Kertas Model Bi Pemahaman Upsr Daerah Set 1 PDF

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1. The ______________ in red is my aunt.

A girl
B child
C woman
D women

2. Are you cycling to school?

A Yes, I do.
B Yes, I am.
C Yes, you are.
D No, you don’t.

3. For __________ should I bake this cake?

A who
B why
C whom
D which

4. This is an __________ question to answer.

A easy
B easiest
C the easiest
D the most easy

5. There is __________ sheep grazing in the field.

A a herd of
B a flock of
C a brood of
D a school of

Match the correct meaning to the given proverb.

6. Half a loaf is better than no bread

A Do not use looks as the criteria to assess someone.
B What people do shows more about them than what they just say.
C A needy person should accept what is offered without complaining.
D Be grateful for what you get rather than complaining for what you don’t have.

Choose the best answer for each blank.

While tidying up the storeroom one day, Miss Lee found an old photo of her with her late mother. She

7 fi ve y ea r s o ld w hen t he pho t o w as tak en . M i ss Le e t o ok

8 p ho to a nd put i t i n a pi c t u re f ra m e . T he n, s he hu ng i t o n h er b ed roo m w a l l

9 because she missed her terribly.

7. A is 8. A -
B are B a
C was C an
D were D the

9. A sadly
B easily
C happily
D excitedly
Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.

10. Ahmad rescued the girl from drowning.

A safe
B saved
C helped
D protected

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

11. A Lindas kitten has lost its collar.

B Linda’s kitten has lost its collar.
C Linda’s kitten has lost it’s collar.
D Lindas’ kitten has lost its collar!

Read the conversation and choose the best answer.

Prema : Hi, Cathy!

Cathy : Oh, it’s you, Prema. Are you here to buy some movie DVDs too? Do you come

here 12 ?

Prema : Yes, I do. I want to get a Walt Disney animated movie DVD for my cousin but

I’m not sure which to buy.

Cathy : 13 about Hercules? I think it will suit his taste 14 he likes

fantasy and adventure movies.

Prema : Oh, it is a bestseller 15 this Walt Disney Super Pack. After discount, I

only have to pay RM9.90! It’s affordable.

12. A late 13. A How

B often B Why
C barely C What
D almost D When

14. A if 15. A since

B but B among
C and C before
D with D besides

Questions 16 to 20
Read the notice carefully and answer the questions that follow.

“Bang! Bang!” The sound of gunshots rang in the air. Bani ran as fast as she could. She was hungry, tired and in
pain. One of her hind legs hurt, but she kept on running.

Soon, Bani came to a small stream. The sound of gunshots and people had stopped. Bani sat down beside
the stream and started to lap thirstily. She felt sleepy. In a short while, Bani was in a deep sleep.

When Bani opened her eyes, she was shocked to see the faces of people all staring at her. She let out a
loud roar. All the people moved back in fear. Bani walked up and down restlessly, but there was no way out. The
hunters had caught up with her when she had fallen asleep. Little did Bani know that her sleepiness was caused
by one of the hunters’ darts which had hit her hind leg.

Bani’s picture was seen on the front page of every newspaper in the country the next morning. According
to the reports, this ferocious animal with orange yellowish fur and black stripes on its body had attacked and
eaten five cattle in the village of Pipit. Two farmers had a narrow escape from it. The newspapers also reported
that many wild animals are losing their natural habitats because of rapid development.

16. Where was Bani hit by one of the hunters’ darts?

A Body
B Head
C Front leg
D Back limb

17. The phrase natural habitats in the last paragraph refers to ________________ .

A forests
B a small stream
C the village of Pipit
D farms and villages

18. Why did Bani run away as fast as she could?

A She was thirsty.

B Her hideout was exposed.
C Some hunters were after her.
D She wanted to live near the stream.

19. Arrange these events in the correct order.

P She ran for her life.

Q She drank the water.
R She was in a deep sleep.
S Bani had attacked and eaten five cattle.

A S, P, Q, R
B S, Q, R, P
C Q, P, S, R
D S, Q, P, R

20. The moral of this story is to _____________________________________ .

A protect our livestock

B be ashamed of ourselves
C beware of danger in the jungle
D not let progress destroy wildlife habitats
Answer :


Thanks for
(2 marks)
inviting me.

Excuse me, may I
Answer :
know how to get to
the post office?


(2 marks)

(c) She can

draw very Answer :


(2 marks)
Penguins are birds found only in the Antarctic, South Africa, South America and the islands off South
Australia. Although they have wings, they cannot fly. Instead they waddle along on their huge webbed feet.
The front of a penguin’s body is white whereas the head, back and wings are black. Its whole body is
covered with short and thick feathers. It also has a very short tail.
Penguins are usually found living by the seashore or along deserted sandy beaches. They are good
swimmers and spend most of their time on the water. These birds use their wings as stiff flippers for diving and
Penguins live together in groups called flocks. They feed on fish, shrimps and squids. They use their sharp
pointed beaks to catch their food. Their greatest enemy is the shark.

Question 22
Tick (√) the correct answers.
(a) From the passage we know that…

Penguins do not lay eggs.

Penguins are flightless birds.
Penguins can be found in the North and South Poles.
(1 mark)
(b) Another word for waddle is…

(1 mark)
Write your answers in the space provided.
(c) What do penguins eat?


(2 marks)

(d) Why are penguins usually found living near the sea?


(2 marks)
(e) Do you think penguins can live along the coasts of Malaysia? Why?


(2 marks)
Study the map below and answer the questions that follow.

Question 23
Tick ( √ )the correct answer.

(a) Tanya goes to the ___________ to visit her sick friend.



travel agent

(1 mark)
(b) Pasta, pizza and riso can be found here.

Coffee shop

Italian restaurant

Chinese restaurant

(1 mark)

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B.

List A List B
linesman oversees collections, such as artwork and historical items,
and may conduct public service activities for an institution

curator someone whose job is to check or repair railway lines

(2 marks)
Write your answers in the space provided.

(d) Are there any fishermen in this town? Give a reason to support your answer.
(2 marks)

(e) Bala wants to visit the museum. Please direct him there.



(2 marks)

Read the newspaper report and dialogue below. Answer the questions that follow.

Susan : Dad, did you read the article about anger management for a girl called Baby ?

Dad : Yes, I did. What a silly way to lose one’s temper.

Mum : The customers were probably making fun of her name whenever they see her.

Susan : Mum’s right. Some people, especially men and boys like to tease and make fun of

names that sound unusual.

Dad : Don’t worry, there’s nothing odd about your name to make fun of.

Susan : Do you know some of my classmates call me Milky or Susu ?

Mum : Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! That’s a cute one.

Questions 24 and 25

Tick ( √ ) the correct answers.

24 (a) The story of Baby Gan happened in _____________ .


Kuala Lumpur

(1 mark)

(b) “The customers were probably making fun of her name whenever they see her.
The word ‘ her ’ in the dialogue refers to ___________ .


Baby Gan

Susan’s mother

(1 mark)

25 ( a ) “ What a silly way to lose one’s temper.”

Why do you think Susan’s father said that?


(3 marks)

(b) What was Baby Gan doing in the restaurant ? Give reasons why she attacked a
man with a broom.

(2 marks)
(c) Why do some people like to make fun of unusual names ? Give reasons to support
your answer.

(2 marks)

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