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How workforce

development nonprofits
can accelerate employment
and entrepreneurship
outcomes at scale
Page 4 The Pervasive Power of Digital Transformation
Page 7 Unlocking New Opportunities for Digital Success
Page 10 Overcoming Challenges to a Digital Journey
Page 14 Adopting Four Digital Accelerators to Enhance
Employment and Entrepreneurship Outcomes
Page 20 Starting Your Digital Journey

How workforce development nonprofits can accelerate employment
and entrepreneurship outcomes at scale

The technology revolution is transforming digital to create meaningful, lasting

our world and is occurring at an change, we have provided case studies and
unprecedented speed. According to our proven Hacks from industry leaders.
research, nonprofits that have embraced
Our human-centered approach involved
digital are experiencing tremendous gains
more than 45 interviews with technology
in their effectiveness and societal impact;
organizations, nonprofits and Accenture
nonprofit workers reported efficiency gains
experts, a survey of over 265 nonprofit
of up to 91 percent through the adoption of
leaders, workers and beneficiaries from the
relevant digital accelerators.
nonprofit sector and a series of prototyping
However, despite near consensus that sessions and design thinking workshops.
technology will positively impact both Our research was conducted on a global
beneficiaries and service delivery, many scale, with input from over ten countries.
nonprofits are slipping behind on digital
We want to thank the Skills to Succeed
adoption. Nonprofits have a responsibility
practitioners from Accenture, as well as
to use digital tools to improve employment
each of the representatives from nonprofits
and entrepreneurship opportunities
and other technology organizations who
but also to mitigate any friction that
participated in this research and helped us
technology advances may present to job
identify a pathway for nonprofits to start
seekers and entrepreneurs.
their digital journey. In particular, we would
Our research has unearthed key like to acknowledge the members of our
opportunities, common challenges for Learning Circle.
digital adoption and four accelerators that
As emphasized in our Accenture Technology
have the potential to support workforce
Vision 2017, we are committed to exploring
development nonprofits in attaining
how to use technology to improve
operational excellence and driving greater
our world. The process of conducting
impact for beneficiaries. We hope that
this research and listening to multiple
this report will serve as a roadmap for
stakeholder perspectives has strengthened
launching and accelerating a digital
our conviction that digital adoption is a
journey, and will help to guide informed
key component of workforce development
decisions on digital tools and opportunities
nonprofits enabling beneficiary success,
that are best suited to the different aspects
one that will drive economic growth for
of nonprofit organizations. In addition to
millions of people worldwide.
recommendations about how workforce
development nonprofits can leverage
Warm regards,
Lisa Neuberger and Svenja Falk


The digital revolution is as artificial intelligence and machine
learning, will be pervasive.
transforming every facet of
our society, creating new Nowhere is the impact of digital more
apparent than in the labor market, where
opportunities and challenges the demand for technologically skilled
while fundamentally altering the workers is growing exponentially.
way we work, live and interact. By 2022, digital roles are expected
Whether on an individual, community to grow by 22 percent globally,4 with
or organizational level, emerging the internet creating an estimated 2.6
technologies are disrupting the status jobs for each job lost to technological
quo, ushering in an unprecedented era advancement.5 In fact, some analysts
of innovation. believe these changes will result in a net
gain of 2.1 million jobs by 2025.6 Research
For individuals conducted by economists Lawrence
•• Digital tools have empowered people Katz of Harvard University and Alan
to embrace new ways of managing Krueger at Princeton University suggests
transactions, completing daily that 94 percent of new jobs will likely
tasks, creating online identities and be alternative work, moving away from
connecting with new opportunities. traditional nine to five employment.7
Nearly 75 percent of individuals now New technologies will inevitably lead
search for jobs online.1 to the transformation of the talent
For communities landscape. We will see the automation of
•• Digital tools have helped enable people more jobs, including customer service,
to engage globally, transforming how data entry and other middle-income,
they network, build relationships administrative positions. At the same
and stay informed. Approximately 87 time, automation will increase demand
percent of the US population use the for workers who possess a new blend of
internet daily.2 skills, many of which are in short supply
For organizations in today’s labor market. Preparing to
meet the future needs of workers and
•• Digital technologies provide employers is not simply a question of
connectedness and efficiency, and addressing these skills gaps. With only
empower employees and organizations 40 percent of the world’s population
to thrive in a world where technology connected to the Internet,8 and nearly 20
is increasingly prevalent. Of those percent unable to read or write,9 there are
surveyed by Accenture, 82 percent of additional barriers and a responsibility to
executives believe digital is erasing ensure that disadvantaged individuals and
industry limitations and allowing communities are not left behind.
paradigms to emerge.3
“Digital is more than a set of
Over the past decade, the global
digital revolution has yielded numerous technologies you buy. It is the
advancements including wireless abilities those technologies
internet, smartphones, e-commerce and create…Digital is the application
wearable technology. These innovations of information and technology to
have become commonplace throughout
the developed world and are increasingly
raise human performance.”
visible in emerging markets. Digital Digital Talk: What is digital
transformation is happening at a rapid
business strategy, Accenture
pace, and sooner than we might think,
many of the technologies that we Strategy Blog 10
currently consider to be emerging, such

