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White Paper

Improve Reliability and
Prevent Outages Across
Your Organization

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The rapid evolution of technology across industries has been a double-edged sword.
New levels of productivity and efficiency have created an “always on” mentality
for customers and employees alike. Within this new status quo, any interruption
or outage can be costly; it can even sound the death knell for an organization if
not avoided or remediated quickly. The issue is compounded as the wave of digital
transformation washes over organizations, generating more possible points of failure
while broadening organizations’ attack surface. Fortunately, with technologies like
artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), organizations can now do more RICK FITZ
than respond after the fact and instead take a proactive approach to IT operations. SENIOR VICE
Although smart technology is just coming into its own, it’s proving to be perfect for IT MARKETS
sifting through mountains of data and alerts to gain effective insights. Automated SPLUNK
baselining, dynamic thresholding, anomaly detection, event consolidation,
correlation, and predictive alerts all come together to optimize IT operations.
ML-backed tools have rapidly become proficient at identifying deviations from the
norm and are constantly improving on themselves as they ingest more data.

When effectively harnessed, AI and ML can form the core of a dynamic predictive
IT system, saving money, streamlining operations, and raising productivity as
organizations become more adept at avoiding operational, and security issues that
could affect their bottom line.

Early adopters are already reaping the benefits of predictive IT.

Viasat, a global communications company, uses an ML solution to predict

the potential impact of IT maintenance activities and strengthen cross-team
collaboration. On one occasion, Chris Crocco, Viasat’s lead solutions engineer, and
his team alerted the service assurance team of a probable circuit failure. By the
time the event took place, remediation had already occurred with no impact on
customer traffic.

“We predict the likelihood of maintenance actions having an adverse effect on

the environment,” Crocco says. “Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) finds outliers
and lets us know when a threshold is breached. Its predictive algorithms are very
effective. Combining that insight with our orchestration and auto-remediation
capabilities, we take scripted actions. So, not only are we advising people when
their maintenance is likely to have an adverse effect, we’re ahead of the game in
preventing impact.”

It’s time for you to start on your journey to predictive IT. Identify the most impactful
problems and skills gaps, and develop a plan that will prevent future IT issues.
Gain the benefits of richer data stores and advanced technology while reducing
implementation risks as your organization digitally transforms. Beyond making your
operations more efficient, consider that predictive IT can help you avoid loss of
revenue and customers and stay ahead of the competition.

What are you waiting for?

Improve Reliability and Prevent Outages
Across Your Organization

Reliable connectivity today is nonnegotiable. Everybody—customers, HIGHLIGHTS

employees, suppliers, other third parties—demands and expects to be
• It’s not enough to identify and
“always on,” 24/7, with no interruptions, outages, or security breaches. respond quickly and effectively to
While this places a heavy burden on companies’ IT operations, the incoming threats; companies must
be proactive, anticipating threats
stakes are just as high for the organizations themselves and the and addressing weaknesses before a
customer experience they offer. When your website, for example, breach or outage occurs.
experiences an outage or interruption, your customers’ and end • To anticipate interruptions and
users’ experience suffers, and they may take their business elsewhere. outages before they take place
requires spotting occurrences across
Anything less than secure connectivity all the time can constitute a real silos, lines of business, and functional
areas. That requires applying artificial
competitive disadvantage for your organization. intelligence (AI) and machine
learning (ML) to your cross-silo data.
An outage or interruption in your IT environments can have any number of
causes: a server crash, a power failure due to a flood or earthquake, an operational • With the right platform and strategic
error by a provider or user, a complete or partial failure of hardware and software application of AI and ML capabilities,
your organization can minimize
components. What these have in common is that they degrade the customer the danger of losing clients and
experience by either imposing a break in service or making it erratic, causing customers to less-than-reliable
customers to run the risk of missing a vital communication exchange or, at worst, experiences—thus enhancing its
losing control of sensitive data. Whatever the cause, it’s the responsibility of competitive edge.
IT operations to keep such events from happening—and from threatening the
customer relationship.

