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The Old Man

and the Sea

Ernest Hemingway

rnest Hemingway spent more than twenty
years of his life living in Cuba. From his THE UTIRARY WORK
home in San Francisco de Paulo, Heming- A novel set in Cuba and off its coastline in the
way often visited Cojimar, the village featured in late 1940s or early 1950s; written and
the novel The Old Man and tine Sea. An avid fish- published in 1952,
erman, Hemingway spent a great deal of his time
in Cuba fishing for shark and marlin. His respect SYNOPSIS
for the tireless fishermen of Cuba and their daily
Santiago, an old Cuban fisherman, spends
struggle for survival upon the sea prompted him
three days fighting a grant marlin before he
to write this novel, which extols the spirit of the
catches it. Despite his noble victory, by the
individual as well as the virtues of determination
time Santiago drags the fish back to his village,
and courage.
sharks have eaten the entire fish, leaving only
the skeleton.
Events in History at the Time of
the Novel
Marlin fishing in Cuba. The waters off the coast slices and hooked so that several inches of fish
of Cuba support an abundance of game fish, most dangle behind, resembling the motion and ap-
notably marlin, which is also known as spearfish pearance of a swimming fish's tail. For the big
or sailfish. The migratory habits of these fish September marlin, fishermen use larger bait such
carry them with the currents, bringing them to as whole mackerel, bonefish, and bonitos.
the north coast of the island nation in October While marlin fishing was considered great
and November and most commonly to its south sport for tourists in Cuba, it was much more im-
coast in February. The blue marlin arrive from portant to Cuban fishermen who relied on the
April to May, with the biggest of these fish ap- giant fish to make their living. The meat of the
pearing in September. These, according to Hem- marlin is highly prized and has enormous com-
ingway, were "the heavyweights" (Hemingway in mercial value. In the novel, Santiago knows that
Fuentes, p. 118). he will make a fortune if he can get his mon-
A wide variety of bait is used to catch marlin, strous fish back to the Cojimar market intact.
but best results are achieved with balao (a silver Similarly, the boy Manolin substantially im-
fish) and with needlefish. The balao is hooked proves his financial condition after catching just
so that the barb emerges from its side, near the three fish in two days.
tail, which best facilitates hooking the marlin Cuban religion. In the 1950s, 85 percent of the
when it attacks the bait. Needlefish are cut into Cuban people were nominally members of the

274 L I T E R A T U R E A N D I T S T I M E S V O L U M E 4
Roman Catholic Church. Catholic clergy esti- nate worth and distinct character of each indi-
mated, however, that only 10 percent of the pop- vidual. This individuality is associated more with Old Man and
ulation were active and informed members and personal qualities than with individual rights. A
the Sea
that at least 25 percent were agnostic in practice. person is interesting and valuable because he is
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, unlike anyone else, not because his qualities
church and state have been constitutionally sep- themselves are ideal.
arate in Cuba, and the Catholic Church has never In The Old Man and the Sea, this system of per-
had the influence in Cuba that it has enjoyed in sonalismo manifests itself among the villagers of
other Latin American countries. Nevertheless, Cojimar. Though Santiago is a poor old man who
since most of Cuba's population have at least hasn't caught a fish in almost three months, he
some Spanish ancestry, and because the Spanish is still regarded as a worthy member of the com-
Catholic cultural influences have dominated munity. The workers at the Terrace, a local
much of Cuban life since the sixteenth century, restaurant, respect his ability as a fisherman and
Cuban attitudes and values are those of a furnish him with meals when he has no money;
Catholic country. The disparity created by the the boy Manolin provides him with bait for fish-
existence of a Catholic culture in which many ing, and other fishermen give him newspapers so
members are devoid of serious religious con- that he can check the American baseball scores.
viction appears countless times in The Old Man Even after he has several successful fishing ven-
and the Sea in the character of Santiago. As San- tures, Manolin wants to fish with Santiago be-
tiago fights with the marlin he says, "I am not re- cause he sees him as a unique individual from
ligious, but I will say ten Our Fathers and ten whom he can learn a great deal, regardless of the
Hail Marys that I should catch this fish, and I failure they may experience together. Santiago,
promise to make a pilgrimage to the Virgin of despite being a poor fisherman, is portrayed as
Cobre if 1 catch him. That is a promise" (Hem- a noble individual with heroic qualities. In a
ingway, The Old Man and the Sea, p. 65). The sense, the entire novel is a celebration of per-
novel again alludes to this lack of religious feel- sonalismo.
ing when the old man, Santiago, starts to say his
prayers, "He commenced to say his prayers me-
chanically. Sometimes he would be so tired that
he could not remember the prayer and then he SANTIAGO'S FISHING TECHNIQUE
would say them fast so that they would come au-