On the road to digital gaps to widen, leaving thousands, if
not millions, of individuals without the
transformation, keeping pace skills and resources they need to secure
leads to greater social impact. meaningful employment.
By allowing workforce development Workforce development nonprofits are
nonprofits to increase the speed uniquely positioned to help close the
and scale of their operations, digital digital divide and support beneficiaries
solutions can support progress towards to thrive in the workforce of the future.
each of the United Nations Sustainable By using digital channels for service
Development Goals, including Quality delivery, these organizations will become
Education and Decent Work and more effective in reaching job-seekers
Economic Growth. An example of digital and aspiring entrepreneurs, while
as an accelerator of progress can be improving their digital fluency and skills.
seen in the comparison of sub-Saharan Additionally, digital resources will help
access to electricity grids and digital workforce development nonprofits to
mobile networks. Invented over 130 connect with the wider ecosystem of
years ago, electricity grids are still only volunteers and partners in academia,
accessible to 17 percent of sub-Sahara’s government and the commercial sector.
rural population. In contrast, 70 percent
Girl Scouts of USA’s Digital Cookie
of this population has access to a digital
is a notable example of a nonprofit
mobile network, just 23 years after the
accelerating impact through innovation. In
first digital networks became available.11
2014, the organization saw an opportunity
to revolutionize the largest girl-run
The speed and scale of digital is business in the world while building
accelerating progress like never before digital skills for the next generation. The
Made Have result is “Digital Cookie,” an expansion
available access of the Girl Scout Cookie Program that
teaches scouts to apply e-commerce and
Electricity 130 years 17%
SMS capabilities to their cookie sales. In
grids ago
addition to expanding the size and scope
Digital 23 years 70% of each girl’s cookie business, Digital
technologies ago Cookie gives a generation of female
entrepreneurs the skills they need to
succeed in a digital world.12
*data for sub-Saharan Africa
While many nonprofit organizations
The changing nature of the global recognize the transformative potential of
economy means that adopting digital digital technologies, their understanding
tools is increasingly important for of how technology can help them
workforce development nonprofits succeed varies significantly. Our research
looking to drive meaningful employment shows that 95 percent of nonprofit
and entrepreneurship outcomes and workers believe that digital represents
stay relevant in the modern era. In fact, an important opportunity for the sector.13
all organizations should embrace the Two-thirds of nonprofit leadership are
opportunities offered by digital tools, encouraging their organizations to
while doing their part to mitigate any adopt digital tools, believing that it has
friction caused by these shifts. At the strategic importance in achieving their
moment, some nonprofits may feel mission and objectives.14 Yet less than a
they can defer digital transformation quarter of nonprofit leaders think that
without any significant impact to their their organizations are doing everything
programs and beneficiaries. As time that needs to be done to prepare their
goes by, however, the consequences of workforce for digital transformation.15
inaction will become more apparent. At
best, other organizations will move in 98% of nonprofit leaders see
to fill the holes left by their less digital digital transformation as an
peers. At worst, lack of action can
opportunity for beneficiaries.
allow domestic and international skills

“Digital is a big driver of 50 percent.16 This suggests a lack of
productivity…the same sort of awareness around digital tools and
their potential impact for workforce
efficiency and effectiveness development nonprofits. An analysis of
improvements that happened in 15 nonprofits by Accenture Corporate
the private sector over the last Citizenship’s Nordic team found that
ten to twenty years have only nonprofits need to catch up on digital
just started taking effect in the adoption, as those who are able to will
gain an advantage and those who don’t
international non-governmental may fall behind.17
organization sector, particularly
Even where support for digital adoption
in developing countries.”
exists, many nonprofit organizations
Greg Snow struggle to keep up with the pace of
Save The Children change. Of those surveyed, 75 percent
wish they invested more in digital skills
The majority of nonprofits that have and tools,18 yet fewer than 40% of workers
embraced digital accelerators such as have access to digital technology tools
digital assessments, digital collaboration, on average.19 Lack of digital fluency,
digital learning and data and analytics the aptitude needed to utilize digital
tools report a substantial increase in technology to its full potential, is
organizational capacity and efficiency also an issue. Without digital fluency,
[See Figure 1]. organizations are unable to realize the full
Despite clear benefits, however, adoption impact of innovative technologies.
rates across the board are still below

Those nonprofit workers who use digital accelerators see increased efficiency
Figure 1: Take-up of digital accelerators is low despite efficacy benefits

Digital accelerator Nonprofit survey respondents who

adoption rate see efficiency gains from digital


39% 39%


Digital Digital Digital Data and

Assessments Collaboration Learning Analytics

Source: Accenture Corporate Citizenship Digital Adoption Survey Results 2016

Definitions and further information on each accelerator can be found on pages 14-20

The digital landscape is evolving rapidly, The talent landscape is rapidly changing.
with countless innovations emerging In the United States alone, it’s predicted
every day. Our research in the nonprofit that 43 percent of the workforce will
and commercial sectors points to three be freelance by 2020.21 In start-up tech
key opportunities to drive meaningful communities, companies use online
impact: liquid workforce, mobility and the courses to develop internal team skills
power of data. and obtain additional expertise through
on-demand labor platforms such as
Enable a liquid workforce crowdsourcing or online freelance
and engage the workforce networks. By leveraging this approach,
marketplace. workforce development nonprofits can
improve training and hiring practices,
The term “liquid workforce” refers scale their workforce and transform to
to a fluid organizational structure truly digital organizations.22 In addition,
that leverages digital to transform adopting liquid models and engaging the
organizations into more agile, change- workforce marketplace could also help
ready enterprises. This paradigm would these organizations adapt to new digital
empower workforce development demands while addressing beneficiary
nonprofits to identify and recruit and stakeholder needs across many
additional talent with specialized geographies and functions.
skills on a short-term or as-needed
basis, allowing them to respond
more effectively to the shifting needs 76% of nonprofit workers see
of beneficiaries and overcome any digital as a key differentiator in
limitations of organizational capability
their service offerings.
and capacity.20 For many workforce
development nonprofits, enabling a
liquid workforce and drawing upon
the workforce marketplace will involve
partnering with existing volunteer
support ecosystems or forming new
relationships with organizations like
Applause and Samasource. Applause
provides organizations with on-demand,
crowdsourced software testing, while
Samasource lifts people out of poverty
by teaching them crucial job skills
and connecting them with digital
Samasource has established itself
as a leader in the business process
outsourcing industry, helping large
Silicon Valley companies meet their data
processing needs. They work closely
with these companies to determine their
digital deficiencies and connect them
with highly-skilled workers. Samasource
trains and hires these workers at centers
across East Africa, India and Haiti, and
pays them a living wage; a significant
shift away from chronic unemployment
or underemployment.

