Almighty Father We Thank You For Making Us One Today in This Activity

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Almighty father we thank you for making us one today in this activity .

Thank you for giving us a

wonderful day..Bless us today activity and place ourselves in your loving hand. Help us and the athletes

to be a good sport. We pray that we do not seek individual glory but rather that we play for your glory

and for the good of our team. We pray that all who play in this game are protected from physical harm

and help us to accept the bad breaks as a part of the game. We pray that athletes play to the best of

their ability and to give honor to you. Blessed us also the coaches and referees that they too experience

your loving guidance in the decisions they make today. For those who work behind the scenes to make

this day fruitful and enjoyable. All this we ask through Christ our Lord Amen..

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