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It is human nature to question, to want to unearth the knowledge we do not have; an area of

discovery I find most intriguing is in the study of and exploration into the nature of the human mind.
There are so many areas of psychology that interest me and make me determined to learn more
about, such as the science behind memory and cognition, the emotion and reasoning behind
motivation and perception, and how all aspects intertwine to form who we are and what we believe.

I applied for this job because I was attracted to the subject of the experiment, as I
experienced the fear of spiders and I want to study more about how people react to fear. Moreover,
I want to learn to quantify the results of an experiment by exact figures, to be able to use
computerized means to reach correct results. I am eager to know the basics of designing
psychological experiments and how the human participants are recruited since I believe that these
are among the main qualities of a psychologist.

The use of computerized programs will not be a problem in my training process, because I am
receptive and I have analytical learning capacities that will help me to carry out an operation at the
very end. If I had the opportunity to be part of this program, I would develop critical thinking, the
ability to work with research data and statistics and that would help me refine my abilities as a future
psychologist. One of the greatest qualities that I hold is the fact that I am a quick learner, I ask
coherent questions that help me understand any task, and I find learning through shadowing
effectively for me.

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