline hiring processes and
Group’s report on millennial organisation offers a lot of support in these areas million citizens to understand how will not be necessary at the work- chief executive at Aon’s Assessment investment banker. They are giving enhance diversity are clear, organ-
careers, half of millennials would to improve their health, employment, places of tomorrow. Solutions. “While good intentioned, access to demographics of people who isations must overcome scepticism
Essential Support
consider leaving their current job wellbeing, education and much more. It is easy to see why work has been it’s a very mechanical process and not previously were never given a chance in among the general public. In an online
due to a lack of appreciation. The Scandinavian nation now completely reinvented in the last a good way to achieve the outcome. the whole economy. experiment by Aon, applicants were
“There's an idea that millennials 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% has a social welfare system, and is four to five years and it is all because It fails to provide opportunity for “The systems are really good at 57 per cent more likely to distrust the

As the millennial workforce grows and want some specific kind of man-
agement because they're really
Interpersonal skills
a champion of financial and social
equality, making it easy to forget
of the pace of digital and exponen-
tial technology.
the many talented people who don’t
happen to be in these institutions.”
not having any adverse impact on
under-represented groups or women,”
hiring organisation if AI rather than
humans made the decisions, even if
individuals rise through the leadership entitled,” according to a 34-year- that once Finland was one of the To reinvent work and help commu- Even if companies were able to
hit recruitment quotas through this
says Mr Lohff. “AI-driven online assess- they got the job.
This distrust is exacerbated when the
old manager who works for a non- poorest European countries. In per- nities thrive, we must evolve how we ments organise everything for attract-
ranks, understanding how these employees profit organisation. “I don't think
Confidence and motivation
haps the greatest case the world has recruit and manage talent to bring to approach to talent acquisition, it’s ing and loading the application pool AI is not able to explain its decisions, as
that's true. I've managed younger seen of the progressive use of citi- the surface the real potential of the clear that only hiring from elite univer- with the right mix of diverse talent. has been the case with the hundreds of
want to be managed, and how they manage people who want fast progression zen data, the Finns have created and networked business. sities does very little to achieve genuine They’re boosting the yields companies recruitment technologies with “black

others, remains a struggle for companies and seem to feel that they deserve
to be promoted every year, but I've Strong ethics/integrity
enabled a sense of security for their
people: the idea that if something
While change is inevitable, organ-
isations must now carefully choose
diversity in a workforce. Technologies
such as AI and machine-learning, how-
get from a wider talent pool, are much
more inclusive and are really good for
box” algorithms. Not being able to jus-
tify why a candidate has failed to pro-
confined to traditional ways of working also managed people the same
age who work incredibly hard and
is needed, they are going to get it.
Finland is a great example for all
how they respond to the change that is
already happening and to the change
ever, are now spearheading a path to
removing human bias.
their brand because there is proven
value in building workforces that reflect
gress in a job interview can also leave
employers vulnerable to legal chal-
don't think they are ready for the organisations, companies and coun- yet to come. Thanks to AI, the robots A new wave of intelligent online the demographics of your customers.” lenges. Organisations can overcome
next step. Critical thinking tries alike, that really care for the have arrived. We need to retrain our- assessments, driven by predictive Aon’s Assessment Solutions is a the scepticism by adding personal
“The common thing I fi nd is that wellbeing of their people. selves in being human and embrac- analytics, can understand whether a leader in automatically scored, on- channels that allow applicants to inter-
people really just want to be lis- We are living in a globalised econ- ing our creative curiosity, so we are person has the necessary skills and demand solutions that incorporate act with real people, while Aon’s tech-
tened to by their manager.” omy, where processes have been cen- less like programmed algorithms and video into interviews and are designed nology arms AI with the power to pro-
As the number of millennials Innovation/creativity tralising for efficiency and the epi- instead continue to put our people, responsively for the mobile-first mil- vide reasons.
Anna Codrea-Rado as the children of baby boom- rising up the leadership ranks centre for modern human resources and humanity, first. lennial generation. Having conducted “The black box has died,” says Mr
ers, over the course of her career, increases, experts agree that organ- planning and strategy. Global politi- an automated interview on their smart- Lohff. “With really clear data that can
Sarah has witnessed the swing- isations will need to adapt to the Resilience, such as staying cal turmoil suggests globalisation is phone in their own time, applicants are correlate what is gathered and show
hen Sarah joined a ing pendulum of two distinct priorities of this new cohort of on task under pressure no longer a given, aiding nationalism assessed and measured by algorithms what has been measured, our AI can not
W London-based startup, management styles. Where tradi- managers. “Millennial leaders can and even leading to the prospect of
A new wave of against various behavioural character- only understand which people will pro-
there was no manage- tional hierarchical management challenge a company’s values for reverse globalisation. istics linked to the specific role. vide the best business outcomes, but
ment. “I wasn't so much managed, structures have been too stifling, the better, with their principles Recent evidence for this can iron- intelligent online AI is able to replicate the typical ele- will also provide proper feedback and
Effective time management
but more left to my own devices
with occasional pep talks and
the flat organisation favoured by
younger companies are a profes-
focusing more on engagement and
transparency,” says John Williams,
ically be observed through Brexit,
with jobs heading home to Japan
assessments, driven by ments of a job interview, but without
the subconscious human desire to make
justify why decisions have been made in
a way that’s acceptable for candidates.”
moments of mentorship with the sional wilderness. global marketing director at City & from major UK manufacturers such as predictive analytics, decisions based on personal bias rather
CEO,” says the 27 year old, who Given that by 2020 millennials Guilds Group. Emotional intelligence, Nissan, Honda and Toyota. This has than objective facts. In a case study with For more information please visit
asked not to be identified. “At will make up more than a third of “Shunning traditional forms of
such as showing empathy
huge implications for talent mobility, can understand a large airline, Aon’s intelligent algo-
times this was confusing, aggra- the global workforce, according to training, previously designed for relationships, employee privacy, diver- whether a person has rithms chose the same candidate to
vating and very emotional; how- Manpower Group, how this gener- senior managers, does not mean sity and inclusion, and further disrup- progress as an expert interviewer on
ever, I also thrived off it having ation wants to be managed, and these new leaders are ineffective, Attention to talent tions at an unprecedented scale. the necessary skills 95 per cent of occasions during the AI
development and mentoring
just left the corporate world.” subsequently manages others, is but rather that they are focusing on
instilling leadership skills at every
We now live in a land of centres
inspired by HR’s finest influencers,
Marc Coleman
and qualities to be training phase. However, the AI scor-
ing does not get bored or tired, or base
Like many of her millennial becoming an increasingly press- Chief executive and founder
peers, who are typically defined ing issue in the modern workplace. level of the organisation.” Deloitte 2018 HR departments and workplaces that UNLEASH Group successful in a job role decisions on implicit biases.

Just 15 per cent of the global workforce

REASONS WHY is said to be engaged in their jobs,
according to Gallup, with a staggering
BUSINESSES NEED TO 67 per cent not engaged and 18 per cent

actively disengaged. These alarming

PRIORITISE EMPLOYEE statistics show that a lot needs to be
done to improve the lives of workers
worldwide, and tipping the scales
could be a major boost to company
ENGAGEMENT performance and competitive advantage


In a study of more than 5,000 employees in the United States, Temkin Group examined
the level of employee engagement in companies based on how their customer LOSING STAFF CAN BE COSTLY
experience compared with their competitors
01 02
Disengaged staff tend to be the ones that are keeping their eyes
on job boards or actively looking for new roles, and employee
Average Average percentage of turnover can cost a company severely. This estimate takes into
percentage of employees who are moderately
employees who or highly engaged
account several factors, such as productivity loss, advertising
are not engaged and recruitment costs, onboarding, handovers, training and the
time it takes new staff to get up to speed in their new role

51% 49%
Companies with
average customer
cost of replacing one employee,
based on the average UK salary

Accounts & Legal 2018

21% 79%
Companies with
Temkin Group 2018
Flexible and agile working policies have become a common
element of many corporate wellness and engagement
programmes, but they are more than just a nice-to-have
Higher employee engagement levels are shown to result in a range of positive business
outcomes. According to management consultancy Gallup, when compared with
businesses in the bottom quartile for employee engagement, those in the top quartile
04 realised improvements in the following areas: 67%
would consider leaving their job if
Higher productivity their work arrangements became
less flexible

