Quiz 4 For Toxicology

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Quiz 4 for Toxicology

1) The following is true about Ceruloplasmin except

Ans: It is Zn containing glycoprotein
2) The following is true about Arsenic toxicity
Ans:E) All of the above
A) occupational exposure can occur in the manufacturing of pesticides and herbicides
B) Drinking water and seafood are source of Arsenic.
C) Chronic exposure can lead to skin and lung cancer.
D) None of the above
E) All of the above.
3) The following is true about cadmium toxicity except
Ans: Drinking water is a major source of toxicity.
4) Lead toxicity can result from
Ans: all of the above (pls go through the slide to make sure).
5) Mercury toxicity can result in the following except
Ans: Senile Dementia.
6) The following is true about copper toxicity except
Ans: Toxicity can result from drinking water if it has more than 300 mg Cu/L.
7) The following is true about iron toxicity
Ans: All of the above (pls go back to slide what else would be answer).
8) The following is true about Aluminum toxicity.
Ans: A and B.
A) Sources of exposure include food, drinking water and pharmaceutical.
B) In Alzheimer disease there is elevated Aluminium level in brain.
9) Tick paralysis is caused by saliva of at least 60 species other disease transmitted by
Ticks include.
Ans: I think it is a fill in the blank question or multiple choice question and pls find
out the answer.
10) What is Antivenom.
Ans: The following answer is the definition of antivenom
Venom specific antisera or antibodies
Concentrated from immune serum to the venom.
When animals immunized, venom-antibodies to the antigens in the venom are
The serum is harvested, puried
Anti venoms are produced against snake, spider, scorpious and marine toxin. ( .
(All of them is the definition of antivenom or you could something else it’s up to you)

11) Toxic effect of plants include

Ans: A) Marine red alga, Digenia simplex eaten by Mussel. Which if eaten by human
leads to Gastrointestinal Distress, Headache, Hemiparesis, Confusion and Seizin.( it is
in fill the blank question).
B) Ingestion of locoweeds of Swainsonine in Legumes astragalus and oxytropus lead
to Abortion in Cattles & horses. (Underlined is the answer of fill in the blank).
12) Running spider has to be removed from the bite area (underline is the answer of
fill in the blank)
13) Ingestion of rye flour contaminated by claviceps purpura (Ergot) Fungus can lead
Ans: A and B and also pls make by going back to slide.
A) Vasoconstriction and Gangrene.
B) Abortion.
14) Dicumarol is all the follwing except
Ans: Cattles eating sweet clover infected with fungus don’t develop prothrombin
15) Centrurodien of Scorpious produces two kinds of toxins which are
A) Short chain and
B) Long chain
16) Toxic effect of vejovidae scorpious are more local systemic
Ans: True.
17) Examples of Rodenticides
a) Zinc phosphate
b) Feroto acetic acid
c) Anticoagulant.
18) The following is true about Cassava except
Ans: Lina marine is a cyanogenic glucoside used to treat spastic paralysis.

19) Which of the following is untrue about plants causing Epileptiform sezium
Ans: Sage contains Dicumarol
20) Mushrooms of enocybe contain Muraine and when eaten by human lead to
parasympathetic stimulation resulting in Diabetes sweating
21) Belladonna Alkaloids eg Altropa Belladonna lead to …(find out what would be)
…………………..manifested by Tacycardia dry mouth, dilated pupils hallucinational.
22) The following is true about Lyme disease except
Ans: Lyme disease is contagious from human to human.
23) Lyme disease was first discovered in Lyme in Connecticut in 1975
Ans: True.
24) Cyanogenic Amygdaline in Apples & cherries forms Hydrocyanic acid in stomach
which combines with ferric ion in methemoglobin or cytochrome oxidan resulting in
25) In latro dectus species (widow spider) both males and females are venomous but only
the female have strong fans which can penetrate human skin. (Underline is the answer of
fill in the blank).
26) Alpha latrotoxin is presynaptic which increases ca 2+ stimulating exocytosis of
Ans: True.
27) The following is true about the ideal chelating agent except
Ans: should have high affinity for essential metals specially Ca and Zn.
28) Transferrin:
Ans: E) all of the above.
A) is a glycoprotein which binds ferric ion in plasma.
B) Ferric tranferrin can be transformed across cell membrane.
C) Transferrin can transport Al and Mn.
D) None of the above.
E) All of the above.
A) Ferritin is a general metal detoxicant.
Ans: True.
B) It is a non protein compound which binds iron in the reticuloendothelial cells.
Ans: False.
30) I could not remember the question but I guess it is a definition question pls just
memorize A to E answers

A) Lyme Disease
B) Rocky mountain spotted fever.
C) Babesiosis.
D) Leptospirosis.
E) Q fever, f-typhus, g-tick-borue encephalitis and ehrlichiosis.
31) Excitatory Amino acids
Ans: kainic acid.
Hey all of you guys if have any doubt regarding this questions and answers pls don’t
hesistate to go over the slide and I tried my best to help you which would turn you life
more easier from complicated way but I don’t know how much i help you and if u do
well it would be my pleasure by spending time behind of it.Hopefully everyone will do
very well.Good luck of ur exam.

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