When it comes to addressing outages and interruptions, “some companies—even a

lot of newer ones—are really good,” says Koos Lodewijkx, chief technical officer for
IT risk in the office of the chief information services officer (CISO) at IBM. “Others
are lagging behind. Will they be eclipsed?”
To meet the standard, it’s not enough to identify and respond quickly and
effectively to incoming threats. Companies must be proactive rather than
reactive, anticipating threats and addressing weaknesses before a breach or
outage takes place.
To develop this capability, first you must be able to see across the data silos that
commonly separate the business and the corresponding IT functions, getting ahead
of outages and disruptions before they occur. Otherwise, visibility gaps develop that
can render your company vulnerable. To prevent this requires a data platform that
brings together all the relevant resources and data needed to anticipate a problem.

White Paper | The Power of Predictive IT Harvard Business Review Analytic Services 1
By avoiding downtime, an organization is able to preserve revenue,
protect brand reputation and customer experience, and ultimately
reduce internal friction between IT and the business itself.

To ramp up your ability to quickly and Out of some 1,200 monthly IT

reliably detect gaps, it’s critical to apply incidents, five will be critical,
artificial intelligence (AI) and machine generating a mean business cost
learning (ML) to your cross-silo data. of $105,302, according to a report
AI algorithms can rapidly become last year by Quocirca.1 Hefty costs
proficient at identifying deviations mean that companies must spend
from normal patterns, constantly more to manage the problem; the
refining their ability to detect worldwide IT operations management
outliers. ML and advanced analytics (ITOM) software market reached
can provide automated baselining, $8.3 billion in 2017, representing
dynamic thresholding, anomaly growth of 9.1% over the prior year,
detection, event consolidation, according to IDC.2 There is longer-
correlation, and predictive term damage, too. Seven out of 10
alerts, for example. Cognitive AI survey respondents said a past critical
capabilities are increasingly being incident had caused reputational
applied to such functions as natural damage to their organization, the
language interfaces and pattern and Quocirca report found.
even image recognition.
What’s behind this? As more tasks and
With all your data coming together functions become software-driven,
in a single platform, the right AI and “systems become more complex,
ML tools can cluster hundreds of and harder to manage and operate to
alerts into a single point of failure for ensure continuous uptime,” says Mazin
investigation, detect when complex Gilbert, vice president of advanced
service orchestrations are beginning to technology and systems at AT&T Labs.
deviate from threshold patterns, and As an example, he offers FirstNet, for
send immediate alerts to appropriate which AT&T is building a high-speed
teams when a truly anomalous data wireless broadband network for first
pattern points to an imminent outage. responders. “We can’t afford to have
The result, if done right, is a “predictive our network down even for a moment,”
IT” tool that can save costs, streamline Gilbert says. “We have to be able to
operations, raise productivity by predict and anticipate operational,
redirecting skilled employees to more management, and security issues and
value-add operations, and above all, address them in advance.”
protect your brand by improving the
IT environment infrastructure
customer experience.
and application layers themselves
are evolving fast, becoming more
Data Is Becoming Harder layered and dispersed—some data
to Manage and applications may be housed on
IT’s job is to enable the organization premises, on the cloud, or in hybrid
to avoid downtime and outages. By architectures. Meanwhile, as more
avoiding downtime, an organization is and more aspects of organizations’
able to preserve revenue, protect brand activities are digitalized, event noise
reputation and customer experience, and false positives can make it difficult
and ultimately reduce internal friction to quickly determine whether an event
between IT and the business itself. Yet will have a serious business impact,
both the incidence and cost of critical notes Kenji Takahashi, vice president of
IT incidents are rising. innovation at NTT Security GmbH.