Using mobility can make life a web-based messaging service that
allows users to send texts, images and
easier. videos between phones. Using this
Throughout the world, smartphones platform, Rede Cidadã has engagement
have become the go-to tool for with more than 1,000 youth within
communication, content sharing and Brazil. Similarly, Acción Emprendedora
other personal activities. (Youth Business International Chile)
has responded to beneficiary demands
In emerging markets, Internet access,
by designing an entrepreneur web
primarily enabled by mobile, is so
application that is accessible via mobile
important that the United Nations
devices, helping the organization to
considers it a fundamental right.23
overcome geographical and connectivity
While early model mobile devices
barriers and increase their impact.
were limited in functionality, today’s
smartphones allow users to share a “ The ‘Business Women’ App
range of information, from basic text
addresses accessibility and
messages to interactive, multimedia
content. Modern mobile technology mobility challenges plus time
offers workforce development nonprofits constraints, giving a flexible
new opportunities to work, collaborate way to access the training.”
and communicate more effectively, while
expanding the variety and quality of Lowri Gilbert,
digital services available to beneficiaries. Cherie Blair Foundation
Although some solutions are only for Women
mobile-to-mobile, many computer-based
options offer mobile interfaces to help
organizations reach the estimated 5.5
billion mobile users worldwide by 2020.24
Mobile solutions are primarily designed to
provide access. They are affordable, user-
friendly, require less infrastructure, provide
data evaluation and are compatible with
most mobile device types.25 They also
allow mission-based organizations to
significantly scale and increase their
impact in a cost-effective way.
For example the Cherie Blair Foundation
for Women developed the Business
Women mobile application, which
delivers business training specifically
tailored for women entrepreneurs via
SMS, on simple feature phones. Since
its launch, the service has reached over
100,000 women in Indonesia, Nigeria
and Tanzania. In a survey of subscribers,
90 percent said that the app offered
them an inexpensive way to become
better-informed business women. The
Foundation is currently developing a
second generation application that will
also have smartphone capabilities.
Rede Cidadã is a Brazilian nonprofit
that uses social networking to bring
together businesses government and
social organizations to help generate
jobs in low-income areas. It connects
with beneficiaries through WhatsApp,

Unlocking the power of Volunteers and donors can also benefit
from data analytics initiatives. NPower
data can help workforce Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to technology
development nonprofits boost education and skill development, is
the impact of their programs. experimenting with analytics to improve
its volunteering program, which has more
According to our research,
than 10,000 technology professional
approximately one-third of workforce
volunteers. The organization wants to
development nonprofits currently use
identify where volunteers can have the
analytics.26 In these organizations, 82
greatest impact on students, while also
percent of leaders in these organizations
boosting engagement. This initiative will
say analytics have increased capacity by
allow NPower Inc. to more effectively
more than 10 percent, and 83 percent
manage volunteer time and donations.
of nonprofit workers believe it has made
them more efficient.27 Plan Finland, an international
development organization promoting
Rather than relying on intuition or
children’s rights, partnered with the start-
perception, workforce development
up Pajat Solutions to develop a mobile
nonprofits can apply data-driven
application called Poimapper. Plan Finland
decision making to almost any area of
uses this mobile app to monitor the
their operations. Predictive analytics
success of their intervention programs
allow organizations to segment and
by collecting assessment responses,
profile beneficiaries, detect and predict
birth registrations or images associated
skills gaps, develop effective programs
with survey data through smartphones
and interventions and upskill staff in line
or tablets. The tool is used across 20
with forecasted demand.
countries where Plan Finland operates.28
“Lots and lots of data: that’s what With more data comes more
[digital] gives me that I didn’t responsibility. Proper management of
have before. With more data I information is an increasingly important
can do lots of different things, element of any analytics program.
Workforce development nonprofits must
and run lots of different types of consider the ethics of data collection,
analysis.” use and manipulation, and ensure
Ghanim Ghneim, confidentiality of any sensitive data.
Education for Employment

Girl Power (GPower), an innovative digital solution jointly developed by Accenture Labs
and the Child in Need Institute (CINI), uses data to inform its intervention design. The
organization’s mission is to connect vulnerable adolescent girls with government services
in education, protection, health and nutrition. The solution leverages mobile, analytics and
cloud technologies to track changes in circumstances, provide real-time insights, alert CINI
and trigger interventions. Through the power of analytics, GPower has so far been able to
save more than 200 girls from trafficking and child marriage in a single year.

The most critical changes are often Figure 2: Two biggest barriers to digital
the most challenging, and digital adoption cited by nonprofit
transformation is no exception. leaders
According to the findings from our
combined survey and interview research,
nonprofit leaders cite having low digital
maturity, limited understanding of the
needs and wants of beneficiaries and
scarce resources as the main barriers to
the adoption of digital technologies.
Enabling digital maturity
low digital
requires a rotation of mindset,
understanding, skills, and
business practices.
The digital maturity of a nonprofit
shapes its attitude toward technology
adoption. Understandably, those with
lower levels of digital maturity may not
fully grasp the potential opportunities
and impact. Less than a quarter of
workers not currently using analytics (22
percent) believe adoption could improve
outcomes for beneficiaries.29 More 98%
advanced organizations are more likely
to collaborate with digital partners to scarce
develop tailored, human-centric solutions resources
that meet the needs of job-seekers and
aspiring entrepreneurs. Of the 40 percent
of organizations we surveyed that are
using digital collaboration platforms, over
90 percent felt these platforms had made
them more efficient.30
Building a culture of understanding and
combating mistrust of technology is
key. Nonprofit leaders need to establish
a digitally mature culture within
their organization by building digital
understanding, boosting skills and
refining business practice.