tomatically" (The Old Man and the Sea, p. 64). The n the novel the old man, Santiago, fishes with a hand-line, a
lack of devotion to Catholicism also becomes ap- primitive fishing technique used by most Cuban fishermen
parent when Santiago thinks about sin. He won-
that only requires a few hundred feet of heavy cord, bait, a
ders if it is a sin to kill the beautiful fish or if it
is a sin to hope that he will make it to shore be- hook, and two strong hands. When Santiago hooks the fish, his
fore the sharks eat all of the marlin. Stopping hands serve as the reel, letting out line as the fish struggles and
himself from brooding about it any further, San- pulls away, and pulling line back in when the fish is resting or
tiago dismisses the entire issue: '"Do not think lets the line go slack. The end of the line is fastened to the
about sin,' he thought. There are enough prob- boat, so if the fish pulls out all the excess line, it will have to
lems now without sin. Also I have no under-
tow the boat, which rapidly tires out the fish. This method is
standing of it'" (The Old Man and the Sea, p. 105).
Such sentiments again suggest a relationship to incredibly rigorous; by the end of his ordeal with the marlin,
religion based more on custom and culture than Santiago's hands are so badly torn that the boy, Manolin, cries
any true devotion, as was true for many others when he sees them. Though difficult and, in some cases,
among Catholics in Cuba. painful, this simple but effective technique is still used by many
Personalismo in Cuban society. Integral to the fishermen today.
novel is personalismo, the code of personal dig-
nity under which much of Cuban society is or-
ganized. The code defines success more in terms Luck in Cuban culture. Cubans believe strongly
of the fulfillment of personal destiny or spiritual in destiny, in their view a combination of spiri-
potential than by occupational or financial sta- tual forces and luck. According to the Cuban
tus. In keeping with this code, Cubans, like other mind, luck is not an external force, but rather
Latin Americans, customarily place high value on evidence that someone has the personal spiritual
the dignity of the person and appreciate the in- qualities essential for success. Following this

L I T E R A T U R E A N D I T S T I M E S V O L U M E 4 275
Old Man and
the Sea

logic, anyone may discover that it is his or her even though he has to borrow money to do so.
destiny to be lucky—or in other words, to suc- Manolin's parents know that Santiago is a great
ceed through a combination of fortuitous events. fisherman, but forbid Manolin to fish with him:
It is this conception of luck that has historically "The boy's parents had told him that the old man
prompted much of the Cuban population to buy was definitely and finally salao, which is the
lottery tickets every week rather than open sav- worst form of unlucky" (The Old Man and the Sea,
ings accounts. Luck plays a major role in Santi- p. 9). Later in the novel, when his fish is attacked
ago's belief system and the belief systems of the by the sharks, Santiago thinks about luck: "Luck
other villagers in The Old Man and the Sea. San- is a thing that comes in many forms and who can
tiago gets a feeling that his eighty-fifth day of fish- recognize her? I would take some though in any
ing will be good and immediately wants to buy form and pay what they asked" (The Old Man and
the number 85 in the next day's lottery drawing, the Sea, p. 117).

276 L I T E R A T U R E A N D I T S T I M E S V O L U M E 4
Old Man and
the Sea

L I T E R A T U R E A N D I T S T I M E S V O L U M E 4 277
The Novel in Focus suddenly, the line cuts into Santiago's hand. San-
Old Man and tiago moves the line to his other hand and rinses
The plot. As the novel opens, Santiago, an old the injured hand in the ocean. As the hours go
the Sea Cuban fisherman, has gone eighty-four days by and evening falls, Santiago eats a tuna fish that
without catching a fish. Manolin, a boy who Manolin gave him. He eats the fish raw, know-
learned to fish with the old man, has been for- ing this is the only way to keep up his strength.
bidden by his parents from fishing with him any After fighting the marlin all night, Santiago is
more because they consider him to be unlucky. pleased to see it rise to the surface and leap out
Now with a luckier boat, Manolin has caught of the water, wrestling with the line. Santiago has
three fish. He shares his success with Santiago been hoping for such a move; the marlin's body
by buying him a beer at a local tavern. Santiago is now too full of air for it to dive very deep. He
tells Manolin that he is planning on fishing far marvels at the size of the fish, which is two feet
out at sea the next day. Manolin brings Santiago longer than his boat. Still, the fish continues to
dinner from the tavern; he knows that Santiago struggle. Santiago is growing fatigued. His back
has no money to buy food. He also gives him has become numb from the pain of the line, and
two sardines to use for bait. one of his hands has cramped up completely, but
he continues to hold onto the line. After another
full day of struggling, Santiago finally wears the
fish down and begins to pull it, inch by inch.
When he gets it close enough, Santiago harpoons
the giant marlin, killing it instantly. Because the

