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By: Jade Archambault




(The scene opens on ​GEORGIA’​s mom at the stove cooking breakfast. ​GEORGIA​, her dad, and
her brother are sitting at the table talking and laughing, but we can’t hear what they’re saying.)

I live in a world like few others. In the world I live in, you have a soulmate. Whether you believe
in soulmates or not, you have one in my world, and it’s obvious. When you turn 16, words
appear on your arm. It looks like a tattoo. The words are the first words that your soulmate ever
says to you. When they say the words to you, the words disappear and you feel a tingling. The
words are replaced with the person’s initials.

​ EORGIA​ walking down the steps of her porch to go to school. She

(The scene switches to G
reaches the sidewalk and continues walking.)

It was a day like any other. I was walking to school on the chilly September day when I was
suddenly stopped in my tracks. I hadn’t been paying attention and I had just run directly into
someone’s back.

Oh! I’m so sorry! My bad, I wasn’t watching where I was going.

(A boy around ​GEORGIA’​s age turns around to look at her. He’s barely taller than her with a
forgiving smile.)

No, it’s okay! I was stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, it was totally my bad.

(The scene freezes.)


No, it’s okay. Those were the words. The words written on my arm. This boy, this random
chance encounter, he was my soulmate. I suddenly felt a tingling on my arm and I looked at it to
see those words had been replaced with AHE.

(The scene unfreezes and continues playing as normal)

I’m Georgia. I don’t think we’ve ever met.

(​GEORGIA​ sticks her hand out and ​ALEX​ takes it, shaking her hand.)

I’m Alex. And no, we definitely haven’t met. I just moved here. Actually, I was just heading to
the school when you bumped into me. I was stopped here looking at directions. Is there any
chance that you happen to be going to the school too?

As a matter of fact, I’m actually on my way there right now. Why don’t you walk with me? It’ll
be me making it up to you for bumping into you.

Okay! ​(He laughs)​ But really, don’t worry about running into me, it’s no big deal.

(The audio of the scene slowly fades out as it shows ​ALEX​ and ​GEORGIA​ walking down the
sidewalk together.)

I don’t know what came over me at that time. I couldn’t explain why I decided not to mention
the soulmate thing. Especially considering that it’s a really important thing in a person’s life.
But, something stopped me from acknowledging it. Maybe it was because he didn’t say anything
about it either. But, he was wearing a short sleeve, so I took my chances and peeked over at his
arm. It was… bare? There was nothing. No words, no initials. Nothing, just his skin. So, I wasn’t
Alex’s soulmate?

(The scene cuts to ​GEORGIA​ and ​ALEX​ reaching the school together. The audio fades back in
to a conversation they’re having.)

Yeah, I agree. Hey, what do you think about the whole soulmates thing?

Honestly? I think it’s totally overrated. I don’t even know if I really believe in it. I think it’s
probably just some weird social thing.

Yeah. ​(nervous giggle)​ Um, so, here we are. This is the school. Do you want to come in with
me? I can show you to the office.

Oh, I already have my schedule and everything so I don’t need to go to the office, but if you
could maybe show me where my locker is…?

Yeah, of course! What’s your locker number?

Um I think it’s something like… ​(He rustles around in his pocket for a minute and pulls out his
schedule, quickly scanning it.) ​Locker number 235.

Oh okay! That’s right by my locker, actually. Mine is 233. Follow me.

​ EORGIA​ swings open the large front door of the school and ​ALEX​ follows her inside. He
follows close behind her through two long hallways before they finally reach their locker block)


Okay, our lockers are in this hallway. If you walk past these first few, you can see the numbers
getting closer to ours. My locker is right here, yours will be the one next to the one next to mine.
Right… ​(she points to his locker)​ yeah, right there, that’s what I thought.

Oh, awesome! Thanks. Do you think you could show me how to open it? ​(he smiles shyly).

(The audio fades out again as ​GEORGIA​ takes the schedule from ​ALEX​ and looks at the
combination code. She begins to show him how to work the lock.)

It was hard being around him, I’m not going to lie. It was a difficult time for me because I was
experiencing a lot of emotions. I couldn’t figure out why I was broken. Why someone was my
soulmate, but I wasn’t also theirs. I had never heard of that happening before. I was sure I was
the only one. Something was wrong. I was upset. I thought about it, how he didn’t have anything
on his arm. Maybe it was his bad, not mine. Maybe it wasn’t something wrong with me. I felt
like crying, but I also was happy to be around him. Because regardless of whether or not I’m his
soulmate, he’s still mine.

​ EORGIA​ in a class, her head laying on her desk and it’s obvious
(The scene fades out and into G
she’s hardly paying attention.)

I couldn’t figure it out. What was so wrong with me? Or so wrong with him? Why weren’t we
just each others’ soulmates? Why did everything have to be so messed up?

(​GEORGIA​ sighs and hits her head against the desk.)

Georgia? Are you okay?

What? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. Actually, I have a question.

What is it?

Everyone has a soulmate, right? Is it possible to have someone as your soulmate, but they’re not
your soulmate?

Well, yes, everyone has a soulmate, but personally I’ve never heard of that happen. Is that a
theoretical question or do you know someone that that’s happened to?

Oh, um. It’s theoretical. ​(nervous laughter.) ​Thanks.

Of course. Now today-

(The audio fades out, as does the scene, and fades back into a busy lunchroom. ​GEORGIA​ is
​ LEX​ walks up behind her and taps her on the
sitting at a table, opening her lunch bag. A

Hey… um is this seat taken?

(The scene freezes.)

It was time for me to decide. Was I going to be nice to Alex and hang out with him, even though
it was upsetting to me that I wasn’t his soulmate? Or, was I going to be cold and shut him out.
The answer was obvious, really, from the moment I met him. I knew what I was going to do and
how I was going to treat him. It was never really a question.

(The scene unfreezes.)


No, it’s not taken. Please, sit.

(​ALEX​ takes a seat next to G

​ EORGIA​ and they start talking about random topics. The audio
begins to fade out into music as the shot pulls away from the two to an aerial view of them at the
table. The scene fades out, marking the end of Act One.)


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