Digital understanding refers to a broad As digital skills development is an equally
knowledge across all team members important step on the road to digital
and awareness of the range of digital maturity, investing in new technologies is
solutions and opportunities and their not enough. Real transformation requires
applicability to the nonprofit sector. that people understand technology, know
how to use it and actively incorporate it
into their daily activities. According to
Digital is everyone’s business – GO UK Digital Skills Report and findings
and not just the responsibility of from Accenture Corporate Citizenship’s
the technology team. research, there are certain basic digital
skills that can support the development
of a more mature digital culture within an
Having a siloed approach with separate organization:
digital and programmatic teams creates
the perception that digital is unimportant •• Digital content creation: using digital
to other parts of the business. As a result, tools to create documents, social
program teams may miss opportunities to media posts, presentations and
drive employment and entrepreneurship surveys.31
outcomes for their beneficiaries. •• Online transactions: purchasing
Refining business practice means goods or services online, installing
aligning strategy, technology and applications, subscribing to events and
processes to deliver meaningful logging IT tickets.32
results. Before a nonprofit can embark •• Information management: using online
on business practice transformation, search engines and cloud file storage.33
decision-makers must understand the
spectrum of digital tools at their disposal •• Problem-solving: troubleshooting
and how they can be applied to meet issues and finding solutions via web
specific organizational challenges. searches.34
One way for nonprofits to kick-start the •• Adaptability: evolving with the
process of understanding and acting on ever-changing circumstances and
the opportunities and challenges brought environment of digital.35
about by digital technologies is to assess
their digital maturity and identify areas
for development. Once an organization’s 58% of nonprofit workers take a
digital maturity is assessed, they are proactive approach to learning
then in a better position to establish an
new digital skills.
effective change management function
to support the journey to digital maturity
through training, coaching and provision
of resources. Additionally, the path to
digital maturity encourages organizations
to collaborate with internal digital experts
and external partners to find solutions.
This approach can help nonprofits to
learn fast from small failures by taking
small risks and implementing digital
solutions on a small scale.

Understanding the needs and
wants of beneficiaries leads to
more effective interventions.
For nonprofit organizations, digital
success means putting beneficiaries and
employees at the heart of program design
and delivery. However, according to our
research, only 23 percent of nonprofit
leaders believe that collaboration with
beneficiaries is important for successful
adoption of a digital tool.
Digital transformation is changing
beneficiary expectations and a key step
in empowering them is to deliver services
80% of beneficiaries cite the
via technologies that work with them.36
In a survey of beneficiaries, 80 percent Internet as an important resource
cite the Internet as an important resource for their education.
for their education.37 Meanwhile, almost
60 percent would rather give feedback
online or via mobile, compared to 36
46% of beneficiaries wish
percent who cite phone or paper.38 To
help ensure continued success and
their nonprofit provided more
relevance, workforce development services online.
nonprofits should seize this opportunity
to reach stakeholders through their
preferred channels. Even small changes Almost 60% would rather give
to program design and delivery can
feedback online or via mobile,
ensure that the beneficiary voice is heard
in decision making. compared to 36% who cite phone
or paper.’s story of Shanti and the Naandi
Treatment Centre perfectly illustrates the
importance of involving beneficiaries in
program design. Shanti lives in an area
outside of Hyderabad, India, and fetches
water every day from a borehole that
often makes her family sick. While the
Naandi Treatment Centre provides clean
water to Shanti’s community, it is located
half a kilometer from her home and the
water bottles they provide are difficult
for her to carry. As a result, she still must
collect water from the borehole. Had
the Naandi Treatment Centre consulted
its beneficiaries during the design
process, their intervention may have
been more effective for individuals like
Shanti.39 In the same way, by bringing
the beneficiary into the design process,
workforce development nonprofits can
create more targeted solutions and
unlock more meaningful employment and
entrepreneurship outcomes.

Overcome resource barriers Crowdsourcing, on the other hand, is the
practice of leveraging digital channels to
such as funding and obtain funding or seek advice on an idea
connectivity. or issue from stakeholders and the general
Resource barriers, such as a lack of public. For example, Techtonica, a start-
funding, can inhibit a nonprofit’s ability up style nonprofit that offers free tech
to embrace digital transformation. While training and job placement for low-income
these challenges are sometimes outside women and non-binary adults, utilized
an organization’s control, workforce Indiegogo’s crowdsourcing platform to
development nonprofits can take steps secure over $40,000 for its programs.
to address them. Of nonprofit leaders
“Crowdfunding helps Techtonica
surveyed, 48 percent say funding for
digital has fallen or stayed the same over accomplish a lot in a short amount
the past 12 months.40 of time. It provides a deadline so
Funding shortages have caused some you and your supporters move
workforce development nonprofits to quickly, and encourages the
shy away from digital solutions. Many involvement of the community.”
are constrained by the fact that their
backers are focused on program delivery Michelle Glauser,
rather than internal capability building. Techtonica
Others assume that technology is very Connectivity is also a challenge for
expensive, which is not always the case. nonprofit organizations. Many worry that
Examples of cost-effective digital switching to digital will keep them from
solutions include Google for Nonprofits’ reaching a large portion of beneficiaries;
collaboration, knowledge management however, approximately 75 percent
and analytics offerings, and Atlassian’s of beneficiaries we heard from have
team management tool, Confluence. access to the Internet.41 Additionally, an
There are thousands of other online investment in technology does not mean
solutions that are either open source that an organization will be forced to
or free for nonprofits, many of which abandon effective direct mail or grassroots
offer complimentary online training and initiatives. Instead, digital will supplement
implementation guidance. existing outreach and fundraising
programs, while creating opportunities to
Crowdsourcing and stackable funding
broaden support and engagement.
also can be used to obtain the
resources needed to implement a more Creative solutioning involves approaching
comprehensive digital solution. Stackable a funding challenge with an innovative
funding refers to the practice of seeking or novel approach to help identify new
additional donations, grants or loans and inventive solutions. In the context of
to supplement existing funds. While a funding, digital creative solutioning could
nonprofit may have a steady stream of provide an answer to resource challenges
donations to support its operational or an unorthodox way to circumvent these
budget, it may pursue stackable funding barriers and achieve the desired outcome.
to finance a special project or initiative.

