Weekly Blogs Done

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LO3 - Evaluation

Weekly blog updates are required, as with every unit. Please remember to
take photos/screenshots as you film/edit. You might find it easier if you note
down a record of what you did each day in a diary form.

Please use the following guidance to help you with each week.

Week 1 This week was spent on idea generation

What have you been asked to We have been asked to create 2 productions one of
do? them being a short film and a music video we also
had to choose a target which was in-between 5-12
year olds and 25-40 year olds.
Why have you chosen this target We choose this target audience as we thought it
audience? would be easier to relate to this audience as many
people parents are in this age group and we could
ask them what we can do to make it relate to them
and not many people would know or have siblings
that young to help us.
What two productions have you We choose to do a short film and also a short film as
decided to make? How do they we thought that these 2 would be our best chance to
allow you to improve your skills? reach a good grade as we already know the skills
and the basics but doing it again will help us make
our skills better by helping us research how to make a
short film good and also research into short films to
get some inspiration from them.
How did the focus groups help They helped me by getting someone’s idea who is in
you to select your idea? that age group and finding out what they like and
then putting it into my music video.
Are you on track for the week? No
What work needs to be A bit more description to my idea
completed for you to catch up?

Week 2 This week was spent researching target audiences

What did you find out about your We found out a lot about the people in our age
target audience through your groups hobbies and what they like and by finding this
secondary research? out it helps me generate and indea of what kind of
shots im going to add to my music video and short
film to make it relate to the people in this age group.
How will this help you in adapting It will give us an idea of what kind of things we should
your idea to meet the chosen be adding into our music video and short film to help
audience? us relate to the audience so that they understand the
How useful was interviewing It was very helpful as by interviewing them it gives us
people from your chosen target an idea of whwta kind of things we can add into our
audience? productions to help it relate to them.
Was it difficult to get a large It was quite difficult as we didn’t know many people
response to your survey? How that are in this age group so for my fmp I will ask more
could you improve the amount of of my friend’s parents to answer my survey or be
respondents for your FMP?
What have you found to be the This audience is different as I have never targeted
key things that you should be people this old for any pf my productions o it has
targeting your audience with? been hard to try and find out what I can add to my
music video to know what they will like which will end
What makes this audience
up with them watching it
different to the one you never
Are you on track for the week? No
What work needs to be A bit more secondary research.
completed in your own time?

Week 3 This week was spent researching codes and

What genres have you chosen We chose hip hop for our music video as this is one of
and why? the most popular music genre and a lot of people
know it. For our short film we choose bullying as a lot
of people in this age group will have kids that are at
school that might witness bullying or get bullied.
What have you learnt from your I have learnt about the different kinds of things that
secondary research this week? people in this age group enjoy doing with their spare
How will this influence what you It will influence us to add these things into our
include in your productions? productions as they will relate to our target audience.
What are the key conventions for  Watch documentaries
your chosen genres? What MUST  Drink wine & beer
you include for it to be that  Most went to university
 Active
 Eating out
 Online shopping
 Facebook
 Watch sport
 Record collection
 Coffee
 Books
 Music
 Bills/House
 Children
 Cars

Are you on track for the week? Yes

What work needs to be none
completed in your own time?

Week 4 This week was spent researching codes and

What have you learnt from you From my primary research I have found out about all
primary research this week? what kind of scenes that I should add to my music
video and things that people from this age group will
like to see in our music video.
What developments do you need We need to make our production fit the codes and
to make to your production for it conventions as the people in this age group watch a
to meet these codes and lot of documentaries so we can add some shots of
the actor who is playing the dad sitting in the living
conventions requirements?
room watching tv, people in this age group also enjoy
drinking so in our short film we can add some shots of
the dad drinking either while he is watching tv or just
How did processing the results of They helped us understand what shots people would
your research help you to want to see and what we can add into these shots to
understand it thoroughly? make sure that our target audience will enjoy
watching it and also relate to it.
Are you on track for the week? Yes
What work needs to be Adding a bit more writing to my primary research.
completed in your own time?

Week 5 This week was spent planning your productions

What did you learn from your From my planning I learnt about the type of shots we
planning? are going to do and when and how we are going to
film our short film and or music video.
How will this be useful as your This will be useful to our production as we will know
production process continues? exactly what we need to film and where and also
with who, by doing all the planning it will help us when
we start to film to keep us organized wit what we are
doing each week.
What issues did you encounter We didn’t encounter any problems when we were
whilst planning and how did you planning as we already had an idea of who we were
overcome them? going to have and what we were doing and when it
was quite easy to put it all in different documents such
as a props list.
How much work did you I had to complete my last page of my story board this
complete outside of the lessons? week outside of lesson this consisted of drawing our
scenes and writing a small description under.
Are you ready to film next week We are ready to film next week
and if not, what do you need to
complete to be ready?
Are your storyboards up to Yes my storyboards have pictures of what is going to
standard? happen with a short description and also with what
kind of shot it is going to be.

