Question Bank DSP (Unit III, IV, V

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Objective Question Bank

Digital Signal Processing



1. The two popular techniques used to approximate the ideal frequency

response are ______ and _________.
Ans: Butterworth, Chebyshev
2. The two techniques used to transform analog filter to digital filter are
_______ and ______ transformations.
Ans: Impulse invariant, bilinear
3. The two properties which are preserved in annalog to digital
transformation are ______ and _______.
Ans: stability, causality
4. The tolerance in the passband and stopband are called ______.
Ans: ripples
5. In _______ transformation the impulse response of digital filter is the
sampled version of the impulse response of analog filter.
Ans: Impulse invariant
6. In impulse invariant or bilinear mapping the right half poles of s-plane are
mapped into ____of unit circle in z-plane.
Ans: exterior

7. In impulse invariant or bilinear mapping the ______ poles of s-plane are

mapped into ____of unit circle in z-plane.
Ans:left half,interior
8. The impulse invariant mapping is _____mapping whereas bilinear
mapping is_____.
Ans:many to one, one to one
9. The distortion in frequency axis due to nonlinear relationship between
analog and digital frequency is called_________.
Ans:frequency warping
10.In bilinear transformation the effect of warping on ______ can be
eliminated by _____ the analog filter.
Ans: amplitude response, prewarping
11.In Butterworth approximation the_____ is ________ decreasing function
of frequency.
Ans: magnitude function, monotonically
12.At the cutoff frequency the magnitude of the Butterworth filter is ______
times the maximum value.
Ans: 0.707
13.In type-I Chebyshev approximation the magnitude response is _____ in
the passband and ______ in the stopband.
Ans:equiripple, monotonic
14.In type-II Chebyshev approximation the magnitude response is monotonic
in the ______and equiripple in the______.
Ans.:passband, stopband
15. In chebyshev approximation, the normalized magnitude response has a
value of ______ at the cutoff frequency.
1  2
16.IIR filters are designed by considering all the
a) Infinite samples of frequency response
b) Finite samples of impulse response.
c) Infinite samples of impulse response.
d) None of the above.
Ans: (c)
17.The poles of Butterworth transfer function lie,
a) Symmetrically on a circle in s-plane
b) Symmetrically on an ellipse in s-plane
c) Antisymmetrically on a circle in s-plane
d) Antisymmetrically on an ellipse in s-plane


18.The transfer function of a normalized LPF can be transformed to a HPF

with cut off frequency,  c by the transformation,
1 c s
a) s  b) s  c) s  d) s  c
s s c
19. The relation between analog and digital frequency is nonlinear in case of
a) Impulse invariant transformation b) Bilinear transformation
c) Frequency sampling d) All the above
20.The poles of Butterworth transfer function symmetrically lies on a circle in
s-plane with angular spacing,
  2 
a) b) c) d)
N 2N N N2
21. The digital low pass Chebyshev filter with following specification is
realized using impulse invariant transformation. What should be the
attenuation constant and order N of the filter?
0.75 | H ( ) | 1.0 ; 0    0.4
| H ( ) | 0.05 ; 0.5    
a) 0.9, N ≥10 b) 0.1, N≤20 c)0.882, N≥6 d)0.7, N≤5

22.In impulse invariant transformation the digital frequency ‘ω’ for a given
analog frequency, Ω is
 T
a) ω = ΩT b) ω= c) ω= d) ω=tan ΩT
T 

23. The zeros of the butterworth filters exist at

a) Left half of s-plane b) Origin c) Infinity d) right half of s-plane


24.In Butterworth and chebshev transfer function, when N is even, the

nature of poles are,
a) Complex and exist as conjugate pair
b) Complex but not conjugate pairs
c) One pole is complex and other poles are real
d) One pole is real and other poles are complex

Ans: a

25. The butterworth and chebyshev transfer function, when N is odd, the
nature of poles are,
a) Complex and exist as conjugate pair
b) Complex but not conjugate pairs
c) One pole is complex and other poles are real
d) One pole is real and other poles are complex


26.The relation between analog and digital frequency is nonlinear in case of

a) Impulse invariant transformation b) bilinear transformation
c) Frequency sampling d) All the above.


28. The poles of Chebyshev transfer function lie,

a) Symmetrically on a circle in s-plane

b) symmetrically on an ellipse in s-plane

c) Antisymmetrically on a circle in s-plane

d) Antisymmetrically on an ellipse in s-plane


29. Which of the following is true for a Chebyshev analog filter?

a) In type-I the magnitude response is monotonic in passband and

equiripple in stopband.
b) In type-I the magnitude response is monotonic in passband and

c) In type-2 the magnitude response is equiripple in passband and


d) In type-2 the magnitude response is monotonic in passband and

equiripple in stopband.


Unit IV

1. The filters designed by using finite number of samples of impulse

response are called _______________.
Ans: FIR filters
2. In ________ window spectrum the width of main lobe is double that of
rectangular window for same value of N.
3. The _________ is due to nonlinear phase characteristics of the filter.
Ans:phase distortion

4. The _______window spectrum has the highest attenuation for side lobe.
Ans: Blackman

5. In FIR filters ______ function is a linear function of ω.

Ans: phase

6. In FIR filters with constant phase delay the impulse response is ________.


7. In FIR filters with constant group and phase delay the impulse response is

Ans: antisymmetric

8. In linear phase filters when impulse response is antisymmetric and N is odd,

the magnitude function is ________.