Lloyds Bank research reported

that nonprofits that are digitally
mature are 28% more likely to
increase funding. 41

In today’s world, a variety of digital tools, solutions and technologies are available
to workforce development nonprofits. Deciding what to pick can be overwhelming,
particularly for organizations that struggle to understand their technical goals
and how to reach them. Our research undertook a phased approach to determine
what tools would be most valuable for nonprofits to accelerate employment and
entrepreneurship outcomes and increase organizational efficiency. Firstly, we
identified success factors [see Figure 3] that contribute to a tools effectiveness in
the nonprofit sector and used those criteria to assess a wide range of digital tools.
In order to further understand their specific relevance to the nonprofit sector, each
of the tools was also evaluated through interviews and surveys with workforce
development nonprofits.
Of the vast spectrum of digital tools available to workforce development nonprofits,
our research uncovered four primary accelerators that can have an immediate impact
on employment and entrepreneurship outcomes and organizational efficiency: digital
collaboration platforms, digital assessments, digital learning and data and analytics.
These four accelerators can drive outcomes and efficiency by increasing scale,
access, effectiveness, collaboration and informed decision making.

Figure 3: Digital accelerator success factors [percentage of nonprofit workers that

identified them as a factor]

91% Accountability
Ensures organizations are
S 81% Future-proof
U Assesses whether a tool has
demonstrating effective use of C a long shelf life, is adaptable
scarce resources that are not C to foreseeable changes
being replicated elsewhere. and doesn’t require regular
90% Focuses
on material
86% Proven
Shows that a tool is trusted to
improvement for both employees boost organizational capacity
and beneficiaries. A quickly.
88% Helps
drive the nonprofit’s
O 87% Scalability
Adds value to many business
overall mission to meet functions and can be used for
the needs and wants of many activities.


Digital Digital Digital Data and

Collaboration Assessments Learning Analytics


Digital Digital Digital Data and

Collaboration Assessments Learning Analytics
Digital Digital Digital learning Data and
collaboration is assessments uses technology analytics tools
the use of digital collect and as the means to use quantitative
devices to share evaluate drive learning methods to
knowledge, information about outcomes. derive insights
manage stakeholders. They It requires a from data, which
information provide data to combination can be used to
and contribute inform decision of technology, shape decisions
user-generated making on an digital content and program
content. individual and and instruction. design.









•• G Suite •• Google Forms •• S2S Academy •• SPSS
•• Dropbox •• IQ Matrix •• Coursera •• Tableau
•• Confluence •• Knack •• •• Blackbaud
•• Skype •• Mybestbets. •• Fishtree •• Google
com Analytics

Note: Value was determined through a mixture of tool capability research and interview and survey findings

Digital Accelerator 1: The Cherie Blair Foundation for Women,
which empowers women entrepreneurs
Work more effectively in developing and emerging economies,
with digital collaboration is using technology to increase women’s
platforms. access to economic opportunities. Main
barriers faced by women in emerging
Digital collaboration platforms help teams
markets include access to connectivity,
work more effectively and efficiently
training and mentoring. The Foundation
across geographies, both with each
has responded to this need by delivering
other and with partner organizations,
mentoring via free, mobile-accessible
volunteers and beneficiaries. They
video conferencing tools, such as Skype
are generally cost-effective and allow
or Google Hangouts. Combining online
for greater accuracy, innovation and
communication tools and a bespoke
accountability, while fostering deeper
digital platform, mentees work closely
digital connections between teams.
with their mentors on personalized
These platforms can help workforce
business and professional development
development nonprofits overcome
objectives over the course of a year.
resource barriers, while creating a more
This program and approach has enabled
digitally mature culture.
the Foundation to support more than
More than 90 percent of nonprofit 2,000 women entrepreneurs in over 90
workers believe that digital collaboration countries since 2010.
platforms have improved their efficiency.43
Nuru International, a social venture 70% of beneficiaries are
on a mission to end extreme poverty in most comfortable keeping in
rural Kenya and Ethiopia, is working to
touch via digital collaboration
develop a more digitally mature culture by
becoming more efficient in its day-to-day tools such as email, instant
operations. In addition to the Google for messaging, video calls and
Nonprofits collaboration offering (G Suite social tools.
for Nonprofits), Nuru International used
a Google Chrome Extension to reduce
superfluous emails. Also, instead of
attaching files for colleagues to download,
79% of workers are confident
employees share Google Drive links, that they could connect with
which provide cost savings in remote colleagues and beneficiaries
regions where internet connectivity is across geographies using
purchased via data bundles. video conferencing or file

Benefits Considerations
•• Help team members to collaborate more •• Ensuring regularity and strength of
effectively across geographies and work mentoring sessions may be difficult
more closely with partner organizations, and mentor coaching could be required
volunteers and beneficiaries
•• Buy-in and adoption across the
•• Trigger new models of collaboration organization may be a challenge
with employers, training providers and
•• Outcome measurement is difficult;
limited direct metrics for success
•• Help provide employment/
entrepreneurship advice and
mentoring at scale