Higher sales +20%

Staples 2019

Higher profitability +21%

Percentage of employees that did the fol-
lowing because of too much stress at work*
Gallup 2018
Searched for a new job 56%
I’ve stopped caring/
checked out 46%
ENGAGEMENT FACTORS Taken unplanned time off
Quit a job 25%
Engagement is more than just the happiness
of your employees; it’s linked to a multitude of Threatened to quit 16%
factors that business leaders must be aware of
*Respondents were asked about the result of stress at any point during their career Wrike 2018
77% 62%
Trust in leaders Enjoyment of work

Relationship Compensation
with immediate
When compared with businesses in the top quartile for
employee engagement, those in the bottom quartile realised
issues in the following areas:
Organisational J
higher turnover (low-
D turnover organisations)
Belief in the

E I higher absenteeism
66% 45%
Opportunities for Recognition
career growth H
higher turnover (high-
F J F turnover organisations)
63% 44%
Relationships with Business
colleagues transparency G 2018 Gallup 2018

Just 15 per cent of the global workforce

REASONS WHY is said to be engaged in their jobs,
according to Gallup, with a staggering
BUSINESSES NEED TO 67 per cent not engaged and 18 per cent

actively disengaged. These alarming

PRIORITISE EMPLOYEE statistics show that a lot needs to be
done to improve the lives of workers
worldwide, and tipping the scales
could be a major boost to company
ENGAGEMENT performance and competitive advantage


In a study of more than 5,000 employees in the United States, Temkin Group examined
the level of employee engagement in companies based on how their customer LOSING STAFF CAN BE COSTLY
experience compared with their competitors
01 02
Disengaged staff tend to be the ones that are keeping their eyes
on job boards or actively looking for new roles, and employee
Average Average percentage of turnover can cost a company severely. This estimate takes into
percentage of employees who are moderately
employees who or highly engaged
account several factors, such as productivity loss, advertising
are not engaged and recruitment costs, onboarding, handovers, training and the
time it takes new staff to get up to speed in their new role

51% 49%
Companies with
average customer
cost of replacing one employee,
based on the average UK salary

Accounts & Legal 2018

21% 79%
Companies with
Temkin Group 2018
Flexible and agile working policies have become a common
element of many corporate wellness and engagement
programmes, but they are more than just a nice-to-have
Higher employee engagement levels are shown to result in a range of positive business
outcomes. According to management consultancy Gallup, when compared with
businesses in the bottom quartile for employee engagement, those in the top quartile
04 realised improvements in the following areas: 67%
would consider leaving their job if
Higher productivity their work arrangements became
less flexible

Higher sales +20%

Staples 2019

Higher profitability +21%

Percentage of employees that did the fol-
lowing because of too much stress at work*
Gallup 2018
Searched for a new job 56%
I’ve stopped caring/
checked out 46%
ENGAGEMENT FACTORS Taken unplanned time off
Quit a job 25%
Engagement is more than just the happiness
of your employees; it’s linked to a multitude of Threatened to quit 16%
factors that business leaders must be aware of
*Respondents were asked about the result of stress at any point during their career Wrike 2018
77% 62%
Trust in leaders Enjoyment of work

Relationship Compensation
with immediate
When compared with businesses in the top quartile for
employee engagement, those in the bottom quartile realised
issues in the following areas:
Organisational J
higher turnover (low-
D turnover organisations)
Belief in the

E I higher absenteeism
66% 45%
Opportunities for Recognition
career growth H
higher turnover (high-
F J F turnover organisations)
63% 44%
Relationships with Business
colleagues transparency G 2018 Gallup 2018

Commercial feature
Communication skills

Leaders with poor communication
skills leave employees floundering
and teams in disarray. As a result, it is
vital to explain your vision with both

Five ways to be a
passion and clarity, making it plain Disruptive technologies ranked by total
where the organisation is going, why, impact among our survey respondents:

and what is in it for the team. This is

important because now more than

better leader in 2019

ever people want to feel part of some- Cloud solutions
thing bigger, while at the same time
understanding where they fit in.

Although all of us assume we can
communicate effectively, it is not Internet of things
always true and in reality there is
As workforces and their needs evolve, managers must adapt no one-size-fits-all approach. In

to ensure they have the right leadership characteristics to

other words, it is about ensuring
the language you use is suitable for
your audience.
needs an overview and who should
be given context.
But also be sure to remember that
3 Artificial intelligence

maximise productivity and performance. Five experts in people On the one hand, it should be sim- communication is a two-way thing.

management have shared their views on what it takes to be a ple and jargon-free, while on the
other it should take people on a jour-
So ask for feedback and, if you can,
act on it; if not, explain why. 4 5G mobile internet
better leader in a modern-day business ney. Just as key on a personal level
though is fitting in with different Charlotte Dean
communication styles, so under-
standing who requires detail, who
Managing director,
P3 People Management
5 Voice-driven software

Cath Everett Building information
If you fail to listen, it is often dam- modeling

LightField Studios/Shutterstock
aging for people’s self-esteem and
they may not fulfil their potential.
Richard Jaimes/Unsplash

Feeling listened to is vital for well- Advanced robotics

A humble leader enables a culture being and creates a happier, health-
of continual improvement. They ier work environment.

understand that it is OK not to know Another reason why listening is

Climbing the talent summit

everything, and the importance of important is that the best ideas usu- 3D printing

continuing to develop and improve. ally come from people other than that investment and upskilling are
In days gone by, it was about the chief executive. Some of our needed, they don’t necessarily know
being the all-knowing boss who was
strong and formal, and took tough
decisions, but that is starting to
most business-defining notions
have come from our junior team,
for example. So it is imperative that
what it should look like.
Where there was unanimity of
thought on this subject at Davos was
9 Blockchain

shift. Enabling others to teach you everyone has the opportunity to Project Management Institute’s Murat Bicak reflects on the World Economic that every individual and organisation
changes this dynamic as it allows
you to learn and build more open
speak and feel heard.
As a leader, it is also impor- Forum Meeting in Davos and project management’s role in shaping the
must invest in continual learning. And
that’s something PMI has been advo- 10 Autonomous vehicles
relationships with people. tant to listen first and do second. cating for a long time. I am glad the
Another thing about this approach
Listening Ultimately, it is up to you to make fourth industrial revolution idea is being universally embraced
is that it allows risk-taking to take the decision and not all ideas will beyond our own profession.
place and encourages innovation, The ability to listen to everyone’s be used. But there is still a lot to be Jack Ma, the co-founder and exec-
which in turn leads to improvements views is a hugely underrated skill for a gained from listening to a diverse utive chairman of Alibaba, pointed Trust is created by transparency.
in productivity and performance. leader. But it is important. If you want set of opinions and showing people out that one skill which will surely It is not a set of tools, but rather a
People these days are increasingly people to follow your leadership, you you are interested in their views. s a first-time attendee at and augmented intelligence for the are grander in scheme. There is no be needed in the future is creativ- comprehensive capability that must
looking to leaders to give them good have to demonstrate that you under- A the Davos summit, I couldn’t future of work. In this context, I was denying that automation, artificial ity and he raised the issue of how we be built into governments and organ-
questions, rather than answers, and stand them and have empathy, and Josh Krichefski help but be awestruck. It’s positively surprised to see that the intelligence or any number of other can teach children to be more cre- isations. At its core, good project
to steer them in the right direction, listening is a big part of that. Chief executive, MediaCom UK not the fact that political and busi- issue of diversity and inclusiveness technologies will take some tasks ative so they will be equipped to do management is tantamount to trans-
rather than tell them what to do. ness leaders from all over the globe took on such importance at Davos. away from humans. And yes, in cer- the things machines cannot do. And parency. We define the problem and
So some key habits to develop convene in a picture-perfect Swiss A high-performing team isn’t one tain cases, there will be entire sets of he is right, but I think creativity is seek the solution. We bring the right
include asking open questions, village that inspires awe; it’s what where everybody looks the same; in jobs that will be made redundant. not just something children need to people to the table. We offer visibility
respecting individuals and includ- draws them there. Davos repre- fact, just the opposite is true. Ideally, But at the same time, this type learn. A challenge for all of us is how into both the process and the results.
ing them in decision-making, watch- sents an unparalleled opportunity a high-performing team will have of revolution creates a significant do we operate in a world where there We aim to have “one version of truth”.

