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GAME: YES! I KNOW JESUS! Purpose: To understand how people taught people to be kind and caring to everyone.

caring to everyone. But was being quiet

are identified as Christians by their actions. enough? Should she try to stop the other girls from saying bad things?
Would they make fun of her too?
Supplies: None
STORY 2: Bill was shorter than anyone in the class. People were
When we follow Jesus and do what is right in His eyes, we become always picking on him. It was not his fault that he did not grow as tall
more like Him. In the story, three different people noticed Peter was a as the other boys and girls. So, to make up for it, Bill learned to fight.
follower of Jesus. Today, what are some clues that might show us Whenever someone said something about his height, he would hit
someone is a follower of Jesus?
them. Bill knew that he should not fight but he did not like it when
(The person prays, loves others, tells other about Jesus, serves and people made fun of him either. Now people were afraid of making fun
cares for others, does what is right, reads the Bible, goes to church, of him. What should Bill do?
etc.) Let’s see if we can prove that a modern day “Peter” is making In each story, discuss with the children the reason the children in the
choices like those of a follower of Jesus. stories acted the way they did. Ask the children what each of the
Directions: 1. Children sit in a large circle as if warming themselves at a children in the story might feel about themselves. Remind the children
fire. what Peter had thought about himself at first _______________ and
how he felt afterwards. Remind them that even when they make a
2. Choose a volunteer as “Peter” to sit in the center of the circle. mistake, God loves them and forgives them
3. Remaining children take turns stating reasons why they suspect 2. EXPLORE THE BIBLE MESSAGE
“Peter” knows Jesus (reading a Bible, helping your little brother,
praying, turning in money you found, obeying your parents, going to  SAY: Sometimes we do something bad and when our parents or
church, etc.) “I think you know Jesus, because I saw you ______.” teachers ask us about it, we say that we did not do it. We deny it. Why?
We may be afraid of what will happen if we admitted being bad.
4. Each time, “Peter” responds by saying, “Yes! I know Jesus!”
 SAY: In today’s story, we will hear how this happened to one of
Jesus’ very best friends, Peter.
for Jesus (Teacher: Peer pressure is very powerful. Many children are
pressured into doing things they know are wrong because they want to  SAY: I would like you to help me tell this story. A rooster is an
be accepted by the group. Being Christian is not always easy. Below are important part in this story. Whenever Peter says something that is not
two stories about peer pressure. Please write/tell you own stories, true, you crow like a rooster. Let us practice.
stories about pressures that your children face in their lives.)
 Remember when Jesus had the last meal with his disciples and Peter
STORY 1: Jane sat down with a group of friends to play. One of the said that he will always follow Jesus, even if things become difficult.
girls started to make fun of the new girl in the group. Jane didn’t know Jesus said, “Before the rooster crows three times you will deny me.”
the new girl very well and didn’t feel right about saying or hearing bad
things about the new girl. In Sunday School, Jane had learned that Jesus
 TELL the story: BEFORE THE ROOSTER CROWS In our last Peter looked around for a way to leave the courtyard, but a crowd had
story, we heard that Jesus went to the garden to pray. We heard of how begun to gather. “Surely you were with him,” said a man standing
the guards came to the garden to get Jesus. The Temple guards led nearby. “You speak with the same accent. You must come from the
Jesus from the garden and took him to the high priest’s house. same place he does. Surely you must know him.” “I do not know what
you are talking about. I do not know this man.” (Children crow.)
All of the disciples were frightened, and they ran away, all that is,
except Peter. Peter followed close behind the crowd. He couldn’t Before the words we even out of Peter’s mouth, there came a crowing
believe that this was happening. What was going on? Why had they sound. It was the rooster crowing. Morning was almost there. The
arrested Jesus? sound shocked Peter. Through the window of the house, Peter could
see his friend Jesus. When the rooster crowed, Jesus looked out of the
The guards led Jesus inside the house but Peter stayed outside in the window at his friend, Peter. All of a sudden Peter remembered what
courtyard. It was cold outside and Peter pulled his robe lose around Jesus had said that night at dinner, “Before the rooster crows tonight,
him. Someone had built a fire in the center of the courtyard. Peter sat you will say three times that you do not even know me.” Peter pushed
down near to it to warm himself. through the crowd blindly and ran from the courtyard. When he was
Peter was thinking to himself. “What was going to happen to Jesus? outside the walls, he began to cry.
What was going to happen to the disciples? Were the soldiers going to He had not been brave. He had been so afraid for himself that he had
arrest them, too? What was going to happen to him?” not stood up for his friend and teacher.
He was worried about himself. A servant girl came up to the fire. She  ASK: 1. Why did Peter follow the guards and Jesus? (He wanted to
looked at Peter, who was sitting there so quietly. She bent down where see what would happen to Jesus.)
she could get a better look at his face. “You!” she said accusingly, “I
have seen you with that man they just brought in. 2. Who recognized Him? (Two servant girls and a man in the crowd
recognized Him.)
You are one of his friends!” Peter jumped up from the fire. Now, he
was truly afraid. What if she called the guards? What if they arrested 3. Why did Peter say that he did not know Jesus? (He was afraid that
him, too? “Woman,” he insisted, “I do not know him!” (Children they would hurt him like they were hurting Jesus.)
4. What reminded Peter of Jesus’ words, “you will deny me”? (The
Peter moved away from the fire into the shadows of the porch. Soon rooster crowed. Refer to the symbol of the rooster.) 5. How did Peter
another servant girl spotted him. She called to the other people, “This feel then? (He went out and cried.)
man is a follower of Jesus of Nazareth! I have seen them together!”
Peter’s heart beat wildly. “You are mistaken, woman!” Peter fairly
shouted his response. “I do not know this man you talk about!”
(Children crow.)

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