Digital Accelerator 2: data to monitor individual progress,
which helps ensure that beneficiaries
Digital assessments receive the requisite level of support
can provide and informs program design and
organizations with continuous improvement.
greater insight into Teach for the Philippines is leveraging
their stakeholders. digital assessment tools to improve
their teacher recruitment process by
Digital assessments provide workforce collaborating with Knack, a technology
development nonprofits with better start-up that combines behavioral
data about their beneficiaries to support science, mobile games, and machine-
decision making. They can also improve learning algorithms to unlock individuals’
understanding of an organization’s talents and match them with job
capabilities, digital maturity, employee opportunities. Teach for the Philippines
skills and overall organizational has adopted Knack’s technology to more
engagement. objectively measure and identify skills
Of those surveyed for this research, 71 and traits critical for success in a teaching
percent of nonprofit workers say the use of role. This digital assessment tool has
digital assessments has made them more helped them start proactively reaching
efficient and half of leaders not currently out to university students who exhibit
using digital assessments believe they high potential as teachers.
would improve beneficiary outcomes.44
The Institute for Veterans and Military In a recent study conducted
Families (IVMF), an interdisciplinary by Salesforce, 75 percent of
national institute focused on issues
volunteers said they would
impacting veterans and military families,
utilizes digital assessments as part
be willing to volunteer more
of its Onward to Opportunity civilian hours per year if they felt their
workforce training initiative. The resulting nonprofits really knew them. 45
data helps them to determine program
eligibility, evaluate initial skills and career
interest, monitor progress and support The majority of nonprofit
job placement. In addition, the digital
leaders using digital strengths
assessment helps IVMF align its services
with beneficiaries’ needs and place them assessments think they have
in a skilling program that matches their increased organizational capacity
unique level and goals. Additionally, it by more than 20%.
assists IVMF in unlocking the power of

Benefits Considerations
•• Individual assessments can help to •• Buy-in and adoption across the
support beneficiaries in understanding organization may be a challenge
their skills and strengths and translate
•• Some beneficiaries may lack the
this into targeted job readiness activities
necessary digital literacy to use the
to improve outcomes
assessment tools
•• Volunteer and employee skill and
•• Assessments must be conducted
interest assessments can allow for a
reasonably frequently to monitor
better allocation of resources
•• Digital maturity assessment can deliver
an understanding of an organizations
current state and provide a clear
roadmap and priorities for digitalization
Digital Accelerator 3: materials for professional development,
as well as a community of peers.
Digital learning can
improve outcomes for Accenture’s Skills to Succeed Academy
is a free digital, interactive program
everyone. that helps disadvantaged young people
Digital learning is learning through to build skills and confidence to make
technology; often it includes a career choices and develop employability
continuum of models that leverage skills. Skills to Succeed Academy
technology to give students increased opened its virtual doors in 2013 in the
control over learning. Today, workforce United Kingdom and recently launched
development nonprofits have access in Ireland, South Africa and Australia.
to a wide range of disruptive digital It will be available in the United States
learning technologies, such as animation, in late 2017. Since the launch of the
assessments, gamification, learning Academy, 100,000 beneficiaries have
boards, multimedia, simulation, social been reached and 70 percent feel that
learning, tutorials and web-based their skills have improved. The East
training, which can be used in e-learning London Business Alliance (ELBA), uses
or blended learning environments. Digital this program to help young people
learning improves access and helps identify their professional skills and
beneficiaries and staff acquire market- interests, improve their resumes, prepare
ready technology skills. for job interviews and succeed in the
workplace. By combining the Academy
One of the primary objectives of digital courses with individual advisors, ELBA
learning, particularly for workforce has helped enable young people to
development nonprofits serving the pursue meaningful careers in a variety of
millennial generation, is to meet the
digital expectations of stakeholders and
deliver customized content through
familiar channels. To this end, Quest 73% of entrepreneurs and job
Alliance, an Indian nonprofit committed seekers prefer to learn [at least
to addressing problems in the Indian partially] online.
educational system, has taken steps
to incorporate digital elements into its
blended learning programs. With support
from Accenture, Quest designed a
Studies by both Campus
digital learning ecosystem of tools and
resources for trainers and beneficiaries. Technology and McGraw-Hill
This learning management system allows Education44 indicate 75% of
stakeholders to study at their own pace students said technology has
and has been used by more than 20,000 positively impacted their grades.46
youth, 700 trainers and 50 nonprofits.
They also provide access to self-learning

Benefits Considerations
•• Makes learning opportunities more •• Some beneficiaries are more
accessible and helps beneficiaries immediately suited for digital learning
acquire skills while others require preparatory courses
•• Users can personalize their own •• Some digital learning solutions require
curriculum a high initial investment
•• Allows for increased scale and •• Access to infrastructure can be limited
geographic reach

Digital Accelerator The Wildlife Crime Technology Project,
is also thriving through the use of data
4: Harness the power
and analytics. This initiative links the
of data and analytics WWF, the Namibian government with
through the right digital conservationists and park wardens,
tools. allowing each party to share conservation
data, and facilitating rapid response to
When it comes to data collection criminal activity. The project deploys
and analysis, workforce development surveillance drones, which provide
nonprofits today can choose from a real-time visual feedback of Namibia’s
variety of digital tools that can capture, national parks, keeping authorities
transform, analyze and visualize data. informed, and allowing for better
Data and analytics tools offer insight decision making and oversight of high-
into beneficiaries’ progress from initial risk areas. The data integration and
engagement and beyond. They also analysis is facilitated by the Spatial
help establish effective data sources for Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART).47
monitoring and evaluation. However, “[Digital allows us to] track our five
digitally mature organizations can only
harness the power of analytics if they most critical metrics: retention,
identify and ask the right questions to admission, development and
develop clearly defined goals. internships and outcomes.”
Year Up, an organization dedicated to Matt McCann,
empowering young adults in urban areas
Year Up
of the USA to reach their professional
potential, utilizes Salesforce to manage
stakeholder relationships and track
82% of nonprofit leaders say
beneficiary progress. The data they
gather from this initiative provides them
analytics have boosted capacity
with actionable insights about specific by more than 10%.
beneficiary needs and program design as
a whole.