2 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services White Paper | The Power of Predictive IT
Complexity, born in part of incremental their event management process leads result, the machines can progressively
response, is a big part of the problem. to duplication, in which multiple improve their performance on
Legacy IT solutions have left many incidents are created for the same specific data-driven tasks.
organizations with a complex, IT problem. Of all incidents, 17.2%
ML greatly boosts an organization’s
unproductive manual system that are duplicates. Almost all Quocirca
ability to perform predictive analytics
leaves data and response tools respondents (96%) said failure to
by pulling together data from any and
siloed and, therefore, ineffective. learn from previous incidents through
every source that relates to a particular
Meanwhile, “we’re seeing an increased effective root-cause analysis leads
problem, including data that human
rate and pace of change in types to repeat incidents.
experts may not perceive as connected
of IT architecture and information
Most companies are not confident to the problem, using it to flag events as
distribution across domains,” says
of their performance in addressing they occur, and suggesting what can be
Chris Brahm, partner and leader of the
these operational issues, despite the done to change that outcome. “ML can
Global Advanced Analytics practice
investment they are making. “The gather data, find bottlenecks in the tech
at Bain & Co. “Literally every layer
dominant mode of response is still stack, find predictive markers in the
of the technology stack is subject to
ex post facto,” says Tom Davenport, infrastructure that suggest it might go
more rapid change, which should be
professor of information technology down, and look for the root causes of
elevating concerns around stability,
and management at Babson College. operational issues,” says Bain’s Brahm.
security, and performance.”
“There are very few aspects of IT that
Typically, when an event like an don’t lend themselves to ML and AI.”
outage or interruption takes place, What Is Predictive Analytics?
Because of the frequency and The longer the technology is employed,
alerts are generated, events are
possible consequences of outages and the more opportunity it has to identify
manually investigated, a service ticket
interruptions, IT organizations must recurring patterns in its data that could
is requested, support and domain
move from reactive to predictive in suggest an event like a systems outage
owners are engaged to troubleshoot
their approach. This requires better use is looming. That’s because ML systems
and remediate, and incidents are
of data and better tools for analyzing not only absorb and analyze the vast
analyzed to determine the root cause.
it. Predictive analytics encompasses a amounts of data that their underlying
This process was not designed to cope
variety of techniques to mine, model, IT and security infrastructure
with the complexity of IT and the
and learn across large volumes of systems produce, but they also
frequency and severity of incidents
data to help human users anticipate learn for themselves.
we experience today. Too many alerts
are generated with no clear indication future events. Two essential tools of This ability to identify and analyze
of which incidents impact the predictive analytics are AI and ML. patterns has enormous potential
business. Not surprisingly, then, most benefits for companies across
AI is a general term referring to
companies are not confident of their multiple areas, including competitive
any machine that mimics cognitive
ability to address these issues even intelligence and cybersecurity. But IT
functions that humans associate with
though they are devoting increasing may be especially poised to sharpen
other human minds, such as learning
time and resources to infrastructure, its performance with these new
and problem solving.
operations, and security. technologies because they enable
ML is a subset of AI in which machines it to see more of the organization’s
Two-thirds (66%) of the companies
are given access to data, learn from condition at any given time.
Quocirca surveyed said they find
it, and refine their responses without Centralized data platforms “mean you
dealing with the volume of events
being specifically programmed. As a can aggregate way more data about
reported by their IT monitoring tools
to be a challenge: 52% just about
manage, 13% struggle, and 1% are
overwhelmed. Another 20% said they
have no event management process
at all. The mean time to repair for
critical incidents is 5.81 hours, although
this goes down when there are fewer
incidents to manage. On average,
companies spend an additional 7.23
hours on root-cause analysis, which is THE INCREASING FREQUENCY AND POSSIBLE
successful 65% of the time.3
Duplicate and repeat incidents are
another persistent problem. Almost
all Quocirca respondents (97%) said
White Paper | The Power of Predictive IT Harvard Business Review Analytic Services 3
the health of your applications, of the Increasingly, these kinds of solutions Identify the most impactful problems.
entire system, of servers, of customers, will become not just an advantage Before you consider the specific
of cell towers,” says Gilbert, “and you but an imperative, some experts tools and processes needed, you
can apply predictive analytics and ML say. “The complexity of IT today is first need to know which ones are
to find out what’s wrong now.” so great that the ability of humans most critical—that is, which ones are
to manage it without intelligent likely to have the greatest business
Predictive analytics and ML are
tools like AI and ML is negligible,” impact. Start by identifying the most
enabling organizations to move with
says Brahm. “So AI is finding its way costly and impactful problems your
much greater speed and insight to get
into every important part of IT to organization faces. Understand who
ahead of disruptions and outages. Say
deal with the scale, complexity, and the stakeholders involved are and what
a company flags a defect in a server
velocity of change; quality-assurance data and service-level agreements are
that will require a reboot. That requires
testing of software code is becoming critical to solving each problem. Then
decisions, Gilbert says. “Can we move
AI-based, for example.” prioritize these problems, focusing
traffic to another machine while
first on those that affect customer
we diagnose the server? Will other According to IDC, companies
experience and operational efficiency.
machines have capacity to take on the worldwide spent a total of $2.2 billion
traffic? Will customers be impacted? on IT operations analytics (ITOA) Identify skills gaps. How do you
Predictive analytics and ML enable you packages alone in 2017, a 19.1% rise want to go about addressing your
to put smart policies in place when from the previous year.7 Savvy IT most critical problems, and do you
these events occur.” executives, then, see IT operations have the resources to do so? Carefully
