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Harishankar M P1, Jithin P2 E K Girisan
III BCA, Department of BCA and IT Head of The Department of BCA and IT
Sree Narayana Guru College Sree Narayana Guru College

Abstract: of data like XML and other semi structured data

With the huge development of internet, that can typically be represented as graphs. Data
the web document management became tough representation and data management have
and defective. Web data extraction and become a tedious process in the recent data
management using Graph mining and ontology is management [1]. Every domain and application
the main aim of this proposal. Ontology is created follows different types of data and different
with the suitable entities and their relationships structured information. Making them into a
and is considered in resume extraction and structured one is the main challenge. So graph
filtering domain. Every document i.e. resume is mining is one of the processes of mining
split into four different categories. Attribute structured data for deep analysis. Graph mining
values are extracted from the resume documents. contains various algorithms, and the requirement
These values are updated in four different of applications is many and varied; it is not similar
Resource Description Framework (RDF) files to one another. Hence, the graph mining
(nonSQL) for each resume through ontology algorithms are different for each domain and
mapping. Resumes are ranked based on Jaccard application. Graph mining is categorized according
index and then the ontology is updated to two types of data- one is Web data and another
correspondingly. Thus a novel web management one is XML data.
system is proposed which creates RDF files and Web Data: In the web data, the node count is
also contributes a highly effective Semantic massive and the number of edges is also huge. It is
Structural Summary Based technique. This associated with the massive domain issue. Such a
consists of querying, document search or domain needs a complete design or framework to
subgraph search, and content summarization summarize and represent the graph dataset into a
process using Probabilistic feature filtering structured summarized form [2].
algorithm. XML data: The other type of domain data is XML
(eXtensible Markup Language) data, which is a
Keywords: Graph Mining, Information Retrieval, commonly known general data structure. The XML
Semantic, Ontology, Resume Ontology, RDF, data can be represented with labels at the time of
Document retrieval summarization. These XML data are often
considered as independent data in the graph
mining field [3].
I. INTRODUCTION Yet another form of XML data is referred
as RDF (Resource Description Framework)
Graph mining is a popular area of files. These files contain all Meta descriptions [4].
research in the current era. This popularity gained In this proposal, RDF resume data are created and
due to its numerous application areas such as summarized with the ability to represent property
computational biology, software bug localization values that exist but are unknown or partially
and computer networking. Besides these known using constraints. We also propose a graph
application areas, there are numerous categories based data framework for storing and organizing
resume documents. This includes the ontology also resolve the heterogeneity issues in the
mapping process. It is used to retrieve the resume management process. It helped to
relevant resume information from the RDF files. discover resume information by enabling the task
The research proposal aims at performing aggregation and sharing and reusing of the
a fast and accurate resume search from the RDF information among different resume information
document. The implementation of ontology and providers and organizations. The data linked
semantic concepts in the RDF data extraction technology proposed by these authors was also
helps to identify the exact data needed from the not sufficient because, the authors failed to
RDF files. The proposed work aims to develop a perform the domain linkage concepts. So this
new indexing scheme for effective data approach needed several manual discovery
identification and retrieval from the RDF, which is verification steps which decreased the efficiency
a non SQL document. of the system.

