23 Issues Experienced-Workshop Topics

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1. What is Direct Selling ?

Direct selling is offering the good and services directly to the end customer/consumers in stead of going
through intermediate agencies like freight forwarder, distributor, dealer, retailer et. In Traditional
Distributoin System, goods and services are passed on to the end customer through these intermediate
agencies. These middleman eat up nearly 60% of the MRP of the goods but do not add up to the value. The
customer has to bear their commissions without getting any benefit.
In Direct Distribution System, the manufacturer directly offer their goods and services to the customers
who have to get registered as Distributors to the manufacturer for identification. Once the registered
customers are able to create the demand of the goods and services in the market, the charges which are
earmarked for the middlemen are passed on to the successful distributors. Such act of selling is called
Direct Selling.

2. What is Amway ?
Amway is not only the number one direct selling company in the world but they are a means to Offer
better livelihood to many people. Amway has a sales turn over of USD 11.2 Billions in 2014 and has
presence in nearly 110 countries in the world. They have nearly 500 scientists and 1000 patents in their
custody. Tell some facts about Amway.

3. Why Amway ?

There are some unique points in favour of Amway business.

 It is a part-time activity which does not require giving up the main profession.
 Flexi-time. This business can be done in any time slot suitable to you.
 No capital. This business does not require any capital outlay for starting.
 No boss. You do not have to report to any boss here.
 No target.You will not have to run after any target.It is free atmosphere and no mandatory sales
target will be imposed on you.

4. How much money can I get from Amway ?

It depends on how much money you want in what time.If you want to earn Rs.50,000 within one year to
two year, then it is possible provided you do some activities in line with our education system. Similarly,
earning Rs.1 lakh to 2 Lakh p.m within three years and Rs.5 lakh to 10 Lakh p.m are also possible. It is your
ambition coupled with your willingness to follow the system will determine your income.

5. What do I have to do in Amway business / How can I earn from Amway business?

You have to do the following in Amway business.

i) By using the products and earning points
ii) By selling the products and earning profits
iii) By forming a team and earning commissioning on team performance.

6. Is it a Chain System or a Pyramid or a Binary System ?

It is not a chain system which is illegal. In chain system , if a member leaves the business, the entire team
under team collapses. Here in Amway business, it is the network which is legal and even in the event of
any member leaving the business, the team under him is automatically gets attached to the member
immediately above him.

7. What advantages Amway Products have over other products ?

The followings are the USP of Amway products.
i) Very high quality products with Customer Satisfaction Guarantee Scheme
ii) Environmental friendly
iii) Bio-degradable
iv) Products have an income opportunity
v) Patented products
vi) Bio quest formula
vii) UNEPF (United Nations Environmental Protection & Friendly ) Award
viii) Concentrates products
ix) Skin friendly products

8. What are the products Amway is having right now ?

There are four categories of products as under.

i) Personal care viz. soap, tooth paste, shampoo, hair oil, shaving cream etc.
ii) Home care viz. liquid detergent, multipurpose cleaning liquid, disinfectant etc.
iii) Health care viz. vitamins, proteins, fiber, anti-oxidants etc.
iv) Skin care and cosmetics viz. cleanser, toner, moisturizer, lipstick, anti-aging cream etc.

9. I can’t sell such costly products and what if I can’t sell anything ?
Products are not costly but they are cost effective. The products are concentrated and made diluted by
adding water so that the products last for a long time. For example LOC , a multi-purpose cleaning liquid, 1
Liter can be made 1000 liter soln and the product price per use of 10ml soln will be really cheap.

If you can not sell, then you use yourself. Once you use, you will find the products superb and will get
results from personal care, home care, health care products etc. These experiences shall be told to others
as you tell your friends about a cinema which have seen and liked. This telling the story will build your
customer base automatically and you do not have to sell consciously.

10. Demos : (i) SA8 (ii) DD (iii) LOC (iv) Glass Cleaner (v) Sweet Shot (vi) Deo
(vii) Toothpaste (viii) Kids’ BioC (ix) Fiber , etc.

11. How to calculate different bonuses ?

The bonus is calculated on the basis of differential commission between your performsnce level and that
of your down-line.

Also Leader ship bonus becomes due when some down-line under you, already a silver becomes silver. The
Leadership Bonus is 4% of the total turn over of the new silver which becomes approx.. Rs.30,000.

12. How to create bigger turnover ?

Big Turn Over can be created by increasing self- business turnover by consuming and retailing by having a
wide customer base.

13. How to build a Team ?

The four basics viz. list building, qualify and invitation, Show The Plan and Follow Up & Follow Through
shall be regularly done. In addition, the new team members shall be plugged to Britt System through
attending meetings and utilizing the system tools like PMA Books, listening CDs. The members shall be
encouraged to go for SOP (Standing Order Program for CDs) and BOM (Book of the Month).