Benefits Considerations
•• Has the potential to streamline •• Need to focus on the right metrics
operations and improve productivity,
•• Sometimes requires a moderate level of
enabling organizations to crunch large
digital literacy
datasets and deliver faster business
insights •• Data analysis usually generates many
possible insights – it is challenging to
•• Predictive analytics can support
validate them across functions, in order
organizations to detect and predict
to identify the leading useful insights
skills gaps whilst providing a tool to
segment and profile beneficiaries and
develop responsive interventions to
upskill in line with forecasted demand

Digital tools provide new methods, approaches, channels and technologies
to drive entrepreneurship and employment outcomes at scale and increase
organizational efficiency. However, before workforce development
nonprofits can begin their digital journey, they must consider how to unlock
opportunities, overcome challenges and adopt accelerators. To assist in
this process, we have provided a collection of Hacks – quick and small
changes that assist workforce development nonprofits in starting their digital
journey. These hacks have been compiled based on the advice of workforce
development nonprofits, technology organizations and Accenture teams.


Use MOOCs Compile a list of all outsourcing and hiring efforts within your
for workplace organization and pick one from the list that could be met by
learning upskilling an employee using a massive open online course
[MOOC]. Poll your team members to see who would be willing
to enroll. Throughout the course, check in with the employee
for feedback on their experience so that you can understand
the benefits.

Identify Ask each team in your organization to identify an existing,

mobility free mobile app that they think could be useful to interact
options for with beneficiaries. Set up a meeting for each team to present
beneficiary their choice and ask participants to vote for their favorite.
programs Once the winner is selected, set up an account, test it with a
small group of beneficiaries and get ready to go mobile.

Ask the right Organize a meeting with your team and write these three
questions questions on a whiteboard:
about data 1. How can we use data to demonstrate our robust social
2. How can we use data to tell a story?
3. How can we inspire donors and volunteers using data?
Work together to brainstorm solutions; pick one and try to
implement it.

Start using Next time you design an intervention or devise a new program
design thinking or interaction (big or small), download’s DesignKit.
The Field Guide to Human-Centered Design
Identify one of the methods that could be incorporated to better
understand the needs and wants of beneficiaries.
Work together Ask team members to find their favorite online, free for nonprofit
to find the right digital tool. Organize a meeting to discuss the impact that these
digital tools tools could have. Perhaps one of these could be a solution to an
existing problem!

Look for Tools such as Trello are a great, free alternative to more
opportunities to expensive, complex digital collaboration and project
become more management tools. The benefit of Trello is that it is based on an
agile agile methodology, so it could help create a more adaptive, agile
organizational project management culture.

Discover Use assessment tools such as Google Forms, an app within
innovative ways the Google for Nonprofits G Suite offering, to deliver a flipped
to use digital classroom learning experience. With the ability to add multimedia
tools to enhance material, Google Forms can be used to gather and deliver
learning information. Try creating an assessment within the form to
understand beneficiaries’ job readiness knowledge. You can then
use the responses and data to guide in-class discussion and
select appropriate further learning material.

Reach more Use unconventional learning tools like Snapchat to provide

beneficiaries daily micro-learning. For example, send a daily study tip to
through digital beneficiaries – small, but constant reminders are quick and easy,
tools so millennial beneficiaries are more likely to engage with them.

Discover more Email the Insight to Action: Paving the Pathways to Employment
about the report to your team. Ask each team member to review the report,
Pathways to focusing on the framework that highlights the key success
Employment factors associated with each phase of the program lifecycle,
and provides a tool to help nonprofits assess their current
capabilities. Using this framework, come together as a group
and identify opportunities to incorporate digital technologies
into sustainable long-term strategies for cost savings, service
improvements, and growth for your organization. Consider
how best to align your digital strategy with your mission and
technological capabilities.

Learn from other Ask a team to write down their understanding of digital.
nonprofits Then visit the Accenture Nordic Team’s interactive Digital
Performance Index (DPI), which is a tool that provides insight to
60 Nordic nonprofits and their use of digital. Afterward, spark a
conversation comparing each team member’s thoughts on digital
before and after exploring the DPI, and how digital is or is not
being used in your organization.

Understand the Explore your options in the digital learning environment and
common myths debunk common myths with your team. Ask for volunteers
associated with to explore digital learning and ask each volunteer to read
digital learning the Accenture Corporate Citizenship’s report How to Design
programs and Scale Digital and Blended Learning Programs to Improve
Employment and Entrepreneurship Outcomes. Once everyone
has read the report, meet to review the information, identify
which elements are applicable and feasible for your organization
and utilize the step-by-step guide and Excel-based resources to
develop your digital learning capabilities.

Start exploring Ask the Accenture Corporate Citizenship team about Skills
the different to Succeed. This free, digital, interactive program helps
assets offered disadvantaged young people build skills and confidence to
by Accenture make career choices and develop employability skills. Skills
Corporate to Succeed Academy opened its virtual doors in 2013 in the
Citizenship United Kingdom and recently launched in Ireland, South Africa
and Australia. It will be available in the United States in late
2017. 180,000 beneficiaries are expected to be reached globally
during the next four years.

Keep ahead Invite one of your colleagues for a series of five innovation
of technology chats; in each chat discuss one of the five tech trends
trends highlighted in the Technology Vision 2017. Each week review
the trend in advance of your innovation chat and think about
how this trend might apply to your organization. Walk through
your thinking with one another.
Technology is developing at an
unprecedented rate and to keep up with the
pace of change, workforce development
nonprofits are encouraged to embark on a
journey toward digital adoption. As with any
journey, workforce development nonprofits
that move too quickly can overreach, and
those that go too slowly run the risk of
becoming ineffective. Digital innovations
present a unique opportunity for mission-
driven organizations to increase operational
efficiencies, improve service delivery and
amplify their impact on a scale never before
imagined. Starting your digital journey
means adopting only those innovations that
unlock value for your mission. Therefore,
a workforce development nonprofit’s
digital journey is less about pursuing every
available opportunity, but rather focusing
on the right areas that will ultimately
deliver impact for employment and
entrepreneurship outcomes. By following
the strategies outlined in this report,
workforce development nonprofits will be
taking steps to pursue their unique path to
a digital future.