In [7].Kopparapu S.K described a system

for automated resume information extraction to
support fast resume search and organization.
II. RELATED WORK Automated resume information extraction process
is capable of obtaining several important
Several traditional mining applications
informative fields from an unstructured resume
used graph data. In such applications, the mining
using a set of natural language processing (NLP)
of graph data is a difficult and challenging one. To
techniques, which comes under the text mining
overcome the challenges and troubles of graph
process. This technique performed the automatic
data mining, numerous techniques and algorithms
resume management and improved the existing
are proposed. The types of algorithms are
problem in [6]. The system is capable of extracting
identified as clustering, classification and frequent
six major fields of information as defined by HR-
pattern mining algorithms.
XML. Finally, this method yields 91 % and 88%
In [5] Mary am Fazel-Zarandi1, Mark S. precision and recollection respectively.
Fox2 presented an approach using graph mining
In [8] Celik Duygu, Karakas Askyn, Bal
in the resume management application. This was
Gulsen, Gultunca Cem, proposed ontology-based
developed to perform job matching process using
information extraction system. This extraction
matchmaking model, which is based on the
process is called Ontology based Resume Parser
description logics and similarity model. It is an
(ORP). This ORP converts the resumes into
ontology driven hybrid approach to effectively
ontological format using concept matching
match job seekers and job advertisements based
method. The overall usage of the ORP system is
on the relationship. The approach uses a
based on concept matching and ontological rules
deductive model to determine the kind of match
for English and Turkish resumes. It also provides
between a job seeker and an advertisement, and
semantic analysis of data and parses related
applies a similarity based approach to rank
information. Moreover, it is based on the
applicants. The main drawback of this approach is
Ontology Knowledge Base (OKB) method which
that it doesn’t provide the automatic discovery
transfers plaintext resume into ontology form and
process. With the use of domain ontology, this
performs the inference.
issue can be rectified. But the author left this
process for future work. The authors specified From the above literature, we found
that ontology can be used to formally define the several resume management applications
semantics of information sources, dependencies developed using text and graph mining
between data, relationships between information approaches. However, the resume data
sources and experts, and trust relationships to management is much complicated if the data are
improve recognition and extraction. unstructured. The semi-structured and un-
structured data handling processes are mainly
In [6], Ujjal Marjit, Kumar Sharma and
done by the ontology process. So the proposed
Utpal Biswas presented Linked Data approach to
system is a more effective tool to handle the
discover and aggregate resume information into
problems discussed in above previous works.
the structured data. Using Linked Data technology,
the data dependency can be detected. The
discovery of data after successful aggregation may
III. PROBLEM DEFINITION  The proposed system collects the
unstructured resume documents
Unstructured data extraction and from the web. This type of
management in the high dimensional environment extraction uses the basic API
is a tedious and tough process. The conversion of based crawling process from
such documents into a manageable format is the different domains.
main aim of the proposed system. Mining graph  The next process is converting
data and summarizing with the semantic structure the data into the RDF format,
is a major issue. The studies in the literature show which is a non SQL format. This
that the ontology framework gives a better result conversion made by applying the
in the RDF data management. But the retrieval and ontology process.
ontology construction process should not be  We contribute a new Semantic
performed every time. So by limiting the number Structural Summary Based
of iterations and the amount of time consumed the Approach for creating the
efficiency of the proposed system can be resume summary and performing
decreased. Considering the above, the proposed the search. This helps to find the
system designed a new RDF management tool documents from the RDF based
with effective data mining techniques. on the semantic analysis.
 The collected documents are
ranked and indexed using Jaccard
index method, which is a well-
IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM known similarity finding and
indexing method. The main
The unstructured data management is a advantage of using this method is
complicated one. However, the data management that it finds the coefficient of
is performed by different types of tools and relationship between two
techniques. But RDF is one of the recent and unstructured free style data.
popular file formats. RDF data model presents  Finally, the Probabilistic Feature
unique challenges to efficient storage for the high Filtering Algorithm (PFF) is
dimensional dataset, indexing and querying introduced to filter resume
applications. The ever increasing number of job documents effectively with
opportunities over web creates numerous unstructured query.
applications and data related to the job. One kind
of application related to the job seeking process is 1. Data crawling and Ontology
the resume management, which handles n number construction process:
of resumes from different sources and different
formats. Some tools are available in the web to The data crawling process is the
find and manage the resumes. But the extraction of resume documents from different
management of unstructured resume is still a sources. Before converting into the RDF files, the
problematic. system should perform ontology construction
process. The following steps are involved in the
In this paper, we propose a model for ontology construction process.
extracting resume information from different
unstructured sources and make them easy to
manage. The extracted resumes are divided into
four parts which are personal details, skill details,
and work and education details. These data are
converted into corresponding Resource
Description Framework (RDF) files for each
resume through ontology framework.

After the conversion, the resumes are

ranked using Jaccard index for fast data retrieval
and mapping. The proposed system has the
following contributions towards the above issue.
Web source Unstructured resume data
RDF data

Fig 1.0 the data crawling and RDF

conversion process

Fig 1.0 shows the first step of

implementation, which retrieves resumes from Computing important terms: The first
the web sources as unstructured free style resume step of ontology construction is the process of
data and will be converted into the RDF format finding imported terms and words from the
after the construction of ontology. resumes. This step includes the detection of
important and required terms in the wish list by
a. RDF files: Resource analyzing the nouns and verbs.
Framework (RDF) files are Define concept taxonomies: The next
self-describing data model. process is to classify the concepts in a hierarchy.
It means that the schema In this process, not all concepts will own a
information is embedded hierarchical structure. This step uses both top-
with the data are down and bottom–up approaches.
unspecified. And it follows
a graph based architecture, Define relations: After defining the
where the prior structure concept taxonomies, the system performs the
can be unspecified. it gives relation identification process. In this paper the
a lot of flexibility to manage relations are represented using the semantic
any structured or un- structure. For example, the terms education and
structured data and deal courses are similar, and also the knowledge in
with changes in the data's computer languages such as C, C++ etc of a user
structure seamlessly at the may be related with one another.
application level.
b. Ontology: Ontology is Define attributes: At this step, some of
defined as an explicit the terms listed are considered to define the
specification of attributes. The attributes are constructed after the
conceptualization, it correlation detection between two or more
captures the structure of entities. After successful detection of attributes,
the domain and describes the complete ontology tree will be constructed.
the knowledge form that.
Its defines the relationship Define instances: The next step after
between two or more attribute selection is finding instances under each
entities and interactions in attribute. In some cases, more than one instance
some particular domain of may be present. Such data can be represented as a
knowledge or practices. In sub hierarchy instance in the ontology process.
the proposed system, the This helps to describe all the relevant instances.
ontology framework gives These will appear as having a name, a concept to
the knowledge based which they are related and having unique
results of given dataset. attribute names and values.
The proposed system converts the different types
of data into a single RDF file, and that will be
2. Indexing and Query Processing stored in file storage.
The dataset for the experiment has n
For effective data retrieval, the Jaccard number of attributes, the attributes such as name,
indexing is proposed. The Jaccard index is a address, education and their work summary based
technique to find the coefficient of similarity details.
between two resumes. It considers the resumes
and indexes them based on the Jaccard distance. This contains the following attributes.
Thus, the data in the resume will be organized
effectively. If X=(x1,x2,x3….xn) and
Y=(y1,y2,y3….yn) are two vectors with all real xi,yi
≥ 0, then their Jaccard similarity coefficient is
defined as specified below