management tools as a way to apply the consider different approaches, e.g.,
They are also allowing organizations
competitive advantages of speed and buy, build, or partner with an outside
to cut costs by retiring legacy IT data
quality to IT environments and modern vendor. Remember that the solution
management and analytic packages
application architectures, which are you choose must be supported by
and replacing them with more
both areas critical to business success.8 and integrated into the organization
streamlined, efficient tools. Over the
itself and it must work for your teams.
past three years, IT operations have
Gather the AI educational resources
deployed big data and ML technologies Making Predictive IT Work they will need to adapt to the new
separately to support monitoring While implementing a true predictive
process and system (there are plenty
efforts. And just in the past six months, IT system is first and foremost the
available). Enlist all the relevant
enterprises have begun to combine responsibility of IT, planning and
stakeholders to take stock of your
their IT operations-oriented big data implementation must encompass the
data throughout the organization,
and ML projects and extend them entire organization, including all data
and prioritize your data sources to
to the service desk and automation, sets and data owners. If your data
correspond with your key problems.
according to a Gartner study.4 source is limited, the information to
“Once you’ve developed algorithms
which you apply ML will be, too. And if
• Viasat, a global communications to measure cost, performance, and
that’s the case, then AI and ML will not
company, uses a ML solution to security, you have to push it out to
capture all the problems and potential
predict the potential impact of people in operations and the line of
problems you need them to. Applying
IT maintenance activities and business—the ‘last mile’ of results in
predictive analytics from end to end
strengthen cross-team collaboration. analytics—where people actually need
of the organization greatly diminishes
Implementing scripted actions to change their behavior,” says Brahm.
the possibility that outages and
based on the solution’s learning
interruptions will impact the customer Develop a data and AI plan. Don’t
and analysis, Viasat has been
experience—and your revenue. try to solve everything at a stroke;
able to reduce network-event
consider starting with a pilot or proof-
remediation time from 20 to 60 To really make predictive IT work, data
of-concept project that focuses on
minutes to just five minutes, and the technology have to be part of
creating a workable approach to a
preventing serious impact.5 a well-crafted structure. There are five
specific problem and defining the data
steps to creating a robust predictive IT
• TransUnion, a consumer credit sets needed to do so, and build out
structure within your organization.
reporting firm, experiences severe
fluctuations in traffic volume on its
website. An ML solution gives it a
better way to monitor these cycles.
The solution visualizes and combines
machine data from multiple
applications to provide an end-to- TO REALLY MAKE PREDICTIVE IT WORK, DATA AND
end transaction flow that speeds up
root-cause determination and thus THE TECHNOLOGY HAVE TO BE PART OF A WELL-
enables faster resolution.6
White Paper | The Power of Predictive IT Harvard Business Review Analytic Services 5
from there. This will help you sell the ONAP. The project now has over
value and outcomes of your predictive 100 members worldwide.
strategy to IT and key business
A multiparty telecommunications
stakeholders. Once they are on board,
network “is a very complex
scope out and solidify a timeline with
undertaking,” says Gilbert. “It’s like
your stakeholders. Work with relevant
a brain; without it, everything stops.
groups to decide which problems to
So we decided, instead of just us
tackle in what order using which data
developing it, we’d get global operators,
and analytic tools, and incorporate
including vendors, to help reference
the timeline into a project plan. Leave
platforms that can be the basis of
room for growth and iterations so
innovation and interoperability across
that your plan can evolve along the
operators’ networks.” That innovation
way—and establish the KPIs that will
effort would include enabling greater
define the health and performance
status of your systems. foresight. “Companies like ours have
to do this,” Gilbert adds. “We have to
Account for scale. One reason for be able to predict failures, optimize
adopting a predictive IT system is traffic flow, and secure the whole
that it enables you to wrangle and network, end to end.”
analyze the vast amounts of data
thrown off by an increasingly digital Making Predictive IT Continual
organization. Implementation, then, Once you have your solution in place,
includes embedding your predictive ensuring that it keeps delivering
roadmap in your current data and reliable connectivity is an ongoing task.
architecture chart. Make sure your Four rules of the road are important
solution is capable of handling the full to keep top of mind.
breadth and depth of your data sets at
No silos. To anticipate interruptions
scale. And look for ML platforms that
and outages before they take place,
also provide analytics, allowing you
you must be able to spot occurrences
to quickly and easily make sense of
across silos, lines of business, and
data, package it in a usable form, and
functional areas—otherwise, AI and ML
get the right data to stakeholders to
will not produce the comprehensive
inform their decisions.
reports you need. For a predictive IT
Consider collaboration. Some system to work optimally for you,
companies by their nature are tightly then, requires a strong, centralized
networked with other providers and data platform that operates end to end
dependent on those organizations’ across the organization.
proficiency as well as their own.
IT can go even further, Brahm says.
These companies may want to
He urges companies to take a more
consider moving their networking
integrated approach to creating
software to an open source format
security and reliability by building an
to ensure that every segment of the
IT “control tower” that can see across
customer path is protected against
the architecture and organization
outages and interruptions. AT&T two
and collect data from any point
years ago donated its networking
within it, which will in turn help
code to a Linux Foundation open
IT get the most out of AI and ML.
networking automation initiative,
“Many IT organizations are applying
these tools, but in a fairly narrow,
siloed domain and data set,” he says.
“They might be instrumenting one
application in the software stack or
the physical server layer or the help
desk resources, but not holistically
A PREDICTIVE IT SYSTEM ENABLES YOU TO WRANGLE across all elements of architecture and
organization. They’re missing out on
AND ANALYZE THE VAST AMOUNTS OF DATA THROWN a big opportunity to evolve beyond
local optimization of stovepipes in IT
OFF BY AN INCREASINGLY DIGITAL ORGANIZATION. or layers in the tech stack to systemic

