Worth It Paper 2

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Abdallah Ahmad


Writing….. and what makes it AMAZING!

Writing is a form of expressing yourself without needing to literally speak. ​The

main reason for writing anything is to communicate with others, to get interest or action
from the reader. You may also use writing to help you to reflect on your experiences
and learn from them. When we write, we are either writing for ourselves or we are
writing for others. When we write for ourselves it helps us to think, learn and
understand. Writing for ourselves is a private time for us (like a journal/diary etc), though
it may be shared with others.
While when we write for others it is usually for teaching, encouraging, informing
or interacting with others. Marquette university says that “Writing expresses who you
are as a person.” Which is very inspirational if you think about it because whatever you
want to right down, it can explain how you view yourself, which is cool because you can
see yourself in a whole different perspective!
So, why is writing amazing? Well it's the fact that you can express any emotion,
contact people from across the world in a matter of seconds, plan your weekend with
friends via text, or just about anything you feel like doing/saying. It's amazing because
all that can be done from writing. Heck, I'm writing right now telling you, the reader, why
it's important to write!

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