Hello I’m Nik/Unsplash

ing and learning, and going to where Resilience is about an individual’s to debate, discuss and hopefully many different viewpoints and types amount of new jobs. I believe that is significant digital enablement and Where there is trust, individuals are

the work is, which means walking ability to grow, adapt and perform, advance the thinking on critical sub- of experiences represented. That we will have more jobs than we can enhancement, and what is it that we able to be open and contribute based
the floor. That way you will start to and it is becoming increasingly jects that impact not only businesses, means we need to be more inclusive potentially fill. That’s why the focus need to do, or do better, so that we on their diversity and their back-
understand your team as individuals essential to help navigate these times but society as a whole. at both the organisational level, as we should be not on whether people will can actually achieve our goals and ground. In a project environment,
and also appear more human. of change and challenge. As a result, As senior vice president for strat- hire talent, and at the project level, as have jobs in the future, but whether the necessary productivity gains? trust and transparency go hand in
part of a leader’s responsibility is to egy at Project Management Institute we build teams. they will have the skills needed for the People talk about “a digital skillset” hand. And when they are combined

Robert Ordever improve not only their own resilience, (PMI), I feel a strong connection to I find this an interesting parallel to jobs of the future. being essential for both individual and with creativity and other essential

Managing director, OC Tanner Europe but also that of their people, which the topics that dominated discus- the position PMI has taken in the last The challenge and the obliga- organisational success, without recog- skills, teams and organisations are
means developing five core elements. sions at Davos, where the theme 18 months about embracing differ- tion, whether for a government, a nising that creativity is as much part of equipped for success.
The fi rst is support, which was Globalisation 4.0, and to the ent approaches to project manage- company or any organisation, is to the digital skillset as coding. We need to If there was an overarching theme
Emotional intelligence To do this requires self-aware- involves building positive rela- role project management can play in ment, using waterfall, agile, hybrid ensure that we invest in our current devote significant resources to teach- to Davos, it was how critical the
Anton Watman/Shutterstock

ness and awareness of others at an tionships to create a help network addressing them. or any other approach, as appro- talent base. And yes, that causes a ing both students and workers how to human element is to all our endeav-
Intelligent use of emotions is pivotal. emotional level. Leaders who are for when we experience stress. The I am proud that PMI’s stakeholders priate. Given the speed with which dilemma and is the source of some be more creative. Organisational suc- ours. It is both motivation and the
It boils down to how you motivate peo- in touch with themselves recognise second is confidence, which entails and members are working to tackle transformation is occurring and its anxiety because while people know cess will depend in no small part on truly essential element for any kind of
ple, so if you want yourself and your their blind spots, but they are also building belief in our ability to hit challenges around such critical issues scope, success requires that organi- innovation and innovation is directly success. We must never lose sight of
team to perform effectively, both you aware of what others’ strengths are our goals by undertaking the right evolve as situations change using a as water, energy, space exploration, sations be both nimble and quick to correlated with creativity. that, whether it is in terms of how we
and they need to be in a positive emo- and bring them on board. So they balance of “stretch” activities and process of reflection. medical technologies, drug discovery adapt. Teams that are diverse and Finally, the last issue that drew con- build our teams, how we ensure they
tional state. This means managing understand other people. being aware of critical self-talk that While most leaders focus on a cou- and genetic engineering, to name just have learnt how to function optimally siderable attention at Davos was trust. have the skills needed and, finally,
your own emotions in the moment. While in the past leaders were can hold us back. ple of areas, as change and challenge a handful. Our constituents are invent- because of their diversity have that I would go so far as to say we are seeing how they help to build and grow trust.
As a leader, a lot of it is about influ- promoted on the back of their Striving is about having the grit continue to mount, having access ing the next generation of mobility, of adaptability as part of their DNA. a “trust gap”. People have lost confi-
ence. So think about what will gal- knowledge and competencies, it is and determination to achieve our to wider resources will become autonomous cars and artificial intelli- Automation and artificial intelli- dence in both the private and public For more information please visit
vanise and get the best out of others. becoming much more important to aims combined with an ability to increasingly crucial to ensure that gence, all of which will bring dramatic gence raise the questions of what will If there was an overarching sectors, partly because of the anxiety
Sometimes this means putting a bit influence others and manage them shift direction if circumstances alter, they, and their team, can thrive. transformation to our world. happen to not just the way we work, created by an increasingly digital world
of pressure on so your team pulls out to do their job well. while recovering is the ability to reset Indeed, many of the conversations but whether people will in fact have theme to Davos, it was how where human connection seems more
the stops for a while and at others it
means creating a positive, energised Jo Maddocks
and start again if we fall back into
negative patterns. Finally, adapt-
Sam Gilpin
Managing director and head of Europe,
at Davos focused on the fourth indus-
trial revolution and the implications
jobs. Like the previous industrial rev-
olutions, this one will enable us to be
critical the human element is fragile and remote, and less important.
I believe that project management can
but calm environment. Chief psychologist, JCA Global ing involves continuing to learn and YSC Consulting of automation, artificial intelligence more productive and do things that to all our endeavours go a long way to helping restore trust.

Commercial feature
Communication skills

Leaders with poor communication
skills leave employees floundering
and teams in disarray. As a result, it is
vital to explain your vision with both

Five ways to be a
passion and clarity, making it plain Disruptive technologies ranked by total
where the organisation is going, why, impact among our survey respondents:

and what is in it for the team. This is

important because now more than

better leader in 2019

ever people want to feel part of some- Cloud solutions
thing bigger, while at the same time
understanding where they fit in.

Although all of us assume we can
communicate effectively, it is not Internet of things
always true and in reality there is
As workforces and their needs evolve, managers must adapt no one-size-fits-all approach. In

to ensure they have the right leadership characteristics to

other words, it is about ensuring
the language you use is suitable for
your audience.
needs an overview and who should
be given context.
But also be sure to remember that
3 Artificial intelligence

maximise productivity and performance. Five experts in people On the one hand, it should be sim- communication is a two-way thing.

management have shared their views on what it takes to be a ple and jargon-free, while on the
other it should take people on a jour-
So ask for feedback and, if you can,
act on it; if not, explain why. 4 5G mobile internet
better leader in a modern-day business ney. Just as key on a personal level
though is fitting in with different Charlotte Dean
communication styles, so under-
standing who requires detail, who
Managing director,
P3 People Management
5 Voice-driven software

Cath Everett Building information
If you fail to listen, it is often dam- modeling

LightField Studios/Shutterstock
aging for people’s self-esteem and
they may not fulfil their potential.
Richard Jaimes/Unsplash

Feeling listened to is vital for well- Advanced robotics

A humble leader enables a culture being and creates a happier, health-
of continual improvement. They ier work environment.

understand that it is OK not to know Another reason why listening is

Climbing the talent summit

everything, and the importance of important is that the best ideas usu- 3D printing

continuing to develop and improve. ally come from people other than that investment and upskilling are
In days gone by, it was about the chief executive. Some of our needed, they don’t necessarily know
being the all-knowing boss who was
strong and formal, and took tough
decisions, but that is starting to
most business-defining notions
have come from our junior team,
for example. So it is imperative that
what it should look like.
Where there was unanimity of
thought on this subject at Davos was
9 Blockchain

shift. Enabling others to teach you everyone has the opportunity to Project Management Institute’s Murat Bicak reflects on the World Economic that every individual and organisation
changes this dynamic as it allows
you to learn and build more open
speak and feel heard.
As a leader, it is also impor- Forum Meeting in Davos and project management’s role in shaping the
must invest in continual learning. And
that’s something PMI has been advo- 10 Autonomous vehicles
relationships with people. tant to listen first and do second. cating for a long time. I am glad the
Another thing about this approach
Listening Ultimately, it is up to you to make fourth industrial revolution idea is being universally embraced
is that it allows risk-taking to take the decision and not all ideas will beyond our own profession.
place and encourages innovation, The ability to listen to everyone’s be used. But there is still a lot to be Jack Ma, the co-founder and exec-
which in turn leads to improvements views is a hugely underrated skill for a gained from listening to a diverse utive chairman of Alibaba, pointed Trust is created by transparency.
in productivity and performance. leader. But it is important. If you want set of opinions and showing people out that one skill which will surely It is not a set of tools, but rather a
People these days are increasingly people to follow your leadership, you you are interested in their views. s a first-time attendee at and augmented intelligence for the are grander in scheme. There is no be needed in the future is creativ- comprehensive capability that must
looking to leaders to give them good have to demonstrate that you under- A the Davos summit, I couldn’t future of work. In this context, I was denying that automation, artificial ity and he raised the issue of how we be built into governments and organ-
questions, rather than answers, and stand them and have empathy, and Josh Krichefski help but be awestruck. It’s positively surprised to see that the intelligence or any number of other can teach children to be more cre- isations. At its core, good project
to steer them in the right direction, listening is a big part of that. Chief executive, MediaCom UK not the fact that political and busi- issue of diversity and inclusiveness technologies will take some tasks ative so they will be equipped to do management is tantamount to trans-
rather than tell them what to do. ness leaders from all over the globe took on such importance at Davos. away from humans. And yes, in cer- the things machines cannot do. And parency. We define the problem and
So some key habits to develop convene in a picture-perfect Swiss A high-performing team isn’t one tain cases, there will be entire sets of he is right, but I think creativity is seek the solution. We bring the right
include asking open questions, village that inspires awe; it’s what where everybody looks the same; in jobs that will be made redundant. not just something children need to people to the table. We offer visibility
respecting individuals and includ- draws them there. Davos repre- fact, just the opposite is true. Ideally, But at the same time, this type learn. A challenge for all of us is how into both the process and the results.
ing them in decision-making, watch- sents an unparalleled opportunity a high-performing team will have of revolution creates a significant do we operate in a world where there We aim to have “one version of truth”.

