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Group 8: Members:

Carmencita Jubas
Leonora Samudio
Kim Roel Libutaque
Roselyn Capol



Topic/ Lesson Name: Cultural, Social & Political Changes and Responses to change
Sources of changes: 1. Innovation 2. Diffusion
3. Acculturaltion & Assimilition
CHAPTER 8 4. Social Contradictions and tensions
(e.g, Inter-ethnic conflicts, terrorism, protests, gender issues

Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding on how the agents/institutions view the changes,
challenges/ problems they faced and suggest ways on how they respond to such changes.

Performance Standards: - The learners evaluate factors causing social, political, and cultural change
- The learners advocate how human societies should adopt to such changes

Learning Competencies: - The learners identify new challenges faced by human populations in contemporary societies
- Evaluate how these cultural, social and political changes shaped the societies

Specific Learning Outcomes: At the end of the session, the learners will be able to:

1) Identify and compare how the factors that led to social, cultural and political changes affect the
society and its people in the community
2) Create an advocacy how to solve issues and conflicts in their respective community
Time Allotment 120 minutes
Lesson Outline:

1. Introduction/ Motivation: 20 minutes

2. Instruction/Delivery: 30 minutes
3. Practice:20 minutes
4. Enrichment: 30 minutes
5. Evaluation: 20 minutes

Materials: Newspaper clippings, pictures of social contradictions and tensions ( Inter-ethnic conflicts, terrorism, protests, gender


Introduction/ Motivation : The teacher presents pictures and let the students name the picture and react using the graphic
organizer : ( 6 pictures- Inter-ethnic conflicts, class struggle, armed conflict , terrorism, protests, gender

Time allotment : 20 minutes

Process Questions:
1. What are the pictures that you have identified?
2. What do these pictures tell to us?
3. Do all of these happen in our community? Justify your answer.
4. How does each scenario affect to you as a student?

We live in a changing environment. The challenges that we face as a human community change
over time. Problems evolve and new problems emerge. How can we respond to these changes
so we can adopt them in many ways.

Today we are going to discuss the social, cultural & political change. Along this way, we can
also evaluate factors causing social , political and cultural change and at the end we can adopt
to such changes.
Instruction and Delivery: Learners read the text about the social, political and cultural changes ( social contradictions and
Process Questions:
1. How do communities adopt to new challenges in the social, cultural and political environment?
1.1 What are the functional patterns of change and adaptation?
1.2 What is the difference among innovation, adaptation, acculturation and assimilation?
1.3 What are examples of functional and dysfunctional ways of responding to change?

2. What are the social contradictions and tensions that may effect possible changes in the society?
3. How should we respond to this social contradictions and tensions?

Practice: Students group themselves into based on the six social contradictions and tensions.
Using the news articles prepared by the teacher, they will be made to choose one article and discuss
this in the group using the given matrix:

Group Topic: _________

Issues or Factors that Caused Changes Solutions/

Problem the Issue Reactions
Good Bad

Enrichment: The learners choose one tension that is happening in the country using newspaper clippings
(terrorism). Write a brief essay to include the following:
1. A description of the event
2. Effects of the event to the communities affected
3. Step taken by the community and the government to address the event
4. Causes of the event
5. How to address the problem in the future.

Evaluation: Group task:

In your community, students will be made to enumerate as many changes that they have observed in
their community that happens for the last 3 years.

Identify a problem that was caused by social, political and cultural changes.
Propose a community advocacy plan on how to respond to the given problem.
The advocacy should contain the following parts:
 Problem to be address
 Analysis of the social, cultural and political changes that lead to it
 Analysis of the effects of the problem to persons or group.
 Propose community based action on how to address the problems
 Target of the proposed action
 Action that will be conducted in relation to the proposed action and time table
 Attached materials (evidences of the conduct)

For your reference, refer to this matrix.

