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Poem One-Alternate

Big town full of little white lies

Liars and secrets all around

In the distance a girl cries

She is broken over what she’s found

Everyone keeps to themselves

All friends are only on the surface

Secrets are put up on shelves

No one in this town has a purpose

What is the point of living like this

Everyone is always sad

There’s never someone for anyone to miss

The only things you’ll find are bad

Poem Two-Limerick

In the dark, my heart pounds

It’s scary how existing sounds

Deep inside me I know it’s wrong

I’ve known the truth all along

All alone, the darkness surrounds

Poem Three-Couplet

Nothing’s left to show I existed

Everything around me is twisted

Tears run down my face

Need to get out of this place

No one will remember me

No one around me will ever see

There’s no evidence that I was here

And it’s becoming my greatest fear

I wonder if anyone will remember

If there will even be an ember

To show that I am still a part of this world

As I leave, the wind around me whirled

Poem Four-Triplets
It’s a good place to forget

In the city where the sun don’t set

The two people finally met

Love was in the air

The connection between them was rare

As they stared into each others’ eyes, not a moment to spare

He got her number; asked her on a date

They went to a restaurant and there they ate

With these two, there was no wait

They were meant to meet that day

He wanted her to stay

She decided to walk his way

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