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List of rights and the corresponding duties and obligations as a teacher.

rights duties and obligations

1.Teachers have the right to base diagnosis, 1. have the responsibility to review constantly their own
planning, methodology and evaluation on level of competence and effectiveness and to seek
professional knowledge and skills, necessary improvements as part of a continuing
process of professional development.

2. Teachers have the right to expect standards of have the responsibility to use reasonable methods to
pupil behavior necessary for maintaining an achieve such standards.
optimal learning environment
3.Teachers have the right to a voice in all decisions have the responsibility to seek the most effective
of a professional nature which affect them a means of consultation and of collaboration with their
professional colleagues.
4.Teachers have the right to criticize educational have the responsibility to do so in a professional
programs manner.
5.Teachers have the right to work in surroundings have the responsibility to assess conditions
that are sanitary, healthful and conducive to encountered and to seek improvement of
teaching and learning, unacceptable conditions.
6.eachers have the right to a reasonable allotment have the responsibility to use them in an efficient
of resources, materials and services of support manner.
7.Teachers have the right to fair and reasonable responsibility to give sincere consideration to any
evaluation of professional performance suggestions for improvement.
8.Teachers have the right to protest and in extreme have the responsibility to consider any special
cases to refuse the assignment of teaching duties circumstances under which the duties were
when they believe their qualifications and assigned.
experience will not provide adequate service and
safety to pupils
9.Teachers have the right to be protected against have the responsibility to refrain from practicing
discrimination on the basis of prejudice as to race, these forms of discrimination in their professional
religious beliefs, color, gender, sexual orientation, duties.
gender identity, gender expression, physical
characteristics, disability, marital status, family
status, age, ancestry, place of origin, place of
residence, socioeconomic background or linguistic
2. Reflect on your rights vis-à-vis your obligations
As a future educator I need to better understand the rights and the Responsibilities of
being a teacher. Roles and Responsibilities of a teacher are vital and must be learnt, as a
general rule, to ensure quality of teaching. To embark on this journey, it is essential to
attain enough knowledge about the subject and gather the correct material for teaching. It
is not only sufficient to hold good quality knowledge on the subject, but also have a
presentable appearance. As a teacher, we are responsible for student’s behavior and
classroom management, as well as to understand the capability of the learners.
Knowing the rights and obligation of being a teacher might help me how to
manage my actions in the school and for me to be familiarize to what am I doing in the
near future.

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