Hello I’m Nik/Unsplash

ing and learning, and going to where Resilience is about an individual’s to debate, discuss and hopefully many different viewpoints and types amount of new jobs. I believe that is significant digital enablement and Where there is trust, individuals are

the work is, which means walking ability to grow, adapt and perform, advance the thinking on critical sub- of experiences represented. That we will have more jobs than we can enhancement, and what is it that we able to be open and contribute based
the floor. That way you will start to and it is becoming increasingly jects that impact not only businesses, means we need to be more inclusive potentially fill. That’s why the focus need to do, or do better, so that we on their diversity and their back-
understand your team as individuals essential to help navigate these times but society as a whole. at both the organisational level, as we should be not on whether people will can actually achieve our goals and ground. In a project environment,
and also appear more human. of change and challenge. As a result, As senior vice president for strat- hire talent, and at the project level, as have jobs in the future, but whether the necessary productivity gains? trust and transparency go hand in
part of a leader’s responsibility is to egy at Project Management Institute we build teams. they will have the skills needed for the People talk about “a digital skillset” hand. And when they are combined

Robert Ordever improve not only their own resilience, (PMI), I feel a strong connection to I find this an interesting parallel to jobs of the future. being essential for both individual and with creativity and other essential

Managing director, OC Tanner Europe but also that of their people, which the topics that dominated discus- the position PMI has taken in the last The challenge and the obliga- organisational success, without recog- skills, teams and organisations are
means developing five core elements. sions at Davos, where the theme 18 months about embracing differ- tion, whether for a government, a nising that creativity is as much part of equipped for success.
The fi rst is support, which was Globalisation 4.0, and to the ent approaches to project manage- company or any organisation, is to the digital skillset as coding. We need to If there was an overarching theme
Emotional intelligence To do this requires self-aware- involves building positive rela- role project management can play in ment, using waterfall, agile, hybrid ensure that we invest in our current devote significant resources to teach- to Davos, it was how critical the
Anton Watman/Shutterstock

ness and awareness of others at an tionships to create a help network addressing them. or any other approach, as appro- talent base. And yes, that causes a ing both students and workers how to human element is to all our endeav-
Intelligent use of emotions is pivotal. emotional level. Leaders who are for when we experience stress. The I am proud that PMI’s stakeholders priate. Given the speed with which dilemma and is the source of some be more creative. Organisational suc- ours. It is both motivation and the
It boils down to how you motivate peo- in touch with themselves recognise second is confidence, which entails and members are working to tackle transformation is occurring and its anxiety because while people know cess will depend in no small part on truly essential element for any kind of
ple, so if you want yourself and your their blind spots, but they are also building belief in our ability to hit challenges around such critical issues scope, success requires that organi- innovation and innovation is directly success. We must never lose sight of
team to perform effectively, both you aware of what others’ strengths are our goals by undertaking the right evolve as situations change using a as water, energy, space exploration, sations be both nimble and quick to correlated with creativity. that, whether it is in terms of how we
and they need to be in a positive emo- and bring them on board. So they balance of “stretch” activities and process of reflection. medical technologies, drug discovery adapt. Teams that are diverse and Finally, the last issue that drew con- build our teams, how we ensure they
tional state. This means managing understand other people. being aware of critical self-talk that While most leaders focus on a cou- and genetic engineering, to name just have learnt how to function optimally siderable attention at Davos was trust. have the skills needed and, finally,
your own emotions in the moment. While in the past leaders were can hold us back. ple of areas, as change and challenge a handful. Our constituents are invent- because of their diversity have that I would go so far as to say we are seeing how they help to build and grow trust.
As a leader, a lot of it is about influ- promoted on the back of their Striving is about having the grit continue to mount, having access ing the next generation of mobility, of adaptability as part of their DNA. a “trust gap”. People have lost confi-
ence. So think about what will gal- knowledge and competencies, it is and determination to achieve our to wider resources will become autonomous cars and artificial intelli- Automation and artificial intelli- dence in both the private and public For more information please visit
vanise and get the best out of others. becoming much more important to aims combined with an ability to increasingly crucial to ensure that gence, all of which will bring dramatic gence raise the questions of what will If there was an overarching sectors, partly because of the anxiety
Sometimes this means putting a bit influence others and manage them shift direction if circumstances alter, they, and their team, can thrive. transformation to our world. happen to not just the way we work, created by an increasingly digital world
of pressure on so your team pulls out to do their job well. while recovering is the ability to reset Indeed, many of the conversations but whether people will in fact have theme to Davos, it was how where human connection seems more
the stops for a while and at others it
means creating a positive, energised Jo Maddocks
and start again if we fall back into
negative patterns. Finally, adapt-
Sam Gilpin
Managing director and head of Europe,
at Davos focused on the fourth indus-
trial revolution and the implications
jobs. Like the previous industrial rev-
olutions, this one will enable us to be
critical the human element is fragile and remote, and less important.
I believe that project management can
but calm environment. Chief psychologist, JCA Global ing involves continuing to learn and YSC Consulting of automation, artificial intelligence more productive and do things that to all our endeavours go a long way to helping restore trust.

