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Brief about the topic
Major past events/ news/ Similar events/ Use cases/ Examples
News and events from past 3-4 years
a. FOR
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What would you do if you woke as Donald Trump tomorrow – Naman Jain

Donald John Trump (born June 14, 1946) is the 45th and current president of the United
States. Before entering politics, he was a businessman and television personality. Trump was
born and raised in the New York City. Trump entered the 2016 presidential race as
a Republican and defeated 16 other candidates in the primaries. He became the oldest first-term
U.S. president,[c] and the first one without prior military or government service. During his
presidency, Trump ordered a travel ban on citizens from several Muslim-majority countries, citing
security concerns

Won’t do
 Trump says derogatory remarks about the Mexican immigrants due to which NBC
universe cuts ties with trump and won’t air Miss USA and Miss Universe pageants which
he used to own
 Trump's campaign puts out a press release calling for a "complete shutdown of Muslims
entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going
 Trump signs an executive action withdrawing the United States from the Trans-Pacific
Partnership, a 12-nation trade deal negotiated by the Obama administration and awaiting
congressional approval.
 Trump signs an executive order halting all refugee arrivals for 120 days and banning
travel to the United States from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days.
 refugees from Syria are barred indefinitely from entering the United States
 Trump proclaims that the United States is withdrawing from the Paris climate accord but
adds that he is open to renegotiating aspects of the environmental agreement, which was
signed by 175 countries in 2016.
 The Trump administration announces that it is ending the DACA program, introduced by
Obama to protect nearly 800,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the United States
as children.
 Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital and announces plans to relocate the US
Embassy there.
 During a White House meeting on immigration reform, Trump reportedly refers
to Haiti and African nations as "shithole countries." He reportedly says that the United
States should get more people from countries like Norway.
 The White House announces that it is adopting a policy, first proposed by Trump via
tweet in July 2017, banning most transgender individuals from serving in the military.
 Trump authorizes joint military strikes in Syria with the UK and France after reports the
government used chemical weapons on civilians in Douma.
 Trump announces that the United States is withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal
 His offensive tweets continued to undermine his presidency. Calling former White House
aide Omarosa Manigault Newman “a dog” and Stormy Daniels “Horseface” — among
countless offensive tweets — is not just unpresidential, it drives away potential
supporters who like his policies but then are reminded how much they don’t like Trump.
 His policy to separate migrant children from their families at the southern border was an
avoidable tragedy. There is nothing wrong with a zero-tolerance policy for illegal
crossings. But his administration’s failure to anticipate and prepare for how to deal with
migrant families was gross negligence — a symptom of the chaos that is undermining his
 His planned withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan is a gift to the Taliban and al-

Will do
 The first things first. Trump’s relationship with the media, well-respected celebrities, and
academia is in shambles. And frankly, the GOP’s reputation is too for electing him. I need
to win them back. I need to be able to compete in big cities in Los Angeles and New
York, not get blown out. I need to win voters with doctorate degrees. To me, if I want to
succeed as President, I wanted to be treated respectfully with the media, celebrities, and
academia. Unfortunately, Trump’s history with them will probably make this impossible.
 Deliver apologies to CNN, New York Times, and the LA Times. Without the press doing
their jobs, I can’t do mine. I need the media to trust what I am doing, and I need their
respect as much as they need mine. I will also allow them into my press briefings.
 Denounce all hate crimes in my name. I don’t want my reputation, or the reputation of this
country or the Republican Party of which I was elected under, to be the party that
tolerates racism, or xenophobia, or any of that. The Republican Party’s reputation is
already in shambles, and we need to fix it.
 Extend all rights to every American citizen, including the LGBTQ+ community. I need
their votes, and frankly, they’re no less human than I am. Obergefell v. Hodges will
NEVER be overturned.
 Announce that Roe v. Wade will NEVER be overturned.
 Increase funding for Social Security and Medicare.
 Increase funding for Planned Parenthood.
 Repeal the travel ban, and halt any activity regarding the wall on the Mexican border.
 Stop picking up fights that I can’t win. These include the birther movement, the phone
tapping controversy, flag burning, Hamilton, and Meryl Streep. I won’t win these fights.
These are troll fights. These are the cheese that mouse trappers have set out for me, and
I won’t bite.
 Seriously, man, enough with the Twitter. Stop going on Twitter rants. How do you expect
people to take your electoral win seriously, when you can’t even take it seriously?
 Distance myself from Infowars, Breitbart, Buzzfeed, and the Young Turks. They’re
Internet clickbait.
 Universal health care for all citizens. Health is a right. Everybody needs to be covered.
 Paid maternity and paternity leave for all workers.
 Lower the retiring age from 67 to 62.
 Increase the federal minimum wage.
 Universal pre-K and tuition-free public college and university.
 Strengthen labor laws to make it easier for workers to join a union.
 No government bailouts for big companies. Also, no tax cuts for the wealthy.
 Equal pay regardless of gender.
 Federal assistance to low-income communities.
 Be a champion for women. This way, there will be no more women’s rights marches in
Washington and Boston and Seattle. If I do the right thing for women, they won’t bother
showing up on the streets holding signs and wearing costumes.
 Legal path to citizenship for illegal immigrants without a criminal history that are already
TOPIC TITLE – How important are brands in life – Naman Jain

 A brand is an identifying symbol, mark, logo, name, word and/or sentence that
companies use to distinguish their product from others
 A combination of one or more of those elements can be utilized to create a brand

For consumers:
 brands help people accumulate experience and store knowledge. In some sense
brand is a unite of memory
 brands serve as beacons in the sea of uncertainty. Brands help orientate and make
better choices based on previous experiences
 brands function as social markers as well. Different people choose different brands
by that expressing their social position and values
 brands inspire people. Just think about Nike’s “just do it”. Brands can change life for
billions of people

For business:
 brands build strong emotional relationships with customers
 brand develop base of loyal customers and that means repeat purchases
 brands of well known quality can command premium because people trust them
more than some unknown competitors
 When an employee works for a strongly branded company and truly stands behind
the brand, they will be more satisfied with their job and have a higher degree of pride
in the work that they do
 The mystical force behind Maggie to stage a such an epic comeback lies in the
secret — how it is branded — the emotional branding principles that were used in the
making of this legendary brand
 Nestle had to promote noodles as a concept, before it could promote Maggi as a
brand - 2 mins noodles — Convenience

In general:
 the laws of branding are the laws of how people think. That pretty much sums up
everything — the only thing that can get you share of peoples hearts and minds is
brand. Without brand you can not have nor control, nor power
 Advertising is another component to branding, and advertising strategies will directly
reflect the brand and its desired portrayal


 Discourages from Trying other Products

 Leads to Monopoly
 Consumers are often confused in in product selection on account of the methods of
plethora offered in the market.
 The popularity of brands renders them out of the common man’s reach because they
command premium prices, such as Hercules Cycles, Crompton fans, apple etc
 When the brand name becomes popular, manufacturers sometimes place in inferior
and substandard goods in the market

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