Week 6 This week was spent filming

How did you find the filming We found the filming process for our music video quite
process? easy we filmed all of our scenes quite well and they all
looked smooth.
Did you encounter any problems The only problem that we encountered was that Toby
during filming? How did you lost his sd card and I lost my usb stick so we had to film
overcome them? all of our scenes all over again but I think that the re
filmed scenes were better than our original scenes
and I think this will make our short film better overall.
After reviewing footage, what do We don’t need to re film much, one scene we need
you feel you need to reshoot? to re film is the scene of toby walking into his room.
What new techniques from your We tried to use a lot of different camera angles in this
previous units have you tried to short film that we had learnt from our previous unites
use? in first year with some of these being tracking shot and
a few over the shoulder shots, I think some of our best
shoots were the b-roll where we used push and pull
focus to make some of the scene look better and also
used them as a sort of transition.
Are the locations you filmed at I think the locations are suitable as the bullying scenes
suitable to your production? was in a class room and all the other scenes were in
the house where he is getting shouted and abused by
his dad.
Are you keeping up with your We have kept up with our production schedule as we
production schedule? have done everything that we said we would do in
our production schedule.
What footage still needs A few extra clips of toby boxing.

Week 7 This week was spent filming

How did you find the filming The filming process with our music video was very
process? smooth and easy as it was mostly all in one location
which was in my house this made it easy for me to film
it all and make sure it’s all good.
Did you encounter any problems One problem I encountered when I was filming my
during filming? How did you music video was that some clips included a few extras
overcome them? but they didn’t have any time to film so I had to
improvise and make all just about one character.
After reviewing footage, are you I am happy with the footage I have captured in my
happy with what you have music video as it was all focused and looks good
Have the techniques you planned The techniques that I planned on using were the
on using turned out well? different camera angles and I believe that these
worked very well to create a different kind of feeling
to my music video.

Week 8 This week was spent editing

How are you finding the editing The editing process has gone very well as I already
process this week? knew what clips fit with watch clips and by putting all
these together it has created a good storyline in my
short film which is what I wanted before I started all
the editing.
Have you encountered any I have not encountered and problems in my editing
problems whilst editing? How did except small ones such as trying to remember where
you overcome them? all the things that I wanted to use are so to overcome
this I asked someone who knew where they were to
show me so I could use them.
Are there any new techniques Some of the new techniques I am using is when filming
you are trying to use during this I shot some scenes in different kinds of colours to
editing process? make it fit the mood of the short film so by doing this it
is making my editing process different as I need to fit
them all together so it fits very well.
Are you on track with all of your I am on track with all my work
What work needs to be Export my short film and put it on YouTube.
completed outside of lessons?

Week 9 This week was spent editing

How did you finding the editing I found the editing process for my music video much
process? easier then short film as I made up the plan so I knew
straight away what I needed to do.
Have you encountered any There was no problems in encountered while editing
problems whilst editing? How did my music video.
you overcome them?
Are you happy with the outcome I am very happy with the outcome as it looks really
of your productions? Why? good and they storyline works well as it goes through
like it’s all one day which then makes the audience
understand the music video much easier.
How did your productions meet Our productions meted our target audience because
your target audience? when we researched into our target audience we
found out that a lot of people in the target audience
have hobbys and also enjoy drinking so for our short
film we choose the hobby boxing and for our music
video it was drinking.
What aspects of your productions I think the way I edited my short film together could
could have been better targeted have been better as I didn’t really add the boxing
to your audience? aspect to our short film.
How effectively have you I think I matched the codes and conventions that I
matched the codes and researched earlier as when I researched some of the
conventions you researched things the people in my target age did i added a lot
of the things into my music video such as watching tv,
earlier in the unit?
drinking and many more.
How do you feel your work I think my work compares quite well to professional
compares to existing professional production as they all have the same features as
productions? mine such as the same camera angles and the same
time for each clips, by doing this it makes my music
video and short film look better as it is near to the
same as the professional ones.
Are there any areas where your I think if I added some more scenes of the boy getting
production falls short? How would bullied in my short film this would make my short film
you improve it next time? better and next time I will make sure that there will be
more footage then what we might need.
What have you learnt about I think what I need to personally improve on is that I
yourself to take into the Final need to make sure that I have enough time to do
Major Project? What do you everything and that I make sure that all my work is up
to standard and looks good for the quality that I want
personally need to improve on?
it to be at, I have learnt that I can edit it all together
but what I struggle a bit at is the whole making up a
Are you on track with all of your Yes
What work needs to be None
completed outside of lessons?

Week 10 This week you pitched

How did you choose to pitch your
What made your pitch stand out
and be different? Why would it
convince someone to invest?
How did the pitch go?
Is there anything you would do
differently in your next pitch?

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