Commercial feature

How traditional views of ‘performance’ Silent revolution to

are impacting employee mental health liberate talent
Reprioritising the Talent managers can unshackle the power of creativity through a sense
mental wellbeing of of inclusion, purpose, fulfilment and autonomy in the workforce
employees requires
business leaders to
take a closer look at Communication is key network is very active and
helps lead the change on a T
here is an unspoken revolu-
tion underway in talent man-
workplace culture Anna Purchas, head of people peer-to-peer level. These kinds agement. According to Simon
at KPMG UK, explains how of public conversations are Blockley, chief executive of Guidant
larger firms approach mental really important in encouraging Global, the specialist outsourcing arm
wellbeing among employees. people to open up about of the Impellam Group: “The idea of
mental health or feel able to achieving business growth by burn-
How did your organisation seek support if they need it. ing people out, and making them work
take practical steps to harder and faster for less money, has
improving their approach to What would you say to a proven to be unworkable.
Shuranjeet Singh Takhar
mental health? business leader who is “You can’t just burn through people,
For a long time we’ve offered undecided about whether churning out the same level of ser-
he importance of employ- a range of support, but what to invest in employees’ vice at a lower cost. You have to real-
T ees’ mental health is we are learning is that not mental health? ise the power of individuals, of people,
finally being champi- everyone favours a formal As leaders we have a of creativity. By putting people in a
oned by MPs at Westminster. On approach, and it is essential responsibility not to shy away role, giving them the space to own and
January 17, the House of Commons people are able to speak to from difficult topics and master that role, and recognising what
facilitated a debate on first aid their managers and colleagues. the benefits of investing in they’re contributing, companies will
for mental health during which a Last year we launched new employees’ mental health are see improved results.
cross-party group of MPs tabled a online training all for managers clear. A happier, healthier, “We know all this because that’s how
motion to supplement existing leg- Such feelings are echoed by Kasia with long working hours. Pressing Within graduate circles there exists “beyond their desks”, ensuring on how to support staff with more engaged workforce is a our business is run. Both in terms of
islation to place mental and physi- Jazeel, who recently joined PwC demands from clients filter down a presumption that staying late and they do not work so many hours wellbeing and mental health priority for most employers how we advise our clients and in how
cal first aid on equal footing. through a graduate scheme. She to staff whose capacities are working yourself beyond your limits than is “realistic and healthy”. concerns. For some people a and there is plenty of help out we recruit our team of experts; it’s vital take solutions to a new level to solve
This motion received overwhelm- says: “It is important for young pushed to their limits. Currently, are indicators of a good employee, Promoting a more holistic under- chat with a trusted colleague there, including from the City to create a sense of inclusion, purpose, their specific business problems,”
ing support and, if subsequently people to prioritise mental health those who can manage a monu- especially one who wishes to rise standing of performance is a pre- can make a huge difference. Mental Health Alliance, to help fulfilment and autonomy, so the work- says Mr Blockley.
successful, it would require all during periods of change and mental workload are judged as through the managerial ranks. requisite to encouraging a health- Our employee mental health you take this forward. force can be the difference.” Finally, the “why” serves as an under-
businesses to implement suitable stress that come with employ- performing positively within their However, Ms Jazeel outlines that ier and more sustainable method Guidant Global applies this notion We champion pinning of both the “what” and “how”.
infrastructure to support those ment. It’s easy to get caught up in roles as employees. However, with firms should set targets in a range of of working. It is important to to almost 100 enterprise-level, blue- a better, more Mr Blockley elaborates: “The ‘why’ is
experiencing mental health diffi- the demands of a graduate job and a workforce increasingly mind- areas beyond the immediate quan- debase the concept from being chip clients across numerous areas of because there’s a better way.
culties. Currently, the Health and neglect wellbeing.” ful of wellbeing, traditional mod- tity of completed work tasks. solely measured against task com- industry and in more than 80 countries. forward-thinking way “The service offering in our industry
Safety Executive’s first aid guid-
ance only encourages employees
Business culture carries the rep-
utation of being highly pressured
els of performance may require
some revision.
She says this would encourage
employees to develop themselves
pletion and to encourage employ-
ees to ensure they look after them-
sustaining mentally healthy work-
places. Networks, such as Thriving
in productivity with less time
spent working equated to less
For each market-leading, often
household name, heritage brand, the
of working. We listen, isn’t great and what motivates Guidant
is the commitment to setting a new bar
to think about mental health and selves as well as their work. from the Start, look to facilitate tasks being completed. However, company delivers a refreshing and challenge, partner in delivering proper recruitment out-
wellbeing needs.
Poor mental health is said to cost
However, a more rounded meas-
ure of performance cannot exist in
such discussions through connect-
ing graduates, school-leavers and
employers should consider the
medium and long-term benefits
innovative approach to talent attrac-
tion, engagement and management.
and advise sourcing services that can solve busi-
ness challenges and create competi-
the UK economy between £74 bil- POSITIVE IMPROVEMENTS ARE BEING MADE...SLOWLY isolation. Alongside this it is nec- apprentices with business leaders. of time spent bettering the wellbe- “We have the infrastructure, pro- tive advantages.”
lion and £99 billion a year, accord- Employee opinions of mental wellbeing in UK workplaces essary for employers to develop By sharing their concerns, ear- ing of employees, who will be well cesses, standard operating procedures The drive to find and enact a better
ing to the Department of Work and implement a sustained men- ly-career employees can identify placed to develop healthy working and expertise to deliver brilliant out- way permeates through Guidant’s
2016 2018
and Pensions, with a direct cost to tal health policy, inclusive of key themes across corporate sec- habits, so they can work mindfully sourced recruiting services,” says Mr workforce is an apt example of what entire continuous improvement phi-
employers estimated at between awareness, education and sup- tors and, in addition, are then able over a longer period. Blockley. “Our business is renowned for Guidant Global can achieve with its losophy, encouraging employees to
£33 billion and £42 billion. It is port, for all staff. Graduates are to communicate with senior man- Avoiding risks such as burn-out, delivering a service that resonates on a “what, how, why?” ethos. find improved approaches and strate-
therefore no surprise that numerous said to be 83 per cent more likely to agement. Such infrastructure sup- stretching capacities beyond their client-centric basis, using their tone of As Mr Blockley explains, the “what” gies, so they in turn can deliver a better
campaigns are raising the profile of apply to a firm that is open about ports employers and employees, feasible limits or high turnover of voice, with an understanding of their emanates from a desire to innovate service to clients, who at the end of
mental health through a focus on its commitment to mental health, ensuring a positive approach to staff, if firms look to change their sector and unique requirements.” where he perceives there is a tired out- the cycle can improve their levels of
awareness, education and support. a CMHA survey shows, demon- mental health in which no one is culture around mental health and The ability to ramp up a retail client’s sourced recruitment market. recruitment and talent management.
The importance of mental well- 64% 40% 56% 55% strating the increasing need for left unsupported. encourage staff to take time for warehouse operations from 500 to “The sector got too caught up in stats, Mr Blockley concludes: “The whole
being for early-career employees formalised and institutionalised In the short term, businesses themselves, we are likely to see 1,000 individuals within a short space facts and KPIs, and forgot it was dealing ‘better way’ concept is what gets me
is stark. Research from City Mental approaches to wellbeing. may fear that increasing dis- benefits as employees work more of time, while simultaneously using dig- with people,” he says. “We’ve brought out of bed in the morning. We want to
Health Alliance (CMHA) shows Evidently, there’s an expectation cussions around mental health efficiently when sat at their desks. ital marketing techniques to improve that focus back by giving end-clients prove that the recruitment outsourc-
that 62 per cent of recent graduates of employers to be open about their and wellbeing will lead to a dip This will, no doubt, help employers diversity levels within the client’s access to great people. This then leads ing industry is amazing and can make a
are said to be worried about the mental health policies and support and employees to maintain their into the ‘how’, which is by being an tangible difference.
potential impact of a new role on infrastructure, which may come as work-life balance in a more effec- employer of choice ourselves. “By setting this new bar and moving

their mental health. a surprise to corporations embod- tive manner, the benefits of which “We have to practise what we preach the industry away from its traditional,
71% 45% 49% 60%
ying a traditional business cul- will expand beyond the workplace and, if you look at our ratings and awards, tactical, reactive approach, we can
ture where promotion of positive to families, communities and we can evidence the fact that we do.” continue to facilitate clients’ growth.”
mental wellbeing may not fall into wider society. Adhering to Guidant Global’s motto

their immediate strategic remit. No matter the firm’s reputation of “People Lead Growth”, by enhanc-
With significant demands from a
There exists a or size, conversations around men-
UK hiring managers are
ing its own recruitment strategy and For more information please visit
struggling to attract the talent
workforce increasingly conscious presumption that tal wellness are key to bringing the their business needs to thrive enriching individuals accordingly,
of mental health, businesses must best out of employees at all lev- those people go on to deliver that same
staying late and

make a choice: adapt to current els. Shaping a culture in which all creative and quality service to end-

minimum estimated cost

I have confidence to
recognise the signs of poor
I believe my organisation
does well in supporting
No resulting changes
or actions were taken
I feel my line manager is
genuinely concerned for
wellbeing needs or be left behind. working yourself employees can feel comfortable clients, forming the ultimate, virtuous,
Rather than viewing wellbeing with seeking support, in whatever people-centric model.
to the UK economy from mental health those with mental
health issues
after I reported a
mental health issues
my wellbeing
strategies as impossibly daunting, beyond your limits form it may be, is necessary and “The people leading our business,
poor mental health it is integral to bringing current and
are indicators of a vital to ensure mentally healthy and therefore the market, tune into
future business leaders together to and open workplaces now and in annual growth in the and understand what individual cli-
Department of Work and Pensions 2017 Business in the Community 2018 support one another in crafting and good employee the future. recruitment sector ents’ resourcing challenges are, then

