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6. Find the unnecessary sentence.

1. Choose the correct order. I. Last night, burglars broke into our house.

I. Yesterday morning, while I was II. They stole my golden necklace.

walking down the main street, I
saw a strange man. III. I was innocent.
II. While I was hiding, he changed his
IV. The police couldn’t catch them, they ran away.
III. I decided to follow him. a) I b)II c) III d) IV
IV. Then, he entered the bank for a
robbery. 7) Circle the correct question.

a) I – II – IV –III b) I- IV – III – II A:………………………………………..?

c) III – IV – I – II d) I – III – II – IV B: Three. They were wearing snow masks so, I

couldn’t see their faces.
2. The .................
stole a golden a) How many robbers were there in the bank?
necklace. b) How did the robbers escape?

c) Did the robbers run away?

a)thief b)pirate c)founder d)inspector
d) Where did you see the robbers?
3. Which one is different?
8) Circle the correct option.
a) thief b) robber c) burglar d) witness
Cenk: What were you doing at eleven o’clock
4. Complete the sentence. yesterday? Were you at home?

Suat: Believe me! I’m innocent. I was having a

The detective asked party at home.
questions to the ..................
He wanted to find the real Cenk is a(n) ………………
a) suspect b) detective c) witness d) pirate
a) policemen b) soldiers
9)Circle the correct answer.
c) suspects d)veterans
A: What was the thief like?
5.Complete the sentence. B: …………………………………….

I was cleaning the a) He likes fruit juice.

windows, ..........................................................
b) No, he didn’t.

a) while I was putting the necklace in my bag. c) He was tall with curly dark hair.

b) when she was cooking. d) He stole a diamond ring and a golden bracelet.

c) when I witnessed the crime. 10) Which one is different?

d) I found it under the rock. a) inspector b) detective c) policeman d)pirate

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