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This museum is dedicated to their art, to their dreams and to the times we live

“Arts enable us to find ourselves at the same time. An art washes away from the soul the dust of
everyday life. Life doesn’t imitate art, it imitates bad television.”
I choose this artwork because it shows or represents the real beauty of our Mother nature, the

animals and trees surrounding to our planet. We should be take care of our planet Earth because

as of now, we are suffering from the global warming that causes a horrible increasing

temperature. To lessen the increasing temperature that we feel today, we must plant more trees to

the denuded mountains and forests so that it will help to lessen the cause of too much floods and

erosion in some mountains in our country. And we should take care of the animals living on the

forests so that they will live happily and to preserve their species from massive extinction.
I choose this artwork because it represents our. Filipino traditional culture, the piging or what we

called as the "boodle fight". Aside from that, it may also represents a happy family celebrating a

fruitful harvesting from the farm. They are very thankful to God because of the blessings that

they recieve from what they harvested on their farm

This painting is one of the art work of the great Blanco Family. Out of all the beautiful paintings

this art actually caught my attention its simple because the color plays in only few variety, but

actually create a deep meaningful story behind. If we notice the two man in the art is actually old

and alone together there is no one beside them except each other yet beaming so brightly while

talking. This only simbolize that our old people is lonely inside that's why they feel quite happy

to have even just one people to accompany them, this is the sad and real face of the world so

while our parents is still with us make sure to treasure them and always give them a reason to

smile for they are always there when we are young and starting to learn how crawl.
This photo is one of the great arts that you can found in Pinto art Museum. This art is made up of wire

creating a figure of a man and a woman together with a dog(animal). At first glanced the meaning is easy

to predict but if we think more then we can find out that it has a deep meaning behind its simple yet

amazing art. The two main figure actual symbolizes the first man and woman in the earth which is Adan

and Eve, and their simple and amazing life with the animals in nature.
This photo shows a lovely and united talents of the Blanco family painting a large scale of art

that they are going to present in the public, its a precious scene for the fact that its really rare to

have a talented family inclined in arts. This painting shows how the family Blanco shared their

same interest and work as a family and also as a real artist.

The Angono Petroglyphs are petroglyphs carved into a rock wall in Angono, Rizal, Philippines.

It consists of human and animal figures engraved on the rockwall. I choose the petroglyph park

because it has a great because it shows how humans are creative. These inscriptions clearly show

stylized human figures, frogs and lizards, along with other designs that may have depicted other

interesting figures but erosion may have caused it to become indistinguishable. The engravings

are mostly symbolic representations and are associated with healing and sympathetic magic.
This picture is from Pinto Museum i choose this art because this painting is unique than to the

other paintings. When you saw it from far you will really think that it was the real shoes, but

when you go near it you will see that it was just a painting. This picture has its own uniqueness

and its style.

I choose this picture from St. Murals in Anggono Rizal because it shows the different suffering

of the Filipino's during the spanish period. It also shows how our Filipino heroes sacrifices their

life just to fight the freedom of our country especially Dr. Jose Rizal let the Filipino people

awakened that they should fight for their rights and don't let the spaniards abuse them.
Second Destination


“Each of us is carving a stone, erecting a column or cutting a piece of stained glass

in the construction of something much bigger than ourselves”

Last Destination


“Street art is nothing else but urban poetry that catches someone’s eye.”
Third Destination

“Art must be life—it must belong to everyone”

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