14. I don’t know anybody.

Every person knows a lot of persons but can not remember or becomes biased while making a Proper list
using FRIENDS theory. The cell phone contact list can be used extensively for list building. So in reality, we
are aware of large number of people around us.
Secondly, it does not matter whether we have to know a lot of people. I may know a few people but
another member in our team may know a large number of persons and thus through him, a large number
of people may be shown the plan.

15. I am an introvert and I can’t convince anybody.

It does not matter whether you are introvert or not. You do not have to convince any body but to convince
yourself first. If you know that you have got an opportunity that can change your life, then you need not
have to convince or pull people whom you talk. Also, the Britt Education system , once you follow it will
show you how to communicate it.

16. What if nobody works or everybody quits ?

Firstly, it is a group performance and the business is closely monitored and guided by Up-line Guide. When
any member does not work, the reasons for such acts are assessed by the Guide and the reasons if valid
are addressed by the senior members. Since there are members in the team, the no work by any member
can be compensated by the works of other members.
Secondly, the team is a dynamic entity which is usually ever growing and the continuous influx of new
people does not allow the works to come to a standstill.

17. I don’t have any time.

This is business for the busy people. All of us do have 24 hours of time and it is the matter of priority
management to take out time for the business. This will be possible if we are clear why we are doing
Amway business. It is our Dream for which we are working which will help us to set our priority in right
sequence and give us time for Amway business. If you have to change your life, then you will have to find
out time to bring about the change.

18. This is not for all. I know many who have failed.
All students in a class do not become all at a time. Some students also fail. Those who fail always blame
the teachers and other factors but not themselves. Similarly, those who fail in Amway business do not do
Four Basics, do not have product loyalty , do not attend meetings, do not show plans regularly, but expect
to be successful. So failures are responsible for their own faults.
19. Is there anything else Amway business offers apart from money & good quality products ?

Many unique things are obtained from this business. They are as under.

i) Quality time-You can spend time with your preferred companions and do what you like most.
ii) Very good association
iii) Foreign Trip
iv) Good Health
v) Recognition
vi) Respect form others.
vii) Products
viii) Helping others to improve their life
ix) Pollution free environment
x) Group performance
xi) Tension free and happy life-style

20. What do I need to have to build Amway business ?

First you have to have a very strong Dream. This is Why you are doing the business.
Secondly you must be willing to learn and follow an education system to progress in this business.
Also you will have to be a team man and stay with team and own responsibility.

21. How to join the Amway Business ?

You will have to provide

 Photo-ID proof like Passport, Driving License, EPIC Card, Aadhaar Card, PAN Card etc.
 Address proof like Passport, Driving License, Electricity/Telephone/Mobile Bill, Ration Card etc.
 Bank Account Book page showing name, address, account no., Bank IFSC code, Bank name or an
original cancelled cheque of the bank wherein the names and account no. are in printed form.

22. What is expected from me to do at the initial stages ?

You will have to do the following in the initial stage.
i) Write your dreams on a per and keep it in your room
ii) Choose one upline as your Upline Guide and contact him daily
iii) Use personal care, homecare and other products immedtly.
iv) Start making a list of names from the contact list of your cellphone.
v) Attend as many functions possible, suggested by your Upline Guide.
vi) Listen to CD
vii) Read PMA Books
viii) Visualize success
ix) Verbalize success
x) Promote and protect-Amway, Britt and Line Of Sponsorship

23. What would be your role with me as my up line ?

Your upline shal first make a friendship with you. Then he/she will help you in procuring the products and
using the same. The list building shall be initiated by the Upline. Upline shall help to show the plans and
build a team as quickly as possible. It is the duty of Upline to show a big picture of the business , plug the
downline to Britt system by getting the Britt kit, making him/her SOP and make attend functions as many
as possible. Also the importance of making a self business turnover and regular PV commitment shall be
shown by the upline.


24. How a typical day looks like in Amway ?

25. What did you get from Amway ?

26. What are the different Challenges, Distractions & Interferences you have overcome and how did you
overcome those to keep you moving towards your goals ?

27. What are the various Investments you think necessary & you enjoy doing in this business ?

28. How do you handle your other prof., family, duties, fun, etc. while getting on with this business ?

29. What changes did you bring into your habits to uplift yourself in this business ?

30. What responsibilities you enjoy as an Amway business owner ?

31. Do you think Long term thinking is very much essential in Amway business ?


1. What is BWW ?

2. Why is it necessary to follow a system ?

3. What does the system provide us ?

4. What do you mean by Britt Culture ?

5. How do I behave with my UL, DL & CL ?

6. What are the 5 steps to success ? (5 speakers)

7. What is 953 BIB ? (5 speakers)

8. What are the 3 Pillars ?

9. What are the 3 Diseases ?

10. What do you know about 4 Basics ? (4 speakers)

11. What sponsoring actually means ?

12. How Grooming is so important in this business ?

13. Why your Upline Guide is your best friend ?

14. How important Functions & Meetings are in this business ?

15. How important CDs are in this business ?

16. How important PMA Books are in this business ?

17. What are the different parameters needed to build a rock solid business ?

18. How would you build a proper structure ?

19. What is Eagle Program ?

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