When embarking on this research, we had a key question in mind: How can workforce development
nonprofits identify and adopt digital accelerators that will help drive improved employment and
entrepreneurship outcomes for beneficiaries at scale?
To answer this question, we applied a design thinking approach which involved four key elements:

1. We explored a wide range of published works and 3. We conducted three surveys and received over
thought leadership on relevant and analogous 265 responses from nonprofit leaders, employees
topics. and beneficiaries based in more than ten countries
including Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia,
2. We conducted more than 45 interviews with
China, Germany, India, the Netherlands,
leading technology organizations, nonprofits and
Philippines, Spain and the United States of
Accenture experts that spanned across all five
4. We coordinated five site visits and prototyping
sessions, and a design thinking workshop that
involved nonprofit leaders, employees and

1. Searching for Work in the Digital Era, 16. Digital Disruption: Embrace the future association with Lloyds Banking Group
Pew Research, 2015 of work and your people will embrace
33. Basic Digital Skills: UK Report
it with you, Accenture Strategy, 2016
2. 13% of Americans don’t use the 2015, Ipsos MORI for GO UN UK, in
internet. Who are they?, Pew Research, 17. Digital Reality Check for NGOs, association with Lloyds Banking Group
2016 Accenture, 2016
34. Basic Digital Skills: UK Report
3. Accenture Technology Vision, 2016 18. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey, 2015, Ipsos MORI for GO UN UK, in
2016 association with Lloyds Banking Group
4. World Economic Forum White Paper
Digital Transformation of Industries: In 19. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey, 35. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey,
collaboration with Accenture, 2016 2016 2016
5. Internet matters: The Net’s sweeping 20. Accenture Technology Vision, 2016 36. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey,
impact on growth, jobs, and 2016
21. Accenture Technology Vision, 2016
prosperity, McKinsey Global Institute,
37. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey,
May 2011 22. Accenture Technology Vision, 2017
6. The Future of Jobs, World Economic 23. Right to Internet Access, Wikipedia,
38. Design Thinking for Social Innovation,
Forum, 2016 2016
SSIR, 2010
7. Almost all the US jobs created since 24. 10th Annual Cisco Visual Networking
39. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey,
2005 are temporary, Dan Kopf, Quartz Index (VNI) Mobile Forecast Projects
Media, 2016 70 Percent of Global Population Will
Be Mobile Users, Cisco, 2016, 40. UK Business Digital Index, Lloyds
8. Internet live stats, 2016
Banking Group, 2016
25. How People Really Use Mobile,
9. Adult and Youth Literacy: National,
Harvard Business Review, 2013, 41. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey,
regional, and global trends, 1985-2015,
UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 2015 26. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey,
2016 42. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey,
10. Digital Strategy Blog, Accenture, 2015
27. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey,
11. #SystemTransformation, How digital
2016 43. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey,
solutions will drive progress towards
the sustainable development goals, 28. Digital Reality Check for NGOs,
global e-sustainability initiative, 2016 Accenture, 2016 44. The first-ever connected nonprofit
report,, 2017
12. The World’s Top 10 Most Innovative 29. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey,
Companies Of 2015 In Not-For-Profit, 2016 45. New McGraw-Hill Education Research
Fast Company, 2015 Finds More than 80 Percent of
30. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey,
Students Use Mobile Technology to
13. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey, 2016
Study, McGraw-Hill Education, 2015
31. Basic Digital Skills: UK Report
46. Most Faculty Believe Tech Has Positive
14. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey, 2015, Ipsos MORI for GO UN UK, in
Impact on Education, Campus
2016 association with Lloyds Banking Group
Technology, 2016
15. Accenture Digital Adoption Survey, 32. Basic Digital Skills: UK Report
47. Wildlife Crime Technology Project,
2016 2015, Ipsos MORI for GO UN UK, in

Sponsors Research Team Contributors
Tessa Forshaw Frances Bruce
Accenture Accenture

Laura Hulme Meredith Caldwell

Accenture Accenture
Lisa Neuberger
Managing Director, Dominic King Jodi M. Flatla
Accenture Corporate Accenture Accenture
Giju Mathew Cameron Griggs
Accenture Accenture

Ioana Moraru Kristine Hilliard

Accenture Accenture

Svenja Falk Sarah Morton Margaret Hughes

Managing Director, Accenture Accenture
Accenture Research
Charlotte Raut Joseph Michaels
Authors Accenture Accenture

Kait Reynolds Maggie Pollard

Accenture Accenture

Learning Circle Emily Van Houdt

Nijma Khan Patrick Cohen
Accenture NPower Inc. Roseanne Williams
Vincent DelSignore
Institute for Veterans
and Military Families

Ghanim Ghneim
Education for Employment
Tessa Forshaw
James Innes
East London Business Alliance

Jessica Lippman
Save the Children

Matt McCann
Kait Reynolds
Accenture Year Up

Aakash Sethi
Quest Alliance

About Accenture About Corporate Citizenship About Accenture Research
Accenture is a leading global At Accenture, we are leading Accenture Research uncovers
professional services company, with digital innovation to disruptors, shapes trends and
providing a broad range of address complex, global issues creates data-driven insights
services and solutions in and fulfill our vision to improve about the most pressing issues
strategy, consulting, digital, the way the world works and organizations face. Combining
technology and operations. lives. Corporate citizenship is the power of innovative
Combining unmatched central to this vision — from research techniques with a
experience and specialized closing employment gaps to deep understanding of our
skills across more than 40 advancing client sustainability clients’ industries, our team of
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than 394,000 people serving theories into real, practical
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innovation to improve the way
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