Commercial feature

How traditional views of ‘performance’ Silent revolution to

are impacting employee mental health liberate talent
Reprioritising the Talent managers can unshackle the power of creativity through a sense
mental wellbeing of of inclusion, purpose, fulfilment and autonomy in the workforce
employees requires
business leaders to
take a closer look at Communication is key network is very active and
helps lead the change on a T
here is an unspoken revolu-
tion underway in talent man-
workplace culture Anna Purchas, head of people peer-to-peer level. These kinds agement. According to Simon
at KPMG UK, explains how of public conversations are Blockley, chief executive of Guidant
larger firms approach mental really important in encouraging Global, the specialist outsourcing arm
wellbeing among employees. people to open up about of the Impellam Group: “The idea of
mental health or feel able to achieving business growth by burn-
How did your organisation seek support if they need it. ing people out, and making them work
take practical steps to harder and faster for less money, has
improving their approach to What would you say to a proven to be unworkable.
Shuranjeet Singh Takhar
mental health? business leader who is “You can’t just burn through people,
For a long time we’ve offered undecided about whether churning out the same level of ser-
he importance of employ- a range of support, but what to invest in employees’ vice at a lower cost. You have to real-
T ees’ mental health is we are learning is that not mental health? ise the power of individuals, of people,
finally being champi- everyone favours a formal As leaders we have a of creativity. By putting people in a
oned by MPs at Westminster. On approach, and it is essential responsibility not to shy away role, giving them the space to own and
January 17, the House of Commons people are able to speak to from difficult topics and master that role, and recognising what
facilitated a debate on first aid their managers and colleagues. the benefits of investing in they’re contributing, companies will
for mental health during which a Last year we launched new employees’ mental health are see improved results.
cross-party group of MPs tabled a online training all for managers clear. A happier, healthier, “We know all this because that’s how
motion to supplement existing leg- Such feelings are echoed by Kasia with long working hours. Pressing Within graduate circles there exists “beyond their desks”, ensuring on how to support staff with more engaged workforce is a our business is run. Both in terms of
islation to place mental and physi- Jazeel, who recently joined PwC demands from clients filter down a presumption that staying late and they do not work so many hours wellbeing and mental health priority for most employers how we advise our clients and in how
cal first aid on equal footing. through a graduate scheme. She to staff whose capacities are working yourself beyond your limits than is “realistic and healthy”. concerns. For some people a and there is plenty of help out we recruit our team of experts; it’s vital take solutions to a new level to solve
This motion received overwhelm- says: “It is important for young pushed to their limits. Currently, are indicators of a good employee, Promoting a more holistic under- chat with a trusted colleague there, including from the City to create a sense of inclusion, purpose, their specific business problems,”
ing support and, if subsequently people to prioritise mental health those who can manage a monu- especially one who wishes to rise standing of performance is a pre- can make a huge difference. Mental Health Alliance, to help fulfilment and autonomy, so the work- says Mr Blockley.
successful, it would require all during periods of change and mental workload are judged as through the managerial ranks. requisite to encouraging a health- Our employee mental health you take this forward. force can be the difference.” Finally, the “why” serves as an under-
businesses to implement suitable stress that come with employ- performing positively within their However, Ms Jazeel outlines that ier and more sustainable method Guidant Global applies this notion We champion pinning of both the “what” and “how”.
infrastructure to support those ment. It’s easy to get caught up in roles as employees. However, with firms should set targets in a range of of working. It is important to to almost 100 enterprise-level, blue- a better, more Mr Blockley elaborates: “The ‘why’ is
experiencing mental health diffi- the demands of a graduate job and a workforce increasingly mind- areas beyond the immediate quan- debase the concept from being chip clients across numerous areas of because there’s a better way.
culties. Currently, the Health and neglect wellbeing.” ful of wellbeing, traditional mod- tity of completed work tasks. solely measured against task com- industry and in more than 80 countries. forward-thinking way “The service offering in our industry
Safety Executive’s first aid guid-
ance only encourages employees
Business culture carries the rep-
utation of being highly pressured
els of performance may require
some revision.
She says this would encourage
employees to develop themselves
pletion and to encourage employ-
ees to ensure they look after them-
sustaining mentally healthy work-
places. Networks, such as Thriving
in productivity with less time
spent working equated to less
For each market-leading, often
household name, heritage brand, the
of working. We listen, isn’t great and what motivates Guidant
is the commitment to setting a new bar
to think about mental health and selves as well as their work. from the Start, look to facilitate tasks being completed. However, company delivers a refreshing and challenge, partner in delivering proper recruitment out-
wellbeing needs.
Poor mental health is said to cost
However, a more rounded meas-
ure of performance cannot exist in
such discussions through connect-
ing graduates, school-leavers and
employers should consider the
medium and long-term benefits
innovative approach to talent attrac-
tion, engagement and management.
and advise sourcing services that can solve busi-
ness challenges and create competi-
the UK economy between £74 bil- POSITIVE IMPROVEMENTS ARE BEING MADE...SLOWLY isolation. Alongside this it is nec- apprentices with business leaders. of time spent bettering the wellbe- “We have the infrastructure, pro- tive advantages.”
lion and £99 billion a year, accord- Employee opinions of mental wellbeing in UK workplaces essary for employers to develop By sharing their concerns, ear- ing of employees, who will be well cesses, standard operating procedures The drive to find and enact a better
ing to the Department of Work and implement a sustained men- ly-career employees can identify placed to develop healthy working and expertise to deliver brilliant out- way permeates through Guidant’s
2016 2018
and Pensions, with a direct cost to tal health policy, inclusive of key themes across corporate sec- habits, so they can work mindfully sourced recruiting services,” says Mr workforce is an apt example of what entire continuous improvement phi-
employers estimated at between awareness, education and sup- tors and, in addition, are then able over a longer period. Blockley. “Our business is renowned for Guidant Global can achieve with its losophy, encouraging employees to
£33 billion and £42 billion. It is port, for all staff. Graduates are to communicate with senior man- Avoiding risks such as burn-out, delivering a service that resonates on a “what, how, why?” ethos. find improved approaches and strate-
therefore no surprise that numerous said to be 83 per cent more likely to agement. Such infrastructure sup- stretching capacities beyond their client-centric basis, using their tone of As Mr Blockley explains, the “what” gies, so they in turn can deliver a better
campaigns are raising the profile of apply to a firm that is open about ports employers and employees, feasible limits or high turnover of voice, with an understanding of their emanates from a desire to innovate service to clients, who at the end of
mental health through a focus on its commitment to mental health, ensuring a positive approach to staff, if firms look to change their sector and unique requirements.” where he perceives there is a tired out- the cycle can improve their levels of
awareness, education and support. a CMHA survey shows, demon- mental health in which no one is culture around mental health and The ability to ramp up a retail client’s sourced recruitment market. recruitment and talent management.
The importance of mental well- 64% 40% 56% 55% strating the increasing need for left unsupported. encourage staff to take time for warehouse operations from 500 to “The sector got too caught up in stats, Mr Blockley concludes: “The whole
being for early-career employees formalised and institutionalised In the short term, businesses themselves, we are likely to see 1,000 individuals within a short space facts and KPIs, and forgot it was dealing ‘better way’ concept is what gets me
is stark. Research from City Mental approaches to wellbeing. may fear that increasing dis- benefits as employees work more of time, while simultaneously using dig- with people,” he says. “We’ve brought out of bed in the morning. We want to
Health Alliance (CMHA) shows Evidently, there’s an expectation cussions around mental health efficiently when sat at their desks. ital marketing techniques to improve that focus back by giving end-clients prove that the recruitment outsourc-
that 62 per cent of recent graduates of employers to be open about their and wellbeing will lead to a dip This will, no doubt, help employers diversity levels within the client’s access to great people. This then leads ing industry is amazing and can make a
are said to be worried about the mental health policies and support and employees to maintain their into the ‘how’, which is by being an tangible difference.
potential impact of a new role on infrastructure, which may come as work-life balance in a more effec- employer of choice ourselves. “By setting this new bar and moving

their mental health. a surprise to corporations embod- tive manner, the benefits of which “We have to practise what we preach the industry away from its traditional,
71% 45% 49% 60%
ying a traditional business cul- will expand beyond the workplace and, if you look at our ratings and awards, tactical, reactive approach, we can
ture where promotion of positive to families, communities and we can evidence the fact that we do.” continue to facilitate clients’ growth.”
mental wellbeing may not fall into wider society. Adhering to Guidant Global’s motto

their immediate strategic remit. No matter the firm’s reputation of “People Lead Growth”, by enhanc-
With significant demands from a
There exists a or size, conversations around men-
UK hiring managers are
ing its own recruitment strategy and For more information please visit
struggling to attract the talent
workforce increasingly conscious presumption that tal wellness are key to bringing the their business needs to thrive enriching individuals accordingly,
of mental health, businesses must best out of employees at all lev- those people go on to deliver that same
staying late and

make a choice: adapt to current els. Shaping a culture in which all creative and quality service to end-

minimum estimated cost

I have confidence to
recognise the signs of poor
I believe my organisation
does well in supporting
No resulting changes
or actions were taken
I feel my line manager is
genuinely concerned for
wellbeing needs or be left behind. working yourself employees can feel comfortable clients, forming the ultimate, virtuous,
Rather than viewing wellbeing with seeking support, in whatever people-centric model.
to the UK economy from mental health those with mental
health issues
after I reported a
mental health issues
my wellbeing
strategies as impossibly daunting, beyond your limits form it may be, is necessary and “The people leading our business,
poor mental health it is integral to bringing current and
are indicators of a vital to ensure mentally healthy and therefore the market, tune into
future business leaders together to and open workplaces now and in annual growth in the and understand what individual cli-
Department of Work and Pensions 2017 Business in the Community 2018 support one another in crafting and good employee the future. recruitment sector ents’ resourcing challenges are, then


