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Free Write: How are you gonna approach your essay? What I’m gonna do to approach this essay
is to strategically write out the topics in each paragraph and build off of them to increase idea


- What is food? Food isn’t just something living things consume to stay alive. Food has
many definitions depending one way someone uses it. Food can be anything that is
consumable or meant to be eaten. Food can be something that inspires you, challenges
you, builds up your physical state, defines someone for how they are, and a thing that can
carry an economy or be the centerpiece for culture and life for others. Food can also
demote you, change you, determine the course of your life based off of the food you ate
yesterday and what you crave for tomorrow. Food is the centerpiece of life as we know it,
it is the single item that is responsible for all life on our planet earth as we know it and
something that begins with what you choose to eat.
- The problem with food, especially for people enrolled at a college or university, is many
of the students gain a substantial amount of weight during their freshman and sophomore
years. Why do college students tend to get the “freshman 15”?
- , people in certain areas of the globe eat too much food and other people eat too little.
People in the United States eat too much food and don’t choose the healthiest foods to eat
causing obesity in ⅓ of americans. Food is also something that there is something in a
great amount for some and less for others. Why is the united states the most obese
country in the world? Why do americans more obese than other places in the world?
What factors go along to make americans the unhealthiest eaters in the world?
- The people who most need to hear about this answer/solution is anybody struggling with
body image or are overweight. The industries that are responsible for making unhealthy
children and adults who feed their children bad food. The politicians
- The best medium to impact my audience I think would be a video/documentary about
some of the problems with obesity by using imagery and visual cues to appeal to the
- Credibility: the ability to be trusted as a reliable source


1. What is the rhetorical triangle situation? The rhetorical triangle is a triangle that
represents how a purpose or intent of something being conveyed is represented to an
audience. It has the logos, pathos and ethos. Which is the target audience, the purpose
and the author.
2. What is that (↑) of food and the local/national/global? For food, it ranges for everyone
since food is a necessity that every living thing needs world wide. The author would be
the person who is finding the data to something important, the audience is any person that
eats food, and the purpose is to tell the audience about the impact of food.
3. How do you fit/where do you fit in this triangle? I think I fit in the author category, since
I am conducting research about the food and the freshman 15 on our campus.

10-12 minute documentary video



Thesis vs Claim:
A thesis is the way you introduce a topic when writing about something and a claim is the
specific topic you wish to write about or support.

Actual: A thesis is the central idea or argument of a piece. A claim is the way to support the main
idea and support the ideas.

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