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Add the following:
1 foot + 3 seconds =
1 horsepower + 300 watts =
1 foot x 3 seconds =

what is your conclusion?

– You can add, subtract, or equate numerical quantities only if
dimensions of the of the quantities are the same. And only after
the units are transformed to be the same.
– You can multiply or divide unlike units or dimensions. But you
cannot cancel or merge units unless they are identical.
 DIMENSIONS are our basic concept of measurement in
term of physical quantity, such as length, mass, time,
temperature, and so on.
 UNITS are the means of expressing the dimensions, such
as feet and centimeters for length, or kilograms and pounds
for mass.
Table 1. SI Units
Physical Quantity Name of Unit Symbol Definition

Basic S1 Units

Length Meter m
Mass Kilogram kg
Time Second s
Temperature Kelvin K
Amount of substance Mole mol

Derived S1 Units

Energy Joule J kg  m2  s-2

Force Newton N kg  m  s-2  J  m-1
Power Watt W kg  m2  s-3  J  s-1
Density kilogram per cubic meter kg  m-3
Velocity meter per second m  s-1
Acceleration meter per second squared m  s-2
Pressure newton per square meter, pascal N  m-2, Pa

Heat capacity joule per (kilogram.kelvin) J  kg-1  K-1

Alternative Units

Time minute, hour, day, year min, h, d, y

Temperature degree Celcius OC

Volume liter (dm3) L

Mass ton (Mg), gram t, g
Table 2. American Engineering SystemUnits
Physical Quantity Name of Unit Symbol

Basic Units

Length Feet ft

Mass pound (mass) lbm

Force pound (force) lbf

Time second, hour s, hr

Temperature degree Rankine OR

Derived Units

Energy British thermal unit, foot pound (force) Btu, (ft)(lbf)

Power horsepower hp

Density pound (mass) per cubic feet lbm/ft3

Velocity feet per second ft/s

Acceleration feet per second squared ft/s2

Pressure pound (force) per square inch, pascal lbf/in.2

Heat capacity Btu per pound (mass) per degree F Btu/(lbm)(OF)

Common Dimensions
 certain numbers of molecules, atoms, electrons, or other spesified types of particles.

 amount of a substance that contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in
0.012 kg of carbon 12. (=6.02 x 1023 molecules, in SI; non standard: poundmole = 6.02
x 1023 x 453.6 molecules; kilomole, kmol=1000 moles)

mass in g mass in lb
g mol  lb mol 
molecular weight molecular weight

 ratio of mass per unit volume

 Density of liquids and solids do not change significantly at ordinary conditions with
pressure, but they do change with temperature. Density varies with composition.
Common Dimensions

 ratio of a substance of interest to that of a reference substance. Dimensionless.

 Reference substance for liquids and solids is normally water. While for gas frequently is
air, but may be other gases.
 State the temperature at which each density is chosen.

20 o  temp of solution
sp gr  0.73
4o  temp of reference substance

 Specific gravity in the petroleum industry: oAPI

o 141.5
API  o
 131.5 60 o 141.5
60 sp gr 
sp gr 60 o o
API  131.5
60 o
Common Dimensions

Example 1. Application of Specific Gravity

 In the production of a drug having a molecular weight of 192, the exit stream from the
reactor flows at the rate of 10.3 L/min. The drug concentration is 41.2% (in water), and
the specific gravity of the solution is 1.025. Calculate the concentration of the drug (in
kg/L) in the exit stream, and the flowrate of the drug in kg mol/min.
Solution: Basis: 1.00 kg solution

Reactor 0.412 kg drug

0.588 kg water
s.g. = 1.025
10.3 L/min

Density of the solution = 1.025 x 1 g/cm3 = 1.025 g/cm3

The amount of drug in the solution =

0.412 kg drug g soln 1 kg 10 3 cm 3

1.025 3
 0.422 kg drug/L soln
1.00 kg soln cm 1000 g 1L
Common Dimensions

To get the flowrate, we take a different basis

Basis: 1 minute  10.3 L solution

Molar flowrate of the drug
= 10.3 L soln/min 0.422 kg drug 1 kg mol drug  0.0226 kg mol/min
1L soln 192 kg drug
Common Dimensions

 The inverse of the density, that is, the volume per unit mass of unit amount of material


 MOLE FRACTION: the moles of a particular substance divided by the total number of
moles present. moles of A
mole fraction of A 
total moles
 MASS (WEIGHT) FRACTION: the mass (weight) of a substance divided by the total mass
(weight) of al the substances present.
mass (weight) of A
mass (weight) fraction of A 
total mass (weight)
 Mole % and weight % are the respective fractions times 100.
 The composition of gases : mole % or fraction unless specifically stated otherwise.
 The analysis of liquids & solids : weight % or fraction unless specifically stated otherwise.
Common Dimensions

 the quantity of some solute per specified amount of solvent, or solution, in a
mixture of two or more components

Can be expressed as:

1. Mass per unit volume (lbm of solute/ft3, g of solute/L, lbm of solute/bbl, kg of
2. Moles per unit volume (lb mol of solute/ft3, g mol of solute/L, g mol of
3. Part per million (ppm); parts per billion (ppb) – for extremely dilute solutions.
Ppm is equivalent to a weight fraction for solid and liquids; it is a mol fraction for
4. Molarity (g mol/L) and normality (equivalents/L)
Common Dimensions
Example 2. Use of ppm
 The current OSHA 8 hour limit for HCN in air is 10.0 ppm. A lethal dose of HCN in air is
300 mg/kg of air at room temperature. How many mg HCN/kg air is the 10.0 ppm? What
fraction of the lethal dose is 10.0 ppm?
Basis: 1 kg mol of the air/HCN mixture =
10.0 g mol HCN 10.0 g mol HCN
10.0 ppm  6 
10 gmol (air  HCN) 10 6 gmol air
Amount of HCN (in mg) per kg of air =
10.0 g mol HCN 27.03 g HCN 1 g mol air 1000 mg HCN 1000 g air
 9.32 mg HCN/kg air
10 g mol air 1 g mol HCN 29 g air 1 g HCN 1 kg air

Lethal dose = 300 mg/kg of air

10.0 ppm = 9.32 mg/kg of air
10.0 ppm 9.32
  0.031
lethal dose 300
Common Dimensions

 Temperature scale: Celcius (oC), Kelvin (oK), Fahrenheit (oF), Rankine (oR)

T o  T o  273 T o  T o  460 T o  32  T o  1.8


 oC =  oK  oF =  oR

 1.8 or  o C  1.8 o F
 1.8 or  o K  1.8 o R
Common Dimensions

 Normal (perpendicular) force per unit area

 Expressed in Newton (N) standard (SI)

 Other common non-standard unit:

 Bar : 100 kPa = 1 bar

 Kgf/cm2 :

 Torr: 760 torr = 1 atm

 Mm Hg

 In. Hg

 Ft H2O

 In. H2O

 Atmosphere (atm)

 Pounds per square inch (psi)


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