Ans.: antisymmetric

9. In linear phase filters when impulse response is antisymmetric and N is even,

the magnitude function is ________.


10. The oscillations developed due to truncation of impulse response is called


Ans: Gibbs oscillation

11. The linear phase FIR filter design by Chebyshev approximation technique is
called _______.

Ans: optimum equiripple design

12. In Fourier series method of FIR filter design the causality is brought by
multiplying the transfer function with ______.

Ans: z  ( N 1)/2
13. The width of the mainlobe in window spectrum can be reduced by increasing the length of

Ans:window sequence

14. In _______ window spectrum the width of main lobe is triple that of rectangular window for
same value of N.

Ans: Blackman

15. In ________ window spectrum the higher side lobe attenuation is achieved at the expense of
increased main lobe width.

Ans: Blackman

16. The frequency response of a digital filter is periodic in the range

a) 0<ω<2π b) - π <ω< π c) 0<ω< π d) 0≤ ω≤2 π or - π ≤ ω≤ π
17. In FIR filters the Gibbs oscillations are due to
a) Non-linear magnitude characteristics. b) non-linear phase characteristics
c) Sharp transition from pass band to stop band d) Gradual transition from
pass band to stop band
18. The width of the main lobe in rectangular window spectrum is
4 16 8 2
a) b) c) d)
19. Symmetric impulse response having odd number of samples, N-7 with centre
of symmetry  is equal to
a)2 b) 5 c) 3.5 d) 3
20. In FIR fliters the gibbs oscillations are due to
a) non linear magnitude characteristics.
b) non linear phase characteristics
c) sharp transition from pass band to stop band
d) gradual transition from pass band to stop band.
Ans: a
21. If c is the cutoff frequency of low pass filter, then the response lies only in the range of,

a) - c ≤  ≤π b) - c ≤  ≤ c c) - π ≤  ≤- c d) - c ≤  ≤ π

22. Raised cosine windows also called generalized
a) Hamming window b) Hanning window c) Rectangular window d) Blackman
23. The symmetric impulse response having even number of samples cannot be used to design,
a) Lowpass filter. b) Bandstop filter c) Highpass filter d) Bandpass filter
Ans: c
24. In Hamming window spectrum the side lobe magnitude remains constant with,
a) decreasing  b) constant  c) increasing  d) None of these
25. The width of the main love should be_______ and it should contain as much of the total energy
as possible
a) Large b) Medium c) very large d) small
26. Symmetric impulse response having odd number of samples, N=7 with centre of symmetry ∝ is
equal to,
a) 2 b)5 c)3.5 d)3

1. The processing of signal at different sampling rates is called_______.
Ans: multirate DSP
2. The ______ is the process of increasing the sampling rate.
Ans: interpolation
3. The _________ is the process of decreasing the sampling rate.
Ans: decimation
4. To avoid aliasing of output spectrum of decimator for decimation by D, the input spectrum is

________ to .
Ans: bandlimited
5. To eliminate multiple images in output spectrum of interpolator for interpolation by 1, the output
spectrum is bandlimited to _________.

Ans: .
6. In sampling rate conversion by rational factor, _________ is performed first.
Ans: interpolation
7. When the sampling rate conversion factor is very large then ______ sampling rate conversion is
8. The process of dividing a filter into a number of sub-filters is called______.
Ans: polyphaser decomposition
9. The digital filter bank is a set of _______ filters.
Ans: bandpass
10. The ________ banks are filter banks with complementary frequency response.
Ans: QMF

11. If X (e j ) and Y (e j ) are input and output spectrum of a decimator then,

j j
j j 1
a) Y (e ) = X (e ) b) Y (e )  DX (e D ) c) Y (e j )  X (e j D )
d) Y (e j )  DX (e j D )

ans: a
12. To avoid aliasing at output during decimation by D, the input signal of a decimator should be
bandlimited to
 2  
a) b) c) d)
2D D D D2
Ans: c
13. If x(n) and y(n) are input and output of a decimator with sampling rate
conversion factor A, then,
a) y(n)=x(n-A) b) y(n)=x( ) c) y(n)=x(n+A) d) y(n)=x(An)
Ans: d
14. If x(n) and y(n) are input and output of an interpolator with sampling rate conversion factor B,
n x(n)
a) y(n)=x(Bn) b) y(n)=x( ) c) y(n)= d) y(n)=B x(n)
15. To eliminate multiple images at the output, during interpolation by I, the
output is filtered to have a bandwidth of,

 I 
a)πI b) C) d)
I  I2

16. If A and B are integer sampling rate conversion factor for decimation and interpolation
respectively, then sampling rate conversion factor for conversion by rational factor is

A B A2 B
a) b) c) d) 2
Ans: b

17. The______ limit cycles are avoided by scaling the input signal.
Ans: overflow

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