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TOPIC 28: FINANCIAL ASSET AT  Under the FV option, all changes in the fair value are

AMORTIZED COST recognized in P &L.

 Moreover, under the FV option, the interest income
 Any transaction cost is part of the cost of financial is based on the nominal interest rate rather than using
asset measured at amortized cost the effective rate. There is no discount/premium
 Under the effective interest method, the interest amortization.
income is computed by multiplying the carrying
amount by the effective rate
 The nominal/stated rate is used in computing accrued TOPIC 31: INVESTMENT PROPERTY
interest or interest receivable
 Only land and building can qualify
TOPIC 29: MARKET PRICE OF BONDS  If the investment property is accounted for under the
fair value model, no depreciation is recognized.
 In computing the market price of term bonds; get the  If accounted for under the cost model, depreciation is
present value of the nominal interest payments using to be computed.
the yield/effective rate and the PV of the principal  Property held by a subsidiary in the ordinary course
using also the yield-effective rate and add the two of business is included in the subsidiary’s inventory
PVs to get the market price.  A land leased by the parent company to its subsidiary
 If there is discount, ER>NR under an operating lease is an owner’s occupied
 If there is premium, ER<NR property for purposes of consolidated financial
 Serial bonds are those that mature in installments statements.
 Formula to get the PV of a serial bond:  However, from the perspective of the separate
(Installment payment + Nominal interest payment) financial statements of the parent such asset is an
(Present value of 1) investment property
 Movable property like machinery cannot qualify for
TOPIC 30: BOND INVESTMENT- investment property
 If the business model is to collect contractual cash INVESTMENTS
flows (primarily for principal and interest) and to sell  Any income earned on the sinking fund investments
the financial asset, it is recorded at the FV through should form part of the sinking fund balance
OCI  The annual deposits to the fund and the interest
 In this case, interest income is recognized using the earned on those deposits should form part of the non-
effective interest method as in amortized cost current sinking fund
measurement  The future value factor of an annuity due is used if
 On derecognition, the cumulative gain/loss in other the annual deposits are made at the beginning of each
comprehensive income shall be reclassified to profit year
or loss  Annual deposit to a fund is computed by dividing the
 The increase in unrealized gain is reported in the amount of the fund by the future value factor
statement of comprehensive income but the  Increase in the cash surrender value decreases life
cumulative unrealized gain is reported in the insurance expense
statement of changes in owner’s equity  Gain on Life Insurance Settlement:
 PFRS 9 provides that an entity at initial recognition Proceeds
may irrevocably designate a financial asset as Less: Cash Surrender Value
measured at FVTPL even if the said FA satisfies the Unexpired Life Insurance
amortized cost measurement

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