T hroughout the novel, Santiago thinks about the great Amer-

ican baseball player Joe DiMaggio as a model of courage
and determination. Santiago thinks, "i must have confidence and
fish is too large to fit in his boat, Santiago lashes
it to the side and heads for home.
Attracted by the blood from the great fish,
I must be worthy of the great DiMaggio who does all things per- sharks follow Santiago's boat and eventually at-
tack the fish. Santiago kills several sharks, but
fectly even with the pain of the bone spur in his heel" (The Old
loses his harpoon and his knife and when night
Man and the Sea, p* 68). Santiago also asks himself, "Do you falls, he can do nothing to stop the predators
believe the great DiMaggio would stay with a fish as long as I from eating every piece of meat on the giant mar-
will stay with this one? ... I am sure he would and more since lin. By the time he reaches Cojimar, only the
he is young and strong" (The Old Man and the Sea, p. 68). skeleton of the marlin is left. Completely ex-
hausted from his three-day effort, Santiago stum-
bles home and falls asleep. Manolin finds him in
his bed the next morning and cries when he sees
The next morning, Manolin and Santiago go
the deep cuts in his hands. Villagers gather
together down to the beach. Manolin leaves for
around Santiago's boat, amazed at the size of the
his boat, and Santiago sets out in his own small
marlin's skeleton; it is measured at eighteen feet,
boat for the deep water far out. Santiago prepares
a record fish.
his lines with pieces of the sardines and watches Manolin has been lucky, catching three fish
the birds and flying fish splashing in the water. in two days. With his new luck and money he
At first he catches a small albacore and plans to
decides that he will fish with Santiago regardless
use it for bait on some of his hooks. When San-
of his parents' wishes. Santiago continues to sleep
tiago gets another pull on his line, he realizes that and dreams about his days of fishing when he
it is a marlin. The intelligent marlin eats the small was young.
sardines off the hooks, and does not get hooked
until it goes after the albacore. So strong is the Machismo in the novel. The notion of machismo
marlin that when it moves off, it pulls the boat recurs throughout The Old Man and the Sea. In
easily along. Santiago worries that the fish will Cuba and other Latin American countries, suc-
dive and pull his small boat under the water or cess in competition and mastery of one's envi-
snap the line with a sudden movement. To keep ronment may be demonstrated by a wide range
a strong hold on the line, Santiago moves it across of a man's personal qualities; the most common
his back, putting a canvas sack between his skin and admired of these qualities is machismo, or
and the line to spare himself some pain. Though maleness. Machismo can be developed by nu-
Santiago desperately wants to catch the marlin, merous means and should ideally consist of sev-
he also pities the creature and thinks of it as his eral elements. A man whose manly qualities are
brother out on the sea. When the marlin jerks displayed only through sexual exploits, for ex-

278 L I T E R A T U R E A N D I T S T I M E S V O L U M E 4
ample, is disparaged, even though sexual with other macho figures such as soldiers, bull-
prowess is one aspect of machismo. In addition fighters, and prizefighters. Old Man and
to sexual prowess, military and athletic prowess Sources. Most of the source material for The Old the Sea
are also major components of machismo. Though Man and the Sea comes from Hemingway's own
most men fail to live up to ideal athletic perfor- experiences fishing off the coast of Cuba. Hem-
mances, they can become enthusiastic spectators ingway spent more than two decades of his life
and in this way identify themselves with the ath- living on the island, and fishing was one of his
lete in his achievement. favorite activities.
The physical or athletic element of machismo In addition to basing The Old Man and the Sea
can also be demonstrated through hard work. on his own fishing experiences, Hemingway was
A sugarcane cutter who exceeds his work quo- also inspired by an anecdote he had heard in
tas can be just as admired as a boxer or soldier. 1936. The story concerned an old fisherman who
In the upper classes this emphasis on physical hooked a marlin far out at sea. After two full days
activity is not as pronounced; intellectual of struggle, the old man brought in the fish, har-
strengths receive greater admiration. A fine or- pooned it, then lashed it to the side of his boat.
ator or scientist might, for instance, gain By the time the old man was picked up by a
machismo through his accomplishments. larger fishing boat, sharks had eaten half his fish.
Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who in 1959 re- The old man of this story was allegedly Carlos
placed the dictator Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar Gutierrez, an elderly fisherman whom Heming-
(who was in power during the time period of way hired to captain his fishing boat, the Pilar.
the novel), was considered macho (having
machismo) in part for his five-hour television
speeches. They were considered a feat of intel-
lect, determination, and endurance. HEMINGWAY THE FISHERMAN
In the novel Santiago, despite his old age, ap-

