For Best Fit, We Removed 2 Readings (Water Content 9.93% and 11.62%)

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For Density

Weight of
Weight of mould + Weight of
Determination water added, compacted soil compacted soil,
no. Ww (gm) (gm) W (gm)
1 180 4200 1838
2 240 4277 1915
3 300 4327 1965
4 360 4448 2086
5 420 4494 2132
6 480 4468 2106
7 540 4423 2061
8 600 4395 2033

For Water content

Wt. of Wt. of Wt. of

For best fit, we removed 2 container(gm) container+wet container + Dry
readings (Water content 9.93% Container No. = Wc soil(gm) W1 soil(gm) = W2
and 11.62%) C-14 28.17 46.34 45.31
F-10 27.36 45.07 43.77
C-12 30.23 47.5 45.94
C-11 31.14 52.66 50.42
C-13 31.2 61.55 57.95
C-17 29.55 61.81 57.58
C-16 28.02 66.45 60.89
C-3 27.01 59.14 54.11

Moisture Compaction
Content Curve ZAV Curve
6.01 1.734 2.30
11.62 1.869 2.04
13.46 1.879 1.96
15.09 1.830 1.90
16.92 1.763 1.84
18.56 1.715 1.79
Bulk density
(gm/cc) = [W/ Dry density
Average moisture (Mould (gm/cc)=[Bulk
content, w % volume)] density/(1+w)]
6.01 1.838 1.734
7.92 1.915 1.774
9.93 1.965 1.788
11.62 2.086 1.869
13.46 2.132 1.879
15.09 2.106 1.830
16.92 2.061 1.763
18.56 2.033 1.715


Water Content,
w= (W1-W2)/ Moisture Content Dry density of
(W2-Wc) *100 (%) ZAV (gm/cc)
6.01 6.01 2.30
7.92 7.92 2.20
9.93 9.93 2.11
11.62 11.62 2.04
13.46 13.46 1.96
15.09 15.09 1.90
16.92 16.92 1.84
18.56 18.56 1.79
Dry density (gm/cc)

Compaction Curve
ZAV Curve

Water Content (%)

Water Content (%)
Weight of mould(in gm) = 2362
Volume of mould (cc) = 1000
Specific Gravity of Soil = 2.67

Compaction Curve
ZAV Curve

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