Culture fit: the daily

Race/ethnicity of technical, non-technical and leadership positions combined; United States only

struggle of black

Black/African American
Latin American/Hispanic

tech workers in

Declined to respond
Silicon Valley SUCCESSFUL
Latest available data from
companies' own diversity
reports; percentages

have all been rounded
up to the nearest
whole number so
may not add up to

For an industry that prides itself on creativity, its workforce is

100 per cent

homogenous. A former techie-turned-writer, LeRon Barton,

shares his experience of working as a black employee in Silicon 75% % 25%

Valley and describes a technology sector that remains out of

reach for many under-represented ethnicities

activist Reverend Jesse Jackson railed or “What do you like to do on your To get ahead,
LeRon Barton
against the lack of inclusion in the days off ?” As I fielded more ques- Tina says many

tech industry in 1999. It’s a fight he is tions from a primarily all-white black and Latino
here are many adjectives to still having to battle today. Over sub- team, they started to feel like, “How people had to adapt
T describe Silicon Valley, the sequent years, scathing public revela- are you, as a black person, going to to the culture. “The
technological hub of the tions from numerous former employ- fit into this environment?” management would say
San Francisco Bay Area: innovative, ees have called out tech companies Paul Clark, principal user experience people had to be asser-

groundbreaking, futuristic, creative for institutionalised discrimination designer at Dell, says: “When they say tive, with a capital A. That sep-
and white. of race and gender, and cultures that ‘culture fit’, for me that means they are meant taking up lots of space in arate
The area, which spans San Jose, remain unwelcoming towards people looking for a particular person they meetings, talking a lot and saying their per-
Palo Alto, Mountain View, Cupertino who are not white. can personally identify with.” buzzwords that did not mean any- sonal bias

and Santa Clara, is home to count- When I first arrived in the Bay Area He recalls a workplace interview thing,” she says. “Those people who “The from work.”
less tech companies such as Apple, in 2012, I started work at Qualcomm when his taste in music was que- didn’t would not receive promotions issue of 50% Regulating strict account-
Yahoo!, eBay, Google and Facebook. as a wifi engineer and was amazed at ried: “One guy asked me if I liked and could possibly be terminated.” diversity is a systemic one; it may abilities and monetary incentives
With cutting-edge applications how few black and Latino people were Radiohead? Personally I find them to Tina recalls being frustrated not be intentional or malicious,” for minority referrals could also be
introduced every day, you would employed there. Honestly, I could be criminally overrated, so I said no. with the HR department’s inaction claims Jenny Mith, senior manager the answer, according to Ms Mith.

think their creators would be a count maybe five African-American You could then see the guy’s facial towards perceived discrimination of communications and corporate “Organisations need to assign a real
diverse lot, reflecting the various and African immigrants I saw expression that he was no longer when racism or bias was reported. She partnerships at Codesmith. “People value to diversity,” she says. When
backgrounds and ethnicities of the every day, and maybe two Latino or interested in me as a candidate. I says: “HR said they would investigate hire others who are like them. When in doubt, money may be the great
users. But sadly, this is not the case. Hispanic people out of a multi-build- think cultural fit is code for ‘will you it, but then they would come back and you interview someone who does not problem solver.
Publication of workforce demo- ing campus. I was also taken aback at be my bro?’.” say they did not find anything or that share your common interest or does As I look at my time in tech, I real-
graphics among the sector’s giants
paints a clear picture: Facebook has a
how segregated it was, and how dif-
ferent ethnicities and cultures didn’t
Referring to a previous job, when
he was the only black person work-
they needed to hear more.”
Things came to a head for her
not come from a similar background,
you may ask yourself, is it a good cul-
ise that the environments I have
thrived in were inclusive, welcoming
Our leadership development
workforce that is 4 per cent black and interact with each other. Up until that ing at a startup in San Francisco, when she tried to help get a job for tural fit? More than likely, the person and open minded. Interacting with programmes unlock leadership
Support your employees 5 per cent Latino; Apple counts 13
per cent of their employees as Latino
moment, I had never experienced
anything quite like it.
Paul says: “No one interacted with
me. My boss would have her daily
a Taiwanese intern who was being
overlooked by senior management.
will not be hired. When you have that
over 20, 30 years, this compounds
different people from all walks of life
has been essential to my growth, not potential using Emotional
to improve knowledge, and 9 per cent black; and Google has
a reported 98,000 employees, while
Inclusiveness was not encouraged,
yet “culture fit” – how you would get
check-in, but other than that,
nobody would talk to me. When my
“My co-workers and I went to manage-
ment on the intern’s behalf and told
and brings us to where we are.”
Paul believes the key is in how com-
only as an engineer, project manager
and a writer, but as a human being. Intelligence to create sustainable
develop skills and change
only a staggering 3 and 4 per cent are along in the current work environ- team would go on company outings, them that her being quiet in meetings panies recruit. “I would say diversify At this time I have no interest in
black and Latino respectively. These ment – was bandied about. I would I would be off by myself.” could be attributed to culture. No one where they look. There are more col- pursuing opportunities in Silicon leadership effectiveness.
numbers are representative of a field hear this term in conversations with He says that being isolated caused told her she was supposed to be speak- leges to recruit from than Stanford, Valley. The possibilities of working

behaviors to continuously that has had difficulty in hiring black

and other non-white people. The
recruiters, human resource man-
agers, and during interviews with
him to leave the company: “I hated
going into the office; it was a soul-suck-
ing up in meetings like men do,” Tina
says. “Management just brushed it off
Berkeley and MIT,” he says. “When
you hire people who are used to being
at these world-renowned campuses
intrigues me. Being involved with Chat to us about how we can
impact goals. And, you can question is why?
The battle for diversity in Silicon
teams of engineers and project man-
agers. Questions like, “How well do
ing experience. I would have to lis-
ten to some very positive music in the
and gave us all these reasons why she
wasn’t hired, but the thing was, they
around different types of people
that will trickle down to how other
the creation of life-impacting appli-
cations and software sounds excit-
support your leadership strategy
Valley dates back 20 years, when you work within a team structure?” morning, because I knew that would kept changing the reasons. people are hired. You cannot fi x peo- ing, and why wouldn’t it be? To be
in 2019.
be the champion who be the high point of my day.”
Tina, a former content designer for a
“I noticed when we would bring this
to the attention of management, they
ple being racist, but you can fi x how
people can deal with other races and
a part of a team within a company
that changes the world is something

shapes teams that excel. Mountain View-based financial soft-

ware company, tells of her difficul-
would become visibly tense hearing
these things. It challenged their own
so many of us in technology have
always wanted to do. But to do this I
ties in Silicon Valley as a non-white narrative of being very good people would have to face daily discrimina-
woman. “Many of these companies who would never have bias.” Tina left tion, passive racism and micro-ag- hello @
in the Valley say they care about peo- shortly after. gressions that would impact my
ple and want to hear your input, but In 2019, the question on many peo- mental health, and this is a choice I 01242 282902
if you weren’t saying the things they ple’s mind remains how do we make cannot make.
wanted to hear, then they would put Silicon Valley culture more diverse?
When they say “Those who have been in the

Making people better at what they do

a lot of pressure on you and drive you Inclusion and diversity professionals ‘culture fit’, that tech field for a while have learnt to
out,“ she says. hold workshops addressing uncon- deal with the implicit biases,” says
means they are Now a content designer at a non- scious bias, panel discussions show- Ms Mith. And I agree. However, I
Former wifi engineer profit organisation in Oakland, case women and black and Latino looking for a deal with racism every day, and no
LeRon Barton says Tina describes her former work- people discussing their experience amount of company perks, compli-
the discrimination place where there was a lot of turn- in tech, and politicians such as US particular person mentary food at the cafeteria and
he faced has put him
off from returning to
over among women and minorities.
“I don’t think that was by accident,”
Representative Maxine Waters are
attempting to “crack the matrix” of
they can personally free dry cleaning would convince me
to endure it voluntarily. I would not
Silicon Valley
she says. exclusivity in the Valley. identify with be a culture fit.