Equation 1.0

The equation 1.0 shows the Jaccard

similarity co-efficient function, where x is
considered as the Resume1 and y as Resume 2. All
the features in x and y are defined as x1, x2…xn and
y1, y2,…yn respectively. For every feature the
minimum and maximum similarity features are
mined. Finally the value of J(x,y) shows the
similarity distance between x and y. After
measuring the similarity between resume data,
the system performs the data filtering process.


The system uses a dynamic synthetic

dataset, which can be any number of user resumes Table 1.0 attributes in the dataset
that can be crawled from different job searching
sites such as, Linked in etc. Data The table 1.0 shows the list of attributes
collection is the first step proposed work, so n used in the experiment. It presents the
number of resume documents are collected and experimental results of the proposed system for
used in the proposed system. Many details in the over 50 datasets which are described below. The
resumes which are relevant for the comparison experiment is performed with two set of data
and evaluation are analyzed and sort out. The structures, the experiment1 is conducted without
experiments are carried out in visual studio using the index method for 50 records. The
framework 4.5, and language. Initially the experiment 2 is applied in to the proposed
data has been collected from different sources and framework with jaccard index. Both the
the data’s are given as input to the application. experiments are finally compared with two
parameters; one is the accuracy in detection and Retrieval Delay for deployed RDF files. Indexing
the other is the time taken for the document delay indicates the time required to perform the
retrieval. The fig2.0 shows the coefficient calculation and indexing. Document
experiments results for every document of size 10. retrieval delay indicates the time spent on
When the number of documents increases, then processing on ontology mapping in the
the accuracy also increases. These shows that for hierarchical form. The figure below shows the
better and effective data management and results and the comparison of the proposed
semantic process, the data size should be higher system with the existing system.
than the average. If the document contains 30 or
more records, the similarity can be detected and
Parameters Existing Proposed
the retrieved results can be verified effectively.

Time Taken Retrieval Delay 2984.06 2108.08

Extraction 90 94

Indexing delay 70.68 49.69

Table2.0 Comparison table

Fig 2.0 Comparison of accuracy The table 2.0 shows the performance
between two experiments comparison of the proposed method with other
existing approaches based on the three different
metrics Retrieval Delay, indexing delay and
The performance of the proposed extraction accuracy. Performance comparison of
schemes is evaluated on the basis of both time proposed system using semantic onto creation
consumed and accuracy. Without loss of with existing approaches based on Retrieval Delay
generality, this evaluates the Indexing delay and
Fig 3.0 retrieval and indexing delay
comparison chart

From the fig 3.0 it shows the performance

measure based on the Retrieval Delay and the
Extraction Accuracy
proposed approach took less time while 95
comparing the other methods and the worst time
complexity is existing system. The comparison is 94
Accuracy (%)

made with 100 data samples, the existing

document retrieval method used static index
process and Sql database query retrieval process, 92
but the proposed system used RDF files with self-
structured ontology concept. The Jaccard index 91 Existing
reduces the time and helps to retrieve the Proposed
documents fast and accurate. 90


Existing Proposed

Fig 4.0 extraction accuracy comparison chart

The fig 4.0 shows the extraction accuracy

comparison between existing and proposed
systems. The accuracy is measured based on the
correct number of documents extracted and
wrongly detected documents. And the proposed
approach is more accurate when comparing with
the other methods.
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required information. The overall document
[6].Ujjal Marjit, Kumar Sharma and Utpal Biswas,
search and indexing time is
“Discovering Resume Information Using Linked
minimal when information is stored RDF files Data”, in International Journal of Web & Semantic
compared to other two models. The model also Technology, Vol.3, No.2, April 2012.
reduces the human effort required in seeking the
[7].Kopparapu S.K, “Automatic Extraction of
relevant information.
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to aid search”, IEEE International Conference on
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