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FBL MC2 Credit Card

► Credit Card Number

Statement Date New Activity APR Payment Due Date

November 15,2019 00.00 December 04,2019

Total Payment Due

Overall Relationship Limit Total US$ Purchase Minimum Payment Due

50,000.00 0.00 00.00

► Message of the Month

Scrumptious food, with an amazing up to 15% discount from an assortment of your favorite restaurants with FBL Credit Cards. Visit

For more details, please call 111-060-606

Transaction Date Posting Date Description / Reference Amount (PKR)
Amount (US$)
Opening Balance 7,689.42
► 5254-5200-0026-8499
29-Oct-2019 30-Oct-2019 PAYMENT VIA CASH 00.00 -7,700.00

31-Oct-2019 31-Oct-2019 REVERSAL OF 3% GST -SINDH STC (AMEND) 00.00 -25.50

Total Sum of Transactions for: 5254-5200-0026-8499 00.00 -7,725.50

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Closing Balance as on: November 15,2019 -36.08

► Bonus Points

Opening Balance Points Earned Points Redeemed Points Adjusted Points Expired Points Available

2,189.83 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 2,189.83

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