pears to be a strongly macho character. Not only emingway was a master sports fisherman and spent con-
does he display physical prowess in his efforts siderable time fishing off the Cuban coast. He snared the
battling the marlin and the sharks, but he con-
biggest sailfish known to have been caught in the Atlantic
stantly shows himself to be clever through his
vast knowledge of fishing and the tricks neces- Ocean, which weighed 119 pounds. Hemingway also caught
sary to conserve his strength and to endure his a 786-pound shark in waters off Bimini (one of the Bahama Is-
three-day struggle. Throughout the standoff, lands) in the Atlantic, In the summer of 1935 he won a host
Santiago bolsters himself by remembering past of sports fishing competitions, beating several skilled and fa*
feats of strength and endurance and by encour- mous fishermen of the time. Through his pursuit of big game
aging himself to persevere. At one point, Santi-
fishing, Hemingway became a celebrity in Cojimar, the small
ago recalls winning an arm-wrestling match
against another fisherman. The struggle lasted a fishing village from which he embarked on many of his fish-
full night and day, and his victory earned San- ing expeditions. After his death, the Cojimar villagers erected
tiago great respect. For feats such as this he has a statue in his honor; it was made with bronze from boat pro-
been called El Campeon, the Champion. This pellers donated by local fishermen since metal was a scarce
thought of past machismo helps Santiago to con- resource in Cuba at this time.
tinue. At another point, when he realizes that
the fish is fearless and confident, Santiago tells
himself, "You better be fearless and confident
yourself, old man" (The Old Man and the Sea, Another episode in 1940 may have also served
p. 84). When the fish jerks the line, causing it as a source for the novel. Hemingway witnessed
to slice into Santiago's hands, Santiago again en- a man and a boy in a small boat being dragged
courages himself in macho terms, telling himself by a fish that the man had hooked. When Hem-
that "pain does not matter to a man" (The Old ingway approached to try to help, the man had
Man and the Sea, p. 84). Similarly, throughout screamed at him to stay away. Hemingway
his own life Hemingway also constantly chal- watched the struggle for half the day, finally
lenged himself in an attempt to achieve his own pulling his own boat close enough to throw some
personal heroism; he boxed, put himself in dan- provisions into the boat of the embattled fisher-
ger during several wars, hunted all over the man and boy. Beginning with the anecdote and
world, played all types of sports, and associated perhaps this experience, Hemingway added

L I T E R A T U R E A N D I T S T I M E S V O L U M E 4 279
deeper elements from the environment to flesh decency, dignity and even heroism, and that his
Old Man and out Santiago's character and develop the action struggle can be seen in heroic terms, that largely
of the story. distinguishes this book" (Young in Brenner, p.
the Sea
Critical reception. As soon as Hemingway fin- 18). Clinton S. Burhans, another critic, found in
ished the manuscript of The Old Man and the Sea, the character of Santiago "a noble and tragic in-
he began receiving positive reactions from the dividualism revealing what a man can do in an
few friends whom he allowed to read it. As word indifferent universe which defeats him, and the
of the story spread, Cosmopolitan magazine of- love he can feel for such a universe and his hu-
fered Hemingway $10,000 to let it publish the mility before it" (Burhans in Brenner, p. 18).
complete story in one issue. Hemingway declined Such acclaim was widespread. Recognized for its
the offer. He wrote to publisher Charles Scrib- excellence, The Old Man and the Sea won the
ner, "This is the prose that I have been working 1953 Pulitzer Prize for fiction and contributed
for all my life that should read easily and simply in 1954 to Hemingway's receiving the Nobel
and seem short and yet have all the dimensions Prize for literature.
of the visible world and the world of a man's
spirit. It is as good prose as I can write as of now"
(Hemingway in Brenner, p. 15). For More Information
In May 1952, Hemingway accepted a Brenner, Gerry. The Old Man and the Sea: Story of a
$40,000 offer from Life magazine to publish the Common Man. New York: Twayne, 1991.
story. In two days, Life magazine sold 5.3 mil- Fuentes, Norberto. Hemingway in Cuba. Secaucus,
lion copies of its September 1st issue. The fol- N.J.: Lyle Stuart, 1984.
lowing year saw the story released in novel form Hays, Peter L. Ernest Hemingway. New York:
with the first printing of the Book-of-the-Month Continuum, 1990.
Hemingway, Ernest. The Old Man and the Sea. New
Club edition selling 153,000 copies. The novel
York: Simon & Schuster, 1995.
rose to the top of the bestseller lists and re-
MacGaffey, Wyatt, and Clifford R. Barnett. Cuba: Its
mained there for six months. People, Its Society, Its Culture. New Haven, Conn.:
Early reviews of The Old Man and the Sea were Hraf Press, 1962.
favorable. Impressed by the novel's humanistic Perez, Louis A., Jr. Cuba: Between Reform and
tone, reviewer Philip Young wrote, "It is the Revolution. New York: Oxford University Press,
knowledge that a simple man is capable of such 1988.

280 L I T E R A T U R E A N D I T S T I M E S V O L U M E 4

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