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INITIAL TEST 8th grade

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Se acordă 1 punct din oficiu.

I. Choose the right answers: 2 points

1. Josh received the email, ………….. ? a. did he b. hasn’t he c. didn’t he
2. Tammy …………….. read when he was three. a. couldn’t b. shouldn’t c. can’t
3. If you don’t invite Cathy, she ………… upset. a. be b. will be c. would be
4. Does ……….. know where Stacey is? A. someone b. no one c. anyone
5. Mike hasn’t finished his report ………… a. yet b. already c. just
6. They’ve been to Spain …………….. a week. A. since b. for c. yet
7. You should ……… a doctor about that tooth. A. seeing b. to see c. see
8. I met a girl …………… mother is a singer. A. whose b. who c. which
9. Janet ………………. Hard these days. A. studies b. studied c. is studying
10. Gina usually ………………….. the laundry on Saturday morning. A. did b. has done. C does

II. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use up to three words.2 p
1. I haven’t got much free time today. I’ve got very_______________________________ today.
2. There aren’t many chairs in the room. We’ve got ________________________________ in the
3. How long is it since you arrived in Madrid? When _____________________________ in
4. She was tidying the living room when the guests arrived. While she
_________________________ the living room, the guests arrived.
5. It’s a long time since I’ve been out. I haven’t __________________________ a long time.
6. He started studying for his exam two hours ago. He ___________________________________
for his exam for two hours.
7. My intention is to buy a new car. I am __________________________ a new car.
8. A lot of people speak Spanish. Spanish ____________________ a lot of people.
9. I advise you to talk to the teacher about this. You ________________________ to the teacher
about this.
10. Jenny is a very rich woman. Her ambition is to help the poor. Jenny is a very rich woman
____________________________ to help the poor.

III. Read the article about an experiment. Choose the best word (A B or C) for each space. 2 points
Water: A Chemical Solution
(1) ……….2011, an experiment (2) ………Water : A Chemical Solution began as part of the
International Year of Chemistry. (IYC). Thousands of students from (3) ………the world took part
in what may be the (4) ……… chemistry experiment in history. Students from primary school to
senior high conducted experiments on water. Students did four different types of tests on the sources
of their local drinking water. They also (5)…………samples from lakes, rivers, streams and tap
water from (6) ………houses. Students used basic materials found in most science classes, and
teachers made (7) ……………. The tests were done correctly. The results were then posted to a
special (8) ……….. site. The information was used to create a map of global water quality. The
Royal Society of Chemistry (9) ………… that the results would be of great help. Clean drinking
water is perhaps the (10) ………. Important natural resource needed for our survival.

1 a. from b. in c as
2. a. calls b. calling c. called
3. a in b around c. over
4 a big b bigger c biggest
5 a. took b take c takes
6. a them b his c. their
7. a checks b sure c definite
8 a Internet b computer c screen
9. a say b said c saying
10 a more much c most

IV. Write a letter to a friend describing your summer holiday. You should include
information about the places you visited, the weather, the activities, the
location, food and people you met. Mention your best and your worst experience you had. Write
about 150 words. 3 points

● Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

● Se acordă 1 punct din oficiu.

I. 2 points (10 X 0,2 points): 1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4c, 5 a, 6 b, 7 c, 8 a, 9 c, 10 c.

II. 2 points (10 X 0,2 points)

1. Little free time

2. A few/ very few chairs
3. Did you arrive
4. Was tidying
5. Been out for
6. Has been studying
7. Going to buy
8. Is spoken by
9. Should talk
10. Whose ambition is

III. 2 points (10 X 0,2 points):

1 b, 2 c, 3 b, 4 c, 5 a, 6 c, 7 b, 8a, 9 b, 10 c

IV. 3 points

Task achievement – 0,5

Coherence and cohesion – 0,5 p
Range of vocabulary – 0,5 p
Range of grammatical structures and accuracy – 1 p
Effect on reader – 0,5p

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