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Unit 1,2: Activity 2 - Writing Task, Writing Assignment Forum

Tutor: Alenxander Basabe

Valentina Forero Z
Sandra Navea
Luz Estella rúa
Sebastián morales arenas
Angélica Vanessa Herrera

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Marzo 2019
ítem Encargado Frases
1. he is 82 years old
2.he is tall and
Physical Description corpulent
valentina Forero
Review: Unit 1.1 3.he is white with
brown eyes
4.he has white hair
1. He gets up every
morning at 4:30. am
2. Every day he
presides mass at 7:00
a.m. in the chapel of
Santa Marta.
3. On Wednesdays, he
holds an audience for
Activities she/he does
three hours in the
allong the day.
Sandra Navea Plaza de San Pedro.
Review: Frequency
4. Every Sunday the
adverbs unit 1.2
Angelus prays from his
balcony, with the
5. Every 15 days he
confesses in the
6. Read about 50
letters per day.
1.He work in the
Vatican city, located in
2.He has your office in
Description of his/her
the apostolic palace.
place of work Luz Estella Rúa
3. He is accompanied
Review: Unit 1.3.1
for the Switzerland
4.He is the leader of
episcopal college.
1.he is thinking about
sexual abuse
2.he is traveling to
Description of what the
character is doing at
Sebastián Morales 3.He is studying the
the moment.
Arenas differences between
Review :Present
Christians and
Progressive unit 2.1
4.he is thinking about
his trip to bulgaria
1. he must get up early
2. he cann´t married
Select 4 modal verbs
3. he will do his better
and use them to Angélica Vanessa
effort to save the
conclude the written. Herrera
Review: Unit 2.2
4. he could think to go
to other country


The citizen Jorge Mario Bergoglio better known as Pope Francisco, he is 82 years old, he is a tall
and corpulent man, he is white and his eyes are brown, his hair has changed color due to his age
and now his hair it is White.

He gets up every morning at 4:30 a.m. and perform the Eucharist every day at 7:00 a.m. in the
chapel of Santa Marta. On Wednesdays, he holds an audience for three hours in the Plaza de San
Pedro and Every Sunday the Angelus prays from his balcony, with the pilgrims, finally Every 15
days he confesses in the Vatican and Read about 50 letters per day.

He Pope Francis works in the Vatican City, located in Italy and has his office in the Apostolic Palace,
also is accompanied by the Swiss guard, in addition is the leader of the episcopal university.

Besides he is thinking about sexual abuse he is traveling to morocco and He is studying the
differences between Christians and Muslims and also he is thinking about his trip to Bulgaria.

In conclusion he must get up early, he cann´t married beside he will do his better effort to save the
church, in addition he could think to go to other country.

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