6 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services White Paper | The Power of Predictive IT
AI and ML can’t completely eliminate the need for human
intervention—not yet, anyway—but they can free humans from
engaging in too much low-value work.

optimization of all their IT resources, AI systems will be way smarter than

both digital and human.” they are now because of data.” Even
well short of perfection, AI and ML
Get the right people. Predictive IT
are proving themselves “extremely
systems become more adept at making
useful,” he adds. “If you’re only getting
decisions independently over time as
20 real cybersecurity tickets in a day
ML learns to pinpoint and diagnose
as opposed to a million of a mixed bag,
events, but this doesn’t eliminate
it’s a big plus.” It’s easy to overstate
the need to have talented people.
the progress that’s been made thus far
Infrastructure automation tools free
with predictive IT, especially its ability
up your systems administrators and IT
to predict problems and AI’s ability
managers and improve productivity by
to learn your ever-changing business.
enabling orchestration and workflows
Yet companies like Viasat and
for such tasks as IT configuration, patch
TransUnion offer compelling evidence
management, performance tracking,
that organizations are moving
and incident resolution. But incidents
closer to realizing the full potential
with the greatest potential impact on
of these resources.
the business will still require enough
skilled human beings to address
and respond to them. What Human Experts
Update continually. Any effective
Contribute Most
Predictive analytics not only protects
system of predictive IT too must be
your company and its clients,
continually updated to stay current
customers, and suppliers from outages
with new vulnerabilities. While ML
and interruptions; by investing in
learns from doing, the organization
a predictive IT platform, you also
itself changes, not least as a result
gain the agility and cost reduction
of the new configurations that
necessary to maintain a competitive
digitalization makes possible. “We’ve
edge both in IT and core businesses.
come from heavily centralized
computing, and we’re moving into a AI and ML can’t completely eliminate
future where computing and storage the need for human intervention—
are distributed,” notes Gilbert. not yet, anyway—but they can
free humans from engaging in too
As an example, Gilbert notes that
much low-value work. “When the
the industry is moving toward using
system is mature, there’s less human
“edge clouds” to process and store
intervention needed,” Davenport says.
data related to internet of things
(IoT); content caching; immersive With a strong platform for
experiences like gaming, crowd predictive IT, data is streamlined,
sharing, and payment processing; and less “noisy,” and easier to analyze.
other functions that require greater Your organization can redirect its
processing power and low latency. data scientists from analyzing and
This requires ML algorithms to be interpreting its trove of data to higher-
placed at the edge to analyze data value, more strategic tasks that AI
security and reliability. and ML can’t accomplish. Likewise,
predictive IT can enable automation
Be realistic. “The more we deploy
of numerous routines and simple
AI solutions, the more we learn,”
tasks, freeing up other roles for
says Gilbert. “A year from now, our
more productive work.