Culture fit: the daily

Race/ethnicity of technical, non-technical and leadership positions combined; United States only

struggle of black

Black/African American
Latin American/Hispanic

tech workers in

Declined to respond
Silicon Valley SUCCESSFUL
Latest available data from
companies' own diversity
reports; percentages

have all been rounded
up to the nearest
whole number so
may not add up to

For an industry that prides itself on creativity, its workforce is

100 per cent

homogenous. A former techie-turned-writer, LeRon Barton,

shares his experience of working as a black employee in Silicon 75% % 25%

Valley and describes a technology sector that remains out of

reach for many under-represented ethnicities

activist Reverend Jesse Jackson railed or “What do you like to do on your To get ahead,
LeRon Barton
against the lack of inclusion in the days off ?” As I fielded more ques- Tina says many

tech industry in 1999. It’s a fight he is tions from a primarily all-white black and Latino
here are many adjectives to still having to battle today. Over sub- team, they started to feel like, “How people had to adapt
T describe Silicon Valley, the sequent years, scathing public revela- are you, as a black person, going to to the culture. “The
technological hub of the tions from numerous former employ- fit into this environment?” management would say
San Francisco Bay Area: innovative, ees have called out tech companies Paul Clark, principal user experience people had to be asser-

groundbreaking, futuristic, creative for institutionalised discrimination designer at Dell, says: “When they say tive, with a capital A. That sep-
and white. of race and gender, and cultures that ‘culture fit’, for me that means they are meant taking up lots of space in arate
The area, which spans San Jose, remain unwelcoming towards people looking for a particular person they meetings, talking a lot and saying their per-
Palo Alto, Mountain View, Cupertino who are not white. can personally identify with.” buzzwords that did not mean any- sonal bias

and Santa Clara, is home to count- When I first arrived in the Bay Area He recalls a workplace interview thing,” she says. “Those people who “The from work.”
less tech companies such as Apple, in 2012, I started work at Qualcomm when his taste in music was que- didn’t would not receive promotions issue of 50% Regulating strict account-
Yahoo!, eBay, Google and Facebook. as a wifi engineer and was amazed at ried: “One guy asked me if I liked and could possibly be terminated.” diversity is a systemic one; it may abilities and monetary incentives
With cutting-edge applications how few black and Latino people were Radiohead? Personally I find them to Tina recalls being frustrated not be intentional or malicious,” for minority referrals could also be
introduced every day, you would employed there. Honestly, I could be criminally overrated, so I said no. with the HR department’s inaction claims Jenny Mith, senior manager the answer, according to Ms Mith.

think their creators would be a count maybe five African-American You could then see the guy’s facial towards perceived discrimination of communications and corporate “Organisations need to assign a real
diverse lot, reflecting the various and African immigrants I saw expression that he was no longer when racism or bias was reported. She partnerships at Codesmith. “People value to diversity,” she says. When
backgrounds and ethnicities of the every day, and maybe two Latino or interested in me as a candidate. I says: “HR said they would investigate hire others who are like them. When in doubt, money may be the great
users. But sadly, this is not the case. Hispanic people out of a multi-build- think cultural fit is code for ‘will you it, but then they would come back and you interview someone who does not problem solver.
Publication of workforce demo- ing campus. I was also taken aback at be my bro?’.” say they did not find anything or that share your common interest or does As I look at my time in tech, I real-
graphics among the sector’s giants
paints a clear picture: Facebook has a
how segregated it was, and how dif-
ferent ethnicities and cultures didn’t
Referring to a previous job, when
he was the only black person work-
they needed to hear more.”
Things came to a head for her
not come from a similar background,
you may ask yourself, is it a good cul-
ise that the environments I have
thrived in were inclusive, welcoming
Our leadership development
workforce that is 4 per cent black and interact with each other. Up until that ing at a startup in San Francisco, when she tried to help get a job for tural fit? More than likely, the person and open minded. Interacting with programmes unlock leadership
Support your employees 5 per cent Latino; Apple counts 13
per cent of their employees as Latino
moment, I had never experienced
anything quite like it.
Paul says: “No one interacted with
me. My boss would have her daily
a Taiwanese intern who was being
overlooked by senior management.
will not be hired. When you have that
over 20, 30 years, this compounds
different people from all walks of life
has been essential to my growth, not potential using Emotional
to improve knowledge, and 9 per cent black; and Google has
a reported 98,000 employees, while
Inclusiveness was not encouraged,
yet “culture fit” – how you would get
check-in, but other than that,
nobody would talk to me. When my
“My co-workers and I went to manage-
ment on the intern’s behalf and told
and brings us to where we are.”
Paul believes the key is in how com-
only as an engineer, project manager
and a writer, but as a human being. Intelligence to create sustainable
develop skills and change
only a staggering 3 and 4 per cent are along in the current work environ- team would go on company outings, them that her being quiet in meetings panies recruit. “I would say diversify At this time I have no interest in
black and Latino respectively. These ment – was bandied about. I would I would be off by myself.” could be attributed to culture. No one where they look. There are more col- pursuing opportunities in Silicon leadership effectiveness.
numbers are representative of a field hear this term in conversations with He says that being isolated caused told her she was supposed to be speak- leges to recruit from than Stanford, Valley. The possibilities of working

behaviors to continuously that has had difficulty in hiring black

and other non-white people. The
recruiters, human resource man-
agers, and during interviews with
him to leave the company: “I hated
going into the office; it was a soul-suck-
ing up in meetings like men do,” Tina
says. “Management just brushed it off
Berkeley and MIT,” he says. “When
you hire people who are used to being
at these world-renowned campuses
intrigues me. Being involved with Chat to us about how we can
impact goals. And, you can question is why?
The battle for diversity in Silicon
teams of engineers and project man-
agers. Questions like, “How well do
ing experience. I would have to lis-
ten to some very positive music in the
and gave us all these reasons why she
wasn’t hired, but the thing was, they
around different types of people
that will trickle down to how other
the creation of life-impacting appli-
cations and software sounds excit-
support your leadership strategy
Valley dates back 20 years, when you work within a team structure?” morning, because I knew that would kept changing the reasons. people are hired. You cannot fi x peo- ing, and why wouldn’t it be? To be
in 2019.
be the champion who be the high point of my day.”
Tina, a former content designer for a
“I noticed when we would bring this
to the attention of management, they
ple being racist, but you can fi x how
people can deal with other races and
a part of a team within a company
that changes the world is something

shapes teams that excel. Mountain View-based financial soft-

ware company, tells of her difficul-
would become visibly tense hearing
these things. It challenged their own
so many of us in technology have
always wanted to do. But to do this I
ties in Silicon Valley as a non-white narrative of being very good people would have to face daily discrimina-
woman. “Many of these companies who would never have bias.” Tina left tion, passive racism and micro-ag- hello @
in the Valley say they care about peo- shortly after. gressions that would impact my
ple and want to hear your input, but In 2019, the question on many peo- mental health, and this is a choice I 01242 282902
if you weren’t saying the things they ple’s mind remains how do we make cannot make.
wanted to hear, then they would put Silicon Valley culture more diverse?
When they say “Those who have been in the

Making people better at what they do

a lot of pressure on you and drive you Inclusion and diversity professionals ‘culture fit’, that tech field for a while have learnt to
out,“ she says. hold workshops addressing uncon- deal with the implicit biases,” says
means they are Now a content designer at a non- scious bias, panel discussions show- Ms Mith. And I agree. However, I
Former wifi engineer profit organisation in Oakland, case women and black and Latino looking for a deal with racism every day, and no
LeRon Barton says Tina describes her former work- people discussing their experience amount of company perks, compli-
the discrimination place where there was a lot of turn- in tech, and politicians such as US particular person mentary food at the cafeteria and
he faced has put him
off from returning to
over among women and minorities.
“I don’t think that was by accident,”
Representative Maxine Waters are
attempting to “crack the matrix” of
they can personally free dry cleaning would convince me
to endure it voluntarily. I would not
Silicon Valley
she says. exclusivity in the Valley. identify with be a culture fit.
The Leading

"Peakon gives you a level of insight that you’ll

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I don’t understand how you can run a business
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