Problem/Issue Cause/s Effect/s Actions Strategies Target Persons Expected

to be how to Date Responsible outcome
taken respond
the issue
Submitted by:

Carmencita D. Jubas
Liceo de Cagayan University


Grade: 11/12 Semester: 1st Sem

Core Subject Title: UNDERSTANDING Culture, Society and Politics No. of Hours/semester: 80 hrs
Core Subject Description: This course uses insights fro Anthropology …

Content Content Performance Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Highest Enabling Strategy to
Standards Standards Use in Developing the
Highest Thinking Skills to
KUD Regrou RBT Assessment Technique Enabling Teaching
Classificati ped Level WW QA PC general Strategy
on Compet Strategy
2ND Quarter
H. The learners The learners 1.1. Identif Knowing w/LC1
Cultural, Social, demonstrate 1. Evaluate y new of PS2 Writing representatio Brainstor
and Political an factors challe a n ming
Change understandin causing nges reaction
Sources of g on how social, faced Cooperati
Social, Cultural agents/ political, by ve
and Political institutions and huma learning
Change view the new cultural n
-Innovation changes, change popul
-diffusion challenges/ 2. advoc ations Essay Wr Field
-acculturation problems ate how in Writing itin work
-assimilation they faced human conte g
-Social and suggest societies mpora an
contractions and ways how adopt to such ry Ad
Tensions( inter they respond cultural , societi voc
ethnic conflicts, to such political, and es acy
class struggle, changes social pla
armed conflict, changes n
protests, gender

Culminating Performance Standard: Performance Task:

The learners should be able to advocate how human societies Identifying problems/ issues and creating a community-based
should adapt to such changes advocacy plan on how to respond to the problem.

Enabling Performance Standards: PERFORMANCE CHECK:

1. Evaluates factors causing social, political change Writing reactions based on the picture
2. Advocate how human societies should adapt to such Essay Writing( with rubric)
Writing an advocacy plan( with rubric)

Presentation of Advocacy plan (with rubric)

Submitted by:

Carmencita D. Jubas
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
PEAC-FAPE teacher’s Training Participant

Unit Performance Standard Transfer Goal Performance task Scenario

The learners are expected to create an The students in the long run will be able to Goal: Identify a problem caused by social,
advocacy how to solve issues and conflicts in understand and be an advocate on the political or cultural change and propose a
their respective community. social, cultural and political change. community-based advocacy plan on how to
respond to the problem.

Role: You are a city planner

Audience: City Officials and all department

head representatives

Situation: You are instructed by your boss in

the planning office to submit an action plan
on how to resolve the recent issues, conflicts ,
tensions faced by the community.

Product: Community Advocacy Plan

Standard: Your plan will be evaluated based

on the following:
1. Problem to be addressed
2. Analysis of the social, cultural and
political changes that lead to it
3. Analysis of the effects of the problem
to persons or group.
4. Propose community based action on
how to address the problems.
5. Target of the proposed action
6. Action that will be conducted in
relation to the proposed action and
time table
7. Attached materials (evidences of the

Submitted by:

Carmencita D. Jubas
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
PEAC-FAPE teacher’s Training Participant
Rubric for Essay Writing

Criteria Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner Score

4 3 2 1

Quality of Writing Piece was written in Piece was written in Piece had little style Piece had no style
an extraordinary interesting style and ;gives some ;gives no new
style ; very voice; somewhat information but in a information and
informative and informative and poorly organized very poorly
well-organized organized manner organized
Description of the Very clear clear acceptable vague
Discussion of the Very clear clear acceptable vague
effects of the event to
Discussion of steps Very clear clear acceptable vague
taken by the
community and
government to
address the event
Discussion of the Very clear clear acceptable vague
causes of the event
Discussion of how to Very clear clear acceptable vague
address the causes of
the event in the future
address the issue
Submitted by:
Carmencita D. Jubas
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
PEAC-FAPE teacher’s Training Participant

Rubric for Community Advocacy Plan

Criteria Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner Score

4 3 2 1

Quality of Writing Piece was written in Piece was written in Piece had little style Piece had no style
an extraordinary interesting style and ;gives some ;gives no new
style ; very voice; somewhat information but in a information and
informative and informative and poorly organized very poorly
well-organized organized manner organized
qqDescription of the Very clear clear acceptable vague
Analysis of the social, Very clear clear acceptable vague
political, cultural
changes that led to the
Analysis of the effects Very clear clear acceptable vague
of the problem on
persons or groups
Discussion of the Very clear clear acceptable vague
proposed community-
based action on how
to address the
Identification of the Very clear clear acceptable vague
target of the proposed
action plan
Discussion of the Very clear clear acceptable vague
activities that will be
conducted in relation
to the proposed action
and timetable
Attached materials Very clear clear acceptable vague

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