White Paper | The Power of Predictive IT Harvard Business Review Analytic Services 7
predicting outages and proactively
monitoring systems and services, the
company’s human experts are free
to focus on strategic matters such as
digital transformation, creating a digital
culture, and process optimization.
The demand for this type of expertise
is likely to grow. One of the gravest
THE DEMAND FOR DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION threats facing the AI/ML field today, it’s

EXPERTISE IS LIKELY TO GROW. ONE OF THE GRAVEST often said, is a scarcity of talent.


Secure reliability remains an ever-
IT’S OFTEN SAID, IS A SCARCITY OF TALENT. present concern for every IT
organization, and companies like Viasat
and TransUnion provide promising
examples of predictive IT’s power to
Analytics can also break down silos help. But corporate commitment to
that separate pools of information, predictive IT still has a long way to go.
creating “great data lakes” that can “Even though we and other companies
be more easily mined for value, says have already made a lot of investment
Lodewijkx. “Traditionally, data was in AI, we’re still at the beginning of that
neatly classified and controlled. For journey,” says AT&T Labs’s Gilbert.
instance, you used to not be able to
As the quantity and complexity of
combine sales with inventory with
systems and data grow, however,
ledger. Now you can.”
it’s becoming even harder for
What human experts contribute most IT organizations to deliver, and
to any IT operations and analytics data remains at the heart of both
strategy is the ability to make strategic the problem and the solution. By
decisions, such as actions needed for embracing predictive IT early,
preventing outages, quickly identifying organizations have a chance not only
root causes, cutting through event to wrangle their swelling data streams
noise, reaching efficient resolutions, but also to put them to best use.
and ultimately protecting the business. With the right platform and strategic
“As soon as you can employ automated application of AI and ML capabilities,
tools to do work humans were doing, organizations can minimize the danger
there’s a huge increase in the time the of losing clients and customers to
resources get back to work on strategies less-than-reliable experiences—thus
to strengthen your operations enhancing the competitive edge
environment,” says Brian Thomas, increasingly necessary for success in
interim CIO of Johnson County today’s digital world.
government in Kansas.
Humans also supply the intangible
element of common sense. With
AI and ML doing the bulk tasks of

1 Bob Tarzey, “Damage Control: The Impact of Critical IT Incidents,” Quocirca, November 2017.
2 “IDC’s Worldwide Software Taxonomy,” August 2017.
3 Rick Fitz, “Damage Control: Critical IT Incidents Cost Companies Six Million Dollars per Year,” Splunk, December 12, 2017.
4 Will Cappelli, Colin Fletcher, Pankaj Prasad, “Market Guide for AIOps Platforms,” Gartner, August 3, 2017.
5 “Viasat Transforms IT Operations through Splunk Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics,” Splunk Case Study, 2018.
6 “TransUnion Invests in Splunk Solutions for Enterprise Monitoring, Machine Learning,” Splunk Case Study, 2018.
7 “IDC Market Share: Worldwide Operations Analytics Software Shares, 2017: Strong Market Growth Continues,” September 2018.
8 Greiser, loc cit.

8 Harvard Business Review Analytic Services White Paper | The Power of Predictive IT

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